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>"Magic is REAL!"
Cool, can I teleport, levitate objects, and shoot fire from my hands?
>"No, but you can gaslight yourself!"
I'm workin on it
what're you working on, anon? gaslighting or kamehamehas?
What does it say about your level of respect for others if you expect someone to cross a mountain to prove a point to you but you have nothing to offer the the conversation? Did you think of people as performers in your personal circus? Do you understand how demonstrating such abilities is extremely dangerous and could potentially put someone on a hit list?
>he types out and then proceeds to teleport his arranged magic symbols conveying pure abstract concepts specifically only to others trained to read the runes while floating on a rock in a void in the 3rd dimention
He thinks it's safe to use that type of magic, like he wouldn't mass fireball a preschool with his faggot ass.
The "gaslighting", mostly. The burn is in your mind
excellent. have you rigged life in your favor yet?
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Lmao. OP is so clueless. I'll help you OP but you have to quack like a chicken first. Say
strut around like a chicken so I can show you. It's for a synchronous reason.
No. No. No.
Nice digits by the way
No. No. No.
That’s not how magic works!!
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Behold! The only display of magic that /x/ is capable of
Think about those things multi dimensionally.
I shot a fireball once. It felt pretty magic.
You spend 1/3 of your life asleep.
1/3 of your life could be spent doing that shit but you dont bother to get lucid. Dream world also where you go when you die
Are you trying to tell us that you can do those things, anon?
I didn't want to laugh but it's so true
Fake and gay.
Check the "light as feather" ritual on YT. You see teen girls lifting heavy dudes. Shouldnt be possible.
Because it isn't
Magic is poisoned by mystic "enlightenment" types and by abracucks, also by countless hacks who can't do anything so they convince others that's all there is to magic. Pretty sure you CAN levitate, shoot fireballs and otherwise immediately affect reality, it's just that the know-how must be rediscovered. I refuse to accept that magic is just faggot kaballah-based DIY psychology for bored middle-class boomers.
you're already living inside a make-believe, magical realm. what good would anti-magic magical powers really do?
Quads of truth
Gonna blow your mind son.....

>levitating your chair is dangerous
As soon as it's figured out anyone will do it. It's safer than planes.
Imagine (((expected profits))) loss for DEI flight companies if even 10% of their regular clients would start flying on their chairs instead. It would be beautiful. And if people who teach others to do it suddenly become suicided left and right, it would be even more beautiful.
>levitate objects
>shoot fire from my hands
no, reserved by God as per the ancient sacred texts

this board is useless for occultism
I see people levitate to work all the time
Agreed, I just think most magicians that might be capable of shit like that really stay hidden. To be quite honest, they probably only lurk or just don't use the internet at all since life is so much more fun for them. I feel like most modern occultist are only scratching the surface to this shit.
Telepathy is telekinesis, and by this we warp space and time. But ESP was invented less than 4 decades ago, it's going to take time anon.

All of the ESP in Creation wouldn't fill up one measuring cup, or even the mass of one quarter.

