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- It has no better evidence supporting it's claims than any other religion

- It's literally just based on one guy's opinion, Mohammed, who isn't even claimed to have been divine or anything like Jesus typically is

- Bans everything good like music and art under completely ridiculous premises

- Muslim countries are all shit holes

- Endlessly causes war and suffering

There is NOTHING appealing about this religion either intellectually or in terms of any benefit it brings. If I were doing a thought expirament to design a religion as useless as possible that nobody would ever convert to, it would look like Islam. For a religion to be attractive, it must have good evidence supporting the truth of it's claims, come from a legitimate source of authority, or improve your life in some way. Islam fails miserably in all three categories, it's just another bullshit mythology-based religion started by some random incel and makes everything worse for the people who practice it. How the fuck are there almost 2 billion Muslims in the world? What is going on in their heads?
Because they killed you if you weren't. Then nations were built upon this shit, and now we're all deep in the sunk cost fallacy.
The default of humanity is basically a steaming shitpile, a locust bug like existence, it took great effort to counter this and build great civilisations, but such things are rare and precious.

Most people simply do not have much religious and mystical curiosity, so a religion that hates free thinkers like Islam is enough, it is obsessed with rules and most people would gladly submit and obey with the promise of a heaven filled with virgin pussy.

Nobility in blood, curiosity of higher nature, a love of beauty and freedom, these are rare.

nigga have you ever prayed in your life
It's the only religion that's having any success preventing men from being women's slaves.

bro try opening your fucking heart lol
There’s a lot of brilliant and moving stuff in some of dervishism and Sufi philosophy, theology, mysticism, and poetry over centuries. Genuinely tremendously inspired stuff. You do have to broaden your horizons a little to want to get into it, and it’s not to say that there aren’t all these problems you see in much of mainstream Islamic society and Middle Eastern Arabic countries — there are. In fact, it’s even been a common trait of Sufis and dervishes to sometimes criticize their fellow Muslims for closemindedness and bigotry, for which, more than a few times, Sufis and dervishes could be executed, or at minimum looked warily at, sometimes thrown out of society or forced to go underground (as happened with some dervish orders in Turkey in the last century where they were afraid of them “threatening the social fabric”).

Attar’s “The Conference of the Birds” is a great mystical poem, Rumi, Hafiz, and Hakim Sanai are also very good to read even in translation. You’ll find something that blends/overlaps very well with the Western mystical and esoteric tradition, such as Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and Christian mysticism, besides even strains of Vedanta in it (wrapped in an Islamic religious context) with their speaking of a non-dual union with God (as fana, “annihilation” of the individual self in God). Expand your horizons if you want to. Or don’t. Not up to me.

Also, it’s the Sufis and dervish orders who sometimes give a strong respect to spiritual music and are producing it, in contradiction to what you see as the Islamic prohibition on music. You are right, the more fundamentalist, dogmatic, and mainstream Muslims do mostly adhere to that, including some countries where recreational music is banned, but in fact the parts on it in the Quran and in various hadiths are held to be ambiguous enough that some Sufis and dervishes hold it to be fine to play spiritual music to get people into ecstatic religious devotional states.
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Only great men like Cyrus brought culture to that part of the world. Someday Islam will be dust in history’s ever expanding house. A new great religion, civilization and many massacres will revitalize the region and make it into something better.
>but in fact the parts on it in the Quran and in various hadiths are held to be ambiguous enough that some Sufis and dervishes hold it to be fine to play spiritual music to get people into ecstatic religious devotional states.
(Brief continuation)
AFAIK, the condemnation came from the risk of music being too salacious, too much of just a “party” or festival atmosphere and making people more frivolous, wanting to celebrate all the time. But yet another account (in a hadith if I remember right) has Muhammad praising some singers he overhears. So the Sufis who make music, make spiritual music, and view it as fine and not falling under the prohibition. This may all sound very puritan, but it did come from a war-hardened Bedouin culture exposed to the elements of the desert, so a culture of “Don’t be too frivolous and just drink wine and dance to music all the time” makes sense as arising from that.
The prohibition on music is down to the fact that Islam fundamentally hates life. It is interested in the mere preservation of life, as opposed to exalting life. It demands submission and following of strict rules, without which islamic society will immediately collapse to a state of faggotry.
(Not OP) Genuinely high quality answer, thanks anon.
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There definitely are some, probably even many prejudiced Muslims you could validly accuse of being like that. Not to mention even at least some Jews and Christians. (We did literally get the word “puritan” from the Christian Puritan sect). You’re probably strongly over-interpreting my “defense”, a “defense” which still mostly agrees with you that I’m happy not to live somewhere like Iran, or Afghanistan under Taliban rule. But I gotta love the Sufis. Pic related for instance, which I brought up, is an awesome spiritual work which I think anyone interested in Western esotericism and mysticism generally should read. I think there’s probably more wisdom hiding among the Sufis (historically and today) than you’d think, but I mean this in a similar sense as I find some Kabbalistic literature and mysticism to be inspiring, despite me not wanting to become Jewish and seeing all the problems in Judaism, and ditto for some of Christian mysticism and theology.

