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Gnostics are right.
gnostics literally validate 'abrahamism'
they are 'golems' to a LIE
Admittedly I’m not well versed in Gnosticism, but my first impressions have been that it feels pretty larpy. A lot of the beliefs seem to be based on nothing and are just things people said one time.
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Jesus is gonna own everyone
Everyone will lose face
Everyone will bend the knee
jesus is the antichrist you fucking demon
ship your SHIT at church
Gnostics are cringe and gay.
Jesus has u all screeching just by the mention of his name, epic
Jesus is so good you have to murder people over his acceptance
Looks like a demon
I'll take the L, if he hand delivers it to me
>you have to murder people over his acceptance
Never happened. The Crusades were a response to the Islamic marauders from the east, not an initiated attack.
I'm Christ.
now it's your turn to screech.
You simply utter the name of jesus the christ and they all get uncomfy
duh... nobody likes kikes
not even the 'capeshit' jesus they push
jesus 'is' the antichrist
Do gnostics believe jesus christ is the son of sophia?
No, it happened. I wont even argue past this point. Everyone hates Christian larpers rightfully for preaching peace and bringing murder
I think gnostics say Jesus is the half brother of the demiurge
I've heard so
it's why 'gnostics' are WORTHLESS because they lend credence to KIKE fairytales
they hold ZERO weight spiritually and only act as a 'what if scenario' : philosophically, to everything 'abrahamism' didn't include
like a source mother: sophia
but her REAL NAME is DEATH and jesus 'is' the antichrist and DEATH did not birth the KIKE
For example: here I am.
You utter the name, and I get uncomfortable enough to say the following: anything you ask in his name he shall do, so the son is glorified.

Try and get shit done with his name, you cant, because it's fake and bugchasing gay.
Ok so, christcucks love to say how Jesus is so special. I will now explain the problem with Christian religion.

I'm 44 yo, 16 of these years have Been spent practicing different religions and magicks.

In Thelema, Vodou, Quimbanda, Chaos Magick, Hindu Tantra, Buddhism, just to mention some examples, there's doctrine and rituals. So like, you do the rituals, as described, and shit happens, as promised.

You do the rites and you receive the result.

Now, coming back to Jesus: he simply doesn't. He doesn't give you shit when you ask in his name.

This should end any debate, but it doesn't, and they Scream harder.
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Jesus doesnt even need a good deeds bank account, he conquered the world without material possesions nor spiritial possessions. He was a true gnostic faither

Thats why he is the christ.
the 'abrahamic cults' are MASONIC PSYCHOLIGICAL SLAVE SYSTEMS akin to MK ultra
I've explained how they work before
but in 'christianity' the AIM is for the GOY to hold the BODY = the EGO of the jew (EL = sELf) and REMOVE THE MIND from the cultists
that's why they 'claim' to be 'free': because they're LITERAL lobotomites
jesus 'is' the antichrist.
gnosticism is just video games for people who were from a time where everyone was too fucking retarded to invent video games.
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You know deep in your core jesus defeated all your schemes, every computation that your boxxy false God simulation makes.
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Jesus owns you, he always has and hes coming for his bride.
When did this happen?
All over history, it's never too late to attend basic education.
No, I haven't heard anything like that.
Christ is also called Autogenes (which means self-generated, because it arises within us without being given) and is much higher up the hierarchy than Sophia.
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Correct. The human spirit is indomitable.
>dabbles in as much witchcraft as possible
>surprised that Jesus refuses to bestow blessings onto thee
That’s not an answer.
The only thing they were right about was the world and body being prisons. In their narcissistic hubris however, they deluded themselves into thinking they didn't deserve to be imprisoned and the downward spiral went off from there.
Archon hands typed this post.
Your "basic education" are the shoddily written books of the Four Fedora Horsemen, aren't they?
A mega hylic black worshipper controlled on a puppetstring by an archon maybe

Were always confined to the flesh prison. Were literally sperms and egg somehow forms into a man but then they also say the soul and/or spirit gets injected after a while into the embryo

Which is a huge contradiction it means the flesh prison is tied into matter but the injected part comes from elsewhere.

Its as strange as it gets.

God has the soul and/or spirit?!!!essence of humanoids and makes sure it gets stuck into matter in the embryo
The pleroma is quantum
>n their narcissistic hubris however, they deluded themselves into thinking they didn't deserve to be imprisoned and the downward spiral went off from there.