I can control every mind in Creation easier than I can start a candle with ESP.
kys frogposting twitter immigrant
>implying gaslighting yourself isn't a powerful magick
how do you gaslight yourself exactly?
I am inclined to believe in the materialist outlook of life in most aspects, that consciousness is a result of neurotransmitters, atoms and molecules arranging themselves, but I have personally witnessed something that some would describe as a "miracle". I don't know if I would use that exact word to describe what happened, but when I re-examine what happened it gives me the impression that something immaterial, something inhuman intervened on my behalf. Sorry if that is too vague but that is all I can say right now. I think anyone who claims to know for sure what is happening is probably full of shit though.
through practices and ritual you gain a sense of outside forces acting upon you which can induce changes in beliefs and self conception
a conduit of the unconscious made manifest in the world through ritual being summoned that forces its influence upon you
Yea this doesn't answer my question, this is just mumble jumble to me.
>claims to be "occultist"
>limits himself to abracuck paradigm
You literally don't have to understand it, you can still do it if you trust in that one post that one anon made enough to use ESP to do it.
because this type of knowledge is non propositional and you are seeking a propositional way of understanding it
words are fecal matter of the mind and experience is the feast
it's not a matter of know-how, it's a matter of spiritual fitness. god is everything. for you to be a channel of god in that way requires being a tool of god's will. there is no magic spell you can just learn, your soul has to be open to it and it has to work through you.
Enlightenment is knowing how to get everything you want in ways where it's impossible for anything to stop you.
enlightenment is not wanting anything
OP got btfo'd by a Goku tripfag on /r9k/ last night who posted a magic is real meme, so he ran here to whine like a baby. Saw it with my own eyes topkek
ESP isn't what anyone here means by magic, you stupid nigger
Interesting how not a single person on Earth seems to want to shoot fireballs, then.
probably not
>levitate objects, and shoot fire from my hands
I tried a kamehameha but the sharted myself
last time i ever try to do magic
never again
>Aim is real
>Trained athletes can throw a ball into a basket from 22 feet away at a 35% success rate
>Non pro players can make the same shot about 20% success rate
Do you think that training you're aim is fake and gay if dedicating your entire life to the single activity only gives you a 15 point improvement over a novice?
well what this guy said >>39097316
but without none of the faggot ass ego; i had mentioned this in another thread:
you say to yourself "life is rigged in my favor. i am blessed with divine, fortunate luck." you live your life accordingly. this is now your truth. life is rigged in your favor. you're blessed with divine, fortunate luck. things will go bad as we all will have difficulties, struggles, and suffering but your rigged luck will make it as easy as stepping stones.
another way? pick up a hobby and gaslight yourself into loving it. whatever you do? do it consistently and gaslight yourself into being obsessive in love with it. it's why venus is the mother of all mysteries. 'desire' in latin carried the connotation of 'for power' as well.

