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This is the CEO of invega, an organofluorine based poisone that is supposed "to "cure" the so called hallucinations but it actually makes them worse, this drug tortures people souls worldwide, I showed the picture to my father and he said those eyes look normal to him (he's vaxxed) can you see these fucking eyes anons? What the fuck is this? I've seen an interview of this demon and she talks normally and nobody notices, can you guys notice these eyes? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS
this isn't just drugs, what the fuck is this shit
>fluoride stare
Fallen Angel eyes.
It's called being White, brownoids.
This is not a joke man, I am gifted and I saw a lot of evil eyes and people but this one is on another level, considering that the shit poison is pushed worldwide on everyone who mightt develop psychic gifts, something is brewing here. Thanks to the European Union the company makes 2 billion a year FOR A SINGLE PRODUCT, these numbers are very high, I would like to know what's behind to the point of analyzing the poison but it's hard to get hands on to unless you're in a psych ward, normal doctors can't prescribe this shit and is always administered inside hospitals, you can't take it home. In any case I think the poison is some black magic shit, but again these eyes, maybe because I am not mind controlled or something but I can see there's something very wrong about them, other than the pure evil which I saw elsewhere, it's just too much, it seems not human and I, 'm amazed normies can't see it, in any case the posion unshields you from the entities for a while, it cuts your spiritual protection, that's what it does on an astral level, other than the biological damage and sexual dysfunction, any critical mind can see that the posion is made to get rid of psychics
I'm white and those eyes are not normal, you can't see it probably
It's like the Kenneth Copeland look. Certainly demon influenced
Likely stimulant user eyes.
They're just blue eyes. It's a sacred color so you're probably infested with parasites, or negative shadows. The terror you are feeling is their fear and awe in front of a superior Nordic.
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>wasted digits
You can't be serious
>trips followed by dubs

Yes, just look at her fucking pupils bro. That shit is NOT normal and if you think about this, the pupils dilate and cover almost the entirety of the retina (or whatever the fuck is called, bite me fags) when you do acid; when you connect with the spiritual. This "thing" is devoid of a human soul or if IT has a soul it's probably a demon's.
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GTFO this board retard, if you come to this board to tlak race and other bullshit you're a spirtual ant, and if you can't see those eyes have a totally odd streem of consciousness you're the mind controlled parasite ridden retard, leave the thread and the basement
pic related is stimulant user eyes
>This "thing" is devoid of a human soul or if IT has a soul it's probably a demon's.

This, that's not a human consciousness and considering the suffering and despair that poison bring it makes sense, however many torturers and evil fags have human eyes, this thing is just pure evil and normies can't see it. It's literally soulless, I knew that posion was more than biological poison, there's more into this anons.
Sorry but even if it makes you angry it's the truth. Her eyes are normal, for a White person.
This doesn't look like "normal" human evil so to speak, she knows the truth about schizo and capitalizes on it financially ok... But we know that schizos have a lot of spirtual energy, way above average since they're all gifted, when they get injected, where does that energy go since the principle of the universe is that nothing completely disappears and everything transforms? Now if I burn a tree I make a fire, if I burn gas I make power and so on, I think those eyes have to do with the harvesting
Interesting way to spell jewish
Ok, black white blue yellow White Pride worldwide, go fuck yourself low consciousness retard
btw it's a jew if you're so interested, but that's no surprise, you're probably an amerimutt who thinks he's aryan and gives a shit about that instead of understanding what is this realm we live in, go study
meant of the literal 0 consciousness retard
Have you tried getting your prescription changed to a more effective antipsychotic, OP. When you say it makes people's symptoms worse, I assume you speak from personal experience
No, I never took the posion, I had a friend who did for a while and he died
You are the only one making it racial here. She is White, that is how our eyes look. Not sure why you're babbling about white pride, it's just the simple truth. If you were White too her eyes would look normal to you, but you aren't so you are instinctually terrified. Sort of like if you saw an angel, or a Nordic deity.
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glowie btw, psychosis is not scientifically demonstrated, it's total fairytale science kys
She doesn't have sanpaku eyes. This thread is quite interesting, shocking amounts of coping happening.
there's much more to eyes than this pic, I can read a person soul from the eyes, most eyes say nothing
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she's got sanpaku eyes #5 and has trained herself to squint to hide it, this is why she's especially unnerving. she's a psychopath who knows it and is attempting to hide
I mean say they are NPC then you got NPC eye variants but it doesn't relaly matter here.
it's way beyond any of that, if you can't se e it don't bother, I'm looking for people who can see what I see like >>39099937
but more elaboration...

