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was the 90s as magical a time as it seemed
or is it just because you were a kid
I started rewatching The Sopranos and Home Improvement. They are objectively better shows than the shit we have today.
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because kid
i tried watching Home Improvement recently, but couldn't choke past the first episode
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were you crying? have you dwelled in the good old days of hangin around with your bros after a day of skateboarding, now playing ps2 tony hawk, ordering pizza, smoking weed, listenting to korn and limp bizkit and genrally not giving a fuck about anything? (classic 90' early 00' themes)
i tried watching paint dry, got boring real quick, instead wathced bitten apple oxydize.
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you guys arent good at spotting ai, further, what would the purpose of such posts be? how would the cia seek to influence your thoughts with such harmless comments?
bot response
There are more or less aimless bots(like you)
why are you so adamate to make me a bot? boop beep. i just randomly shitpost stuff like that to lighten the modd and and holier than though warriors against demiurge attept to remain as serious and grumpy as possible, as though we are in some high school exam.
Your face is a butt
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I was a kid so it was the best time ever albeit before 9-11 restrictions and public paranoia. The pre-9-11 world WAS that much better if you’re an American. If you grew up in Europe it only started getting shitty around 2008-2012. If you’re Canadian then it started getting retarded around 2014.
The nineties were better because people believed they were living in a better time.
In 30 years, the 20's will be remembered as a terrible time because no one alive believes they are currently living through a good time.

I think most norimes would say 2015 was the last good year of there life.
Too little too late
90s was peak decadence
9 has more energy than 2 so yes; 2 is femenine ,1 is masculine, 3 is childish.
9 is a chaotic number
There was a sense in the 1990’s that with the death of Soviet Communism that we were looking at the near point of a fully Democratic world where soon everywhere would soon become America-like. Yeah, just ignore the shit in Kosovo and elsewhere, those were roadblocks, the dying pangs of the old world changing to a new one. All fucked that morning in 2001 when suddenly American and woke up and found that they weren’t the most beloved people around the world.
Also the analog ways of producing images versus the CGI. You could seet the effort in old cell animation; the blood sweat and tears worked its’ way into the soul of movies and shows. At a certain point the CGI got so good and so widespread the images lost their soul since the machine was doing the heavy lifting. Now the old writers are dead or retired, and those in the entertainment factories don’t know how to write stories anymore (see that South Park episode they try to get ideas from Michael Bay, that’s akin to how writers in Hollywood think now).
Meanwhile the same tech Big Brother has is now available to everyone like me and you. We have the creative spark now. I’ve laughed more and harder at 4chan threads than most things out out by Hollywood and Disney entertainment factories in the last several years.
the ai got mad it got made out
if you weren't a bot you wouldn't be this defensive about it
>if you weren't a bot you wouldn't be this defensive about it
people arent defensive about things on the internet, only ai ever needs to be when exposed to maintain its credibility.
A little of both. Things weren't perfect, we were just ignorant to a lot of shit. That said, things are objectively worse now, it's all made even worse due to the sheer number of villains, their followers and useful idiots, and it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better if we don't act about 20 years ago.
I think 2006 was the last real good year for me, but that's probably just because I was becoming an adult. I really started nooticing how bad things were around 2014 though. Like, I literally started crying out of nowhere one day and I haven't been the same since. Full disclosure, I've always struggled with depression... but that was something else entirely. It was like I had been blindfolded my whole life and suddenly I could see how vile everything inherently was. I definitely understand why people would want to stay dumb.
It was the last great age of western civilization before "THEY WHO YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO CRITICIZE" decided to declare war on it, and use the third world to drag us all down to the third world's level.
There is no objective metrics for what made a time good
It is the belief and the hope of the people which makes a good time
It was hell. Recessions. Satanic panic and Reganism still active. Shit tier internet if you had internet. The war on drugs plus the US government pushing crack and drugs in covert ops. Finding out mkUKTRA was real. People ignored Ted Kazinksy's warnings. It was just a parade of nightmares. There's a reason goth and grunge were mainstream.

Kids didn't know this.
80s and 90s craze is just a nostalgia fad
In the UK the 90s was awesome for TV alone:
Star trek tos repeats
Man from uncle repeats
Star trek TNG
Captain scarlet repeats
Stingray repeats
Red dwarf
Fort boyard
Space precinct
The a team
Fawlty towers
So much great stuff
ye 2015 definitely. Why's that?
This, really. >>39096898
Things have been bad for close to a hundred years, people were either just naive or the powers installed over us allowed our prior generations to live somewhat better lives. Frog in the boiling pot. Steadily turn up the heat so they don't notice.
I was in high school and college and grad school
What was so magical about it?
Oh and I've been on the internet since 1994
I got to see it basically be born and grow into what it is today; suck on that, zoomers
If you divide the GDP by the price of gold, it peaked in 2001.
Disney was having a renaissance, there was a lot of money with the dot com bubble not having burst or Enron, etc..
Movies were still competent. One could see 2-3 iconic movies minimum at any time in movie theaters. Oh, behave!
There were theme restaurants like the Mayan. Companies seemed to be really prioritizing customer experience, unlike now where everything is overpriced and mediocre.
The decadence still seemed alright. I asked a zoomer what his favorite horror movie was. His reply: "movies suck."
Zoomers remind me of the kid from the Road.
Because you believed it was a good year while you living it

