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Are they a bunch of bs or do they work? I know they're more associated with women being into them and that makes them gay but it's the same thing with astrology, if they have use I'm open to using them. Thank you frens.
Well I got a reply I guess
Hmmm maybe I should make a thread about joining the freemasons or how ayys are actually demons, now that’s a refreshing topic!
Guys [insert thing] is ackshwally le satanic get in here and let’s talk about it
Quartz generates electricity. There are quartz radios out there that run without batteries.


So ancient beliefs that crystals have energy are legitimate. Some video games like the Final Fantasy series imagines crystals capable of magic, as well as FF12 where the civiizations of the world are powered by a fictional crystal called nethicite.

So I find it believable that it's possible that there are crystals out there that are capable of providing for the world's energy needs.
>Quartz generates electricity
Oh this is interesting. I'll give the link a watch thanks man.
I've also read that Tesla believed them to be living entities, no? That must count for something.
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what the fuck did tesla know? none of his inventions actually worked. i can't believe /x/ worships this clown
He invented:
AC system (the power that comes out of your walls)
Hydroelectric generators
electric motors
Radios/wireless communications
remote controls
neon and fluorescent lighting
the ignition system that activate our cars
X-Ray photography
microwave cooking
vacuum tube amplifier
they sit there on your shelf and look pretty
>dur hurr noo that's just what the man wants you the think
>that's what the internet crystal defense force would say
>shill shill shill

board's full of retards who believe in demons
They're living entities.
Magical use of the crystals requires subtle senses that are uncommon in men.

If you want to experiment, try carrying a shard of Moldavite on a Saturday. Observe the results carefully.
On Wednesdays... you may want to put a piece of cinnabarite in a copper vessel filled with water.

If you were curious.
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And a few of these items combined really accelerated weather control
crystals store energy. you can use them in a variety ways. like all magic, it's about what draws you. you'll figure it out if you're meant to.
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what's up loser, manage to get your solar flare spell and 3rd grade geometry to work yet?
>believe in demons
All of the most powerful, wealthy, and influential people in the world believe in demons. Maybe it’s time you look into it.
they are wegweisers towards royalty,
equilibrium solidified
>Maybe it’s time you look into it.
Look into phenomenon of why the rich are typically spirital growthlets? Susceptibility to Fausitan bargains, traps of short-sighted greed garnished with narcissism bait. What then, is power
I tried using crystals to get a gf wife
for ten year
but it didn't do nothing
I am 41 yrs age and virgin
id love to learn about the magical properties of rocks. i steal rocks from construction sites, and because of my job I get access to a shitload of rocks and bring them home to use around the garden. i try and sort them and place them around but i dont know what to do with them, magically speaking.
My wife is big into them. She keeps a bunch around the house and I find that they do calm me. She gave me some rings made of a stone that's meant to absorb stress and the rings literally burst off of my finger after a few weeks each time. I am highly stressed at work so it checks out.
There's for sure something special about crystals. They're how clocks and radios and computer chips work. Basically magic.
Here you go mate.
>Family has been wealthy for a thousand years
>Family has practiced magic for just as long
>Short sighted
When you're dead and gone, these people will continue to siphon energy from your soul because you didn't realize magic was real and shield yourself.
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this anon gets it. nice.
one must learn to wield them.
Weren't emeralds "new world" discoveries found in Columbia?
My 'shield' is straight forward. I have no regard or respect for them or their ideas. I simply cannot afford them any conscious resources apart from recognizing their shitheel tricks. This includes any reverence for their consorting with demons and cheating. They don't know how short-sighted they really are because they think 1000 years of occult shit-baggery means something.
Apparently not.
Keeps you up all night and makes you horny
I've kept crystals for decades and never once felt they were anything besides rocks. They fade over time, too.
Kek. He doesn't believe in demons. And then he calls other people retarded. But it's okay, that's what the demons want NPCs to think. Knowing about demons is too advanced for the typical skeptard.
You give them the power ans the spiritual life that your subconscious you dwells with does so too. By giving you stimuli and sensations when using certain tools they can "teach" your consciousness to "expect" certain results which then magically leads to results without you being actually able, if you have integrity and are honest, why a particular thing works.

A physical rock is just a physical rock. It does something to your awareness.
Keep trying bud
You’ll get your wife eventually
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OP i know why you find an interest in crystals, you want to find something cool to get a gf i get that, the question is why women like them so much
Crystals and rocks are fucking sick and anybody who says they aren't is buying into Jewish nonsense hatred, mostly through misogyny.

