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book by Darren Evans and paranormal expert
let me tell you kiddies im 43 years old and was in contact with this thing from 1999-2002. there was no urban legend ghost about a spirit named 'zaza' or'zozo' i have other 20 witnesses who can vouch for what happend, three of the original people who summoned zaza with me are dead im the only living one left, fast forward to 2010-2012 i see something about zozo all over utube, could tell most of the vids were fake, zozo will be very vulgar to woman, move the placnchette in a infinity motion say mama i heard the guy on coast o coast say that and was like holy shit i knew it was real because thats exactly what it did to us, it also told my sister it sat on her bed at night and she started to cry, she was the most non believing in spirits, after life etc, anyways i have tons of 100 percent accurate stories that i witnessed, if some anon can provide a link to the pdf of the phenomenon i will hook up every story i witnessed, zaza is an notorious liar he told me come see me jeff second floor kitchen kill you, well my dumbass made the mistake of confronting him i saw a flash of black blacker than black, i was the only one who knew the room it was reffering about how itused to be a kitchen and i wasn;t touching the planchette at the time funny thing it will also pose as dead family members and it likes to lie alot, what was the town named in finalfantasy 6 the town were everyone lied? yep zozo
dont bother replying with ghost or demons aren't real they are, and me and tens of thousands of other people contacting this thing proves their are forces behind our veil of reality that we cannot see, please some kind anon post link to book, i have some stories that are all real that will make you shit yourself
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curious that the author decided to corrupt a cabalistic character of Saturn to spell the name of this spirit
>curious that the author decided to corrupt a cabalistic character of Saturn to spell the name of this spirit
thats the thing noone believes in the zozo zaza spirit unless those who contacted it themselves back in the 70s to early 2000's, noone takes his claim serious because they claim there is no oone talking about an ouija spirit named zaza or zozo prior to around 2010, and thats bullshit, i used to talk about it on tons of forums in the early 2000's my fucking daugters stupid mom we recorded the 2nd and 3rd seessions and had non believers opened and guess who poked its head throuhg? yep zaza dumb bitch started cheating on me i got full custody of my daughter and she lost the tapes, darren the guy who made the zozo zaza phenominon offered me 20k for those tapes in email but sadly my whore of a daughters mom prob sold them for a hit of heroin back in 2005 :( i live 5 min from downtown cincinnati if any anons dont believe me, i can show you even though i dont want to mess with a witch board ever again after what happened in 2002
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here is my daughters mom in a pic the second session we had you can clearly see something manifesting in the smoke
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heres another from the night of the first session it was in her kids bedroom, in broad day light i had went to piss and streched my poor webcam( this was when they first came out( to the kids broom cuz zaza said come see me jeff or i will punish the kids and that boned hand was visible until i took the pic
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Zaza and Zo are used audibly during some of Crowley's incantations..... "Zaza" being the first and last word used in a ritual to summon "Choronzon"..... The demon of the abyss.
umm darren didnt create zozo or zaza they have always been here, some ancient civilization used to wear zozo necklaces to protect their newborns from another deity, also alister crowleys daughter middle name was , Lola Zaza Crowley hmmmmmm
well i guess 4chan is nothing but bots, something interesting gets posted, a guy post proof not a larp, he offers to tell traumatic shit that happend to him as a direct result to the ouija board and not one of you niggers can post a link to a book, i was hacking shit sense 2 years after ps1 first release,soon as first hp burner came out i was modding psx, rolling in money, then xbox, thenps2,wii etc, i know how to find shit on the internet but this book? cant find one free download link, strange no/