Don’t take this as me trying to change your mind, I know the futility of that. People change their mind on their own accord, or from some big change happening to them from the outside, not (usually) from words on a screen online (unless, again, they were already drawn to such types of words and wanted or were ready to be changed them). It’s mostly said for any interest-value it might have to others. Arguing online’s really futile, and you have the right to hate Muslims and all of Islam, same as you have the right for hating all Jews, Christians, Whites, Blacks, whatever. Be well.
>why is x religion popular?
Because people are NPCs and just believe what the local king told them
islam really is a giant pile of shit
Your brand of toxic manipulative positivity is ubiquitous on this site and rather boring. A love for all that is good has the shadow of righteous hate against evil.
Your defence of music is invalid as the claim is islam is timeless, idk why muslims constantly defending crap parts of the religion with "ur durr its duh context" while constantly preaching about

I don't hate muslims, just Islam, I mostly mourn the loss of noble blooded individuals who had the potential to reach for something greater than themselves have this instinct cruelly crushed by their environment. The Quran is stupid and repetitive book that contains no original thought, I do like Sufism but most of the good stuff came from the persians (who, once a noble people, had their spirit completely broken by the death cult) and its the core stream of Sufism comes from Hermeticism. At the end of the day Sufis still adhere to Sharia and has been subsumed into mainstream Islam

Every religion is born to serve a purpose and will eventually wither away and die. In Islam's case, it was getting rid of various barbaric pagan practises. That's done now, lets hope a war doesnt have to be manufactured to put the death cult to the ground.
What made it popular initially is different from what makes it popular today. In the past, mysticism was more pronounced and dominant and this along with popular saint shrines is why it spread. Islamic doctrine offered a cyclical theory of history where all the founders of great religious traditions including philosophers like Hermes and Plato or deities were incorporated into a single pantheon. What this means is that people with different local folk religions could buy into it without abandoning their folk spiritual traditions, unlike Christianity. Islamic mysticism is also ecstatic and filled with erotic imagery with its central message being more or less theomorphic: that humans can have a direct encounter with the divine without the need for mediation.

In the modern era, religious reformist movements mixed with radical anti-government politics and became a kind of resistance to imperialism and the local Arab tyrants. In a region dominated by imperial powers and dictators, religion became a bastion of resistance against them. The kind of puritan version of religion is popular precisely because its a rejection of the secular, liberal, consumerist lifestyles of the Middle Eastern elite. Just like any bunch of vitrolic reactionaries, anti-music or anti-art sentiment is popular form of rejecting the culture of dominant normies for contrarian reasons. Jan Assman calls this inversion of norms. You do the opposite of what your enemy does simmilar to how the OT forbids tattoos, because that was Caananite behavior. Its like the massive amount of retardation you see on this site where people don't care about truth but doing whatever is the opposite of what normalfags do.

