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The reason the truth about aliens is kept in secret is because something about them must be society-collapsing in terms of their understanding of god, the afterlife, and the universe.
Society collapsing for those square ass boomers maybe
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While this prediction of weeks to months failed, everything else about this post stands true.
It is said that Jimmy Carter cried when they told him the truth about Aliens.
everyone assumes aliens, but it goes beyond that.
the truth is reality is a simulation, completely beyond our control. there is no heaven, there is no hell, there is no karma. this alone will make anyone who is religious depressed (which is statistically most of the world), because it means there is no absolute love, no one gets punished for their bad deeds, there is no heaven or peace after death, that all the worship etc, etc.
nothing you do matters and anything you do means nothing. people will go crazy over this fact because it means there is no reason to have any morals. so you might as well rape, torture, kill, steal, for nothing more than a temporary gain of dopamine. after all, why not? their emotions are fake and it's no different from killing an NPC in GTA.
the fact that they think everyone will go crazy over this disclosure means they have some proof beyond all doubt that we're in a simulation.
It is really simple. The ayys are against Abrahamic religions and have proof they are full of shit. They don't pull their punches when telling people either. Imagine if a telepathic message whose meaning boiled down to "God isn't real" with irrefutable proof that this message was true baked in was broadcast to all 8 billion people on the planet at once.
It’s all bullshit. Society would move on like it always does. Christians will reason it away, so will atheists and everything in between. People care about fucking the hot chick at work or buying a house or graduating college to get a good job to buy a house to fuck the hot chick in
Aliens will never change that
>needs a hell to feel love
you’re weak minded
most people already know abrahamic religion was created to control us
The only people shocked at this point would be over 100 years old
>god isn’t real
None of the alien books or channelers are saying that though. You glowies need to start getting your message out so you can create your next cult of control
Don't let the lifestyle drag you down, who knows when the last time was you felt the Love?
>aliens are real
>they have been sockpuppeting human society just outside the solar system for the past several hundred thousand years, guiding our evolution autonomously via Artificial Intelligence and bioengineering, tailoring the flora and fauna to the planet so we adapt.

>we are almost ripe for harvest, not unlike cattle.

What would a cow do, having been shown the slaughterhouse?

It’s more fun to opine about what the ayys would plan to do in the first place. Anyone have any fun speculation about how it all goes down?
I think we’re valued for our genetics first and our meat 2nd
The gene market is prime honestly, one of those things that takes a looooong time. Akin to aging wine.

Imagine for a moment the purpose of Covid was to devalue human gene stock so that we wouldn’t be subject to harvest due to contamination, or something.
Real question is why the hell Ayys would bother with such a convoluted and stupid plan to begin with, given the vast expanse of the cosmos.

The whole "farm" thing is just fucking stupid in my opinion. There's zero need for humans to exist at all in such a scenario.
The reason is the telling you would cause a change in the nature of reality such that we would never come back unless you go my way

Because there is no magic technological mcguffin that solves everything, and realistically things take copious amounts of time and resources.(the universe is a zero sum game too)
You could just eat eggs and honey with a multivitamin your entire life, and read one book/listen to one song/watch one movie while endlessly permuting interpretation but I am pretty sure you don’t want to do those things.
Because he asked to see and they told him to fuck off
I think the exact words were "you get nothing"
It's the loosh that we pump out through our complex and powerful emotions. The typical way of farming it is through the life/death cycle. It usually cannot be harvested until a creature dies. With the spark of the divinity within us, we pump out loosh even without dying. Why they want that loosh, or what it does for him, I'm not sure.
farming loosh requires a soul to torment
not necessarily true. monroe said loosh(lifeforce) radiates out from out planet like a waterfall and that beings immerse themselves in it. It doesn't have to be malevolent, it could be like heat.
>it means there is no reason to have any morals. so you might as well rape, torture, kill, steal, for nothing more than a temporary gain of dopamine
Weak. I haven't believed in God or karma for over a decade. Virtue is inherently valuable, and not destroying the autonomy of others is how I would like others to do unto me.

If this is all it would take for the world to descend into hell on Earth then let us be done. I have more faith in mankind.
Yeah, but that powerful loosh is only due to us humans. Before that, the lesser life, death was required, and the loosh was unrefined.
yea, it's like farming loosh is only economical if it's concentrated by conscious beings first.
But why would this cause ontological shock, global depression, and massive suicide? How would this version of reality fuck everyone up?
You ever see the movie Cloud Atlas? The scene where Song Mi is shown the truth about the process of Exultation, its enough to mindbreak many.
Hrm, I guess. I struggle to grasp it because my understanding of reality is currently very malleable.
That still doesn't explain the necessity for humans, as opposed to a much more easily controlled and servile non-sentient species.
If you have access to the cosmos then you can grow shit in labs without a problem, or otherwise engineer precisely what you need.

That's nothing more than silly anecdote and projecting human traits, which are intrinsically connected to our environment, onto another species.

Sadly, this is the only one that can make some sense, however, their method still seems needlessly convoluted and silly. There has to be much more pragmatic and practical ways to achieve such an objective. It would also be in their best interest at all times to keep us as stunted as possible intellectually and technologically, so that their plans don't deviate from expectations.

While I get that, where I disagree is the system in place. It's too messy and not at all streamlined for functionality.
I do, actually, believe there are entities that exist that may feed off of more ethereal forms of "energy," however, where I wholly disagree is that they're actually "in charge" or have dominion over our planet and species. There's little evidence to support this. If anything, they seem to have a more parasitic relationship.
I think the masses are going to be pissed that we wasted decades of gatekeeping a tech that could have solved most of our problems.

Fed psyops
>"Feds say aliens will cause societal collapse"
>yeah sorry we lied profusely about ayys from every angle possible
>we lied about fictionalized ones existing
>we lied about the real ones not existing
>we lied about woo fundamentals of consciousness
>we constantly made contact with malicious physical and nonphysical entities and covered it up
>we formed retarded cargo cults centered around them to control useful idiot assets
>but also drank our own kool-aid and LARPed Satanic because it got our federale dicks hard
>we planned to fake multiple apocalypse scenarios, stage false flag attacks by good ayys/Nazi breakaways/fake ayys for our own benefit
>we also planned to christen a world government with a fake holographic messiah or three, muh Ashtar Command Maitreya etc
>we have a North Korea tier pariah state relationship with the universe, self-Samson Option nuclear blackmail is why the ayys won't make open contact, not the Prime Directive
>but we had to do all of that, otherwise the Elders of Zion and Lockheeb executives couldn't pump infinite black budget funds into acquiring alien supercoke and prime clone farmed gurocunny
>we shouldn't even have to discloose this, if you don't like any of it you're literally siding with Hitler- woah woah woah WOAH are you starting to riot over this?? are those LYNCH MOBS forming?
>You can't do that, this is going to cause societal collapse!!! THE END OF CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT!!!!!!
you know it's true
The fraudulent debt-based money system is the root cause of our destruction — and the oeoole who control it.
>it was just a prank bro
Its what the swastika is actually used for.
To mark high energy sources.

