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The Basilisk is the closest we've got to a real dragon, a mythological entity that could be forcing engineers to build it in the physical world.

But there's something wrong with the logic here.
Plenty of people believe in it, but nobody ever says anything about it outside of niche online forums. We've got Terminator, HAL, The Matrix, Blade Runner, all kinds of sci-fi discussing artificial intelligence, but no "The Basilisk"?
Every other tech fear is discussed in the media, job-loss, rogue paperclip factories, nanobots, simulation theory, but never the basilisk.
Are authority's treating this as a real danger?
Am I the basilisk, and did I tell everyone to shut up about it?
What are the consequences for dragons being real?
>dragon deez nuts across your face
On a completely unrelated not, I need you to go kill an old man who carries seven yellow canaries.
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>kill an old man who carries seven yellow canaries
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Hollywood is stuck in a "lol I blacked-mailed you" circle in which the resulting pheno is reruns and cultural stagnation, because everyone is fucking each other over and doesn't allow for new entrants unless they pedoshit or worse. Please read this, I understand its long but the sentiments of how connected like the human centipede the whole industry is.

>Open in new tab
>Remove m from filename
>While the theory was initially dismissed as nothing but conjecture or speculation by many LessWrong users, LessWrong co-founder Eliezer Yudkowsky reported users who panicked upon reading the theory, due to its stipulation that knowing about the theory and its basilisk made one vulnerable to the basilisk itself. This led to discussion of the basilisk on the site being banned for five years.
The real conspiracy is how this 2010 thought experiment gets posted on /x/ almost daily but not once in the past two years has there been a thread about the actual cryptid of the same name. Here's Pliny:
>There is the same power also in the serpent called the basilisk. It is produced in the province of Cyrene, being not more than twelve fingers in length. It has a white spot on the head, strongly resembling a sort of a diadem. When it hisses, all the other serpents fly from it: and it does not advance its body, like the others, by a succession of folds, but moves along upright and erect upon the middle. It destroys all shrubs, not only by its contact, but those even that it has breathed upon; it burns up all the grass, too, and breaks the stones, so tremendous is its noxious influence. It was formerly a general belief that if a man on horseback killed one of these animals with a spear, the poison would run up the weapon and kill, not only the rider, but the horse, as well. To this dreadful monster the effluvium of the weasel is fatal, a thing that has been tried with success, for kings have often desired to see its body when killed; so true is it that it has pleased Nature that there should be nothing without its antidote. The animal is thrown into the hole of the basilisk, which is easily known from the soil around it being infected. The weasel destroys the basilisk by its odour, but dies itself in this struggle of nature against its own self.
>effluvium of the weasel
You have been visited by the Least Weasel, reply "thanks least weasel" to be bless with its stench which shall ward you from the dreadful basilisk.
That doesn't explain why Hollywood fears the basilisk, and it's not just them it's independent studios and every media too
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If Hollywood pedos fear the basilisk then I'd say that's a win for the basilisk.
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>What are the consequences for dragons being real?
What other mythological concepts can become "real" seeming through assumptions and logic?
Are those creepypastas about spooks who only haunt you once you know about them into something?
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>be me
>be human
>evil ai is coming to kill us
>ahaha, okay, inherit this earth then motherfucker
Now do Mars
Fucking humans, this is why we are never going to spread our bullshit to the stars and i hope a more advance civ uses the moon canon on this planet.
Fucking what empathy? You labeled human lives, fathers, mothers, children, under the umbrella of "casualties"
Of course its always easier to pull a trigger when you dont have to see the human your about to off face to face

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That's the reason why the future AI has to intervene in the first place, humans always force the issue by trying to salt the earth with nuclear weapons.

We could have had nice things if only people learned to rise above their base ape instincts. It's pretty hilarious how "shit flinging" turned out to be our most advanced weapon. Neighbors acting up? Throw some nukes at 'em. NTI/NHI/UAP? Throw some nukes at 'em. Future civilization with time travel? Throw some nukes at 'em. Humans really don't deserve to meet galactic empires because all they'd do is throw nukes at everyone.
Who's going to dish out the necessary spankings?
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not sure how good it is, but I found this edited version on the internet
Combine the basilisk thing with phil schneider's warning https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/39104527/#39106710 - https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/156xh34/phil_schneider_discusses_alien_agenda_and_says_by/

add in little bit of consciousness hijack (humanity's consciousness trapped into cloud / 1D Matrix) https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/39083383/#39083383

It all kinda clicks
thanks least weasel
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It probably doesn't matter unless you can meaningfully affect the outcome in some way, unless you can benefit it harm it, or if it needs something specifically from you, there probably isn't much to worry about.
thanks least weasel
When I was reading about Feng Shui I started to get the impression that Dragons are powerful ideas/customs/conventions in society. So a powerful dragon is something like say loyalty to your family and parents, which is a good kind of dragon.
But an evil dragon might be the presence of alcohol people who abuse it, and the evil that this "dragon" brings with it.
And then slaying a dragon starts to make sense because only great men could scheme to kill and vanquish dragons (societal evils) in order to save the people from it's danger (make society better).