Crystals and rocks can straight up melt your flesh from the bone. For that fact alone, in the purely physical and material world, they are extremely powerful and should be revered for what they can do in order to ensure people don't fuck themselves up with them. They are what we get chemicals out of.

Like the other anon said, they are stores of energy. If everything vibrates on different frequencies, then crystals and minerals are basically clumps of that energy, vibrating at whatever frequency those minerals/chemicals are naturally tuned into.

The piezo-electric effect is interesting. And GOD said, "Let there be light.".
because you dont use them or charge them.
>spend time having them enter your subconscious image
>you bring the intention
have you ever tried working with crystals while using a blindfold?

You can achieve the same effect using visualization and meditation.
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What crystal is the stress ring made of?
chrystal meth (pure)
then you can scrape alittle off and bump it when needed
Schitzo take:

Look a little into 1 electron theory.

The hyper regular structure and sometimes fractal properties of crystals could almost make them like a block of concentrated consciousness continuity, or at least some kind of conductor that conducts in various ways based on the way that it is structured.

This is assuming that a singular electron plays a huge role in how consciousness is materially expressed.

It would probably have all the weird effects that we can guess about fractals and maybe spooky quantum stuff at a larger than quantum scale.

I’d be interested to see if any weirdness happened when a highly regular crystal was super cooled and charged with a little bit of electricity.

If nothing else seems like a good way to store intentions or maybe even actual information.
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there are crystal people.
I just can't take crystals seriously due to tik tok "witches". I've seen em posting online man, their entire experience with the occult begins and ends with "buying cool crystals".
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>what the fuck did tesla know? none of his inventions actually worked
Welcome to reality

Own the crystal have the power
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I can't believe so many people on here go "wamen bad" and just get away with saying it like it's a normal feeling. Start dissecting why you feel that way. To you, it's coming off as superficial, but you're ignoring the astrology and divination aspects that women tend to be adept at.

If there are things that men and women embody and can better do than the others, understand that working with the elements might be more for women and that's why you see them using it more often then men. It doesn't make it "less than" but it does make it different.
I do a lot of elemental magic and almost never work with gods and stuff, as a man. Does this mean I have too much feminine energy? Do you have any advice?

By elemental magic, I mean singing to the sky and stars, sitting under trees, feeling my heartbeat on the Earth and so on
The thing is, I doubt any tik tok witches are being genuine. They probably just buy the crystals and dress like witches because they think it looks cool. I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
I think if you're using it and it's working then it's not you having "too much" it's you just being skilled at using that part of you. Everybody encompasses the full spectrum of self (masculine and feminine), but you embody whatever side, and all that means is you can usually benefit from or be adept in magic or practices that also embodies the masculine or feminine. It's like how some things are made for men to use easily while others are made for women to use easily.

Does it matter? That's what I'm saying. There will always be people who don't get "it" by virtue of the fact we live in a society that doesn't want people to know and actively attacks that knowledge. If anything, be happy that even a part of them is fighting against that, even if they aren't aware of it yet, by being interested in spirituality and paranatural aspects of the universe. That's more than the average people will ever assert within their own lives, let alone do so publicly. Misogyny is real and it blinds a lot of people to the basic fact that we have a considerable amount of duality (and space between that duality) within our existence that, when recognized and respected, can help us interact with the world and one another. Misogyny is also the number one way to destroy a society from the inside out- if you can make a man hate his woman, you can make a man hate himself. Masculine energy leads and feminine energy follows by nature of what the two are. If the masculine energy fails to lead, leads the feminine dangerously and without mindfulness to it, or expects the feminine to lead, it all results in the feminine going out of whack. If the feminine energy is disgruntled, it's a telling sign that there is something going wrong with the masculine energy in that situation.
Also- witch girls are hot and I would like to encourage more women to dress up like witches and show me cool crystals. More spooky bitches for me please
What kind of energy? Be specific, capacitors store energy as electricity for example
tiktok bitches are annoying, terrible human beings that should not be trusted
>Crystal* Skulls

Bone is a multidirectional and anisotropic piezoelectric material that exhibits an electrical microenvironment; therefore, electrical signals play a very important role in the process of bone repair, which can effectively promote osteoblast differentiation, migration, and bone regeneration.
The same answer on every thread. Magic, of course. And if it doesn't work, that just means there's something wrong with you, not the magic.
And if I can't prove it, it just means that I did it in my own timeline and you can't see it.
60 IQ post
crystals, amorphous shit, and organic fibrous materials. these are the things that material scientists think about on a daily basis. perhaps you should ask them instead of these retards. you may find the truth to be stranger than fiction. read a book nigga
I had an amethyst crystal necklace that I wore for a while but I stopped after the rope broke but it also weirdly made me feel like shit after wearing it all day I noticed. Not sure what that means. Sucks cuz I kinda liked how it looked and a girl even complimented it once.
women are beautiful and any women who says she is a witch is.
>i dont know what to do with them, magically speaking.