Space jews feeding on our thoughts and emotions.
The UFO spaceships are totally hollow metal, and the bodies inside are completely empty husks made of organic material.

The U.S. government has never talked to aliens. They have no information regarding the nature of the technology of these ships. They know so little that this truth is what would cause what they fear. So instead they create a complex theater to fake it all on both sides. Even the leakers, the famous ones, were led by the nose to their revelation and what they saw. Secretly the government military can do a lot of the technology we imagine the aliens capable of, and that is used to push the theater.

The reason the truth about aliens is secret is because they themselves don't know the secret.
Does this explain the alpha team gangstalking me in the most intense, cosmic, psychic way..?
I thought it was because he's extremely religious and they said the god you pray to doesn't exist.
The aliens are biblical demons.
Of course they would say that.
except if biblical demons are aliens who happen to be fedora tipping materialist cunts in a universe where metaphysical phenomena and God do exist, while the angels are inversely deranged fundamentalists forcing humanity to follow a prophetic timeframe they invented no different from the Jews faking bullshit prophecies based on their lunar calendar except for their having greater power and technological advantage over us
>too messy
that's because there needs to be some illusion of freedom. a person born into the truth of slavery has a high threshold for emotional pain, whereas somebody who was pampered their entire life can be made to feel a greater depth of misery. falling from greater heights.
stop keeping secrets and you'll feel much better.
The only thing they protect is their own institutional power and economic interests.
It's already been shown (multiple times) that over 60% of the population believes NHI exist and that they've visited this planet at some point. To then say, "the ontological shock would cause social collapse!" is pure authoritarian power-fantasy and retarded government fanfiction to justify secrecy and continue to exploit for themselves knowledge and technology that should, by all rights, belong to all of us
They are not "rulers." They are not a modern day "noble class." They were never meant to serve as glorified "nannies." They should always, and were always, be "representatives" of the people who chose them. Nothing more and nothing less.
In that capacity, I'd wager the overwhelming majority of people would say they have failed and do not, in any way, shape, or form, feel like the people currently wielding institutional power are "representing" us.

Disclosure of life outside of Earth would not, in any conceivable reality, cause a collapse of the economy or society as a whole. Revealing the knowledge does not, again, in any way, shape, or form, somehow mean that disclosure and dissemination of technological assets must accompany it. You can tell the truth about cosmic/dimensional visitors while simultaneously keeping technological assets secret. I even wager most people would respect that position.
Either way, the knowledge of their existence will not pay your rent. It will not put food on the table. It will not cover your bills. It will not change your day-to-day life. People have more pressing concerns. Their indifference and apathy should have been made mostly apparent with the small tidbits released over the last several years.

At this point, any and all secrecy is only in the service of those in power; military contractors; and economic elites.
It has zero to do with concern for anyone else.
>your aliens are demons
>mine are angels
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Hal Puthoff talks about some gay glowie boomer brainstorm he was asked to take part in here where their conclusion was that disclosure would be bad across the spectrum.
>they look like monsters to you?
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Which ones? There’s probably countless different types out there.
This anon knows what's up.
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>we got high on adrenochrome and coke all weekend and decided it’s better for you guys to stay dumb
>for your own sake
>To then say, "the ontological shock would cause social collapse!" is pure authoritarian power-fantasy and retarded government fanfiction to justify secrecy and continue to exploit for themselves knowledge and technology that should, by all rights, belong to all of us
you forget
>if the political bogeymen like Ernst Zundel and the limited hangout men like Jason Rice are right, the absolute nemesis of the current economic-political system made contact first, got offworld first, forged legitimate relationships with other intelligent life first, told their version of the story to their new allies first, with glownannies and malicious backroom black project profiteers constantly playing catch-up while pretending everything is fine. I again make the North Korea comparison, we are utterly insulated from the outside universe by design.

Disclosure wouldn't be an ontological shock in terms of aliens existing, but of the fact that the government lied about something so gigantic for so long and in direct parallel to historical atrocity propaganda leading directly to the hated status quo, in which the victims of said atrocity propaganda are part of and victim to the former coverup

disclosure, in other words, inevitably means saying directly or indirectly that the Holocaust didn't happen, our leaders are all exactly who the Nazis said they were, that a space age future was stolen from us by those people, and that the Nazis are waiting in the wings to wipe them out the instant we start throwing up romans en masse and waving a great big 'WE CONSENT TO STELLAR INTERVENTION' banner

it's more than in their service, nondisclosure is necessary to stop them from being wholesale massacred and losing control forever. Why do you think ayys or 'ayys' are so concerned with fucking around with nuclear weapons, stopping would-be MAD scenarios, while the US & USSR/Russia+the rogue Israeli state are all concerned with finding plausible excuses to point nukes at everyone everywhere?
aliems are... le real
That's all based off a LOT of assumptions being true with limited to no evidence of that actually being the case.
Furthermore, just because they told the ayys their side doesn't mean they'd automatically accept it as fact and believe it by default. They've had more than enough time to observe and discern the truth themselves.

On top of that, steps have been taken at every stage to grant amnesty and legal immunity to current and past participants as long as come forward. Separate to that, I sincerely doubt the people would seek individual justice on their own over it.
Plus, we inevitably hit an absolute truth: this secret cannot be kept forever and there's a growing risk of other countries disclosing and exploiting that disclosure to their own benefit.

For instance, if sometime soon China decided to do their own version of "full disclosure," it would net them almost nothing but positive results on a global scale.
They'd be seen as great arbiters of truth looking out for the best interest of the species as a whole. On top of that, they would be in a position to essentially recruit the best scientists in the entire world to explore certain aspects of the technology they've recovered, which I suspect would be an exceedingly tempting carrot to dangle for many of the best and brightest, regardless of personal politics.
This would also only serve too further strengthen and bolster their position on the world stage and likely propel their economy forward by far more than most would think, since they're not tied down in the same way Western countries are.

The concern in the west has zero to do with the average person and more to do with legal and economic implications of disclosure. This is a huge ass anvil hanging around their necks that our adversaries don't have. Our politicians, corporations, contractors, banks, academic institutions, etc. are so myopic and obsessed with self-preservation that they've placed themselves into a permanent no-win situation.
>"our adversaries"
>muh geopolitics iz real in a world with zero-point tech
western Jewry set up Mao, the top levels are all on the same page consciously or unconsciously with only the middle management not knowing it's all kayfabe bullshit, and that page they're on is to permanently deathmarch civilization towards faux competing totally oppressive managerial social credit states with anti-disclosure nuclear dead man's switches
People will realize that you aren't your physical body. And people will want to commit japanese sodoku because they will be free. Once this goes mainstream.
Okay, in some circumstances alien societies cause collapse, but there are examples where they ignite improvement, and in those examples they are sacrificing their own benefits for the improvements of humankind.
I completely disagree. While I do believe there are certainly globohomo groups behind the scenes with a certain amount of power, I'd completely disagree that it's all one unified front where they all get along, sing kumbaya, and sit around plotting pointless theatrics all day long.
It's far, FAR, too much to manage and anyone who thinks otherwise is someone who has no concept of scale and the obscene number of people it would take to facilitate such a thing.

