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What do the grays want, what is their goal here?
they are breeding humans to harvest the ones they want to become like them, out of 6 billion- 40k
They are just here for a laugh and examining humans asses, it's a sport for them. They hold little competitions of who can probe the most asses in a night on weekends.
The new Diddy phone leak confirms pizza gate. It’s all coming out and the alien invasion (if that’s the false flag they go with) will happen once Hollywood and the elites get exposed completely
They’re just doing their job
This isn’t firsthand info, but it’s what I got from my friend a retired marine. There’s no extraterrestrial life on Earth with four limbs that we know of. All humanoids creatures here come from earth. The two alien species we have here don’t have humanoid shapes and definitely not the sci-fi powers people imagine like shapeshifting or mind control. They actually have a hard time understanding humans, and vice versa, since our mental structures are very different. But yeah, we’ve seen the grays, right? Turns out, according to him, the grays are just puppets, basically remote-controlled creatures that the reptilians used to negotiate without exposing themselves. And they fell for it for a few years. Now that the secret’s out, they don’t need the puppets to talk to the governments, but the deals made still stand. One of them is that marine ships have to assist their transports in case of emergencies. But they still use the grays when interacting with regular people. Supposedly, they abduct people to mess with their pineal glands, but only those with potential for developing remote viewing abilities. Funny thing is, as far as the military knows, the reptilians can’t do this themselves, they just want to prevent us from getting it for some shit. Oh, and there are cat-like humanoids, but same story, puppets that reptilians made and control, but why the fuck would they make them I have no idea.
Dunno. They're easy to BTFO, however.
The greys don't want anything, they are just vaguely humanoid biorobot finger puppets used by their creators to interact with us
my black cat has grey skin she my little sugar plum alien princess cutie pie gumdrop snoogum boogums
>The new Diddy phone leak confirms pizza gate
He is just conscientious of the enviroment anon.
That’s literally it
It sounds like he’s trying to scare people like Jay Z into supporting him. I bet he leaked the call
This actually makes a lot more sense, especially with his track record of him trying to ape Epsteins MO to a comically pathetic degree.
Psychic sex and physical hybridization
I mean it's pretty fun obvious at this point
neutral observation
>"color" mostly defined as a lack of any specific color without being none (black) or all (white)
the archivists
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Soul collectors.

For posterity, of course...
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>What do the grays want
DNA from suitable humans.
wait until you hear about alien big cats
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tending to their garden
>What do the grays want
the end our reign
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I'm gonna lay a fat one on you.
WW2 ended when it did bec if it went on any longer the Allies would have to disclose that Hitler and his boi's didn't just have advanced technology that put them all to shame... he even went a level beyond that and built UFO's. He even used UFOs with outfitted guns/turrets (Haunebu's). Germans had a philosophy of using less men but higher technology to account for the difference. They fled Germany to Antarctica, a place called Neuschwabenland and they were able to escape using U-Boats to go under the ice and establish their new base/colony. So the Allies wanted to finish them off and sent admiral Byrd with his Navy force at his side. They had maybe 10 scientists on board… to feign the idea of not going to war but going on a scientific expedition… of course nobody does that with weapons of war. However, Byrd got his ass kicked, badly. Germans sent him home but his fleet was so badly injured that he stopped off in Chile for repairs. Before he could be debriefed, he started chirping, talking about UFO’s that were so fast, could come from either pole at incredible speed, etc etc. Shortly after WW2 was “officially over” (which it never actually ended), you’ll notice that all major countries signed the Antarctica treaty, which basically said nobody ever goes there. The few bases there now are on the opposite side of the continent and they really don’t let you go anywhere or do anything. Hitler sent everybody boxes of film showing that he too had nukes.

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That’s why you never see a country with nukes attack another country that also has nukes. Since then, Germans & friends have been using UFO time travel to go in & out of time to adjust, to save us all. That’s why whenever you see a ‘tall Nordic’ blonde, on a UFO, that’s just a German. The reason they make aliens (biological robots, soulless) is bec going in and out of time is very stressful on the body. So they have these robots do it for them. That’s why so many abductees talk about “aliens told me to be careful with the environment” or “aliens showed me the future”. UFU’s and their pilots have also had a long history with cattle… for a long time they had deals with ranchers. Now they just take what they want. Time travel technology isn’t new. It’s actually very very old. That’s why Hitler was a quest, during the war, to retrieve all religious artifacts. He was looking for old technology that was far superior, and he got it. Every now and then, a president or somebody important, will talk about how great it is for everybody to come together and fight aliens. He’s not talking about WW3… or an alien invasion… he’s talking about finishing off WW2 with the Germans… or the last of the whites. That’s why you see so much white hate. Long story short, fuck jews. They’re the most evil “people” to have ever walked the Earth. Their jew star is a symbol of evil itself. Germans have been the only thing keeping a life of absolute slavery and death from happening so far.