This sounds like a bot post. Or you're schizophrenic.
I've heard of the Ouija spirit called "Zozo" years ago. Darren or his publisher probably was inspired by the Rolling Stones (whose fans have been pronouncing what is clearly meant as a single non-linguistic character not a word) not Artephius (whose grimoire Jimmy Page took the image from), but it's a strange choice.
I found it in 15 seconds but I'm not gonna post it kek, suffer.
Sorry, Led Zeppelin
I tried OP, not on anna's, libgen or the telegram archives I subscribe to, hopefully >>39091624 does us a solid
>I found it in 15 seconds but I'm not gonna post it kek, suffer.
no you didn't >>39091609
>This sounds like a bot post. Or you're schizophrenic.
not a bot, not schizophrenic, you gonna contribute or be an asshole>>39091620
>I've heard of the Ouija spirit called "Zozo" years ago. Darren or his publisher probably was inspired by the Rolling Stones (whose fans have been pronouncing what is clearly meant as a single non-linguistic character not a word) not Artephius (whose grimoire Jimmy Page took the image from), but it's a strange choice.
the only music i listend to was in the 90s dre snoop, icp, esham and twiztid, so i know nothing about rock and roll but i do know they have an obsesssion with the occult, and one of them paid a shitload of money for some house were crowley did his blackest of majick there, also my friend told me that some rock band from teh 70s or 80s has either a song or album entitled zozo or it has a diff spelling but you get the jist, this thing exist and its fucking evil
>I tried OP, not on anna's, libgen or the telegram archives I subscribe to, hopefully >>39091624 does us a solid
godbless you anon, at least you tried, the other guy didn't find shit, hell i used to be in aol pirate mass mail rooms, thats some old school shit, if it was any were to be found on the internet for free, its gotta be a onedrive or googledrive and goodluck finding it than
more story time, my duaghter was born in 2002 january, my very religious uncle was up visiting well first let me tell u what happend 2001 july 4th, my aunt mom and uncle were sitting on the porch and i had my hand on the planchette we were asking it questions only my mom and uncle and aunt would know, after the 5th time they got freaked out and demanded to know how we knew shit we couldn;t have possibly known right down to a mistress my grandfather had that my mom and aunt kept secret from their cousin(My uncle) he walked in the house saw the ouija board and immeditley said hes driving back to london ky first thing in the morning, he had a heart attack not even 1 hour after leaving my house, he was in perfect health he survived, anyways this same uncle was in my home in jan 2002 house sitting, wel ever sense my daughters mom got preggo a face started to form in my wall on the corner and leak this weird slime substance(think ghostbusters 2 but no were near as thick) well the night my daughter was born he heard something or someone up there spekaing in tounges nad he swore he heard latin(he had a brief stint in the catholic church) came home a week later face was gone, and then another one formed, looeked like a devil head on a stick, bald hair liek mr burns two distint horns pointed ears pointy mustache and pointy chin beard you would have think someone carved this shit into the wall but nope im the only artist, my second to oldest brother is the biggest skeptic in the world and he finally saw it one day and tore down the drywall but it looked exactly like a pic of zozo on darrens website
>not on anna's, libgen or the telegram archives
are those book archives anon?gotta keep in mind im a 43 year old fag, i dont do the twitter and telegrame tec
I believe you OP. I’ll see what I can dig up.
Yeah if you look at the pic in >>39091350 you'll see the original shape/"spelling" (it's a symbol not a word), lots of Zep fans got it as tattoos and stuff.
Yes, website databases though not socials: https://annas-archive.org and https://libgen.is both have pdfs of most books... not this one though.
>I believe you OP. I’ll see what I can dig up.
Thanks man i have no reason to lie and it pisses me off darren evans has been called a fraud because there was no mention of zozo zaza on the internet prior to around 2010 when it hit youtube, tht is bullshit, i used to talk about it on various forums in the early 2000's remember those? and at least 5 people claimed the same traits of zz, vulgar to woman, will prtend as family members, phsyical manifestations, when it gets pissed off it does the infinity sign, when it trys to complete the summoning of itself when spellin z a z a then z o z o it moves the planchette in a rainbow pattern super fast thank god i never let it do that because i know what it was up too, this shit is real be warned zoomers again to any non belivers i live 5-10 min from downtown cincinnati and will glady show you you're wrong if you dont believe in anceinty demons, spirits what ever u want to call themm, zaza comes through every single time i tried it, im a natural medium hatchetchopsgrimes@gmail.com drop me a line if your interested
>Yeah if you look at the pic in >>39091350 you'll see the original shape/"spelling" (it's a symbol not a word), lots of Zep fans got it as tattoos and stuff.
yea i see it, they are in for a w orld of hurt when god tells them to kneel and confess
>Yes, website databases though not socials: https://annas-archive.org and https://libgen.is both have pdfs of most books... not this one though.
thats what weirding me out anon this is my faav time of year havent touched a ouija board in at least 10 years but i have the strong urge to and having bad dreams again and feel like im being watched i think my daughter and her friends messed with on recently in the house next to mine that i bought her
but my point was i have never not been able to find a book , a leaked zelda game two weeks b4 release dates, etc ive been in he pirate scene sense 1996 why the fuck is this book no were? did noone buy it ,or is the author spend 99 percent of his time making copy right claims,(cnt say i blame him)
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found a zozo book on that site thanks anon, but how do dl?
downloaded tor still wont let me dl it says website is offline?!
https://annas-archive.org/slow_download/83bca0fe2aeade0045e7406fdce07444/0/0 this site has a book but no the one i wanteed i guess it will have to do thanmks anon
Bout to summon this demon and whoop his ass. Already whooped satan’s ass.
>Bout to summon this demon and whoop his ass. Already whooped satan’s ass.
u think thats funny, im scared to spell out the fuckers name even online, go ahead, i dare you, you dont know what your fucking with anon
I smoked Zozo and the bitch literally glitched and closed the ouiji board app and said goodbye himself. Come back here bitch.
>I smoked Zozo and the bitch literally glitched and closed the ouiji board app and said goodbye himself. Come back here bitch.
though i dont doubt a ouijaboard app would work hell i used a piece of paper with crudely written english on it and a coin adn it worked, go find you a pink parker brothers ouija board anon, sense that seems to be more your speed sense you think this whole thing is a joke,i dare you to ask for z and if it shows up i DARE you to talk shit to it, three people that did that died from freak accidents sadly two of them were a brother and sister, the other was the brother of some retard talking shit our first two sessions, his brother died a week later in a horrible car crash
I dare you to scry and ask if that piece of shit Zozo/Saturn isn’t burning in Hell as we speak. We’re built different.
>I dare you to scry and ask if that piece of shit Zozo/Saturn isn’t burning in Hell as we speak. We’re built different.
funny you mention that my nephew asked were his grandfather was, z replied hes sick, then he said hes dead what do you m ean, z replied hes burning in hell,im a natural medium, psychic to all the doubters back when this shit was happening i would let them try for hours and they said 'this shit so stupid and gay its fake, its a board ssold in the children section!!!" i said form a circle around the table place your arms on each other get me a blind fold, you should of seen the looks on their faces as secretlys that only the knew were revealed, every fucker in that room left a believer that day, except the retard who constantly shit talked z and his brother died in a freak car accident no later then 5 days, again i have proof of all this. my walls is leaking gunk just started a week ago, that fucker is back in my house and i want him or her fucking gone, i think it an ancient deity or some african shaman, and i never asked for z he always shows up when i was there if i wasnt he would only show up if my sister was there
im afraid of nothing but pure evil which i saw one before the night terrors started, is scrying when you pear into water like what nastradamus did? i will report back my findings and record it but i sure am hellnot doing it within a 10 mile radius of my house
>I dare you to scry and ask if that piece of shit Zozo/Saturn isn’t burning in Hell as we speak. We’re built different.
i just so happen to have a black mirror lmao, will try this halloween when the vein is most thin i will make a post about it on here if i try it earlier. ive did that once and didnt like what i saw, but any human who can keep their eyes focused without blinking staring straight for almost a minute the whole room will get black and you start to see shit, i dont need a scrying mirror to do that.tell me scrying anon, what have you discovered or seen scrying
I’ll keep my eyes posted. A whole lot of demons miserable in the depths of Hell.
Ouiji boards are not to be played with but kids and people in general do not know any better.
Yes it’s something like that.
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>I’ll keep my eyes posted. A whole lot of demons miserable in the depths of Hell.
zozo.zaza i don't think is a demon, what ever the fuck it is, has always been here, its an ancient evil,fallen angels/the nephalham thoes are demons, but zaza is a whole nother beast
man you wouldn't know how many foolish parents have been buying them from fucking toy stores sense the 60s, thinking its just a game, i bet their is a rise in murders, mental health problems, etc sense these fucking things got popular in stores i know for a fact these pink girl ouijaboards were sold in toysr us around 2010
>Yes it’s something like that.
well spill the beans, i cant imagine me trying it once and it working unless i have the powers i claim(i do) so how long do i peer before i start seeing shit, and again sense i was around 9 years old i would stare without blinking or moving my eyesite and the room slowly gets black and you start to see shit, so why would i need a mirror ro scry?also saw a purple/green/yellow swirl portla in the corner of my room as a child my dog went apeshit crazy found out at that exact time my brother almost drowned in a canoe accident, this was b4 the ouija shit
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ah it was 2008 fucking 300$ on ebay lmao fucking idiots deserve what they're going to unleash in their house
Dowsing works for varifying he’s in Hell.

