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/x/ - Paranormal

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Schizo here. I discovered something insane. Every letter, every word, every sentence in English language is literally the number 9. When you are talking you're saying 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 . I explained this in full detail here in this video:
Yep the machine is feeling pain because of the electric wires.

The electricity resurrected something and the constant flow of electricity is causing them severe pain.

They are in hell because some asshole wants to watch shitty game shows.
>another shitty larp thread
>wait no, this time they're shilling their youtube channel
just buy an ad, faggot
yes...ha ha ha, YES!
skitzo? more like shitzo haha am I right fellas?
Based post
Based and checked.
Based, checked, and followed up on
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0 1 8
3 6 9
2 4 5 7
op is liget
The brain is a psychogram of a holographic media field.
Through supperadiance of microtubles which fluoresce in a coherent wavelenght light, the nuerological phenomenon are encoded onto a 1 dimensional attractor set which is corresponded to the place fields operating in a gestalt of psychological topographical mapping of the outside body lending to out of body experiences.

That is, the brain can "phase" through an external representation of that field
Your previous thread has 3 6 9 number. What a coincidence.

1/3 = 0.333
2/3 = 0.666
3/3 = 0.999

3/3 = 1

1 = 0.999

What do you think about this?
That's some improperfraction decimal point magic.
>it's real
What the fuck
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9 9 9 9
I don't think this is that surprising, because you're combining different ciphers, and one of them is the opposite of the other.

If I have a 10 letter alphabet and I number them 1 to 9 and give a second cipher that is 9 to 1, then the combination of the ciphers will always add up to 10.
A = 1+9
B = 2+8
C = 3+7
D = 4+6
E = 5+5
and so on. All of them add up to 10.

This is not surprising. It's because you're using 2 ciphers that add the same distances from the center point (in this case 5).

Alright... this is actually insane...
>If I have a 10 letter alphabet
9 letter, I meant.

My uncle taught me a trick where no matter what number you start with it ends up being 9.


This is the exact same thing with retarded nonsense to fill the gaps and make it sound different.

You are all retarded.
>nein nein nein
Reminds me of one of the end scenes in Waking Life where the guy near the pinball machine is saying that life is a series of "no, no not yets" and death is when you finally say yes.
You could have said that in a nice way.

Sorry anon, you're right. You are all not retarded, just misguided.
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You and OP came to the same conclusion about the number nine except you sound mean.
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>"Hey guys I have a quest for you!!!"
>fat larp autist makes shitty ARG
>grooms underage female fans
>knocked one up and married her
>pretends youtube got hacked by stalker
>uses real twitter account that goes back pretty far with some occasional larping about hacker hacking him and stalking his family
>makes threads on /b/ and /x/ larping with himself trying to bait anons into falling for another shitty reboot of his ARG
>think you can fool us but we recognize your writing style
Now you're making yet another "unrelated" thread, trying to start another rabbit hole
>still not happening
>you will never have a Night Mind video made about you
He knows you are autistic and another chris-chan waiting to happen
give it up. every time you do this, I'll be here to expose you until you leave /x/ with your shitty ARG bullshit.
I'm still masturbating to your wife's pictures on your twitter. stop denying it's you. leave /x/ forever and kys.
wow this actually checks out. does it work for other languages? I'm too lazy to try myself
English or Angelish is one of the fallen angel or archon languages and that is why it's so revealing. Inner knowledge33 on ytube talks about this.
Who is this? I too want to masturbate.
so what you're saying is it doesn't work for other languages? dam
roman is the only common ground we have
arabic numbers were added later, but wrap up the entire world
english is fake
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as far as i know, yes. english is designed to curse those who use it. that is why it reveals so many things about the matrix. evil reveals itself
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Did you called me?
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>that pic

Is he ok
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i run 32 humans a full rotation of the universe.
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thats a hyperrac
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strangly enought my only special abilty is to snap into someone elses "live"
Redact this.
hell yea
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funnylie enought if the hosts divergs to strong from my old one i loose my memory of what had happend.
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funnylie enought if i dont jump frequent i jump in time
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funnylie enought the similiarity of faith, and bmi is more important for the sustainging of my memories as tiem or distance.
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>nine nine nine
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it works for every language that uses 26 different characters in its writing system, which includes any language that uses the unmodified Latin alphabet. Which means it wouldn't work for Old English:
Bro check this video about the Number 9 and 6 and 3


I think you are unto something
Leviathan here
thats just another 9
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ALL words are lies. They are meant to hide, distort, and reverse more truth than they convey.


And to think, I hesitated.
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9999 9999, 9999. 999 9999 9999999 999 9999. 999 999 9999 99 9999999999 99999999!
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>Based shizochu
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It doesn't matter if you use contractions or not the result is the same. what does this mean bros
I'm posting this reply because someone out there is a well-intentioned yet stupid person who is easy victim to things like this.

You're not in this thread for the right reasons, you know.

You're here because you're angry that people make fun of you.

Even when they don't realize it.

You're desperate to find a way to say that you're right and they're wrong.

No matter what.

Even if it's with literal trash.

For your sake and the sake of the people you love,

Stop being immature.

>reddit spacing

Holy shit
>Schizo discovers Vortex Math for the first time
You're late to the party, hombre.
Base 9 numerical systems do that.
*Based 10
I was telling you about the letter 5 this whole time. Don't you think the question mark looks like a letter 5? Now imagine there are an infinite number of 5's but they are question marks. Holy shit. That means infinity is broken by the letter 5. And the letter 8 is also looks like a non broken infinity. Ok so how is 5 just three letters away from 8? because 6 and 7. What do you know about 6 and 7? Is that they are smashed together by the BROKEN and UNBROKEN infinites. Contracting numerological STD's. I swear there is more to this, like how deep the STD's really go. They spread past the infinity walls. Into 4 and 9. Did you know 49 is a square root? YOU didn't. Now you know about the 49'ers? ALL OF THEM have aids.
Also the superinfinty of the squares 6 and 7, 6x6 is 36, and 7x7 is 49--put them together and its 85. The super infinity. This all occurs under 100, the number of the universe.
OP a faggot as usually ruined this fucking place
Every multiple of 9 has that property so it would just be more helpful to see what 360 is about.

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