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/x/ - Paranormal

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Yep Sauropods are indeed bullshit
Most dinosaurs are bull fucking crap, no way that shit ever existed. Super fauna yes, but dinosaurs as we see them portrayed in media nah
They might all have floppy ears, there is no way to know
giraffes will never recover
you know giraffes have the highest heart rate and blood pressure of any animal? Now imagine this fucking thing. It needs several hearts just to work. It needs to eat 24/7 with that tiny little face of his just to maintain it's massive body weight.
I don’t really get how anything could be that big and still walk around on land under earths gravity and eat enough to sustain it’s metabolism.
I believe it. I loved dinosaurs as a kid, now I see the psyop and it saddens me. Ditto for astronauts.
One of the reasons I enjoy the expanding earth hypothesis. It explains megafauna.
well actually, hollow gas-filled bones, just like birds, also explains why the mammal-like reptiles didn't grow as big.
The animal was probably not warm blooded.
It's more logical for an animal of this size to be carnivorous or omnivorous, like something that evolved to eat Theropods
Prove it.
You mean you don't believe that a large tooth and half a thigh bone can be made into these ridiculously unbalanced creatures using 500 other fake plaster bones?
I found this in the book of Job

15 “Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.
16 What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly!
17 Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.
18 Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron.
19 It ranks first among the works of God, yet its Maker can approach it with his sword.
20 The hills bring it their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby.
21 Under the lotus plants it lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
22 The lotuses conceal it in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround it.
23 A raging river does not alarm it; it is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth.
24 Can anyone capture it by the eyes, or trap it and pierce its nose?
>tail like a cedar
>bones like a tube of bronze (their bones are hollow)
>among the first works of God
>it's hidden in a marsh (their bones are preserved in marshes)

my God...



10/1908 T-Rex Full Shape First Discovered
10/1908 T-Model (Model-T) first produced
T-Rex = Tyrant Lizard King Official Name!
Model-T = Tin Lizzie Nickname
45MPH Max = T-Rex
45MPH Max = Model-T

1902: First T-Rex Found (Partial Body)
10/1902: Model-T Predecessor built (Partial Body)
10/1908 T-Rex Discovered (Full Body)
10/1908 Model-T produced (Full Body)

"The history lines up, not just with the most famous moment, name, speed, but also the earliest version! At what point is a coincidence mathematically impossible? Ok, I’ve proven there is a connection (and there is much more to come on that) but it begs the question of why."
Yes, they would need arteries with 10 foot thick walls. Complete fantasy.
dinosaurs are literally fish becoming land animals except if they have 4 legs?
You dare deny the beasts have roamed this world? Our ancestors didn't slay them for nothing.
Some people doubt Sauropod body plan, yet in the same breath won't doubt giant nephilim with human body plans and pretend that wouldn't cause far worse issues. Or that giant trees can exist without issue neither. We see quirks of biology all the time ranging from muscle strength disparities in similar sizes to larger animals against all rules having less cancer to immortal lobsters to neurological fungi. People think DNA is fixed, yet epigenetics happen and not only do they happen but can be inherited.

My point is that even if something looks impossible, you shouldn't assume your previous knowledge of biology apply to it. Besides, dinosaurs are the tip of the iceburg and help cover up far more unbelievable shit like reptilian born dragons.
people will deny anything that humbles them. the round earth, dinosaurs, beneficial vaccines, even the stars in the sky. they'll make things up that make them comfortable and they're the dumbest of the dumb.
plenty of retarded anons in this thread my man
it's ironic, instead of accepting the beauty of the world the lord has made for us, they start intellectual wars about denying the obvious. Is not the atmosphere a clear stand-in for the filament? Is not the absence of gravity and subsequent weightlessness of space not clearly an ocean above the filament?

the lord came to earth bearing the first sign of life; fish, or, aquatic-borne life. A sign from his day, reaching into ours, a confirmation from all those years ago that yes indeed, this is the one that seen everything happen from day 0.
I don't see how that could come out of a bull's ass
God shows whatever he wants to whoever he wants and arrogance is a clear sign of one bourne to Hell... so be grateful you aren't arrogant when reading scripture or hearing of the past.
I mean I'm certainly grateful for that, but if we want to talk about arrogance, we should talk about the thousands of hand-made hand-edited images that show no evidence but call other people "brainwashed"...
>Fossilised remains of sauropods have been found on every continent, including Antarctica

they expect you to believe that these creepy tinyhead bastards were more successful than bovines. Every Cow, bison, yak, and auroch pales in comparison to this distribution and success. All for a much larger and more specialized creature? Then for this dominance to span from the late jurassic to the late cretacious, some 150 million years? Just for evolution to be so stagnant is incredible. But for such a sloppily conceived critter? No way.
This nigga has never heard of continental drift
all dynosaur skeletons were made in some factory in china. there is so much cool actual megafauna out there to look at instead of the dumb shit fabricated by canaanites and their slaves
You're either retarDed, or work for Government dis-information.

Which is it?
Need more of this theory on here.
Also the universe is human shaped
Ah yes hollow gas filled bones that support 80 tons of body weight. Makes sense.
With a few rare exceptions (like ankylosaurus) most species are made up bullshit or knowingly misinterpreted.
This was always a huge thing in paleontology.
Its funny how you're right and wrong in the same post.
It is in fact true that paleontologists misinterpret and confuse genre of dinosaurs, just recently a mega-theropod turned out to not be a theropod but a sauropod instead. Why? Because the fossil evidence consistented of a vertebrae.

But you also mention ankylosaurus which is comparatively the most fragmentary species compared to other members in its family. We legitimately still didn't know how ankylosaurus looked like till recently.
There is this video of Rhino doing a full tilt, tripping and flipping towards the ground. By every means that rhino's head should've snapped and died on the spot but not only he it didn't it continued on as if nothing happened. There are so many things to consider when it comes to biomechanics it is still unknown for us.
Just another massive conspiracy to, uh, undermine Christianity?
>gigantic humans could totally exist within humanity's existence!!! ignore how people even half their size require modern medicine to exist before dying very young
>large tachymetabolic endothermic quadrapeds with pnemuatic hollow bones AND an optimized air sac system to reduce weight and maintain metabolic function? litchurlly impossible chinese myths, i don't even breathe air
This fucking board gets dumber every day.
Ankylosauria isn't sauropods, dumbass. They're their own independent clade. You don't know what you're talking and probably think men are women too if you're mixing up entirely different topics. You're a Jew.
I don't care for the dinosaurs being a psyop, since it is still one of the best psyops there ever was.

Many ways to go around those seeming limitations
>It needs to eat 24/7
>dinosaurs are fake
>giants in North America or Afghanistan are absolutely real
How tiresome you are /x/.

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