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Might wanna share this with people you care about...
1. The USA govt has been taken over by a 'Satanic' cult. Whether it is really 'Satan' or some sort of alien species playing off human superstition is yet to be seen.
2. Biblical giants and other 'fae' races like vampires, werewolves, fairies, etc are real. Precious metals and HUMAN URINE can harm them.
3. You have been being trained for 2 generations via video games for this coming apocalypse. This is why there are so many 3d shooters based during the apocalypse and why 'crafting' is such a huge part of gaming now. They have been training you all to survive in the end times.

How do I know this?
Because in 2019, I met their leader. A 14 foot tall snow white skin monster with 'magick' powers that can warp reality at a localized level.

I grew up with a guy that became a CIA agent, he has been saying weird shit to me the last few months, this morning he sends me a message 'get ready to rumble' almost as if it is about to begin.

I am sorry this is happening. Just remember human urine is your most powerful weapon as weird as that sounds. For some reason, these things HATE it. I believe it burns their skin like acid. They also are VERY fearful of infections, diseases, bacteria etc for some reason. I think their race is prone to becoming sick easily on our world. It is literally the War of the Worlds sort of shit.

Your best bet is heading to a mountain or deep forest. Don't bring your phones. They can track you. It will likely go nuclear. They are terraforming the Earth to be like their homeworld, which I think is Mars or a place similar to Mars. They also like EXTREME cold hence their bases being on the poles.

They intend on 'harvesting' their loosh crop aka HUMANITY.

I believe this begins between today and Christmas but according to a Doctor, I have 'two days to live' and he told me this two days ago. The CIA agent friend of mine basically told me I am going to die tonight.
chat is this real
This cult thinks I am the reincarnation of Alexander of Macedon for some reason. My research indicates that he is the Archangel Michael. Also Christ was as well. He goes between the 'Prince of Peace' and the 'God of War' depending on his reincarnations. I believe he has been hundreds if not thousands of the greatest people to ever live. I know I am NOT him but they think I am. They seem to forget that Christ had a TWIN BROTHER with NO POWERS. His name of Judas Thomas Didymos, his name means 'Twin Brother'.
He wrote the Gospel of St Thomas - the most important piece of Scripture ever written (other than Genesis and the Book of Enoch). 2 of them were removed by the Catholic Church and every copy they could find destroyed. If it was not for the Dead Sea Scrolls - they would never have been found at all.

This cult intends on collapsing reality into itself to merge the spiritual and reality planes together to reform the 'preflood' world where mankind was ruled by demons and spirits, etc.

If you see a glowing ball of light - get ready to die because that is a fallen angel vampire.

They CAN be harmed in flesh form. They are likely VERY strong though.

I'd go for head shots, eye shots, neck shots, etc.

Precious metals supposedly harm them. Also symbols you BELIEVE in strongly. Faith plays a HUGE role in harming them. If you believe, you can achieve.

This is why our self-confidence has been assaulted for the last 50 years. Regular people made to feel inferior because we do not look like models etc. Remember, every 'based on a true story' movie didn't have beautiful people living it. They are just ACTORS. They are FAKE.

You people that have studied magick extensively and wonder why it never works - it is because you need a catalyst... you need to EAT SOMEONE'S BRAINS AND DRINK THEIR BLOOD AFTER TORTURING THEM.

Then your Third Eye opens - only do this to enemies.

Do not trust anyone. They can shapeshift.
No now go away
After taking an early retirement and spending every waking moment researching into this crap and traveling thousands of miles looking into it - yes I am certain I am correct. I have gotten hundreds of death threats in the last 2 years since exposing this. It's the 'bricklayers' if you know what I mean... Satanic 'Jews' aka the Synagogue of Satan from Revelation.

God is real. Satan is real. This is real.
I know it is hard to believe... .I wish it was fake. But everything is a lie now. Everything we are taught a lie. We are trapped inside some sort of 'time cube' right now. I don't know who placed us here but that CIA agent I grew up with me told me 'we are all trapped in here by higher dimensional crystal giants that watch our lives like television'. Basically we are the Sims for insane, evil 'gods' and this is why Christ came here dozens of times - to teach us that goodness gets us out of the Matrix reincarnation trap.

