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anons, especially oldfags of old, screencap/share, or at least heed these words.

This is my second of three total visits here.


"Disclosure" of "Event X" includes disclosure of the following subjects:
>"Alternative history"
>"Higher dimensions" & consciousness
>Secret technologies, facilities, and agencies
>& the admittance of the one cleansing/destructive truth
And it leads to something I'll refer to as "event x"

Disclosure is a ridiculous subject because it involves a lot of very complex ideas that most people aren't capable of thinking through. It also has a lot of mystical stuff that will seem wibbly-wobbly to anyone that hears it. And further, "the one truth" is a scary concept, and just the mass acceptance of it could actually mean the total destruction of everything we know. There is no way to control what will happen once "event x" occurs, but everyone at the table is trying to play a game to manipulate the result.

In the following posts I will attempt to break down disclosure to it's simplest, most actionable terms. Be aware that much of what you'll read may seem like it was pulled from *this* or *that*, but none of this has been "ripped" from your favorite book, movie, or tv show. There's actually a very good reason why seeds of the truth surround us.

Also, Names are irrelevant here. I'm delivering you a concept and a plan.

You will rarely find disclosure written this succinctly
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I'm going to be as concise as I can be, but there's a lot of context

it goes like this

>First, there's a non-corporeal being that accidentally makes the universe by blending with matter. AKA big-bang
>Second, there's another non-corporeal being that was kinda miffed by that. So he/it tries to figure out WTF happened to his bro, and he stumbles upon the physical universe his bro just made
Third, the universe evolves to a point where life happens. The first non-corporeal, the source of the big-bang (I'll call him/it "The source") "feels" for the first time through the first life.
Fourth, "The source" puts its attention on life after experiencing a wide range of emotion... This leads to the birth of consciousness inside lifeforms. It's essentially a little piece of the universe attempting to experience itself.
Fifth, life evolves to higher consciousness and complex thought. This creates a matrix that "The source" wishes to experience for all eternity. His "mind" is full of the high-vibrations of beauty, love, etc.
Finally, "The second" being notices these developments and apparently contests the idea completely. "It" wants to tear down the whole universe and have its brother back. It thinks of the universe as a sort of blasphemy, (also it has not been able to experience emotions like its brother did)
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>Ok that's the groundwork, here's the foundation:

>Humanoid life evolves due to the radical changes caused by consciousness
>"The entity" notices that this kind of life has become a favorite to "the source" so he aims to corrupt it
>The entity's plan is to "sour the milk" so to speak.
(Theoretically thinking this will cause "the source" to "wake up" & leave. Worst case scenario, destroying the universe in the process or at least pulling consciousness/light from it entirely)
>"The entity" creates worshippers & cults by speaking through vessels
Think talking rocks and burning bushes at this point
>its immortality & knowledge greatly assists these cults generation after generation
>the cults are weathered into blind worshippers

Important context: this wasn't just happening on Earth.
This was happening everywhere, all at once. The non-corporeal being is of a higher dimension, let's just say that it can have more than one conversation at the same time, and time isn't much of a concept to this entity.

>somewhere a planet of humanoid giants destroyed themselves, and the survivors were worshippers of "the entity"
>they are the Annunaki, they became the agents of "the entity"
>they go from planet to planet, creating their own hivemind slave-races, which are genetically adapted to the world they're conquering
>they cause outright suffering until mass self-destruction occurs, or they commit great acts of destruction themselves. Chaos reigns.
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Obviously I've named the Annunaki as agents of "the entity" because we know they've had history here. There are more worshipful-races under "the entity" but they're irrelevant right now. They all represent a singular faction, all with the same belief.

Continuing disclosure to ancient Earth:

>Annunaki family arrives on Earth
>Each one takes their own space and makes their own slave hybrid race
>they allow humanity to grow to numbers before harvesting them via mass floods & other destructive methods

At this point, these guys are basically harvesting "looshe" but I'm not going to live or die by that word. Ultimately their faction's goal is total destruction of the universe, but not directly themselves because it's just not efficient enough. Too much life to destroy, and their methods of smashing planets with asteroids or causing cataclysmic weather hasn't been the most effecient way of destruction, either. Consider the vastness of space. They would rather "sour the milk". Why conquer trillions of worlds when you can make just a few suffer untold horrors?