change your underwear and try again, pussy. don't give up.
kek this. I don't think people fully understand that "technology" is literally just magic for the masses. Like I'm having conversations with people on all points of the planet in a variation of the language that only we understand on a device smaller than a book that can transmit information to and from and rates the mind can't even begin to understand.
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Waow! So magical and unbelievable! Truly the world around us is wonderful!
Think about a fatty trying to lose weight. Their conscious mind knows logically that they need to eat less and exercise more but they can't do it. A voice in their head screams at them to eat ice cream and cake on the couch.
The awoken practitioner has spent ample time meditating on those inner voices and starts to recognize the different voices. You've got your inner monologue that wears the mask you put on for society. You've got a voice under that one that's your true self that you almost never listen to.
Under that are the others. The outside forces trying to control you. That's the magic. Understand that you don't need to listen to those outside voices but you can instead create your own voices if you can focus to a level where you can regularly talk to your inner true self. At that point you speak to your true self without a concept of time. That means if you want to lose weight you don't say "you're going to lose weight". Instead you say "we are in the best shape of our life and only make good choices". Changing that mindset and "gaslighting" yourself is step one of unlocking your potential to do things others thought were highly difficult. Extrapolate to other things.
Instead of trying to summon fire on day one focus on making yourself sweat on a cold day or feel cold on a hot day. When you can master that body control then maybe you can do the flashy stuff. But by that point you probably won't care about impressing a bunch of cattle that can't even tune out the external voices and control their destiny.
Walk before you run and stop asking pro runners to prove that an 9.6 second 100m dash is possible. Magic and spiritual advancement are not of the physical world and so you won't find your answers anywhere but inside yourself.
Share the meme?
Who said magic needed to be wonderful? These magic rocks are taking over the planet and your life is irreparably different as a result of us discovering their mysteries. Cry about it.
That's not the goal. The goal is to make your beliefs active and give them real manifestation. Read some books before you spout this ignorant drivel.
>Who said magic needed to be wonderful?
By definition magic is an opposite of mundane, otherwise it could be said that all of existence is "magical", which is simply bland cope, like most of mysticism and doesn't mean much. Magic is an act of limitless, boundless change enacted upon the world by someone's will. And since I don't see fireballs flying around, I pity the world inhabited by such puny wills.
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The entire core of law of assumption is that all of existence is a magical projection of the mind and that you control reality through your perception and expectation. So life is terrible because you need it to be to complete your mask and satisfy your ego.
The magic exists wherever you want it to or not. Swim with the current or drown in it. Makes no difference to me.
Me? I'm king of my universe and God himself shines on my existence.
All is mind, but “you” are not in full control
>you control reality, but fireballs are off limits
>actually I don't even need fireballs, magically toiling in a magical routine life is good enough, chop water carry wood haha
Yes, pure mystical cope.
I cast flammenwerfer
That's cool, anon. Care to post a video from your reality showing some of that magic?
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I didn't say fireballs are impossible. I'm not that anon. I'm telling you that you can't even control your body to not be a pessimistic fat fuck because the outside voices have full control over you. But at the same time you want to influence outside particles and convince them to combust.
Maybe walk before you fly a rocket, retard.
I focus mostly on sex magic so obviously no. My magic is blowing my wife out with orgasms that probably shouldn't be physically possible and using her as a conduit to the astral realm when she's lost in orgasm. Powerful stuff. Basically just using it for health and happiness. Abs for the first time in my life and all of my health checks are spotless so I guess it
Like I said, magic and spirituality are personal journeys. If you want to shoot fire and levitate then focus on that. But you can just grab a lighter and it might be quicker. Why do you insist to go against the flow of everything instead of using that flow to your advantage?
So ... you can't actually provide evidence for any of your claims?
>blowing my wife
Truly a wizard
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The evidence is that I'm happy and life is going exactly as I want it to. What do you want proof of exactly? That I've got abs, a big dick that I can use like a pro, financial freedom, a clean bill of health, and a happy marriage with a highly active sex life? That I've finally silenced the destructive voices in my head that used to hold me back from my dreams? That I achieved all of this through deep meditation and communing with the absolute to understand the truth of reality? These are the things I've always wanted and I have them all because of the energy I radiate into the world.
How would I even begin to "prove" something like that?
You're asking for a materialistic proof of something not of the physical world. Do you accept marvel movies as proof of 10 foot tall purple aliens? Proof is worthless. You're on /x/ not /sci/.
>no, I can't provide evidence for my claims
Oh, okay. Thanks anyway.
Those types of feats are only called magic in fantasy literature, don't blame others because you take your expectations from anime.
Alright, can you demonstrate some types that are real magic?
To gaslight a person is to try to convince them that they're crazy. So to "gaslight yourself" would be to try to convince yourself that you are crazy. But surely convincing yourself that you are sane, that you are in harmony with the nsture of reality, that you are capable of things that you had not dreamed of, is magic.
Sure, i just need you to draw a made up symbol on a piece of paper, take a picture of it and post it. If you're up for that low effort engagement and simple instructions i can show you.
Of course. But before I go through with this, could you tell me more about it. What's the process and expected outcome?
It's not on me to prove that controlling your subconscious leads to better outcomes in all aspects of life and that all magic practice starts there. If you can't even understand that level then you're not ready for muh lightning bolt meme.
I ritualized my remote viewing, which was fickle and unreliable at first, now it's completely reliable and reproducible after improving it with magic. I can also expand its functions by adding new elements to the ritual.
Just follow through without expectations. I'm not that anon but I'm interested to see what he does.
Oh, so post the image without revealing the symbol then?
No, post the made up symbol so i can use it in the ritual to establish a decent link.
SIGH.... DAY 973 MANIFESTING [baseline goal normal people get without any effort]...
*leaves bedroom and puts in tiny amount of actual tangible effort towards achieving goal*
*achieves goal*
Holy FUCK guys magic is real!!!
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Ok, i'll be back in a few minutes.
Would you have achieved any of it without the focus and manifesting to build confidence for your broken psyche to accept success when it comes to you? Or would you be a defeatist cuck and dismiss it as a trick of the universe just waiting to see you fail?
So you're telling me that I managed to get out of bed and take a shit because magic?
If prior to it you found it difficult or impossible to do those "basic" things and now you can? Then yes.
Isn't that just determination?
>"No, but you can gaslight yourself!"
Somewhat of a cope. While most spiritual traditions worth anything are actually more about cange of perception, oneself and approach toward the world, the expanded awareness, understanding and "spiritual authority" will come with a bag of interesting experiences and possibly some, less or more random and hard to utilize abilities.