The idea that Sufism is somehow a seperate non-mainstream strain of Islam or that its just Vedanta dressed up in Islamic garb is incorrect and groups like the Taliban are sufi and practice their own form of Sufism. Khomeini wrote erotic poetry, gave lectures on Sufism etc.
> Your brand of toxic manipulative positivity is ubiquitous on this site and rather boring. A love for all that is good has the shadow of righteous hate against evil.
I’ll hate evil along with you, and accept your criticisms of what’s wrong, dogmatic, bigoted, authoritarian, prejudiced, shallow, herd-minded, and backwards. Again, the criticisms are really no skin off my back. There really is some terrible things going on in Islamic societies; on the other hand, it’s also too easy to paint them all as “dumb dogmatic terrorist Arab rednecks”, sort of a similar way as all white rural Southern “rednecks” can be painted. I just think the world’s pretty big. People easily can have some image of all Arabs or Muslims as just crazed fundamentalist puritans. Which isn’t always true, but admittedly is sometimes true. Is that “toxic positivity”? It could be.

There is a good point you have, a lot of the good Sufic stuff comes from Persia, and ironically sometimes from non-overtly-Islamic sources (influences from Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, even allegedly some Zoroastrian mysticism through Persian Sufism and culture). Some of them reconcile this by saying there’s an eternal truth and eternal teaching, Muhammad was simply coming to re-establish it (which actually does have very good textual basis and support in the Quran), hence why they — these more universal Sufis — can claim bits of the true monotheistic eternal religion in Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, Christianity and Judaism, and even Vedanta (some Sufis indeed historically studied Indian religion and became overlapping/syncretic figures of both traditions, which also is said to still go on today in a few locales, like the branches of the Naqshbandiyya-Mujadiddiya order in India). But you’re right, this is something of a step beyond ordinary Islam of the many average Muslims who practice it. So ironically I’m more fascinated with the exception, the outlier, which is a fair point.
> The idea that Sufism is somehow a seperate non-mainstream strain of Islam or that it’s just Vedanta dressed up in Islamic garb is incorrect
Not all of it is, but some of it is. I have adequate textual, literary, and historical evidence for this. You are also right that that doesn’t represent all of what’s given the name Sufism. I am talking about the “exception”, but you can’t deny the exception exists. You seem to have a black-or-white mindset where me talking about the parts I find tremendously inspiring and meaningful, means I’m saying that I find all of Islamic culture like that. Meister Eckhart isn’t the average church sermonist or Sunday Baptist preacher, but he was a jewel of Christian mysticism and theology. Ditto for various highlights of Sufism.

If you deny there could ever be any similarities between (some of) Sufism and Vedanta, you haven’t studied Sufism adequately enough. Such as even reading that one classic alone I mentioned from centuries ago, Attar’s Conference of the Birds, which ends with the birds realizing their unity all along with the Simorgh (phoenix-like bird of Persian myth, a stand-in for God in the allegory) at the end of the work. And so on.
>a lot of the good Sufic stuff comes from Persia, and ironically sometimes from non-overtly-Islamic sources
The most popular Sufi theorist was Ibn Arabi who wasn't Persian but Andalusian (probably Bedouin family origin) and spent most of his life in Damascus. The bulk of his work is exergesis on Quranic passages which he interprets in philosophical ways.

Zoroastrians are dualists. The Sufis and Islamic philosophers of Persia were usually monists or panentheists who rejected dualism. Its true the Illuminationists bring the Zoroastrian deities back into Islam, but his philosophy still isn't dualist and he condemns the Zoroastrian priests as misguided.

The Naqashbandi-Mujadidi was one of the Indian Sufi orders that was firmly against mixing with Hindus. Its founder Ahmed Sirhindi was a critic of this, although by no means anti-Hindu as its been claimed.