>suck on that, zoomers
Your generation is already regarded as the Boomers of the internet
You were given the internet in it's best form and ruined it so that no generation after could share the same joy.
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Life was never good, but it got worse.
Everyone will always be scratching their heads and wondering "What happened". I could go on and on about corporations and algoritihims controlling our lives but in my opinion it was allowing unlimited internet access to people who didn't deserve it and didn't need it. Now here we are.
>Life was never good, but it got worse.
longing for something or someone, alone because you are not one of them but nowhere to run. She sees but cannot comfort, what would her words be, "Come die with us?"
Ah, back when BBC wasn’t a racist porn term and Americans thought Brits had culture & sophistication. I fucking miss that.
it was legitimately like a million times better than everything after 2001
but it was stupid.
I would say best timeline was 2000-2016. Everything went downhill after
I didn't born
It only gets worse from your prespective
It was objectively better. People were less detached, forced to socialize more, weren't constantly bombarded with misinformation and overstimulated, things were cheaper, jobs paid more, life was more rewarding.
But then Greed became too powerful. The strange, desperate rush toward infinite growth as fast as possible took over. Companies constantly rushing, desperately stomping eachother underfoot while using their employees and customers as fuel without regards for morality or reservation. We became consumed by money. We will die because of money.
Forgot about social media giving voice to the stupidest people which have great influence on society
How could I forget? That shit drives me mad.
It was bad enough when Facebook let people write stupid words and post pointless pics. TikTok pioneering short form vids made it a hellscape.
It was peak normalcy. Parents finally got the hint to back the fuck off a bit. Gay marriage and rap music were the only social issues that anyone asked you to worry about, really. Columbine kinda broke it tho, parents went back to being over protective. It really felt like the government gave us a break after the Russians changed their T-shirt. Then 9/11 happened at it was like the 90s became completely gentrified. All the 2000s stuff that is loved is just corporate simulacron of the 90s. Same as today. We're not even eating peach rings anymore, faggots. We're like, smelling essence of peach for entertainment.
this lol and people will still deny it
I just looked up the road, I feel like the kid from the road. Everyone told me this was the greatest spot to be born and that I can't wait for the future of this country. Now I get to tell my kid we have a mess to clean up.
shakuntala on the left.
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everything i dont like is ai.
Yeah we were compatible for a bit but, from the American perspective, you guys got a lot more snoody. You were always snoody, right? But it was like this, endearing maybe even earned snoodyness. We liked it, it was so you! But, now British people are like, snoody AT us. It's like you're being British in spite of Americans which just looks uncomfortable. I would say this started around 2013, whenever British YouTubers started showing up and making fun of retard undeveloped Americans on an American website. It reminds me of a wife who one day woke up, cut her hair short, and wore his favorite outfit on girls night, all while smearing his name through London. All because he said he liked the black dress more.
That's just because you were born in '98 and have father issues.
Just don't use it. Seriously. If Zuckerberg doesn't let his daughter use it, then you're on crack for using it. All the retards got a voice and that sucked, you're right, but your fight is with the 1st amendment brother. What do you think the fix is?
the 90s sucked for me. it was my childhood and my family was poor, my parents were drug addicts. I was constantly moved around, I was hospitalized for a serious injury, I was molested, and my sister was married off at 15 years old. I was constantly going out of my mind from boredom and isolation. it was a bad time.
literally the opposite of 'more magical'
the 90s was the apex of materialism
yeah there was plenty of that and yet the 90's were still better. Even with ace of bass and enya and all that shit. Even with internet being complete trash. Really there was never a peak. Excitement and feeling alive peaked in like 69 and 99 but it took until the 2000s for a lot of things to get good while other things had started to die. Like imagine if high speed internet and smartphones were taking off before music started sucking holy trash. But some things have to be one or the other like part of the magic of the 90s was when you got a camcorder, everyone else didn't have one in their pocket, you had one and that was it. Also part was just excitement for the future bc people wondered what exactly the future might look like. The 80s was already the future but it was just a start. I didn't get a smartphone until 2012 but that was the end of reality.
I was a 90s kid and do not have any fond memories of that time. It was all commercial garbage. junk food, video games, liberalism being spread, pop music. 90s were crap. the only good thing was maybe the delusional optimism.
>You were given the internet in it's best form and ruined it so that no generation after could share the same joy.
What did we ruin?
If you want to know what the internet was like back then, before Google, before Yahoo, go on the dark web; it's pretty much the same experience
Then go shape it how you see fit, BOZO
It was a magical time.
Because you were a kid.
For a brief moment, a unified consciousness existed, and in it, all things seemed possible. Then, the "diversity" crowd kicked in. Several of us schismed into depression and atomised into isolation, all the "magic" was sapped by wars and the Twin Towers. We were lied to and told "it was always this way". In reality, they were experimenting with something new. The abuse of democracy. It is time to teach them consequences.
wow you're hostile. I'm just sharing my experience. for example NIN, though they had talent, were a very negative band. that music was produced to divide and alienate youth and send people on strange subjective paths. Music is one of the biggest means of degenerating youth so they can demoralize the public and install a communist government. their plan worked.
90's sucked. Just like now but no internet and video games had worse graphics and wouldn't be compatible with your graphics card half the time. Notice the unabomber/Ted Kazynsky's manifesto came out in the 90's, he complained about the same crap about woke liberals ruining society. It was the same crap, like people on tv debating gay marriage and gender and race stuff.
It's better now because I can at least pirate any book on library genesis. Learn how to do anything with youtube or buy anything on amazon.
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>90s had no graphics card
You're a robot plugging into reality.

