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Why is this true? Who made this? I know it’s probably one of you?
you forgot to cross reference with planetary alignment, moon phase, and, of course, conditions at the time conception.
thousands of years of astrology condensed into a single meme, this is BY FAR the most accurate astrological representation ever made
as an aries, i am definitely a cross dressing phone obsessed imbecile. So aries is accurate.
I'm Scorpio and nothing can bother me
I’m a Pisces and do manual labor outside, doesn’t really represent me in anyway. Before that I was in the Army. I do like yerbamate though
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Thousands of years of speculation, calorous debates, deep discussions, a plethora of books, pristine churches, sophisticated alchemical labs, imperial philosophical schools, masterful pious guilds, just to have everything, the work of millions of men, the sweat of centuries, the spending of uncountable neurons, liquidated, reduced, to a miserable MEME.
Why is it the first time I saw this image all I could think was, "virgin"?

Maybe it could be a ritual spell where women give up astrology as soon as they have their cherry taken.
Not even close to the real signs. The genders are all wrong for most signs. Also nobody dresses or wears ridiculous shit like this. Made by a stupid americunt
It's not and it was obviously made by AI
Rent free
>TFW born on the cusp of Leo and Virgo
>Who made this?
A Taurus Sun, Cancer Moon probably. Perfect candidates for fat and crying wojak but conveniently omitted here.
as a sagittarius, i came here to chill. even vibe, potentially.
okay you sassy bitch
yeah same i don't really understand what our image is supposed to portray
he looks pretty chill
im a leo and i like that this image says my brain is big
what's libra supposed to mean? that I'm a pretend npc to fit in? the seethe under the mask feels pretty accurate, but I'm not sure I'm getting what the full image is saying. my reading seems too charitable.
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Accurate Virgo

t. Virgin Virgo
Bullshit. You guys are emotional little girls who just act tough
>drinks Yerba mate
sounds like a choker wearing female to me
Inwardly screaming, outwardly trying to show no emotions
Sums up the libra’s I know. Including myself
we are tough, at least i am.
Sounds exactly like someome who has never tried yerba mate
Scorpios are water signs and dramatic like the rest of the water signs
I'm an aquarius but I don't feel like this got close to me.
You guys are weird and artistic
A typical list made by a brain dead Leo.
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>Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising

This list accurately describes me
Gemini and cancers can’t argue with this at all
my ex is an aquarius, seems accurate. im a leo and she definitely thought i was like the smartest person ever but idk
Aries is the funniest
You guys think people can’t tell whenever you lie or freak out
Anyone can decide to do manual labor or join the army. That doesn't mean that you're good at either or that your peers respect you. The meme probably describes you better than others with your profession. Sorry, but getting a job working outside doesn't make you exempt from getting called a faggot.
As someone who falls into one of these categories, I too take issue with a sweeping generalization being made about me.
from the people i know those are all accurate , and i always fall for leo women but they piss me off so much thinking they are smarter than they actually are
That's because they're memes, you fucking idiot. Also, you think that America is the South when in reality it's a huge country that wraps around half the globe. It's simply too big for you to rightly make generalizations about it. I'm not saying you shouldn't, it's more that you can't. But you're a European so you probably think that the US is one state. It's actually called the United States because it consists of multiple states, each one the size of a European country. Hate the South all you want, but hating the US is actually fucking retarded.
You need some shrooms my dude
Replace Sagittarius with an ugly fat loser who can never be happy with itself so it tries to latch onto social trends.
Yeah, my sister's a Leo and two years younger than me, and she talks like she's at the end of her life and has everything figured out and everyone should listen to her and the wealth of wisdom that she spouts, all of which is complete bullshit. Then she completely loses her shit the second something goes wrong and has publicly humiliated herself due to her emotional instability on multiple occasions. She has two different masks she wears. The one where she's this wise old sage who tries to be everyone's therapist and her true self: a psychotic fucking bitch. I fucking hate her.

Also, she refers to everyone around her age as "kids," even when they're older than her. She's my little sister but I see her as more of an annoying wine aunt. I don't know why she's so fucking fake. Even her voice tonality sounds unnatural and rehearsed. Talking to her feels like talking to a character from a TV show. It's actually unsettling. She thinks she's queen of the normies and prides herself on how normal she is, but I think that even her friends realize that there's something seriously wrong with her.
How do I get them? I've been trying to get them for over ten years. I used to get offered them all the time when I went to concerts all the time but I thought that God was watching so I never took them. As soon as I was willing to take any drug that I was offered, people stopped offering drugs to me. It's really weird.
Not accurate
You can find guys on Reddit, discord or Shroomery who will send spores for free
If you don’t want to grow some
Go check out the psychedelic general
Someone posted legal shroom alternatives but I never tried this
Post sign
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I don't think this matches anyone i know from any of these including myself. Maybe wokejaks are a forced meme
Figures. You guys think you’re smarter Han everyone. Meme proven accurate
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>Maybe wokejaks are a forced meme
My demeanor makes others hate and freak out on me for no reason.
Sounds more personal than astrological to me
The meme implies justifiably so even if cringey

I'd take it
Can confirm as someone who has met Aries people this is all of them
As one myself I'm a Stacy at heart, that is my truth
Why is Libra portrayed like that bros?
Because they always want to be balanced and not show others how they feel
idk why they chose the big brain wojak for leo
other than that it's accurate to astrology archetypes
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Why is Taurus a giga chad?

>doesn’t look to others for moral compass
>eats, sleeps, fuqqs
>thrives doing hard work
>doesn’t take shit from anyone
>earth sign so grounded in reality
>loyal, honest, and generous
they have a tendency to be people pleasers who just want to be liked and fit in
It’s big brain yelling wojak
Leo’s think they’re the smartest in the room
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Notice how they
try to project their weakness onto us for how powerful we are. They must attack us, because our power comes from within - instead of outside gratification. The Scorpio is feared because they cannot understand our true purpose. The irony of attacking us is that we are their protectors, as well as the death of old and the beginning of new. We are revolution, war, and power - we rule Mars and Pluto. We reveal the unknown and destroy obsolete ruling orders. They do not understand us and view us as malevolent for our destructive prowess, so they attack us and aid and abet their slavers.

We are born from a place of love (largely conceived around or on Valentine's Day) and we are God's mightiest soldiers - sent to slay the worst hunters and thugs like Orion. We are also the Phoenix - the new world will emerge from our actions as we destroy and burn down the old one.

We are the power of water in its purest form, fixed, both in our chart and our principles, we are like stillwater - we run deep. We are the rains of life and the mists of morning - but we are also the glacier and we are the tsunami. We are God's love and wrath in one being.

Every sign has its purpose and soon the role of Scorpio will make sense to all of the world. We will be the end of the old world, and the beginning of the new - just as we were last cycle. We always have been. I know it seems tough now to be a Scorpio, and it will get tougher before it gets better. But we will prevail, and deliver true justice for humanity. Take care my friends.

>Scorpio Sun, Moon, Rising, and Mercury. Life path 11
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>we rule Mars
>destroy obsolete ruling orders.
Taurus isn't a giga chad. It's a feminine sign. Also the most schizo one besides Pisces.
Looks like scorpionigger cope
Stop being so dramatic
I smiled.
seems about right.
>t. taurus
Lol funny because my cousin is an attention whore tranny aries.
I can't wait for Trump to win so he loses his hrt and brain tumor cancer meds kek.
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It’s a BULL. What’s more masculine than a giant horned animal with massive nuts?