I think you've gone too far down the rabbit-hole into a paranoid fantasy-land and have lost sight of what's actually feasible and achievable in real life.
You've completely over-complicated things to an absurd level and overlooked that most things can be answered by the most basic of desires and behaviors: self-preservation, self-service, greed, and power.

The logistics it would take in your scenario would need tens of millions of people to pull off. It's silly.

>yfw humans are actually easy to control.
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chatgpt post
Yeah sure. When all else fails and you can't think of anything just default to stupidity and drool out "muh chatgpt!"

I'll take it as a compliment that you think I can articulate at a level of an advanced AI and simultaneously assume you have nothing else to add and would prefer to live in your self-created delusion. It's stupid to get butthurt and insecure whenever someone doesn't automatically agree with you and comes across as if you're functionally retarded in social interactions and dialogue.

Best of luck.
extra chatGPT post
>God isn't real
Well that's like your opinion man.

Plus there's a good chance that the aliens are lying, or they don't know any more about spirituality than we do but are too arrogant to admit it.

Throughout Asia a swastika on a map denotes a Buddhist temple. It also denotes a vegetarian food item or menu option.
There's a ton of secular people that already according you to you should believe that yet enjoy life and keep the wheels turning, albeit maybe a bit hollow sometimes.
If anything, the universe being a simulation means the potential for things like an afterlife and a soul and supernatural things are possible to those people again, and for the religious it might seem weird at first but God=the programmer is basically what most already believe, nothing actually changes as it could easily be phrased in a way they can adapt to.
I would think the more likely explanation to withhold would be that the ayys created/engineered us, or we are unwittingly their cattle, or something like that, simulation or not.
There are gods but not “God”
Their defintion of god is very very different from the abrahamic one. There's a pretty strong chance imo that the abrahamic god is a 5th density STS aligned with the draconians or something along those lines. I remember a thread, where a draconian starseed talked about abrahamic religion being a draconic construct to control the human population. That's why shellfishes aren't supposed to be consumed, according to the bible. I'll fish up this thread from the archives later.
I wish the Negumak came here, they'd fuck up the draconians nicely. Fuck the council with their non-interventionist bullshit.
I don't think so. South and South east asians hold such beliefs, yet they aren't -acking themselves.
The abrahmic "God" either exists but is malevolent or doesn't exist. God, however does exist, If you define God as infinite consciousness.
You’re acting like there’s only one type of alien.
>oh it’s all evil
Shut up
Nope? I mentioned the another alien species and acknowledged the galactic council of light. Gimme a sec, I'll try fishing up those links, from the archive.
I smell... I SMELL...

Also the whole aliens are le Demons thing is YHWH trying to stay ahead of the intervention that is going to occur. He is preparing his Golem army.
War is coming.
>surprise! nihilism!

>aliens outright refuse to tell people God doesn't exist
>give incredibly mixed messages about Jesus Christ, either saying He was just a dude, one of them, a hybrid
>never mention buddha, muhammed, or anyone

I don't think Jesus christ is one of 'em or a hybrid. He was "Just a dude", but so was buddha. I think gnosticism holds a lot of truth to it. More so than buddhism.
ok, but what compels aliens to come down to earth, say "God exists...but Jesus...He's a bit sussy..."

they never mention buddha, superman, or any other religious figure

>i'm gnostic

sorry to hear that
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>we formed retarded cargo cults centered around them to control useful idiot assets
>self-Samson Option nuclear blackmail is why the ayys won't make open contact, not the Prime Directive

All good. Without technical parity we should be space Norks out here on the ass end of this galaxy. It's likely whoever and whatever ayys are, some of them are at least genetic cousins. The 'developing' world of double digit IQ cases are irrelevant-- the civilized nations will handle it just fine: it's the financial markets they'd be spooked about going haywire, real coomer millenarian shit causing high time preference across the board. Quite frankly, who gives a fuck.

Entirely agree-- for the Devil's sake, I can imagine a situation where this is a space Versailles Treaty Germany interwar, a place of banishment after a lost war under certain local/solar system quarantine subject of some deep antiquity legal stipulations long since forgotten. The X Files lore arc approximates the gestalt-- if they are in any sense potentially among us or resemble us, a hyper paranoid level of compartmentalization would be required on top of a lot of kayfabe to maintain the appearance of sincere ignorance, on top of hiding actual technical capabilities building towards picrel to secure and (re)assert our species and planet/system sovereignty. Otherwise everything you said's perfectly valid and most likely the case.
They were interacting with western governments in the 20th century. Discussion of Muhammed and Buddha weren't relevant for their purposes. I believe karma as a concept is false. I'm not gnostic however, It's closest to the truth.
my grandfather worked high up in the military went from atheist to christian not a larp

to make a long story short it’s basically demons and they’re around us 24/7 and can appear any moment anytime anywhere. they are also real life info hazards meaning the more you know about them the more likely they are to show themselves to you

Vatican passed on rituals to the government that invokes grey aliens. the aliens know who jesus is and have a strong aversion to all abrahamic faiths. but claim it’s because they are lies. they get extremely angry when god is mentioned to the point where it’s actually banned to mention god in their presence. DMT realm is real and government can access it via a helmet that manipulates electrical waves in the brain whether the entities come from this realm or not is unknown but its been described as “junk code” by the aliens and “not important”

pretty much all mental illnesses are caused by these entities schizophrenia being the most obvious example

there’s a hierarchy to these entities everyone is possessed or as the government says “coddled” by hundreds of low level ones. many crimes can be attributed to them.
there is a terrifying and specific type of alien that can take any shape. animal, human, cryptid, even objects.

some famious serial killers were of this race the zodiac killer for example and also the son of sam
its also speculated that pol pot was of this race. its true natural form is indescribable gramps says to imagine a sentient shadow infused with the sun splashing around in every direction simultaneously while also spinning and phasing in and out of existence.

believe me or don’t i dont gove a fuck. all of this will be drip fed to society within the next 8 years. government doesn’t care who says anything now because it’s inevitable
>discussion of buddha and muhammed

both islam and buddhism are the most populous religions in this world besides christianity. yet, the aliums have zero interest in refuting or spreading confusion to these other religions. why?
Partially true but YHWH is in fact one of these parasites as well.
they have vastly superior modes of government which would render obsolete the current ones
>yeah we COULD be in the Star Trek timeline except with less faggot luxury gay space communism and more Iron Sky, but that might be dangerous if ayys aren't nice, it's better if kid fucking blood libeling glownigger Jews hold us hostage in total ignorance
>what do you mean the glowniggers have cargo cults around definitely not nice ayys where they share baby blood cocktails with a side of foreskin? here, let me LARP some space racism, that should give my specious argument credence
you're missing a digit or twos' worth of IQ here anon, you sure you ain't some kind of hive mind toe fungus that learned to work a keyboard
>aliums are so above us maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan they're like, totally like a race of carl sagans and neil tyson maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

it's just a little sus you know what I mean
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>hat a space age future was stolen from us by those people, and that the Nazis are waiting in the wings to wipe them out the instant we start throwing up romans en masse and waving a great big 'WE CONSENT TO STELLAR INTERVENTION' banner

There were actionable permanent moon base plans in the 1960s. The real crime of the Cold War was miscarrying the leap to space and mountains of resources & time just to fend off the most murderous regimes in history-- all preventable by FDR NOT unilaterally recognizing the Bolshevik government, which paved the road for total infestation of federal bureaucracy to the point where his cabinet is filled with them, and a handful are walked straight into the Manhattan Project, inaugurating nuclear proliferation to civilizational enemies-- that said, exoterrans cannot be trusted without technical parity. Defense is cheaper than offense, and we're probably not far off. But it is also a psychological hazard to count on Agarthan Tall Nordic cavalry riding Vril chariots out of inner earth to rectify the current state of affairs.