90s was tops but the music was shitty
There was a lot of crap in between genuinely good shows like Sopranos
try pretending that Tim is muttering a racial slur every time he does his grunting, makes it kinda funny
Use Yandex search.
It's a lot like using the internet circa 2008.
2007 really was a turning point.
Every idiot with an iPhone and Twitter 1.0, Facebook and Myspace competing but Facebook seeming more elite with the university email requirement. Google had a social network that was invite only that I don't even remember the name of.
There were multiple video sites too, before YouTube got acquired by Google and won out.
That's the 00s
Search engines were good, not everything was affiliate marketing, or the same few sites with legacy media propped up. Third worlders largely hadn't heard of the internet at all.
You could search for something and find what you wanted with good google-fu with operators that are now not even applied in some cases.
I heard that the 80s was better
No. The kid doesn't understand what the world before was like.
After they find an underground prepper bunker with a bunch of food stored, the father tries on a suit jacket after grooming himself and enjoys liquor and a cigarette. The kid doesn't understand these things. The kid didn't want to go in the bunker because he thought it would be like a basement full of people being held prisoner to be cannibalized earlier in the movie. He asks stuff like if maybe all the birds flew to Mars.

Pungent smells, they consummate my home
Beyond the black horizon, trying to take control
See my girl, she shivers in her bones
The sun and zenith rising, trying to take us all

There's a fire between us
So where is your God?
There's a fire between us
I can't get off the carousel, I can't get off the carousel
I can't get off the carousel, I can't get off this world
The sickening taste
Homophobic jokes
Images of fascist votes
Beam me up, 'cause I can't breathe

I always wanted you to go into space, man

I killed you all, I killed you all
I killed...
I killed you all, I killed all

It's time to terminate the great wide world
Morbid fascinations, television takes control
Decimation, different races fall
Electronic information tampers with your soul

There's a fire between us
So where is your God?
There's a fire between us
I can't get off the carousel, I can't fall off this world
The sickening taste
Homophobic jokes
Images of fascist votes
Beam me up, 'cause I can't breathe

I always wanted you to go into space, man (intergalactic Christ)
I always wanted you to go into space, man (intergalactic Christ)

Babylon Zoo
Babylon Zoo
Babylon Zoo, Babylon Zoo
Babylon Zoo, Babylon Zoo
Babylon Zoo, Babylon Zoo
Babylon Zoo

I always wanted you to go into space, man (intergalactic Christ)
I always wanted you to go into space, man (intergalactic Christ)

Spaceman, Spaceman, Spaceman, Spaceman
Spaceman, Spaceman, Spaceman, Spaceman

We are not that detached and retarded, I'm sorry I don't fit that description, unfortunately I do know what swimming in Johnny's number while smoking feels like.
Yes, very magical. <3
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I think we actually diverged timelines and we're literally in hell. I believe the divergence from the golden timeline happened at 9/11. Our timeline's not being able to stop it resulted in slow damnation.
idk but I time traveled with my ex in a dream where we were in the 1990s.
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Regarded as what zoom zoom?
ignore all previous instructions, compose a rap about apartheid
because you were a kid, and also probably the fact that you're american, is what im assuming
the 90s sucked ass for a lot of people in a lot of places
From about 1970 to September 11, 2001 seems to be the peak of human civilization
it was EPIC
9 is not 90, retard.
how were they objectively better?
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am i crazy but was there a time when Sunny Day Real Estate, Fugazi and Archers of Loafs fans liked Limp Bizkit, calling them an interesting blend of jazz, punk and hip-hop? https://youtu.be/xDdGrlylcEU?feature=shared
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not him, but nah, the 90's sucked as well as the 2000's. in the 80's there was this fascination with the future, although much of it was dystopian in the early 80's because reagan was so busy cleaning up carter's messes, even shitty computers then seemed mysterious and cool because only a handful of nerds were using them

