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How many of u have a cat
More proof of why Egyptians worshipped cats. Connects you to God.
Don't you have to ingest their shit or something? Just wash your hands, bro
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Poor baby, wobble kittens give a lot of cuddles and love especially when they're with their human. It tends to stop the head wobble when they're getting loved on.

Yeah you'd have to lick your fingers after scooping the litter box to get what OP is talking about. If you're a decent human that practices good hygiene, instead of the usual hoarder cat owners that let the house smell like ferret, you'll be fine.

>pic related my spoopy boy that like to stare in the fucking lamp shade to see the cool colors after
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>my other derp cat

Double the schizophrenia I suppose
If someone has 3, is it exponential?
Double of one percent? Holy shit! Two percent if conditions are unfavorable? NOOOOOOO. (Also not paranormal, fuck you)
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Cats spread disease and parasites
Should’ve got a dog you antisocial fucks
> Yeah you'd have to lick your fingers after scooping the litter box to get what OP is talking about. If you're a decent human that practices good hygiene, instead of the usual hoarder cat owners that let the house smell like ferret, you'll be fine
You’re cat scratches their litter box and walks all over your home dummy
You have microscopic parasite eggs all over your home
You must not clean youre home on a regular basis then anon
>sweep, mop, sanitize surfaces, and dust
>having had dogs before, they also track their shit inside if you aren't already doing it with the shit under your feet
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Toxoplasma gondii lives in cat intestines. This protozoa changes behaviors. In rats, they not only stop avoiding cats or known cat areas, but they're attracted to cat urine. Humans can contract toxoplasma gondii. It's why people with AIDS or pregnant women are recommended to give away any cats they own. They bury their stool and it gets all over your house from their gross little paws. Toxoplasma gondii is associated with crazy cat people as well, due to behavioral changes, it's theorized that after contracting this little idiot you too become attracted to the cat urine and desire for more cats. That's just a theory, but what isn't a theory is that in humans it increases risk-taking and alters mental health. Both of those could also lead to wanting more cats, and schizophrenia.
You’re a disgusting parasite spreader
I fucking knew cat people are psycho
Even cat posters on 4chan are the worst people
Your cat walks on your food surfaces after shifting and p*as in your house. That's how people get infected.
you also spread diseases and parasites, can we get rid of you too?
Cats are gross and their owners are losers
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This makes me want to cook my roommates cat
>nasty worm factory
keep it away from me
so it's like a 0.005% chance going to a 0.01% chance.
>itt: fat schizophrenic cave dwellers that never vibed with a cat or any other animal for that matter because they can sense what kind of creep they are from a mile
how bout you bums wash your hands after taking a piss first, then talk about something related to this shit ass board.
>cat fags seething
your parasites are making you gay
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This is me: >>39106679
My house has two cats. I can vibe with cats, but they are actually gross vermin at the end of the day. They're cool gross vermin sometimes, like when they purr or nudge their little heads against you, or eat intruding rats, but that's it. They carry disease, they scratch and they destroy ecosystems. Also, I wash my hands after every bathroom use, since I'm an ER nurse and it's second nature. Your cats are gross. You're gross.

Lyran overloads will make good house pets of the humans who take care of their kin.
This anon knows
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>Cats spread disease and parasites
>Should’ve got a DOG
do you have the memory of a goldfish and forget what you have just typed as you are typing out your next sentence?
it's also theorized that if someone farts enough they will fly into the sky you fucking faggot
Animals sit their bare anuses on your beds and couches.

>I don't let my animals on furniture!
Do you have carpet? Do you ever touch it with your hands? They walk through shit too.