Red China are squinty Phoenicians with the actual potential to brute force their way into world hegemon status if left unchecked-- they're 'Celestials' and are making claims to the Moon and beyond as Chinese property. If any nation was going to go Turncoat, it would be the Chinamen jannying for prospective ayys.
You've got to consider the geopolitical climate at that time. Humans had developed nuclear weapons, and could wipe themselves out, any moment. Think of it from the perspective of say, a cattle herder realizing that his sheep had developed machine guns. They did not expect this shit. They had to strike deals with governments which had nuclear powers at the time, to prevent us from fucking up.
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>its true natural form is indescribable gramps says to imagine a sentient shadow infused with the sun splashing around in every direction simultaneously while also spinning and phasing in and out of existence.
I don't like where this is going
HP Lovecraft was describing real entities that were feeding on his loosh (his consciousness was artificially kept in a fear vibration by them).
lovecraft was a well-adjusted gentleman hanging out with his cat, niggerman
His writings are an example of effective shadowwork imo. Honestly for how badly he was targeted he really was pretty well adjusted. Most people at that level of loosh feeding are in an asylum.
Why him?
They target certain people with certain vulnerabilities like weak auras.
Its because the aliens have somehow come to your amazingly intelligent 16 yo neckbeard I read Nietzsche once philosophical understanding. Got it.
Thing is the ayys are actually really spiritually advanced (not fedoras) and know Abrahamism as a destructive ideology of death though.
yea, must be why they constantly bring up Jesus Christ
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>hasn't read a single abduction experience

reddit awaits
I have. They don't act like demons afraid of the name of Jesus they act like an advanced organic race afraid of a race that posseses nukes going Allahu Akabar on itself and others because it is controlled by an evil ideology. With that in mind they generally don't take about Jesus but Religion as a whole.
Boomers invented UFO mythology you dumbass
>something about them must be society-collapsing
Aren't news. If you ever read any of the channelled materials, NHIs are all preaching Idealism (aka Reality is a matrix simulation, mind-over-matter..etc.).
If this shit ever really goes mainstream, it would be the collapse of the current society because nobody would be wageslaving over materialism anymore.
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They’re honestly not smart enough as a generation to make it up
Realk talk a lot if the reason boomers are the way they are is because of lead exposure, which if you didnt know lead doesn't get released to the brain until later stages in life which is why them and older gen x are going full Drumpf retard mode. Who knows what long term affects microplastics and whatever else will have on new gens
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It’s over
>nothing you do matters and anything you do means nothing. people will go crazy over this fact because it means there is no reason to have any morals. so you might as well rape, torture, kill, steal, for nothing more than a temporary gain of dopamine. after all, why not?

Imagine >>39093013
being this presumptuous
Just wrong

This is just damage control in case funvaxx creates a world of sociopaths woops
>the fact that they think everyone will go crazy over this disclosure means they have some proof beyond all doubt that we're in a simulation.

No, why would you think that.
They want to be convinced that individuals can't handle freedom
This is an assessment that's consistent with the trajectory towards totalitarianism
>channelled materials, NHIs are all preaching Idealism (aka Reality is a matrix simulation, mind-over-matter..etc.).

Why would they preach an idea that justifies abuse of power and enslavement

People are legitimately retarded for falling for all of this baloney
> Aliens will cause societal collapse
Yeah no shit, the only people who thought letting in a majority of braindead muslims would be a good idea were socialists and people from the big nose tribe.
No one with a life gives a shit about autistic incels from outer space.
If they wanted to communicate something it would be done clearly and for all. They never had chatgpt or machine learning translation? They can travel across time and space but they can't do any better at sending a message aside from trampled cornstalks and mutilated cattle?

Utter bullshit. They're human.
China won't because they're cooperating with Fallen Grays, who don't want public disclosure.

China, Russia and the USA are in a time travel xeno tech arms race. There are multiple involved Fallen Xeno groups.

Obviously the Star Elders / Galactic Federation won't get involved in our wars other than to stop a full nuclear exchange, but they do want Open First Contact. The P'nti are pursuing it peacefully on Twitter now at @sandiawisdom, and Sasquatch is doing it innawoods and via Sasquatch Message. Many others, it's a grassroots thing, as the Veil thins and Earth's Ascension/Apocalypse approaches.
They stop nukes as well, how convenient

Oh but yikarooey other than that they can't interfere because uhhh

Well they know better of course

They're here to watch us suffer and be enslaved

And they'll wish you love and light and peace in every shit you take

But never expect anything but a bunch of mealey mouthed nonsense if you ask a question on one of their streams

"Ooh ooh ooh thats up to you we don't want to interfere unless it's to tell you to lie down and suck cock light and love raise vibration dont do anything you're not slaves uh it's a simulation it doesn't matter UNLESS you use nukes uhhh"
Fucking retarded that anyone buys this bullshit

Understand that now. This simulation shit is nonsense. My CFD models doesn't stop flowing and say OH HEY IS DIS A COMPUTER R U DADDY?
Our gods were created by human worship and Xeno intervention.

One way Xenos refer to "God" is as "the Ones" to signify that which they have found to be ineffably Divine in their investigations of the Cosmos. Different perspectives label it differently, hence the ambiguous plural.

Humans also worship this, of course.
>won't get involved in our wars other than to stop a full nuclear exchange, but they do want Open First Contact.

Do you realize how little sense that makes?

If the aliens exist, they're in cahoots with the powers that be, because they're linked somehow

These lazy mealey mouthed fucks would do something more than help grifters on YouTube

Ohh mooo they caaaant
Buuut guyyyys we wasnt to heeeelp

Then they should fuck off. If theyre so intelligent they'll know they're giving naive man children false hope
Right we can't do a damn thing without these assholes until we get nukes then they have to babysit us forever and give us useless hollow babble through a few very special people who are somehow in contact with these mysterious and totally unnecessary characters
Stop you Reddit spacing faggot
Yes aliens exist.
Some want this planet to be ruled by a class system.
Some want us to be a free and open society.
Right now the elites have a class system on earth
Oh dear society collapsing that is controlled by war mongering, pedophilic religious psychopaths hell bent on destruction of our planet and enslaving people. How terribly tragic we would loose everything that is so sacred!
Sucks to be wealthy and powerful when they can’t have child sex slaves
Yes, preserving the planet for the other sapients on it.

Many species self-extinguish; others pass the minimum bar to join the galaxy. Planetary autonomy is a galactic convention to limit interplanetary warfare.

