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Many people are experiencing a smell as if something is burning mostly plastic, even though there shouldn't be anything there.
fewer are reporting flowers smells and less a combination of both.
What could be the cause of these phenomena?
[citation needed]
schizophrenic hallucination
Zoomers are so brainwashed they don’t even know mass hysteria is thing
>many people are reporting smelling smelly smells sometimes
I've smelt that before, but it couldn't have been ghosts, there's no way there's ghosts in my house
This has happen to me this month several times,smells like burning electronics, search around but find nothing
Had this last month. At least once a day, sometimes more, I'd smell a sort of ozone smell.
maybe there is more ozone after all those solar flares
Crazy you posted this. For the last few days I have been smelling this strange kind of fishy smell all around my apartment. I've looked everywhere to try and find the source and there's nothing. Even checked the vents. I know it's coming from my unit because I sniffed around the cracks of the doors in my hall and it definitely isn't theirs. It's like if you ever had some salmon go just slightly off, with kind of a chemical background smell. It's starting to get really annoying after three days of it. It's everywhere in my apartment, I can't get away from it. I smell it right now.
Same. I get the smell every now and then since COVID (2020). I'm not sure exactly what triggers it (it's got a name, phantom smell... Phantosmia or something).

My theory is there are certain perfumes people are wearing and when I walk past them for whatever reason my brain is processing that smell as something completely different. I can't even describe what the smell is like.
That's just my roommate smoking meth lol
This has been happening to me constantly lately. The ozone angle is interesting.
Fucking weird ive been sensing à mix of both since 2 weeks ago never told anyone was thinking i was going nuts
one time in my room i randomly was flooded with the smell of rancid piss. went aways shortly. granted this happened shortly after i started experienced mild psychotic symptoms and hppd after a benadryl trip. i know people that had similar effects from covid, so i wouldn’t be surprised if just a large swath of the population is psychologically quirked up now
We are being terraformed. Know why our planet even has oxygen? It's incredibly toxic to living things. It is the primary cause of physical aging. There used to be a lot a more in our atmosphere. Guess why? That's right, weapons. We were entirely incidental. The air we breathe was caused by what boils down to a massive bug bomb. We were never supposed to exist. We're just inconsequential scum crawling around on a corpse, evolved to live brief lives in a cloud of smoke. Now they want to consolidate their new territory. Time to clean up the mess, scrub the radiation so they can live here. They don't even care that we're here.
ive had this happen once, i think somebody saying "gz on mission" in a video game triggered a smell of someone frying chicken in the room that i was playing in. i think it could be triggered by stress since its happened before

was also listening to santeria by pusha t so that coulve triggered it. i noticed both times i was playing the game though, and it seemed to be related to what people were saying in game. it never made me look around for smells like others said though
man you glowniggers are a strange bunch
Did you check your pants? Take a shower after waking.
Har har. I shower twice a day.
Schizophrenia's a wild ride, huh?
Buckle up, little buddy, and don't forget your helmet
Haven't you heard that some angels smell like roses or perfume and some demons smell like sulfur or burning wood
>little buddy
you are as shallow as a walmart 7.99 kid's pool
>It's like if you ever had some salmon go just slightly off, with kind of a chemical background smell.
Your neighbors are smoking meth and doing it badly. That "fishy" smell sometimes happens when you burn the fuck out of your meth as you're smoking it. The undefinable but slightly chemical smell adds up too.
They just fall for everything
But it's a constant smell, day and night. It never gets stronger or weaker. If it was from somebody doing drugs, wouldn't it fade or stop when they weren't smoking?
All I can say is that shit lingers and settles into everything. Someone walking into your apartment might not even notice it unless you pointed it out. Meth is still the best explanation.
it cus the veil is made using dmt, thats why all things contain it. and when one smokes it, it overloads the veil.
on normal life, nobody can smell. however, due to veil failing, its slipping. and smell can be smelled, because that means the veil is an attempt to strengthen its grip for good
however, u dont wanna be smelling plastic. u wanna be smelling flowers. cus the plastic is the fake, and the flowers are how reality smells.