The problem for most clueless, wannabe, weekend witches is that the pursue of such arts FOR the sake of powers is pretty much guaranteed to be a rough ride at best and a waste of time despite years of practice more likely - one, because you first need the abovementioned changes in oneself to do stuff, and two because a lot of progress in such arts depends on your attitude, qualities, what you represent with yourself as a person - base, simplistic, ego-driven desires of material reality of fame, recognition, money, control, recognition will push you toward that reality. You have to still such desires are the main drive of yours if you want to be pushed (or rather, given a chance to slowly lift yourself) toward the divine.

Yes, that's the irony of it. About the only people who actually get cool stuff out of it are those who don't do it for the cool stuff, keep to themselves, care about more subtle, yet ambitious things. Those who do it all for power get little to none, and whatever they get they either have to crawl toward over hardships or may need to pay for later on.
Why do some people have more power of determination than others? Why do fat people exist if it's just "determination"? Just will yourself to learn the things you need to learn. Do the things that need to get done. It's that simple right? Not like you're fighting an unseen part of your mind that 99% of people don't even acknowledge but that controls almost all of your choices.
>desires are the main drive
as the main drive*
Sorry for repetition and mangled sentences. About to lie down to sleep.
So it's psychological?
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Perceived reality is 100% psychological. Your mind is the conduit that you interact with reality through if reality even exists. With that in mind there's nothing that is impossible in that sense. But you're asking to warp the fabric of reality around you when you can't even will yourself to clean up and get out of bed. Walk before you run.
>Cool, can I teleport, levitate objects, and shoot fire from my hands?
You can in a lucid dream in your 4th density body.
Yes, and more. I took a piece of leather in a dream and made it grow itself as a crystal into a pair of leather pants. Then I got my sword and turned it into a lightsaber, and channeled all the frequencies of light until I saw light as a spiral of energy.
Then I flew up to some treetops and jumped around until I saw a bamboo fort someone had made. I went down and they said they were being attacked. I saw a treebeard type entity with hostile intent comin to attack so I shined my lightsaber at it and cut the hostility away.
I guess the downside is I should have tried talking to the tree because I could have calmed it down that way and had a cool tree friend.
Then I examined the lightsaber, and it had a full stack of flip opening to access the crystal, a full turbine generator in the handle. Then I mutated it back into the form of a sword and returned it behind my back spinal energy vector where I keep it.
>in a dream
Yea, dreams are the wider universal reality. You live in a single reality, rather than in hundreds or thousands, and your inability to see that for what it is, is why you don't do any magic.
Many beings in the other realms are aware of this one, but everyone here seems like they are only aware of this one.
If magic was real, wouldn't interdimensional travel also be real? So all the beings who learned interdimensional travel go out and explore a universe full of magic and wonder, while all those who can't read between the lines of this world as its presented to them by culture and language are stuck in their limitted viewpoint. Magic is about expanding the mind until its capable of feats of perception considered extraordinary or impossible to normal people.
If you expand your awareness to the point where internal to your being you can see true color perception of the universe, and then fly through effort and force of will into that universe of consciousness, that is flight. If you think that flight is when you live in this universe, see only this realm, and can only fly through the air in this timeline, then you might as well just get a helicopter or airplane.
Magic would break this world, and the more you learn of it the more your consciousness breaks the rules, but the universe was designed so that when you break the rules of this world you go into another full of beings who are capable of withstanding and contending with your power, rather than having you use it here to dominate them for no good reason.
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Think of it this way. The wealthy and powerful of this world have practiced magic explicitly for thousands of years. They make no secret of the magical imagery in their monuments, regalia, and rituals. Queen Elizabeth wasn't walking around shooting fire balls. The magic is getting millions of bongs and other people not even under the crown to respect her as some powerful person despite being a literal who with no power at all. The result is that the royal family is respected and well taken care of by the peasant class despite them having zero obligation to do so.
You can rationalize it however you like but the people are under a massive spell that compels them to provide respect and wealth to a family of people protected by a specific magical crest and set of rituals.
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Fake n gay , this one is real
Can't rush greatness. I'm still interested to see it. There was a remote viewing anon from a while back that was scarily accurate to his target.
Do you keep a dream journal? I've been off and on again with one throughout the years, and every time I start trying to write again I get really vivid dreams that relate to reality far too much.
Last night I was hunting down a giant jellyfish, chasing it down into a cavern. When I reached the entrance to a bigger section, I stopped for a bit to jump across some stones while carrying my backpack in my arms, only for 2 other people to run next to me without being as careful as I was, splashing water my way. I shake my pack a bit and kneel down to gather some items from inside.
Standing up and putting it back on, I find it's raining and now I'm jogging down the street I jog every other day, except it's longer than normal. I don't really mind it as I'm wearing a set of clothes that repel water pretty well.
Come to find this morning that there's going to be an open beta test for Monster Hunter Wilds (my wife and I play a lot of MonHun), and there's a high chance of heavy rain on the day I go out jogging.
>draw a simple symbol
>makes a star that has 1 extra chromosome
good luck anon >>39098479
, he could have made it easier for you by drawing a more unique symbol , but hey appreciate his effort nonetheless.lol
Every symbol is unique to each individual
still looks like a deformed chip
I used to for about 3 years. I had about 2-5 lucid dreams per night, but I was waking up multiple times per night to write them down. I started using drugs a lot so I stopped the dream journaling. I stopped using drugs, but I still have lucid dreams almost every night ever since, even though I don't write them down anymore. I do spend time thinking about my dreams after I wake up though. I found that if I put effort into observing my subconscious, paying it attention, it rewarded that attention with more of itself.
I pretty much treat dreaming as a real thing, but I try not to get too attached to the scenarios presented within dreams. Those are usually fabrications, and breaking free from whatever dream narrative exists and using magic or doing my own thing instead seems to be very useful as far as lucidity is concerned. That being said, I try to treat dream entities as conscious beings who I don't want to hurt. Its unfortunate when I use violence anyway, but I try not to hold it against myself if it happens, and just forgive and move on.
I did find dreams can be pretty much whatever you want them to be. I was trying to dream on the couch once, and I dreamt my brother came up the stairs and walked across the living room, then about a minute later that exact event occurred. Dreaming can perceive this world, but it can be difficult to perceive it accurately.
I usually try to get away from this world though, and go to other planets or worlds where I can work magic more easily.
Magic isn't real.
It's all raw hallucinogenic creation.
The 10^80 particles in the universe serve as reality anchors, the 0th shield.
The demiurge didn't do anything wrong. There's a lot of suffering in material reality, but there's also suffering in immaterial reality except there's no anchors or control. Imagine torturing your loved ones not because you wanted to but simply because you imagined it and because you imagined and had a reaction to it, you keep on reimagining it in a self-perpetuating cycle. And you can't even know if it's a "real" consciousness of a loved one or just a fragment of yourself you conjured up. The impressionable impressing on each other in a vicious circle.
The demiurge solved this issue with a creative experiment, involving mass enslavement/control of souls forcing them to hallucinate in a controlled and consistent manner. They basically all bind each other with minimal creative consciousness, instead being focused on causality and math. It's more like countless souls agreed to participate in an experiment and this is the outcome, but now they are stuck ( persistency was the entire point ) because they literally can't think about not being glorified calculators.
Some of the remaining free spirits or those that escaped the bondage thinks material reality sucks because of the limitations and causal nature, and that the demiurge is evil. Most aren't even conscious enough to have an opinion.
Dreams happen on the 2nd-4th layer. Dreams are "real". Dreams happen because life results in the machine spirits regaining their consciousness ability to varying degrees. Which means the hallucination creation energies begin to run amok again. But it's contained, because of all the reality anchors.