>a fish? A virgin? a scale? a deer? GTFO
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I have been cursed with a fire sun sign and water moon and rising. I don't really like that.
A man.
Your post looks insecure. Which is exactly what Taurus sissies are irl.
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>water? a crab? twins? a seagoat?

They literally harvest testosterone from Bulls. The only thing insecure is the plug keeping your brain from leaking out.
You're also bland and boring. Which makes me believe you're not LARPing as a taurusissy.
The only Taurus I know is an asshole FTM tranny
It's true because off by one sidereal-tropical relationship.
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.. a Taurus woman switched to a male..
>’it’s a feminine sign’

the jokes don’t write themselves, you do
She's an asshole because she deeply regrets and can't get her tits back. The impulsiveness is feminine.
Not very masculine to be treated as a farm animal, milked of hormones and harvested by a superior lifeform.
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Oh but it’s Uber masculine to get served with margarine at a red lobster?

Who laced your cheddar biscuits with the gay fentanyl that gives you only tranny friends from a Jewish bag of tricks?
Seething, heheheheh.
>The impulsiveness is feminine.
NTA, in traditional astrology it's the masculine/diurnal (fire and air) placements that want to do things quick while feminine/nocturnal (earth and water) placements are more patient and gradual. Check their Mars sign. It seems you're projecting your flaws on the feminine because of your misogyny.
I knew the tranny because my coomer friend used to bang her.
>projecting your flaws on the feminine because of your misogyny
You're looking way too deep into it.
Zodiac sign threads are consistently good, please keep making them.
Lol yep, sagittarius are all posers to the core.
Be more obvious scorpionigger
I'm a saturn 4th house with scorpio moon and jupiter squaring it and >>39100369 is right
what does leo mean, midwit redditor who thinks he's smart? im leo and have a very low iq btw
It is true. I'm saggitarius and listen black metal.
>im leo and have a very low iq
We know
>huge country that wraps around half the globe
It definitely doesn't lmao. It wraps around barely a sixth of the world east-to-west.
>It's actually called the United States because it consists of multiple states
Literally every country in the world that's not a minuscule island nation is divided into states/provinces etc. You are not special.

Of course it has to be an amerimutt to doesn't know anything about basic geography. You people are insanely stupid.
I'm cancer and I listen to black metal, but the good kind https://youtu.be/TIisL6_fkR0
See, OP'S picture is right.
why is pisces the most schizo sign though
Because we don’t give a fuck about social norms, I’d say it’s more accurately fitting that it’s a schizotypal sign
I'm Virgo, and it does match me, except my mask isn't a happy smug one, it's the NPC Libra one
Sags and Caps are overrepresented in metal, look up random musicians in the genre and look at their chart, most of the ones I've seen had major placements in Jupiter and Saturn's signs. It's a fun pattern to observe, Aries seems to be the rarest sign, Akerfeldt is the only Aries metal musician I can think of desu.
It actually does wrap around half the earth when you consider that there are states that aren't connected to the others, each one with an entirely different culrure. Again, the United States isn't just Texas like you and every other European thinks it is. I personally think we should keep claiming states. It would be hilarious if we claimed the UK as a state because then what the fuck would you do? It's insane, the amount of cope we've provoked all around the world since we've existed.
>tfw Sun Sag with half of the chart in Cap
I've been listening to metal since I was 12, luckily never dressed up like an unwashed long haired smelly weirdo.
You are Cancer and also a Pisces of shit
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lmao so weak, cry some more you just prove my point. See how they attack us on reflex, slaves to social conditioning. They call us dramatic as they hurl slurs and insults, pure projection.

The compassion, honesty, joy, and determination of the Scorpio is the most powerful weapon in the world, use it and use it well.

Don't fall for the conditioning, embrace your power. We are powerful, they do not understand us and fear us. Use your power to change the world around you. Use your courage and cynicism to cut through local corruption or advocate for your community. If you really are a Scorpio moon then you have struggled your entire life - that was training for your purpose of being brave enough to confront power structures and challenge them. Be the challenger, lol

Mars is for a fighting spirit, Pluto is for power. Having both is hugely conducive to challenging existing power structures.
It's probably fake and they put scorpio at the bottom to make the unvaxxed seem like faggots lol
Fake graph. Or done in US, where everyone is a mutt retard.

Every single one of my Fire sign friends even the extreme normies like Aries were anti-vaxx. It was Earth niggers taking Vaxx en masse.
It's not saying that the people of these signs are actually of the genders depicted in the memes. It's symbolic. I can't believe you need this explained to you.
Most people are taurus, it is one way to explain why so many npcs. Fixed earth sign have fixed ideas.
My dad is a libra and it accurately describes him. He was terrorized by his dad for the first twelve years of his life and, in his early twenties, had a nervous breakdown where he burned a Bible, walked down Telegraph Avenue fully nude, and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, but you would never know any of this from meeting him. He dedicated his life to seeming as normal as possible. He has no enemies and is a full on chameleon to anyone who he isn't close to, instantly adopting their politics and worldview for the duration of the conversation, but the people who are unfortunate enough to be close to him know that he is a pained, abusive, warlike little child inside of a big fat body. Several years ago, he told me that he's actually schizophrenic and simply doesn't acknowledge it because, when he was in the mental hospital in his early twenties, he realized that he had to either fake being normal or spend the rest of his life in a place like that. He said that he constantly hears unintelligible voices in his head that he simply ignores. The fact that he had kids is actually a miracle, but it wouldn't have happened if he weren't a baby boomer, and if my mom weren't a desperate woman in her thirties who just wanted kids.
Im psices and a big incel loser but was actually supposed to born as a taurus but was born two months premature
Most of the virgos for sure
As a Gemini, I concede.
bottom half = 4chan signs
top half = reddit signs
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lmao you have evidence right in front of you of the inherent rebellious and truth-revealing nature of Scorpio and you still have to project onto the truth your own idea of reality.

Every sign has its purpose and Scorpio's is to fight established hierarchy and establish new systems. Not necessarily lead those institutions or even administer within them (but I'd be lying if I said Scorpios don't revel in our power and enjoy it, as it is only natural for Scorpios to wield power) - but certainly to establish and mediate.

You can deny it all you want but the true nature of it will always shine through. Scorpios are immune to propaganda, are almost always skeptical of authority, and we always go out on our own paths - usually because others fear and reject us, at least until they need our help. It is a gift and a curse, all of the fixed signs have unique responsibilities and that is Scorpio's. Fixed signs are not inherently more or less important than other signs but we do have a leadership role that other signs lack.

