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This planet seems like it's designed for hate

The older I get, the more people I meet, the more people I see... the more I dislike you humans

God isn't the problem, humans are

Everytime I encounter an asshole I'm thinking to myuself "why the fuck did I incarnate here with this self centered dipshit"

Supposedly we're supposed to forgive and love our fellow man but so many of you people
>put others down
>annoy or even attack others on impulse
>cough in people's faces
>run people over with vehicles
>loudly proclaim their own stupid ideas on platforms (one can argue im doing this, to be fair) as the one true truth while shutting down and running from opposition to their stance

Anx that's not even mentioning the ACTUAL super disgusting crimes and aspects of humanity

The more I live here the more I just want to get rich and buy a bunker away from.the rest of you apes

Seriously, if the universe is old, and im just one lifeform out of countless many on.this planet, why did I have to.incarnate here in one of the most deceptively evil times on the planet (dont let people fool you into thinking times are great because of "conveniences", uncle Ted was right, modern tech is a curse)

I want to love and be chill but living in New York, living in AMERICA, just fills me with rage and annoyance, I really domt want to lash out
Nice NASA picture of glorious spherical Earth.
It's not a unique phenomenon.
look up Super Scio and tell me if it feels accurate
>with this self centered dipshit"
Your lack of self awareness and introspection is hilarious.
Whether I'm a dipshit or not I'm making the helpful answer for us all.and looking for away to separate myself

I don't see the probem with me desiring separation form what irks me

It's best for all

Ever hear the saying "If you can take the heat, get off the court"?
I'm thinking like that
There is no difference between you and others, love them as your own and the world shall heal.
only god has the real power to judge.
What does God gain from putting mismatched people on the same planet though

Like imagine if we had a planet for schizos, a planet for furries, a planet for Republicans, a planet for liberals, etc

That way no one pissses each other off lol
Don't just look at the way humans treat other humans look at how we treat the billions of animals in factory farms.
Good thing global warming will wipe out this sickness.
Harming the earth to get back at humans is pretty overkill
Yesh God designed ot in a weird way, even if we didn't advertise slaughterhouse we'd still be killing animals for food

And the animals will still be killing each other for food (or in the case of killer whales) for sport

Life is a death machine and I want a word with the administrator
Oops meant for>>39093469
My conclusions


there's no other reason for this reality existing. evil has an overwhelming advantage. everything is conduscive to suffering. etc.


they're not true humans. they're just narcissist algorithms. they are here to waste your time, hurt you and frustrate you. I used to give them the benefit of the doubt but now I can sus them out within the first 5 minutes.


they actually have genuine personalities that originated within themselves. everyone else is just following social norms.
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Because it could?
ineresting, thanks
Consciousness is a field that blankets the entire universe
>you humans
Oh? And what are you?
As an autist myself, varies. Many people with autism also follow trends. Countless autists have been groomed by discord "communities" looking to prey upon social and emotional weakness to force them to conform to trends such as being convinced they are transgender.

On the flip side, there are neurotypical people who ignore trends, while less common, and are genuinely good.

I agree there are fewer souls than bodies, countless automatons of flesh that simply walk the earth without purpose. Perhaps even as vessels for demons or malevolent influence. These golems, hylics, or npcs, whatever you want to call them, vastly outnumber those with souls.
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an awakened one, unlike you
I have the opposite. Almost all people I meet are positive, constructive and motivated. It really depends on the environment and how well people are able to keep their cohesion alive vs letting apathy seep in.
so i was taking an uber today and i was like fuck bro we're literally just atoms. what god?

like if you compare the universe we live in to a computer simulation (which it is)...atoms are 99% empty space and the universe is also 99% empty space and im like fuck thats not even a coincidence? why is most of planet earth empty

and you have all of these alotted distances between stores, homes, cars, even people. it's insane how precise everything is.

it's all a simulation and we are atoms.


there is no god.

We're animals on a rock floating through space. Most of us are pieces of shit and slaves to our animal nature. We need a purge.
I agree. I sometimes wonder if I'm an NPC
>Supposedly we're supposed to forgive and love our fellow man but so many of you people

I'm sure there's never been a spiritual figure that spoke of repenting from sin and performing works and being sovereign. Even if there was, there's probably nothing you can learn from him because you're so smart. The institutions dedicated to studying and worshipping such an influential figure are run by stupid humans, so there's no point going to them for advice or help dealing with these things you're struggling with. You won't be happier if you repent and perform works, and noone could help you figure out how to walk the path anyway. You should just keep suffering alone, cus you're so smart.