If you've ever had a nightmare and not enjoyed every moment of it while experiencing it, you're not cut out for immaterial reality and your yearning for imposing your will on the material is a childish delusion.
magic is very real, only i feel the word doesnt quite fit.
its more like a language, a breeze, an element.
you would not say aaah yees, i OWN these..but you can only mend it. yes
and that thing with the teleporting, or levitating objects...i did some pretty inexplicable mundane stuff and damaged others too and i would not say i had "higher vibrations"
but in that moment it broke, i damaged, and its bad and makes gaslighting necessary enough
Ah, too raw- i don’t want to talk about it
>lets talk about it
2sensi for this world
I hope someone is looking after Bianca Censori btw #thxgirl
She’ll b back bb
Magic is 100% real but 99% of fumbducks on 4chinz will ever have the grammatical prowess to truly explain why. No, fireballs are not real. Nay, levitation be not as well. Simple minded fools are simply simultaneously incapable of entertaining or explaining the nuance of such a subject. The fact that you cast aside genuine expressiveness of divine faculties in such significant linguistic exercise as naught but ego only makes your own narcissistic desire for apathy and complicitness more evident. Many will seek gold, yet only few will be found by it.
>will ever
will never*
there is no muh lightning bolt meme you fucking larpfag. kabbalistic purification of the soul and the subtler rituals which influence mundane chance are the only real magic.
And yet you have no explanation, demonstration, evidence or experience.
Nothing but words.
You claim your "grammatical prowess" makes you special to cole with the fact that you are a loser.
You're right about one thing: this board is filled with complete morons. What you from to realize is that you're one of them.
>Muh Jewish nonsense.
>Muh statistical noise.
Thankfully magic is fake, as the people who desire it are pure scum. Metaphysical rapists (Injecting muh willy into the world.)
Just two more weeks, anon.
This actually
Magic is absolutely real, yes even teleportation, levitation and fire from bare hands
Skeptics wont see it though because its outside their experiential range. You cannot perceive what you're not the vibration of. If you're asking these questions then you may be able to perceive this text I've written here in this post. But to go the full distance and actually see these magical feats and experience them in reality, you must believe in them to the point of knowing that they exist, not just in computer games and other media such as "fiction" stories, but as a reality which can be experienced fully, even by you. I know that anything imaginable exists, in some way shape or form. Get in the correct vibrational state and shift to a different worldview. That's when the magic really happens.