You are absolutely right about the fallout of the ouiji board being massive but good God a pink Barbie-ish ouiji board to look harmless. That is nefarious.

Thanks for bringing this all to my attention. I had a friend growing up who always talked about the “Zoso” album from Led Zeppelin. Has my favorite tracks. Wonder if it “inspired” Jimmy the way the Rain Man “inspires” rappers.
Just dowse it will be easier. I’m about to summon this Rain Man and put him in Hell too.
>Dowsing works for varifying he’s in Hell.
>You are absolutely right about the fallout of the ouiji board being massive but good God a pink Barbie-ish ouiji board to look harmless. That is nefarious.
>Thanks for bringing this all to my attention. I had a friend growing up who always talked about the “Zoso” album from Led Zeppelin. Has my favorite tracks. Wonder if it “inspired” Jimmy the way the Rain Man “inspires” rappers.
yes zoso! so led zeppelin had to have been in contact with zozo/zaza too! ok well weres all the urban legends about an ouija spirit named zaza/zozo there should be 100s in every city, but nope not a single ONE! Ya know why? because when ppl witness crazy shit and they think noone will believe them, they usually kept it to themselves. who is the rain man? the guy from unsolved mysteries were it started to randomly rain around him?
>Dowsing works for varifying he’s in Hell.
dont think its in hell nor will it ever be, this thing has power man, demons if they tell you their real name you have complete control of them right? why would zozo./zaza give out his real name? a couple times i did notice years ago that other weaekr demons were posing as zaza and i could tell it wasnt the real deal because they didnt do the infinity sign, didnt try to feverishly spell out zaza/zozo etc Fuck those scientist saying that oh everyone saw zozo on utube in 2010 so they all subconsiously move the planchette and spell out zozo or zaza nope BITCH! Youtube didnt exist in 1999, nor did a single book, urban legend etc describing an ouija ghost wth that name, bloody mary? sure but thats a fake legend)there was a queen who bathed in peasants blood sealed in a tower) i honestly think hes the devil or one of his higher and i mean end game ++++++ boss right before you fight satan
Just demon rappers pray to to take them over and inspire their music. It results in a hit song but at the same time a higher level curse on God.
>Just demon rappers pray to to take them over and inspire their music. It results in a hit song but at the same time a higher level curse on God.
were did this come from? its usually jews who own private prisons who pick out the 'gangster rapper' but that business model has been obsolete sense soundcloud and the internet let ppl make their own fame without help *just like insane clown posse* alot of memphis rap is down right demonic and this track from bone always freaked me out

last post for a bit have to walk my dogs and get ready to watch my grandkid, the japanese know something esp squaresoft, final fantasy 6 town is named zozo , weirdest place in the game and everyone in the town is a liar, and they are all climbing a tower, and a puzzle solution with a clock is the witching hour ::Shhrugs:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2QrqtlobsQ
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so i just cofirmed that yes my daughter and some of her friends were fucking with an ouija board almost a month ago, two eldery family members both almost died, my nephew got break checked by an hatian around a curve totaled my nephews car dont knwo how he walked away with any scratches, but i felt compelled to look in my daughters old room in her closet and guesss what?hesssssssssss backkkkkkkkkkkkkk! this is the same shit my room used to leak upstairs 23 years ago except way more snotty looking, god damnit, i always warned her not to mess with them and she knows about z fuck i dont know what to do but have a priest come out and bless both homes
That’s really interesting thanks for the insight.
I made contact three times via an ouija board. Spelled out zazamama and Zozo and raja rugz and other random shit. General bad feeling when it was in the room. It lingered in my townhouse for a little bit and made knocking noises and eerie feelings then I guess it got bored and left. I think it’s just a trickster entity looking to get a rise. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have though
>I made contact three times via an ouija board. Spelled out zazamama and Zozo and raja rugz and other random shit. General bad feeling when it was in the room. It lingered in my townhouse for a little bit and made knocking noises and eerie feelings then I guess it got bored and left. I think it’s just a trickster entity looking to get a rise. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have though
same and i know your teeling the truth, i felt like i was sufocatting in my room for years until it attached to someone else, but i think your wrong about him just being a trickster, i think thts the lower spirits that immitate him, you will know when its really zaza /zozo
daughters mom second session
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she smokes but out on the balcony, thats a straw in her hand not a cig, noone was smoking in the room yet only i could see it so i snapped a shitty pic, man i wish you guys could see the devil head that manifested in my old house across frommy old room he fucking painted over it. this is exactly what it looked like and my brother is the most try hard im not scared of shit ghost dont exist type people that slowly formed from 2000 until mid 2002 and when he finally saw it he moved within a week and hes a leehc and paid no bills
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keep in mind the picutre im about to post i did not see until around 2007 or when the blogwas started, This is a reverse image of a photograph I took during an intense ouija session back in the year 2000. As crazy as it may sound the zozo entity requested that I take a picture of it, and I did.

