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Eastern religions, like Buddhism and Hinduism, begin with the premise that there is an underlying truth or ultimate reality that transcends the material world. They focus on discovering this truth through introspection, meditation, and personal transformation. The world, with all its illusions and distractions, is something to be understood and transcended, with spiritual practices aimed at aligning oneself with this higher truth. The journey is about peeling away layers of illusion to uncover a deeper reality and attain enlightenment.

Christianity, by contrast, is much more rooted in the material world and historical events. It begins with the assumption that humanity’s relationship with God is based on divine intervention in the world—through scripture, miracles, and, most notably, the life of Jesus. Instead of starting from an ultimate truth and trying to make sense of the world, Christianity starts from the world and tries to make sense of God. In this way, it often prioritizes rigid doctrines, historical narratives, and institutional authority over personal insight or experiential truth. The Christian approach is more about fitting God into the human narrative, relying on external revelations and dogma, rather than directly exploring the nature of existence.
This is why paganism > all else.
>rather than directly exploring the nature of existence
so, relying what you're told by cryptomasons priests in church, rather than trying to reach your own gnosis.
True. And modern paganism also does similar to christianity, in the way you need to rely on muh sources and muh history to have an understanding of the outer realities. That is, if your religious experience is not going according to archeological (material) findings, then you are called a larper. And this becomes increasingly rigid the more people join it.
Only the old pagan mysteries and gnosticism got closer to the eastern approach.
wow, Its like I understand everything now
>through introspection, meditation, and personal transformation.
thousands of years of buddhist and hindus meditating

how come no one has arrived to the truth yet?

>make sense of God
Ah yes the kike god who created the devil and sinful men. Then gets angry at his work. Claims to save you from himself by sacrificing himself. Schizo
>They focus on discovering this truth through introspection, meditation, and personal transformation
how bout you stop beating around the bush and tell us what the fucking truth is
>how come no one has arrived to the truth yet?
when you do something for thousands of years and it doesn't do the thing you want, that's a sign to try something else
the goal is to empty your heasd (turn your mind off) after this a voice will appear in the blackness (Holy Spirit) this is God and where the path leads
>meditate for years
>finally manage to turn off brain
>a voice appears out of the blackness
>"kill yourself"
>thanks buddha
this voice is the tree of life, just like your mind is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
that voice is literally not a tree, retard
try to explain your mind to your dog and see how much it undersrtands
Where Eastern philosophy gets it wrong is the motive. Quit wanting -> attain knowledge -> practice -> gain enlightenment = pleasure for you + heaven for only you.

Quit wanting -> attain knowledge -> practice -> gain enlightenment -> share enlightenment with all -> heaven for those that choose to stop sinning + hells for those that choose to keep sinning -> keep doing this -> have an eternity.

And if your goal in enlightenment is to use it to get better at doing math, you should practice math instead. Studying esoteric knowledge is for sharing it freely with others, teaching, not harming or achieving trivial tasks.
my dog is smart, she knows that "walk" means she's going for a walk
on earth is where the gods reproduce, your are a fruit or firewood
likewise if i tell you about this spirit some things you will understand other parts you will just cock your head and look confused
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christianity is based on drug experience. buddhism is based on meditation experience. it passes the time.
i'm not a fucking dog you fucking nigger, i'm smart, now tell me about the spirit
how do the gods reproduce? you can become a god, then after death you go to the place with the Elohiym (you become one)
it is not intrusive, you have to turn your own mind off to look at it, it does not ramble like a persons brain does, it knows all your intentions, thoughts and ideas just like you do, it is loving
look kids, it's another person who thinks that something created by their brain is from the spirit world! let's all point and laugh!
>something created by their brain is from the spirit world!
its not in your brain
>how come no one has arrived to the truth yet?
Maybe because the truth is intimate and personal, and can't be exchangeable to its full extent.
Just look at the latest Saturn thread, with different users having different concepts of soul.
But if you want the truth(tm) just tune in on the Alex Jones channel, and wait for the Jesus mothership(tm) to arrive.
Very good.
Aren't you sober yet?
i've been sober for over a year, tf you talkin bout
Christianity barely has anything to say about spiritual reality. Protestants quite literally have 0 spiritual practises and believe productivity is actually holy, actual retards.

