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Honestly I believe in sasqautch, native american spoke about them long before we had any conception of them, though for some reason modern people have it in their head that sasquatch is friendly.
No if you actually listen to some of the stories, sasqautches are like something from a horror film, they’re ridiculously strong and they eat people.
And I’m willing to bet sasqautches are responsible for SOME of the missing 411, they either luve in caves or crude “shelters” out in the wild.
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I watch a guy named jailbreakoverlander and he’s shown proof this is how they mark their territory, sometimes these small structures will be made out of upside down uprooted trees.
Do you think the sasqautch could be related to some native american legend like the wendigo?

They are kinda similar if you think about it.
Nah... That's probably just some blair witch project kind of shit, dude.
They're only friendly with white people
In a since that their connected to the spirit world yes, wendigos are evil cannibalistic spirits that possess greedy people or starving people and slowly turn them into a wendingo to repeat the cycle.

But sasqautches are described to be a tribe of giant people that can walk between our world and the spirit world, though multiple tribes have different views all varying.
My recommended starting place would be david paulides youtube channel, expanded perspective youtube/spotify, paranormal junkie youtube, then jailbreak overlanders sasquatch videos on youtube.
>I highly reccomend researching native legends or talking to a native source.
Then I want you to come back to me and still tell me if thats what you think.
Not true, plenty of eye witness accounts say other wise, remember if your white your European your not even a native to this land so why would they be freindly poltard?

Alright... i'll be back.
I have tea with them every weekend. You probably stink of shit
wendigo is nothing like sasquatch. sasquath is a type of creatures like Yeti/Big Foot. A forest wookie that live in woods, like a grizzly bear, and sometimes come and it you.

Wendigo is for first a "frost spirit", for second and most importantly, wendigo is a "hunger" that made YOU, not some forest monkey, kill and eat your entire family, tribe and then still die of hunger
Wendigo is madness
Well said, also heres a video describing the Bigfoot of 1855
Some kind of bigfoot cryptid probably explains the "ghost lineage" archaic introgression in West African genomes.
>No if you actually listen to some of the stories, sasqautches are like something from a horror film, they’re ridiculously strong and they eat people.

In the old crypto-hominid lore worldwide they are almost always evil and dangerous.

No one ever thought they were nice until they had long been extinct.
May interest you.
sasquatch could be real, there's lots of photographs and the video. but we still don't have a physical specimen. it's more likely they could have gone extinct within the past couple hundred years, but i hope that isn't the case. one could argue that authorities do know of their existence, but announcing that an ogre is wandering the wilderness could cause panic and also attract poachers.
and i mean lots of hair ogres, not just one
Can Sassy be associated with the yee naaldlooshii?
This looks right, and I suspect it's something they lean against.
We genocided our European ones long ago, the troll hunter myths.
No, skinstealers are ancient Lemurian cannibalistic shapeshifting sorcery, and responsible for most of the werewolf attacks blamed on Sasquatch.

The remaining Sasquatch on the surface are embattled guerrillas and one should not intrude without invitation. The junior tribes that we've genocided are individually pretty simple, nothing like the interdimensional elders or Ancients. There are smaller furry Woodben as well.

Humans and Sasquatch can interbreed naturally; they're our closest relative. Percentage Neanderthal DNA is an indicator, and a robust look. Which is why they've mostly just retreated before our genocide, instead of demonstrating the military applications of interdimensional phasing and mindreading in close quarters combat.
Lol at your lack of connection to the big hairy forest bois. Told you, you stink of shit like all natives
To deny sasquatch is to deny logic.

Australia has ypwie, America has sasquatch and skunk apes, britain has ape men, himalayas have the snowman/yeti, middle east has red haired giants, south america has ape men, africa has ape men (and biological apes too)

The same creature appears across the planet. They're still sighted in Australia especially. The abos say they're not entirely physical and refer to them as spirits.

They are always very tall, have reddish-brown fur, a human-like face, are either aggressive or elusive, and many times people report a disgusting stench like corpses and wet dog.