Lol that's certainly a way to look at it I was just using that as evidence that they project their weaknesses onto Scorpios.
Is it normal for Scorpios being afraid of taking the lead or something? I mean they can take a lead and then suddenly retreat.
You're describing Aquarius. You're not a rebel, you're a spoiled child throwing tantrums, and you don't care about changing structures, only about destroying them when they hurt your feefees.
Scorpio is the sign of psyops and glowies.
You're literally behaving like an emotional bitch right now.
My uncle is a Scorpio and he once tried to end Islam by going to Burning Man and releasing packets containing discs with footage of him exposing the flaws with Islam inside of paper plates taped together which looked like flying saucers. We found one of them nailed to a billboard saying to report it to rangers, so he got mad and we left. I personally would have liked to stay. He's the most schizo person I know who isn't actually schizophrenic.
lots of people are bitches but i'm a scorpio and i am extremely chill, i don't cause drama whatsoever BUT if someone steps to me i am deadlier than anyone else because i am not afraid of anything at all.
What is the purpose of Geminis?
LMAO do you have his full chart? Does he have his Mercury in Sagittarius? That sounds like their kind of autism, maybe with a Pisces placenent aspecting it harshly.
Scorpio rising is painfully too close to being a Scorpio sun but just with all the darkness, obsession, destructive impulses and none of the strength to get through it all, you aren’t naturally born with the strength that scorpios have so you have to create it yourself
I also had a Scorpio friend years ago who would emotionally abuse me any time someone mistreated him. Whenever someone gave him shit, rather than fighting back, he would retreat and save his anger for me, and then say to me whatever was said to him, insulting me in the exact same way that they insulted him, sometimes word for word. He would then feel bad about it and later apologize to me, and become extremely abusive and hurtful immediately if I showed even the slightest sign of resentment once he had apologized. I tried to reconnect to him earlier this year after going years without talking to him, and he immediately tried to continue an argument that we were having in 2015, like he had been dwelling on it for nearly a decade. It's hard not to hate him. I have never met a Scorpio who didn't make me feel like shit.
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It depends on the individual - you're more than just your sun and moon signs but those ultimately shape you as a person. All Scorpios desire some form of power for one reason or another - but not all of them want to be in the spotlight or in charge, at least not for long.

Sometimes it's not good to be in charge for long - think of it like a Caeser or Cincinnatus sorta situation. You can often become the very thing you sought out to destroy if you hold onto something for longer than is needed. Most Scorpios don't hold onto authority for very long because we're not specifically after authority - we just want power, even if it's the behind the scenes kingmaker kind, we want our own power with no strings attached. Often authority can actually restrict your power and prevent you from achieving your goals, and being in charge puts a target on your back that Scorpios frankly don't need - seeing as we already deal with flack from butt-babies who don't understand us at all. When you become the leader others place external responsibilities on you that might contradict your personal life mission.

For me it stems from a desire for freedom and building a more compassionate and equitable world. I have held many positions of leadership in my life but I always move on to better opportunities that further my goals. If I had wanted to I could've been a prominent US senator - had a PAC ready to finance my campaign and everything in 2018. It would've taken me way off course though, so I rejected it.

Bringing awareness and unity. That is why they're known as people-pleasers when they fail to reign in the unity-building.

Scorpio power can be overwhelming, and schizophrenia is a common side effect of this. I hope your uncle will master his power with time.


Yawn. Projection gets old after a while, you know?

Classic Scorpio. That's literally how most of us are lmao welcome to the club, pal.
They're pussy fucking faggots. Stand up to a Scorpioshit and watch him step back like a bitch. And then observe how he tries to ruin your reputation by gossiping like a woman behind your back.

The most feminine sign by far. Even Cancers have more balls. At least they will actually confront you.
you sound like a retard (i'm the guy who you replied to who is a scorpio)

i have sun moon conjunct scorpio, venus in scorpio, pluto in scorpio conjunct sagittarius mars. anyway all that is to say i know plenty of "unevolved" scorpios. like anything else it is really not about what sign you are, it's about your level of spiritual fitness. the negative traits of scorpio, domineering ego manipulative all check out, but that being said in its highest state scorpio truly do make great leaders, emotionally sensitive to the needs of people but strong enough to guide them.
that reminds me of some stat i saw, like more world leaders surveyed were scorpio than any other sign or something. obviously most (all) of those people are assholes, but so are most people.
Sounds like there were fundamental incompatibilities between the two of you that were bubbling to the surface. Never forget that it's a two way street and that you are equally responsible for that. Not everyone is meant to be friends. Sorry we make you feel bad but it's probably because you live in a bubble of delusion and our stinger will pop that shit no matter what. It's not fair or kind of us to pop your bubble but we will do it.

Had a friend just like you who would claim I was "hurting him" and "manipulating him" just because I would give him shit every time I would bail him out of a jam he would create. He talked all this shit about me behind my back but the truth came out eventually. He later transitioned and groomed a teen girl for a few years. Turned out he was abusing his longtime girlfriend too. "She's" now a couch-surfing fetty addict and I honestly feel bad for "her".


>"you sound like a retard"

>"now let me write something that doesn't actually contradict you or challenge your assertions in any way but actually contradicts myself by saying that signs don't matter your spirit does - but your sign totally defines you too"

lmao God bless this mess

lmao keep projecting the more seethe and hate the more validation you give my position. You talk like a teenager trying to sound tough

Everyone is an asshole to someone and a saint to others, there are two sides to everything. It is the inherent nature of our flawed reality built on suffering and competition. Best we can do is work towards building a better world and reducing needless suffering and arbitrary competition and restrictions.
>you live in a bubble of delusion
In what way do you think I'm delusional?
Nice meltdown tranny
>born to feel
I feel nothing.
lied to
Im transastrological
I identify as a Sagittarius even though i was born Leo

1. You could've stood up for yourself at literally any moment and cut him out of your life way sooner than 2015. You are not a victim, nor were you obligated to reach back out to him. You wanted to, probably because you needed something from him.

2. Also, why didn't you ever back up your friend? What kind of friend just lets others lay into them? I never let randos lay into my friends and they've always got my back. If you didn't back him up back then because he's an "asshole" then why were you friends in the first place? Clearly there was a benefit for you at one point, enough for you to reach out and reconnect.

3. If he held onto that argument for nearly ten years it was probably much more significant than you're making it out to be. No one does that without a strong reason, especially not a Scorpio.

You are leaving context out and presenting yourself purely as a victim. It's exactly what Erin Pizzey wrote about when she studied domestic abuse victims and found that the overwhelming majority of them were equal parts abuser and abused. Abuse does not occur in a vacuum and you're clearly leaving things out - therefore you are delusional.

>Has conversation on website designed for conversation.
>Homie can't read more than 10 words at once without brain shutting down
>"n-nice meltdown, t-t-tranny"

lmao, every time.
Being so emotionally invested in proving you're not an emotionally sensitive faggot just proves that you are one.
Scorpio has a feminine element, feminine modality, feminine polarity, but it's ruled by fiery and youthful Mars, so it mostly creates an angsty archetype resembling a bratty teen in insecure Scorpio men. The emo phenomenin was the hallmark of millenial teens (Pluto in Scorpio gen) at the time for a reason after all... Just embrace it for what it is, it's a passive water sign.
What the fuck?
Uh-huh, or I'm bored at my job texting on my phone lmao. You can project all you want - I am genuinely enjoying myself right now. I think it's remarkable and hilarious how much blatant envy drips from your words. Why do you envy us Scorpios? What is it about us that makes you seethe like a fox over grapes? It's funny to me.
By the way - all that "feminine energy" literally gives me this weird ass animal charisma with women. I have never once struggled getting laid or a date, women love my "feminine" energy it's honestly like Will Ferrell's character in the Other Guys sometimes.
>Mars is for a fighting spirit, Pluto is for power. Having both is hugely conducive to challenging existing power structures.
You know fair enough, but the planets rule signs not the other way around. I really can't think of any Scorpio revolutionaries.
All signs rule their planets - we are God. It is not the other way around, embrace your inner divinity my friend. We rule the planets, they don't rule us. That is a delusion our slavers want us to buy into.