I think who isn't gifted with psychic powers, and can't for example astrral project or remote view can't see it
Ok, paco, whatever you want to believe lol! She's just White though. I had no idea we were so scary to you.
well poisoning, fuck off to /pol/ glowie
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bro ofc she's fucking demonic and dark she pushes soul poison on awakening psychics and people who have collapsed from the mental pain of modern society. it's like looking at dick cheney, absolute psycho. I've studied invega and how it works, it completely blocks all the chemicals associated with happiness, self-satisfaction, and spirituality.
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They are both from invega invega, I can clearly see that the blonde one is very evil and psycho, but the jew one object of the thread is beyond that, I can see a different consciousness from those eyes, and it's a type of consciousness I've never seen not even in pictures of bloody dictators, killers or whatsoever charlses manson, you name it. I can tell right away even from a picture. And no, it's not drugs only
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it's a very toxic combination of pure sadism, belief she's doing the right thing, and lack of stressors. she's a highly successful predator who completely enjoys the pain she inflicts and is validated in every way by her death society. most of those dictators and killers had competition, conflict, and stress that makes their eyes droop.
>what is overly processed photography
Not saying she isn't some sort of psychopathic uberwealthy goblinoid but still, this is standard
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Dude that looks like Sophia!
nah that bitch is evil, plain and simple.
those are eyes that want to control you.
I think she is wearing blue contact lenses. I have blue eyes too, but its more of an ocean blue with little bit of yellow strings around the pupil. Hers look too light and uniform in colour to not be contact lenses.
short dyed pink hair is the most concerning thing and biggest red flag. fuck the tards talking about the eyes.
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Dr Egon Cholakian sends his regards, OP.
Be warned, you don't want to dig this schizo rabbit hole.
What are your talking about, she has gorgeous eyes.

OP is a fa-szhay
>The terror you are feeling is their fear and awe in front of a superior Nordic.
as they should be /thread.

this board is getting over run by browns.
Looks like she's high or something. Maybe she is taking stimulants.
I agree, it looks like that, when you compare to the picture.
I have a little white below the iris, like example #2. But not that big, I need to look straight in the mirror in order to see it.
They're called blue eyes. Millions of white people have them.
you ever notice how the demons are always racist
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>star wars

Plebbit golems such as yourself shouldn't be allowed on here.
Exactly the same as her. It is type 5, and he trained it to not look obvious.
It ends up looking like a reptilian.
that's what I'm talking about, same stream of consciousness. the bitch seems nastier tho
you know who shouldn't be allowed? retards like you poisoning the well, if you can't see it, you're mind controlled
you can try to latch whatever demonic label you want to these eyes, but really they just are someone who is mentally unwell, likely some type of schizophrenia. she looks high iq and powerful, but unstable. her interest in this line of work would testify to this as well
You're so angry you even quoted the wrong post, femoid.

Do it again.
"schizophrenia" is a term created by jews to detain people who are developing psychic abilties and are being jammed by frequencies and gangstalked. That bitch has psychic ability but does not belong to human consciousness
bro thats even worse than the reflective eye people
the reflective eye ones are like
reptillians/demons i think
posesessed humans
i have no idea what the fuck that thing is and it scares me lmao



These women are DEFICIENT
in unconditional love
Kind of looks like my grandmother
It's as if she is starring at nothing. It is weird.
She has fluoride, uncanny valley eyes.
She doesn't even look Nordic Scandinavian, mutt.
This is how a healthy Atlantid/Basque old European should look like without the fluoride stare.
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Hah! My Dad has blue eyes and most of his life was a fucking evil monster. My hazel eyes are much more rare. Even more rare, my eyes change colors. Within the hazel spectrum but it freaks my wife out a bit. I lifted the veil for her though. She's handled it well.
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She doesn't have any psychic or magical powers. This is how a gentleman's eyes look like when having psychic and telepathic powers.
Yes, you see something in her eyes. Yes, she's probably had villainous intent at some point. No, that's not directly linked. I think her eyes are from some kind of physical condition.
Some medications, allergies and drug addictions can make your eyes appear glassy. The blue tint of her sclera (the white part of the eye) could be from a congenital condition related to her soft tissues (look it up)... or a shitty hair dye colour contrasting with her eye colour giving her an uncanny valley effect. My mother has one eye with that odd sheen since she had a lens replacement for a cataract last year and yes it's unnerving, but she's still my Mum (not a donor lens, a plastic implant, btw, so nothing spooky).
This woman -could- be a sociopath, as CEOs are more likely to have that trait and her smile here is clearly fake. A real smile reaches your eyes when you're truly happy.

I'd say she is more likely than not just a sad sociopath with a medical condition on several different pills to cope. Sorry buddy, people can be bad without being evil.
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Yet vagrants and homeless people with nothing have a childlike smile(the ones by choice and not schizo junkies NV) .
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It’s demonic
That's a batshit substance abuser.
Next question.
>thinks that white nationalist political views necessitate a subservient attitude towards the state's law enforcement authorities
I'll paypal you however much it costs to buy a rope and a step ladder in your town. Promise.
I don't know what is worse in this thread: the anons who didn't notice anything in her eyes, or the /pol/tards gaslighting those who noticed.
thought the same.
dude I want to read the replies but she keeps staring at me the fuck. Idk how to explain it but Im serious
>I showed the picture to my father and he said those eyes look normal to him (he's vaxxed) can you see these fucking eyes anons?
everybody who has things inside them that terrify them are terrified too by the thought of the hyperaware seeing them.

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