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I came across this really interesting comment:

> At the time of Jesus, there were three major sects in Judea. The Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes. The Pharisees and the Sadducees were relatively similar in their beliefs and traditions, but the Essenes were radically different and openly opposed the theology, doctrines, and the spiritual integrity of both the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
> There are numerous historical, literary and archaeological accounts of the existence of the Essenes, yet the bible is strangely silent about them. We know of their specific geographic locations throughout Egypt and ancient Palestine, we know of their customs and traditions, and we know the details of their deeply rooted spiritual convictions and of their esoteric religious beliefs.
> The word Essene is a collective term and is not necessarily a distinctive designation, just as the word Christian encompasses a wide base of institutionalized systems of religious beliefs, attitudes and practices. There are currently over 34,000 separate Christian groups that have been identified throughout the world. Most are independent churches.
> At the time of Jesus, there were three distinct Essenian groups that played important roles in his life, and their religious practices and spiritual theology mirror in his teachings. They were:
> 1. The Theraputae of Egypt; where the infant Christ and his family fled during Herod's rein.
> 2. The Essenes of Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls), the strict, celibate monastery of which John the Baptist was a part.
> 3. The Nazarenes of Mount Carmel, the cooperative family village where Jesus lived and studied.

It makes me wonder... what exactly does Essene even mean? I've gathered that Druids/Celts were living in Gaul-ilee, and Jesus was a Druid/magician, so I could make the leap and say Essenes = Druids, but I feel like I haven't learned much from this.

Essene -> Assene -> Assyrian?

Is there a buddhist connection?
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jesus was a child trafficking mushroom and these were cults full of drugged out lunaticks. the world has not much changed in this respect, but the power and deceptions of rome have only grown stronger.
I was using ChatGPT a few days ago to learn all about the Jewish religion and the first five books of the Bible.

At no point did it ever mention the Essenes, but it did mention the Pharisees and the Sadducees. This is interesting and I will have to look into it.
I know this idea has been spread around a lot lately. If there's some truth to it, I would suggest there's also some information left out. For instance, I've heard that there were two guys, and there were cover ups. To quote directly:

>I recommend you look up the archaeological history of earthquakes in the first century AD. What you should realize at that point is that, contrary to the second link I have provided you, the events of the New Testament in the bible actually happened around 0-33 AD, not around 70 AD.
>Ralph Ellis isn't wrong for the most part. He just doesn't realize that there were two real guys instead of one. If Rome was covering up for the second, who was covering up the first with the second and why?
>Once you start getting a good grapple on that question, you are well on your way.
My understanding is that the Essenes were not Jewish in the slightest, and the Sadducees and Pharisees were not Jewish either but could be thought of as proto-Jews. Judaism originated around 500 AD in Khazaria for reasons I don't fully undestand.

It sounds like the Old Testament was a Platonic re-sentiment (during the Hellenistic Egyptian era, around 300 BC) of an earlier Persian political project / intelligence operation in the region of Judea (around 500 BC).

After the Septuagint (300 BC), the people in Judea slowly reverted to older beliefs, either to the Persian project era or even further to the Phoenician period, where their views were pretty much in line with Greeks.

That's the context for whoever these Sadducees/Pharisees are. I think the Essenes are mad at them because they are practicing the Persian version.
I think the traffickers that you're looking for are the Mithraic cult. Their center was in old Ionia (Cappadocia, for instance), where Jesus said the "synagogues of satan" were.

The Mithraists eventually won and created Catholicism, which has the same structure as the Persian-Judaean religion that Platonists of the era of 300 BC as well as 50 AD (see: Philo) were trying to reform.
>Is there a buddhist connection?
I'm wondering if we have Buddha backwards. Was he an Essene/Druid? And if so, what do these terms really, really mean? Not just some vague etymology to oak trees.
I found this: https://www.innerwisdomhealing.ie/post/jesus-and-the-irish-druidic-connection

I'm just about to start checking out this book.
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The essenes were priests of Cybele, the Artemis of Ephesus. Book in picrelated is the source of this information.
not op but thanks anon. even more books to add to my backlog.
>512 pp
does this read more layman or academically?
What is the significance of this? I see the temple at Ephesus was burned in 350 BC, so was the location at Mt Carmel a relocation of sorts?

