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Previous thread:

> The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradburry
> 1993 animated (Internet Archive)
> 1972 book

>Carving templates for Jack-o-lanterns

> Scary movie stream. New films premiere nightly @ 12:45 AM EST. Watch thread for film announcements.
cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

>Adventures of Pete and Pete - Halloweenie

> Welcome to Nightvale

>Happy Halloween /x/

>Huge collection of Halloween and Horror related YouTube videos

>Fun Halloween MEGA

*Thread Prompt*
What is your favorite tradition associated with Halloween? And how are you making it part of your Halloween this year?
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Halloween is vary spook
Anyone have a request you want me to draw?
halloween is satanic and you all need to seek Christ
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A kid dressed as a bandit and a raccoon trick or treating. Nobody notices the raccoon is not a costume.
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Well, I'm stuck on a Hammer kick and have watched the Karnstein Trilogy again for the umpteenth time.

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Ummm... why are people not posting trees?
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1 week to go
Because the Halloween Tree is about the roots of Halloween and the meanings behind symbols that we tend to use with the holiday. That said, really nice image.

I am so excited! I have my costume and candy all ready to go. This is going to be great fun. Following the Halloween Tree, I'm representing a wandering spirit visiting with good intent. I go all around town and bring candy and smiles to strangers all day long. Sometimes I run into others doing the same thing. It's always a blast!
>What is your favorite tradition associated with Halloween?
Carving jack-o-lanterns, of course.
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Hello everyone! The winner of last night's poll was slashers, so tonight we have two very contrasting slasher films. All music tonight features Skinny Puppy (by request) and other industrial music. Loading music starts around 12:45 AM EST and the films will follow after the songs.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music, 13 mins.

> Torso, 1973
One of the earliest slashers, made around the point where Giallo started morphing into new genres. Lots of 70's sleaze and nudity in this one.

A killer is on the loose and seems to be mostly targeting young women. A female college student decides it's wise to leave town, and takes her friends with her to a villa in the countryside. One problem: the killer decides to follow her there.

> Intermission music, 11 mins

> Hatchet, 2006
33 years later the slasher genre has stabilized to the point that films can be genre-aware without being parodies. Part one of what is actually one long film split into several normal-length films. Watch in order for the full story.

A father and son ignore local taboos to go gator hunting in the forbidden swamp. The surviving daughter is certain they were killed. She gets a gun, then follows a Haunted Swamp Tour out to where her dad vanished. Sadly, nobody else out with her that day believes her story about murderers in the swamp.
Sorry, I'm watching Don't Knock Twice atm
Feel free to stop by whenever. The stream will be going on for around 3.5 hours tonight in total. I will be able to leave the room on repeat tonight for those who couldn't make the premiere, too! You'll miss the banter but at least you can enjoy the music and films.

Have fun with your film. I know I'll be having fun with mine.
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This looks like it would be fun to make and eat. Just get pretzel dough from the store or biscuit dough and go for it.
spider :-)
I grew up in a pretty terrible single-parent household. Holidays were times I was afraid of because she would find some reason to be angry and make life hell for everyone, then I'd have to spend time with my father who was drunk 24/7 and everything was tense. Now he's dead and mom's chilled out for the most part, so all my best memories come from the past few years of my late 20's early 30's. They stole my childhood.
>Just get pretzel dough from the store or biscuit dough and go for it.
At a minimum, Pillsbury bread stick dough
For the bowl for the marinara sauce, I'm not sure
It's possible the dough was all home made
Home made would probably work great, too. if you're good at making bread anyway. The bowl probably was a ball of dough wrapped around something so it could have a dent. Then you cut the dent out further to make the bowl bigger.
And our premier is done for the night! As mentioned before, the room will remain open with the same films and music on repeat for those who want to pop by during the day.

Tomorrow's theme was chosen by a mix of the poll and viewer feedback. We are doing Asian (not necessarily Japanese) paranormal films... bad ones. Come along with us for a ride on the failboat around 12:45 AM EST.