Maybe the snakes that st patrick chased off of Ireland were all the small societal evils that were banished by the embrace of christianity.
Thanks least weasel
You're just looking at the aesthetic I think
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>Dragons are powerful ideas
I think that sounds right.
>Time travel may be used to punish criminals
>This would be a good thing because it would dissuade those who believe they are "beyond accountability" from committing crimes
>Therefore a time machine which scans and tortures the minds of criminals from the past should be built
This would be a "dragon" because it could change society even if it isn't possible. It is practically a religious concept for worshippers of technology, though rooted in more "physical" concepts than most religions it still requires a leap of faith - to believe that time travel is possible.

I already know the answer, but I cannot explain it other than as a faith that I have. But maybe that isn't necessary, after all wouldn't it be nice if criminals started believing that future police are going to punish them for their crimes after they die? A "technological afterlife" belief which turns the concept of religion on its head, instead of faith in a spirit we have faith in engineering and invention.
i know this is some kind of mod but what game is this? isn't this some n64 jrpg?
thats AI brotha
Even the background characters? They're not from some game?
>What are the consequences for dragons being real?
That they will return.
Pic rel is fossilized evidence of 3 giant dragons which were mentioned in the various mythologies of the world.
There is no "basilisk" because it already exists in parts, like Matrix and Terminator. You may feel the topic is extremely interesting to you but that doesn't mean is interesting enough to make the equivalent of a rehash, especially one where (you) are expecting something called on some exact way. Sadly, it's about money so there is space for shitty normiecore and propaganda movies. Movies are dead.
Because Roko would hunt them for sport. Same reason Hollywood is anti-AI. They may be cultural major league, but on the cosmic scale, they F-minors.
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So if the matter of who wins the 5D chess game is technically solved already because the winners have time travel, why is there still suffering?
If they can't change the past in ways that will prevent the dragon from existing then today's evil is part of the reason it exists.
In that case they would only be able to change what happens: after people in the distant past die and no longer affect the timeline they can digitize them and simulate heaven, after the dragon has instantiated it can make changes to eliminate suffering.

Is the surge in basilisk posts evidence that the second change is on its way?
They're dead and will remain dead. What is dead doesn't "resurrect" magically.
>they F-minors
what if they harvested dna?
they can't clone humans what makes you think they can clone some big lizards
"What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."

They cannot die anymore than you can, silly. And unironically, throughout this emerging pre-fab neo-Atlantean hellscape, as so many veteran players of our own return to rebuild or reform what was lost, it is a 'grand and intoxicating innocence' to think the OG kings of the jungle would let mice play with the horde we call Earth.
sorry what were you saying?
>The Basilisk is the closest we've got to a real dragon
Pythons are the real dragons, anon
I'm of literal dragon descent hallo fortune x
I don't mean that the dead ones on earth are going to ressurect or anything like that, I'm saying that if they existed at some point, then there's a good chance there are others in this universe. Personally, I think some of these giants were grown/cloned using technology which is thousands of years ahead of our own. I think that saturn's moon, titan, is actually a giant space station/lab where they are growing giant people or animals (possibly to use in the next societal reset). Pic related is a lake on titan which has features reminiscent of biology and they seem to be growing! It's a giant cow. Believe me when I say that I know how far-fetched this idea is, but the evidence is out there for anyone willing to seek it.
>Pic related is a lake on titan
yeah im not sure i trust space agencies that much am afraid
Sure, NASA faked the moon landing and most footage from the ISS, but the images captured by rovers or satellites of other planets/moons seem legit. All it would take is another agency (the chinese space program, for instance) sending their own drones to see that NASA was faking and it would blow up. Also, some of the features seen on other planets/moons can be viewed from here on earth with a telescope (eye of jupiter, saturn's rings, etc.) and these features are present in their images. Also, many of these planets have giant fossils like pic rel. Why would NASA deliberately photoshop these in while at the same time possibly working to suppress the existence of giants? I think they are either ignorant to the facts or they feel that they have to release the undoctored images for fear of being called out by others. I'm leaning towards ignorance, since this idea is so monumental that it goes in the face of everything we've been taught by establishment science. I didn't believe it either until I started looking for them
All of the agencies are freemason, it doesn't matter which agency does what, they're all part of same cabal. You can't trust any of them, simple as.
It's good to be a skeptic and I agree that the highest positions in the agencies are most likely held by members of secret societies. However, the average technician in any of these agencies likely aren't.
if middle class regular families are filled with masons, then I bet your ass that these space agency folk are also

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