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Was Nostradamus legit?
no, he is a charlaten in the context of his catastrophic prophecies because he intentionally made it vague and hard to understand plus in 4 languages 1 being a regional language exclusive to where he lived in Italia. He was a draft/inquisition dodger. He's no better or worse than you and I are at predicting accidents involving novel exploration with unforeseen consequences shortly after launching new exploratory enterprises. I don't believe authorship back when was a wealth thing mostly a homestead thing like the academy likes me or i work at the star gazing faggots club by this church that the king's nephew enjoys.
dude studied the stars, and was pretty good at it. hard not to when you take something seriously and dedicate your life to it like he did.
Even social engineering does usually have a element of ESP. He was a charlatan who told no prophecies worth the words he spoke to speak them into existence, but in the minds of his marks he was legit. That is ESP.
He was a legit retard
It's not Nostradamus or any holy book's prediction, It was already bound to end since the beginning, If anything happens according to a saying then it's pure coincidence or just an automatic allignment to that saying of a specific person which happens with this exact moment.

Any prediction is bullshit because it's all gonna end anyways, Anything paranormal is a predicament to the end or a fear of death, Whether Nostradamus was right or not does never ever matter, Even if Jesus is gonna come back doesn't matter because it's gonna happen when we're dead and he's not real anyways, God remains and the end will come anyways, Predictions of a ruined society doesn't matter because a society is already bound to end and the predictions already happened a lot of times and they're now a figment of the past.

Nothing matters because everything is ephemeral and we're gonna die.
He didn't even exist?!?!

Like isn't it obvious
You know, Quasimodo predicted all of this
Quasimodo is the hunchback of Notre Dame.
He made his predictions undecipherable.
It made his authenticity irrelevant.
Read Dolores cannon’s Nostradamus work
Seems like a simple minded take
He was legitimately demonic.
interesting they would be so similar. you got your hunchback, halfback, and quarterback of Notre Dame.
genuinely no one here believes this guy's prophecies? that's really strange for /x/
> Dolores Cannon, a renowned hypnotherapist and past-life regressionist, claims to have communicated with Nostradamus through her subjects in a series of books titled “Conversations with Nostradamus”. The books reveal Nostradamus’ interpretations of his own prophecies, providing insight into future events.
Key Points:

Anti-Christ: Nostradamus reveals more about the rise and location of the Anti-Christ, including his horoscope.
Technological Advancements: Discussions include dangerous new technologies to control the weather and earthquakes, as well as maps showing the remaining portions of continents after the axis shift and melting of polar icecaps.
Third World War: Nostradamus provides information about the third world war, including affected countries and the role of Space Visitors during the time of tribulations.
666 and Computers: The correlation between the mark of the beast (666) and computers is explored.
Future Events: The books cover a range of future events, including the Earth shift, axis shift, and melting of polar icecaps.
Methodology: Dolores Cannon used regressive hypnosis to access the past-life memories of her subjects, including Elena, who claimed to have been a student of Nostradamus. Through these sessions, Cannon allegedly received Nostradamus’ interpretations of his own prophecies.
The problem is that there was ONE big verse; the King of Terror, 7th month, 1999. In case you're young, it is almost impossible to overstate the attention and feeding frenzy there was in even some mainstream media circles about it (admittedly with a "get a load of this shit" quite often, but with a slightly nervous giggle behind it) as part of that whole millennium madness. So then July 1999 rocks up and ... becomes August. Nothing. Even allowing for some calendar shifts in the meantime, big fat zero. The bed was well and truly shat, the year 2000 came, went, and then September 2001 finally kills off any remaining taste for whimsy in the public sphere for a good while.
Really the Mind/Body/Spirit sections of book stores have never really recovered, it seems to me. Same with St Malachy.
Now - ok, Nostradamus fan club, I'll throw you a bone. I'll grant that maybe there's some interpretation that can be given that keeps things on track, but really I just think interest and attention spans have moved on. Incidentally, I loved a suggestion back in the day that some of his wilder, more apocalyptic visions were because he inadvertently scryed a cinema showing Star Wars or something, and thought he was watching actual events.
One's a fucking Cathedral
if you want people to discuss his prophecies, post them
>Dolores Cannon
ok... I'll give the old hag a shot
I'll read a couple of her books since they're out there for free

Still, that Nostradamus was over the top cryptic and I my native language is french so I can read his stuff no problem. Some words have different meaning but the hard parts are the cultural references and cryptic expressions. Like 2 suns, ffs! just say it like it is, the sun will shine at night... I guess he had to do this because the others would have burned him.