Until I see you next, pleasant dreams
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Fav tradition is seeing if I can make the two pumpkins I always get, into proper jack o lanterns. Can't carve them until last minute or they rot/dry out.
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I try but my pumpkins always rot too fast before I carve them. Too hot out here. I hear that turnips and beets actually look better when they dry out as a jack o lantern. Anyone here try it?
Brutal. Unfortunately, also many such cases.
I did the turnip once... five minutes into carving one comes to realize how pumpkins became a popular alternative
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so much spoopier than pumpkins imo
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Finished this + the OVA last night. Really great watch, not overly horror, more like a ghost romantic drama, but still great. Yuuko is one gorgeous ghost. I'll be watching Death Parade next as one of the anons in the previous thread recommended.
Halloween is satanic and you need to turn to Christ before it’s too late
halloween is actually midway between the summer and winter solstace, same as Feb 1st bridgetts day
I would fuck your faggot boy Cucksus Bitch in the ass.
To report off topic posts or trolls click the three dots beside the name (mobile) or the triangle beside the post number (PC) . Either way, ignore the troll. He posts the same thing every thread.

Back to spooky season. There's a lot of Halloween parties this weekend. Check local community centers, bars, and online spaces to see what is around you!
Oh? What was the hardest part?

Yeah. The spooky factor plus the fact that drying out won't ruin it are what has me interested.
that all looks so good, i'm so fucking hungry.
should be going to a friend's houseparty. he better have food.
>last weekend approaches
>feels like season just started
It gets shorter every year. Legitimately frightening.
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>tfw couldn't immerse myself and enjoy Halloween this year (again) because my living circumstances changed and I'm now car-homeless and on an unexpected spirit quest to awaken and unlock my higher self for world-saving reasons
Hope I get to encounter some spirits on Samhain at least...

Image related, I'm probably going to go visit the pumpkin patch this year. Something I've put off for far too long now
>Oh? What was the hardest part?
I imagine it's the trying to not to stab your hand part.
Celebrate Dia de los Muertos. It adds 3-10 days depending on what you follow. And nobody can fault you for wanting to remember those who came before you while respecting and loving friends, family, community and yourself. It's a great addition to the season.

Or you could believe Halloween is not over until the spirits go back to rest after All Souls Day (Nov 2-3). That's a Catholic tradition.
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The first jack'o'lantern was a turnip, 'ccording to the legend.
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Wait is this >>39104386 true? Havent seen a clear origin story beyond European origin
No, it has nothing to do with Satan.
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It's a troll post from someone who has zero idea what they are talking about.

Watch or read The Halloween Tree for details about Halloween and where the common symbols like Pumpkins and Skeletons come from. There's a link to it in the first post of the thread. I'll just go into basic history since Bradbury is better at the symbolism than I am,

> TL;DR Where Halloween Came from
Harvest festivals held basically since mankind was able to harvest things. Almost every culture around the world has their own. Everyone points at the Gaelic people, but basically everyone else in the "old world" basically had their own versions that cross-pollinated over time.

> Is it Christian?
Christianity co-opted all the festivals they found and added it into their faith. Halloween literally is short for "All Hallows Eve". It's the day before All Saints Day and is followed by All Souls Day in the Catholic calendar.

Halloween was brought to the USA by Scottish Catholics. It expanded from the Northeast USA over time. Most of the American traditions came along because people new to the holiday didn't know how to celebrate, so they were lighting bonfires in the streets, stealing cabbages, and generally being annoying. So towns started holding costume contests and themed parties to give people something to do.

> I want a video!
Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqO8lDUE0i0
The Bible predates Halloween by millennia I'm pretty sure. Jesus never once said anything about Halloween being the work of the devil or anything. It literally did not exist until long after He was crucified. Plus like you said Halloween didn't even originate on the same continent as any of the characters in the Bible. That anon is just fishing for (You)s more than likely.
I have done Halloween while homeless, too. Pumpkin patches are always good bets. Also, see if anyone is having a harvest festival, free movie nights, a party or a dinner. A free meal or some snacks for later and some time out of the cold is welcome.

By the way, a costume doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. You can usually use any clothes you have that fit your "theme" as long as you decorate your face. If you can use masks where you are, print a paper mask at the library for under a dollar. Use their scissors to cut it out, add a string, and you're good. If you can't use masks, get a cheap tube of face paint and make a paper headband with free paper from the library's printer discard bin. How to paper headband: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9KoAnc_MWY

Good luck on your journey.
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Happy Thursday! Tonight's stream is Asian paranormal films that are bad yet fun. We have one from Japan and one from Hong Kong. Bring alcohol and snarks for best effect. Not snacks, snarks. Loading music will start around 12:45 AM EST with the films coming up afterward.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Our Itinerary

> Loading music

> House, 1977 (in Japanese)
This was supposed to be subtitled but there's a chance that the subtitles may not show up. Not that understanding the dialog really helps anything. This is a film written by a ten year old girl. Everything in it is intentionally poorly made and confusing. Anyway, a a girl and her friends go to their aunt's house. Auntie's house has a bad habit of eating little girls.