As for why you never see prominent Scorpio revolutionaries is because we usually hang out in the background and don't like huge fame - because it comes with baggage and strings. I assure you we are there in the trenches - and that you will hear all about me in due time. I am going to build a more compassionate, equitable, understanding and fun world - mark my words.

This message >>39105135 is for you, replied to the wrong post.
1. I did stand up for myself, but I concede, I probably should have cut him out sooner. As for why I reached out to him, it was because I thought that enough time had passed that we could be friends again. I obviously liked him at one point and part of me missed him. Why is that so horrible?
2. He would attack me based off of instances that I wasn't involved in. He would say something hurtful and later confess that he only said it to me because someone said it to him. He used me as a punching bag when he was upset by something with which I had no involvement.
3. I can't believe you have this much to say about something that you're not involved in. It seems really neurotic. It actually wasn't really an argument, it was my failure to respond to him in a way that met his expectations. We used to just riff off of each other and show each other music that we liked, and eventually, there was a change in his personality where he wanted me to be extremely stoic and serious all the time. It was like he wanted to rolplay that he was Terrence McKenna and I was Alan Watts and would get mad at me for not playing along with his LARP. I no longer provided what he wanted. That's what the argument was about. He was mad at me for being me and not someone else. I was mad at him for demanding something too specific out of me. I felt used, and on top of years of mistreatment, it seemed clear that our friendship had died a natural death.
no man there is universal higher good you either are being a good person or you aren't.
Well there you go then - fundamental incompatibilities that left you as different people. I just want to reiterate that you literally could've moved on at any point.

Also, you asked me why and what I thought and I've never had difficulty writing or articulating, it's very trivial for me to write out long replies on my phone.

And to close, people are just assholes sometimes, man - regardless of sign. You just gotta cut your losses and move on instead of trying to force something to work. I don't know, I hope shit works out for you and you find better friends either way, it's not like I wish ill will on anyone. Even my loser exe friend, I hope "she" gets her shit together before she dies shooting up tranq or whatever new shit is on the streets.

I really want to build a world where even scum like your friend and my friend can become better people, and where people like you can find your true community. We'll get there in due time, if not in this life then in the next one
i'm not arguing with you i'm telling you what i think about you.
What makes a "good person"?

What if I spend my free time building houses for habitat for humanity, but my day job is shipping bombs off to Israel? Does that make me a good person?

What if my job is a predatory lender, but in my free time I run a soup kitchen? Am I automatically a good person?

What if I am compelled to hurt others under duress, does that make me a bad person? What if you have to hurt to survive? What is universal good even?

How can something be universal when we can't even form a consensus on it? Perhaps it is something innate, not logical but spiritual and emotional in its nature. I've thought about this my entire life.

And I think you're a funny mess lmao it was still stupid brother
Being a Virgo is to suffer silently. For sure Scorpios are misunderstood, they require a very specific love language, but Virgos are at the very least second place. Coming off as aloof, distant, uncaring, all while we are planning a getaway with precision and care so nothing goes wrong.
Virgos are real ones man I'm always gonna dap up a Virgo bro u out in the trenches with the other real ones
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My brother in Mars, the things you say are unverifiable. I wish you luck in burning the rotted old world - as with all revolutionary acts, cooperation is key.
Nothing about the spirit realm is verifiable - it is all faith. I have faith in you, I have faith in me, I even have faith in all the pukesters in this thread with their low-energy shit tryna bring Scorps down.

We will get this shit, we will make a better world together. I've got your back man
a good person is someone who makes moral choices. it's not hard. you clearly don't understand anything
You guys really think you have a single sign?
no i don't i follow human design which specifies that the sun sign is only your conscious perception of your personality the unconscious sun which is responsible for your decision-making is actually 88 days before your birth.
The feminine/masculine polarity in spiritual terms barely have anything to with the biological concept of men and women, humans possess both feminine and masculine qualities, Scorpio larper. It has to do with passive and active energy, with mundane and etherial qualities. Your massive rambles about Scorpio symbolizing anything that has to do with actively pursuing change, like in >>39104717 is just pure cope. You were describing Aquarius. Aquarius has to do with creating new structures because it's co-ruled by Saturn (structure) and Uranus (change), it has to do with questioning authority because it's opposite of Leo (leadership), and it has to do with revolutionary ideas because it's an air sign (thoughts and information) and is ruled by Uranus (a higher octave of Mercury). Scorpio has nothing to do with anything you're describing. Stop stroking your own ego, build your self esteem and don't base on delusional ideas from pop astrology.
yeah if someone steps on me I keep obsessing over it until i do some shit and black magic altogether, my psychopathic creep face isnt there just for show and i'm glad it scares people off, fuck i'm probably the most scorpio in this thread
too bad I scare women too even though i'm pretty at the ssame time
yea that's you being an asshole
>"don't delude yourself with pop astrology build your self esteem don't stroke your ego"
>quotes pop astrology and jerks off Aquarius - a sign that absolutely does not need any more of an ego trip than it already gets.

Lol they constantly accuse Scorpios of doing this kinda sneaky ego trip shit, but at least I'm willing to admit I'm a Scorpio and I'm damn proud of it. You clearly want people to suck off Aquarius so badly and are butthurt that Leo always steals your spotlight.

Scorpios are used to excessive hate and shit-slinging from others - it's how we get our strength. Scorpios aren't born naturally strong the way Leos or Taurus are - we acquire our strength through adversity. We are used to being hated in our time for bringing about change, we have staying power for that exact reason. We generate our own energy.

Aquarius's job is to be like Steve Jobs, that's the kind of revolution you bring. You take things that already exist and innovate them into something new. Scorpio brings about a socioeconomic revolution that changes the material conditions and reveals hidden truths - Aquarius changes the culture and the superstructure of that society with new customs and ideas. Aquarius are usually meant to be famous visionaries - Scorpios are fighters who destroy those who oppose change - often anonymously.

Nothing to do with signs I gotta agree with anon here >>39105512 that sounds like a you thing. I have never once struggled with women and my scary face keeps weaklings away.

Whose morals? Hitler's? Joe Biden's? Jesus Christ? The Buddha? Che Guevara's? Some viking from a thousand years ago? Whose?

What if you were considered a moral and righteous man by ancient Canaanites - righteously sacrificing the children of your enemies to please your God? What if you were considered moral by the Evangelicals and Zionist who advocate for raping children and bombing hospitals?

I just want to know where you're operating from.

as i said in my first post, there is a universal higher good. if you can't perceive that it's because you have low soul-intelligence.
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>that tranny is still going
>reading this from a warm bathtub
>mfw chuckling in taurus
I'm not Aqua and I don't have any major placements there, I'm just stating the obvious, keep coping.
t. Aries
lmao you are so sheltered and bubbled away you have no idea how many higher dimensional beings there are that would play with humans with playdough if there weren't other higher dimensional beings keeping them in check.
Obviously that kind of malicious behavior isn't exclusive to humans and we can look at "lower life forms" - cats and dogs hunt for sport, dolphins and ducks are rapists, chimps are war criminals and bonobos are incestuous. Hell, scorpions sting themselves intentionally. Yeah I'm sure there actually is a universal good but it is absolutely not something you know.