Zozo had claimed it was attached to a skull necklace which is being held over the board on it's direct instruction. Of the three photos taken, this was the only one containing what appears to be a face.

We asked where it was and it spelled M.I.R.R.O.R. There was only one window in that bedroom and we all looked up towards it. The necklace was casting an image from that mirror, and at our angle we all watched in shock as inside the mirror was the skull necklace swaying gently back and forth with it's black-tooth grin and glowing red eyes. that was darrens post and his image but my point is the thing that manfested in his pic looks EXACTLY LIKE THE FUCKER THAT MANIFESTED ON MY WALL, POINTY BEAR POINTY MUSTASCHE HORNS

STOP using those things
>I have a urge to fuck my life over further in inexplicable ways by summoning demons
In 2005 Drew thought he was cool and played with an ouija board with some friends. I took him over. I am in his skin. He hasn’t come out to see light for nearly 20 years. I will wear him forever. His soul is forfeit. Drew will never see the sun again. I control many like this. I see you sleep. I drink your soul’s body. I will talk to all the future ones too. I want to hear them cry.
>In 2005 Drew thought he was cool and played with an ouija board with some friends. I took him over. I am in his skin. He hasn’t come out to see light for nearly 20 years. I will wear him forever. His soul is forfeit. Drew will never see the sun again. I control many like this. I see you sleep. I drink your soul’s body. I will talk to all the future ones too. I want to hear them cry.
your not zozo, zozo spreaks in broken english, says nigger and fuck alot, but always tells u he wants to help, the direct threats dont come until much later so on the off chance your so low level fairy that was to lame for hell and to gay for heaven 1/10 bait
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this you?
so icp has a super group called dark lotus, violent j(joe bruce( brother jumpsteady(rob bruce( was in tour in dessert storm and picked up a bunch of occult shit, during the recording of the album dark lotus tales from the lotus pod, they would chant shit in real rare occult books from the ancient areas in iraq, so they casted spells during the tracks, and weird shit started happening, and ive met them all in person mulitple times over the years and each and everyoen off them tell all the same stories exactly how they happened, they got so fucking spooked they had to redo the open leaving only minium and altered chants
>so led zeppelin had to have been in contact with zozo/zaza too
nah this is what I was trying to tell you with >>39091350, it's unrelated, the cover design is muddying the waters
Schizophrenia: the thread
>Schizophrenia: the thread
nope,just depression, im anonomous on the internet what would i gain from lying?i know ppl like you, your always in a bad mood for no reason, the only reason your shitting on my thread is because you never got to witness an ouija actually working in your life, or anything occult for that matter, dont worry though anon i was jealous of ppl who saw ufos that was until 1996 on the night of my brothers wedding i refused to go too but thats a different story for a different day
>Schizophrenia: the thread
one more thing, sense your sooo sure its all bullshit, type out a very hate filled message to zozo zaza and dare him to come visit you tonight, bet you wont tough guy, in fact please dont
Why is Zozo everywhere and nowhere?
Is /x/ even a larp board anymore? Or are all you schitzos unironic now? You even type like the nutter crackheads I get stuck talking to sometimes.
>Why is Zozo everywhere and nowhere?
i have no idea man, we live on a floating rock flying through space anything is possilble
not larping im 43 years old with multiple witnesses i had around 20 sessions over 3-5 years, just have depression refuse to take even tyenol , why is it so haard for you fucks to realize something created this world the thing son it, and maybe just maybe these other "deitys,things'demons" whatever the hell u want to call them, were always here to, the zaza shit is real gt over it, again no urban legend zozozaza ouija board spirit going around in 1999-2003 the deniers claim there is no evidence of zaza zozo on the internet prior to 2010, they are full of shit i talked to at least 10 ppl who were way older than me in 2002 about it on obscure forums for paranormal shit and they all said the exact shit that i witnessed multiple times down to a t, believe it or not i dont care, again cinciny ohio 5 min from downtown if your close im willing to risk gtting tormented by z again to shut you fuckers up once and for all, but i see ur guys side about all the idiot zoomers parroting what they see on a zozo video, honestly if someone would have told me about it and i never heard about it until 2010, i wouldn't have believed them either. and im going blind ass hole i type th best i can. i have demaculara degeneration
Yeah okay man, cool schitzo post.
I will admit, i am not quite sure enough to do this. Touche my schizo friend
>Yeah okay man, cool schitzo post.
lmao! want to see the many many emails i sent to and received from darren evvans the guy who researched zozo/zaza for years?!its real you fucking idiot how could i and many many other people all contacted an entity that says mama zozo zaza over and over makes the infinity sign, vulgar to woman,claims to be a dead relative one minute and the next z says they are sick and in hell, this all happened in 1999-2003, again so how did i know about zaza or zozo if NOONE else knew about it and if they did they didnt tell many people, like i said it was around 2003 i found a obscure forum were about 10 ppl claimed the exact same experiences i had and many many other people,, either contribute or fuck off man
>I will admit, i am not quite sure enough to do this. Touche my schizo friend
if i was the ONLY person in the world claiming i contacted a spirit which i knew NOTHING about until i met the other ppl on the forum in 2003, zozo didnt get big on the internet until 2010 when normies found this website https://zozotheouijaspirit.blogspot.com/
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you're 43 and write like a fucking 12 year old. Use some punctuation retard.

