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Why he is being censored on all of internet?
otherwise people would just forget all about him
Because we’re getting closer and closer to 2029.
He is?
Because he stood up for humans and lived to tell the world. He should be a hero taught to every child
Ive heard more about this dude in the 10x more in last year than the sum total of my entire life previously, dudes dumb claims are doing just fine mang
>we’re getting closer and closer to 2029
Do you know what'll happen?
RIP sweet king

I see what you did there
Fun facts for people who don’t know much about him:
You can find him on publicly documented videos at public speeches (formerly more on YouTube but some make claims about them being taken down sometimes, or at minimum shadowbanned and harder to find through simple searches on their website, many on alternative video-host sites like Rumble and BitChute) showing off his missing fingers plus massive scars on his chest and frontal region of his body generally.
He claims this came from a battle with underground aliens around Dulce Base or thereabouts, or in one of the DUMBs (deep underground military bases) the U.S. government/military has. Allegedly, he and some others went a little deeper than they were supposed to, were surprised to find these gray aliens, a conflict broke out, some of them were able to be killed with their guns or conventional weaponry, but the beings had some type of laser or high-energy weaponry capable of hurting him in such a way, besides killing others there.
Accidentally cut off my post by clicking “post” too early


He was there in the first place because he had a shitton of technical knowledge and education in fields like engineering and geology, hence helping the government with building these D.U.M.B.s
This “Dulce battle” was covered up
Reptilian aliens were allegedly also underground and in some type of agreement with factions of U.S. government/military/intelligence and these Grays.
Human trafficking and sacrifice went on to supply these reptilians and negatively motivated ETs with massive quantities of human blood, the active component of which he referred to as “adrenochrome”. All this being said by him in the 90s in public speeches and tours, remember. (Before things like QAnon or Pizzagate or “the children being trafficked and enslaved and slaughtered deep underground” became some kook belief associated with these).
He claimed there was a plan to massively reduce the Earth’s population with various catastrophes by around 2027.
He died in 1996 shortly in the years after him going public. It was deemed a suicide, and the cause of death was supposed to be strangulation with something about the width of piano wire or a catheter tube. (Think about how painful a way this would be to go and how unlikely someone would kill themselves that way). He’s said to have made clear many times, that if he was ever said to have “committed suicide”, it’s instead the fact that he was murdered.

Much is from memory and I may be wrong in minor details, but you can easily look up things yourself, besides the many hours of talks and speeches by him on sites like Rumble, Bitchute, Odysee, and (the even more heavily controlled) YouTube.

For one example:
he really is a heron then
I miss him so much bros
ted gunderson phil scheider
What's happens in 2029?
Sorry for the reddit link. Phil says the agenda is to take over the planet and the killing off of 5/6 to 7/8 of the world's population by 2029. He said the military knew about his for 45 years but told no one about it.
>esl retard sentence
>absolutely no substance or proof of censorship in the OP
this is a rage bait slide thread. they want us to ignore another thread on here until it 404s
>Gunderson and Schneider
They should’ve been our president and vice president in 2000
This man’s picture should be in every home
Well we’re on track
How is it rage bait? There aren't enough phil schneider threads on this board. Typical Indian behavior
I need a Phil Schneider Halloween costume
>4 fingered glove included
He looks like good guy greg but with a 'yeah, we know' twist.
Killed for talking publicly about the dumbs. Programmed multiple of the illuminati, aliens part prob not real. Underground military cities and child trafficking/programming is real.
>ted gunderson phil scheider
we should name public schools in every state after these men
I would love to celebrate a Phil Schneider holiday
Maybe Phil didn’t kill himself on every January 17th
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he spoke about the underworld and NWO. i believe him.
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This thread makes greys seethe
everybody did in the 90's, cooper, al bielek, etc.
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He was so awesome. literally predicted everything and was literally suicided for it.

There's also descriptions like them smelling real bad, which the Brazil Alien witnesses said the said thing. They picked up an alien and brought to different hospitals and the docs said it smelled so bad.

Yup exactly He was predicting this time first.
no we see
>Tech companies saying ASI by/before 2029
>Trump/Elon saying this is the last election
>WEF plan by then
>Alien visitation by then
>Comet or asteroid 2028

This isn't even all of them, there's so many predictions by then and he was the first.