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seems like they are really into assplay from what i have heard. they also like to mutilate cows for fun. alien freaks, i swear.
Forgot to add, reptilians can’t shapeshift, but they’ve got human-looking puppets too. They’ve gotten real good at making them look believable now, so they don’t trip our uncanny valley anymore. Also, most of their transport flights happen over the Pacific, not the Atlantic.
I've had a dream with them possibly. I dreamed I was being cuddled in bed by a cute guy and he slowly turned into my male cat or similar looking to him, still cuddling me. I felt very loved.
So they exist... or was that a dream? My friend told me about those but I haven't heard of them elsewhere. Did you feel any different afterwards?
I believe you but that just means we have to destroy the Germans even harder

Their "robots" abduct rape and impregnate women

Both Nazis (Grey associated) and Zionists (reptilian associated) will be crushed by us humans
im very curious where this thread ends within about 2 hours. ive been quite engaged in its shenanigans, and although not informed to speak on this topic, im sure there will be also a very sinister and ugly backstory of the grays (of which im not entire without occult knowledge, but im sure they know)
i wonder if there ever will be a crossover between the grays and the nobodies haha
i hope not, or x going to burn.
however there is something about the graxs abducting cows and horses. i think they have certain usage for a usage for a usage and thats really fun on planet gheay
I think, for me personally, at some point dreams aren't just dreams anymore. with the high point of realism in them and having like 50+ dreams with the same guy that shape shifts, even having me shape-shifting into one or other such mystical beings...

like, imagine this. you have a dream where someone observes letters appearing and moving on your arm like swirling an alphabet soup. then you wake up with a letter on your arm and a morse code on your skin relating to the dream word that appeared. that happened to me, so I do think dreams interact with the waking word and genetics/biology. most definitely some sort of contact. and I would love to talk to someone or others who study this stuff seriously or others who have been contacted.
You astroturfing this only makes you glow brighter
Lazar is a Jew. Doesn’t mean aliens are fake
May interest you.
>Both Nazis (Grey associated) and Zionists (reptilian associated) will be crushed by us humans
Is this the current power struggle?
It actually makes sense
why do they have such chubby cheeks in this pic?
These faggots don't butt into anyone's life to deposit a few dollars into their account or give them jobs or get them chicks so they're obviously working on a dark agenda against us whatever they do.
They are fallen angels. They drive these "alien" flesh suits to screw with humanity.
What has a grey done for you?
Vote reptilian for president 2028
while visiting family who was stationed in co springs, i had an extremely long and bizarre dream for the first time. ive always had crazy dreams but never one this long. anyway at the end of it i saw a little ufo zip up to my face and reflect my own face in it. i woke up screaming, it was terrifying. then throughout the night after that i saw several grays in my dreams. i only remember one, it was a little bronze skinned fat one, with a squarish head and flat top. its forehead was insanely wrinkled too
perhaps neoteny like the youth to seem less.. threatening?
why did you wake up screaming from your own reflection? sounds like you may need to do some shadow work reflecting on your life and strive for the best. how do you feel about yourself, like honestly
there are two types of grays that come to eart
the ones that work with reptilians and are from orion
they do all the cattle mutilation and experiments with humans
and then there are the gardeners who look out for planet and humans
the star races that have starseeds on earth hire the gardeners to help with upgrading and helping their starseeds.
gardeners are plant based and have no emotions
they just do their job
it was just completely unexpected and scary. i saw the ufo buzzing around, and i looked down averting my eyes in fear. when i looked back up it was directly in front of my face, and the reflection was so high-def it was like a front-facing camera. there was even a yellow square over my face like it was analyzing me or something
what was the ufo shaped like? how do you feel about the color yellow
ive never had any convictions on the color yellow. the ufo was a classic flying saucer, like the lil’ ufo from earthbound

it was interesting hearing about how co springs is the center of the military industrial complex because its nearby spiritually significant “high places” basically where native deities would touch down. theres one in flagstaff too
never heard of that but I have military family who have been to one of those places too. maybe i should look into it though I have never been there myself. I have seen a ufo of sorts in real life too, it was a mirror-like metallic orb. but it was stationary in the air and then a dark green moving spiral appeared behind it and it(orb) got smaller and smaller till it got consumed by the center of the spiral and then the spiral disappeared too
nathan reynolds talks about it here. ppl have told me he’s a fraud fag but what he says about native mythology is based
They are more or less biotic robots. UAPs are also drones, often manned by the greys.
Are they a case of convergent evolution?
They want their dicks back. It's too late for that. Those things sold very quickly on the Asian wet markets.
I suspect they're here from outside the simulation trying to correct their own post-transhumanist evolutionary dead-end, and warn us away from transhumanism.
Just my educated (?) guess.
Maybe for you
They are humans from the future.
Greys are ridden by some sort of genetic disease. It is why they cannot breed in a normal way. (Abductees are confirming this)
And it is also why they are kidnapping humans.
My theory:
COVID vaxx did irreversible changes in human DNA but they will start to appear after several generations. Nevermind if you're pureblood right now. your childeren or grandchildren for sure will hook up with someone with vaxx-tainted blood in the future. Within two generation entire human bloodline will be irreversible damaged.
Somewhere in the future some great catastrophe will happen like nuclear war or something that will lead to lost of vast part of scientific knowledge.
After that point, changes in human DNA will be irreversible. Next generations will sgain neotenic fetus-like appearance. Somehow, they will rebuild civilization and discover time-travel. By this point they will start to scount Earth past to regain lost knowledge of human history and kidnap some healthy individuals to understand how they can reverse changes in DNA.

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