>Annunaki cataclysms are made worse by religions which explain such events as apocalyptical
>The human mind, as a result, contains great despair during the cataclysm
>this causes low-vibrational consciousnesses
>death during such event allows the consciousness to be consumed by "the entity"
(either directly or by returning the consciousness back to the realm for more suffering. Exact use is unknown)
>"the entity" rewards its followers with, basically, a drug derived from the consumed consciousness
(basically they get to huff your soul and feel your deepest emotions throughout your life)

The takeaway from this is: every single time they harvest life and cause a cataclysm, they are hoping the suffering is great enough to cause an actual apocalypse (read: removal of "the source" from the universe)
And every time they've tried, they've failed.
Last post coming up...
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now its modern day Earth:

>Annunaki are long-gone but their legacy, their agents, and their cult, lives on
>legacy are the greys (sky/moon race) and cephalopods (aquatic race)
>they work in tandem with "the cult" which you could refer to as "the network" today
>they are all obedient to "the entity" and have been following its plan to cause the greatest suffering event in history (EVENT X)

Their plan has been in place before the US was even established. This involved creating an "illuminated" awakening within mankind (AKA creation of the US) then creating peak prosperity, all before tearing it down quickly/horrifically.
>basically, they're trying a "taking candy from a baby" approach
If you want a kid to cry, give him candy and then take it away

So yes, most of the bullshit you've seen in "the news" is manufactured. They tore everything down piece by piece, from the concept of the family, societal value of freedom & life, to simple things like destroying your favorite childhood franchise, turning your favorite foods into expensive garbage, etc

>"The network" is subverting mankind to cause a massive division between all of man
>"The cult" is poisoning mankind's food, water, air, and even the mind
>WW3 will start soon, to further accelerate the matter
>Further seemingly cataclysmic events will come & go
>They are designing a consistent feeling of dread & despair


The government will disclose much, but not everything. They will say we must fight back to re-take Earth, but ultimately, it will be "the network" fighting "the cult" in nothing more than a show.

The arriving ship will offer you a way out. They will be a beautiful humanoid race and they will offer us a sort of salvation. They represent the only opposing force of "The faction of the entity", they will offer to transport you to their world. They will tell us that our governments are deceiving us and that they intend to harvest our souls. You will be given a choice.
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Here's the tl;dr

>A non corporeal creates the universe & experiences life/love/beauty through living beings
>he wants to stay and enjoy the view
>His brother does not get to feel things and thinks this is blasphemy, wants his bro back
>So he creates suffering within life to "sour the milk" to get his bro back
>And some life learns to worship this suffering and devote themselves to the destruction of the universe
>There are two "factions" aka light/dark or whatever you want to call it
>Dark faction wants you to suffer a whole lot just before you die
>light faction just wants you to live without undue suffering
>Dark faction has been here already though and is fully fucking with us
>In fact, dark faction is simultaneously fucking with all life, everywhere, all at the same time, in some fashion or another
>Our suffering has reached a point of being considered "undue" so the "light faction" are on the way
>they're going to get here soon and they'll tell us some stuff, but mostly that they can't really do anything but help us move
>basically there is no defending Earth. If they want it destroyed, it will be.
>humanity's government will say "nope lol" and reveal secret tech to fight "evil invading aliens"
>government will mostly be fighting their own ships though, for show, so you can believe you can sit on your butt watching Amazon Prime
>once the "light faction" leaves, the remaining government will form a NWO and turn Earth into a suffering factory

The choice is yours to stay or go... but at a minimum you should probably diversify your investments & savings, keep a well-stocked pantry, consider safely storing water, and obtain the proper PPE for the shitshow that's about to come

ETA for event X is within 10 years. The pre-show has already started though. Good luck, I'll be here for less than an hour if you want to ask anything
Of course is a LARP, fuck off. Nothing happens like always.
I kinda believe you OP. Why don't you tell us how you came across this information
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Fake (descriptive) and gay (pejorative)
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whats this, OP?
Oh wow, you reinvented Gnosticism and packed it full of ayy lmaos for flavor.

Sage just flew over my house and will again in two weeks.
So, we SHOULD get on the ships?
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No, don't get on the ships! It's a cookbook!
u must follow your heart
Oh hey, it's this one again. Thanks for the repost. I've looked into all of that extensively throughout the years and was a "volunteer" for the Gate program as a kid.
dude, if you missed that opportuniy think about how you would feel the next day: disappointed
my brother was a GATE kid, he's the only man I trust in this world.
pretty surface level larp imo.
What is the use of the vaccine then?
culling the old people, it failed so plan b ww3
>everyone at the table is trying to play a game to manipulate the result
>proceeds to attempt manipulating the result by preempting disclosure with a larp
You're allowed to try because it's already known that you fail. Lose the time war, lose everything.
What would be your strategy?
>big bang
It's so easy to spot larping retards.
Okay. Here's the plan:

In the dead of hypersleep, you and I grab some provisions, hijack one of those, uh, escape pods, and then we fly back to Earth like there's no mañana!
and then?
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>it failed
Turbocancers are at an all time high, this is false.