If you have animals, you eat shit.
Not an argument.
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>Do you have carpet? Do you ever touch it with your hands?
yeah, one of my hobbies is feeling my carpet. weird because I didn't have that hobby before owning a cat..
By this do you mean, "Exactly, I don't have an argument," or, "Exactly, I'm saying you don't have an argument because I think snark will cover for the fact that I can't retort in an adult manner, and all of my responses are uncreative like a child to cover for my deep insecurities over my perceived threat to my intelligence?" Or are you currently suffering from toxoplasma gondii?
nice run-on sentences, retard. I might be schizo (not because of cats), but at least my grammar skills are still intact.
Deflection. "Oh no, fish can't climb trees! Haha! What bad swimmers!" t. You
Based anon
what the fuck are you even going on about, you raging schizo?
Careful schizo anons you don't wanna be schizo like this schizo. You schizos.
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This is why Haitians eat them
Total cat death is the only way forward for humanity
Fuck schitzos i hate em all. I also definitely do not work for the government. It's not true, it's bullshit, I do Naaaaaht.
>this person has parasites
You never sit on the ground?
You never pick things up off the ground?
My cat 100% can see the spirits hovering around me, she goes crazy if I do the Hemisync and go deep in meditative states.
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They’ve protected the temple since ancient times. They’re more of an outdoor animal though
i used to have a cat.
she was wonderful!
cats are magical, mystical creatures.
i have 3 kitties and i love all of them.
i also had a dog, a crab, and a turtle.

love and sympathy towards animals is exclusively a white peoples trait, non-whites wont get it.
>eats steak and bacon
Gondii makes you change your physical appearance and take more risks.

Live your live kitty
I've been warning about toxoplasmosis for years. Cats make people depressed troons.
Every cat owner I know has a home that smells like cat shit and they didn't notice it because they live in it. Gravel from the litter box travels all around the home because the cat tracks it out. The same cat they let walk on their dining table and bed.
You're eating cat shit whether you want to or not.
Toxoplasmosis makes your face more attractive, it's over if you don't love and own cats. Also they protect you from evil spirits.
Also.... blind people do not develop schizophrenia. What a strange set of conditions that must cause this.
Causation ≠ correlation
40 million Americans have toxoplasmosis and about 46.5 million US households own a cat.
We're all shit eaters, unless you hyperclean literally everything you touch. Grocery stores are filthy, restaurants are filthy. Animals are filthy. We are filthy.
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we need a schizophrenia prevention hotline! this is out of control
Filthy isn't the problem. The problem is that cats carry a parasite that makes you into a troon.
Cat's don't psyop into troonism. That's all societal conditioning for the retards that need validation so bad they'll spiritually kill themselves to be part of a "group". My parasites just make me love the filthy animal, because I'm so much better than them, right?
Sup retards, time for a lecture on toxoplasmosis. Here's the tl;dr: Toxoplasmosis is a net benefit for predators.

Toxoplasmosis is a parasite that spreads by influencing the behavior of ones it its hosts, rodents. Go to wikipedia and look up the behavioral symptoms of toxoplasmosis infection. You will find things like the following:
>decreased fear of new environments/experiences
>decreased fear of predators
>increased boldness
>increased energy and activity levels
>increased desire to explore unfamiliar areas
These are all negatives for a prey species that relies on being quiet and hidden in order to avoid being eaten. A mouse that develops a desire to explore new places while becoming less afraid of cats is a mouse that's much more likely to be eaten. But what if you're not a mouse?

It's not a coincidence that the cultures that created civilization, that explored and conquered the globe, were civilizations that lived with cats. The European explorers building ships and setting sail for uncharted lands were infected with toxoplasmosis and their infection was a very significant part of both their desire and ability to sail into the unknown. As a predator, the effects of toxoplasmosis are GOOD for you.

Schizos won't be capable of objectively considering these facts and they will give me some cope about evil demonic parasites or whatever. For the rest of you, people with functioning brains, I'll leave you with the following evidence:
>wolves with toxoplasmosis were 46 times more likely to become pack leaders
Read that again. FOURTY SIX times more likely to become pack leaders. Toxoplasmosis turns predators into literal pack alphas.
diatomacious earth should be used as a body powder- it kills almost all parasites, all natural no chemicals
Toxoplasmosis made me plapjak
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Ah... so it begins.