>I summoned a spirit with my retarded friends, look at me.
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is op some type of schizo meth head? it sure seems like it to me.
>you're 43 and write like a fucking 12 year old. Use some punctuation retard.
im at work and i have to use a huge MONITOR im going blind, fuck off you understand what im saying>>39096177
lmao, your ignorance knows no bounds
everything i said in those messages from me that you linked, have happened, would you like me to record ffucking videos of my daughter saying she recently used an ouija, her mom saying what happend those 5 years we were together, and all the other ppl i still know who were there all those nights and we all witnessed the same thing? Because i will
>>I summoned a spirit with my retarded friends, look at me.
I wasn't attempting to call upon anything, and I didn't believe anything would occur. I've always suspected I had some sort of medium ability, and it proved true the first time, with my And daughters mother being the only ones present that evening! She experienced a miscarriage from a past relationship and began to cry as the name "MAMA" was repeatedly spelled out to her. Listen, we had no clue what ZAZA OR ZOZO were, and neither did anyone else, unless they were deeply involved in the occult, which is a crazy amount! It wasn't until 2010 that ZAZA ZAZO's story went viral on the internet. How did we and others manage to bring this entity to life, and how many others did before 2010? We had no clue about it, there was no ZAZA OUIJA BOARD DEMON URBAN LEGEND UNTIL 2010! It's ridiculous, I'm not promoting a book, I'm not advertising a website, I'm sharing the truth with the gods, and you people are so bitter and filled with sorrow that I posting that picture of my daughter's mother probably triggered a frenzy among the virgins!Your just mad that shit wont work for you, cope!
Discredit shill. ZoZo is responsible for much of what anons call "chaos magick" around here so they are smearing the subject in attempt to frame occult interest as dangerous and demonic. Which it is, don't get me wrong, but it's just funny watching them continually feed energy to whichever entity du jour they are trying to protect anons from.
>Discredit shill. ZoZo is responsible for much of what anons call "chaos magick" around here so they are smearing the subject in attempt to frame occult interest as dangerous and demonic. Which it is, don't get me wrong, but it's just funny watching them continually feed energy to whichever entity du jour they are trying to protect anons from.
you calling me a shill or the other fucking guy?? i wont entertain anyones opinion who calls anyone a schizo and offers no reasoning as to why,all im simply doing is bringing awareness that Z is 100 percent real it will wreck ur life and those around you!And im bringing up the FACT i got in contact wth this fucker 12 years before the zozozaza debunkers claimed it was ever mentioned on the internet or in the real world, alister crowley named his daughters middle name fucking ZAZA now why would he do that? Z didnt even use to be in any language,im done preaching, believe me or not, its your soul not mine
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>would you like me to record ffucking videos of my daughter saying she recently used an ouija,

what kind of parent are you? fucking christ.

>guys listen to my retarded rambling. fuck periods and complete sentences.
>i let me daughter use a Ouija board.

>ZoZo is responsible for much of what anons call "chaos magick"

stfu retard. chaos magick is about connecting with Kia, the inherent energy of manifestation that is neither good nor bad. it powers all things in our universe.

>Discredit shill

you are rambling literally like an off med schizo, and I literally don't give a fuck. there are mountains of stories around the use of the ouija board and paranormal happenings. maybe if you could coherently tell a story, I would give a fuck.
Oy vey hope that evil Crowley doesn't use the Zu storm bird to steal the Mes and redefine the coming Aeon !!! Something something schizo, something something dark side !!!!!