NGL I originally thought he was a shill/disinfo agent in the 00s just because everything he said was so crazy and out there. But he's vindicated now. everything he was saying back then turned out to be true and he was killed for it. Gives me chills just thinking about it.
do you really think he ran around with alien rocks, use your brian moran
Glowniggers don't like it, either
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OK I'm going to dismiss everything he said that has come true and the fact that he was killed for it, just because you don't think he had alien rocks. LMAO
>frog reply

go to sleep glowy
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No response, I take that as a W.
>newfag zoomer talking
Oh fuck no. Most people hadn’t even heard of this shit before YouTube
No one showed up at these events live
The 90’s is when this shit hit and Phil was an og
i'll humor you col. porkpie. phil's presentations are about 20% pertinent info about DUMBs, and then the rest is rehashing the silly dulce story and then showing off stupid rocks to people who were never qualified to verify. if he were legit, why would they allow this chubby ex-fed with what obviously be above top secret material? classic disinfo strategy, you mix some legit info (dumbs) with dumb shit to muddy the waters of certain narratives and confuse foreign operatives (russians)
>glowies and aliens hate him
phil really is the goat
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>frog posters are glowies
You gave yourself away
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>if he were legit, why would they allow this chubby ex-fed with what obviously be above top secret material?

Uh, they literally killed him for it. Maybe you should go to sleep. lol
>why would they allow this chubby ex-fed with what obviously be above top secret material
Pretty sure they didn’t allow it, they killed him for it
let me put it this way. if you don't smell bulshit when you watch a schneider presentation and he spends over 50% of it talking about rocks nobody can verify, I don't know what to tell you. I don't believe phil ran into aliens beneath dulce, he was spreading disinfo to monitor foreign operatives trying to get info on american dumbs
Fuck you beat me to it
what I smell is a rock nerd with no fear of death
autist checks out
>grey fingers typed this
I just want a Phil Schneider t shirt so I can see any shapeshifters seethe
schneider was a glowy, and those "ex glowies" that go on a speaking circuit are, spoilers, still glowies
I would def wear a Schneider was right shirt. Maybe I try to make my own and on the back list all the things that have come true and have his end date too as yet to come true
And they killed him, hence rebel. Much like the Founding Fathers, many of whom served the British government before they rebelled.
State enforced homosexuality
People tunnel vision on him, there are more who wrote about this shit that got suicided hard
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Taurus nigger being an attention whore schizo is nothing new honestly.
I’d buy one
I stand with Phil
>every whistleblower is a fed, shill, psy-op, and or limited hangout!!
>ANYONE you learn or hear about conspiracy theories or secret info from is inevitably wrong
>doesn’t matter if they were murdered for speaking out
>why no, I myself am not the shill or fed trying to demoralize people
>no, I won’t give any better sources of knowledge I trust to look at, I’ll just come into threads to constantly say any whistleblower or conspiracy theorist people respect or learn from is a shill
Ok demoralization shill
It’s such a classic pattern too, you see the same or similar things go on when Bill Cooper is brought up, too, especially.
RIP Phil
For those who don't know, Dan Schneider's brother. Dan hired him on all of his shows with some stupid title and job. Did some of the most heinous shit ever and got away with it
Don’t you mention those two in the same breath. I hope the ghost of Phil gives you a 4 fingered smack across the face for spreading those lies

You are retard, when I was younger, around the late 2000's, there was so much info and videos about phil schneider in youtube, now they are all gone, just like al lot of the info of him there was online.

If he is fake, why killing him and why censore him?
This I would buy completely. In fact, we pretty much already know this is real even without him
schneider is disinfo, can't tell if cooper was disinfo or just a chubby wife-beater
like who?
What is the evidence for him being a schizo? It's an obvious move by the glowie niggers to discredit anyone they don't like. Plus Phil seemed completely coherent at his talks so that allegation seems retarded.
>he’s disinfo
What information specifically you glowfuck?
>What is the evidence for him being a schizo?
Phil most likely lied about his father's military service and background. There is also conflicting stories about the origin of his hand deformity/injury. And then you have very little evidence for the alien shoot out (his chest scar might be from surgery) and weird details like saying Delta Force and other extremely specialized units being on site that day. Plus his job before he died was to tell stories on the lecture circuit with Montauk weirdos whose stories are very sketchy.