It looks like he was a bit like Casey about earth changes... that it was coming and was unstoppable. He seems to give us a bit of credit because the future is not immutable but we can only delay or fasten the doom.
>a cathedral just for sex
The Catholics are pervs
Good news, according to Cannon, the anti-christ will loot the Vatican's vaults and get all the texts and artifatcs out of there before sinking the whole town with a novel weapon, like an earthquake machine.
Oh hell yes. I think I might like that old hag’s work
>dude studied the stars
but according to crater earth guy, godgvlamste or whomwever, stars are just some lights coming from earth's other craters (which house other continents than our own "known world" continents), basically light pollution of some form? So how would Nostrakike mason be telling the truth if he's not even studying a real phenomenon (meaning, space we see from out layer is fake)?
Yes. He was doing the drugs, the transcendental meditation, astral projection, talking with supposedly spirits guide and all that occultic jazz. He did raise the serpentine spirit in his spinal chord thing, kundalini. Yep. He is one of you.
its pretty good doom porn
>Dolores Cannon
Okay this looks interesting
Looks like Cannon is hypnotising subjects and make them contact Nostradamus through a mirror he's using for his visions back in the 1500. So they end up talking to a supposedly living mike who end up talking a lot and explaining his quatrains cryptic references.

Looks like the guy was a natural because he didnt studied much with others and he already had visions when he was young.

His biggest trick though was hypnosis. He was able to put people in a trance like a pro. He was using this to perform operations and more. He also learned from his visions about healing and more from guides etc.

He does whine a some about the church's persecutions... and we whine about his cryptic shit that makes total sense to him haha but really it was to keep everybody else off his back. So again, blame the bibletards and they were hyper violent in this period. The Medicis time, the st-barth, Cath was a real bitch and he feared her. He said she should have been born a man... we kinda knew that already.

off to vol2
he was nothing compared to Quasimodo
That hunchback couldn’t see the future
So, her basic ww3 timeline is we're gonna get it within 5 years. It's gonna last about 20 years and we're have earth change on top of that. After the devastation, it will take another generation before the genius shows, cleans everything and launch the newfag golden age.

So us right now, we're in for the doom, no way out, and the golden age isnt for us. Great!
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>3 days old thread
>not a single prophecy has been posted
how about you read dolores books?
x/fags arent gonna translate and interpret Nostradamus
but some can contact mike the same way dolores contacted him, through the mirror... while he was alive, not dead.
markplier not like this
>x/fags arent gonna translate and interpret Nostradamus
well we know now that you aren't, thanks for the self-report
Never got anything right
Right? Dude speaks in riddles like a Batman villain
What about Hitler? He predicted him.
No, he wrote a billion vague statements so naturally a few will make some sense eventually, but they're still not completely accurate descriptions, which could have easily been avoided if he had just loosely drawn what he was "seeing" instead of trying to describe it with words. An old world LARPer.
That of the remainder of blood unshed:
Venice demands that relief be given:
After having waited a very long time,
City delivered up at the first sound of the horn.

Because of death France will take to making a journey,
Fleet by sea, marching over the Pyrenees Mountains,
Spain in trouble, military people marching:
Some of the greatest Ladies carried off to France.

From Arras and Bourges many banners of Dusky Ones,
A greater number of Gascons to fight on foot,
Those along the Rhône will bleed the Spanish:
Near the mountain where Sagunto sits.

The impotent Prince angry, complaints and quarrels,
Rape and pillage, by cocks and Africans:
Great it is by land, by sea infinite sails,
Italy alone will be chasing Celts.

Cross, peace, under one the divine word accomplished,
Spain and Gaul will be united together:
Great disaster near, and combat very bitter:
No heart will be so hardy as not to tremble.

By the new clothes after the find is made,
Malicious plot and machination:
First will die he who will prove it,
Color Venetian trap.

The minor son of the great and hated Prince,
He will have a great touch of leprosy at the age of twenty:
Of grief his mother will die very sad and emaciated,
And he will die where the loose flesh falls.

The great city by prompt and sudden assault
Surprised at night, guards interrupted:
The guards and watches of Saint-Quentin
Slaughtered, guards and the portals broken.

The chief of the army in the middle of the crowd
Will be wounded by an arrow shot in the thighs,
When Geneva in tears and distress
Will be betrayed by Lausanne and the Swiss.