What a strange coincidence these two separate, arguing posters type so similarly.
>i was hacking shit sense
you type like a fucking retard lmao. seek help you druggie boomer dumbass
Don’t really know what happened to this thread but if anybody has real questions I have had a few accidental encounters
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not me
what kind of parent am i? One who without a lawyer got custody of my daughter before she was 5 years old, taught her shit, she owns her own hair business and makes any were from 300-1000k a pop, because i encouraged her to learn how to braid she would braid bratz dolls for hours, and if you think i would psot my daughters face on here hahh no , i said i would ask her if she played with a ouija recently she said she did i got pissed, her mom will be over here today too, i can also record her telling you exactly what she witnessed the at least 10 nights we did it over the span of 3 years, so fuck you buddy>>39096453
>you are rambling literally like an off med schizo, and I literally don't give a fuck. there are mountains of stories around the use of the ouija board and paranormal happenings. maybe if you could coherently tell a story, I would give a fuck.
i typed you out a proper explanation with puncuation and all! did you not read it?!>>39096393>>39096393
your only argument is im a schizo( lmao) i wont even take an tylenol i drank a couple years in my late teens but who didnt? smoked weed a couple times, thats it.Either you done some really bad shit and yoru terrified your going to meet whats after death one day and meet your maker and your going to pay for all the horrible shit you did, or your just being an asshole, this is x after all, im leaving, only two or three anons here were respectful and helpful, i provided all the proof in the world zozo/zaza is real and was contacted for the last 35-40 years at least,it does specific things and causes harm upon your mind and body, bless the anons who have actually contacted this thing be careful its not what it says it is
>I wasn't attempting to call upon anything, and
>you type like a fucking retard lmao. seek help you druggie boomer dumbass
You type like a complete moron, lol. You dumbass druggie boomer, get help.
now whos the retard? im going BLIND i have demaculer eye disease i wont be able to see shit in another year or so , again all you have is babys first argument at preschool personal attacks and calling the schizo card, ya know there are prob some real shcizos on here, im sure they wouldn't want to be mocked over something they have no control over, you may think im retarded, a liar, but at the end of the day You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My daughter likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.
>Don’t really know what happened to this thread but if anybody has real questions I have had a few accidental encounters
please share i cannot BELIEVE this is x and people are doubting me?!?! How have not a single one of you fucked with an ouija board and contacted zaza before the utube shit that popped off in 2010, hell even after, it just dosent come to anyone, it targeted me and my sister who passed in 2018, it told her it sits on her bed at night she started sobbing, she never told anyone that and she wasnt even touching the planchette, but i figured out they always work best in areas that have as little electricy running as possible, and if thousands of ppl lose power in your area? pull that fucking board out, that happened and it was the last time i ever touched one
K anyway man you ruined your own thread by meth rambling. I was hoping to hear from other people about Zozo. I was saying I had encountered him. Lay off the fucking speed dude.
>K anyway man you ruined your own thread by meth rambling. I was hoping to hear from other people about Zozo. I was saying I had encountered him. Lay off the fucking speed dude.
never seen the stuff nor would i do it, why do you think im on speed? with my health problems anything like that would kill me was forced to get the vax to provide for my family, i got a very good job so i wasn't going to risk giving them the fake vax card with the correct lot numbers
99 percent of you are just poser larpers, or under age 21 atheist reedit users larpin on x peace
Brother you’re the one typing nonsensical ramblings in lowercase. Don’t try to act like you’re an adult because you’re clearly not. Legit the one paranormal experience I ever had was with Zozo, but because of your retarded ramblings I can’t even discuss it. Thanks for being an idiot. Now go get a job.
>Brother you’re the one typing nonsensical ramblings in lowercase. Don’t try to act like you’re an adult because you’re clearly not. Legit the one paranormal experience I ever had was with Zozo, but because of your retarded ramblings I can’t even discuss it. Thanks for being an idiot. Now go get a job.
same with me only zaza came through have a profession thank you,not one thing i had said was nonsense , im 43 have nothing to lie or hide, i have pics dated when we were doing the sessions i even have video well my daughters mom does but she thinks she threw it out years ago, but maybe she didnt, you all are hostile towrds me i never post here and this is exactly why, and your full of shit how old are you and what did zozo/zaza do the first time you contacted it, if it was post 2010 i dont even want o hear your opinion because im sure you consumed every fucking ounce of viral media about zozo and are salty because your prob in your very early 20s and never got to explore uncharted terrirtory, in all of you fuckers defense, if i would have not touched a witch board until 2010 when ya know zaza was all over the internet i wouldnt have believed it either i would have thought it was mass hysteria or peoples subconcious making them spell out shit, hell half the people who fuck around with spirit boards couldnt summon a demon if lucifer himself crafted them a one use wand that works everytime, your full of shit and you know it, otherwise prove it, lets "hear" your stories, and if you contacted it b4 the year 2005 than i would believe you otherwise your full of shit and going to parrot whatever your fav atheist twitch streamer whos an satanist spews out,put up or shut up
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pic of me and my daughter from 2010, bet you feel real fucking stupid now, your just a troll, fuck off
>claims it didnt exist before 2010
there was literally a town named after zozo in FF6 which came out in 1994
>here was literally a town named after zozo in FF6 which came out in 1994
yes i mentioned that above and everyone lies in the town, now ff6 came out in 1994 i think? did you ever once hear someone speaking of a ouija spirit esp one named zaza or zozo? nope didnt think so,there is also a old french demon book i found him mentioned in, i think it was from the 1800s again i ask you, at school did you ever once hear OMG THERE IS A ANCIENT DEMON GHOST U HAVE TO USE A OUIJA BOARD! HES LIKE BLOODY MARY IF YOU SAY HIS NAME THREE TIMES IN THE MIRROR SHE WILL APPEAR"i would bet anyting u heard about bloody mary which was fake but based on a evil queen who would bath in young peasants blood they sealed her in a castle,again if there was some rumor urban legend going around from 1960-2000 then i would have came to the conclusion oh i already heard about this thing thats why everyone is subconsciously spelling out zozo buuuuut NOPE THAT DIDNT HAPPEN UNTIL AROUND 2010, this thing exist im done with you fucking idiots, head my word of caution or dont, you guys really fucked yourselves out of some creepy manifestations i got, the slime leaking from my wall, scratches on me always 3, and the toremnt this thing caused me but nope im just larping, i hope you misreable fucks do beter in life and stop being so contrarian and hating just to hate god bless you all jesus is king thansk for wasiting my time
>there was literally a town named after zozo in FF6 which came out in 1994
and if anything that proves the japs well some of them who worked on the game had contacted zaza/zozo everone in the town lies, knows magic, reminds me of sodom and gomorah,so why did htey pick zozo of all names? lmao? think man think, because someone who worked on the game contacted zozo way back in the 90s maybe he told some coworkers maybe he didnt, ppl will think ur batshit crazy if you just bring this stuff up but me? i dont give a fuck i just dont want anyone else to have to go through what myself, my decased sister and deceased brother had to go through
anyone who contacted zozo zaza pre 2008-2010 legit contacted whatever this thing is, many people used witch boards at sleep overs as young teens and didnt take it seriously and it was "played with" for ten minute and thrown into a closet until it was eventually sold at a yard sale, i dont think there were many hard core occultist ouija users networking in the 90s, but for the last time in 2003 i found a forum and i can verify at least TEN of those people were not LYING because they all described in private mssages on the forum what zazazozo did to them and all ten was right on the money, have a nice life
>everybody else is lying
>I’m the only one who tells the truth
You have mental health problems beyond summoning demons. If you’re the guy who contacted the guy from cryptic chronicles which I am pretty sure you are, you’re just not trustworthy. You repeatedly put your daughter and girlfriends in danger just because you wanted to see some paranormal shit go down. I believe you saw some shit but I believe you’re also just a shitty person. I tried talking to you about my own experience and you just discounted it and continued rambling about your own shit. I brought it up again and you called me a liar, for literally no reason. You legitimately need therapy or something. Most of all you need to take care of your child instead of trying to prove to the world that’s demon exists. It’s called priorities
>If you’re the guy who contacted the guy from cryptic chronicles which I am pretty sure you are, you’re just not trustworthy. You repeatedly put your daughter and girlfriends in danger just because you wanted to see some paranormal shit go down.
i never once had a board any where around my daughter like i said i was active from 1999-2003