On the other hand, there is enough compelling evidence to prove Phil was likely killed. He was talking about Adrenochrome and DUMBs before anyone in recent media that I can remember. And then you have the depopulation plan for 2029. Then there's the interesting details about how the aliens smelled terrible like rotting garbage or sulfur which is what demons smell like reportedly according to occultists. Phils wife said he told her that there were Reptilian aliens which coincides with lots of lore. It takes the question, how did he know about this stuff?

I don't know what to make of Phil. It's like that controversial letter Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871. If the letter turns out to be fraudulent but its contents turn out to be truth and prophetic should it be disregarded?
>I don't know what to make of Phil. It's like that controversial letter Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871. If the letter turns out to be fraudulent but its contents turn out to be truth and prophetic should it be disregarded?
One last thing to add. Is it possible Phil's role was to act as some sort of disclosure karma offset mechanism to absolve TPTB from spiritual liability? To kill him after he served his purpose? Or is it possible he was he fed legitimate information from good guy insiders? I'm just thinking out loud here.
my basic assumption is that information is protected at higher levels by feeding people equal amounts of bullshit and truths until they're ready/promoted to know what's bullshit and what's real.

he was killed for leaking real info, but also leaked bullshit which made it easy to discredit the valid info. exactly how they'd want it to work out in practice.
I think you are correct.
lying scumbag
Easy to explain. The USG controls service records and alters them to discredit people. Witnesses can be bought to discredit someone, or (speculative) even have their memories altered. Resistance to that will be low if it's an unimportant memory to the person. They'd try first to get the whistleblower to stop, but a zealot just gets angry and that breaks the connection. So they move to his connections and find someone more pliable.
That's my belief.(different anon) I think the alien part is supposed to make people disregard it. Aliens still aren't verifiable, and shouldn't be considered real and pushed to normies. Everything else 100% karma balance.
So Phil Schneider from Bethesda Maryland was talking about underground military bases in the early 90s and got killed in 1996. Then a game that would later be owned by a company called Bethesda came out in 1997 about underground military bases keeping people underground while everybody died? They made video games based on exactly what he said.
Our real world is so absolutely bizarre.
What the literal fuck
I like this guy even more now
idk he looks jewish
They killed all of our heroes
Phil Schneider, the swedish german.
>he stood up for humans and lived to tell the world. He should be a hero taught to every child
YOU! sir just won the internet! LOL EPIC
This man died trying to bring knowledge of aliens to the people. He should be stickied on this board
He was literally just a schizo grifter. He rode the UFO convention circuit together with Al Bielek, and at the end they started inserting themselves into each other stories. All these narcissistic grifters have the same tells — they always pile up insane accolades (multiple high level degrees in extremely technical fields that they can't prove) and it's always this big sci-fi action movie with them as the main character. His story is literally just Lazar's spiel only more ridiculous, because Lazar at least had some restraint and didn't go as far as inserting himself into a firefight with the aliens. Funny how all of these clown-ass "whistleblowers" became the thing of the past once consumer-access Internet got widespread and you can actually background check people to see who they actually are, instead of beleiving every story because it's on a grainy VHS video.

If you're into this unironically you're really low IQ and/or schizo yourself
>multiple high level degrees in extremely technical fields that they can't prove
because sheep dipped, standard opsec, for multiple reasons including discrediting rogues.
How dare you talk about this man that way. Phil Schneider lost a finger in a cross planetary species war. There’s no way you’re a human and you don’t feel proud of what this man did. I’m anti war but I’m still pro humanity
Why do glowies hate him so much? He’s already dead but they’re in here insulting him. That has to be bad karma if Phil was telling the truth.
Based and factually correct
>100% chad
Haters can suck his nub
honestly I believe it. Just look at all the buildup happening now. Something seems off
You are a faggot eunuch ballless cück who is a piece of shit and narrowminded tiny-souled little normie NPC. You don’t know jackshit compared to what you think you know and compared to how “qualified” and “nuanced” and “educated” and “level-headed” and “down-to-earth” you think you are.

