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/x/ - Paranormal

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Post your most compelling evidence for anything in the realm of the paranormal.
There is non
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The most compelling evidence for me is the horrifically vivid omen dreams I experience on a regular basis
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I can't give it to you here. you will be contacted shortly.
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this is all just proving that the thing is real and not a forgery, nothing about christ. no proof it's not just some random unfortunate medieval dude...
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its real, ive seen one irl
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>didn't read the whole thing
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anyone else hate that shit weird shit they've seen has either been things that when they took a picture of it, it looked like shit, happened so quickly they didn't get the chance to record it, or it wasn't something you can just record?

>see super crazy UFO
>take picture
>phone camera is absolute dogshit, its just a stupid blurry dot

>see spooky ghosty thing
>so surprised in the moment that you don't even think to record
>even if you did, it wouldn't look like anything or could be claimed as a hoax / stupidity

>see a vision of the future
>dude trust me bro, i knew this was gonna happen man, legit dawg
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All language is derived from esoteric symbolism.
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I feel you on that..

Even if you did capture something, some terminal board fag troll here would just gaslight you or make the worst joke you’ve ever heard
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if faith is considered special because it requires belief without evidence, then seeking or presenting evidence undermines its essence. In this view, faith is valuable precisely because it operates in the absence of proof. Attempting to validate it with evidence would contradict its intrinsic nature, potentially diminishing its value to God, who may value the pure, unverified trust that faith represents.
Yo what the actual fuck

I used to write magi while doing automatic writing when I was an autistic teenager.i distinctly recognise the V, M, e, r, p, z and u sigils. This is fucking insane I gotta see if I can find my old books or even do it again, i am very curious as to what it was saying
>its all fake because we're on /x/, clearly something strange can't happen!
>no i won't even say it was a helicopter or plane, you're making this up entirely!

they're like the schizophrenic form of a skeptic, it wraps around to the point of being literally insane
if you showed them a mundane picture of a dog or a random govt. document about taxes, they'd claim it was A.I. or photoshop, its almost concerning to the degree that they deny anything put in front of them
the fear they lace their words with is palpable, i'd say i wonder why they stay here, but its the same reason the elderly stay on facebook, doomscrolling about [politician] apparently going to kill them & their family tomorrow, every single day, for years
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If you do this pose, you will feel warmth or heat in your palsm. Thats because the human body is able to generate plasma, and this pose activates it. I don't know why, maybe a little lifehack built in by our creators?
I've been able to even cause some heat distortion in the air by doing this, but it takes a lot of practise and healthy lifestyle, practise and wisdom.
what are those stegonagraphic lines on image files called again? some gay hacker term I can't remember. i know they're supposed to track downloads or something.
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I've never believed in UFO's, I've always been curious about them, but I honestly always believed that it's just human technology and tricks being played. Like the dots and tictacs and shit like that, that pops up on radars. I was in the airforce briefly and was trained on electronic warfare so I know that radars, thermal image devices, ect; can all be fooled with the proper technological equipment. Months before I joined the airforce. I went out for a run at night, which I did almost everyday, I tend to look up at the stars because there is nothing better to do, I've seen many shooting stars this way, they are much more common that people think.

Well one night I looked up and saw what looked like a translucent blob moving through the air. I stared at it for about 10 seconds. just hovering and moving incredibly slowly.

I have no explanation for what I saw and Its exactly like people describe, you have no time to grab your phone or do anything and you're just transfixed on this incredibly unusual looking thing.
before I knew it it a cloud moved in front of it, and it was so translucent that once the cloud moved out of the way, I could tell it wasn't moving, cause I could see the outline of it as the cloud passed from left to right in front of it. Once the cloud had passed, It just blended in perfectly with the darkness of the night. I still think about it and even told my dad who knows I'm a huge skeptic of this stuff. I still don't believe in aliens and shit like that. I just don't know what the fuck it was, and it was so unusual looking. The only way I can describe it, is it seemed like literally something out of a sci-fi movie where they have those "cloaking" devices. It was like that, except it didn't look like Predator movie bad CGI cloaking. It looked like it was real. Not perfectly invisible, just incredibly translucent. I can't even understand why I would be able to see with the naked eye if it was so advanced.
I did. You mean this bit?
>"The pattern of scourge wounds on the Shroud correlates remarkably closely with the Gospels' description of the scourging of Jesus"
They were both crucified, so what. Doesn't mean it was the same guy.
compelling evidence thread. not your weebly blog. keep it concise or drop proof faggot. make a scary stories thread or something.
lmao get fucked
yes we all know how much you like weebly and blogspot garbage. post your creepypastas somewhere else or post some evidence
You're right, I apologize for breaking the thread theme. But I ask, do you really wish I hadn't shared this?
yes because I'm not reading your egoistic spew of words words words me me me and wasting minutes of my time on a story that's probably a LARP
can anyone answer this? i want to know for my protection
>yes because I'm not reading your egoistic spew of words words words me me me and wasting minutes of my time on a story that's probably a LARP
Jeeze man, I was just sharing. It's not about me me me. Sorry I came off that way.
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you pretty obviously didn't come off that way
that anon is just being a nigger, i doubt hes even the OP
Learn to read yid
We've had this thread many times, with tons of good info, and it keeps being made because fags like you can't be bothered to check
ok now can anyone fucking tell me what those little black bars of metadata are called on image files yet? jesus someone has to know.
Well I hope somebody found something contributive about my post. I have no idea what to make of it. All I could think when remembering the incident is "what the fuck was that?"
>all i could think of after writing my creepypasta was "i hope anons believe this bullshit"
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i liked it, i've had a similar situation with a triangle/bell shaped craft
the report i made is still on MUFON to this day, actually
it was like any other report people give, no sound, flew low, was very slow, gave off a glow
looked at it under both a spotting scope & a night vision scope, looked the same under both, just a bit brighter on the nv
i too, think it could be a govt. craft, after seeing some of the weird shit they've shown off, wouldn't, this was at barstow too (if you know, you know)
Well I should add this was in south florida, west palm beach area. I don't know of that makes any difference. I don't know it to be near any base where they test experimental or otherwise crafts, like you would expect if I was near langley AFB or Nellis AFB(area 51), Ironically a few of my friends I went to tech school with ended up getting assigned to Nellis to work on the F-35's