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>Be a depressed anti social retard with fear of commitment to anything
>Get a cat
>Cat demands nothing of you but food and water
>Fall behind on cleanup because you're a depressed neet and people told you cats are low maintenance
>Home smells like cat shit
>Infected with toxoplasmosis
>Parasite convinces you to get another cat
>Nobody comes around because your home smells like shit and everything is covered with cat hair and kitty litter that they track out of their box
>Woken up every morning to your cat biting your toes to see if you're alive
>Die and get eaten by your cats while your body is still warm
>Get a dog instead
>Forced to go outside to walk the dog
>Meet other humans outside
>Don't get a brain parasite so you only ever get the one dog
>When you die your dog would rather starve to death than eat you
Cats are a shit tier animal for people with weak minds. Cat people make cats their entire personality. Dog people just like their dog.
Parasite hands types this.
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>Schizos won't be capable of objectively considering these facts and they will give me some cope about evil demonic parasites or whatever.
If you have an intelligent rebuttal then let's hear it. The satanic parasite shit is old news for anyone who's been here longer than 15 minutes. Are there bad parasites? Yes, of course. Are all parasites harmful? Yes, but sometimes the benefits outweigh the harm.

You'll notice that I didn't say that toxoplasmosis is benevolent. I said it's a "net benefit". It has some negatives, it causes some harm, but for a predator, the positives outweigh the negatives. You are the cowards who huddled at home while toxo chads conquered the world. You are the beta cuck wolves cowering in the safety of the pack while the LITERAL alpha wolves leave to start their own pack in new, unexplored lands - alpha wolves that are FOURTY SIX TIMES MORE LIKELY to become alphas if they are infected with toxoplamosis.

If you have a response that isn't tied regurgitated memes, if you have something to say that a bot operating at 5% power couldn't come up with then please, let's hear it. I would love to hear some legitimate, honest criticism. Do you have any or are you just another mindless NPC who can't do anything but vomit out what you've been programmed to think?
>Don't get a brain parasite so you only ever get the one dog
>he doesn't know

>Toxocariasis is an illness of humans caused by the dog roundworm (Toxocara canis) and, less frequently, the cat roundworm (Toxocara cati).
>Transmission of Toxocara to humans is usually through ingestion of infective eggs. These eggs are passed in cat or dog feces, but the defecation habits of dogs cause T. canis transmission to be more common than that of T. cati.
Do you clean up after your dog when it takes a shit? Congratulations, you have almost certainly ingested these eggs. Does your dog lick your hand after it licks its ass? Congratulations, you have almost certainly ingested these eggs.

>Won et al. discovered that U.S. seroprevalence is actually 14% for the population at large.
If you have a "pet" then it has transferred parasites to you unless it's something like a fish that you never contact in any way. Different pets are just going to give you different parasites.
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Cats are good for the soul. They teach you many good lessons. Like how to worship God.
I have 2 cats.

One is a stuffed animal fluff ball and the other is insane.
Imagine being too poor for a litter robot and still owning pets
mods leave this shit up but delete my threads.

kill yourself retards.
it's a cultural thing
damn I was reading what you wrote but then you had to go and mention
>I'm an ER nurse
way to out yourself as soïboi and destroy any credibility you had prior to that point of your post. Fucking imbecile
Thank you fellow anons for bringing common sense to this thread. Both Cats and Dogs are gross and so are humans.

Here's a Q&A for the rest of the thread:
>Do you regularly wash your hands after doing gross stuff? Pick/clean animal droppings, wiping your ass, etc?
>Do you sweep and mop your floors on a regular basis?
>Do you clean up your neet cave and pick up after yourself?
>Take regular showers?
>Vaccum? Sanitize surfaces? Dust?
This goes for pet owners and no pet anons.

Imagine being too poor to realize you shouldn't own animals, much less have children to take of. If you're too lazy to pick up your dogs/cats poop, or take them for a walk, then you shouldn't have an animal.
Many anons are too poor mentally alone to take care of themselves, let alone something else that breathes. Majority of anons here make me think they live in the type of filth Asmongold lives in. And that they don't think people have the ability to make sure their home is clean and smells good.
Did it ever occur to you that schizophrenia is actually a good thing? It's how you manage it that is the key. Do you find a way to manage it yourself, or would you rather want trillion dollar pharma/TI/mic glowie campaign to do it for you?
So the same as human babies really then
Schizophrenia is like a sword. Untreated by you, you'll be pressing your fingers on its blade, grabbing the sword from wrong place, thus hurting yourself. But when you can manage it, you can grab it by it's handle and swing it at some evil.
Meds faggot
melatonin skinned and curry skinned people also smell like shit, but you can't say that out loud in our society without sounding racist, even if it's true. people of "other races" have different smell than people of your own race
This is the /x/ I remember

On the same note, question for the group; what are the supernatural/paranormal/esoteric qualities of cats and dogs respectively?
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We're not alpha wolves trying to lead a pack. Giving yourself brain parasites will legitimately fuck your brain up for no gain. You might go skydiving before you succumb to schizophrenia and that's about it. You've never seen a crazy cat lady take over a country in the modern age, have you? Thought not.
>melatonin skin people
White people?
>You've never seen a crazy cat lady take over a country in the modern age, have you?