Let me spit back to you some of what you’re saying, in greentext form:
>no way there’s ever any technological or scientific geniuses who go for a very high degree of technical education in one or even multiple fields of science/technology!
>and there’s especially NO WAY that, even if such people DO exist, they could EVER get picked up by the government, military, defense contractors, intelligence agencies, or overlapping complex of these looking precisely for such intelligent scientists!
>and if any of them ever DID get picked up by such a sector/complex, there’s NO WAY they ever could be taken to work on CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET HI-TECH projects!
>and even if some of them DID and any of this DID exist, there’s NO WAY that ANY of those people whatsoever could EVER come out as so-called ‘whistleblowers’ and become public speakers on various lecture circuits and even publish some of their own books or articles on it, because …
Schneider is a German surname. Whatever associations you have (such as the Nickelodeon Jewish TV show exec pedo, Dan Schneider), comes from Ashkenazi Jews historically having a big presence in Germany, and in the last few centuries many of them who were in Germany (they, again, had a big presence there) often taking on German surnames to better blend in and assimilate.

The retard /POL/ mindset is often at least as bad as, or even worse than, the retard REDDIT mindset, in terms of blindly and automatically discounting any news, info, stories, data, or perspectives which just “doesn’t match up” (according to their mentally, spiritually, and emotionally retarded perspective on everything). Both of these types of people are absolute cancer and the world would be better without them. The same subhuman chimplike retards who chimp out at stuff like “Bill Cooper not talking about DA JEEEEWWWWWSSSS!!!” enough (despite him literally including a fucking entire copy of the English translated text of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as a chapter in his book Behold A Pale Horse, besides having extensive lectures on the corruption, evil, origins and history of the ADL and how they interact with the state of Israel and their intelligence such as the Mossad, and how they work with America and Western nations generally, besides Old Money powerful Jewish banking families like the Rothschilds and Warburgs and so on, on his radio station Hour of the Time, besides written transcripts of these hours of lectures of his on his website hourofthetime.com about the ADL and Zionist Jewish banking, corporate, military and intelligence power).
You are a fucking chimp and you have to wake the fuck up. I know some Jews are evil, profoundly and incredibly evil and hypocritical. I ALSO know that you have likely been brainwashed into some retard mutant by your conditioning on /pol/ into deciding to believe in the stupidest shit, such as, “If someone isn’t just constantly praising and thinking about Hitler with every waking hour, and isn’t just spending every breath and thought saying it’s SOLELY AND ONLY THE JEWS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, and we just have to KILL ALL JEWS, then they are JEWISH SHILLS.” Besides other retard /pol/isms such as, “Only THE JEWS want us to believe that ALIENS and UFOs exist! As a fake ‘conspiracy theory’ to distract us from the REAL conspiracy theories of THE JEWS wanting to KILL or at minimum TURN-INTO-A-MINORITY-AND-SUBJUGATE the WHITE MAN!!”

I’m not even denying that this could be happening, I’m only saying that you still have to WAKE THE FUCK UP! You are in fucking la-la land imagining that, because it is offensive to be a Nazi, sympathize with the Nazis, defend the Nazis, support the Nazis, argue for the Nazis, — you are, again, in la-la-land, because you imagine this means the Third Reich and the views they had are something to be worshiped and adhered to in every way.

This makes you AT LEAST as much of a fucking reread as a Maoist, a devoted Marxist-Leninist or Stalinist. But you don’t realize it because you can fucking jerk yourself off for endless hours and hours on end, on a meth-fueled masturbation binge, about how “my views are offensive and edgy and aren’t even ALLOWED to be spoken of in public!>>39126097!” There’s a point there about Jewish power, but you’re also about on a par with seriously devoted pedophiles believing that, “The only reason they don’t let us speak is because they’re insecure about how GOOD our arguments are!”

Holy fucking shit!!!!!
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Thanks to him humans are aware again.
Chill out glowie
Save your rhetoric for radicalizing teens on pol
X is too smart to fall for bullshit
Cheers to Phil
Eyes are too high up, mouth shouldn't be visible. And where is the head bulge? uwu 6/10 not very accurate

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