I don't remember a glow necessarily. just a faint outline. and everything inside was incredibly translucent. I don't wanna keep going on about it cause the other anon is just going to lash out at me. It really doesn't matter that much to me, it didn't change my life or beliefs or anything, i just found it incredibly weird. I wasn't prepared at all to record or take a photo of it. It wasn't until afterwards that I realized I had my phone on me and could have at least tried. The whole thing makes me feel stupid because I'm so skeptical about this stuff and I mostly only am interested in politics and literature, not UFO's or the paranormal. I mostly just come here for the vibes.
Wow. Sure is a lot of talking for a thread about evidence.
well, anon
post some evidence then, go ahead
I don't see why the shroud even matters at all.
what is the pose exactly? just hands flat? or are his thumbs touching his palms?
Cathcuck cope for a centuries old hoax. Most of the info listed there is either outdated, excluding the rest of the findings from their articles, or just legitimate rumor mill bs (i.e. listed on one site as real, with the supppoting link being some blogpost, that also links to another blogpost, ad infinitum).
Mass hysteria prompted by the approach of World War 2 and political tension between the secular Portugese Republic and hysterical Catholic peasants. Nobody reported the same thing. Staring at the sun for hours is retard behavior. Only 2 of the 3 children were even worshipped as "saints". Keep in mind that Portugal people made Brazilians; they're not a very intelligent people by nature.
Pagan nonsense isn't paranormal.

The Hessdalen valley of rural Norway has a history of unexplainable lights appearing to zoom, sway, and hover in the sky since at least the 1930s. Following a peak of activity in the 1980s (where dozens of lights could be seen EVERY WEEK), the region has been continously studied by credited scientists and research staff with every possible measurement from spectrum-analyzing cameras and infared scanners to magnetographs and RADAR. There's a permanent automatic monitoring station there just to record and observe these things. And despite all of that, we still have no fucking clue what they are. The running guesses are either dusty plasma, piezoelectrically-generated ball lightning, and (as the Norwegian media ran with) "mine gas".
As a deboonker, my bar for credible paranormal shit is high. Not because I like pissing off schizos, but because I want to believe. Shit that's easy to disprove like the pagans above makes the real interesting shit look phony.
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Justin Bieber confirmed time traveler kek
>Pagan nonsense
Well that weeds out what you are, eh, Moshe?
The world doesn't recolve around Abraham you spiritually compromised tool.
Either genetic /sci/ Jew or seething goy Jew afraid of the Kabbalistic essence.
I had chronic sleep paralysis for eight years, from 14 to 22. I have had dreams that happen later for my entire life. My dad has them. My grandma had them. My grandma predicted her own death a few days before it happened, despite being barely able to remember anything besides my parents and me because of Alzheimer's.

My grandpa called my mom and apologized for a bunch of stuff over the years on the morning that he was murdered. Things like not being as present as he should have been, being too harsh, etc. I called him later that day out of the blue mere minutes after he had been killed.

I have experienced mental states that I cannot explain through meditative practice. Spontaneously breaking into tears without reason, feeling physically touched, uncontrolled bodily movement.
>cracker eater thinks everybody against him is the worst ally
I'm not the one worshipping a Jew on a stick. Or the Jewess that birthed him. Or the guy that got beheaded talking about him. Or the little girls that said they saw the Jewess. Or every fucking person that catches the church's fancy and is turned into idols. Pagan behavior.
I'm neither of those you retard. Go erect a shrine to a vaguely face-shaped shitstain; maybe that'll sort out your mental illness.
Cathcucks can't compete with genuine paranormal happenings and have to resort to seething about his spiritual ancestor/cousin.
>blah blah blah i hate life i hate people i hate group i hate thing
You're so boxed in you may as well play tetris and do nothing else for the rest of your life. CUH CUH CUH.. CRITICAL STRIKE.
I accept your concession of defeat with that ad hominem. Now post some actual evidence of the paranormal, not another idol.
>wahhh wahhh give me more attention so i can feel better
Cuh Cuh Cuh... CRITIKAL STRIKE!!!!
Elven looking control system ayys
Catholicism is a con
Now that I think of it, it’s your mind that’s paranormal
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This thing. You can make the argument that it's a coincidence this nebula looks like an eye, but I feel something when I stare at it
God appeared to me and said, do not fear.
No logical argument will ever change what I believe.
Of course this isn’t evidence that’d convince anyone. I think you have to seek it for yourself.
if there was any the average /x/ poster wouldn't be a person with an IQ under 80
>"please post evidence"
>posts black and white image of a bunch of people without context
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