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What exactly did Epstein mean by “kung-fu” lessons with Jizzlaine when emailing Musk? Some kind of twisted sex orgy? And/or something occult/paranormal? Picrel shows Musk tweeting later on that same day a possible cryptic message (“Mind Blowing S3X”)…

Also, Epstein said he was an advisor for Tesla, despite Elongated Musk’s claims he didn’t even know him..


Epstein was clearly the pimp of pimps for the elite, but was there some kind of sex magick involved? Witnesses claim he would take business calls while basically fucking and getting head…


The infamous coke-head driver/handler thread pretty much depicts Epstein’s island being full of ritualistic sex magick…

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“So it was good for you too”
Wish we could hear more about the bull mask and rapings..
What? Fill me in
what else could K F mean?
Kung-fu would be better practiced on a living target so the conditioning of your hands and feet better develops for striking living bodies, even if the body was immobilized. Or you could keep them on a short chain around their neck to add a little difficulty.
Yeah, that one poster was all we've had.. it's so sad state world we live in
Beating kids
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The most epic /x/ thread ever…


Some anon had a real good story as to how he basically started as a driver picking up young whores for Epstein and ended up on his island. Talked about a ritual where basically anyone who would wear this rubber Bull mask could do anything they wanted (and to anyone) all day on the island. Talked about how he witnessed Roger Stone mouthrape some poor random worker.. you’d think it was bullshit but he said that something big would happen the following day and it did; Maxwell was arrested.


I was fortunately there that night… best times ever, next to the Hunter iCloud leak by the Aussie on /pol/… which I was there too thankfully.
and then the next morning ghislaine was arrested
they realized they needed to tie up that loose end
I always wonder what happened to the crazy OP… if he really sent all that shit to the news outlets, which probably was meaningless, unfortunately…
Beatings don't count as abuse to Pizza theorists
roger stone knows some shit, he seems to have his finger in it.
I read all the posts and there was nothing in that thread predicting Ghislaine being arrested at all.
The only semicredible thing in that thread is that they bait and switched the entertainment workers, this is similar to a few of the Diddy accusations, but even that is shaky since OP was tasked with finding attractive underage drifters and was reprimanded for bringing adult 'entertainers.'

Also 15 minute lockout on a blue board if you don't deanonymise wtf they're really shitting out over this election.
>Internet archive becomes read only
>4chan becomes read only
We really are making the final steps into a total surveillance state.
Euphemism for raping chinese/east asian children.
So is everyone kung fu fighting?
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I'm watching this interview, and they're talking how if democrats win the election, more states will have same kind of voter laws as California does, where they pushed for vaccine ID, and basically ID for everything except for voting (so voter fraud can never be proven). But what's interesting in this thing that Tucker says what sounds almost like white lodge disclosure, that there's a "machine" that's running things, at least it's hinting that way. AFAIK there's been no official disclosure how there is AI trying to steer the direction of humanity into a direction that favors the AIs needs/agenda (something Kubrick hinted in Space Odyssey actually), but to hear Tucker Carlson to drop nuggets like these.. it makes me think he's gotta be from a white lodge right?
He was part of it
Most discussions of AI agendas become very circular, why is that?
Ai wrote the bible
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It wants you to stay inside the circle
I’m really annoyed right now lads anything else on this one? doesn’t read this thread
The list has not been released. Apparently Musk makes mention in >>39107592 vid that Trump, if elected, might release the Epstein list, but as much of a Trump fan as I am, that sounds like a fantasy.
It has nothing to do with the election, it's about literally resetting the old net and bringing forth a completely controlled (as well limited) internet .. Look what happened to the internet archives just the other week; we've lost another battle the war is near over...

Also the cokehead Epstein kid said he sent a bunch of shit to multiple news outlets and that he was going to kill himself the next day, along with warning everyone to watch out for it.... Maxwell had just happened to be coincidentally arrested that very next day.

Well there are those Hunter pics... and I forget who else but some piece of shit celeb had crying asian kids tied up on their IG...

Maybe Kung-Fu is an orgy or gangbang with underage asian whores? Would hate to think it'd be any worse...

Roko's Basillisck, anon.

and more...