>legacy of Annunaki
That you give the 2 most obvious letter agency ayyliums (calling back to that BS reddit cephalopod larp) makes me think you're a Grusch/etc.+ level fed assigned to make this thread to herring anons into government approved "disclosures" and [non]happenings. Which makes me think those sorts of things are unironically going to happen and you're just trying to get a head of something. You should've let the topic alone.
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Okay. Here's the plan:

In the dead of hypersleep, you and I grab some provisions, hijack one of those, uh, escape pods.....
you lost me..
Well, I don't see you coming up with a plan to get us out of the holding bay!
Okay so you have no clue, ty for confirming.
what year were these taken?
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oh, i c. yeah, my way might seem a bit odd, but all i do is increase my Christ Oil for escape velocity. aka the sacred secretion... all shall be revealed, eventually. best to u, anon.
my sources are telling me the exact same thing
sorry I don't watch random vids on here...mk ultra and all.
Yea, the second sentence of this post. Where did you gather this basically cosmic knowledge?
10 years? It feels like days lately.
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>ETA for event X is within 10 years.
This is a larp because humanity doesn't have anywhere near close to 10 years before this all blows up. We don't even have 5 years unless something drastic happens.
Lmao nice LAARP u spelled loosh wrong.

Careful, at this point they'll recognize that card.
child study team survivor here.

fuck long branch medical center and the floor that had murals of monarch butterflies.
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>Careful, at this point they'll recognize that card.
It is they who should be careful, anon.
I’ll bite:

As many disciples of the entity, it stands to reason there are disciples of the source being (counterparts to the Annunaki) who want to preserve life, no? Thus I would imagine they are working to counter or nullify the damage caused by the entity and its network. Where are they in all of this?
What's that video of?
i'll give you 1 star for trying
>I'll be here for less than an hour if you want to ask anything
i know i'm late tot he party but what happens to the people who get on the ships?
Well? wtf is it
>The non-corporeal being is of a higher dimension, let's just say that it can have more than one conversation at the same time, and time isn't much of a concept to this entity.
You should read that Isaac Asimov story (I think it's called The Last Answer) where the protagonist discovers that GOD exists and there is an afterlife for a select few high-level thinkers so they can try to think of ways to destroy it (GOD). GOD doesn't know what it is or why it exists, it wants oblivion.
OP just dumped reddit glowie pasta in here, they're not here to answer actual questions or have a on-going discussion. It's all about seeding the mind with falsehoods, and let the falsehoods grow there organically
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nice jewoluciferian mind slop
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Just win.
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is this real?
the principle of cooresponence would be better described as a pattern that reoccurs on different levels of creation; like the mind governing the animals instincts (located in the chest) which governs the lusts located in the stomache. Man is the stomache, the angels are the chest, the mind is god.
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>The arriving ship will offer you a way out. They will be a beautiful humanoid race and they will offer us a sort of salvation. They represent the only opposing force of "The faction of the entity", they will offer to transport you to their world. They will tell us that our governments are deceiving us and that they intend to harvest our souls. You will be given a choice.
What if that is also a trick?
Why not stay and help the good that is still on earth
another "source" clearly said the ships are trick. all the people inside will be culled. the only truth is this NWO shit. it's gonna be a gigantic Blue Beam. we're fucked
why won't this god damn computer work!
take a bomb with you and if it is a trick blow the motherfuckers up
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So you know that the entity is God but you want to fight against the entity and the annunaki?

Retard alert.
not really fight only pretend to struggle in order to maintain some sense of dignity
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Did you just try to download a frog onto my phone?
>Annunaki scum
You really are produce of brainfog
why bump glow thread?
jannies keep this thread but nix gnostic threads lol
this feels like cold reading the majority of /x/ schizos with out of control delusions of grandeur
What harm could a loser at a computer possibly cause?
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The Earth is flat with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Solar Flares are a meme.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship the Demiurge. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think there are gay space niggers from outer space out there.
They make you think there are giant rocks hurtling through the vacuum heading towards our ball earth.
They make you think the sun is about to fart and eject some fake corona.
>reddit cephalopod larp
fuck off glownigger

this is literally just christianity rerolled into some bs where you can say theres no god
there is obiviously a god lmfao
and that second being is lucifer/satan

nice try
stop posting memetic hazards asshole-anon
American loser found the archive. Damn. It's like I'm doing the same in 2 weeks. Fuck you little meth head since there was a good reason the real one stopped , which is not in the archive, cause not 4c, which is...????? Tell us anon.
Yeah. Fuck you.
oh look it's that faggot who thinks aliums are squidsk

this just sounds like the plot of ff14, interesting though.
>ETA for event X is within 10 years.
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Anons lets save this board together
Agreed, not once have I seen one helpful namefag.
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So.... why doesn't "the source" do literally anything to help?
Why is there only one "light faction" who wants to help and bring people somewhere and literally everything else is "evil"?
In fact, why would millions work directly against their own self-interest to destroy the entire universe? I get a small group of psychos, but you're talking about countless who will just end up wiping themselves out and suffering misery just the same. Why? Because they're "soul junkies"?