All I do know is that I will fight to create a world that is more equitable, compassionate, understanding and empathetic. I will fight for a better world, I will work towards helping everyone reach their fullest potential - free of arbitrary restrictions and artificial limitations. You can pratter on about your "universal morals" while I actually make positive changes to the world - how's that sound?

Yawn. Bo-ring.
no i'm not i'm seriously very aware and you are not that's why you're a huge asshole. the most spiritually aware people are not living for themselves they are helping others.
>It would be hilarious if we claimed the UK as a state because then what the fuck would you do?
That's not how politics or geography works, you absolute fucking moron.
Jesus Christ, you people really don't have geography classes, it's not even a meme at this point.
>What the fuck would you do?
What the fuck would YOU do? I can claim that the entire US is my personal state too. Would it change anything? No it wouldn't, because claiming doesn't make it so.
For real, tho. How old are you?
You are literally living for yourself right now and are being a colossal asshole right now. Yes oh so spiritually high lmao you just seem so assblasted thank you for helping me pass time at work today though it was a pretty slow day for me and this was genuinely an entertaining discussion.

Take care out there you soft little "Aries" - lmao
no i'm not i'm educating you. i'm speaking to you in a language you can understand.
I promise you that you have not provided me even a modicum of education and that your words ring hollow, generic, and with doubt and uncertainty about yourself - much less the larger world.

You are absolutely living for yourself - and there's literally nothing wrong with that. If you actually were further along the path you would realize that living for others and living for yourself are not mutually exclusive and in-fact both are required to find balance. You cannot reject your shadow any more than you can create a shadow without light
You're responding to 2 different people with very different writing patterns who respond to you regarding very different matters. How do you fail to recognize that?
that's your problem
Eh honest slip up shit happens man I'm not paying that much attention to y'all I'm just passing time at work lmao it's not that important to me this is just entertainment to me lmao I love writing shit out for fun
Well really you're making it my problem by blabbing on and on about nothing. Otherwise it's not my problem at all and I don't really care because your outlook on things doesn't personally affect me - it's just entertaining to debate with a stranger about this because our opinions are laid bare without any pretenses.
I'm Sagittarius and not a satanist
no it is definitely your problem
I would have taken the vax but was warned by pol that covid is un-vaxable. We didn't know about the blood clots back then, but I didn't want to take it if it only provides a false sense of security
can't speak for the others, but yea this one is pretty wrong lol
That's horrible
Water signs are most likely to be serial killers
>stop being so dramatic
Bro calling that an attack is the definition of dramatic
He needs shrooms
The only people in my family that even were worried about the vaxx were an aries and me a leo
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Classic recursive loop - very effective non-sequiter though I'll give you that lol

Lmao if you think that's dramatic then you're clearly an actually very sensitive person. It's called an "attack" because of the intent, I know reading comprehension might be difficult for you but you'll get there - have faith!
This is actually just an awful way to think about things and you genuinely need help to find your way out of the abyss your soul crawled into
Anecdotes won't always line up with the general rules of thumb - there are exceptions to everything
That graph certainly isn't
nigga you are retarded try just shutting up a little bit
You know it's funny there's this thing you can do called "not replying" (or your mother will die in her sleep tonight) that would easily make me go away. The more butthurt you get the more I'll just keep needling on it's easy and free to slap together some words especially when they make babies like you seethe - LMAO XD
Taurus is way off and could be represented by basedjak or npcface
Leos are some of the dumbest people ever yet think they are smart
Don't really get whether Gemini is supposed to be a clown or psychopathic but idk maybe Two Face would be a better batman villain
The rest are ok
Who the fuvk is this Scorpio crying in this thread for days?
I'm a leo and yes I'm smart but I'm not a basedjak
Scorpio sun Aquarius moon
i don't care what you do i'm telling you what's the matter with you
You're losing your mind.
I'm a virgo who drinks Pabst
Lol it takes zero effort for me to slap some words together on my phone and press post. I'm in six different threads on three different boards, and also playing Space Marine II with some of the bros - it's actually very easy to multitask when you're not special education but I completely understand if that's a lot for you to process.

If this is your idea of insanity then you're even weaker than I thought.

Aww that's sweet of you! And I could tell you the sky is made of chocolate and that a lone gunman killed JFK but that wouldn't make those things true now would it?

Based indeed. Enjoy the ride fellow Scorpibro, enjoy.
I never said that what you're doing takes effort, but you do seem to be getting progressively more insane just from what I've observed. This morning it seemed like you wanted to come across a certain way and you've since abandoned that, and saying anything about the effort it takes to respond means that you're exhausted.
Meme checks out
Scorpios on suicide watch and Aries on the phone
it's called "masking" and I'm working on it every day
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>cancer checks out

wife is a taurus and cries at movies, songs, losing her favorite fidget toy, etc.

wish I was more in touch with my feelings but maybe it’s an overwhelming curse

bro what are you even talking about cmon lmao

I'm not trying to come across any way - you're just reading your own emotions into things and pasting them onto me lol

Also how is typing on your phone "exhausting", exactly? It's just fun to argue with strangers on a platform with few rules and consequences I didn't realize this shit was gonna mentally "exhaust" you hahaha imagine being exhausted from something easy to do, my god
>things anon didn't say
Astrology nerds can't even fucking read.
Go to vedic-horo.com, input your birth info and check your rising sign/ascendant, then reference the chart. Vedic astrology is more accurate
>no it’s a different group of secretly gay men destroying the country
Army and navy are the same thing dude
Libra hit me deep down
>how is typing on your phone "exhausting", exactly?
I don't know, you're the one who said you were exhausted by mentioning not being tired completely out of nowhere. Either way, you obviously dropped your previous persona and have adopted a new one because the previous one wasn't working for you.
I turned eighteen yesterday.
Happy birthday
I'm a Leo and I am a galaxy-brain genius. Thank you for noticing.
>The genders are all wrong for most signs.
Wat ze fock?
Both men and women can be born in any month of the year. How did you come to the conclusion that sun signs are gendered????
We are smarter than you. You literally believe in facebook meme-tier horoscopes instead of actual, real astrology, which is complex and multi-layered.
>I can't wait for Trump to win so he loses his hrt and brain tumor cancer meds kek.
Where did this meme come from? Do any of you people honestly think Trump is going to do ANYTHING to obstruct the troon agenda? Because I would actually consider voting for him if I believed that. Where's the evidence?
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I'm a Leo and I listen to black metal. Does this disprove the gay meme?
no it's not. kys
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>Good black metal
Here you go. Leo btw.
What does it mean if I'm one of the 30% of unvaxxed Leos?
I feel ashamed that my fellow Leos are such sheep.
I'm a gooner who hates himself and hides behind 50 layers of meta irony, but people love having me around.
I can bench 250 too.

It means you are a free-thinker who has successfully broken your conditioning. All signs have negative traits that are enforced through social conditioning and it takes great effort to overcome them - some people will take multiple lifetimes to do so even. Be proud of yourself for not allowing others to dictate your mind, smile my friend.