Yes its true that Muslims mixed in with the culture around them, which is why Chinese Islam looks a lot like Confucianism or Taoism, but there's never been definitive proof that Sufism is just Vendanta or Persian mysticism in Islamic dress. Muslims grew up among older civilizations and absorbed their ideas into their own beliefs, largely because they saw figures like Plato or Hermes or Confucius as prophets and sages of a transcendent religious tradition.

While there are similarities, there's no proof early Sufis like Beyazid Bistami had any knowledge of Vedanta and most of the sources of their beliefs are interpretations of the Quran. Now I do not say this to deny that Muslims mix in a creative way with non Muslims, but to deny the idea that Islam is a lifeless desert religion and then along came Neoplatonists or Persian mystics who just dressed up their beliefs in this shallow desert religion. This is a common prejudice against Islam that's been more or less refuted by historians.

As for study, I am a practicing Naqashbandi and have been one since my early teens.
Thanks for the knowledge. I walk back some of my statements. I didn’t mean to intend that “whatever I found good or inspiring from them, they simply took from teachings like Vedanta.” I think it’s very likely and obvious that indeed, sometimes, they simply came to a same conclusion as some core teachings of Vedanta (or whatever), from their own cultural and religious perspective. For instance, I still hold something like that to be the core of Attar of Nishaphur’s “Conference of the Birds”. I’m not saying he literally studied the Vedas and Upanishads or studied under some Indian guru to come up with it; but regardless he came up with an ultimately similar idea of the spiritual seeker’s individual-being being annihilated in the essence of God and becoming one with it. I thought this was also the essence of the Sufic mystical terms, Fana and Baqa:

Fana (Annihilation)
Baqa (Subsistence, Permanence)

In the spiritual sense, seeming to mean respectively annihilation of the sense of a separate individual existence in the sense of the reality of God (Fana), and then going from this as simply a temporary or fleeting mystical ecstatic state to it becoming a permanent newfound sense of reality (Baqa)

Likewise again, I didn’t mean to intend Bayazid Bistami (who also seemed to have had this non-dual mysticism, from what little I know of Sufism) literally got it from Vedanta; rather, he independently came to similar conclusions as some Indian mystics, sages, and philosophers, but while still being a Muslim, and putting it in an Islamic context.

If you want to know about me, I’m a bit of a kook who thinks traditions like Islam and Sufism can indeed ultimately bring people to God and real spiritual knowledge, but also think this journey can (and has) happen(ed) through other religions like Christianity, Hinduism, and the like.
> The Naqashbandi-Mujadidi was one of the Indian Sufi orders that was firmly against mixing with Hindus. Its founder Ahmed Sirhindi was a critic of this, although by no means anti-Hindu as its been claimed
You also seem to be right about this. My source was from some British (former) Theosophist, Irina Tweedie, who claimed to have studied under a modern sheikh of the Naqshbandiyya-Mujadidi for years, and published the diary/journals she wrote as a testament of the spiritual journey (allegedly at the sheikh’s approval and encouragement) over years, running to some many hundreds of pages. It’s possible this sheikh of hers was some kind of unconventional modernist running afoul of or counter to historical injunctions like these against mixing with Hindus, but that’s the source I took. Apparently, he used yogic teachings and practices and thought they were capable of illuminating more of Sufism.

There’s also the historical case of Prince Dara Shikoh, worth looking up.