> Intermission music

> Chinese Erotic Ghost Story, 1990 (Chinese, English subtitles)
It's not really sexy. It's not really scary. And there's only one ghost who shows up at the start and is never seen again. What we do get is a man with a magic talking penis, a statue that comes to life when it's possessed by the judge of the dead, and quite a few bare breasts with some of the silliest sex scenes I have ever witnessed.
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6 more days til Halloween
The association of Halloween with pagan festivals like Samhain is an invention of modern Protestant polemicists. There's a good video on this from an atheist historian that debunks myths common in atheist circles:
This kind of halloween kitsch is the greatest aesthetic America ever produced
How to make popcorn balls.

> 7 quarts plain popcorn, popped
> 1 cup sugar
> 1 cup light corn syrup
> 1⁄4 cup water
> 3 tablespoons salted butter
> 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

> Preheat oven to 200 F. Put popcorn in oven to keep warm.
>Mix the sugar, corn syrup, water, and salt in a heavy saucepan.
>Cook over medium heat until a candy thermometer displays a reading of 235 degrees Fahrenheit.
> Remove the saucepan from heat and add the butter and vanilla. Stir gently until the butter is fully melted and combined in.
> Pour the warm mixture over the popcorn.
> Stir until all the popcorn is coated evenly.
> Allow the mixture to cool.
> Shape into balls. Run your hands under cold water between balls as needed to prevent sticking.
> Allow to cool at least 10 minutes.

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You asked for bad asian movies and I delivered. If for some reason you want to watch these movies or listen to tonight's music, the room will remain open on repeat for the day.

By the way, we only got one vote on the poll. That's not enough to know what you all want to see tomorrow. I guess the films were too distracting? So if anyone has suggestions, please post them! If you are curious, the only vote was for "short films".

Take care all. See you tomorrow around 12:45 AM as always.
I come for the Halloween atmosphere, I stay for the yummy treats.
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5 more days till Halloween!
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>co-opted all the festivals
>seek Christ before it’s too late
Halloween traditions are in practice to keep spirits away, not attract them. If that anons serious they’re confused.
You don’t know what you practice. Repent now in the name of the savior!
Stop that. The season just started!
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>tfw celebrating halloween this weekend because my gf can't make it next week
lame but i'll take it
You gotta spray bleachwater inside to kill off anything rotting and it will last much longer
I had never heard of this before but I'm most of the way through and enjoying it. Solid October viewing.
Glad you're enjoying it anon. It was recommended to me last October but it sat in my backlog until this year. Good all around, I love the OP too.
Make sure you watch the OVA as well, nothing important but lots of funny ghost shenanigans.
Demons tongue my anus
Almost all the parties and stuff are a week early because... Its on a Thursday. Seriously? You couldn't party the next day if you really had to do a weekend only thing? You wouldn't open Christmas presents on the 18th. Don't expect us to want to do Halloween a week early.
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I started getting into the spirit in mid September. Sadly most of the stores are already getting Halloween stuff off the shelves to make room for Christmas. It's sad, but by early November all the pumpkins will be thrown away and all the decor goes into a box until next year.
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Save pumpkin seeds. Make snacks and grow more for next year. Carry the memory on.
This thread needs kittens.
What's Kitty's name and is based Kitty still alive?
>There's a lot of Halloween parties this weekend.
Did you get lost on the way to reddit?
Sorry, watched The Lodge last night
Need to find a supernatural horror movie for tonight
They don't say the kitties' names. But it's all recent footage they used editing and filters to have that retro vibe. So yes, kitty is OK and so are the kitty siblings:


Mom kitty makes a cameo. Apparently her name is Milo.
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No feedback outside of that one vote? Well, our one voting viewer requested short films... so why not some fun anthologies? So tonight we have some actual decent stuff! Come on by; loading music starts at 12:45 AM EST.