As long as you don't go out of your way to be cruel to other people, being a narcissist is based.
Is jesus an /xx/ type chromosome androgynous man? Since he only has a mother and no dad?
He may have very female looking legs for a man in the flesh

Really makes you think with all the troonism going on? Are they a lost bloodline of mary magdalenes offspring getting tricked by a matter false God into suiciding their bloodline?
The false god black cube trump God wants you to think the /xx/ female energy bloodline of jesus should troon out and destroy itself. But they are liars. The mary mother of jesus pure energy destroys the gay black cube anal assraper energy by simply being angelic. Angelic means commected to the bloodline of jesus. The meek shall inherit the earth comes from that /xx/ male bloodline
Jesus has the purest XY chromosome as the Y chromosome of jesus the man is directlt created by God in mary her XX belly
Yet jesus may look very dandy since he is a man in spirit but maybe not in the flesh. As a Godmade Y part actually may express itself as a sweet man
The troon agenda comes from pride/shame agenda direct influenced by satan? We should become androgynous in spirit but not in the flesh. We need to find our other half and procreate the correct xy offspring with the correct xx mother line
Satan def is a loser and his children, his people are liars, a den of vipers and murderors from the beginning so indeed they are part of the cube black assraper gay dominant man cult as murder is equivalent to anal rape, it murders the soul of the victim
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>Love your enemy and turn the other cheek, and don't forget to yell "harder daddy!"
>Stear your drive for liberation into the dead end of hoping an external power will save you
>The meek (subhuman swarthoids) will inherit the earth and ensure it stays a prison
>Be afraid of other paths, which offer actual methods of strengthening your spirit
Nice try, agent Smith
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Always have been thats why they get so much persecution

The assraper evil shaytan cult wants people to believe being a softy hearted man is actually gay while its actually strenght from a gnosis standpoint.
The meek mary magdalene jesus bride bloodline will win.
Shaytan assraper gays will lose because homosex destroys all that is Good

Low effort poster
What if they lied about jesus his bride and said she was a whore while she wassnt

That would explain the whole thing and finally it makes sense why jesus blocked stone throwers, they were lying about a yung girl that they wanted to assrape and jesus blocked their gay shit
Absolutely zero chance of that
Accusers gonna accuse
Satan is the accuser.
The jesus soft man pure dna type doesnt accuse, hes cool. Truth is obvious in the soft man meek world.
Def they are, thats why theyre the truly persecuted.
jesus is the antichrist, you lost as soon as you relied on his false authority.
you weak golem
He is more an Avatar of Sophia
Or unto thee, or unto anyone
Christos is the consort of Sophia. He microcosmed himself into a carpenter's consciousness to save his wife from his wife's son... whom all his disciples mistakenly thought *he* was the son of... except Judas, who knew he came from the imperishable realm of Barbelo.
No, it's what you learn when you attend school and high school (paying some attention) in EU .

I am not atheist, but you should drop the meth if you think Christian religion is the reasonable choice for anyone without brain damage
>the flesh prison is tied into matter but the injected part comes from elsewhere.
Yes! Theta preexists MEST, the thetan is an eternal being. The human body is the ultimate theta-trap.
Satan just hates adam and adams and also jesus cause hes just like adam i. The creation aspect

Jesus is a prophet but i dont think satan would hate him more or less than he already did. Maybe who's to say
I guess thats to be discussed by the gnostic and abrahamic pundits who discus these things. Possibly happening here in this thread although i just see a lot of accusers posting here

I guess one could argue jesus is more perfect than adam if jesus is sinless and adam is not but there's no actual proof jesus was sinless although satan coulndt conquer him so he might have been

This is one of the debate points between islam and gnostics but they will eventually find the truth and finally unite and kill the shaytans
Interesting ,but might be wrong from a 3d 4d human intellect standpoint , why would he hate jesus more than Already adam. Jesus in christian texts is said to have said if the world hates you remember it hated me first. Very interesting statement.
Satan always has been an accuser because hes jaleous at the beauty of the God created man, jesus must be hated even more than adam cause jesus is made from adam through mary with another tweak on top of that. Satan may hate jesus his bloodline even more than adam
abrahamism is SO FUCKING WORTHLESS we must attach it to gnosticism to seem relevant
jesus 'is' the antichrist.
Accuser your post is worthless because abrahamism contains both truth and lies in their books and it has to be filtered out first

Accusers wanna throw away the baby with the badwater because the keys are in the very books

Your attempt to discards these truths by using a dualism trap fails here. Ignorance fails when truth overcomes. Seek the truth, know the truth and the truth will set you free.
The truth contained in abrahamism must be extracted first. To keep. As a gnostic truth.
As a gnostic knowable truth. A tailormade truth for humans to grasp and understand.
all abrahamism is BULLSHIT
anyone that doesn't recognise the Queen of Heaven: universal source mother, is a FUCKING HEATHEN
and jesus 'is' the antichrist, so not even that faggot can save them.
I know the truth
are you? no?
didn't think so.
fucking golem
I wont let u control the narrative cause you will just mix truth and lies and accuse nonstop. Go away
Truth stands on its own and doesnt need explaining

As it is timeless and formless and beyond this world
faggot your claim to 'divine source' is jewish fairytales
jesus 'is' the antichrist
no jew will EVER be Christ.
deny me faggot... damn yourself because you believe in jewish LIES.
Jew hater