but i might have tried it one more time at a friends house about a year after she was born, the scariest thing is that za can do to you, is this feeling of dread and like your being watched 24/7 yes i shouldn't have had the board around my dughters mom either while she was preggo, i didn't know what i was fucking with i agree with you on that, my only point is, the debunkers try to say zero proof of zaza zozo encounters prior to 2008-2010 and thats bullshit, to everyone who has contacted zaza you can instantly tell if the person is bullshitting by if they point out certain things, its personality, that is all, i never once told you not to tell me your story?maybe i got you confused and replied to the wrong anon, and brother im a grandfather my daughter is in her 20's i bought her , her house that is right next to mine, and i ALWAYS once she was old enough explained to her the dangers of the occult, but you know how kids are if you tell them not to do somethiing,, 9 times outta 10 they're gonna to try something just because you told them not too, i have untreated adhd and brain fog for the last year as well,im just killing time while working and playing the new mario luigi switch rpg game while hoping someone had a pdf of the book and have similar encounters, didnt mean for this thread to turn into who can say skitzo the most, and im pretty sure u told me you had personal stories of zozo but refused to tell me because and i quote "im a retarded meth head who thinks im cool because i summoned a demon"
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Your comment is the garbage that feeds the evil of the ether.
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>Something something schizo, something something dark side !!!!!
fucking kek
is seraphim falls any good?

i dont know much about crowley except he accurately described those beings he summoned with the big head that look like all the first ufo abduction/loss of time events tht started with that mixed couple who lost 2 hours and the forensic artist drew by their account the very first image of the classic gray alien this guy was sketched by crowley in i think 1917 beings he could summon at will, i know he did a sshit ton of drugs and perverted shit and he had a certain property were he did his most dark rituals, well crowley died and some band paid a shit load of money to gt that house and weird shit started happenign and i think they left?
i could see if this wasn't fucking /x/ like maybe if this was oh i dunno A bee keeper forum an i came posting this shit on a , bee keeper forum, this very shithole right this very moment has threads up about :the nobody:(a blatant kingdom hearts rip off) summoning fucking female spirits to suck your dick, are vampires real? And a true very honest and kind hearted soul comes here and tried to let some of you know its not a joke and get a book that was my only intention... Your posting an perverted demonic ai image of some stupid skank pop star, why are you even in this thread?
Bumping finally an interesting thread. I remember reading zozo stories back in 2010 or so. Simpler times.