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music

> The Monster Club, 1981
A delightful throwback to a simpler time when live bands showed up in horror films and monsters were often just people in Halloween Masks. This classic stars Vincent Price as a horror author who befriends a real vampire (a fan of his work). And the vamp, being a total bro, takes his new friend clubbing and tells him monster tales.

> Intermission

> Southbound, 2015
What if Silent Hill was somewhere in the desert? This anthology interweaves several stories set in the same world; a strange place where the rules of reality are a little... different... Paranormal mixed with magical realism for horrific effect.

We're showing Southbound second tonight. If you have the time, please pop on by!
>The Monster Club
Nice, very unknown and underrated. Have a good stream. I'd join but internet is very limited for me these days.
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fuck, bros, this is the last weekend/week :[
yeah moneys tight so didnt buy some of the cool stuff now its gona, and it was so fucking hot earlier this month and is still warm, all year passed for what hardly feels like fall, indeed its quite cruel
>by early November all the pumpkins will be thrown away and all the decor goes into a box until next year.
damn . . .
>yeah moneys tight so didnt buy some of the cool stuff
I only got some led string lights, pumpkin and spider ones. Still rocking most of the same decor from years ago. My local forecast shows pretty warm for the 30th and 31st, hopefully it changes. Temps have been all over the place this month.
Thanks. The Monster Club is a cult classic for a reason. I hope more people will wander by and see it, even if while the room is on repeat. Also, I hope times get better for you soon!

Southbound starts in about 10 minutes!
Thank you for screening The Monster Club. I've been meaning to see it for years, but even with it sitting right there on Youtube, I just needed the extra push to get to it. I can't even make myself do things I actually want to do anymore, even passive activities like watching films. The indolence of undeath, I suppose.

I had no idea it was an anthology film but I enjoyed all three segments. The interstitials were the real star of the show, though, thanks to Vincent Price, of course. It really is a shame this is the "party" weekend. The calendar this year has basically cost us a week of celebrating if everyone's treating this weekend as the big blowout. Nonetheless, I hope more can discover this delightful little romp. The next film looks interesting, but I'll have to save that for later.
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Thank you, keep up the streams
Other good little known anthology favs of mine are The House That Dripped Blood and Tales of Terror.
Might as well give my short, non-spoiler reviews of the movies I've been watching leading up to Halloween
There have been others, I just have to remember them
Also, keep in mind that (1) I LOVE supernatural horror movies; and (2) most supernatural horror movies are unwatchable because they are so bad
The Sixth Sense = 10/10
Sleepy Hollow = 9.5/10
To give you an idea of my scale

The Lodge (2019)
VERY slow burn as in "Come on, already, let's go"
A man is getting a divorce, has decided to marry new gf; he has 2 kids, a boy and girl
His "still-married" wife kills herself after learning he wants to finalize the divorce; his two kids hate their dad's fiancee
The fiancee had a history of being in a religious cult where everyone committed suicide except for her
Is she now damaged goods for the rest of her life?
She spends a few days with the 2 kids in a "lodge" (lol it's a mansion) on a lake in very heavy snow conditions
Weird things ensue
There are some nice boobies

Curse of the Demon (1957)
Early supernatural horror movie
Pretty well done for its time
Involves a skeptical paranormal researcher, researching a cult leader and his demon-worshiping cult, wanting to prove it's all a hoax
A beautiful young woman (of course)
Heavy-handed discussion of skepticism and the supernatural, but hey, this was an early supernatural horror movie
Has hints of "The Ring"; literally makes me think The Ring folks stole their idea from this movie
Also involves runes as if runes were some magical demon-invoking language
Honestly pretty good for its time

Vincent Price is almost always a treasure. This outing looked like good fun for all involved, too.

Personally, I'm in the camp who is refusing to do the big blowout a week early. If you don't take the bait, they won't run with it. And supporting the people who stick to the date will help hammer that home. I really hope people turn out for the big day to encourage those who stuck with things being just one night "too soon". If you really wanted weekend you could always do Nov 1st. Yeesh.

>The indolence of undeath, I suppose.

