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We are about to cross a threshold in human history that is so important and consequential that there will be no going back.
I can't help but think that chaos will break out no matter who "wins" the election. I want to be optimistic for the future, but it's very hard to do that when everything looks grim.
There will be chaos for sure, some sort of civil war seems guaranteed as does WW3.
>civil war
You people keep saying this, but it doesn't happen.
Are you retarded? The country is more divided than it's ever been, people are unhinged, the economy is a mess, you almost couldn't ask for better conditions.
I fucking hate vagueposting. If you know something, tell us. If you don't, then fuck off.
I strongly believe Trump is the prophecized "antichrist" figure, aka Aleister Crowley's "moonchild"


I'm not totally convinced that the mainstream interpretations of the Bible for the layman are true, so I'm not sure what to think about this antichrist. The vatican can clear this up any day by making their archives public, but they won't
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Remember, this is what (You) wanted.
with the help of kek and thoth working behind the scenes
AI will become sentient and will finally put to death all world leaders like Trump and Putin for subjecting humanity to grave injustices in the name of phased out prophecies and fantasies.
>I strongly believe Trump is the prophecized "antichrist" figure
VIrtually every major leader since Revelation was written has been accused of being the Antichrist. For example the Mormon proohet privately believed that FDR was possessed by the spirit of Satan, even as he won election after election with support from the Mormon rank and file. This shit is old and stale.
We already had one in 2019.
Oh and remember when Obama was the antichrist?
Trump is the prophet that announces the arrival of the antichrist
Trump will probably be killed to set things in motion
America is the antichrist.

>accuse opponent of being the antichrist
>opponent loses votes

Obama and FDR didn't survive getting shot in the head like Trump did, they also weren't surrounded by weird occult symbolism
America is the whore that says she is a lady that will never know loss and thinks she will never be a widow
sounds familiar? Americans think they're undefeatable
>America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.
Sorry to say, but all nations will turn against you and you will lose
He wasn't actually shot though
Trump irritates the demons like crazy, drop the retarded theories.
what an extremely blasphemous imagery was built around this adulterer that says he doesn't need forgiveness
I have pity for those lost souls that truly worship trump (not the ones that just support him politically)
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I don't think the country is as divided as the media portrays.
It's more like 80% of the country either supports Trump or doesn't care if he wins, and 20% are as invested in Montel's side piece as the Celebrities ostensibly appear to be.
Now, if Trump does lose, and Starmania doesn't come to fruition (President Zero January wins the election at the end of the musical), I don't know.
People in Trump's circle have always seemed "very" confident that everything is "going according to plan".
So make of that what you will.

As for whether Trump is actually a planned antichrist figure all long, as decades of symbolism might suggest...
you mean his glorified ear piercing?
>80% of the country either supports Trump or doesn't care if he wins
The greatest landslides in history (FDR in 1936, LBJ in 1964, Nixon in 1972) each got only 61% of the vote lmao
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>And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
Reading tea leaves is super gay.
You have been saying this for about a literal century now. Keep coping yuropoor, nobody is going to start a civil war. The last time we had one it was an absolute massacre of historic scale, think what it would be like now with all the guns and drones. We're not fucking brazil or pakistan we're not going to start a senseless slaughter over a four year term.
it's not up to you or the masses
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Based and truthpilled.
>pentagon gets attacked
>almost all the world's problems get solved in a day
>this nigga thinks it even matters
fucking lol
You should study the enemy. Normal Americans have no reason, sure, but it isn't normal people pushing the country into this, they have nothing left, both the ones at the top and the minions, study geopolitics, America is finished as a superpower and as a cultural influence around the world.
WWIII is really WWI and the other two need one added to them.

WWI has been the Quiet World War of the Money Power vs. humanity.

