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I had to put my baby down today.. she was a really great companion. Do you guys think our pets will meet us in the afterlife?

and don't give me some rainbow bridge faggoty bullshit..
since i have had spiritual connection to pets and animals, i believe that they would absolutely be with us in the afterlife.
It's immensely useful to keep animals' souls intact or nearly intact at least in some cases to help control people, human and alien, in Heaven with mind control. That is one excellent angle.

Animals are totally disposable and their souls can be reduced to holy soup to enhance our experiences and increase our intelligence. That is also a fine idea.

Use that grey meat between your eyes before I turn it to pink meat and put my dick in it.
Fly, kitty, far from this place. Return to our home beyond the heavens. We will see each other soon.
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Sorry for you lose, anon. I still have dreams about my cat, 6 years later. Bless you.

ill chop you down like the peckerwood you are. do the world a favor and kys before you make more people retarded with incomprehensible, ESL shit like you just typed out.
Yes. Even pets spirits will come back to say high to us
I’m sorry friend but your pet is in cat hell being ass raped for eternity.

From the book of 2 enoch

The Lord created mankind to be the lord of all His possessions. And The Lord will not judge a singleanimal soulfor the sake of man; but human souls, He will judge for the sake of the souls of their animals. For the souls of all the beasts, there is, in the great age, a single place, a single padlock and a single pasture. Just as every human soul is according to number, so also, it is with animal souls.And not a single soul which The Lord has Created will perish until the Great Judgment. And every kind of animal soul will accuse the human beingswho have fed them badly.
Absolutely, God is fully aware.
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Why don't you worry about all the animals you paid for the rape, torture, slavery, mutilation and murder of so you could feed them to yourself and your cat?

Forgive them Father, for they do not know
Martin Luther believed he'd see his dog in Heaven

I dont eat cats you fucking voodoo nigger, and im not gonna be a retarded vegan onions-goy
There's no morally relevant difference between cows and cats
Yes anon, don't worry about that, you will soon have the proof for yourself

It may happen only once or twice but you will feel her presence, maybe at night while you're sleeping, or early morning right before waking up

I'm not talking about dreaming of her or seeing her in the corner of your eye, it will be a feeling that'll make you know for sure that she's by your side and that you will be reunited one day
Yes there is
In civilized societies and not subhuman Asian society, cats and dogs have been people's companions for thousands of years
Cows are not companions
Who's to say a cow cannot be? If a cow never grew over the size of a dog we would most likely have them as companions.
The trait 'history/tradition' is very easy to show as absurd, as there are plenty of historic cultural tenets and traditions that are outright crazy.

A could say:

P1. Something that is done out of tradition is morally justified.
P2. Eating animals is done out of tradition, while eating humans is not.
C1. Eating animals is morally justified, while eating humans is not.

B could then then give any reductio ad absurdum examples that derives from P1.

For example:

P1. Something that is done out of tradition is morally justified.
P2. Burning Indian women alive after the husbands die is done out of tradition.
C1. Burning Indian women alive after the husbands die is morally justified.

P1. Something that is done out of tradition is morally justified.
P2. Forcing women to wear burqas is done out of tradition.
C1. Forcing women to wear burqas is morally justified.


P1. Something that is done out of tradition is morally justified.
P2. Child marriage is done out of tradition in certain places.
C1. Child marriage is morally justified in certain places.

Pigs are smarter than dogs.
And so on.

This argument usually leads person A to either completely admit that tradition has no relevance to morality (most cases), or to have to rationalize P1. into saying that morality is spatial *and* temporal (i.e. by taking one step over a national border something would be morally good, and by taking one step back it would be magically morally bad all of a sudden - something that is inane and makes no sense).
Person B wouldn't even have to create hypotheses to show how absurd relying on traditions to know what the morally right thing to do is, as there are plenty of examples right now and in the past of traditions that lead/led very clearly to a morally bad outcome.

Traditions have no bearing on morality, and are not even correlated. While relying on legality to know what's morally right is wrong (explained above), it would be even more insane to argue that traditions have a bearing on morality than legality has a bearing on morality, since laws sometimes correlated with what's morally right and are often derived from what's morally right, while traditions are simply expressions of societies' believes and customs - and are irrelevant with what someone ought to do or not.
Being 'bred to die' is an argument that is often used as a justification for the slaughter of animals.
If the interlocutor/s name 'bred to die' as a trait, there are, yet again, absurd conclusions that follow from the premise.

X purpose given by someone =/= moral justification to do X - or that would implicitly imply that morality is dictated by that someone.

A could say:

P1. If a being is bred into existence for the purpose of dying, it's OK to kill them.
P2. Farmed animals are being bred into existence for the purpose of dying.
C1. It's OK to kill farmed animals.

