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Here is a phenomenon few of you will know about:
Lunar waves.

It's the term for a yet scientifically undisclosed visual phenomenon occurring on the moon, visible to the naked eye via a sufficiently strong telescope.

It is a periodicaly timed "wave" that sails across the face of the moon, from the bottom to the top, at high speed.

With the appearance of a "force-field", it has puzzled the few online communities it has been shared to, rendering it proof of everything from holographic moon to an alien space-station.
Few have been able to capture the unexplainable phenomenon, but I have linked the guy that perhaps has coined the term and made the most film out of it:


Before anyone says "technical/graphical failure of equipment", watch the video(s). The camera multiple times pans across the moon as the wave goes, making it extremely hard/unlikely to be neither failure or faked. Several separate amateur astronomers have captured this and shared it to YouTube.

Do share your thoughts on this, as I have had mixed results spreading it to Reddit.
You are welcome to make any scientific logical explanation of this.
i wonder if it could be a sort of static or plasma, like an aurora borealis, but on the moon
the moon does have an atmosphere, and a reportedly has a molten core, don't see why its not possible
No. Doesn’t explain why it is one clean wave going across and it’s timing. It is artificial. Additionaly the moons atmosphere is way too weak to be picked up by even the strongest of cameras.
Way to go, OP. I had been pumping this out for a few years here but never got much traction, unfortunately. Crrow777 is definitely the best and most popular source for capturing this, but don’t forget about the two suns he caught as well!

Perhaps helps explain this new ungodly (white) sun that kills everything that sits under it for 5 min…


I was digging through old Art Bell episodes and surely enough, in May of 2002 he had an episode where he talks about the sun suddenly being much whiter and even had hundreds of fans contacting him saying the same...

Link to the episode (@15:55): https://youtu.be/GFx4yCS4lko&t=955

Not trying to hijack your thread either; I just believe both phenomena are greatly related…
>Doesn’t explain why it is one clean wave going across and it’s timing.
just like how its impossible for there to be a single strand of plasma?
>Additionaly the moons atmosphere is way too weak to be picked up by even the strongest of cameras.
yeah, its almost as if when you excite particles, they become more visible than their unexcited state

ya know, what if is IS artificial, but its the same thing as stated above, but instead of some particle physics phenomena, its being caused by a machine of some sort, like the borealis to a plasma sphere?
but you're instead just going to say "nuh uh" & "das impossible", because you don't actually care for discussion, right?
and what you're really here to do, is to just say that the moon is a complete & total hologram, with no possibility of there being anything else, ever?
Another crrow777 video showing a craft flying by the moon…


I’ve actually caught a number of these in the night sky. They look like a star but only farther up and fly faster than any plane or jet you’ve seen… gonna try to post my vid clips here later on after I encode them to Webm and/or gif*

For those who want to see more lunar wave vids, just visit his channel and sort the vids by most popular*
Could be. Spoke from the gut which hadn’t eaten yet. Good contribution.
Big ol hologram.
Not the moon itself, cover for construction.
>a yet scientifically undisclosed
wtf does that mean
its a vsync issue with the skydome oled display, simple, next question.
That looks exactly like a digital vsync glitch, I don’t think it’s a real effect.
If it was it would affect the whole frame, not just the moon. Not to mention the fact that the wave remains in its period even when camera-angle is changed.
I can’t say for sure it doesn’t affect the whole frame, it’s hard to see with the distortion in the background
how would you see it against the dark sky? What they most probably are the effect of a passing aircraft which was excluded from the frame. There are some great demonstrations of this in other videos.
Airplanes also excluded. You can tell from the dark sky by sudden warps of dark space and sometimes stars. Easy to see once exposure is turned up. He denied airplanes playing a part, though it was the things he initially suspected it to be from, too. Don't remember exactly why he rules out airplanes, but he does. It is in one of his videos.
>but he does
well im sure he does because otherwise his entire grift is finished. the exact same effect can be seen from airplanes in videos made to show this crow guys lies for what they are.
got a nice telescope a week ago that will film an track shit like the moon. Been recording it every night and I haven't seen shit

if this was real, more people would have seen it
>if this was real, more people would have seen it
it really does come down to this. so far its just this one guy lol. other people who have taken the time to check his claims have seen nothing, or have noticed that airplanes flying nearby overhead create the exact same line of distortion with both contrails and vortices coming off the wing tips.

the moon must be the most commonly watched object up there.
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Isn't it just caused by the atmosphere of the Earth?
Have you even watched the video? Firstly, the wave roars across the moon at super high speed. The moon doesn't move fast enough for a airplane-trail to travel that fast across it. That's just impossible regarding how airplanes change angles in the sky and the trajectory of the moon in relation to our viewpoint.

Secondly, it isn't what a trail looks like. Trails look much more spread out. These pulses are straight lines. They would also distort the black space behind the moon, visible when adjusting exposure and brightness. But it doesn't.

Also, there are flightradars which lets you confirm no planes should be in the area.

And don't argument that this would ruin some important play he does. His channell is full of esoteric stuff, economic discussion and the cabal. This is just something he discovered alongside and quite frankly it should be getting alot more attention because these are incredibly unlikely to be airplane trails. Just from the visuals and some basic angle-knowledge alone there is almost zero chance.

the idea that these 'lunar waves' are actually on the moon is absolutely foolish in the extreme.
thats a damn good well poisoning channel.
It's energy. Ancient peoples kept track of time's passage by the moon's phases. The moon awakens and calls forth the hidden power within each man and woman.
>The moon awakens and calls forth the hidden power within each man
sounds like your mom
It's because the Moon broadcasts mental influence signals to all us lucky prisoners.
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Earth is flat and stationary with a dome. The moon is likely not terra firma but plasma phenomena, an illusion really.
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Flat Earthers are fat and stationary with a dome.

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