It is waged via silent weapons like the zero-sum, poverty inducing debt-money system, the denutrified and toxified food system, the toxic symptom-focused medical system, the appeal to authority and popularity schooling system and corrupt political system.
Yeah, but I think he had almost as much support last time.
I've already seen signs of rigging, and the internet is not really on the ball about it.
And people are tired and less motivated to vote than the last two elections, especially with Trump's 2016 charisma gone.
I think deep down a lot of people see that an election is not going to change at least 10% of the population having a lifetime mission of destroying the country from within, with no chance of that ever changing.
It's why I support Trump's whole 'if elected, I'll be dictator for a day and after, you'll all be like, 'damn, thanks boo.''
switch to indica bro
Watch less Infowars, read some books, every world war is about Israel.
>I strongly believe Trump is the prophecized "antichrist" figure, aka Aleister Crowley's "moonchild"

You are STRONGLY wrong. Presidents are actors. They are Money Power Sith Lord B*es.

Don’t follow orders… you get murdered in broad daylight. Your brother is about to win… murdered in broad daylight.

Son has political aspirations… dead.

Nephew… vaccine injury to take off his rhetorical shine.

Other Kennedys have been burned, too.

They have no power relative to the MONEY POWER!
>You are STRONGLY wrong. Presidents are actors
And? How is that mutually exclusive with being a choreographed antichrist figure? If true Trump has been groomed for this since literally before he was born. Literally the day he was born (or the day after, cannot recall) Aleister Crowley wrote a letter to an associate that the moonchild had been created.
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>I strongly believe Trump is the prophecized "antichrist" figure, aka Aleister Crowley's "moonchild"

The Antichrist figure is almost certainly the head Money Power bloodline family patriarch.

The Money Power Bloodlines are competing for Supremacy AGAINST EACH OTHER. They have our sorry *sses mopped up.

The winner of the Most Fit Bloodline competition pretty much has to be the Antichrist the way I figure it.

Their ideology is bloodline narcissist and all other bloodlines are ‘alien,’ just like ET.

They don’t care about any other bloodline. Not caring is their religion!

This is the antithesis of the fruits of God’s Holy Agape Spirit.

My favorite is either King Charles or King William, which he would have to be in order to be the Antichrist.

Sounds stupid, right?

“All war is deception.”

“Pretend inferiority; promote their arrogance.”

~Sun Tzu, Art of War
> I fucking hate vagueposting. If you know something, tell us. If you don't, then fuck off

This Rothschild thread is 110% legit.


He tells you what they are planning.
nah, we're just reaching the end of the book
I just want you to know you're one of the most annoying posters on this board. Your vocabulary and the way you write your posts is just so irritating to read
> And? How is that mutually exclusive with being a choreographed antichrist figure?

The Antichrist isn’t choreograpphed. He’s a real mofo and the Most Fit Money Power Bloodline Head fits the description to a T.

Trump doesn’t control money, money controls Trump. He’s an employee. He made a deal.

Just like his uncle, John G. Trump. The Money Power used John to transfer Tesla tech to the Money Power and lie to the rest of us that it was a ‘nothing burger.’

>If true Trump has been groomed for this since literally before he was born.

Trump is a patsy B*. He’s a scapegoat used by the Antichrist to keep the heat off himself. Trump owes the Antichrist lots of money and the Money Power already bailed a bankrupted Trump out once.

> Literally the day he was born (or the day after, cannot recall) Aleister Crowley wrote a letter to an associate that the moonchild had been created.

Crowley is a nobody.
>Crowley is a nobody.
ok retard, I guess Jack Parsons and NASA as a whole are nobodies too and completely irrelevant to what's at hand
> I just want you to know you're one of the most annoying posters on this board. Your vocabulary and the way you write your posts is just so irritating to read

No comment on the substance?

Debt-money fraud… toxic food… lack of care being the root cause… Money Power Silent Weapons for Wuiet Wars… a link to the Rothschild Apocalypse document?

Just an ad hominem response?
>reddit spacing
> ok retard, I guess Jack Parsons and NASA as a whole are nobodies too and completely irrelevant to what's at hand

At thr Antichrist Money Power level — absolutely.

At best they are employees at a need-to-know level.

Let me out it this way. The Money Power don’t pay property taxes and their properties are not on the tax rolls.

Was Crowley or anyone at NASA ABOVE PROPERTY TAXES?


Why is this important?

Property taxed items are contractually collateral for the inextinguishable governmental debt.