What did you just finish Psych 1301 or read your first Jung book or something LMAO I don't think this persona is really "working" for you - you might have to abandon it and "adopt" a new one hahahaha
It's okay to dislike the representation.
You not liking it doesn't make it inaccurate.
Pivot. Easy as fuck.
I recognise the Sag representation as slightly accurate. Only slightly because I've already pivoted from the pure negativity into a blend of the light and the dark, which is something this still doesn't represent too well.
I'm comfortable saying this because my Moon is in Leo so fuck everyone who thinks I'm wrong I know best.
Means that unlike them, you're actually Lionhearted and don't need other people's approval to feel royal.

>arrogant Leo globohomo enthusiasts dominate the jab charts
>Aquarius know-it-alls falling for the old believing everything you hear trick
>Aries stubbornly headbutting everyone out of his way so he can jump off the mountain into certain doom
>Sag thinking he can just pivot out of hell, and if things really suck he can just adapt to hell lmao
>Taurus got corralled and goaded into it, refuses to accept it was a mistake
>Gemini couldn't make its mind up (heh)
>Libra wanted to do what was right, but by the standards set by others which were erroneously defined
>Pisces wasn't paying attention
>Capricorn didn't wanna violate the system, but recognised that the system was already broken, thus 50/50ish
>Virgo accommodated whatever pressure was most prevalent
>Scorpio is recalcitrance incarnate, with a turbocharger; they were never going to do the popular thing (also observed intensively in Pluto Scorps)
All I know is he's gonna outlaw porn.
All you can do is laugh and call me names. But I have facts and logic on my side and everyone can see that I am right.
scorpio is powerful but revolution and social change are aqua things.
aqua is the sign that cares about humanity, rather than its own ego, unlike all the other Fixed signs (taurus "I have this I have that, I have table I have chair", leo "I'm so popular, I'm so talented", scorpio "I'm so hardcore")
That's true. I'm a Gemini and I practice semen retention for the sole purpose of being able to jack off for longer periods of time without taking breaks. I hate how I turn temporarily asexual and can't get turned on for like forty minutes to an hour every time I cum, so I just don't cum. If I think I'm going to, I close my eyes and think about politics or something.
>sacred communicator originating remotely polar introspective omen
Holy schizo wordsalad batman
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Pluto in Capricorn has been a fucking wild ride bros. I'm Cancer, Capricorn Rising and holy fuck shit has been so hectic and stressful lately. Months are feeling like an eternity and I fear some shit might happen soon that may haunt me for the rest of my life.
Tarus is my least favorite sign hands down. They're like Leos but dorkier.
also checked
You're missing all of mine.
It does that.
Last time it entered Capricorn was 1774. First Continental Congress.
Aquarius? 1794, right before Napoleon came in and restructured France with all of those stately nationhood ideas.
We're watching the destruction of the world as we knew it.
If you're young enough, you'll be fertile when it enters Aquarius and destroys everything you thought you knew.
I wish Trump were as based as Democrats think he is
Bro what are you yapping on in circles about this isn't some debate circuit where we're arguing an issue with a definable point of contention - no one else is talking to you but me in here

You're right that I'm making fun of you at this point though lol, because you're trying to say I have some persona that I'm projecting when you're coming over here with the "facts and logic" and the PhD in image board psychology lmao

Of course all I can do is laugh at you man - you're talking at me but not actually talking to me, fighting this imaginary argument in your head
Define "moral".
Describe this "universal higher good".

I'm only asking you this because the tone you're writing in makes it sound like you're one of those pseuds who hides behind legitimate-sounding but ultimately unfalsifiable and emotionally-driven beliefs and pet theories.
You know I'm right. That's why you're so agitated. Fight against it all you want, but you can't hide from reality.
Does based just mean retarded now? Whenever I see someone saying that something is based, it's something really retarded. Outlawing an artistic genre is appalling and goes against what the US is supposed to be all about, even if that genre is littered with a lot of crap, as is the case with pornography as well as horror and comedy - all very similar genres, by the way.

it's a feeling you get when you become spiritually attuned. there is no mental description that can make you feel it, it gets revealed to you when you do the work.
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Yawn, boring

Yeah okay professor you're really agitating me like a washing machine lmao
I win.
Congratulations on winning the sponge-packing contest, here's your reward!

Exactly, he's just being an obnoxious and vague dumbass because he doesn't actually know anything or stand for anything. I might be loud and all over the place but I'm damn proud of who I am and what I stand for and I have stood my ground against threats of violence and detainment on multiple occasions.

He talks about universal good when there isn't even a universal consensus on colors and shapes it's so damn annoying and I can tell he has no real-world experience working through adversity.

You just said nothing other than establishing a vague goal post that you can just arbitrarily move wherever you want. Nice wisdom there guru lol
You can feign ignorance all you want, but you know for a fact that I'm right and you're wrong. It's over. You will reap what you have sown. This entire thread is ground zero. Say goodbye to your family. Say goodbye to your children.

Say goodbye.
Oh okay you actually are just talking to yourself now - you doing alright man? You really did exhaust yourself I'm worried about you lil cuz
The person you should be worried about right now isn't me, my guy. Don't worry. You'll come to realize this eventually. Soon.
nigga you are so fucking retarded again and again and again and again and again
Lmao calling me slurs you're definitely in the highest echelons of wisdom, virtue and an intellectual titan - keep up the sage words oh master guru of Morgan's Wonderland

>my guy
Dramatic and bo-ring. And you losers were calling us Scorpios dramatic but you're out here typing out some reddit villain diatribe
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>artistic genre
Coombrain detected. The U.S. would be objectively better if porn companies were shut down or blocked. The only valid argument against this is the fear of government overreach. But porn is a weapon that's being strategically used to poison the minds of our young people.
Porn is not art, nor is it free speech.
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lmao cry some more pal
I'm a Scorpio, dumbass.
A lot of it is very artistic and creative. Either way, if you're trying to justify outlawing porn you don't belong in the US. You want to move society backwards instead of forwards.
Any health society would ban porn. Main reason is not even masturbation and sexual attraction, but the fact there is no bottom in this pit. Today there are porn movies being made in public, right on the beach or on a public square, and people don't react because porn got normalized.
It will be too late when a porn-minded government decides to pass some law where no rape could be reported if the victim is a white male. Because that is the main target, and they will not stop until you have maximum Sodoma and Gomorrah.
Lol wow you got me I should've known better what your sign is after all we know each other so well!

Lmao like I said before some people are just assholes and dumb no matter what sign they are - there are exceptions to everything and you are exceptionally mediocre and boring
I am a double Gemini 6.6 thus the king of my sign
as a sag sun why do I keep attracting scorpio suns or even ones with main placements in scorp

why do they try to tame the horsie
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What about pic related?

"tame the horsie" lol you "sweet" little saggies really out here thinking that being a loose mess who just parties and abuses substances all day is all it takes to make you interesting

It's probably much more likely that you unconsciously seek them out and then think it's the other way around. Typical Sagittarius behavior, many such cases!

Sagittarius is always attracted to the stability and consistency of fixed signs, but they rarely have enough self-awareness to realize they are just attracted to the *idea* of stability and someone taking care of them while they go off and be shameless "free-spirits" partying away like Pisces - but at least Pisces doesn't even bother to try string along fixed signs in zombie relationships. They just jump right into gross poly shit

Sagittarius shamelessly takes advantage of the almost unrelenting loyalty and love from fixed signs and exploits it for either as long as possible or until it no longer serves their free-wheeling lifestyle. Then they just move on and trauma dump on the next fixed sign they find about how "controlling" their awful ex was.