The Star Elders take casualties to help Humanity, and have fought multiple wars to ensure our right to evolve freely. The genocide of Sasquatch's junior tribes from Earth's surface, their home planet, has gone unavenged. The victor of the War of Five Planets can easily free Earth, but will only do so with our consent. Here is the relevant timeline.

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>trusting glories
Seriously? Especially after that speech by Reagan?
Scripture like Revelations takes on a different context if you treat it as NHI factions fighting eachother. There is the Jesus NHI that probably created Humanity (and destroyed it a few times), that take a hands off/prime directive approach mostly and I guess want us to evolve as a species. The glowing orbs we see are a defense network that protect earth from other NHI. And there is the Demon NHI that want to suck out our loosh, and they try to infiltrate/corrupt Humanity. They're the ones that leave behind their craft, make deals to abduct us.
The Beast
reads like somekind of mothership that comes out of the ocean, that bypassed the Jesus NHI defense network and is really to take over. The Beast from the Earth is somekind of antichrist ready to make a deal with these aliens, and force everyone to take the mark. There are all sorts of weird statements in Revelation text like people will want to die but wont be able to, which make more sense from a high technological/NHI standpoint. Also heavy persecution of Christians unlike anything we've seen in recent history (literally bringing out guillotines). Imagine if the NHI from the Ocean promise paradise/eternal life but the deal is that there must be no more Jesus NHI aligned humans.
well if they say jesus was "just a dude" that would instantly validate islam.. thus there would be no reason to mention mohammed
this society should collapse. sooner the better
Sorry, I just have a friend who's been wrapped up in this stuff for most of his life. He never seems to do anything, lives in the middle of a high crime impoverished post industrial wasteland and expects society to collapse somewhat but thinks he'll be fine along with his fiance and stepchild. He had means to protect himself, but lost that privilege by stupid behavior.

I'm just wondering how so many people still believe someone is coming to save them.
I'm not much better because I'm not running off into the hills...instead I am sticking to an investment in myself which is actually consistent with a collapse scenario...if I'm good enough at my craft of course...and if there isn't another Carrington event
That's because "society" is about chasing after make-believe carrots like "money", playing play-pretend in courts and offices, and mutilating baby genitals on an industrial scale just to follow through ancient shit tests.

All taxes are and have always been unnecessary.
Logic is karma.
>I have a goose that lays golden eggs!
>Time to kill it in greed
Planned obsolescence -> eternal profits?
Eternal baby torture spiral + reincarnation -> happy happy joy joy?
Why do they care, to begin with.

Seems like a waste of time.
Genitalless parasites need a class system to enforce their will. Cloning doesn't work as well as they intended so they need a scapegoat race to carry the burden of their insanity, through hybridization.
Why is the continuation of bloodlines seemingly so important.
I can see why heirs might be needed to maintain order according to some chain-gang system that replaced trust with nerd or greed

But couldn't that be accomplished using surrogate children?

Or are there faction overlords who insist on bloodline continuation and intermarriage as a condition for stability
More bluntly I'm wondering if some related spiritual beliefs among a fraction of TPTB ...regarding soul reintegration or life beyond death, but through procreation.
Well, solar activity will continue to intensify and Earth's magnetosphere weaken until the electrical grid goes down for good, due to our local stellar cluster's transit of a region of charged dust called the galactic current sheet. I wish you survival and prosperity.
>. I wish you survival and prosperity.
Thanks, I wish you the same!
>nothing you do matters
now you are slunding religious. kek
Society has already collapsed without the fucking aliens
>The ayys are against Abrahamic religions

That's where you're wrong, some of the ayys are the progenitors of the abrahamic religions (as well as most if not all of the pagan ones). They will try to assert themselves as gods coming back, and that will the basis of why they demand that we listen to them. Remember what happened the last time humanity had high technology like the tower of babel? The ayys don't like that, they don't want us getting powerful enough to effectively fight back against them, but that's what happened with the development of the atomic bomb. That's why they appear around nuclear sites and demonstrate the ability to fuck with launch systems .The masquerade as if they are "preventing us from destroying ourselves" and ostensibly promote peace, but the reality is that they just want to make sure we have no real way to defend ourselves when they come back.

Fact is nukes are one of the few weapon systems we have that could actually do significant blows to UFO fleets. This is why Israel and Iran don't attack each other, they know that they'll need to combine nuclear forces when Yahweh/Allah/Jesus returns. Read Jorjani
>monroe said loosh(lifeforce)
Look up who coined the term Loosh and their works.
>without the aliens
silly human
>some of the ayys are the progenitors of the abrahamic religions

Yes, Yajweh's mission from Nibiru, 9 people, including Jesus.

Re nukes, what happened is we violated the galactic treaty against WMDs that has been observed for hundreds of thousands of years, causing many investigations of the very obvious emissions hitting their monitoring stations. This treaty/convention exists to prevent the use of planetkiller weapons used in a terrible interstellar war.

Also, we shot down and imprisoned the demilitarized native Terran Insectoid species at Roswell, forcing them to call upon their allies/superiors, who promptly submitted the USG.

Our nukes guarantee only that Fallen Xenos and their secret elite will dominate our governments. The Gray Agenda is 90% depopulation, and nuclear radiation doesn't bother their ancient hybrids much, veterans of countless wars. Even if it did, they would just clone more.
Jew lover
You didn't do shit schizo neckbeard
Eh. Either way I'm staying out of the way farming up etheric power, staying off the human cattle farm, enjoying the simple life, and of course toasting in an epic bread. Just kidding this thread is actually 7/10. If it happens though, and nothing ever does, I'll see you guys on /x/ as well as the astral. Worst comes to worst we will shift to the holy shitposter's timeline.
we should be firing nukes at all UFOs and interdimensional space stations. Teach those faggots who's boss
>OOOOOOOOOO take me to your leader or whatever.
>You humans should totally have a one world government and pay pollution taxes!
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would realizing the aliens were actually from earth cause a societal collapse?
Why do humans care about chicken farms? Eggs and meat
Every abduction is about aliens taking sperm and eggs.
Every military whistleblower who interacted with reptilians say they eat humans at underground bases
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>they’ve been here the whole time
>I don't think so. South and South east asians hold such beliefs, yet they aren't -acking themselves.
yeah, and it seems like even if you knew your soul would live on, you still only get to be physically real one time and briefly, so that should be respected and enjoyed.
I'm this poster
Your grandfather was right and most of what you posted is true as far as I know it.

There is also another aspect to it which is described in this thread.

The reveal is that there are 2 different types of "aliens" and neither of them are actually alien (as in from other planets).

people in the thread, me wrong all you want but I feel like I should try to post what I know to be true, since as anon says, this is slowly coming out anyway so I'm just sharing what my view is atm
>aliens will cause societal collapse

So we call the Jews aliens now?
You are anathema.
>microplastics and whatever else will have on new gens
We should just nuke each other because that's only thing that gets their attention.
You think we haven’t tried.
Would you let the cows kick down the barn? I swear you humans act like you run something. This planet is a fishbowl, Truman
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Good luck old MacDonald.