To be fair, I have trouble asking for help too m80. It's a privilege to be here suffering with and for you all. I pray we all find heaven. God bless you.
>an awakened one
Does ye know of the sacred secretion? aka the Christ Oil.
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Resist the rage, friend. The rage against the futility and the desperation of existence is most strong where people are divided. I felt it too, I still do sometimes, but I have found a solution. I have heard the beckoning of the void, and its song is soothing. It comes from the gaps between all things, it holds all things within itself, and it understands. Embrace her, mother void, for though she did not consent to our birth, she loves us anyways.

1.) Does evil really have an overwhelming advantage? Is all suffering evil? Is the only result of suffering evil? Consider evil. Consider the case of Elizabeth Fritzl. Consider her father, biologically by the rules his genes made 7 or so copies of himself. Incredibly successful, evil son of a bitch. If we wanted to fight evil from one perspective we might wipe out his line, keep him from winning this game we're all playing. But that's wrong, Elizabeth, her siblings, and children are all related to the rest of society, evil won, but on what time scale? The good is out there picking up the pieces, giving support to Elizabeth and her family. Good is good in spite of evil, and it's winning. It always has been. Generally everyone cooperates with good and evil has a bad reputation. Want good to win? How are you helping?

2) Just stop. We all play by the rules the creator made, we're all god's imaginary friends.

3) I'm rolling my eyes at you as hard as I can, I hope you can feel it all the way out there.
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I can'T BELIEVE SOMEONE WOuld cough on someone's face. Humans are truly the scum of the universe. Don't worry, I feel it coming. Change is going to happen and we will all be filtered into sleeping and awoken. See you in the real world :)
We are a bunch of stupid animals that are just a little too clever for our own good. Clever, yet delusional because we think we are very intelligent. Only a few of us smelly creatures are actually very intelligent in groups and they give us the technology we use to act like we aren't just hairless bonobos.

You answered your own question, OP. And you didn't likely incarnate here. You were simply born just like the rest of the creatures on this planet.

Just try to enjoy what you can when you can because nothing will change the savage nature of humans.
human hates humans hates humans hates humans.
you aint hollier
If only you lived in the third world and witnessed first hand how truly retarded people can be; i basically want the same things as you and my list of complaints is longer than i have come to rejoice when they are killed with vaccines.
>Supposedly we're supposed to forgive and love our fellow man but so many of you people
And that is why going contrary to all those things and being a loving forgiving person is such an exalted position for consciousness to take.
>why did I have to.incarnate here in one of the most deceptively evil times on the planet
For that reason someone with a higher perspective is needed here more that ever.
You get to see it for yourself. You are effected by it directly. You aren't seeing it from far away left in wonder how people here get this way, or end up in a negative state, you see it first hand, you feel it happening to you too. That gives you the chance to change course, to consciously choose something different, or go along with it, and end up in the place you see as inevitable if nothing changes.
This is a planet of choices. The life here is temporary. Human history is long and its course and final destination are not yet certain or set in stone.
There are many ways things could be changed, and over the course of time, even throughout your own lifetime, things will change a lot.
Everything you see in this world is something from the past. Your actions define the future. If you do things differently, with more love, more forgiveness, more compassion, then things in your life will be as such. The future is what you make of yourself, what you cultivate in your soul. We are like seeds still buried under the earth. There is light above us. If we push through we can reach the light, with our roots deep in the dark beneath. That allows us to grow. If you don't nourish your roots with water, if you don't reach towards the light, you won't sprout, and you will remain under the earth in the darkness.>>39092895
>I want to love and be chill but living in New York, living in AMERICA, just fills me with rage and annoyance, I really domt want to lash out
You can live where you want. You are probably in one of the worst parts of the country. The lure of money is a trap.
All these ideas and mental identities aren't the true selves of any people. He wants us to evolve our minds and our thinking so that we can can be large in awareness, rather than small minded, surrounded by other small minded people. Nothing about this existence is for the sake of a single life, a single period of mental awareness, a single language and culture, its about the totality of them all throughout all of history, and that which is yet to come.
Kike propaganda to foster the golem goyim slave race. Rules for thee, but not for me and all.
Consciousness existed before the material, the material is a byproduct of it not the other way around.

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