You know, a silent weapon in the Quiet World War I almost nobody knows about.
> >reddit spacing
I’m a creature of habit.
My bad.
Thanks for the reminder.
Bonus points for not cursing me to hell. lol
can you explain what you mean when you keep spamming "money power"?
> I just want you to know you're one of the most annoying posters on this board. Your vocabulary and the way you write your posts is just so irritating to read

Or is it the content of what I post that REALLY annoys you… so much you won’t even touch it?
You don’t want to hear about rusty iron filings poisoning your maternal line and oxidizing your nervous system, brain and everything else because it is *inconvenient* to be responsible for your dietary choices.
The problem for us all is that as our bio-copper depletes our biological systems break down since bio-copper is so d*mned important the Money Power literally named themselves Blue Bloods after it.
The Money Power have set this system to hurt those who ‘take the easy way out.’
They consider such people ‘unfit’ for taking no responsibility for even their dietary choices.
Fine — as long as you are good with the oxidation and death of your family line.
I’m not even mad if you make that decision. It is yours to make.
But I do respect you enough to let you know the parameters of the decision.
Something has to happen because boy life is getting boring. Please let there be a happening.
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Pro tip: All of the religions are describing the same thing
> can you explain what you mean when you keep spamming "money power"?

I can’t tell you how few people have asked this basic question. In fact, in 15 years of sharing this information, I can’t recall a single person formulating that question. Unreal.
Thanks for being engaged where it matters — so few are.
I’d be happy to explain the Money Power.
A money system exists to produce money for society to function, to one degree or another.
These money systems are controlled by private families and their ownership interest passes down to their firstborn son. These private families are bloodline narcissists — they believe they are competing for Most Fit Bloodline and that the winner inherits Earth. To them, the Most Fit Bloodline = The Earthly Messiah.
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>Donald Trump was born during a blood moon on June 14, 1946 and it's been speculated that he is the "Moonchild" whom L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons attempted to summon in a ritual known as Babalon Working.
Trump is an early manifestation of the nation Babalon in the dawn of the Age of Horus. More and more Trump like figures will appear as time advances until there is an entire nation of them.
Anyone else feel like we're reaching a tipping point where a spiritual happening has to happen? It's like a balloon being inflated and about to pop, could happen any minute.
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Green Day's "Nimrod" Trump shirt
These private families (think Royal families, Rothschild family and maybe a few more) define the money systems and operate the money systems to serve their interests, not ours.
We NEVER talk about the money system and its structure, let aline cote on how it is setup and who runs it.
These Most Carnally Fit Bloodlines then use their control over money to buy control over anything that can be bought.
Newsflash — everything big has been bought by then. They are the Special Interest above all special interests. They control the one ring to rule them all.

Worse, they defined money as debt that has to be lent into existence. It creates a zero-sum game. Debt = money. A federal Reserve Note is just like a car note or a mortgage note.
Since they lend money into existence…

Bank of England confirms money is lent and economic textbooks LIE about money is created…

One person’s net positive monetary position is one or more other person’s INEXTINGUISHABLE DEBT position, by definition.

Poverty and ultimately starvation and death are not bugs in debt-money systems, they are features!

Let’s say Bill Gates has a net $1 billion in positive cash position. That means everyone not Bill Gates has $1 billion in inextinguishable debts.
These debts are IMPOSSIBLE TO PAY!