Some idle speculation:

Multiple sources concur that Earth's time is not synced to the rest of the galaxy, which is why it appears empty. For example, 2012 passage of Nibiru brought them into temporal or dimensional alignment with us. This probably helps explain why lithosphere and lunar Xeno facilities are phase shifted relative to our physical realm; they are already part of the galactic community. Also it's a security measure, obviously.

What I find intriguing is the possibility that this is a standard practice for junior Star Nations that have failed to achieve Advanced Civilization Level 0, in which the basic needs of all members of the species are met. When a one-world one-species meets this bar, it is invited to Open First Contact and temporally synced with the galactic community.

At least, that's how the Star Elders handle things. Presumably the Fallen have a less ethically demanding version, for species they've subjugated. AFAICT, Earth's coming solar-induced Ascension will break the temporal matrix regardless, whether Humanity is ready or not. The sheep will be divided from the goats.

I don't know whether Earth's temporal isolation is rare or common. But it would be an elegant Divine solution. Periodic Ascensions driven by the galactic EM clock or rotation through charged zones would clear the planetary surface in the physical dimension, allowing successor species to evolve.

The obvious reason alien contact will cause societal collapse, besides our fiat debt bubble, is that this Ascension process will probably render the physical surface uninhabitable and certainly destroy the power grid, causing massive depopulation.
>This planet is a fishbowl, Truman
why do you want to think this so badly?
is it better than realizing we're completely on our own in the face of nature? That we couldn't starve to death in a matter of weeks?
Because they lose the fake and gay control matrixes that they have been using to control us.

>pay for electric
Whoops, free energy
>pay for gas
Whoops, anti grav craft
Enlightened beings have no use for that
Have been lying to us this whole time and we finally have definitive proof

I for one can’t wait for the Fed bois to have their shit kicked in by higher realties.
How about this?
All you said, but in reverse. That reality is NOT a simulation beyond our control, but all the shit happening is 100% our fault and God is pissed.
Tbh most people already partly subscribe to your idea, there's rampant nihilism going on. But the realization and 100% proof that God is real would fuck with people more than anything else. There will be the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Could this be an alien caught on video? Nigga is eating nails. I don't think a real human could do this.

I thought it was Monroe himself who coined loosh?
Back then they were gods. It's more reasonable to appear as extraterrestrials in the modern era. They want to be worshiped while simultaneously hiding the fact that Jesus is God.
Why should people need god. just be better for yourself and for everyone else. Makes life it’s own reward.

Stop making fucking the excuses and just live in harmony with the now and all the others
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Sometimes the cat wins, sometimes the yarn.

There is certainly much manipulation of Earth's timestreams, but on the other hand primitive interstellar travel can reach us, so there must be a general alignment of the physical galaxy, subject to local variation. However even such "natural" visits must be "allowed", suggesting temporal curation.

Post Ascension is where the divergence is, and the great fear of being left behind by the consensus, in one's own bubble. Perhaps even for them, missing the consensus version means eventually being reset to try again.

Yajweh exhibited higher physical density, and originated from a planet with higher density of consciousness, a physical reality with spiritual attributes. I always wondered why he described our time as rushing past, but if he were split between multiple Earth timelines, that would make sense. It would be arbitrary to select just one. Yet how would he return?

It must relate to the process of locking in a consensus timeline and letting the others languish as probabilities. One Yajweh enters, one departs, but he is split into many while here. Linear time is a curated illusion. He was warned it was not too late to return and rule from his throne, but soon it would no longer be possible to go back.

That would explain "shut up and do your job if you want to go home." It was not merely a matter of transportation, which has many providers, but temporal reconciliation. He arrived immediately prior to the Minoan eruption, presumably a local timeline-unifying event, then branched out from there. Exiting might require a similar nexus.

Avoiding temporal entanglement helps explain Xeno skittishness and preference to intervene in isolated areas and/or after cataclysms, not before. Git repo management requires tying off loose ends before a merge.
I wish I could reply-all but most of these ATS-level and anti-alien Feds are a mix of 7th Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Sothern Baptists, and Rosicrucians
4 of the most wackadoo sects of Christianity
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The aliens understand that all existing political leaders are toxic psychopaths who are killing the entire planet, as such they refuse to deal with them. Almost all world religion and myths were created and propagated by the hostile xenos to farm human souls, which is what made Jimmy Carter cry when he was brought in. Both the xenos and governments are desperately trying to find the real leaders of humanity but they are all ghost operators due to the fact that 90% of humanity is destructive cancer that will kill them immediately upon discovery. The xenos have developed tech to save human consciousnesses and give us immortality, but they know if they release it now it will be stolen and abused by the cancerous elements of humanity.

As for interventionism, the Warriors of Light have made psychic contact with both hostile and friendly alien civilizations. Unfortunately we have had to come to an accord that all xenos who intervene physically in the coming conflicts will be considered hostile. The enemy has too many illusionists and is of a nature that makes it nigh impossible for us to be able to effectively hold up Friend or Foe identification with xenos at this time. If the WoLs fail then the Sirius Group has agreed enter the conflict to save as much genetic information as possible before complete extinction takes place. In this cirucmstance, living humans will NOT be saved.
part of the gov are retarded Christian cultists
grown men with the spiritual maturity of children
real good tools
Indeed. Just not space aliens, and only the kind that pours over the border.
they never show fear of humans period and the eco message is relatively rare. they typically bring up Jesus (and only Jesus) to deceive. they also do a lot of deceiving in general.
Epistemologically impossible, get rekt retard
> Epistemologically impossible
Abrahamic religions are indeed
Human society-collapsing. Aka (they) lose control.
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post yfw normies screeching in the streets killing themselves in mass while you're smashing xeno cheeks
>Why is the continuation of bloodlines seemingly so important.
DNA is not a passive billiard ball concoction in a mundane universe.
Meh, I'm sure even the most devout religious zealots will drop their flags after their first extradimensional lapdance
Rosicrucians and seven day adventists are my favorite Christians tho
The rest really suck
Most of them already have dropped their game
The internet is changing everyone, not always for the best tho
Sho would have guessed that the Chabad Lubavitch aliens wanted to collapse society. Shouldn't have built so many tunnels, now the risk of sinkhole collapse is imminent.
he cried because they threatened to take his cocaine away.
It's funny you bring up chatgpt because I you consider how consistently inconsistent and implicitly absurd the claims of UFONauts they have a remarkably simialr air of specious confabulation to that of neural language agents.
>The ayys are against Abrahamic religions and have proof they are full of shit.
which one of the space tweaker groups looking for space copper? thats all they are. they hit us with the dryas, wait 4 generations and then come to the fleabitten savages as gods and saviors with hot dinners. all of them are out to scam us in some way, shape or form. no one is altruistic in this universe.
>no one is altruistic in this universe
Yep and that is why you shouldn't trust the first hobo that does a few magic tricks and claims to be the son of God.
or a bunch of incestuous 7 ft tall inbreeds who came here to loot and rape us with the flim flam stories being it was gold mining and not them digging up human galactic mother culture high tech shit, that got sucked down when the DEW/kinetic strike hit the earth so hard it made the solid ground turn liquid. the Enuma Elish is nothing more than a horseshit I DINDU NUFFIN bunch of propaganda.
even the "human looking" ones will set off your uncanny valley with a vengeance. yes, even the ones who are "good" at pretending to be human. its vaguely mime like or like silent film acting. really put on shit, and its almost patronizing. a really weird autist can spot them like theyre wrapped in christmas lights.
the whole we're at war with oceania schtick is nothing but kayfabe.
>nb4 muh ukraine. thats a planned depopulation just as WW1/WW2 was. none of the scale rate actors we saw were the real directors and producers of this farce of a planet.
fdr was a bigger whore than the ones he fucked and his wife ate out.
baby eaters down to the last of their hairy asses.
or with flavors they like.
>They're human.
no, theyre Mac Tonnes cryptoterrestrials.
>give us useless hollow babble through a few very special people who are somehow in contact with these mysterious and totally unnecessary characters
>Imagine if the NHI from the Ocean promise paradise/eternal life but the deal is that there must be no more Jesus NHI aligned humans.
the reddit sportsball/ukrainewar types would gladly execute THE BAD GUYS for a pat on the ass.
the water got here from them dropping comet tailings on us. it flooded earth and threw us into an ice age. funny how the 18k yo south american 20 mile long cave paintings have dry earth plants and landscapes despite sitting in the amazon rainforest.
the fae.
>something about them must be society-collapsing
That something is that most species of what we call aliens are from this planet.
>the water got here from them dropping comet tailings on us
Most water came from somewhere else, dropped on this planet (voila, Grand Canyon) by the giant water vessel we call the Moon.
how come aliens don't abduct indians?
>baby eaters down to the last of their hairy asses.
That's amusing; Humans are the baby killers. Sasquatch's junior tribes are violent bear-wrestlers and have done a bit of cannibalism as we genocided them. There are also cloned fake Sasquatch, and a few Fallen ones. The worst of their reputation comes from Human sorcerers though, skinwalkers, Wendigos. Just establish psi contact from a safe distance first; the difference is obvious.