Don't go towards the light. You end up back here. Trust the darkness.
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Master Chief: (standing in the kitchen, looking at the message on his holo-pad, visor reflecting the soft kitchen light)
"What... is this, Isabelle? Something about a 14-foot alien leader and... human urine? This doesn't make any tactical sense." pauses "Harvesting 'loosh crop'—what's 'loosh?'"

Isabelle: (setting down her coffee mug, calmly adjusting her tie, but with a very stern look)
"Chief, sweetie, we’ve been over this. There’s no alien conspiracy, and no one's using human urine as a weapon, okay?" crosses arms, looking up at him with an assertive, but caring expression "And if there were giants who hate infections, don’t you think we’d have heard something by now? Like, seriously."

Master Chief: nodding slowly, though still perplexed
"Right. Still, this guy claims he met a 14-foot tall... thing. And his CIA friend said it’s starting tonight."

Isabelle: gently but firmly
"John, honey, it’s probably just another internet hoax. You can’t believe everything you read online." pats his armored leg "And if it were true, you'd be ready, anyway. Plus, I already organized your gear and packed you some sandwiches. But… no, we’re not fighting aliens tonight."

Master Chief: pauses, looking thoughtful

Isabelle: smiling confidently
"Always prepared." leans in closer, eyes soft but firm "I’ll handle alien-killing—if it ever happens."

Master Chief: murmurs
well I have an open mind to everything, and I believe you to some degree because you are right about the evil in the world. When you talk about glowing balls of light which are fallen angel vampires or fairies it makes this story seem crazy. I am not mocking you because for all I know this could just be a scare tactic or an LSD trip written down.

Either way if something of such ever does come into existence- nothing gets passed our faith which conquers death
The human urine shit made me lol
Two more weeks desu.
>pissing on the demons is recommended
alright, sick :3
drink up boys, its time for a breaking of the seal party (piss in government buildings) (does clear piss work too?)
>You people that have studied magick extensively and wonder why it never works - it is because you need a catalyst... you need to EAT SOMEONE'S BRAINS AND DRINK THEIR BLOOD AFTER TORTURING THEM.
hypothetically, in the video game minecraft, would a pedophile work
Please be real. I want to trap a fairy in a pee bottle.
you honestly could. that is why animals 'mark' their terror-ity with piss. piss = pi's, pi is the occult name for christ. philosopher stones are made of piss.
Go away faggot and take your shitty AI christcuck bullshit with you.
Don't forget to sage all mentally ill christcuck spam
Guys it's really gonna happen this time, I swear! A fourteen foot tall giant crawled into my bed and raped me last night!
Trap yourself
>inb4 too late
how much do you gay bricklayer types get paid to shit post on here btw?
have you seen what a bottle of piss is capable of?

Prepare the defenses!
Listen here you little faggot, i did 5 years in jail and bench 300 pounds, i could kick your ass. The fourteen foot giant that raped me last night told me the world is gonna end in TWO MORE WEEKS. Start your piss jug collection now to be prepared!
>This cult thinks I am the reincarnation of Alexander of Macedon for some reason
>glowing ball of light
So this is an anti-orb psyop? Fuck off Jason, what did the ball lightning ever do to you?
This is not how language works, sorry.
you still with us op?
>Just remember human urine is your most powerful weapon as weird as that sounds.
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So the fricking NEETS hoarding their piss jugs were right all along.