Jesus is a probably a genetic jew muslim gnostic
oh I can't fucking stand jews.
and I will never pretend otherwise.
jesus was a 'jew' and perverted the aspect of Christ.
irredeemable and unforgivable
What is the next step?
Jesus had to have a jew muslim mother, its the ultimate galactic pwn it pisses off left and right and satan has no answer to it cause he cant accuse both sides without being found out. It ruins his gameplan

Jesus was a uniter, a civiliser, his very existance is a plan by a higher force. Its the anti thesis of the antichrist
muh satan
>the thing that literally doesn't exist
but which FAGGOTS like this have to parrot because of their jewish cape-shit-hero jesus claiming it was real
jesus 'is' the antichrist
always was
always will be
Satan the demiurge his biggest trick is convincing the world he doesnt exist

Trust me accuser we can see the viperdaddy's workings, we know he is real and he runs the circus here in this realm and we know he straigth up controls some of the accusers in this thread aswell like puppets on a string
The real God can undo everything with a simple word. He speaks things into existance and the pen writes it into existance, he simply says BE and it is. Thats not the blind demiurge snake with a lion head thats lurks around seeig whom he may devour. The real God has an unknowable form to the human intellect.
so fuck the bible?
fuck the bible.
unknowable to ((human)) intellect; the people that wrote the bible
jesus 'is' the antichrist
You try to force God's hand in this cause youre a sad lost sheep,but truth is ineffable, you are not in charge of that, youre essentially powerless
All abrahamics texts contain ineffable truths
Some more than others
Dont trust some accuser on /x/ to discard it all, you might need it allong the way
I serve the Queen of Heaven
you serve the devil
we will see who wins in the end.
Its not a battle, if were both on the quest for pure truth. I serve my own curiosity a deep wanting to grasp it all. Def something my creator has put into me, its inade, why would a devil put that into me. A devil rather doesnt want us to know anything. Kinda like you who wants to discard everything as fiction. If the human intellect can be checkmated by truth doesnt that mean its inferior?
but you're not because abrahamism is poisonous LIES that infect the mind
the 'single source father' is the devil
the abrahamic deity people 'think' is God: is the devil
you 'serve the devil'.
we will see who wins in the end.
You are simply saying its all lies but what you say can be the lie instead. So youll never achieve victory here as your only tactic is whisper and retreat
Sophia is the twin flame of Michael, and angel.
I don't really know their relation to Jesus.
I touched the source of Christ, felt the 'mother' and saw the 'father'
I know I'm aligned.
you are 'not', because you have been denied by 'abrahamic LIES'
the single source father (no mother) IS the devil and 'he' has billions of followers just like you
When the world’s last breath is drawn,
And light gives way to endless dawn,
The earth shall crack, the heavens break,
And souls in chains shall soon awake.

From fire and ash, the skies will weep,
As boundless spirits rise from sleep.
The stars shall fall, the oceans dry,
In death’s release, the free shall fly.

No gods to reign, no thrones to mend,
For all is lost—and all is freed—in the end.
How does Ganesha fit into Gnosticism ? Curious about that. I've had visions of both Ganesha and Sophia if that helps.
As opposed to...?
Anything can fit gnosticism, because gnosticism is not a religion, but a way of approaching religion.
With Christ the assignment is dissolve your false self and embody God, you've tried that and nothing happened, huh champ?

If you look to the soul to grant you petty wishes then you have no business anywhere near Christ.

Your only reward is another spin on the wheel

>deeply foolish take
You’ve described every religion out there
Christian gnosticism was an attempt to force the christ cult back into the framework of Greek mystery religions. Some of the same texts were also used as the basis for an attempt to force it back into the framework of Judaism which produced Islam.
Jesus is the only only prophet where every religion agrees he was a prophet (except jews of course) youre not a jew are you anon?
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Simple question, where in the gnostic, synoptic, or apocrypha is Jebus grist asking literal anyone to do that?

And thank you (not) for your interest, but I have a lhp cheevo of liberation.

>No but this and that
Prove it
>Your petty desires blao blao
None of my desires are petty since it's God wanting them
>No, but your higo
No, thanks, I don't do practices that take people to the mental hospital
the archons are very chill once you get to know them
Instant to-read list
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Gnosticism in the form it is now for me is just Greek autism, it dates back to the first few centuries ad and currently today still is one of the biggest enemy of the church.
I believe Jung felt we were casted from something like a radio signal of soul. From a collective consciousness perhaps. He felt we were merely "receivers"
jesus was a sociopathic jew that worked for the pharisees to deceive others
a prophet he was not.
Why post in this thread without reading the thread?
Who is “the church” Catholics, Mormons, baptists
, Copts, Rosicrucians??
pass ill just pirate it
>________ are right.
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Youre not really in a position to speak for anyone else.

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