>Zoroastrians are dualists. The Sufis and Islamic philosophers of Persia were usually monists or panentheists who rejected dualism. (…)
This also seems to be right. I was speaking too hastily and maybe made it seem like “it’s all one thing”, or even that many Sufis were saying “it’s all one thing.” From what little I know of Sufism, again, even when some of them did historically find inspiration from other traditions, or glimmers of the eternal monotheistic tradition they see Islam as being re-establishment of, there also often equally was this counterbalancing criticism of what in it missed the mark, or was a corrupted or distorted version of spiritual truth. Most everything of what you said makes more than enough sense to me, and I have to eat my metaphorical hat for speaking a little too cockily about it, as if I knew more than I did. I’m a little too hasty in speaking sometimes.
I think its probably true that different spiritual movements in Asia independently came to simmilar conclusions even if they interpret these in different ways. Islamic ideas overlap with Buddhist ones, but whereas Buddhist emphasize non-identification with the self and turning away from desire the Sufis usually emphasize using desire (love) to annihilate the self. Muslim scholars have insisted that divine truths came before to all peoples and Chinese literati argued that the sages of all spiritual traditions were of more or less one mind even if they differed on the specifics. I think what Toshihiko Izutsu liked about Ibn Arabi was the way his idea of unity of being could be used to build a common framework for Asian religions.

Fana and Baqa are key concepts but not all Sufis believe in them. The Shattariyyah reject the concept of Fana and believe in asserting oneself in union with the divine. Some modern Islamists like Mohammed Iqbal rejected it in favor of a Nietzschean philosophy of the self although he wasn't strictly speaking Sufi he did dabble in it.

Dara Shikoh was interesting. The Mughals helped revive Vedanta because they were followers of Ibn Arabi or Suhrawardi's theories and saw Vedanta as a way of proving Hindus were more or less the same as Muslims, so they poured money into funding translations etc. Dara Shikoh was a Qadiri and he had a reputation for playing off Sufi masters against each other. He was disliked by Hindus because he claimed that Hindus were conspiring to keep the Upanishads from Muslims to hide the truth and this came off as religious hijacking.

You might find this interesting too:

You can be a mystic without being a Sufi too. Avicenna and Suhrawardi both had their own brand of mysticism that isn't tied to any Sufi order or tradition. Both philosophers had non-Muslim followers. Suhrawardi even inspired a new sect of Zoroastrianism despite his criticisms of the magi.
> Why is Islam so popular?
Because organized religion isn't about truth/spirituality/God, but conquest wrath breeding and spread. And Islam does that better than any other.
Ain't no fucking way that's true, Bin Laden can't be that based
Who knows. Gringo propaganda
They also gave a list of games he allegedly had
I wanna read the list again cause there were many good ones
Because it says that doing the rituals is enough. Other religions want people to do things like "be kind to each other." Ain't nobody got time for that.
Because they have like 10 kids each and help each other with tips on how to mooch off the government legally so they can afford then even on a mcwage
whats the obession with other peoples religion who gives a shit.
What's the image supposed to mean?
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It's strict and regimented and some people need that in their lives. Like guys that get out of prison after a 20yr bit, and they have no idea what to do with themselves because there's nobody telling them when to eat, when to sleep, when to walk, when not to, etc. Some even purposely commit crimes so they get sent back and have that again.
Similarly, Islam tells you who to worship, how to worship, when to worship, and what to do about and with people who do not worship the way you do. It's just the thing for people who lack a sense of purpose or direction in life, so they latch on to and run with it. Like people who "find Jesus" at some late point in life, particularly after doing something very stupid that ruins their lives and/or almost kills them (e.g., addicts), and make religion their entire personality.
It's all just a crutch.
You're right that's money that can go to Israel
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Islam is a literal desert cult and persistent on converting the entire world. They invade other countries, rape, ignore local customs and use their own form of law. At some point you won’t have the luxury of ignoring it.
If you say Christianity is founded by literally God, and you say Islam is founded by "just some guy", and then you tell me these religions are competitive in their influence and popularity.
The only thing I can conclude is the one founded by just some guy must be the better one, since it doesn't need literally God to prop it up and help it grow.

It's like hearing two kids basketball teams are competing, and they are evenly matched, but one team has Michael Jordan playing for it. Gotta imagine the other team is just that much better.
You are wise anon, take care. And thank you for recommendation
I don't understand why anyone would subscribe to a religion whose sole prophet and person who dictated their scripture was a child raping illiterate mass murderer.