This same description is consistent across the entire planet with every variant.

And even if one doesn't believe the witnesses to these creatures: Aboriginals have been isolated for tens of thousands of years yet happen to have the exact same entity in their stories as native americans, native Nepalese, ancient Celts, etc? These things are absolutely real, and more than likely supernatural
I agree with you to some extent but I also don't know, I mean personally I rather believe that similar to how tribes are across the world with their different customs maybe sasqautches are similar?
I mean what if there are cannibalistic tribes of sasqautch?
I agree heavily
No, natives describe them as tribes of giant strong hairy people and not skinwalkers.
The feds do know, I ‘ve heard at least two to maybe four stories by now of where its some kind of military or law enforcement or forest ranger encounters with sasqautches, expanded perspective podcast would be your go to for that.
May actually be a fed trying to derail this thread
If feds want to derail something they just start spamming Christianity. Once you notice you can't not notice.
>To deny sasquatch is to deny logic.

So why can't you find a 400+ pound primate that must either eat a hole in the forest like a gorilla does or eat a huge amount of meat?

They are long extinct or in a lab somewhere.
There are a few Fallen Sasquatch who are less benevolent towards Humans. The vast majority of atrocities have been committed by Humans against Sasquatch, though, from rape to presumably cannibalism. I doubt most Humans would even recognize eating Sasquatch as cannibalism, so the moral panic over it occasionally going the other way is hypocritical.

Sasquatch are linked and unified by their group soul, which enables them to act with military cohesion and with consistent values, but individuals still vary. They built much of the ancient megalithic architecture.
They can phase between dimensions. The junior tribes may get most of their food there. The astral Ancients were designed as the ultimate infantry for interplanetary warfare, and thus can survive without food.
Bigfoot, sasquatch, skookum, skunk ape, sabe, bagwagiwiniwag, cetsani, didi, sisimite, mapinguary, el pombero, patagon, yeti, yeren, almas, yowie, orang pendak, ucu, nukluk... all different names from different cultures describing the same thing consistently over thousands of years.
There's no doubt in my mind that ABC's (anomalous bipedal creatures) inhabit the vast majority of North America, in and around the Amazon, the Cordillera mountain ranges, the Andes mountains, Siberia, Central Asia down to The Himalayas. (I think the Australians are smoking crack though, no way they're there. Doubt they are in Africa given the relative lack of lore out of there but wouldn't be surprised at all though. The parallels between the way sasquatch is currently described and the way gorilla were described before they were confirmed to science is interesting btw)
There has to be at least 300k worldwide, including all regional variants. There are approximately 310k gorillas in an area the size of Turkey, in West Africa. Despite the fact that there is an entire industry of people dedicated to taking tourists, cinematographers, and researchers on treks to witness gorillas - despite the fact they attempt to document the locations of gorilla troops as accurately as possible - despite the fact gorilla live in groups of TEN... they are still absolutely incredibly hard to find. They actively try to avoid leaving tracks and keep quiet, they are surprisingly clandestine. ABC's are clearly a lot more capable and aware of stealth, and sightings of multiple sasquatch are almost always a parent/child dynamic
I saw this academic fella on YT make a convincing case that the "ghost lineage" or "the unknown homo" is actually just Homo Erectus and Africans didn't benefit from any cross-homo hybridization and instead a big population of Homo Erectus started to deviate from 'true' Homo Erectus but went on to just reintegrate with Homo Erectus.
It's a very taboo suggestion as the implication is essentially that sub-Saharan Africans are "less evolved" than other homo sapiens with Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA
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Yes feds are trying to detail this thread about imaginary hairy men in the forest. You're so close to the truth anon, they fear the youtube and reddit tier research you've engaged in over the weekend. The goberment will topple with this knowledge
They're gone from Asia, and still present in Australia. USSR and China chased them out of Siberia and Tibet.
I like to think big foot / sasquatch / yetis are what's left of the ancient race of giants that every civilization has stories about. Everywhere you look, there's stories of ancient humans going to war agaisnt giants that were either cannibals (like in the Americas) or degenerate fucks that wanted to kidnap our tradwives.