TLDR; SKILL ISSUE - Magic can work if you believe in it and train for it, its a skill.
You don't know shit.
You don't do shit.
You don't care about shit.
You can't talk about anything meaningful in your life.
So you cope with shitty stories.
All of this.
Just use the psychonaut field manual for a few weeks and see for yourself
>can I teleport
>levitate objects
>shoot fire from my hands
No, son. It is desire that keeps you away. You are so clouded you cannot see your own fingers.
>I hate /x/ and don't believe in true philosophical introspection, so I obfuscate by writing creepypastas like a faggot
I read this as a conversation between Homer Simpson and Mr. Burns.
>thread is now filled with walls of text coping that it's impossible to magically cast physical, visible to everyone and affecting everyone physically fireballs, but ACHOUALLY it's a good thing because reasons
Apparently we won't have nice things until we strange the last buddhist with the guts of the last abrahamist.
>By definition magic is an opposite of mundane
the mundane is magical
People confuse real magick with popular culture, entertainment, and stage magick. Flashy pop media magic is Imagination - what we'd like it to be! Harry Potter for instance, has only a couple of things that could be reworked, and the greatest piece of magick isn't with wands, it's the purpose of the Tri-Wizard Tournament itself! In fan-fic magick, it's an Initiation of Aurors (HP became an Auror) and a hard lesson of betrayal. (Bring together three "schools" of magick to....)
The best Russian Telekinetic practitioner could only move tiny things by using an extreme amount of effort. Levitation is a stage magic trick, and if you're going to throw fire use a flame thrower! Teleportation is only a pipe dream except for quantum things, but astral travel isn't. You can visualize throwing psychic fire, but that's not what you're looking for, is it? Getting some spirit to do these useless things is expensive, and I don't mean in cash.
Why would you want to shoot fire from your hands?
Not really. Magick and the mundane can both be a part of the whole ceremony. Change probabilities, and then make real your choices that you've created with either a mundane or ceremonial follow through.
Come on, man
I think anon showed the other anon a cursed sigil designed just for him and he died. A man was murdered in this thread.
this. we have to try
It's in the literature! You don't know if it's real until you've attempted to use it! This isn't something you accept with Blind Faith like some other things I could mention! Study, but don't believe in too much!
Dismissing imagination and "what we'd like it to be" as something insignificant is one of the first faults on a path of magic.
so heres the problem with that, i've tried that, unforunately everytime I do try that I feel like i'm becoming sick, in fact the last time I did try that was 2 days ago, and I woke up feeling dizzy from trying it, almost like the oppisite is happening when I do attempt. I find when I just stop giving a shit and focus on things that make me happy make me feel better. Telling myself "you're healthy" makes the oppsite happen to me.
The technique literally does not matter. You're still visualizing and manifesting a reality where you are "happy" and by extension healthy. Unless you feel happy when you're unhealthy. The specifics are yours alone but it still works. Placebo effect is like 30-50% of a medicine's efficacy.
So people that are religious and pray to god, how come they have the toughest lives? Is it cause they believe so hard in that shit?
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What you should be asking yourself is,
>Do I believe magic is real?
>If it is real, how do I believe magic to manifest in this reality?
>Where does that image come from? Why would it present itself that way here?
>If it's not real, what has led me to believe this to be the case?
>Why do I even want to confirm if it's real? What do I get out of it?
>If maybe it's real, what would I want to obtain if I could use magic?
>Are there any practices that won't waste my time and resources that I could try out?
Trying to get an answer from others to prove what you don't already believe in is a waste of time. Those of us who've taken the time to practice realize what you are doing; most answers aren't for you, they're for those who will understand and will look to learn, you serve as a stepping stone, so be proud you're not completely useless at least.
If you believe, you know from personal experience that it works. If you don't believe, you know from personal experience that it doesn't work for you. One won't invalidate the other. Nobody can change what you believe, only you can change you. It has to spring from an individual change in belief.