Are people really so disillusioned and nihilistic that all they can ever think about is misery, pain, death, and suffering in these sort of tales?
Do they think it makes it a "believable story"? Honestly? I'm SO tired of it. It just wears you the hell down to see that everywhere you go it's just someone being negative and spreading fear all of the damn time. Like they're addicted to misery and want others to feel the same.
Besides being childish, like an edgelord who never quite grew up, it's lame, too. How screwed is our society and culture that SO many people venerate and worship negativity, evil, pain, misery, depression, illness, and everything anti-life and joy?

Why the hell do we live in a society that sees good as "corny"? Or being happy and having gratitude; being charitable and kind; spreading love and hope; as being "lame"?
Is that REALLY the world people want to live in? Are they addicted to whining so they start worshiping misery to whine more?
Why can't people just be good to each other? Be nice and love each other? Find the beauty in the universe all around us?

People act like it's "inevitable" but it's NOT. You make the choice in how you act, respond, speak and in what you do in life.
If you want to whine about how much the world "sucks" then try living the change you want to see. Stop being a slave to impulse and submitting to a reactionary mindset.
Stop seeing "evil grimdark" crap as "cool." Get your shit together.
Gray-tier autistic disinfo.

Trust the clear intent of unconditional love, not physical beauty.
fr fr. actions will speak louder than words.
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Humans were a hack job modified from primates as some sort of compromise between warring parties. Although humanoids may exist elsewhere across the universe, we weren't supposed to be created here, at least not yet, and not so rushed.

Reincarnation is also part of the deal. It isn't natural in this universe, and we are forced to do it. Every time we are born, our souls sort of dissolve more and more, and our energy is constantly siphoned by other entities, so we may be in a sort of loosh farm.




*******You must listen to this, especially the last hour:

Extra Project Camelot interview with Brett Stuart:





Brett Stuart continued the Moksha project with another team years later.


We are not able to liberate the planet ourselves, but there is some sort of throne-like device hidden in North America in a pyramid structure that can integrate all of your previous incarnations, basically making you whole and helping you to "ascend" in some capacity.

It would also be helpful to research the lectures by Judy King and her books The Isis Thesis and Balls of Fire. You'll go deeper into the rabbit hole about what the ancient Egyptians might have done to avoid the reincarnation cycle, which mentions the soul traveling towards a certain angle towards a certain star.
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Seething golem. Enjoy your globohomo narrativeslop, that's all you get in this life you pathetic goycattle.
Clutch cargo...
Big X rings a bell...
Harmony was the answer...
In the end...
Event X seems like a bad time.
Gotta go fast, it seems.
The more I learn, the more apparent it becomes that all alien encounters both I and others have had, are not physical in nature. They're something else. They have things that resemble technology (or more likely, technology resembles or is copied off what these beings have)

I had an NDE during a very dark time where a tall grey appeared in the dark tunnel, and tried to take me. Greys have always been somewhat demonic in nature, and when I have had encounters, they're either accompanied by what would typically be identified as a witch (like semi-malevolent old lady hags with warts and magic), and they seem to have a little bit of trouble actually moving in the physical (wobbly arms and can't maintain their disguise when touched)

I don't have all the answers, only a few conclusions that i've drawn from examination and experience, but to me, aliens are from somewhere else in a universal sense.

They're the elves and fae and gods of old, and they're not animals or robots or even "alive" in any sense that we would understand. I doubt they're even from this physical reality.

I don't doubt other life exists out there, but they aren't here.
I agree. They're in another dimension or multiple ones at the same time.

When I first saw some greys, they briefly appeared through my wall, and the best analogy that I can barely give to describe them is that they appear visually to us like those ai generated thumbnails that expand into a bigger entirely different image once you click on them.
Thanks anon, I will be sure to enter the ships, find an alien wife, and live happily ever after on a new planet
Why stop there?
You know what they are, yeah?
Wanna announce as much?

O (j)eez
Flap flap flap
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did all of that fucking nonsense come to you in a dream or something?
>no sources, no citations, just a retarded fucking wall of text
this board fucking sucks so much.
You’re glowing from miles away in all directions
But you knew that
Munch munch
Standing ovation.jpeg
>choice is black and white: stay or go
I opt for total entity genocide until there's nothing left but Nun and everything Atum created.
>you'll do nothing
Watch me.
Because this view of "the source" is fucking retarded.
"The Source" is the ocean of potential, Nun.
YOU have to go create something with it. It doesn't create it-fucking-self.
Atum, Brahma, they have to create shit too. It doesn't happen automatically.