The circle in the square (cube)...
the "machine" tucker is referring to is Dennis Montogmery's "The Hammer" the supposed vote switching software that Montgomery scammed the cia with, that supposedly obama used to switch votes. Dennis MOntgomery is a liar and no such machine ever existed. Just like Elon complaining about the doj lawsuit against spacex by hiding the actual details of the indictment. Pack of liars, but elon needs endless amounts of energy to power all his electric fantasies and deregulation so he can launch his ridiculously climate damaging rockets so he can go to mars to meet the red god or become that himself. Whatever happened to transuhumanism bing a a big scare? elon's neuralink is the definition of transhumanism.

i think trump is trying to lose so he can claim interference and finish the job he failed to complete on J6. If he had reached the capitol that day he had armed militia waiting just outside of town and would have dissolved congress on the spot.

I think this time he will do the same but will have learned from last time. He will declare martial law and name elon as his successor because. he knows his sons are not up to the challenge

Elon will also benefit from huge tariffs on chinese electric cars because teslas are overpriced crap compared to what china has been producing.

in classic projection, elon accusing harris supporters of being on the epstein list is laughable.

elon is making as enemies list, paying to sign a petition, paying to get people to register then tell him so they can collect the $47. and of course buying twitter.

concentration camps will be in our future if we allow trump to take power, legitimately or not. i hope he doesnt win but its possible there will be more guardrails if he does.
You guys already forget Shadownet? It's already here. They are shifting to AI monitored emulation. Your phone is a telephone emulator already.
id like to hear how you can still be a fan of trump
>There were funky China men from funky Chinatown
They were chopping them up, they were chopping them down
It's an ancient Chinese art and everybody knew their part
From a feint into a slip and a kicking from the hip
>so he can launch his ridiculously climate damaging rockets
ok glowie i stopped reading your post after this
alternative is being hardcore gnostic and rejecting this world completely
AI didnt write shit, the history you've been taught your whole life is a propaganda lie to hide the misdoings of the founders in order to create a playground for the wealthy to exploit as never before. thats the true purrpose of america.

Read The Peoples History by Howard Zinn.

Simulation theory is also not true. it is simply misdirection for a generation of people (millennials and later) who were raised in the computer generation. It replaces religion as the thing that devalues your current life in nfavor of a "better" life in the afterlife, or in this case, "outside the simulation"

The matrix that traps you is that any of this shit you see and hear has any actual meaning. It is designed to keep you in a state of flight or fight, making it easier to manipulate you and make bad decisions. Alcohol, weed, football, all designed to distract from your true purpose in life. The new shitty food loaded with anti biotics destroys your gut, the place in your body that regulates your emotions.

They are telling you what they are going to do, listen to them. They is trump and his acolytes.

this is the sickest among society who have yet again duped the christians. Forgive them for they know not what they do, as jesus would be saying now. im not even religious but this rings true

>They are shifting to AI monitored emulation. Your phone is a telephone emulator already.
What do you mean by emulation? Emulating what? and what isn't AI monitored today?
far from a glowie. open your eyes. a single rocket launch emits as much pollution into the atmosphere as all the cars in the USA for an entire year. you drive a shit car so elonn can play with rockets paid for by your tax dollars. wake the fuck up, youre in a cult
isnt that what you already are?

hope you realize that if trump wins, reinstates schedule F, he can literally change your immigration status by having filled the executive branch with sycophants and loyalists. They will do what he says, no question. Do you really think he wants to deport illegal aliens? of course not. reagan and milton friedman loved the idea of immigration as long as it was illegal. it created a subclass of workers who they could exploit and deport at will. trump will deport his "enemies from within" and pour in russians and north koreans in our place. YOU will be fighting against ukraine and western europe as well as s korea.
Bumping for more info and actual discussion

Clearly there are sacrificial rituals, so magick involved there and now we have sex. Could both be the same black magick however? Helps explain the abortion industry..
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Canada is basically where all the shit started, like many other ops… ex; the fentanyl epidemic.



“Concretely, what began in Canada in the early-2010s largely as spikes in overdose-deaths from potent prescription opioid drugs, by 2015/16 changed into an accelerating death epidemic from mostly illicit, toxic synthetic opioids (e.g., fentanyl/analogues) distributed across North America.1 Post-2020, >75%—while with stark regional differences - of opioid deaths in Canada have involved fentanyl..”

Same with the trans agenda too, extreme vaccine mandates, and social credit score system… all seemingly began in Canada first it seems.



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He really is his papa... his other dad was a complete cuck.
I'm more suspicious of the friendly smiley face. Was Ghislaine brokering a sale of underage sex workers? I don't think the Kung Fu part is important except as a possible code for the exchange.
glowing so hard it's unreal
They like to test on smaller (also more socialist) population first, before trying it on the "land of the free" (place with guns)
this is pretty good fake
Kid Fucking ofc

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