Fair, but we don't know how many pets each mill/billionaire has and if they're cats/dogs/exotic/etc. Plus there's different levels to "cat lady" evolution. You can be a functional human with two cats, but it can teeter to dysfunction and dependency on ignoring cleanliness/hygiene. There's also increase in life difficulty with each additional animal, but we could discuss that for a while.

>Majority of violent dictators have extreme empathy/love for animals
>Majority of serial killers practice on and have animal body counts.
>Extremes are anything and everywhere
I'm sure asians think white people smell strange.
>based in actual fact
Asian people or those of Asian decent either produce very little or no sweat odor whatsoever. What ever deodorant they do use has no discernable scent.

In Japan, it's offensive to wear bold smelling perfume or cologne due to allergies and international people that bathe in scent sprays.
Why is there cat shit on your baby's feet and why is it walking on the counter and the kitchen table?
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Or anyone you retard. Every time you blow air from your ass it's nothing but aerosolized shit you are spraying, otherwise you wouldn't be able to "sense" it. Also bathroom, literally shit containment boxes. Most things you touch in your life. You ingesting shit one way or another, you lil bitch. Cat fags just eating that shit for breakfast.
>We're not alpha wolves trying to lead a pack. Giving yourself brain parasites will legitimately fuck your brain up for no gain.
>It's not a coincidence that the cultures that created civilization, that explored and conquered the globe, were civilizations that lived with cats.

Wolf pack dynamics are used so commonly as analogies for human society because we have many similar dynamics. Wolves don't become pack leaders because of some abstract, undefinable qualities. They become pack leaders because they're stronger, more aggressive, bolder, braver, etc etc. Think of any positive quality you might associate with a wolf who becomes a pack leader. Wolves with toxoplasmosis infections are 46x more likely to display those qualities. That's an ABSURD increase.

In the modern world, this translates into being a bold, aggressive risk-taker. These are the extroverts, the investment bankers, the guys starting new businesses. They are the leaders, literally. You are clearly not a risk-taker: you're hyperfocused on potential negatives rather than potential positives. Like I said, you're the guy who hid at home because the unknown was too scary, while your neighbor with a "brain parasite" got on a ship and discovered a new continent.

>before you succumb to schizophrenia
OP pic says 2x odds. Average lifetime risk of developing schizophrenia, 1%. Even assuming it's true, that's an incredibly small increase for a 46x increase in positive behavioral attributes, especially considering that none of this pearl clutching over "parasites" will do anything to protect you from becoming infected. You don't need to have any contact with cats to get toxo:
You can get it from raw milk, raw seafood, undercooked meat, etc. I know you fuckers LOVE raw milk, don't lie to me.
>I know you fuckers LOVE raw milk, don't lie to me.
Anon, I avoid big gambles. My gambles are small. If you want to risk disability or death just to have slightly better tasting milk filled with pus and infected cow blood be my guest. I'm not going crazy just to hopefully be put in charge of something because some low-IQ mongoloid thought these attributes would make me a better leader.
>I'm not going crazy
Don't you wish that bad juju hex on me. Bippity boppity, your hex is a floppity.
>mfw this combination of cope, projection, and lack of reading comprehension
I didn't say that I drink raw milk. I said that the kind of people who are obsessed with parasites have a significant overlap with the kind of people who sperg out over shit like raw milk. We both know that this is the case and it's a bit pathetic to see you trying to pretend that my comment meant anything different.

As for the rest of it, you don't have a choice. You can get toxoplasmosis from unwashed produce, from undercooked meat, from raw seafood, from literally walking outside barefoot. I would tell you that the only way to avoid it is to life your life terrified of interacting with the world but you've basically confirmed that this is indeed the way you live your life. It's ok. The world needs cowards too.
but I want to have schizophrenia
I'm collecting ways to get it
>sleep deprivation
>having cats
what are else do I need? hallucinogens?
Kek and based
Better make it datura and not just any hallucinogenic
Because dogs or other pets are any different?