even you, within the veil, can see this. or.. dare i say it? smell this.
go out into a field, you will feel at home. what do you smell? flowers.
go out into the city world, the modern lifestyle of slick fashion and gadgets. what do you smell? concrete. plastic. fake tomfoolery.
what if I smell both?
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It is literally just hypersensitivity, thats it. I have it and it is pretty mundane. It is when the olfactory nerves go into overdrive and ussually occurs with people that have allergies.
Brain Cancer, get it checked
yeah I'd get phantom smells. there was one that smelled like ass combined with rubber and skunk. I think it was the fags ass fucking in the next door apartment because when I moved it went away.
but sometimes I still smell the rubber, it smells like castration bands
You're right, man, that was harsh. I'm just lashing out because my life is falling apart in front of my eyes and I'm powerless to stop it

I'm sorry, guy. But I am genuinely concerned about your mental health
you need to forsake all*, there is nothing wrong with you it is the situation you are in.

*sell everything you have and get rid of the money (give it to the poor) everything; no bank account, no savings, no stuff. When you have accomplished this then; take no thought for tommorow (future) stop making plans, keep coming back to the moment.
I know, man, but I cannot abandon my family
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yeah wtf.

its hallucinations stemming from being under constant stress in clownworld, your brain malfunctions. further burning plastic in your apartment rarely means anything positive, so your brain is giving you false warning signs about imminent danger for some reason.
>I cannot abandon my family
absence makes the heart grow fonder

And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables.

are you a disciple or an apostle? choose wisely..
The spirit world had odors and spirits can make you smell things. I've smelt the feathers of an owl that was standing on my hand in a vision.
Actual electric fires don't smell like burning plastic, it's closer to a "fishy" sort of smell. Are you sure it's not just the heat in your house turning on?
I was in the garden tending my plants
I just had this experience a few hours ago outside my apartment. Weird.
I get phantom smells right before I have a seizure. I get a powerful taste of black pepper in my mouth, and a burning electric smell in my nose. Then bam, I'm out.
started having seizures right after my 2nd pfizer dose, no joke.
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>What could be the cause of these phenomena?
Kidney failure.
In the beginning it comes and goes (usually because of what you ate in the last 12 hours) and can smell like almost anything. When it gets stronger is starts to smell more and more like piss/ammonia.
Go to a doctor and get on blood pressure medication as soon as possible, and maybe you can avoid dialysis (for a while).
misfiring nerves in the brain
damaged nerves in the brain
memories assossiated with scents activated by mistake
a cold, infection, flu or what have you
radioactivity/radiation/your nerves dieing
for example (they say) astronots report that they smell burnt steak/electric taste sometimes in their astronotstation. thats radiation killing their nerves, resulting in that "scent".
literally nerves dieing
maybe strong electric field/haarp/v2k? especially if ur in the us of a
Story time
>usually have bad dreams
>some dreams feel different, dreadful
>often hint about entity reffered to as "the ghost"
>always wake up with a chlorine like smell in my nose after those "ghost" dreams

Make of that what you will, usually I have one "ghost" dream per year. Back in my early twenties it was a lot more frequent
i usually get that burning plastic smell but thats just my crack head neighbor burning stuff
Is this why they made covid, to stop us from smelling demons and angels?
After taking dmt I've experienced this. I always had minor dmt flashbacks but nothing like this kind of experience. The whole house would smell. It would always trigger a flashback. Everything turns liminal with yellow tint, I get into a psychedelic state my mind buzzes and get a slight sense of dread. If I had to describe it, its what I imagine the backrooms to smell like. It smells like mental illness not joking, if you could discern it this what it smelled like. I always thought it was a sign of extra dimensional entities/greys. This post remined me of these experiences.

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