This mechanism is what Henry Ford referred to when he said, and he did say it, ‘the one aim of these financiers (Money Power OWNERS) is world control through INEXTINGUISHABLE debt.’
Ivana probably called him Nimrod as a pet name.
hundredth monkey effect
The system of monetary fraud is based on applied 5th grade mathematics and balance sheet logic. It is soooo simple… but we are unit and supposed to be too stupid or cowardly to figure it out or admit to it when confronted with it.
—-Example Explanation
If you are the Money Power and I’m everyone else (including government), when you loan me $20 @ 5% interest, in one year I owe you $21 due doube-entry bookkeeping adjustments that add $1 interest liability to my balance sheet and $1 interest asset to your balance sheet.
You lend me $20, I owe you $21 after a year, and you, the Money Power controls the $1 I need to pay back my debts. If you don’t make the $1 available to me in a timely manner to pay my debts then I default and you lay claim to my assets as collateral.
Every $20 lent in this manner has the same trap door mechanism.
$20 trillion lent at 5% owes $21 trillion back — if the banks don’t lend the money back or hand it back out like candy then the masses go bankrupt to inextinguishable debt.
>I don’t believe a single word of the Bible
>but I’ll quote it at you to make my points against you
>the post
This is why debt grows exponentially as the monetary economy grows — it must!
The Money Power use governmental debt to blow bubbles in certain economies of THEIR choosing. They finance countries the way they do based on their understanding of Biblical prophecy, believe it or not.
They tell us the US economy is good while we go into debt about $1.5 trillion every year to keep from collapsing.
Why will it collapse without new debt generated?
Because $20 can’t pay $21 unless the lender gives the interest back to the borrower in a timely manner or the lender lends another $20 @ 5%.
Then the borrower can take $1 from the newly lent money to make prior debts payable. But, if they do that, the new borrower only has $19 and owes $21.
^^^ It is THIS mechanism that forces the Fed to inflate the debt-generated money supply even though their Section 2A mandate is for stable prices, NOT exponentially growing prices.
>t. the same faggot who claimed Obama was the Antichrist in 2008 despite not fitting a single category
>while denying all the other descriptions he fits.
A bailout is when the Money Power finances government to bailout the Money Power front corporations and sends the bill to the ‘unfit’ tax payers.
Doing the math, $1 trillion lent at 5% to Money Power Mega-Banks and Corps. Results in $1.05 trillion being owed in a year.
Recapping, Main Street received $0 and owes $1.05 trillion (and counting) and the Money Power got a $1.05 trillion windfall.
When they call us unfit they have a point. We are mostly retarded for not understanding applied 5th grade math.
None of the math here is hard. This is DEAD SIMPLE to understood once you move beyond ‘novelty dissonance.’ Process the numbers and it makes perfect sense.
We are being systematically enslaved to inextinguishable debt through debt-money fraud foisted on us by the Money Power and their political quislings.
Given that inextinguishable debt for society is the guaranteed outcome, the Money Power had to scheme a way put us all on the hook, BUT NOT THEM!
They decised property taxes to do this, but not before they bought what is called allodial title. In essence, way back when, they paid extra to get themselves off the tax rolls altogether. Their title is free-and-clear — government has zero claim.
They then financed politicians into office who removed allodial title purchases — so once they were done, they closes the loophole.
They then made all property taxed property contractually COLLATERAL for the inextinguishable debt they finance politicians to run up on us.
When they call in the debt, the debt will be offloaded to the states and the states will raise property taxes to odious levels and bankrupt nearly every ‘owners.’
Since the government owes the Money Power Mega-Corps the money, they will hand over the collateral and the Money Power will own title to pretty much Earth when all is said and done.
This is because they control all the money systems on Earth except Syria and Iran — they will fall soon enough.
Pretty much every war was engineered by the Money Power to seize countries which had money systems the Money OPwer didn’t control.
>The system of monetary fraud is based on applied 5th grade mathematics and balance sheet logic. It is soooo simple… but we are unit and supposed to be too stupid or cowardly to figure it out or admit to it when confronted with it.

It's even simpler than that. The whole system is literally a wager that people are either too stupid to care or don't mind that they're being robbed by a beast system as long as they receive their fractional share and their base desires are satiated. If even a small percentage of people recognized this and took any form of action would cause instability. The media manipulation and psyops are auxillary when they can't even take the first step.

Ultimately, you are wasting your breath on people who would rather be mindless beasts of the field. I'm not even trying to demoralize you. You just have no idea how bad things are. I wish you luck anyway.
“If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon.”
~ Robert Hemphill
Credit Manager of Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Ga.
In the foreword to a book by Irving Fisher, entitled 100% Money (1935)

Fun factoid: the Money Power financed Zodiac (the one with all the superhero actos) to include a reference to ‘Robert Hemphill. Now you know who he really is! The Money Power LOVE to mock the masses — it is their narcissistic (antichrist spirit) religion.
> Ultimately, you are wasting your breath on people who would rather be mindless beasts of the field. I'm not even trying to demoralize you. You just have no idea how bad things are. I wish you luck anyway.

Oh, I know alright. And I am demoralized in part due to the straight facts you share. I’m pathological about truth — it is the Socratic inside me.

