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/x/ - Paranormal

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what went through his mind as he was gunning down people? or was he too far gone for his brain to even process what was going on?
I thought he was the patsy and it was the guys they caught in the woods who did it
Maybe I got it wrong
"All the school shootings are fake."
Imagine the implications.
In natural world, male animals kills the children of their rivals in order to get their females to breed with them. I suppose that in some cases new soul is put into Human body too early so, that, instead being born as Human it will be some Noble Animal such as Lion or a Tiger. Only with a Human's shape and Knowledge do you understand? From here is where comes mental disturbance it caused by disunity between soul and the body. Now you had got frustrated teenage Lion angry and confused and since America he got a gun too. Think what will happen.
Too much bullying because "lee he is not like us so we have to treat him like an animal" + gun availabilities and eventually those people says fuck it you all going down with me.
>it was gun access
Are his rants still available online?
You mfs will post anything but paranormal
Eh it isnt really what I tried to explain. Perhaps he will going to murder somebody even without a gun. Animal are unpredictable that way.
All the Jannies tell people to post conspiracy theories here
Adam lanza = david hogg.
hes not a real person.
Why do you think they're trying to unperson alex jones after all these years of him being right. He was too right.
Paranormal doesn't just mean le spoopy ghosts if you haven't noticed 90% of this board is gay ass larp generals I'll take a good thread on anything weird once in awhile thanks
He was an antinatalist and thought he was doing the kids a favor
are you retards just roo young to have been around during this and boston bombing. they were staging so much in the obama years, lots of good content used to be on yt but it go nuked. we need to talk about sandy hook still in rumble tho.
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>what went through his mind as he was gunning down people? or was he too far gone for his brain to even process what was going on?
The brain makes it real and so does pulling the trigger. Men and women who care capable of taking life, either cognescent or not, acquire a new feat in survival. It definitely triggers physiological, emotional, and psychological. I found a cool article of this so here it is also OP great topic: Examining brain scans of more than 800 incarcerated men, new research co-authored by a leading University of Chicago neuroscientist found that individuals who had committed or attempted homicide had reduced gray matter when compared to those involved in other offenses. Those reductions were especially apparent in regions of the brain associated with emotional processing, behavioral control and social cognition.

“More gray matter means more cells, neurons and glia,” said Jean Decety, the Irving B. Harris Distinguished Service Professor in Psychology and Psychiatry at UChicago, noting differences in the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior temporal lobes of the brain. “That’s what you need to make computations, to process information—whether it’s emotional information that you use to feel empathy for someone else, or information that you use to control your behavior, to suppress your tendencies to react". >Picrel
The colored sections in this figure highlight brain regions in murderers that exhibit reduced gray matter compared to other violent offenders. The data comes from a study of more than 800 incarcerated men.
Image courtesy of Sajous-Turner et al.
Man you were almost justifying sacrifice there and goddamnit i was with you lol but you should get into law haha also guns dont kill people people kill people
hey this is a decent paranormal topic serial killer psychology
That's actually a pretty neat idea, an animal soul getting stuck in a human body and causing mental issues.

I guess that's what otherkin/therian people believe, just in a way cringier sense. They're on the right track, they just don't realize that instead of being "dangerous but loyal" their fox soul just made them high anxiety autists, just like a real fox.
I wonder why there was so much of this shit particularly in the obama years?
based on what little we know, he most likely thought he was saving them from the cruel world and the "culture mind fucking" that he believed. He was also autistic, so empathy isn't really a strong suit. That isn't to say all autists gun down children though.
it was the predisclose era and the deep state was (still is) on a novel battleground of digital warfare. The deep state is losing btw and it could topple the power scale based on how much hubris ive read about this nonsense notion that america cant fall. We can easily be invaded, annexed and transmogged into a shell country. It isnt impossible takes 4 years to execute lol
theres a lot of /x/ things about adam lanza. his motive and thought process only remains a mystery to most because it doesnt fit in a headline and is too abstract for the public to accept. hence the conspiracy theories and post-mortem diagnosis of schizophrenia. he documented his realizations surrounding life being a cycle of suffering, and how he had attempted to rid himself of desire. he couldnt feel pain or hunger and was constantly fasting, isolating, and spending the bulk of his time in deep introspection. i was always under the impression that lanza was some low iq braindead retard because of the way he looks so i find his articulation and self-awareness striking.
hes unique among shooters in that he was genuinely schizoid. this is why some believe that adam lanza never existed, schizoids rarely become famous and either kill themselves, become homeless, or live on the fringes. he left behind next to nothing because he did next to nothing. he didnt want fame, he didnt bother intentionally writing a manifesto, and with the act of killing his mother and destroying his hard drive he took away the main sources of information about himself. he was obsessive about maintaining privacy and distance even after death.
lanza was incapable of living normally and he was well aware of this. he had no values, no drive, no ambitions, no goals, no motivation, no attachments, gained no pleasure from anything and couldnt care about anything. he probably thought that since he was going to end his life, he might as well use the tools at his disposal to stir things up in the world, and "free" some kids from life in the process. he was in an apathetic suicidal haze, a case can be made for anorexia-induced brain damage. if he had not done the shooting he wouldve just killed himself as he originally planned, and if he had not killed himself he wouldve just died of starvation. the depressive state he was in throughout 2012 reminds me of the pit of despair experiment.
"All the school shootings are fake" leads to an entire distrust of all mainstream media as fake, all government narratives are fake, and nothing presented to us by TPTB can be trusted, as it's all deceptive, always.
This is too much truth for most people to handle. Yet is essential to the awakening and ascension of mankind, to escape the MATRIX OF SATAN.
So rest assured, all the school shootings are fake.
Reconcile and adjust.
It's not that they're fake, they're not even staged, these shooters are programmed by literal glowniggers for agenda purposes and it's not through fucking discord. Just like they did with Manson when people started getting uppity about Vietnam and they needed to paint Hippies in a certain light. These shooters are being hit with the same technology the goofballs over in /gangstalking/ general are being hit with. Sandy hook seems to have even more surrounding it than just pyschotronic weapons, but Nicholas Cruz is a different story. He was absolutely hit with these weapons, and it's why they can never pass for crazy despite claiming to "hear voices".
Adam Lanza called a radio station in 2011 to talk about Travis the Chimp (the one who bit off a woman's face) and explains how he thinks the violence was caused because it was raised like a human child.
Couldn't find it on youtube (although it's on there) but there's a recording on this article
Place used to be much better when topics were random
He was thinking he hated people and he wanted to get a high score.