- Sybillene oracles = Cybelene oracles?
- The Temple of Apollo was another important temple in the Greek world. Were they and Ephesus opposed in any way?
- What came before Ephesus?
>Non-Greek elements are evident in the cult of Artemis–Upis of Ephesos, not only in the remarkable cult image with its pectoral which was later seen as many-breasted. The high priest, _megabyzos_, is a eunuch. A society of men, set apart for a year and bound to sexual abstinence, meets for sacral meals; they are called _essenes_, bee kings. There are also conserated maidens; the myth tells of Amazons who founded the sanctuary. Castrated priests are attested in the cult of Kubaba–Kybele, and Hecate of Lagina in Caria also has eunuchs, just as Aphrodite–Astarte has her male transvestites.

Megabyzos -> Monobazus? (guy from Adiabene)
Reading about the djed:

> One of the most famous ancient Egyptian symbols was the Djed pillar, which was a symbol of stability, permanence, and immutability. It was found everywhere in Egyptian art and architecture throughout the country's history. The symbol was associated with Ptah, the God of creation, and Osiris, the Ruler of the underworld. Actually, it represents the god Osiris's backbone.

> The symbol has appeared throughout Egypt's history very vividly and regularly as it reminded the public that death is a portal to a new beginning, the nature of life itself, and that the gods are always near.

> Parallels have also been drawn between the djed pillar and various items in other cultures. Sidney Smith in 1922, first suggested a parallel with the Assyrian "sacred tree" when he drew attention to the presence of the upper four bands of the djed pillar and the bands that are present in the center of the vertical portion of the tree. He also proposed a common origin between Osiris and the Assyrian god Assur with whom he said, the sacred tree might be associated. Cohen and Kangas suggest that the tree is probably associated with the Sumerian god of male fertility, Enki and that for both Osiris and Enki, an erect pole or polelike symbol stands beneath a celestial symbol.
>And as a consequence a certain instruction could be given with great clearness in these Ephesian Mysteries, an instruction, if I may call it so, whose aim was to bring specially near to the heart and mind of those who belonged to Ephesus the secret of the Moon of which I told you yesterday.

>This was something that every one of them had as his own experience. He knew what it was to feel himself as a form of light, for this process of receiving one's form of light through the Moon was made alive and vivid to the Ephesian pupils and Initiates. And there was a certain institution in the Ephesian Mysteries such that he who could let it work upon him in the sanctuary was altogether transplanted into this creating of one's being out of the Sunlight that wove around the Moon. And then there sounded forth towards him as though it were sounding from the Sun: J O A. (I O A).

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Essenes = "bee kings"

Look at this depiction of Artemis. Bees on the legs.

Are bees exclusively a western thing? Now I know of bees at Epheseus, at Carmel, and in Egypt. Is Egypt the oldest example?
Nothing new to add, but bump :)
The essenes are alive today, going by another name.... that is, the true lineage of the real teaching of Jesus Christ.

>Is there a buddhist connection?
Yes, as im not historically, but spiritually. All true teachings talk about exactly the same things, so Essenes and Buddhists derive from the same source.

Verification not required.
>Yes, as im not historically, but spiritually. All true teachings talk about exactly the same things, so Essenes and Buddhists derive from the same source.

Historically, I was going for the angle that Jesus supposedly studied in Egypt as well as India. There are Buddhists in India, and some argue the Theraputae of Egypt were actually Theravada adapted for the ancient western world.

The similarity in teachings speaks for itself.

>The essenes are alive today, going by another name.... that is, the true lineage of the real teaching of Jesus Christ.

Care to share?
>Care to share
Yes, it's the Golden Rosycross. Essenes --> Cathari -> Golden Rosycross. No, I won't elaborate of debate whether it's true or not, it's pointless. You have to do your own research and see things for yourself.
>they’re not Jewish
>they’re the Jews ancestors
Got it
>Golden Rosycross
How does this differ from the more popular version of Rosicrucianism?

I've looked into Rosicrucianism before. I understand some of the symbolism, and I expect it to be this great thing, then I'm kind of let down from what I understand to be either mediocrity or corruption. And I could be wrong on those fronts, but I'm also not trying to debate. Just having a friendly conversation.
Yeah, that's actually consistent.