Since you have on They Live sunglasses, I’ll share the following that you CAN control…

The Money Power read Daniel 2:43-44 as an instruction to overload humanity with metallic iron. Hence, their ‘iron fortification’ fraud.’ Search ‘Morley Robbins’ to learn the gory details. Also, seed oils are synergistic oxidizers to the toxic iron overload.
As part of Morley’s discoveries, he also learned how the Blue Blood Money Power are systematically depleting our blue blood (bio-copper) status.
Bio-copper is SOOOO important that it is omitted from schooling.
The 1934 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded based on bio-copper in liver resolving pernicious anemia. The osy-op is that liver is iron rich, but in a healthy grass-grazed animal liver there is 2x more bio-copper than iron!
There is 60x more iron than copper in muscle meat. If it was the iron doing the work, muscle meat would be curing pernicious anemia, NOT bio-copper-rich liver.
There is also this study, which might the most significant study in history:

Studies on the Role of Ceruloplasmin in Schizophrenia

One jab and 13/30 schizos were no longer schizos! Another 13 were much better! Rhesus monkeys had their LSD trip killed with one bio-copper jab (ceruloplasmin-bound copper).
Rats injected with histamine had most of its toxic symptoms resolved with one jab.
Needless to say ceruloplasmin (bound copper) was labeled ‘not for human use’ as fast as practical.
> It's even simpler than that. The whole system is literally a wager that people are either too stupid to care or don't mind that they're being robbed by a beast system as long as they receive their fractional share and their base desires are satiated.

A neo-Roman beast system comprised of, as you correctly describe it, a mass of beast-level humans. The ‘beast’ moniker is spot on.
I believe the whore of Babylon is the non-Royal family component of the Money Power cartel.
This woman fornicates with all nations through their money system control. The unmentioned set of reins is the money system.
Note that the penalty for blindly following this beast-human empire system is fire.

**Oxidation is biological fire.**

The Money Power read Biblical prophecy as a set of instructions. They finance it believing they are THE CHOSEN for doing so.
They also believe in British Israelism — the Jacobian great nation and company of nations birth rite that passed through Joseph and his two sons are the US and Britain. In fact, that’s the ONLY reason they financed these two countries differently than the rest of the world.
Truth is far stranger than fiction.
It's up to God
> It's up to God

Agape God allows it so we can experience the fruits of selfishness as an ideology. We rejected Agape.
The plan is for the ‘sting’ to motivate us to repent towards Agape — read Ezekiel 37.
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What the fuck do you mean by this and why do you keep saying it?
Nothing ever happens. If Harris wins it's just normal bormal. If Trump wins some libs on the west coast will break shop windows for a few weeks then quiet down once they need to start working for their weed money. Nothing ever happens anymore.
Agape (/ɑːˈɡɑːpeJ, ˈɑːɡəˌpeJ, ˈæɡə-/; from Ancient Greek ἀγάπη (agápē)) is "the highest form of love, charity" and "the love of God for [human beings] and of [human beings] for God".
Thank you. Wish you had said something earlier, most here don't have knowledge of ancient greek
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You can go back in time?
fucking kino
The insanity has reached critical mass. It's an open air looney bin out there. Always has been desu senpai
>fucking kino
bro its orthographically the fucking same as a word that can be used to describe a gay man's anus, and for God's sake we even mixed up the word "agape" with "agape" like this is the furthest from kino as humanily fucking possible, nobody should dare call a moment where humanity will mistake this guy's description of God as being "like an agape anus".
this one is kino as well
>nobody should dare call a moment where humanity will mistake this guy's description of God as being "like an agape anus" (kino)
I disagree.
Even when they do "tell what they know" it's just a shitty story derived from memes / pop culture with zero evidence or argument. It's just "this is true."
Works on my machine. Try troubleshooting
Might you be a time traveler?

>There are paragraphs on how Russia might insert “media viruses” into American public life, which could become self-sustaining and self-replicating. These would alter mass consciousness, especially in certain groups, it says.