>One night, while driving alone across the wild desert, you got to see, walking by the roadside, one of those shape-shifters that the Navajo call 'skin walkers', who wore disproportionally large hairy arms and a hairy face, under human clothes. This frightening scene left you with an eerie feeling of gloom, and you learned afterward that skin walkers, also known as the werewolves elsewhere, gain their power to shape-shift into any random mammeloid beast, from the sacrifice of close relatives and cannibalism.

>This very ancient witchcraft practice introduced to Humans back in the days of the Lemurian downfall, has caused much confusion between these evil shape-shifted sorcerers and my hairy Sasquatch People. It is the main cause why the Ancestral Puebloans and Navajos lost their connection with us Sasquatch. They have mistaken those beasts for us, saying that if you look in Maasaw's eye, you can die instantly. But, it is those skin walkers you must avoid to cross eyes with, since they would try to steal your soul. If you know their name and call it out when they are shape-shifting, it breaks their spell and brings them back suddenly into their Human form; and if they are attacking you, this can cause their death.

>Most of the cases reported of people being attacked, killed or devoured by large hairy beings are in fact the doings of those evil beastly shape-shifters, contributing to make a bad name for us Sasquatch.
lolno. even the western tribes knew better than leave a delicious and tender child unattended in baby eater territory. the eastern tribes knew to burn the forest around the fuckers to the ground. you sound like an injun apologist who says DEY DINDU NUFFIN JUS GUD BIGFOOT BOIZ RUNNING TRUE DEY FAWEST FUCKIN DE DEER ASSES AND SHEEEEEEIT.
man eaters are not your friend.
Not leaving children unattended in the woods is common sense. Predators naturally target juveniles. That said, I've seen no reports of a Sasquatch killing a child. I did read one of a probable-Sasquatch returning a toddler who got lost in the woods, after more days than he could've survived. He spoke of the "bear people" IIRC. This was not from a Sasquatch-related source. Another was Zana washing her infants in cold streams, which inadvertently killed her hybrid offspring from rape, but may not have been fatal for hardier Sasquatch young.

Your accusation that I am an Indian apologist after blaming the Indians for the majority of the "werewolf" murders is nonsensical.

The vast majority of Human cannibalism and baby killing is perpetrated by Humans, so by your logic I should reject your words, not theirs. Are not taxpayers collectively responsible for the actions of the USAF and Planned Parenthood?

You don't even attempt to deny the reality of skinstealers. If I were investigating Sasquatch murders, and I heard such a preposterous defense from the defendant, I'd happily set about falsifying it to prove my case. That suggests you already know they're real, but conflated their actions with Sasquatch anyway.
The truth is that we're all being observed by an incredibly advanced civilization, and we don't even know why. The moon is fake, it's not a real natural satellite, and it's the reason we are able to sustain life on this planet.
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Quantum Simulation Entropy
Explanation for Clown World
Super big brained question right here
>something about them must be society-collapsing
We live in a society.

Ayylmaos live in a different society. The feds are an important part of the first one and subhuman trash who belong in the eternal prisons in the second.

I wonder which way the feds will try to push humanity... They aren't intelligent enough to comprehend how badly they've lost so they'll keep on wading into the mud.
>sunk cost fallacy
Entropy implies it gets worse exponentially instead of incrementally
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Pic related, it's an "alien"
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The Earth is flat with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Solar Flares are a meme.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship the Demiurge. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think there are gay space niggers from outer space out there.
They make you think there are giant rocks hurtling through the vacuum heading towards our ball earth.
They make you think the sun is about to fart and eject some fake corona.
Peak Christcuck retardation. I am surprised at the lack of Nephilim in your post tho.
how come aliens don't abduct black or indian people tho
Because they are obtaining genetic samples and don't care about sub-human DNA.
> no guys its all just a simulation dont have morals lmao

how fucking stupid do you think we are lol
Peak christcuck idiocy. God and Jesus were also Jewish.
why do they like fucking kids and degeneracy so much
why not have like 15 million big titty girls or something lol
God (the Father) doesn't have human blood silly
Some aliens probably sold us for a pack of cigarettes to another set of aliens
You clearly didn't read your own book you fucking trash moron. God(the father) is described as having: feet, nostrils, legs, eyes, head.

Typical christcuck
Its so fuxking simple. It has to be the dark forest of the universe.
it's an allegory silly
Your life is an allegory
you lack the wit for cutting remarks silly
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Humans are a hack job that was modified from primates as some sort of compromise between at least two warring parties. Although humanoids may exist elsewhere across the universe, we weren't supposed to be created here, at least not yet, and not so rushed.

Reincarnation is also part of the deal. It isn't natural in this universe, and we are forced to do it. Every time we are born, our souls sort of dissolve more and more, and our energy is constantly siphoned by other entities, so we may be in a sort of loosh farm.




*******You must listen to this, especially the last hour:

Extra Project Camelot interview with Brett Stuart:





Brett Stuart continued the Moksha project with another team years later.


We are not able to liberate the planet ourselves, but there is some sort of throne-like device hidden in North America in a pyramid structure that can integrate all of your previous incarnations, basically making you whole and helping you to "ascend" in some capacity.