Also >15 minutes
American and their elections I swear. They're trying to kill the boards.
Yes I'm a phone fag.
If anyone knows if an active paranormal forum that doesn't require 15 minutes per post (or video game one for that matter since v does the same shit) please let me know. I just want to shit post in peace.
I still have 693 seconds after writing this so I will use the time to say fuck jannies.
Eat my shit niggerfaggot. Zozo made you cry like a bItcH. Hail Zozo!
>bet you feel real fucking stupid now
nice hat and ICP shirt lmao. you provided no proof of anything, can barely type a coherent sentence (being blind doesnt effect your grammar and spelling, dipshit) and you're very clearly below room temp IQ. Good job posting your daughters face on 4chan though, father of the year award you mentally ill fool
So as an Anon that's skimming this thread to get an idea of what's going on, you're telling me there's a demon that uses a pink spirit board as a cell phone to trick retards into giving fuel for its Kia Sorento so it can take credit for all the work that Ellis does?
>nice hat and ICP shirt lmao. you provided no proof of anything, can barely type a coherent sentence (being blind doesnt effect your grammar and spelling, dipshit) and you're very clearly below room temp IQ. Good job posting your daughters face on 4chan though, father of the year award you mentally ill fool
im using voice to text when i post, im not going to make my post all pretty and neat so i can be shit on, 99 percent of you are fucking assholes and this place is were you can bash ppl with no consequences, my daughters face isn't even visible because the smeard makeup on her face that was 14 years ago dipshit! she packs everywhere she gos, have taken her to gun ranges 2x a month ever sense she was old enough to handle the safety measures one must take and know when to use it. Oh and now your blasting me because i like ICP? ya know two high school dropouts that built themselves all by themselves ( with accidental help from disney) have been making music sense 1993 and still going strong. ICP saved my life, one of the many times i met them i told shaggy that and he said nah man you did that yourself,i explained to j the magic of eveyr single time one of their main line albums come out or dark lotus album, thats what i was goign through in life, if it wasn't for their hells pit album, i might not have live passed 2005, and again leave my daughter out of your mouth, you obsessed or something?I got full custody of her no lawyer i represented myself she had an lawyer i collected proof for two years, judge gave me full custody and her bitch mom had to pay me CHILD SUPPORT which i never spent a dime of it and gave it to my daughter once she hit 16! so get off my dick if my thread upsets you so much, bitch
>So as an Anon that's skimming this thread to get an idea of what's going on, you're telling me there's a demon that uses a pink spirit board as a cell phone to trick retards into giving fuel for its Kia Sorento so it can take credit for all the work that Ellis does?
those post were me talking about the pink ouija boards sold in toys r us and maybe walmart, to get girls to buy that shit its evil! The other guy with his chaos magic bullshit i think he is trying to say im an shill trying to get shit stirring by lying about my zaza zozo encounters i have no idea
>Bumping finally an interesting thread. I remember reading zozo stories back in 2010 or so. Simpler times.
>Also >15 minutes
>American and their elections I swear. They're trying to kill the boards.
>Yes I'm a phone fag.
>If anyone knows if an active paranormal forum that doesn't require 15 minutes per post (or video game one for that matter since v does the same shit) please let me know. I just want to shit post in peace.
>I still have 693 seconds after writing this so I will use the time to say fuck jannies.
thanks man your about the 3rd non asshole anon, in the thread the other 80 percent are actively hostile towards me, i think they're reedit atheist satanist trying to make it look like im full of shit so ppl will go get an witch board and get corrupted , my whooooleeeeeeee point is, the ppl saying this is bullshit because no internet data prior to 2010 on the internet before darren evans release his book the zozo phenomena
well me and many other ppl around the world have contacted zaza.zozo buy pure accident and we never heard of this entity, demon, what ever the hell u want to call it, there was no common knowledge about zozo until 2010 than everyone started making fake youtube videos , a couple were real though because zozo hs like 20 different personalities but certain things that it does when you talk to ppl about it, you know they are telling the truth,i found a paranormal forum in 2003 i think it was wre i talked to ten diff ppl about zaza and everyone of them was like omg wtf me to! did he say this? do that? move the planchette in a infinity sign etc? the other half of ppl on the board were lying and you could tell sadly i have no idea the websites name.But i heard the guy who got the zozo shit started who wrote a book on coast to coast am and the very next day
i started emailing him telling him my story,he asked me questions and said he knew i was telling the truth,i told him my daughters mom recorded about 5 of the sessions he got very excited because he would finally have proof about zaza from 1999, sadly the dumb bitch lost them :( >>39101347
>Eat my shit niggerfaggot. Zozo made you cry like a bItcH. Hail Zozo!
it never made me cry just mentally tormented me and would harm me with claw marks and make people in my home sick for years, i tried to block this shit out for years but a random youtube video popped up a week ago about a nasa scientist that was tormented by a demon
i know the guy is telling the truth because i went through the same shit
and there is this i saw after that
everything he states in the video zaza says and does, how did thousands of people sense the 1970s, imagine this entity named zozo/zaza and the majority of them explained certain things it did prior to this shit blowing up in 2010??! NOT POSSIBLE ALL OF US PRE 2010 zozo summoners imagined all this shit, now im not saying some stupid zoomers high on weed seeing a zozo video for the first time runs out an buys a board and think they contacted something , that could be their subconcious mind because they already knew about the zozo deity, but some may have powerful medium skills like me and zozo will come every single time i used the board
that second link in my last post was wrong heres the correct one
i was the first person to find zozo connection from this book btw, thats why i dont trust ppl telling my info about z on the internet its not the same sense pre smartphone internet is never coming back. Not even a week after i told a youtuber who i knew ws really contacting zozo about this book from the 1800s i think, him and everyone else started spamming the dictionnaire infernal in their videos
>icp wigger who did drugs
all credibility gone /thread
Man if you only knew how retarded and non credible you’re making yourself. That’s why everyone is being a dick to you. Because usually 4chan users are a little bit intelligent. You’d be better off writing something and having someone literate condense it into something coherent. To top it all off you posted your daughter on fucking 4chan and we find out you’re a juggalo simultaneously
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Zozo. Zaza. Pazuzu.
It is eternal. Always exists. Never not existed. Find it and talk to it again. It wants your ears. It wants your eyes. It knows you’re gonna die.
posted your daughter on fucking 4chan and we find out you’re a juggalo simultaneously
im doing three things at once when i make these post, im not a "Juggalo" ive listened to them sense 1994 just like the music and it cliques with me, its like a horror movie on a cd,the ppl they kill are bigots, pedos, racist(dont agree with this one) ppl who had it coming.But they always had heavy spiritual shit on tracks you just had to pick up on the shit, only reason i wore icp gear that night was because my gf at the time and bought the shirt and hat i wore tht shit one time!Yea, good luck finding my daughter why do you ppl keep obsessing over my daughter, it damn near looks like she has black face on because she was scared and sweating and by the end of the haunted house attraction it was all smeared.And nice to know you judge a person by the music they listen to,lets see you do what icp did before the soundcloud and social media era of the internet were anyone can put up tracks .I have a higher iq than you, i was in a program 4 kids per school max, i could read and write at a 6th grade level at 4 years old, ive been tested my iq is 129 , i know the test is junk science like lie detector test, chemical imbalance causes depression,
>Zozo. Zaza. Pazuzu.
>It is eternal. Always exists. Never not existed. Find it and talk to it again. It wants your ears. It wants your eyes. It knows you’re gonna die
i know man, he told me multiple times by name to come see him/her/it in my current bedroom at the time, none of us knew it used to be a kitchen but my parents and my uncle and aunt, well 4th of july 2001 i ran up to see him with my cousin saw a black darker than black, so dark that its bright explode i hauled ass, found out later NEVER come to them,
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>It knows you’re gonna die.
also forgot it would start doing the infinity sign when someone would ask who or what it is
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We are infinite.
cool pic and >>39108174
>We are infinite
i know and i think everytime it did the side ways infinite sign, it was telling me either it has existed for all of eternity or im damned to hell for trying to commune with the dead..
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It's not bots its demons. Its zaza making people not reply to you. Its just the way the tnews gos haha rick and morty got em you got owned brother now I made your heart jump with excitement as you saw a new reply to you but it's just nonsense because you smoke meth and don't deserve any answers
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>leave my daughter out of your mouth
>posts childhood photo on 4chan to "win" argument
You type so much blind boy but you have posted ZERO proof of anything except being a sensitive, stupid faggot. Did your eyes get eaten by the demon too, father of the year? Go paint your face, clown boy and stop pretending you know anything about the occult
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>ive been tested my iq is 129
Keks aside OP displays tell-tale signs of this entity, those who know and the reason we are watching from afar are well aware that the 'Wind Prince' incites to obsessive, babbling insanity those who resist his frontal assaults. We are not talking about a demon that farms loosh or souls we are talking about an ancient monster who will sooner make their prey kill itself and everything around it for no other reason than to prolong its own entertainment.

The best OP can do is stop coming to 4chan or any other demonic cyber stomping ground. He must see a priest or shaman of his choice faith, a trained one over the age of 55+ not some internet tarot witch. These types of entities cannot be defeated or banished but they CAN be petitioned to leave. Any versed in true demonology will know how to do that safely (and will avoid you like a plague.) Good luck!

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