Mohammed was pure evil and had no redeeming qualities. There is no defense for following him or his teachings. There is no defense for Islam.

The only logical reason to practice Islam is that you believe God is evil, you want to be evil too, and therefore you follow this most evil prophet.

Islam is worse than Ba'al worship and every attempt to make it more moderate is apologist nonsense that basically admits Islam is trash and they're not going to follow the rules because the rules are insane. That is the purpose of sharia, to adjudicate the insanity so that it is meted out based on the socio-political climate.

My islamophobia is based on the fact that the religion is evil, its prophet is evil, and every muslim should convert to almost any other religion or become agnostic or atheist. It is hard to imagine a worse religion than Islam. Islam was the worst thing to happen to the world since the fall of the Roman empire and it has done more damage than the bubonic plague and covid combined.

It is a child rape murder cult based on the word of a psychopath who killed anyone who did not submit and raped children according to his own accounts.

2 billion followers? I've met nice Muslims but they just ignore the rules. They're cafeteria Muslims.
Because it has autistic rules for every aspect of human life, from how to divide inheritance to how to wipe your ass, which is very appealing to brain-dead brown people who can't figure it out on their own.
generally the lower IQ someone is the more likely they are to be a religious fundamentalist
"other peopes religions" that you have to live with. If that religion is retarded, and encourages people to do retarded things, and is being spread by retarded politicians that allow the retardation to spread in places that retardation hasn't been before, it's a fucking issue.
hey monotheists

all the religions are founded by god

Because they beat their women and most men are too pathetic to keep their women in line so they pretend to just convert to Islam so muslims can do the dirty work for them. It's the ultimate cuckary and is really pathetic
It's essentially a system that provides a lot of security for low IQ low sensibility men. Literally no other kind of group of individuals benefits from it. It provides :
>a justification of dominance, as men are viewed as inherently superior to women
>a justification of violence, as all non believers deserve to be either harmed or converted
>a sense of moral superiority, for practitioners are inherently good and the rest is inherently evil
>a sense of security, as all you need to do is to question nothing, be a diligent dog, and eternal reward is yours
I could go on but you get the picture. It's a win-win situation for mentally, emotionally, and spiritually underdeveloped individuals.
>implying most other major religions are better though
Islam still brings its distinctive Je Ne sais quoi to the picture of human mediocrity though. Being a sandcave-dwelling graceless and eternally furious gibberish-speaking turban weirdo that can spontaneously self-detonated if triggered enough is its own vibe and I'm all for it as it stays in it's sand cave and doesn't start thinking about moving somewhere else.

My apologies to all non-violent and more developed Muslims out there though. But it is your fucking duty to keep in line those other I mentioned before. No one else should deal with that but you guys.
>atheist brainlet who thinks religion is meant to attract people ITT

op loves cocks and can't into historical context
It's just stereotypical cave man shit.
>grug beat wife
>grug beat daughter
>grug get together with other grugs and pray that god let's us continue to beat our women
Yeah we need to rid the planet of Muslims, Jews, and Christians since it's all the same religion. Ba'hai, Samaritans, etc, you can stay since you haven't done tremendous evil to this world, but you're on thin Abrahamic ice so watch it
Because they kill you if you don't convert and before killing you they rape you as well. Why not? They are going to kill so raping you before doing that isn't a big deal. Yeah. It's not like christians who will give you the other face. Nah ah. Muslims are going to resort to violence.
Kike magic

Everything unexplained, but seemingly popular, especially in the current moment, can only be explained with kike magic and their disgusting rituals.