Judaism would make for a much more interesting comparison, and Kabbalah is equivalent to the eastern concept of Vac. When you read the story of Jacob, you see that Jacob stood by the side of a river and wrestled a mysterious Angel who represents God, until the Angel eventually says, "what do you want" at which point Jacob says I want a blessing, and so Jacob was renamed Israel, the Biblical Israel being unique among the nations, God's representative on Earth. What does this story tell you? A retarded christcuck will tell you "ur durrr well it showz ze sovereignty of God", the christcuck is perverse ofc, twisting everything in the Old Testament into proof of the coming of Christ. Actually, what's obvious from the story is that God doesnt want cucked superstitious morons with no agency, he wants to entertain and interact with humans.

The general idea is that East seeks divinity by transcending the world, while the West seeks divinity through the world, we can see ofc that what made Europe great is precisely this concept, the spark of which came from the Jews.
are you jealous you can't have experiences like this without drugs?
It's not unique for Christians and this faggotry existed in ancient schools. So divine authority alone is the end of hellish existence and therefore you must obey without question and you must coerce others to obey and if they don't, divine authority curses them for eternity and further justifies those that obeyed. They are justified in not knowing what to do without it. Or without historical narrative. They can't discuss without these in mind and they feel good about it. Christianity declined in the west, but this thought remained the same.
>you must obey without question and you must coerce others to obey
so farf rom the truth, NPC types are not admitted, you need to be independent, an individual, not reliant on a group to tell you how to act or what to do, a god, you need to become an Elohiym
when you read about sodom this is a spiritual condition when there are so many rules you cannot grow your soul, in this the daughter (concubine) represnts his soul which he sacrifices to save his body, like a person saying my job is killing me but if i don't go to work i will die
>ackshully doubt is the ticket to heaven, not faith
The new testament is basically a satsang wherein Jesus tries to explain to everyone how to understand God and merge with the Truth.
Hard to understand if you haven't already experienced God though.
first self denial (John the Baptist) then a voice appears in your head that is not your own (Holy Spirit) easy cheezy lemon squeezy
The events of Israel and Jesus Christ are parallel in the spiritual sense and serial in the temporal.
>muh cause and effect
>muh logic
good post, anon. i often think about the contrast between both schools and i always come to the conclusion that they are one and the same. of course, as a person born in the western world, i still think that the western approach, with eastern influence is the best option, but i'm sure an oriental man thinks otherwise.
Oriental man leads to India and dog eating
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oriental man also leads to japan, just like western man can lead to brazil.
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I hate protestants so muchnits unreal. It's no wonder my mother actively held back my own spiritual development with her diehard Sola scriptura stance. She literally thinks Orthodoxy is heresy and should be avoided because woowoo rituals and mysticism, false idols and sheeit thats satanic. And meanwhile church is literally just a glorified self-help seminar with rock and roll for Jesus playing. It's literally a spiritually dead place, it's no wonder I hated going to church, and it wasn't even because of edgy atheism phase either, but becauseni knew there was no spirit dwelling in these buildings. Fucking...

Before the industrial revolution, the protestant reformation was the OG mistake.
Jesus came to gave testimony of the Father. If you don't want to believe in Jesus then you can subscribe to the eastern mysticism and its system. Awake your kundalini spirit, do the drugs and the transcendental meditation and go be with ascended masters who procraim to have been people like Jesus and Abraham and pharaos from Egypt. Suit yourself.
They're both wrong. But Buddhism is very useful on the journey towards the truth. The truth is as simple as raising your vibrations until you reach the highest state which will set you free from vices and make you happy.
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Considering Japan is literally dying, I'm not sure thats the best thing. It'll be a Chinese penal colony in 100 years.
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If you were the demiurge and wanted to send an agent to lead people into a dead end and distract them from practices that could lead to their liberation, it would be hard to do better than Jesus.

>thousands of years of buddhist and hindus meditating
>how come no one has arrived to the truth yet?
I've only been studying buddhism for about a month and have found plenty of authors and forum users claiming to have achieved stream-entry through arahantship. Arriving at the truth isn't about just intellectualizing it, but about achieving a persistent intuitive understanding of it that effects the way you perceive the world in everyday life. That doesn't lend itself to being a big showy spectacle that attracts attention from doubters.
>Eastern religions, like Buddhism and Hinduism, begin with the premise that there is an underlying truth or ultimate reality that transcends the material world.
Huh not for buddhism. Buddhism doesn't start with any premise, but the desire to end suffering, then finding the proper method to end it, which involves morality, meditation, insights.
>Considering Japan is literally dying
at a slower rate than the west
Not really, actually. The US and its allies will still maintain a stranglehold on most of the planet until BRICS gains enough power to actually push back.
The only thing actually dying in the west right now is the values because of mass migration. Financially, militarily, etc, its fine.
Japan is actually dying, oldest population in the world, sky high suicide rates, the lowest birth rate in the world among 1st world countries, a completely stagnated economy since the 70s. They have bottomed out their replacement rate pretty much as low as it can go, and they are pretty much utterly reliant on soft political power to survive in the modern world and speaking of, they have absolutely no influence over China, who fucking hates them. On top of this, they have near zero military. Just now trying to build their navy back up, and its apparently going horribly.