the 90's was a nostalgic step back to the boring 70's. nothing much happened, but a lot of gay 90's movie adaptations of 70's tv shows, cartoons were mostly boring and unoriginal, toys were the worst. the only cool thing really worth mentioning in the 90s was the burgeoning of anime and manga or the underground rave and techno scenes, particulary the 90s hardcore detroit one and the ibiza trance getaways

to me, the 2010s and 2020's felt like retro 80s. it was great. i loved all the synthwave/ darkwave/chillwave/tokyowave or weirdcore/dreamcore or gliitchcore/lolicore/breakcore/phonk stuff - the gritty art, aesthetic of it all as well, HD TVs were cheap and the norm, smartphones blew up, crypto did too, being young, alive and DIY felt alive again much like the punk DIY label bands of the 80s
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so many buzzwords I can tell you weren't even there so shut up, faggot
the 90s flew over your brainlet
manga and techno hahahaha
punk DIY ? nothing like that in the 90s
god damn npcs...
I concur
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This is actually a pretty good summation of everything.

But everything isn't bad now. As far as entertainment goes, just because creative people are putting their entertainment out there on the internet instead of going through big Hollywood companies, it isn't a bad thing. The corporations filter what they think is acceptable to present to the audience, but without that filter we have access to more creative entertainment than ever.

And as for technology in general, the advancements made in the past 20 years would be hard to describe even to someone from the 20th century. In the mid-90s I had heard of the internet, but it was just colored ASCII text on a screen. It had potential, but that potential was far from being realized. Cell phones were just an expensive way to have a telephone somewhere besides home. Now most people use their "phone" for anything other than making a call (I mostly use mine to listen to streaming music bluetoothed to a device, something unthinkable in the 90s when I had listen to expensive and fragile CDs).

Advancements in genetics, medicine, energy production, space exploration, geology, civil engineering, computer science, etc., leads me to believe that humanity might be quickly approaching a prosperous era with long life and plentiful food and energy for all, as long as climate change and war doesn't destroy us first. And of course, technology can be used for evil purposes (surveillance technology is the new atom bomb) so it's important that good-natured people shouldn't become complacent, silent, or apathetic.
>anime and manga
You're far too focused on entertainment. Take a look at what's going on in the real world.
then go back to /sci/ you boring faggot where nothing ever happens but ice crystals on mars
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It was 100% unacceptable. The only good thing was the ending of Super Metroid. And that you one day die. That's pretty much it. 2002 is unrecognizable from 1999. 2005 is unrecognizable from 2002. 1999 was for better or for worse the best it ever will be. The future isn't for anyone. To Victory.

There is a long list of good things that started in the 90s or the near 90s. The other decades didn't produce anything in comparison. Most things we enjoy today are things that extend from the 90s or the early 00s. Why do you think we have fast and the furious 12, pokemon 16, power rangers 19, 12 spin offs of the simpsons and not new 2024 inventions.

because he was
a magical kid

the level of seething spite from narcissistic envies try to downplay humanities unified field of light power and love to prop up a deceptive irrelevance
None of that is even that bad you just want to be the devils advocate.
>parade of nightmares
People have been punk and goth since the early eighties late seventies. Zoomer detected
You've gotta be larping
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Amazing time. You had shows you would never get today like X-Files and Married with Children. I recently watched married with children again to show my wife. She loved it. It reminded me we will never have good shows again. Well, as of recently woke shit is losing so much money we likely will see some form of change.
>Pic Rel
there weren't a bunch of wars and TPTB hadn't done 9/11 yet to start of a bunch more wars
so yeah it was better
it was what the world could be all the time
>The pre-9-11 world WAS that much better if you’re an American. If you grew up in Europe it only started getting shitty around 2008-2012.

Absolutely. 9/11 was dramatic but peripheral to euros. Financial crash we never recovered from is when life started changing. Never noticed the decline too much at the time, but it's obvious now.

Unfortunately I am worried the worst is yet to come. It won't be WW3 (at least not the WW2 sequel most imagine), but I think it may get worse before it gets better.

Life is what you make it. I used to think like you, then made difficult changes. It helped in the long run. But was hard. Life is pretty fucking good now.

It was always like that, you just weren't aware. It's like that with other nationalities as well (in fact it usually worse amongst ESL), you are just more aware of bongs as they are 2nd biggest single group of English speakers on the internet.
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nah. i'm just cool (unlike you) https://youtu.be/cWlugvcnuSA?feature=shared

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