What if the ones that were pushed to the deep forests of our world or to live in caverns high up in the mountains, turned feral? We have this collective idea that if human civilization ended and we reverted back to the stone age, we'd let our hairs grow, same for our body hairs. So what if the same things happened to all the giants? They lost their civilization after the last flood, the world got populated by us the modern humans, and they had to hide in the forests or in caves. Since they lost their "humanity", they turned feral, with bodies filled with hair and began acting like literal cavemen
Sasquatch calls those giants artificial monsters. As for "devolving into beasts", show an example. Humans have a very unrealistic sense of the time and population size required for evolution, due to our own heavily-engineered history.

>As opposed to the creation of my people and of yours that was approved by the higher Council of Star Elders within a cosmic plan for soul consciousness and planetary evolution, these genetic modifications were done for selfish purposes by the lower principalities against the higher Divine Law and Cosmic Order. Those artificially produced species, including giants, dragons and monsters, were used as slaves and soldiers in wars against the Star Council of Elders, still based in Mu. Your most ancient cultures have kept the memories of those wars involving star fleets in their sacred archives and ancestral legends that have survived to this day.

>Among other feats by Hanuman, he was said to have picked up a mountain top in Java and thrown it on the city of Hampi in India, over which ancient ruins, huge boulders sit. Vanara and Humans sharing victory overthrew the Rakshasa and their giants in Sri Lanka. Peace returned, Sita was freed from her abductor and went back to live with Rama.

>The third interplanetary war Humanity experienced lasted for over half a million years, and ended one and a half million years ago. During that time, the Elves established in Hyperborea were also our allies and they defended you against orcs, dragons, giants and robots.

>The second war of the two empires occurred 350,000 years ago and lasted 50,000 years. It was the war of the giants, in a time when many races of giants of all sizes, some carrying Human genetics and some not, ruled and competed over kingdoms, some in righteousness and some in evil ways. This is when cannibalism, necromancy, sorcery and wizardry spread among many Human tribes, provoking the first downfall of Lemuria.

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And yes this does mean the Ents are Sasquatch. The Forest is slow to anger, but when it marches, boulders fly and Saruman is fucked. The results can be seen from orbit, like the face on Mars.

I believe it's either some ultraterestrial or all those cryptids like Nessie or Sasquatch are some tear in time where people living now get to see some stuff from millions of years ago
Back and ass scratcher. We all need to do it.
They hate native Americans. They don’t bother black or white people as much. They have it out for native Americans and Asians though.
A lot of native legends live on to the modern day. Are they all real then?
Sasquatch don't. Skin Walkers date back to the Navajo vs Pueblo wars, so they target Indians.

>Massive migrations, like that of the Athaspacan tribes that crossed the Rocky Mountains over one millennium ago, often mean invasions of already occupied territories, in this case, the vast Ancestral Puebloan civilization, with its thousands of wealthy towns and villages, and abundant crop yields.

>For the poor Athapascan nomadic wanderers, it represented a rich opportunity to plunder and steal. Long wars started that kept pushing the Puebloans for centuries further West and South, settling in highly defended cliff dwellings and forts. The Apache split from the Navajo when the latter started plundering burial sites to steal the turquoise and treasures that were highly valuable for the Puebloans.

>When the Navajo started stealing the dead and disturbing the ancestors rest, they brought bad spirits upon themselves and upon the Puebloans. In those dark ages of wars and cruelty, when the Puebloans were trading with the Meso-American empires, they reintroduced evil witchcraft and Human sacrifice. Evil sorcerers took over and misused their shape-shifting powers to gain control and victory in wars. It is why in some Chacoan sites, traces of cannibalism have been found; not all host only good spirits. These evil witchcraft practices can be stolen and learned, and were soon adopted by Navajo sorcerers.

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