source: i'm half. The West is in a shit spot over migration and culture wars, Japan is in a shit spot because the country is actually dying, and they've made zero progress in course correcting. You know shits desperate when there is state sponsored billboards pleading with people to fuck / have families because their actually running out of people to work lmao.

Japan will simply cease to exist in 300 years, simply through the issue of birth rates alone, which continue to decline.
Also, forgot to mention, natural disasters which Japan keeps getting hit by. Their seismologists project a 40% chance of the nankai fault rupturing in the next 20 years, 60% in the next 50, which unless prepared for now, will literally rip the country in half and kill hundreds of thousands. They are spending billions on R&D to either prevent it from happening, or at least mitigating it as much as possible.
what happened to the diver? did he get killed?
>ackchyually, (((trust the experts)))
No I'm good, the other anon is right, Japan is dying much slower than west. Japan will be just fine, you should be more worried of your own family.
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Christianity is an inherently esoteric religion, and in practice it is somewhat similar to Buddhism. There very much so is reaching a state of seeing things clearly and for what they really are; cutting through hundreds or even thousands of layers of material and social abstraction to just know.

The Christianity practiced by most normies is a dampener placed on the psychopathic tendencies of the average person, who would is a massive piece of shit when left to his own devices. These are the types of people who tend to hyperfixate on Revelation and a handful of other spots in the Bible solely for the sake of talking down to others and telling them they're awful. Real practitioners of Christianity read the first four books of the NT almost like they are an actor doing a character study, meaning they truly try to get into the mentality of Christ and whay he was thinking and feeling in order to know God. Not that I'm anywhere even near him by doing this, but it's also miles past the former description I gave.
>>Christianity is an inherently esoteric religion, and in practice it is somewhat similar to Buddhism.
No variant of judaism overlap with buddhism. Jews are too intellectual to be good at meditation and insights, and they are too lustful and materialist to be good at morality
Japan was dead with the Meiji Restoration already. After ww2 it became even more of a joke
>Instead of starting from an ultimate truth and trying to make sense of the world
That is exactly what John tries to do with his opening "In the Beginning was the word..."
Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies
>>>Christianity is an inherently esoteric religion, and in practice it is somewhat similar to Buddhism.
>No variant of judaism overlap with buddhism. Jews are too intellectual to be good at meditation and insights, and they are too lustful and materialist to be good at morality
buddhism stops at the blackness, in christianity in the blackness a voice appears (Holy Spirit)
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You are not pointing out a dichotomy where one model excludes or precludes the existence of the other.

Linear time (Western) and cyclical time (Eastern) are not at odds.

They are just different zoomed-in scales for the same reality-object.

Linear time or historicity is just like the "infinitesimal" scale in calculus.

Or, in an analogy of general language learning models: the "Euclidean latent space" of the neural net is the "linear, Western" model of reality, and the "hyperbolic geometry of semantic space" is the "cyclical, curvy, continuous Eastern" model of reality.

Both are true at once, and there are isomorphic mappings between the two.
>Awake your kundalini spirit, do the drugs and the transcendental meditation and go be with ascended masters who procraim to have been people like Jesus and Abraham and pharaos from Egypt.
For westerners
Check out Alchemy. Jung and Corbin have all the answers you need.
Not that anon but gospel of thomas (not in bible) does give me Buddhist vibes. Metaphors (or similes idk) to kingdom of god being beyond duality. Not fasting and giving to charity cause it doesn't do shit (ie like Buddha stopping the ascetic path cause it didn't do shit and Buddhists not doing bad things because the guilt not objective morality)
Just read through the GoT, and read some academic opinions on it. What's the story here?

Redpill me on the Gospel.
Christianity is just.. the truth of god and his incarnation as christ.
This is basic Aryan vs Semitic spiritual difference.

You can also set the "Divine Person" religions of Christianity and Buddhism against the "Divine Revelation" religions of Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam and discover interesting commonalities and differences that way as well.

Indeed, all Abrahamic prophets are Mara's agents.

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