The Jewish religion emerged in the past 1500 years. Judaea was a region with a developing ethnic identity twice as long ago, around 3000 years or so (maybe closer to 2500 years). The history is retconned to make the converts of 500 AD seem like a continuous bloodline and practice from that thousand years or more prior, but it's bullshit.
Replying to myself... Lectorium Rosicrucianum does look pretty cool. My only criticism is a lack of 'great works', but when you account for the need to secrecy, that is understandable as well.
>How does this differ from the more popular version of Rosicrucianism?
What's the more popular version of Rosicrucianism? What is Rosicrucianism? Either way. Most, if not all organizations that call themselves Rosicrucian propose myriad disciplines of magic/occultism/practical esotericism which can open the consciousness of the individual to subtler realms. This is not wrong per se, but doesn't bring ultimate liberation of the Spirit into truth. So in this regard the GR proposes something more closely related to to the aim of Buddhism, Enlightenment, which is an ultimate aim or sorts.
the three sects were Pharisees, Sadducees, and Zealots. apart from the rich/merchant class and priestly class, zealots were those that were trying for revolution against Roman occupation. Judas was a zealot.

the Essenes were a hippy compound in Qumran by the dead sea, too far away to be considered part of a major group within Jewish culture.
>What's the more popular version of Rosicrucianism?
in the US, AMORC. I know it's younger, but I did find an older group one time that was based in Pennsylvannia. I forget their name, but they seemed a little culty (which again could be nothing, I am judging based on the mystery of presentation). I'm very impressed with the LR's statements on individual freedom. I probably could not have come up with those definitions as key things that others don't hold in high regard, but I agree with them.

Then, there are other offshoots that claim to be Rosicrucian that don't seem to give it a good name, like the Order of the Golden Dawn. It gave me the impression that it was just similar to Freemasonry, since Crowley was connected to political intrigue.

>What is Rosicrucianism?
The cross is the body, and the rose is the spirit. The rose is beautiful, goes through a blooming process, has thorns, has geometrical complexity, etc. I've received some teachings before that seem to align well with this symbol without my even being able to put it into words. Phil Blecker is the guy I am referring to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXT8gTY__z4EWKIXzrq_N4O9ebUm2N9Ph
>in the US, AMORC. I know it's younger, but I did find an older group one time that was based in Pennsylvannia. I forget their name, but they seemed a little culty (which again could be nothing, I am judging based on the mystery of presentation).
Yes, AMORC is the more popular one. I personally know a man that progressed to the deepest levels of the order, but left after he didn't find what he was looking for. It's all occultism, exercises for chakras, ESP, astral projection and so forth. The aim (generally speaking) is to turn into a man with gifts and reincarnate again with those gifts. It's not a final aim, and ultimately solves nothing. Man is still enslaved by himself, his ego. When the aim is crooked, the organization will also be prone to crookedness.

There's also Glorian, which follows the teachings of Samael Aun Weor. They're astral projection and sex magic, a similar curriculum, if you may. Again, the aim is not final.

The Golden Rosycross proposes something entirely different. Not magical exercises, but a connection with something that already exists most deep within us. And from there on we follow our own path, independent of anyone.
Dolores cannnon wrote an interesting book on the essenes from someone’s past life lived as part of them
My position is that I don't need anyone to tell me how to be spiritual or what to believe in. The world is my buffet, and I am my own shepherd. I don't want anything but understanding. The rest, the practice, is absolutely essential but also absolutely my own responsibility.

I don't believe that I have any "progress" to make in any real sense. The progress I want is solely for pleasure/interest, which is pretty much solely for peace and understanding.
Yes, it's absolutely your own responsibility. In fact you're always independent even when you're in a cult or something. It's just that sometimes your aim intersects with others' aim, and then you join up and practice together. It's like Rumi said: “Whoever travels without a guide, needs two hundred years for a two-day journey.”

At the end of the day we exist alone in our own personal universe and we die alone. The responsibility for our own doom or paradise lies with us.
>then you join up and practice together
Yes, that would be nice.
>I've gathered that Druids/Celts were living in Gaul-ilee, and Jesus was a Druid/magician,

You have been gathering bovine waste product
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I read a bit of this earlier, but then I found a more interesting book, titled The Essene Heritage by Martin Larson. It's available on Anna's Archive.
Looks neat
Thanks, anon
The blessed prophet Mani was of the same sect

Manichaean amd early christian beliefs were in lockstep
Perhaps the most interesting thing to me about Manichaeanism is the connection to Buddhism. I haven't done much research on it to understand outer perspectives.

Was this a connection that only Manichaeans saw and claimed, or was the connection legitimate and based on fact of doctrine?

If the latter, then what would you call this school of thought, since naming only the most recent prophet (ie Mani for Manichaeanism, Christ for Christianity, Buddha for Buddhism) clearly doesn't suffice.

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