B could then say:

P1. If a being is bred into existence for the purpose of dying, it's OK to kill them.
P2. I want to breed children into existence for the purpose of them being killed when they're old enough to run for their lives and make it fun.
C1. It's OK to kill said children.
It's very easy to show how psychopathic, incompatible, and inconsistent, conclusions entailed by such a premise would be.
>Pigs are smarter than dogs.
Which part of "companion" do you not understand?
Cats and dogs have always had a unique bond and love/relationship with humans that literally no other animal has
Being brought into existence with an intended purpose for your existence, doesn't morally justify carrying out such purpose simply because it was intended to be so.

If the interlocutor/s do not agree to that, then even more absurd conclusions follow:

P1. If a being is bred into existence for a purpose, it's OK to carry out such a purpose onto them.
P2. X dogs are bred into existence for the purpose of dogfighting.
P3. Y dogs are not bred into existence for the purpose of dogfighting.
P4. X and Y dogs are at the same sentient level, and are equal.
C1. It's OK to make X dogs dogfight, but not Y dogs.

P1. If a being is bred into existence for a purpose, it's OK to carry out such a purpose onto them.
P2. X humans are bred into existence to be slaves.
P3. Y humans are bred into existence to be slave traders.
P4. X and Y humans are at the same sentient level, and are equal.
C1. It's OK for Y humans to make X humans their slaves.

And so on.

After a certain point, person A will either have to admit that P1. is wrong, or agree to absurd and psychopathic views that are inconsistent and make no sense.
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Lol faggot, these screeds never fail to make the pig and cow taste more delicious
I think there is no amimals in heaven but angels in the from or aminals like dog and you make sex on there asshole
Did you feed it carbs?
That hurt my feelings. It hurt them so bad I'm going to beat my meat now. Can you smell it? It's dirty.
hell no!!!

I make my cats food once a week in a large kettle.. IM a chef and own a restaurant.. I am always saving meat and fish trim, bones, etc to make into pates and terrines.. Hell i even eat the stuff

Im actually thinking about starting up a butcher's shop and i'm thinking about selling homemade, organic, no bullshit, pet food as a sideline item for the locals.

I think it's going to make a killing that i might end up just doing pet food and say "fuck it" to the butcher shop.. idk yet.. still in development stages
Yes, if you lucid dream you can and probably will see her there. I've been being visited by my pet rat from 18 years ago even to this day.
I've seen dead pets in my lucid dreams before too.
thats cool u could grow wheat grass and add some in the food my dogs like it
i don't trust anyone who has a chip on their shoulder about tradition, they always turn out to be unhinged assholes.
I remember breaking out of religious mind control as a young kid because i asked why animals don't go to heaven and people got really mad at me. Why not answer the question FAGGOTS. That's when i realized all these retards don't know shit because they didn't even wonder that simple question before.
Later turned out the pastor of that church was using the old peoples money to buy nice stuff what a shocker
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When my first dog passed I was out of the country and devastated upon hearing the news coming home. That night, I had a dream where I was in a green open field and a voice asked me “would you like to see your dog again?”And I said “yes please” then out of nowhere he appeared and we spent what felt like an hour or more together… running around, having fun, me having flashbacks of all our time together… felt very real, probably one of my most lucid dreams ever.
According to the Bible, no, animals just go into the ground. Only Human souls matter in eternity.
>the bible

Why do you want to force the soul in your pet to be restricted and dependent on you for all eternity?
Do YOU want to be your mother's baby in heaven?
Do YOU want to be a pet?
You are asking another soul to forgo their own existential fulfillment in order to spend eternity as some feature in YOUR afterlife.
Wanting a pet in Heaven shows to me a person that never actually cared about the pet, only what they got from a living object.

I hope the animal companions I have and had are living their full paradise, and at best I will get to visit them in THEIR afterlife.
I don't care to go to afterlife, but if I must then I would hope my beautiful two souls would meet me, and prefrebly animals only I am not interested in being around people.
They are dead.
We will be dead.

Wherever we go, it's where they went. So yeah. We will be with them. Not sure it's going to resemble anything earthly. But we will be one with them again.
I think of my dog and I reuniting, and me doing everything I can to make her happy. And doing better than I did here with all the limitations of a modern life. I lost her over a year ago. The pain is unbearable. I just want to make her happy.
>me doing everything I can to make her happy
And if that happiness would be to be in a human body where they can be much more of an agent and not just "YOUR pet"?
Will you let them have that?
She's there and she'll be there for you
Take your time anon
It has nothing to do with size as horses are the size of cows yet they're our companions and not food
If it was her greatest desire to never be my dog that's fine. I would be happy if I I knew she was sentient and fulfilled. But all I get is this finality. This loss. I need to know she's OK in puppy afterlife. I would even be ok being her dog in her human afterlife.
fat and ugly.

what a fucking killjoy you are
>Later turned out the pastor of that church was using the old peoples money to buy nice stuff what a shocker
he was probably a cryptomason, many such cases. the christkikes don't care, it's all same shit after all
wtf that's crazy.. some sort of spirit asked you or what was that?

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