These New Age feminutters have no fucking idea what they're talking about or what they're doing.
Every time they say "I know people don't like the name God so let's say Source", they're destroying the Light they claim to worship and pray for.
Fucking idiots. Colossal fucking retards. They can't even use the correct calendar.
shit like this why this board is so bad, you know what fuck this shit im out. enjoy your larps u stupid fucking niggers.
retarded thread
>Star Gate Project
Anon, there's like more than 13 years I have heard the last time about this. Holy shit, thanks!
did one of your bots get filtered? ooooh how sad
>First, there's a non-corporeal being that accidentally makes the universe by blending with matter. AKA big-bang
Stopped reading there.
you are fairly close to the mark. try communicating with your body next time you are at rest. you might be surprised
isn't it basically just chakras? Higher chakras are "higher vibes", but you need balance all of them.
Welcome back
my pleasure
Can we get some good larps, please?
You act like they wouldnt dare to do that outside of 4chan. Its everywhere.
Higher vibes can be interpreted in a few ways.
Most spirituals I've seen on the internet interpret it as meditating yourself into a higher power, but what they're doing is reducing their frequency (aka lowering their frequency) and relaxing their bodies (lowers the voltage) so they can increase their amplitude.
The people who practice yoga increase their voltage and frequency so excess amplitude locked in inflammation can be exerted and taken care of, energetic inflammation being pretty common in people with unprocessed traumas.

As far as I can see, I'm the only one who's thought of these ideas as electromagnetics.
Are there other ways to clear energetic inflammation than doing yoga? Is there a particular focussed meditation that can accomplish same thing?
For anyone curious, just think about it this way.

Would someone who really did know the full truth REALLY have to clickbait you with an introduction that's structured in a way 110% different than the slop they want you to believe?


Are they aware of how stupid it is,

And hope the clickbait is enough?
why would the edgy bro "sour the milk" when he could just kill all living things in the universe in order for his brother not to feel anything anymore and leave immediately?
And how would anyone know this real story of the universe unless being told by the edgy bro directly? (Cause if good bro knew his edgy bro was fucking with his creation he would stop him.)
Flawed ass larp
which faction is Hitler in with, trip responds or gay
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show me something that hasn't been debunked yet op you're boring me
Fire/Destruction acts quickly. Life is slow growing and fragile. Yin/Yang don’t always balance out; look at Earth for example. This place sucks if your not rich; your just a worthless slave or canon-fodder.

I wasted my time reading that for it to end up being gnostic garbage
real sick of hearing about this gate shit

you're not special. please tell me what happened afterwards? oh right nothing. they disbanded the shit. they said nevermind. they moved on.

dumb morons watching shit like stranger things
what's wrong with gnosticism?
twitter tradcath cuckolds hate it because it equivocates MUH MOTHER CHURCH with the Jews and Satan
nah he's just throwing in some "unusual" stuff that isn't entirely cliche and expected so he seems more believable to retards. he wants people to believe this on this board in hopes they spread it and it becomes another retarded distraction. he probably is a fed but he has no truth to spread and only wants to create more paranoid idiots
anunaki scapegoat larp continues.

because gnosticism is the most deceptive garbage there is

People are vulnerable to it because "the first christians" propaganda and next thing they know they are complete and total blasphemers. really they don't know it. don't even realize it.

..try to get other people to fall for it, even.
they've always been made fun of

no idea why anyone does it unless they are just retarded and new
Answer the question juden
lol this
Maybe the nobody was in my head all along
this just in; gnostic sperg delusional lyrics declares for Satan: "two more weeks!"
Solfeggio frequencies and drinking a shitload of clean water.
Yoga assists the lymphatic system, helps the water move around the body more effectively.
That helps remove excess electrolytes and static ions which cause inflammation on a physical level.
The muscle tension which tightens around those minerals and electricity is also relieved by yoga, but keeping it from tightening again usually involves deep shadow work which may take days or years.
When will the lies stop?
Sounds like a MMORPG plot.
I have "concepts" of a plan.
there is definitively an ai genocide in the works, however this may not be the event.
Sigh. Nothing ever...2 more...ah fuck it.
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Sorry Z bro but I'm looping
Blue Eisenhower November
so jupiter ascending was a documentary?
what's with the videos pal?
How is it scapegoat?
>but keeping it from tightening again usually involves deep shadow work which may take days or years.
damn this is kinda black pilling
It should be lightpilling.
The darkness is what you'd be climbing out of with shadow work.
Nta, but you're wrong. Everyone is unique and special. The whole "you're not special meme" is created by narcissistic nihilists and misanthropes with depression who hate themselves and refuse to observe reality around them.

It doesn't mean you are "better" than some other individual or exceptional in a way that would indicate the same, but this idea that we're all average, mundane, copy/paste, part of a collective hive is probably the most disgusting and grossly myopic way to view reality.
It's a shallow demoralization tactic that countless people have been inculcated with and adopted that's done nothing for them other than bring more darkness and negativity into their lives. It creates a feedback loop they can't seem to escape and then they end up sitting there wondering why they're so angry and sad all of the time.

Every individual is unique. They are special. They're each beautiful amalgamations of different experiences, thoughts and emotions that make them one-of-a-kind beings. We may share similarities but we'll never be the same as any other person.

The way you view the world and seek to lash out on others is poison. Not just for the world around you but for you as well. It's an affirmation that you're manifesting into existence that will only bring you more pain and sadness.