All you need to do to charge or enchant a crystal is to hold it and whisper to it what you want it to do. That's it.

You don't need to cleanse them in moonlight or anything. If you feel like it needs to be recharged then you just hold it again and tell it what to do.
>My wife is big into them.

Search under your bed and see if there are any tied to a leg with red string. If she knows her stuff and wants to keep you loyal to her, then you'll find an amethyst there.

Also look and see if they're in your drawers or shoes.

A previous civilizaion used crystals with techniques that we have not developed. They used them with electricity, magnetism, to develop tools. Also they could store information in them.

We have developed information storage in crystals. Microsoft made an announcement of that in recent years.

Some secret project are trying to harvest information stored in old crystals.
Sometimes it's like spiritual sources also suffer a bit from embellishment.
Space crystals arent as interesting as a time crystal is. Material sciences well worth studying.
Serious question: what are you doing here?
Can I charge a crystal so a nice crystal witch comes over and falls in love with me and sits on my dick? I have a piece of moldavite I exoeriment with
If a bitch put crystals in my shoe, I would CRUSH her. Nobody touches my shoe.
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>associated with women
Dead wrong. Crystals are only charged in the most manly way.
>The Council of Star Elders, invested in the construction of intergalactic consciousness outposts on Earth, found on the young virgin newly reformed Earth a fertile ground for the implantation of crystals. These highly evolved sentient entities of the mineral kingdom can store memories and energy charges. Large quantities of crystals from many other planets were brought to Earth and disseminated in sites.

>Those crystals of diverse chemical compositions, were programmed with messages of cosmic wisdom. Under the appropriate circumstances, they vibrated at higher frequencies, emitting sound and images. They were also telepathic transmitters of the message they contained, like a network of radio antennas.

>These sacred stones were distributed on Earth in favorable ecosystems with more evolved life forms. They were disposed in concentric circles or in geometric patterns, to create ethereal energetic vortices. They served the double purpose of first, consolidating the fractal organization of higher molecular complexity by creating magnetic fields creating ripples of crystallization on surrounding environments. Secondly, the messages of consciousness they carried and transmitted through telepathic etheric waves, exerted a subtle long term persistent and beneficial influence for spiritual levels of surrounding souls.
Hematite. Apparently Shields against negative energies. I'd been feeling really depressed lately so it tracks that they exploded off my finger. I just did some self reform through meditation and I've felt much better since. I should try a new ring and see if it lasts longer.
pic looks like a city
Do NOT listen to this guy. Mercury sulfide (also known as cinnabarite) can cause heavy metal poisoning if handled without proper PPE.
>he thinks there's a single, homogeneous form of energy called "magic"
Magical energy comes in many forms, retard.
Most of that shit doesn't work half the time
This is good
Can you elaborate some more?
haha ya
a electric motor in the fridge burned out
lol Testla who
>Tesla believed them to be living entities
no, its new age bullshit

no, crystals are oscillators
stay in your lane, new agers
They're pretty, and I love geology.
Where did this "they store energy" thing come from?
Crystals are the most efficient, meaning lowest energy, configurations of matter.
Kek maybe try something different
I agree with this. Gender is the generative principle
That’s great thanks anon
>It's not magic
>It's MaGiCk
Yet you can't quantify or demonstrate any of it.
almost like conscious skepticism is antimagic, like a law of free will or something. Now who besides God would want humans to be free to disbelieve in him? what purpose would that serve besides teaching them to be responsible creators by allowing them to experience the consequences of their own beliefs?

If you think falsifying your beliefs now is hard, wait till you're dead and stuck in your own solipsistic dreamworld.
Instead of explaining any of your versions of 'magical energy' that crystals have, you choose to go on the defensive and schizorant. That's all I need to know.
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>conscious skepticism is antimagic
>not truly undertanding a phenomena and conceding to lesser awareness should be a norm
sorry but we used to burn loads of shit during the industrial revolution without understanding the consequences to our collective environment. It's like using magic under the presumption that energy is limitless and that the element of fire produces no ill byproducts.

Spiritual phenomena are real. Being skeptical while accepting that leads to better insights so long as people do not devolve into mudfights.
why would someone be interested in that? they would lose the advantage it gives them.
How much Quartz Crystal would it take to make Earths crust resonate
Agreed. The observer effect can be scientifically mitigated, as Farsight Institute has done.