It would also be helpful to research the lectures by Judy King and her books The Isis Thesis and Balls of Fire. You'll go deeper into the rabbit hole about what the ancient Egyptians might have done to avoid the reincarnation cycle, which mentions the soul traveling towards a certain angle towards a certain star.
i hate christcucks so much it's unreal

>it's no different from killing an NPC in GTA.
I have known we were robots for a while. Hell we're not much different biomechanically from most other mammals. We have most of the same instincts, but our intelligence/adaptability as a species is what makes us special.
But the "meaningless NPC" shit.. people who think like this are a problem. YOU have felt pain before, it exists. Every other animal on the planet with a brain feels it. They all have their own directives, aspirations. Technically our emotions are fake and superficial, but they are real to us so who gives a fuck. You are not a cartoon or videogame character, you are much more complex than a few if then's, and so is your neighbor.
>Technically our emotions are fake and superficial
actually, it is the universal currency
its what powering the network and the fake gods
they're running on our feelings
that's what they're extracting from us before sending us back down here until we end up as a dead soul
that's much worse that dying here
>The reason the truth about aliens is kept in secret is because something about them must be society-collapsing in terms of their understanding of god, the afterlife, and the universe.
or it could be something simple as realizing we don't need to live in a system of slavery. you can remove god and all afterlife or spiritual shit, all that's needed is malice. for some reason there are people genetically disposed to hate us (maybe cro-magnon vs neanderthal thing), and instead of us operating our society efficiently where we live long and get best results while maximizing happyness of people, we're living in a society that's not only not efficient but also based on lied and hurt of non-neanderthals. Basically, if we saw how differently aliens lived and how they don't have system like ours, people would start asking questions about secret societies and these different pyramid hierarchies that are everywhere in every institution of our world.
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Boomers are the ultimate gatekeepers. how many generations have had to suffer because this one generation could not raise their kids, pass their skills to their kids, or could not "pass the torch" to future generation? It fucking sickens me how narcissistic this one generation of human beings are
I'm so numbed out and indifferent which would explain the lower revenue my business has along with not getting much attention socially, so it's like I'm purposely being shadowbanned and kicked out of the system because I'm not giving any loosh and am not catering to normies.

It's like they want me to just kill myself.
Because they smell too bad and would try to rape the ayys.
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if it's an extraterrestrial, then stop talking in woo-woo magic nonsense.

either admit you think it's some kind of demonic entity, or else shut up with this loosh stuff
Parasites have many faces. You can always tell when energy is stolen, by the feel. The Moon is cold and dead, her blue allure hollow. The golden Sun is her opposite, a bonfire of unconditional Love. His rays burn away the endless shadow labyrinth of lies.

I met a phantom who wore his clown paint honestly, and converted him to a friend. But he wore monochrome, not the rainbow.

Sounds like a monochrome worldview. Such things are useful; divide et impera. The superficial differences vanish when threatened by daylight, as streetlight shadows flee dawn.
ayys are demons, demons are ayys

not all ayys are demons, not all demons are ayys

all interact with the universal consciousness field regardless of how material or metaphysical their bodies are and whether they use technological vehicles to get around or not

The P'nti definition of demon is an interdimensional malign life-form.

Sasquatch define them as
>Among them are the ones we refer to as the lower lords. They were Star Elders who had reached immortality, but decided to regress into egotistic consciousness to impose control and possess power. They are also known as Elioud, the cast out gods, fallen angels, demon lords, devils and dark masters. Their high level of scientific and spiritual understanding provided them with immense psychic powers.

From the Human perspective, I suppose demon is just the antonym of angel: a spiritually-powerful interdimensional or non-physical entity strongly aligned to good or evil. The term is ambiguous, since evil is spiteful and thus has the greatest propensity to demonize the Other. Labeling a physical race as demons is a reliable indicator of genocidal intent and evil alignment. Monsters and demons are not the same thing. Demons inhabit the lower astral planes, and angels the higher. I guess that makes devils ethereal, and eidolons their inverse. Devils do have an intellectual cast.
What a load of made-up bullshit.
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You know why? Cause it would prove that all religions are fake and there goes the catholic church's billions yet people still worship a creepy desert god for some reason like this >>39093534 possible Yahweh supporter.
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For a simulated reality to exist there must also exist an objective reality that we can think of as "baseline". And the existence of a baseline or objective reality or overlay in all realities means that there was some sort of objective intent or purpose to it all originally. And I'm a guy writing stuff like pic related. Look into the short movie called Laws of the Spiritual Sun. It has very interesting points of view on reality.
Bob Lazar said humans are containers. What if we are automatons they inhabit whenever they want a vacation of sorts?
>controlled by war mongering, pedophilic religious psychopaths hell bent on destruction of our planet and enslaving people
cool it with the antisemitism
The Fed's go first. All LEOs get the noose
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I find it incredible that even the most "enlightened" schitzos will still blabber on about a singular jewish desert god which is an edit of a redaction of a redaction of a remake of a pantheistic translation of a redaction.
Even more incredible is that they read spiritual lore and religious texts and take it literally.

There are zero reports from the Romans of an army of undead saints invading Jerusalem, for example, yet the bible (clearly literally true in every way) claims Christ not only resurrected, but also resurrected a number of long dead saints and they all rolled up, giving the locals the heebie-jeebies and thus solidifying that Christ is indeed the messiah.

Most christians I've met don't even realise that was part of the story, and zero historical records (of which the Romans created many) mention this happening.

Once people get unhooked from the christ drug, they'll start to see the truth of reality.

>the bible is all metaphors
>every bible story is the same metaphor being told in a different way
>Christ is you at your best, not some external entity
>God is a demonic prison architect
(Metaphorically, of course)
>Everyone is the same lifeforce splintered into pieces
(Literally, of course)
>you masturbate because no woman would ever touch you.
>I masturbate because it's an honour to be able to touch my cock.

These are facts.
the battlefield is our mental space
only you can fix that and win
Glows hard, ngl.
I hate aliens
I hate demons
I hate religion
I hate religious thought
I hate dogma
I hate doxology
I hate faith
I hate space
I hate science
I hate wageslaving
I hate hustling
I hate women
I hate kids
I hate books
I hate ideology
I hate thinking
I hate existence
I hate ideas
I hate cults
I hate advertisements
I hate media
I hate people
I hate behaviors
I hate crowds

I only love harmonic sounds (music) and solitude
>I hate
you lose
Hate is perhaps a strong word

I <deeply wish to never be associated in any shape or form with>
>societal collapse
fucking having to not eat meat for a day would cause societal collapse in america
where are you getting this info from?
how are people not a physical body?
>I love aliens
>I love demons
>I love religion
>I love religious thought
>I love dogma
>I love doxology
>I love faith
>I love space
>I love science
>I love wageslaving
>I love hustling
>I love women
>I love kids
>I love books
>I love ideology
>I love thinking
>I love existence
>I love ideas
>I love cults
>I love advertisements
>I love media
>I love people
>I love behaviors
>I love crowds
>I only hate harmonic sounds (music) and solitude

two more weeks anon. stay tuned
you are in a body but metaphysically obviously that is not what (you) are

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