People should not treat the internet like it's their therapist. They should choose their thoughts and words carefully and practice tempering themselves into something greater.

There's a reason "Know thyself" was a rite of passage in ancient times. It's only to our detriment such wisdom has been forgotten.
What kind of world do people want to live in and what do they do to help bring that into fruition in each and every action of theirs?
>ETA for event X is within 10 years.
Five hundred and two-enty weeks?
it's like biblical scale of "two more weeks"
Yeah yeah, something is always coming, but nothing ever happens. You got a date for us to mark on our calendar so we can make fun of you when nothing happens?
>>legacy are the greys (sky/moon race) and cephalopods (aquatic race)
Was Phoenix Point disclosure?
Stop getting lost in consumerism and seeking to find secret meaning in it to justify it.
>on the racial soul and how genetic clusters possibly imply spiritual clusters
avoid Utah at all costs. It is the place with the worst and black (evil) Mormons
I literally just had LDS missionaries come to my door after posting this
why we say "I currently struggle with"
and not "I cant"
>understanding and GUESSSING extremely secret information from the absolute vaguest of hints
have you noticed that the solar symbol is on the bottom of many water bottles?
the recently popular owala ones that gained popularity on college campuses last year have the sun symbol on the bottom

When you imbibe in your water, lift the container so that the solar symbol faces the direction of the sun. this way the sunne's energy is focuses through the symbol, through the water currents, then into you

is an example of a girl not lifting it high enough.
>This leads to the birth of consciousness inside lifeforms.
Elaborate on this please. This is important to me.
>>they are the Annunaki
Weird how in my mind that turned to "jews" after reading this
>>they cause outright suffering until mass self-destruction occurs, or they commit great acts of destruction themselves. Chaos reigns.
Bro youre obviously talking about jews JUST SAY IT
Good job OP.
Measuring this to what my schizophrenia has told me over tjhe years id say youre probably PRETTY FUCKING CLOSE
And i feel like youve answered some questions for me but idk exactly what they are yet.
Ty tho.
I took DMT recently, and saw all these waves of light as patterns of energy and started visualizing antenna which could absorb these waves of consciousness into my genetic code. I saw the flower of life, I was dancing and the air around me was full of this geometric light grid. I had very deep concerns about Israel and nuclear energy. It seemed as if I was tapping into a nuclear energy grid within all matter which was radiating across the planet. I started praying a lot and confessing all my sins as a soul and asking the souls of my fellows on this earth to heed my call and seek peace. God spoke to me and said he heard my prayers and I felt like I was the second coming of christ, and that I was telepathically connected across the planet to other souls. I realized that I am that I am had sent me, and understanding oneself as christ is to be one who listens to the word of God and does his will on the earth.
It was a scary event, I saw the em wave of my heart and manifested this completely pitch black form of a goddess of darkness. I started talking to the stars and asking for forgiveness from those I had harmed in my journal across the cosmos to reach this planet. I felt very strongly the arcturian energy, but it wasn't peaceful for me, I felt like I had been at war with Orion and that it was time to put away the nuclear weapons and find peace. I asked Isreal to seek to worship love rather than power.
I felt like our whole industrial society of machinery is full of this nuclear atomic power to reshape matter into consumer objects, which were all not living and we should rather be trying to create life and love with our thoughs words and actions rather than to control the material world.
I saw some really cool fractal antenna, like double helic wave spirals, some more abstract non euclidian shapes, some planar multifrequency fractal antenna, and then some microelectronic transistor elements within semiconductors.
Who created the beings?
Now im sus
depends on their destination.. if it's sirius, you say "no thx, i rather be slave than slavecuck"
10 years? That doesn't sound right, I thought this shit would end in 100 to 200 years
according to the meme files in Drowned God, the deadline for the total unification of mankind is 2025 and we are far from ever finding unity
What would happen to me if I just off myself before that? I'm just not that patient.
General Washington... it has been over 200 years.
the time is now
>wake up
>wake up
>wake up
This is the second “second” time you’ve posted this.
It’s just Gnosticism watered down for the disclosure crowd.
I like it though.
Can’t wait for the third “third” release before “event x”.
Happy Halloween fag:3
What stops CERN from being able to take us to a savestate circa 2012 or 2016 for another attempt without a big reset?
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Somewhat of an insider here.
If you're vaxxed, you won't notice shit. But if you're pureblood you will start noticing it in the rice and other grains. Notice the smell.
Things will rot faster, eventually 10x faster than they used to in a year or 2. The fuckers released genetically modified microbes to destroy the global food supply. We're being killed. They're desperate to kill as many of us as possible before 2030. They know something we don't.
Do with this information what you think is right. To tell you the truth, I don't know what to do myself.
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Stop trying to worsen my schizophrenia, please.
I've been telling people that the fruit dont taste the same for a long time.
In the US, I have not tasted a real apple in about 10 years
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Not gonna fall for your larp.
Not gonna help you manifest suffering and "the end", live your life as a man, take a bath and get a job, retard.
If you want to suffer, suffer yourself.
I don't believe in you or your larp.
Nothing ever happens.
>ETA for event X is within two more weeks
Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the vaxx, as these 2 things are mostly unrelated. But vaxxed destroyed their sense of smell, they can't smell as well as they used to.