Or they finally grow up and settle with the nearest fixed sign right as all their bad decisions in their twenties finally catch up to their body but just before the wall comes around

Much more accurate than OP lmao
Depends on which astrology you're using really.
Sag starts the 15th of December and ends the 14th of January in sidereal astrology.
Maybe they're not truly Scorpios.
>inb4 the "it's seasons" guy tries to argue against the physical measurable magnetic influences of the planets based on where they actually are in the sky

Your impression of Saggies may be clouded by a lack of wisdom.
See the above. A lot of "saggies" are really Scorpio.
The archetypal Sagittarius pivots like there's no tomorrow, but that doesn't mean he's off to the races all the time despite being a fire sign.
Intensity in a minimal timeframe is very normal, similar to how a lion can take 25 minutes to move into position for 10 seconds of pouncing.
Never drinking in an entire year, and then suddenly downing 3 bottles of hard liquor in one day just for the fun of it. That's an extreme example but very fitting.
t. 6-planet sidereal Sag.
Oh here we go typical saggie shit of blaming it on the fixed signs lmao can't ever just take responsibility can you guys?

>"d-doh you're actually talking about SCORPIO they're so evil, right guys!? Everyone mixes up Sagittarius with Scorpios born on the cusp of BEING Sagittarius, trust me bro"
Can you two faggots shut up good lord
Bro stfu no one is talking to you get lost

You're just an obnoxious attention-seeking loser who can't help but inject himself into shit that doesn't concern him
It's a fact that in sidereal astrology, Scorpio ends on the 14th of December.
It's not my problem if you can't handle that. It needn't be yours.
Adapt for once in your Godblessed stubborn life.
Holy shit, you're still here sperging about the supposed superiority of Scorpio suns? You're so butthurt and insecure, it's unreal.
Don't tell me you're one of those pop astrology retards that believes in the "13th sign" lmao that shit is so gay and desperate to be special
Nope, it ends on November 22nd because everyone BELIEVES it ends November 22nd.

All this shit is belief-based, and the general consensus and belief is Scorpio ends on November 22nd. It doesn't matter what asinine excuse or logic you apply because this shit is ultimately faith-based and emotional despite the academic underpinnings and dressing.

Your special snowflake shit would only apply if a majority accepts it. The power of astrology doesn't come from the signs themselves but the people who believe in them. That's why in Christianity and other religions astrology is expressly forbidden - because it's belief-based. You wanna talk about adapting you need to adapt to the reality that your convoluted excuses for why Sagittarius is a hedonistic and non-committal party animal are invalid and silly
Obviously he's not you retard that guy is clearly on the Sagittarius defense force and is blaming all the gay shit about his sign on Scorpios - also you're a dumb faggot with no attention span or reading comprehension skills, threads can last for days dummy
Scorpiofaggot, what's your moon placement? Send chart pls
Learn to read it's up there in the thread somewhere - what's your sign, you're clearly a crybaby who needs kinetic sand behind every video or something lmao
I'm not going to read your retarded rants, just send your chart.
Lmao why are you even on an website where the overwhelming majority of communication is in the written format then just read through it if you want the answer so badly no willpower to speak of in your body just excuses
I have no problem reading, I'm just not going to read your delusional bullshit. You know nothing about astrology and I won't gain any insight from your dumb takes. Argued with you yesterday and then you tried to pretend you weren't being serious. I'm just curious about your chart, just send it, faggot.
Oh it's you! Lmao you're still so butthurt and bored you came back here just to start more shit up with me, how sweet of you. You call me delusional and dumb and I'm assuming you're the same retard with the PhD in tiktok psychology who was talking about personas and other gay shit like that. Still projecting your emotions and insecurities onto me

I already told you if you want me to stop all you have to do is stop replying to me, I also already told you the answer to your question is in the thread and that if you want it so badly that it's yours to find. All you have to do is read - I know that sounds scary but I promise you it won't be any harder to read than your harry potter books!
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>Porn is progress
You can't make this shit up.
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(((Hollywood))) is literally producing gay porn for the masses. The Boys had a gratuitous gay sex scene in it in season 3.
No I'm not the anon you're thinking of. Just send the chart already.
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what does Libra sun, Pisces moon and Pisces rising mean?
this one fits better when i compare it to the people i know and their signs. lol especially aries and aquarius. it seems like every aries i meet is a rage meme or at least super high energy to sort of stupid level and aquarius will just believe whatever woo woo shit blows past them.
I truly believe in free speech, so I understand the argument for it, however, I would make it so difficult to access, put it behind so many hoops and hurdles, and make the producers legally liable to absurd levels to make sure its influence is a small as possible.

Porn is nothing but poison on every possible level and I really feel bad for people who can't see that because they're destroying their own sex drive, de-sensitizing themselves, and wasting countless hours for something that serves no actual benefit or positive to their life or society.
are you a scorpio? i didn't expect this long of an answer with such contempt ;_; I'm only going off of ky personal experiences but 2 scorpios I have been with were really toxic and abusive towards me but a third one was my best relationship. i tried being with a scorpio moon placement person recently but it was just wrong timing which was really unfortunate. also I'm not really physically built to take crazy drugs and party like that, like I'm just chill and a little derpy. i just don't want someone to isolate and control me or steal my money or clothes or property especially after a breakup like unhinged monsters
It means you're probably real angry and upset all the time but probably too dumb and unfocused to usually figure out why
idk, seems right. im a scorpio and can be quite unhinged at times.
I’m Cancer man, life is pain, too many fee fees bros.
Taurus who was cheated on by a Sagittarius it's personal for me, you guys are non-committal and weak flakes who unravel at the first sign of trouble

Scorpios are too angry for my liking always brooding about some shit out of their hands
Because Scorpios and Sagittarius were made for each other they're the only fools who actually want to tame the horsie lmao and Sagittarius are the only ones who can get Scorpios to stop brooding for five fucking minutes with their constant sunshine and softness
damn, well... fuck.
>capricorn sun
>cancer moon
>leo rising
is this the best combo?
>Aries stubbornly headbutting everyone out of his way so he can jump off the mountain into certain doom
literally me
I just have that urge to just jump off, and all these people tell me "we love you don't do it", that I will surely find my undoing there
but I must, there could be anything down there
there could be hot bitches waiting for me
I never mentioned the 13th sign, what the fuck is wrong with your hylic ass?

I believe it ends December 14th.
Therefore it ends December 14th.
Other people's beliefs don't change mine.
If you don't like it, adapt. Believe it ends January 31st and starts February 1st if you want.

Also I'm not defending Scorpios whatsoever.
I'm simply reciting hard facts.
If astrology is entirely belief-based, it doesn't matter where anything is and I can dictate for myself what each planet means, and you can't argue against it or disagree because it's my belief in my world.
If astrology has even one iota of relativity, it must be rooted in physical interactions between the planets and the stars, through the magnetic fields.
That would mean that the physical position, the fixed position of each planet in each sign, is vital for determining what's going on.
Basically put, arbitrary belief-based tropical astrology is a ruse, a decoy, and what the billionaires don't use but cheap tarot ladies do.