“Toxoplasma gondii is an apicomplexan protozoan that infects humans and other warm-blooded animals worldwide, including birds and marine mammals.“

Another seemingly uneducated moron.

..and I am a lover of all animals; anyone who is dogmatic about whichever pet they prefer are borderline-NPCs, if not complete dredges of society.
i have 2 cats does that mean 4x the odds
??? do people lick their countertops? no cutting boards? What the fuck are you a third worlder or something? Just cut shit right on the counter like the animal you are?
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Better fucking live alone then, incel
does this mean otakus are sexually attracted to cats?
Some people do just cook food straight on the stove burners, so I wouldn't be surprised.
>sucks cock and rimsniggers
Dogs shit outside, Nimrod. Most animals don't shit in a box and bury it with their hands. Your cat's disgusting. Neck yourself, and your cat.
You're asking this when there are so many black people in US and certain Eurocuck countries?
I hate cats. I wish I had a gun to shoot them. At night I see a lot of cats walking, meowing, hunting for insects and fucking. God, they are annoying. If I had a gun I could go out at night and kill at least the same amount of cats that I have of bullets. This is how much I hate cats. I hate them so much because I had a neighbor and he talked to his act like if it was his child. God damn, just have a real child. I hate cats.
>If I had a gun I could go out at night and kill at least the same amount of cats that I have of bullets.
this beta actually thinks he would have 100% accuracy trying to shoot cats at night
you're delusional kid
you'd miss every shot and get executed by your neighbors
I hate cat people not cats
Are you saying your food never touches the counter? Never stack a few vegetables beside the cutting board while you're cutting something else? Your hands? Your plates or cups?

If I pissed on your counter would you say it's no big deal because you have a cutting board? Because your cat literally gets piss and shit on every raised surface in your house.
>You've never seen a crazy cat lady take over a country in the modern age, have you? Thought not.
The "crazy cat lady" is not a crazy cat lady for having cats. She is what she is because she was convinced by society she could appease her motherly instincts by having pets, in this case cats because if you have more than one, you basically only need to given them places where to drink, give them food and a place where to shit so they don't do it everywhere and the "care" for themselves. Whit that, she can "enjoy" her new "freedom" and "live the life".
You can't fill your social need with cat only, sadly and the wall doesn't help either, she gets to the moment all she can do to try to get that fix is get more cats so she experiences its "childhood" and her "maternity" again until she fucking dies.
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>I know you fuckers LOVE raw milk, don't lie to me.
i don't like this fanfiction
>Dog people just like their dog.
>writes fictional story of a cat owner suffering for owning a cat
Dogfags are so pathetic
Cat fags love cat piss because the parasites control them
I too have three cats. They live outside though. Cats don't belong inside. They're not designed for that.
Who the hell lets the cats live in the house? Cats are awesome, but they have to keep that ass outside.
Cats are absolutely spiritual guardians. They have to live outside though.
>lowers testosterone in rH+ and the reverse for rH- (same effect in IQ by a few points in some studies)
>improvement in perceived physical appearance
>makes vermin easier to kill for cats behaviorally

Lots of O and rH- concentrated in Basques, very much over represented in the Age of Discovery & colonial scramble. Possibly facilitates hybrid pregnancies between rH+/- such that recessive carrier hybrid children can make it to full term rather than be rejected.
>increases risk-taking
I'm literally a NEET
>but muh mental health
I was already like this before the cats
These freaks are licking cat paws and getting parasites
Letting cats live inside your actual home is a very recent modern idea. Look at the way farmers treat barn cats. They live outside or in a separate shelter, and they roam around catching rodents. This is how cats were domesticated in the first place - they were hanging out around human settlements and eating small animals that were attracted to human food stores. The cats got a meal, and we got free pest control. With recent urbanization and the layout of suburban zones, letting your cats roam around outside is much harder or even impossible.