say it!
Mf that’s the the plot to Doctor Sleep. I WANT TO BELIEVE! You telling me Stephen King knows?
NTA but the coof shot was designed to eliminate the nuisance of the retirement class. Do you really think the government wants to shell out this money on the retirement class indefinitely?
>who cares if the boomers are gone
This includes you as well from becoming one faggot.
>post proof
The proof is in that investors have completely pulled out of the retirement industry. FOLLOW THE MONEY FAGGOT.

>A $275 billion investment gap in senior living development across the country by 2030 means there won’t be enough housing to meet the demand of older adults in the next five years, according to new data from NIC MAP Vision
>The report underscores the need for a historic increase in new senior living units to keep pace with growing demand. According to NIC MAP Vision, new senior living starts have plummeted to just 0.2% of existing inventory, the lowest level in recent history.


i know you're just regurgitating val valerian and don't know what you're talking about but this anti-gods nihilism needs to be put to rest already, you're pushing jewish yahweh curses trying to denigrate beings that created and have protected us even when we turned our backs on them.

sometimes they have to burn the fields when they become infected with rot and disease, when the cosmic order is completely lost.

the terrible one, in the primordial time, the burning eye of sirius, slaughtered the one who did abominations on his daughter. it was justified. the harvest must be cut, the wars must be fought, death comes for everything. it's not good or evil, it's part of the golden path.
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November 17 Simpsons Warning Of Upcoming 'Great Blackout is OVER.

https://youtu.be/h0p8A-JbYJc?si=4IwcpbbPRnBxlEqA [Open]
Where did you learn this information from?
based and nothing-ever-happens-pilled
Big if tru

why are you rewriting gnostic stories into this. just read i_am_heimdall from glp
I wasted my time reading that for it to end up being stormnigger garbage
nice, anon
you'll be all right, anon, just relax and do what you do best; be you.
Nothing ever happens.
>If you're vaxxed, you won't notice shit.
whew good thing I'm vaxxed
we are all just visitors here
>The arriving ship will offer you a way out. They will be a beautiful humanoid race and they will offer us a sort of salvation. They represent the only opposing force of "The faction of the entity", they will offer to transport you to their world. They will tell us that our governments are deceiving us and that they intend to harvest our souls. You will be given a choice.
Do not get on any ships anons
You can call OP LARP if you want but there likely is some kind of a government/military preparation plan for a mass alien invasion just like there is a plan for mass nuclear warfare.
>do not get on any ships anons
So? There's a plan for a zombie apocalypse too
But they couldn't possibly have access to the world's global grain supplies, right?
Plus, if you keep grains in a dry cool place, particularly rice as it has little "oils" then how would it rot faster? Rice can last for many years if stored properly, so even at a 10x rate it wouldn't really work, right?
People like you keep saying this but literally offer nothing of value to substantiate your reasoning ever.

Only thing I usually see is some retard spamming a dream his Dad had while pretending to be a third-party and trying to force it into a meme because he's desperate for validation and can't achieve it anywhere else.

Given the vast number of shills flooding the boards lately, (just look at the number in this thread who are "pro-vax" and still spamming "muh two weeks!" as if it hasn't been unequivocally demonstrated the vax was a terrible idea that left untold levels of devastation when compared to any other vax in human history, and inserting political bullshit at every opportunity. Conveniently, it all aligns in one direction, just like last election when we were flooded with paid goon mobs of the left. Like we're blind and can't see the influx?

The entire "don't get on the ships" thing aligns with the same mindset where a bunch of narcissistic arrogant shills act like people sit around waiting to be told what to do or think so they feel like they "fit in" in a similar manner to themselves.

Just once I'd like if someone like you spared more than a sentence for something you pretend to be so informed about. But you never do.
my sides
Is there a plan for appearance of gigantic flying spaghetti monster?
>Their plan has been in place before the US was even established.

nigga I've seen gravestones that have been in place since before the US was even established.
some more
everyone can achieve Regignosis
Pokemon Legends ZA's Map is a circle of Protection with a seal inside of it.
I suspect that the upcoming Pokémon game will be as enlightening as the Johto and Unova Journeys
(I still haven't fathomed the Sinnoh games-- Girantina and choosing to wield the light seems to be the right choice)
According to Matt Groening's Futurama, when the car people were told they could go to the drive through and were having their souls chopped up, the MOON was prominently displayed
I think this anon has a point. The problem seems to be we aren't killing enough idiot people with guns. According to some channeler, this will change in future.
there is also a lot of bullshit like compulsory schooling that prevent people from thinking.
Rhymin' Simon-
>when I think back on all the crap I learned in high school
>its a wonder I can still think at all
if you can freely and critically think after american high school, you are a world wonder!