You're seriously upset about this whole thing.
Can't even agree to disagree.
Flow man. Flow with the winds of wisdom as they immolate the stonecarved dogmas and melt them down.
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I'm pisces I don't look like that lol
I'm a man I have brown hair and I don't drink Starbucks hell I don't even drink caffeine. Maybe it's true for women I don't know.
can you niggers stop freaking out over nothing? it's entered aquarius already this year. this meme planet goes into retrograde all the time. take these meme generational planets with a grain of salt and understand that there are a million different factors beyond your comprehension. do they matter? sure, but ur a fucking retard if you think pluto being in aquarius was the only thing fueling shit happening. reference the birth charts of countries to get a more clear picture and apply techniques other than "it entered a sign". this shit right here is why astrology gets a bad rap.
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>check thread
>scorpios are still fighting
And I thought us aries butted heads...
Habibi come to Afghanistan
I've yet to meet a water sign that respects my autonomy
We have plot armor. Trailblazing as hard as we do requires a level courage/stupidity no other sign posseses
>I've yet to meet a water sign that respects my autonomy
oof I hear ya
>Sagittarius are the only ones who can get Scorpios to stop brooding for five fucking minutes with their constant sunshine and softness
Whose? The saggie's of the Scorpio's? Which one has the sunshine?
Sagittarius is a fire sign and known for being very friendly and warm so I thought it would be pretty obvious which one was the soft sunshine and which one was the brooding ambush predator that stings itself lol
>it's entered aquarius already this year
Open stellarium in your browser and go see where Pluto is right now.
Yawn yeah okay what medium puff piece did you read that one from lmao my god you're so pretentious it's insane I can't imagine you flow with anything with that stick up your ass
Saggitarians are far from being friendly and soft.
I asked God and Jesus Christ.
You should do the same.
Depends on the other placements.
Mercury in Sag can flare up like a big bunker buster. Add Mars to that and it's a nuke.
But they can die down just as quickly as a little fire cracker. To get them to hold a grudge, you need to fuck them really hard in a deep way that continues to hurt them.
Saggies can be oochie coochie soft and cuddly, but don't fuck with them. They'll butcher and sauté your ass in 1 minute.
Resorting to calling me names rather than addressing what I said proves that you know I'm right.
my big three is aquarius pisces pisces. I am the odd ball indeed
If you are a practicing Christian then you would know that damn near every sect of the faith outright rejects astrology wholesale because even in the earliest versions of your Holy Bible Yeshua explicitly rejects astrology wholesale and the power you surrender to it by believing in it and pasting attention to it

Jesus and I are cool by the way I always help out his flock when they need it even if I don't consider myself one I'm more of someone who believes the kingdom of heaven lies within and that I will be my own Messiah

Either way take care out there man it's getting rough out there for everyone even if I do think you're lil pretentious I do hope the best for you
Shut the fuck up faggot you know we do tropical you fucking nigger.
You do you man.
Just don't bite when the timing's off as usual.

As a cancer, I truly am a born to feel soldier of war, been through the ringer and back. The experience has hardened my crab shell, yet deep down I still feel and am an empath for others. I also don't mind being a sea spider, we have big, meaty claws and tough outer shells. Better than being what, a fish? A fucking deer? Naturally I make the best friends with Scorpio's and Taurus's (Scorpio's are basically Cancer's with edge, and Taurus's are bros). I get along with most signs though except Virgo's and Pisce's, (Virgos are perfectionist snitches, and Pisce's are fuckin schizos)

Also daily reminder on average most people are born in August therefore Leo's are the sign for normies. My wife of 5 years is a Leo and can confirm
My brother in christ this scheme has been working for thousands of years. just because you're retarded doesn't mean it doesn't.
>(Virgos are perfectionist snitches,
Intake offense to that. Perfectionist I may be, but snitch I have never. I am the ultimate confidant.
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The libra description is the total opposite of my personality.

Fuck off, I don't believe in this made up nonsense
As a Leo I decree all Scorpios in this thread SHUT THE FUCK UP. Thank you.
i don't know shit about astrology but i relate to the cancer dudes as a cancer.
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actually what does being a cancer mean?sounds kinda cool
I'm a Sagittarius and I'm often told to be very cold and distant, so I couldn't tell. I also don't know anything about what the signs are supposed to mean, neither anything about the details of my signs like planet placements and other stuff anons in this thread were talking about.
Everyone knows only girls are born in February and March is all male babies
Read a fuvking book dude
Shut up and drink your Yerba mate you choker wearing bish
Pluto's been opposite your sun for the last 16 years, looks like it's been a tough time for cardinal signs in general
It means the sun was in the sign of Cancer when you were born (in tropical astrology.) Cancer is a cardinal water sign that marks the beginning of the summer season
Not him but I'm from 6th December, I have Mercury in Capricorn, Mars too. And I hold grudge for the shit that someone did even when I was a kid. I'm unable to forget anyone. Shit sucks.
Yeah, almost as if... it's all fake bullshit and people are much much more influenced by the economy and their immediate surroundings then they will even be by what "sign" they're born under

Astrology is fucking dumb
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A question for the Aries in the room : Are you guys always low key angry all the time? I've noticed it in some female Aries not many males though.
The scheme has been working in a dysfunctional way with impossible to guarantee timing.
I have found sidereal astrology to be infinitely more accurate.
I'm not even arguing against interpretations, just against the arbitrary 30° sized zodiacs.
Im a libra too. Can confirm it lol.

There wasn't a single thing to "address" lmao you're just using me as a springboard to talk to yourself, while also issuing vague threats about "someone" coming to get me - what the hell am I supposed to "address" exactly lol

You accuse me of being dramatic and having a meltdown but you're literally doing all the dumb shit Scorpios are stereotyped for and acting like a dumb schizo with "ominous warnings" (I guess that's Scorpio shit too lmao)

You got a long way to go to tame that venom lil bro quit stinging everything in sight lmao they're just words on a screen u don't gotta threaten my life just because I hurt your feelings
The things you're fixating on are the fixed stars. Study them and then never talk to me about sidereal again. Don't shit up the place. An overwhelming majority of astrology is based on the seasons, which at the time the zodiac was loosely fit to, with some allowance given in regards to overly big constellations. It stands in as a marker that lets you mark time and refer back to specific things going on. What would you rather them say? Second third spring sector? Nah, that's Taurus.

Very, very early on in the tradition this is set into motion, with Astrologers recognizing this to be a problem. A number of traits associated with the signs are actually associated with the stars that were in them. Specifically the negative ones. So some authors talked about it. They're worth acknowledging, but not worth using sidereal over. Read up on the fixed stars instead of neutering your understanding of Astrology.

A lot of logic used to explain why things are the way that they are, such as the homes of the planets cease to make sense if you use Sidereal, since the Sun's exaltation and fall is based around the start of Spring and Fall respectively.

I study transits and so the position of the signs is always relevant to me, but even if it didn't the only thing I need to do to dismiss sidereal is point to the critical degrees. I've studied too many charts at this point where someone has had a planet on the 0th or 29th degree. Sometimes I meet a whole group with that sort of set up. A group of people I know who are really concerned about politics have their venus on the 0th degree for instance. Regardless of the placement, I've found that it tends to make people more willing to partake of low quality things such as really bad memes. There's a lot of energy there and it gives the native a lot of innocence in a way. The sign and house will help direct how it forms, but the logic ceases to be in the extreme the second I use sidereal, but it's still that way irl.

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