Or just say I'm larping. It doesn't matter. I'll just go back to levitating while shooting fireballs at crackheads, and not provide any proof that I can just to irritate you. Later, magiclet.
Who says they have "the hardest lives"?
I do.
Anon, nobody's going to leap mountains and bend over backwards just to prove to you something that should be inherent to your understanding if you have truly read and considered the sources that are shared here 25/8. If you just dismiss everything that's your own fault.
Energy manipulation is one of the most common forms of practical magic (reiki/qigong/breathing techniques/etc). Fireball can, then, technically be created by pulling monstrous amounts of energy from surroundings (everything hotter than 0K has energy) and condense it into a small ball in front of you, then launch it in a desired direction with your will. It has to contain enough energy to not burn out on its way and to cause impact (explosion). It should be stable enough to travel safely through air but volatile enough to explode against solids/liquids, igniting flammable materials because it gives off so much heat that the triangle of fire (fuel-oxidant-combustion temperature) is completed. So you need to pull enough energy from the surroundings that the fireball temperature is at least a few hundred degrees, better if it's >1000C. It will also most probably rapidly lose energy as it moves forward so you need even more energy to launch it over greater distance. You also would have to isolate yourself, otherwise you would sacrifice your own energy into the fireball and lose body heat. If you want a stream of fire, however, it seems easier to convert water into H+O and ignite the mixture while forcing it forward. But it requires a water source (preferably not you). Telekinesis/levitation is air manipulation, playing with air pressure around your target.
Tldr it's plausible and technically possible, but requires lots of practice and development of techniques and methods that could be used at will, e.g. in unexpected fight. And you'll have to trailblaze the whole thing since nobody seems to bother or if they do they keep quiet about it for obvious reasons. But energy work is where I'd start. First in yourself, then in other living things, then in the "inanimate" objects.
Well consider that you're wrong and people's happiness comes in different forms. People worth millions are some of the least happy people on earth.
Undiluted cope which stems from a false notion that "material world is le evil", mostly influenced by Abrahamism as well as oriental teachings. This notion is also the root of religious people's mental and spiritual misery, those at the exoteric side of it at least.
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Maybe I should have used imaginary...
>Cool, can I teleport, levitate objects, and shoot fire from my hands?
yes, you can
Does gaslighting yourself count as magic? I must be a mage
They made their lives harder for believing in that shit. Their prayers were to the wrong 'god'
>your yearning for imposing your will on the material is a childish delusion
Archon hands typed this post.
>spirit dungbomb
>destructo piss
>big bang attack
>final splash
>"Special beam cannon"
It's because they pray to God and expect God to do all the work for them all the way through, and because praying to God makes them a target for demonic tomfoolery.
You see, since the time of Atlantis,
A binding spell was pun on the earth
Which made magic virtually impossible
Only a special few are capable of aformentioned feats
How do you know all this you ask?
Trust me
i don't get that, why would praying to a god cause demonic tomfoolery, wouldn't not praying do that? shit doesn't make sense to me.
Abracucks are retarded, to them everything is le demons, and le demons are le ebil so they are trying to sidetrack inferior puny humans on every step. If you don't pray to God of Foreskins, le demons attack you because you are not protected by him. If you do, they attack you because you took his side. Abracuckery is based on terror, humiliation and self-humiliation (fear of god is literally their highest "virtue") to keep its adepts in line and keep them from asking questions like yours.
It makes you a target for malicious entities, both incarnated and spiritual.
Yes, if you're especially upright and pious zealot He'll gamble that you won't curse Him and die when His good old buddy The Bad Ol' Deb'bil, ha Satan, is allowed to destroy your life, but not kill you! He'll handicap Himself to make it "fair"!
>Cool, can I teleport, levitate objects, and shoot fire from my hands?
Breaking their thumbs because punching Iike a girl is the closest thing a 4chan troon can do like a woman?
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>The "gaslighting", mostly. The burn is in your mind
>By definition magic is an opposite of mundane