The young Prince falsely accused
Will plunge the army into trouble and quarrels:
The chief murdered for his support,
Scepter to pacify: then to cure scrofula.
Based. Let’s do this thing
>That of the remainder of blood unshed:
after war those that are alive
>Venice demands that relief be given:
she is the victor
>After having waited a very long time,
some type of bureaucracy
>City delivered up at the first sound of the horn.
this is more elusive, could be a pack of horsemen hunting foxes.
>Because of death France will take to making a journey,
freezing weather causes onion harvests to ________
>Fleet by sea, marching over the Pyrenees Mountains,
never telling other's secrets upon penalty of exilement
>Spain in trouble, military people marching:
1-2 1-2 pick up the stone tie the shoe you know what you should have doone
>Some of the greatest Ladies carried off to France.
fat by negros
Sounds like an interesting book at least
You fucking nihilists know how to ruin a wet dream. Thankfully none of you are actually people.
>From Arras and Bourges many banners of Dusky Ones,
oh man, one solar system constellation brushing, coming back to life, over-eating maybe but still living
>A greater number of Gascons to fight on foot,
some sickness
>Those along the Rhône will bleed the Spanish:
like a chorizo sausage
>Near the mountain where Sagunto sits.
it is a dump now
Legit insane
as if im responsible to you in any way. your responsibility to your peers even more draped in sin than I is lowly and pathetic.
More snoozetradamus
Chapter I6
The Ravage of the Church Cburch
CHE TERRIBLE THINGS that Nostradamus saw the Anti-Christ doing to
the Vatican and to the cultural centers of Europe were almost unbeliev
able. I would hope that man had become too civilized for such horrible
deeds. But maybe it is this unbelievability that gives them the ring of
possibility, because they are truly the work of a demented power-hungry
madman. It must have upset Nostradamus as much as it did me to see
cultural heritage, knowledge and religion, the cornerstones of civilization,
destroyed wantonly in the name of control. The Anti-Christ had learned
his lessons well. He knew how to completely undermine the morale of the
people; he would strike at the heart of their belief system.
I will list the events separately here, although in time sequence they
should be dispersed among the events in the following chapters.
The following quatrain was partially interpreted in Chapter 14, pp. I89.

The Arab Prince, Mars, the Sun,
Venus and Leo, the rule of the
Church will succumb to the sea.
Towards Persia very nearly a
million men will invade Egypt
and Byzantium, the true serpent.

B: He says the church succumbing to the sea refers to an accident that
will take place in Rome. I'm not able to receive the images clearly of
how this will happen. But somehow in the process of this accident the
base of the Catholic Church will be totally destroyed, as if the city sank
into the sea and existed no more, or never had existed. From what he
is showing I get the feeling that this will be a separate event from the
events happening in the Middle East.
D: Do you think they will happen at the same time?

B: Not at the exact same time. He says they'll happen pretty close
together so that some people will connect the two events in their
minds, thinking, well, the Arabs have always been against Christianity
anyway. But actually the causes will be separate from each other. The
Arabs will be quick to take advantage of the situation but they did not
originally cause the situation. He says the restrictions of the Vatican
will cause the church structure to crumble. Although they may rally,
it will be a blow that the church will never fully recover from. It will
eventually be seen in future ages as the beginning of the end for the
church. It will be seen as the reasons why the church collapsed after
successfully surviving so many centuries.

D: Can any of that be made any clearer? Does he think this will be a
natural accident or a man-made accident?

B: (Pause) He seems to think it will be a combination of both. A man
made type accident that triggers a natural accident or vice versa. The
images are not coming through clearly today.

D: But it does have to do with the sea.

B: Yes. And not only with the sea but also with some sort of terrific force
coming down out of the sky. I'm talking about an energy force, not a
force of army but some sort of energy force coming down out of the sky
... and dissolving things. It will be termed a natural disaster because
it's beyond the technical capability of anyone on earth to produce that
force. So it would have to be termed a natural accident because they
will not be able to find any cause for it.
D: In the French part of the quatrain, he abbreviated. "ver. serp.," and
they have translated this as "the true serpent." What did he mean
by this?

B: He is saying that although the people will mostly be concerned with
what happened to the church and will be trying to figure out the cause
of that, what they truly should keep their eye on is the events in the
Middle East. Particularly that leader who would be invading
Byzantium. Because he says future events will show that leader to be
a very dangerous man.

When he mentions Byzantium he refers to Turkey. Istanbul (Con
stantinople) was built on the site of this ancient city. It became
increasingly apparent that when he mentioned a place name in his
quatrains, he was often not referring to that city, perse, but to the coun
try it was located in.
I could believe this.
Sounds like the Antichrist is coming from the area of israel
Does answer her questions pretty in depth but I’m not 100% sold

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