The difference between true death and undeath is the ability to do stuff. Find something to be passionate about and work with it until it becomes a part of your life. Even if it means pushing yourself to try to find something first, you need to do find and something. Otherwise you'll just float in limbo. You made it this far. You have the strength to do this. I believe in you.
Another recent one was:
The Quiet Ones (2014)
England, Oxford University
A professor is interested in the paranormal; there is a mentally ill patient (cute girl, of course)
He and his specially chosen team of students are studying her; can the professor solve her mental illness and thereby solve all mental illness?
The girl is very manipulative, knows men want her
The whole experiment is filmed by a guy, of course, who falls prey to the mental patient's wiles
Supernatural horror with a hint of psychological thriller mixed in
Another recent/October one is
Hubie Halloween (2020)
A fun Adam Sandler movie about a guy obsessed with Halloween and calls himself the "Monitor" of Halloween in modern day Salem, Massachusetts, wanting to keep everyone safe on Halloween night
Oh, also, Hubie is a huge retard and gets picked on by everyone but has a positive mental attitude
I've probably seen this movie about 10 times since it came out
Halloween night comes, and Hubie has literally the longest night anyone has ever had and has different adventures, as we learn there is some dark force/person/demon terrorizing his neighborhood
Dumb, fun movie = 8.1/10

Oh also, The Quiet Ones = 7.8/10
>refusing to do the big blowout a week early
If all else fails, just call in sick on Friday Nov.1st

It was a quiet night, but the few people that did show up were a wonderfully talkative bunch. Thank you for the fun banter and stimulating conversation! A combo of polls and in-chat posts has "big rubber suits" as our theme for tomorrow. So tomorrow look out for films with over-the top special effects and, of course, actors in big rubber suits.

This room will remain open through the day in case anyone wants to pop by. New films at 12:45 AM EST as always. Until then, rest well, all!

I already have the entire weekend off. I planned ahead. I just hope I don't too distracted on the big day to stream. If I'm late close to/on Halloween, please forgive me.

Oh man, Roger Corman. Old school cool. And The House that Dripped Blood is actually a comic book anthology, possibly one of the first as it predates Tales from the Crypt by almost a decade. I am aware there are tons of anthologies based on books (mostly Poe and Lovecraft) but comic books are a different beast.

Thanks for the reviews! What are your top three favorite horror movies overall, so we can get an idea of your tastes? I'm not going to bash them: it just helps us understand your headspace so likeminded people can take your advice.
>The House that Dripped Blood is actually a comic book anthology
Nice, I didn't know that. Same name or something else? Been downloading some classic EC horror comics for a while.
Mixed sources, but mostly Weird Tales.
>Thanks for the reviews! What are your top three favorite horror movies overall, so we can get an idea of your tastes? I'm not going to bash them: it just helps us understand your headspace so likeminded people can take your advice.

Top 3.Thank you and keep up with your airing of horror movies. I can't pick just 3. There is a broad tent for horror movies, and we can all fit under it in this, our Spooky season. The best season of the year!
Well, first off, "horror" is such a broad category. Ranging from slasher (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) to purely ghosts/supernatural (The Sixth Sense).
I like ghosts, I don't really like slasher movies, though the reboot of the Halloween movies were good. Well, at least the first one.

I'll give you my "S" tier horror movies.
The Sixth Sense
Sleepy Hollow (very biased score, I admit; Sleepy Hollow is my favorite place on Earth; and I love Tim Burton)
The Others
Poltergeist (freaked me out as a kid; it respected the genre; it's the OG modern supernatural horror movie)
The Uninvited (1944); not really "S tier" but was the first movie to treat ghosts in a serious way, so gets an "S tier" rating

Borderline "S tier" horror movies, so "A tier":
The Shining
The Exorcist (I'm not a big demon/possession movie guy but I have to acknowledge the early greats)
The Blair Witch Project (the OG found footage horror movie; scary if you buy into the premise; if you don't buy it, you think it's stupid, yes, I know)
The Wicker Man (1973) (again an early mover in the weird/horror genre)

Any of The Conjuring movies
Any of the Paranormal Activity movies
Anything having to do with The Amityville Horror
Halloween is weird
It's weird that we're scared of skeletons and monsters
It doesn't make sense
Horror movies are actually comedies with a different soundtrack
You can do this yourself
Put any horror movies on and use a comedy soundboard and do a random sound effect every time the monster does something

The fabrication of fear is..found wanting in the modern era. In the 80s we couldn't find ten thousand pictures of real horrible shit at the whim of any retard.