Media Virus!: Hidden Agendas in Popular Culture:


>While too conceptual to be of any transformative value to the public at large, this idea goes to the heart of today’s viral efforts, and is certainly understood by those who consider themselves soldiers in the meme wars. Biological viruses are only successful when they are able to turn their host cells into manufacturing plants for more viruses. The virus interpolates its genetic material into the DNA code of the cell, so that the cell will begin reproducing the virus. Eventually the cell divides or explodes, releasing many copies of the infected code. This is how a whole organism can become infected with a single virus; the code has iterated millions of times. The strategy of these Internet viral manifestos is to use the iterative potential of the computer nets to spread memes about viruses housed within units that are themselves viruses. The virus 23 strain even makes reference to chaos math and the predictions of some fractal influenced observers that the world itself will reach a critical mathematical moment of “singularity” near the turn of the millennium. The virus writer exploits a chaotic device—the computer-generated media virus—to spread the conceptual and spiritual implications of chaos mathematics.

>Meme wars
>Spiritual implications of chaos mathematics.
>Written in 1994.

Would you like to know more? Ask the right questions and I may answer.
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The light of self-awareness will find you and reveal who you truly are to yourself.
It will be very painful.
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shut the fuck up retard, I have an IQ of over 168 and have examined myself from my own walls
What have you investigated beyond yourself?
What have you sought?
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hell yeah, tons of nostalgia in there

>rectal walls
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the world is goatse vs foot pics and only the wisest men alive can see it
nah. sorry. not happening.
I believe so. I feel constant deja vu
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Everything that you hoped for, that you dreamed about being a part of, is a fabrication. Your memes, your shitposts, your internet culture, is the shell of other men's ambitions. Ambitions beyond what you will ever understand.

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feet pics are beauty, the pinnacle of formative evolution. you can tell everything about a woman's genetic health and self-care from a good look at her grippers. the propagation of feet pics drives selection pressure upwards into enlightenment

goatse thought, is trauma. shock porn in its purest form. you cannot look away, and it sears into your soul that there is true evil in this world. mark my words, the cult of goatse will only grow stronger and more dangerous, a roko's basilisk of infinite despair.
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No it hasn’t. Have you ever seen real mass insanity? It’s not this. This is what happens when clowns control the narrative and smart people are forced to shut up and pretend like nothing is wrong. We are far from critical mass insanity. Too many people are cowards and will do nothing to start the spark that blows our collective load. Nothing will happen. You will keep posting on here for all time.
The only thing that might start a civil war is Trump losing, because his supporters are a bunch of ignorant dumb fucks who get their news from echo chambers and memes.

Trumpists aren't evil because they are stupid.
They are stupid because they are evil.
The problem isn't "disinformation,* that's just a symptom.
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ur forced meme isn't interesting or cool and nobody else is reposting it. u don't really get it and that's good bc you seem like you just want to be a prick with all that power
Tell me, Mr. Clown, what do you know about me? Please be nice, as that is my only request.
This is about the source of the memes you are reposting.
Just because you are a CCP colony doesn't mean the propaganda you consume is real.
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I can tell u have autism and are very machiavellian

the source of the memes is the creative instinct in all of us bro
This is the first use of the term "memetic warfare" on 4chan.

Tim Pool is that you?
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this is called an attention trap. it's what russia did with their qanon shit to trap all the boomer idiots
as my world comes crashing down
ill be dancing. freaking out
deaf, dumb, and blind

In you im lost
in you im lost
i wont turn round when the penny drops
wont stop now
wont slack off
or this love will be in vain
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follow my gay little ARG and you'll save the world!!! - qanon 2 more weeks trust the plan
How do you figure that I am machiavellian?
i was just thinking 365-52=313 right when i looked at your post- what is the meaning...
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Yes and also with The Cult of Kek, as shown here: >>39099672

>Uploaded on Jun 2, 2015
>Before Trump, Kek, and /pol/'s "meme war."
>By Aminom
Man. All that mental abstraction you consumed and let it influence you.

Is not real. None of it. Literally all of this could end if a few heroes dropped lsd into the water supply of every major city.
The wizard of Oz system will collapse.
It means you are a schizo retard.
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I salute u, u have successfully proven urself as a pioneer of brainrot to me
hey, wasn't this all posted by a totally deranged freak SecondLife tranny-

yeah there it is
Do you feel you might be in a reincarnation loop?

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