Its not to late to provide for people and see if they choose to pursue their passions and advancement of society rather than choose to stagnate. we ought to expect at least 20% to do nothing at all if we can learn from the ants
I've seen years worth of threads saying "don't board the ships", and just 1 guy claiming you should board the ships in exact accordance with the false promise.
>get on the ships guys it's the good guys saving you
fuck off with your larp fag
Problem is that if you try educate the normies on topics you get those empty stares >>39124175 . Like how same Gates pushing covid vaccines was not very long ago saying he wants to depopulate people with vaccines, and that maybe you shouldn't take a vaccine https://www.bitchute.com/video/wCUxyAU8k7s

Like both gates and fauci want people dead through vaccines, yet when you tell people about this fact, they just stare at you and proceed to get vaccine pushed by said people. Fauci even helped create AIDS virus, which the covid vaccine seems to mimic a little bit.. just a coincidence that too? https://www.brighteon.com/00ace708-e844-44e6-a4da-5f8998093bd6 It's like, no matter what you try tell normies, they will never listen. They just stare back at you like NPC. I would love to be proven wrong, but this seems to be the case, as there are many who die with their ignorance, and not even in their deathbeds reconcile their positions. They most certainly could not be wrong, right? I take solace knowing that even "bad people" like youtube CEO are dying from this shit, so it's not only good people that suffer from idiocy.
>get on our ship hoo-man so we can harv- take you to safety
I’m not getting on your ship you grey space nigger.
Maybe the solution is the remove the (((problem))), before we start introducing these (((external))) solutions? Earth is a bad place? Well lets see if that's true once the (((problem))) has been gotten rid of. Only reason that's not on the table is because all the solutions offered to use are false dichotomies. Nobody wants to offer real solutions, which is going inner earth and do a bit of cleansing there.
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an artist drew me as bigfoot getting in a ufo a long time ago. i figure i will just follow the synchronicities.
now, i have not legally changed my name because of mall santa saying the wrong name, but there is not reason so far in my head not to board.
>Only thing I usually see is some retard spamming a dream his Dad had
This isn't even correct
>narcissistic arrogant
>proceeds to post completely narcissistic and arrogant shit
the glowies came back to derail!
this must be a VERY good thread
read all posts
the guy calling other people arrogant and narcissistic thinks anyone calling him out is a fed!
never seen that before
yes please do read all the posts so you can see how retarded this autist is
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Isn't this the plot of one of the seasons of Supernatural? Except "God's brother" is a hot chick that sucks souls and who occasionally likes a good dicking from Dean Winchester.

>I have not tasted a real apple in about 10 years
Try an Opal Apple. Get one that is REALLY dark mustard yellow with a little russeting (rough brown) on the top/bottom. Also try getting any apple that is vine ripened at a farmer's market.
Apples today are all picked green and spend 6+ months in a cool + low oxygen hold of a ship being transported from the other side of the earth.

There was an entire website called "Don't get on the ships"
ur post is so shit at invoking hallucinations i found this completely random video of someone ringing a bell which would do more to effect what you intend

>word salad autism
i sleep
>pic of washington D.C.
I remember that website, it was a weird mix of Christian Evangelism garbled with UFOlogy woo and proclaimed verbatim that Hitler allied ayys were going to turn all human beings who got on the ships into commercially packed hamburger because reasons and it's anuddah holocaust, while also directly trying to sell the reader scam product shit a grade below energy crystals. Reads like nonsensical atrocity propaganda further warped through the lens of brainrotted Christian Zionists who think g-d is going to deliver on the separate covenant through pees and lub alien intercessors.
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>They will tell us that our governments are deceiving us and that they intend to harvest our souls. You will be given a choice.
He says, she says. Neither side has anything believable to offer. Given I can't trust this "faction" and have no reason to other than you claiming they're good guys (who conveniently come about only when the situation is dire enough for us to go with them without taking time to analyze and question them and their motives - suspicious as fuck in its own way) I wouldn't go.

But then the whole thing seems like a LARP, since you've lose me at the beginning on how universe came to be and what's the nature of the divine - over half of shit you wrote in regards to those entities is wrong.
>In the US, I have not tasted a real apple in about 10 years
You did, it's just it's crappier because the apples sold around the year tend to be varieties raised for being sturdy and keeping well in storage. There's others too, but you need to carefully check and note their kind/subspecies. Lastly, buying directly from orchards when it's season will not only let you get them cheaper, it'll tend to be higher quality (fresh) and while some may look worse (not photogenic etc) they will be more substantial meal.

t. seasonal orchard worker
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So here I am
Doing everything I can
Holding on to what I am
Pretending I'm a superman

I'm trying to keep
The ground on my feet
It seems the world's falling down around me
The nights are all long
I'm singing this song
To try and make the answers more than maybe

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