It's just not the same and I'm pretty it never was anything
I mean
What is the point of dressing up and candy
Never explained
And then some etc etc
Muh nostalgia
cute cats
We see things not as they are, we see them as we are.
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What's the point of fucking anything, you fat joyless faggot?
Kill yourself. I wish you had never been born
>Horror movies are actually comedies with a different soundtrack

Not when you find a competent film that isn't mostly jump scares and monster attacks. Try this on Southbound. It's on the stream today. Or watch Last House On The Left all the way to the end. Comedy soundtrack literally used in a horror movie and it's disturbing as fuck.

>What is the point of dressing up and candy
Candy is fun and meant as a gift. You are showering or being showered with gifts. Transient gifts that are a reminder that life is sweet but fleeting. Dressing up is self expression. Be your ideal self, try a new persona, or just escape the norm for awhile.

> In the 80s we couldn't find ten thousand pictures of real horrible shit at the whim of any retard.
You still can't. Many of the old shock sites are dead and you have to be in the know to know where and how to find real foootage. That said, the 70s brought us Faces of Death, Cannibal Holocaust and other extreme films in cinemas. Just walking up and buying a ticket was all you needed. And of course most small movie rentals had a back room full of bootlegs... The 80s were when the censorship started. Around 2010 it came back, hitting Internet This time instead of films. The 40s had magazines and comics full of disturbing things censored. It goes in cycles. No generation is innocent.
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I've never watched Monster Club, but I read a short story one of segments is based on the other day
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give me a movie about ayys to watch tonight
Which story?
>Fire in the Sky
>Mars Attacks
>Little Shop of Horrors (original and Rick Moranis musical)
>War of the Worlds (original)
>Killer Klowns from Outer Space
>Await Further Instructions
>The Thing
>A Quiet Place
>Pitch Black
>Color Out of Space
>The Blob (original and remake)
The Shadmock

Not bad, if a little simple
thank you my friend ive watched some of these recently and a couple of t hem have bad memories attached but i think i will watch a color out of space, ive been interested in it for a couple years now because its always fun to see how much of a trainwreck lovecraft movies are
It's a fun Nick Cage trainwreck. I also really recommend Await Further Instructions. It's subtle and has a really tense atmosphere. I went in with zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised. It's not a masterpiece or anything but for a random horror movie I found on Netflix it's better than it has any right to be
duly noted
That was my favorite of the segments, will pick up.
Can hear the creaking of old wood and wind through the trees
Nic Cage is always fun.
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I quote enjoyed picrel as a new entry in the 'wholesome family fun' kind of Halloween flick.
it hurts

(those are very cute kitties)
Tonight's (Saturday, October 26th, 5 days before Halloween) horror kino:
Oddity (2024)
Can't say much without spoiling the plot
A psychiatrist at a mental hospital
He had a wife
He now has a girlfriend
The wife has a twin sister who is blind
Weird gift of a scary wooden man, which is not believable
The story is told out of sync
It's only charm/appeal
Didn't go where I thought it would

The night is young; maybe another horror kino is on the way
That's a pretty fun movie.
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This one rules. Just need to hang in there for it to get moving.
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i may have awarded it an extra star just because it looked like the production design team raided my collection of decorations
Thank you anon this was actually pretty enjoyable once it got going
I generally expect absolutely nothing from lovecraft adaptations because they are just difficult to do any justice but this was very sufficiently weird and freaky, very the thing esque
My ex would have loved it
Good evening all. Tonight's theme is rubber suits! You know, those big monster costumes that cover most if not of the actor's body. Both films are horror-comedy homages to an earlier time that happen to have lots and lots of rubber suit monsters.

Stream starts around 12:45 AM EST with loading music. The films will follow.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music

> Psycho Goreman, 2020
Someone in the stream described this as the "anti-ET". Basically, two kids find a magic stone that lets them control an escaped evil overlord. This results in a lot of rubber suit fights and the world being destroyed by the power of love. An 80's homage with heavy Screaming Mad George influence on the monsters.

> Intermission music

> Killer Klowns from Outer Space, 1988
I know this one has started to go mainstream, but it's still worth a watch. A homage to 50's cheesy B movies. Alien "clowns" invade a small town and start abducting the locals in order to use them as a food source.
I really like that pic
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