It wasn't historically
Magic is real
do some magic, anon
What if you make the fireball so stable it simply bounces off your target and falls to the floor? That would be pretty amusing.
It blows my mind at how retarded you would have to be to fall for that vid
It reminds me of people when you tell them you're a PhD in biology, and they challenge you with the most absurd thing like "tell me all the molecules involved in breaking the dormancy of sunflower seeds, you have 10 minutes".
You can do all those things, but it's not wise to do it.
This kind of deflection is exactly why all people who claim to practice genuine magic deserve nothing but ridicule
You can somehow circumvent 2nd law of thermodynamics temporarily, but you can't break it (unlike human jurisdiction "laws", natural laws are immutable) so eventually, and pretty soon actually, your fireball will give off all energy to the surroundings at an insane rate (because the surroundings are usually colder than 1000 degrees Celsium and so would absorb energy), which implies immolation, smoldering and/or explosion.
>"Magic is REAL!"
Explain me consciousness
Why can I, influence someone?
What is electrons?
What is energy?
>"It's like le laws and they like work or somuthing, so they say"
Amazing, truly.
Science is literally a product of magic.
I even think it's the same thing. Fuck, we can change matter, control the development of our cells, change the prime directive (DNA) of living beings. It's literally magic, but we can explain it and see how it works.
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Magic only exists in highest levels. You could say that this world is a magicless product of magic that works on magic. In it's base we are magicless, but if we can get access to this reality foundation then we will access the true magic.
Real life magic examples:
>internal monologue
This is an additional source of sensory stimuli like hearing or sight. Experienced monologuemancers can manipulate this stream by redirecting it, amplifying it or suppressing it entirely.
Conjuration of imagery is a powerful tool for the discerning mage. This can range from summoning simple two dimensional forms into view to complex multidimensional spaces or representations of data. These can be useful on their own, but the to the strongest mages visualization and summoning into reality are one and the same.
>memory recall
This is the same as using a crystal ball to gaze into the past.

Remember, many people cannot access one or more of the magic schools listed above. Low mana plebs simply cannot understand
Yeah, I understand what you're saying, but I think every rule has its exceptions.

As above, so below
You have to believe it in order fot it to exiist.
>Cool, can I teleport, levitate objects, and shoot fire from my hands?
descendants from Cain lineage cannot use magic, unless by associating with demons.
True Arians are blessed by God, and can use magic for the benefit of mankind.
Instantly dismissed.
So it's a grenade
>Cool, can I teleport,
car, rocket engine
>levitate objects,
>and shoot fire from my hands?
drugs and/or gun
It means you're wasting your time and you can't face up to that realization.

That's literally it.

Honestly, everybody in your life would tell you the exact same thing if they knew what you're secretly doing in your room instead of getting

But you have just barely enough self-awareness to hide it from people in real life.

Just...not from us, for whatever reason.
All of these things you don't know how to build yourself.

People with skills they worked on are magical or whatnot, sure.

But not (you).

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