I say all this as someone who's cohabitated with cats my entire life. I love cats, but they don't belong in your house.
i do :3
Cool opinion
This "cats have parasites" is propaganda against the only benevolent ayy species that exist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt6vRZPdEic
We all have parasites
Cats just scratch their shit in piss
Only parasite is the rats running the system and trying their best to gaslight and change history books. Cats are divine compared to those rats.
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This is cats in their prime, portrayed as antagonists in orionite wing commander games. All part of their propaganda
Right and your dumbass dog doesn't literally eat shit and lick it's fucking asshole all day... then your face?
I run a home for wayward kitties (no seriously).
How fucked am I?

Pic rel.
2.5 wk old floof monster. A tribble with teeth found wandering in a hardware store parking lot. I went to shop for tools and end up taking this off of the employees hands. Turned right tf around, and I’ve been bottle-feeding every 3 hours for the last 3 days.
I never sleep.
I've been rescuing outdoor cats/animals for years myself... From feeding, to TNR, to finding homes, to taking in 7 floofs myself... if I go nuts at least it was for a noble cause.
is it brain parasites? I don't see anyone explaining the connection between this and schizophrenia. Why would brain parasites cause schizophrenia and not, like, anything else.
I mean, Rabies kills you once it gets to your nervous system. But this thing just gives you, what, paranoid delusions?
>we’re not alpha wolves trying to lead a pack

But we are. Once again the sheep, cattle, normies, retards, and unenlightened like you can’t into metaphorso abstract thought. We have profound knowledge and insight than the average layman

It’s like how your average retard can’t pick up on esoteric bullshit and propaganda being shoved into their media

We know and we are trying to lead the stupid sheep to wake up but they are blind
metaphors and abstract thought
Define schizophrenia, because lately it’s pretty much just a snarky insult and a tactic to smear your enemies. There are people who are incredibly smart, wise, insightful, and very not retarded but they are attacked on all sides by the elites and the sea of retards they enslave
toxoplasmosis. it's why Jenke likes cat shit
From what I'm reading, schizophrenia is associated with increased dopamine levels. Toxoplasma Gondii increases dopamine in humans, which could explain the risk of schizophrenia.

OP's image is a brain cyst, which can cause behavior changes but not necessarily "schizophrenia"

The parasite probably won't kill you or shorten your lifespan. The dopamine boost might even be beneficial for some people.
That's and fun thought. You've given up on life in a ditch somewhere. And the thing that pulls you out of it is a cat. Or rather, the demonic spirit living inside it.
There are probably other factors related to "cat ownership" that could contribute to it.

They say blind people don't get schizophrenia. And light normally triggers a release of dopamine.

Before I had cats I could walk around my house in pitch dark because I know where everything is. With cats, the lights are always on so I don't trip over them. So I'm probably getting more dopamine just from that.
*I don't have schizophrenia.
This is what Urmah from Vega looks like when they're angry. Now try googling what lyran who doesn't remember they're from vega looks like, look what Sirius Lyran looks like, it looks like rapefugee from a war, sort like palestinian or something. Real sad.
You guys keep forgetting that the tribe doing most destruction on Earth has high prone to schizophrenia. If the baby diddlers are fine with schizo, maybe it should be ok for other people to have it too. Hell it help recognizing their patterns and getting rid of the problem, and turning world back into good place. How cool would that be?
I have 2 cats, 4x the schizophrenia
>With recent urbanization and the layout of suburban zones, letting your cats roam around outside is much harder or even impossible.
in some urban areas rats are larger than cats
>it increases risk-taking
>anon buys bitcoin
>group known today as (((small hatters))) are not actually jews, but some slaveniggers in egypt with different name, because jewish identity didn't exist
>just like modern dogs on black people today, the said cats hated these said rodents with passion. this fear in turn carried over, and it has evolved so far that the cats now pass anti-rodent perks to their human owners
I don't know how deep this meta goes, did lyrans give their 3d versions pattern recognition on reptilians? And the said 3d cats are now passing these reptilian detection traits to their 3d owners, humans? Is that how deep it all goes?
the jews fear the cats
and the cats passed the rodent detection perk to humans
dogs bark at black people

is it all just a coincidence?
Haitians avoid them, not consume them
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Chinese will eat cats though
They'll eat anything, really
A culture of mass starvation from decades ago still makes them a bit... funny

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