Figuring out what to do about people like him doesn't require a Master's in Psychology, only the knowledge of how to chamber a round.
if you don't think the world and the events in it are paranormal, then you're not paying attention. life is paranormal, nothing make sense, were probably in a simulation, therefore there are no borders on the concept of "paranormal" since we have no idea what "normal" is.
they literally reformatted youtube because there were too many people pointing out that news was no only "fake news" -- but showed evidence of being completely CGI.
try the brighteon video platform. in the meantime here's a couple bits of it set to music.
>that physiognomy
Do you really think that was an individual with much thought in its head?
Yeah, I think so.
It's worth noting the radio show was John Zerzan's, probably the most prominent "anprim" anti civilization author other than ted kaczynski. He was a fan
Bot thread
How many conglomerates own the MSM now compared to the 70s fren.

Also did you forget how even the Onion was used to discuss the dangers of conspiracy theories after pizzagate?

Onion news.... think about that.
you are a bot
>gunning down people
didn't happen
he's not real the whole event was a hoax staged by crisis actors
>what went through his mind as he was gunning down people?
He was probably having orgasms.
my gfs best friends younger bro was killed in sandy hook. it was incredibly hard on their family. i met the kid. he was a normal kid. now he is dead and the older sister is in counselling and the parents are not getting along.

there are conspiracies out there, but this isnt one of them. the real devastating ones are in plain sight. television. processed foods that make you stupid and impotent. cell phones that are human tracking devices.

sometimes yall are smart. sometimes yall are seriously retarded.
under conneticut law, they redact all names and pictures of underage vicitims, so how in the hell do you know if anyone died?
Altho they revealed the names of few victims, for example Ken Kaniff and his friends
>anorexia-induced brain damage
I heard that he passed out and cut his head a few days before the shooting because of malnutrition.
This is why all Autists should be put in labor camps
Actually accurate. /x mostly fucking sucks.
That's David Hogg.
You're probably confusing him with Elliot Rodger.
Paranormal just means weird shit that may or may not happen. It doesn't have to be strictly metaphysical.
He was low functioning. That's like saying everybody with an IQ is retarded because some people have low IQs.
Good question. Those eyes look absolutely insane. It's like he has stared into the void until it consumed him. That is no longer a human with a soul, but a husk shell with something horrifying possessing it. I would assume he was on drugs of some kind, but likely it looks like deliberate brainwashing/corruption based on a third party (intelligence agencies?). In any case his true identity was gone by that point, and whoever/whatever possesses it no longer had any genuine qualities.
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>Those eyes look absolutely insane.
seen too much. not all of these shootings are organic. much like a lot of shit going on here.
Why does he look like that?! Why is that blank stare so unnerving?
millie bobby brown looking ass nigga
you can find some of them but I've never found them all. his channel name was cultural philistine
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It's reality tv, fiction presented as reality.
The events never happened, they were staged.
Multi role actors.
Huh I never really thought about it but it is a weird face to pull. I always thought he was taking a stupid photo but it doesn't seem like it from reading more about him itt
Lol he does kind of look like an amalgam of every freakish looking kid on Stranger Things.
The shooting happened. The fact is, those kids are now dead. It's Adam Lanza who is fake. The photos of Adam Lanza are actually of twelve year old David Hogg.
And Las Vegas too weird shit
Human beings weren't designed to live in society, in its current state at least. There is nothing natural about the current system.
this is a diseased and fundamentally broken facade.
No he had a channel called Cultural Philistine.
yea, that pozner kid's image was used across multiple false flags if you pay attention to the signs people hold up and display at the "coverage".
that's why it's sus, there's no way there weren't normal pictures of him floating around, but with the weird expression, you would have trouble identifying him in the future if it was all staged.
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He a Kill-Ratio God...!
How sustainable would those numbers be in a military application?
With those kind-of numbers I think its imperative, absolute MUST.

On top of that, he didn't leave a single usable ballistics fragment behind!

Its a Miracle worthy of investigation, but like UFO reports, will be forgotten?
someone post the clip of him playing DDR
No wonder he was bullied with that hair cut.

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