If you notice now, they're spamming ads advocating for abortion HEAVILY, so they must be out of aborted fetuses and are in dire need of them, since they have ALWAYS preferred the bodies of children for their sacrifices, especially if they're not baptized.
>the Quran is so ambiguous Islam can be anything you want it to be
>Islam is the only major religion that doesn't require belief in miracles
>Islam is great for getting trad cuties
>Islam is needed to rule Arab / Turkic societies (for now)
>Islam offers a political constitution that works
>every attempt to make it more moderate is apologist nonsense that basically admits Islam is trash and they're not going to follow the rules because the rules are insane.
>I've met nice Muslims but they just ignore the rules. They're cafeteria Muslims.
Do you guys also know a mid 20s muslim girl who won't wear the hijab but wants to talk about rumi or whatever? I feel like that's a common archetype of american muslims
im not an abrahamist but there are things that any true seeker can respect about islam and especially sufism.

>Nobility in blood, curiosity of higher nature, a love of beauty and freedom, these are rare.
Perhaps. But hedonism is not rare and islam runs counter to this as well.
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did he really have that saved on his hard drive?
Mooslims make me sick
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>did he really have that saved on his hard drive?
The CIA says so, people are literally trusting FEDs.
Osama Bin Laden had the same actor as Obama. their names are similar on purpose.
Republicans did this too - George Bush was Charles Manson.
I think it's not so much convincing as not as jarringly full of paradoxes as christianity. Allah is literally just like an all powerful alien you cannot understand. He is always right. He always wins. Listen to him or suffer. Allah is capable of paradoxes. Allah changes reality at its whim too.
So they’re playing characters or using clones?
>It has no better evidence supporting it's claims than any other religion
Allah is God, the same God of every religion, 99 names of Allah allow for this.
>It's literally just based on one guy's opinion, Mohammed, who isn't even claimed to have been divine or anything like Jesus typically is
And he was guided by an angel into writing the Quran
- Bans everything good like music and art under completely ridiculous premises
Jews (#1 enemy of mankind) use music and art to lure people into their clutches
>Muslim countries are all shit holes
1400 years of Jew meddling in every facet of their life
>Endlessly causes war and suffering
Again, 1400 years of jewish meddling have made them protojews
pisslam is Christianity for midwits, judaism for those who aren't God's chosen, and a browncel cope for third world subhumans worldwide, it's the perfect religion for sub 80 negroid ape-cattle who can't get laid (so most human males)
>who isn't even claimed to have been divine or anything
It literally states he is the living avatar of the Holy Spirit.
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islam controls people with fear, muslims are raised in a way which causes them to revert to the lowest possible vibration levels and thus live their lives in fear and hatred. they will murder each other for the slightest offenses and destroy anything that the other has built out of bitter envy. muslims are also insanely materialistic, you can just look at the shit they build once they start getting some money and decide for yourself if they have god at their heart. also mohammed was a demon wearing a human skin, no other religious figure reveled in human suffering and destruction as much as he did. he was on par with the likes of jean-paul marat.
also here are some examples of great muslim construction projects. tacky, expensive and totally unnecessary. whereas a white man would use 16bn dollars to build a great dam which will provide energy to millions or a grand highway that can take you from one end of the country to another a muslim will simply use the money for a dickmeasuring contest that will not stand there after a few centuries.


Its not a religion, its a global arabic nationalist take-over thing. An excuse for organized crime to be hand waved in non-Muslim countries
This right here. It's not a religion. It's an excuse for murderous and oppressive behavior following the example of a warlord "messiah" that founded it.
I take it back, Muhammed is not even a messiah. Just a "prophet", which honestly makes it even worse
As far as I can tell, by talking to a lot of different kinds of people (including Muslims of course) is that it's simply because they're born to parents who are Muslim.
I've never met anyone who converted to a religion as an adult. They're said to exist but I've never seen them.
I've met people who are otherwise extremely intelligent, yet believe that the ONE religion they happened to be born into the ONE place that espouses it at the ONE time where it's in its correct form, just so happens to be the ONE TRUE RELIGION.
Yeah, okay.
You're a brainlet and you haven't studied Islam at all.

Apply yourself.
I really don't give a shit about the "teachings", all i care about are the results. Which is getting a bunch of dipshits uppity for a global conquest

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