The crystal material science tech tree is presumably suppressed under the same umbrella as vimana tech. The primitive version would be figuring out levitation via electromagnetic vortexes, I guess.

Crystals are a lot subtler psionically (than people) and energetically (than antigrav engines) and are thus the wrong place to start for skeptics, but good for novice practitioners cuz safe.
>Farsight Institute


dont plug bandana brown
he's been the plague of RV since the late 90s
failing all his projects and his viewers
peope have apologized publicly for working with him
dont touch with a ten foot pole
> Redpill me on Crystals
They’re bullshit
Grinding these mats in the old world probably sucked balls
Scientific remote viewing is a landmark. Courtney Brown's conclusions are sloppy, but his raw data is useful, particularly when paired with RVer biases. Which is more than I can say for your vague ad-hominem.

Primitive remote viewing is mainly useful as context. Human belief creates probability realities reflecting our biases, even without malign interference.

Courtney Brown's Xeno backers are benign Grays, which carries some tendency for labyrinthine BS, but it's far better than other Gray BS like Law of One, government paranoia and Hermit Kingdom xenophobia. To the menacing Grays all engagement, positive negative and neutral, is progress towards unification. Hence their horrific pranks, like the living brain and eyeballs in jelly. (Really makes you think.)

There is always more disinfo to string the dumb Humans along. For example, Rakshasas are a reptilian race of shapeshifters who have implanted ruling Cabal bloodlines in Humanity. Rakshasas and Anunnaki interbred. However, the latter are Avian Angels, and substantially more humane towards Humans. Birds care for their young, and we carry their genes. So it is useful for our enemies to create a panic conflating Rakshasa shapeshifter atrocities with the founders of Judaism (Anunnaki Angel shapeshifter Gabriel was the "burning bush"). Anunnaki, while not benign, are vastly better overlords than Grays or Rakshasas. Hence the utility of terror in convincing Humans to play the role of space Norks, despite the obvious fact that North Koreans suffer unimaginably so China can wield a borrowed knife against the USA. Similarly, conflate skinstealers with Sasquatch, demons with ugly mortal races, etc. When loosh is your business, fear is profit, so prophecy fear!

It should be quite obvious that God and the Faithful are stronger, and have prevented Humanity from being forcibly enslaved by the Fallen. Thus fear and indiscriminate violence are the wrong answer.
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When people think of crystals, they think about fat postmenstrual women, but there is something to crystals and its not new age.

Crystals exhibit an invisible force akin to magnetism, but its a force that cannot be measured by instruments, only by sensitive persons, so its more a supernatural force.
Sensitive people can feel it or even see a small glow at the poles of a crystal. This force can even transmitted to other objects by touch for short while, similar to that a magnet can magnetise other objects. See the book of Baron von Reichenbach who has a collection of experiments done in the 19th century.

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Courtney Brown had sex with an alien and his kid is a hybrid who lives on an ET spaceship. Surprisingly his alien love child is not 1/2 black.
He's got hoes in different area codes.
Military RV is real but Brown is fake
he's been failing at RV since the day he got out of Dame's week end class.

Your take on aliens is properly retarded, in line with Brown delusions... classic brainlet at work
The spiteful will of course get substantially different results than the benign, in RV and life.
This guy has been giving RV a bad name for 30 years staring with the Hale Bopp comet and heaven's gate mass suicide, Rense and Whitley were classic dumb tools... later he did a bunch of ridiculous 2012 doom projects and other sensational shit shows like about Jesus, Hitler, Atlantis, etc... This guy's a full blooded baiter troll and he's using RV to get attention. He's not fit to be a RV project manager and even less to do actual R&D. He's cherry pick and twist the data to fit his stupid narratives. Again, people had to publicly apologise for working with him... that's how bad things were back in the 90s with this dick. He's still at it with a bunch of half naked brainlets predicting the future and raping famous targets for clics.
listen to him in the 90s, the infamous rense show
>Hale Bopp comet and heaven's gate mass suicide
There was real power behind that cult, and for all we know their souls did get picked up and taken off planet by Grays tailing that comet, which would be the worst outcome for them. 2012 doom was also taken absolutely seriously by Illuminati, and somehow prevented. I don't think you know what you're talking about.
Your mom uses crystal meth
Witch rock for the top lobster?
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Just bought a ranch and it tested positive for niggerite.
That's what you get when you buy from a Boomer. Better to die in the mine, I say.
Pfff I wish. Could only be an improvement
I remember going together with a girl to a crystal shop, there was also a box with many human penis shaped crystals, each made from a polished crystal. I pointed them out to her and she laughed. Wish I had enough money to buy one for her at the time.

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