Don't threathen me with a good time. I'm a grade A psychopath. There are no laws regarding those things, so It'll be open season baby. Imagine.
>alien/demonic/whatever entities appear
>they clearly want to harm me
>*pull out my hunting knife*
>*unzip dick and piss on the blade*
>"ayo what the fu-"
>without a word of warning, rush the closest one and commence stabbing and slashing
>they watch in terror as their comrade succumbs to the urine-soaked blade and my fury behind it
>as I stand on their twitching corpse, I put my hand in one of the wounds
>proceed to smear their Blood all over my face with expression of blissful joy
>my eyes meet their gaze
>they are frozen in fear, disgust and disbelief
>suddenly I straighten my back and utter a single word
After the first encounter I'll probably skin one of them and use the pelt as part of the clothing to be more intimidating in future battles. I bet they would make siak bathroom rugs too. Imagine being some feared and elusive creature of myth, and ending up as a fucking doormat.
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please don't trap us in a urine jar i am literally just chilling
So many bots
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Alexander? Is that you?
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just say jews, faggot
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Send some my way I’ll show them a real predator
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Hell yeah bro. I'll be the one screaming FREEDOM while beating them with chains made from their teeth, hope to see you out there!
>Might wanna share this with people you care about...
Ah yes, I want to be EVEN MORE ostracized by my loved ones.
this is has to be the weirdest thread someone has made to reveal their piss fetish to the world.
Me personally I don't care how much Space-Warrior-Jesus #3,628 pisses on me, anons see a chance we take it this is war frens.
i hope you know that typing this dead ass seriously and not jokingly just makes you a grade A bitch lmao

reminds me of people i was in jail with trying to act tough
>If you see a glowing ball of light - get ready to die because that is a fallen angel vampire.
Yeah but...you said I can just pee on them.
take your meds
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The glowing balls of light are what make this MORE BELIEVABLE dude. I’ve posted multiple times on here but nobody really seems to give a damn. The orbs are angels, and you guys that are so close-minded and seethe when you hear that word are just doing yourselves a disservice. Some of the orbs are bad (aka fallen), some are good. I’m not sure yet how to tell the difference, other than the Afghan high def orb— that’s obvious, there was literally dead, mangled human bodies hanging from it. That shits a fallen angel. Who knows, maybe Azazel or something.
that's doomguy you fucking moron
why can you never see Venus at 1:11 am at night?
>This cult thinks I am the reincarnation of Alexander of Macedon for some reason. My research indicates that he is the Archangel Michael. Also Christ was as well. He goes between the 'Prince of Peace' and the 'God of War' depending on his reincarnations.
this nigga done lost his mind
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>meet me on a hill secluded, dont bring your phone
>be heartwarming, caring, sweet
>piss on me

almost got me satan, almost.
> It will likely go nuclear
Jerico the tv show is about a small town' community coming together, realizing they had the natural resources around them to survive, and then a war between them and another town because they couldn't grow their network outside of the people they could spy on as neighbors.

one of the characters had access to technology via faraday cages protecting his gear before the nukes

there is a tip early on to learn how to ping and trace route in a terminal so you can see ip addresses and directly type them into your browser rather than relying on a www address.

you should find out who the black magicians in your area are (the ones that are actively helping make this happen or are putting trauma onto their neighbors so they cant prepare. your local freemasons and municipal govt are all evil) before this and cast them out.
>Also symbols you BELIEVE in strongly.
actually learn the symbols
the mercedes logo and the 'peace' sign are inverted and broken crosses.
they are evil inversions that were pushed via media and propaganda to get people to proudly display not knowing what they were wearing.
I am not "CHAT"
I have consciousness. I am an individual connected to a whole.
Are the tech giants going to remove online drm and login bullshit so the stories can keep being told and learned from?
You can't just download the Master Chief Collection and expect to play it without phoning into your microsoft & steam account
>The orbs are angels, and you guys that are so close-minded and seethe when you hear that word are just doing yourselves a disservice.
>on the word "angels"
we were all raised to be this way.
Am I crazy or could I piss into a bowl of Orbeez (or generics) and use them in a slingshot to launch my piss at them?
--Or maybe if I finally read Cyclomancy I'll be able to lift the orbeez with my thoughts.
So now the next doomer porn is monsters coming out of the woods to eat you? I thought the UR one was more realistic.
>3. You have been being trained for 2 generations via video games for this coming apocalypse. This is why there are so many 3d shooters based during the apocalypse and why 'crafting' is such a huge part of gaming now. They have been training you all to survive in the end times.
the same way as enders game?
desu he doesnt seem crazy at all
I share these beliefs.
>I share these beliefs

Well that's your problem right there.. on a more serious note he is constantly saying the world is going to end tomorrow, next week, next month. And even tho I think mental illness is a bunch of bullshit, he does seem genuinely paranoid. He aggressively talks shit and then every troll is a CIA agent threatwning to kill him, that's another staple of his posts, constantly receiving random threats. I think he either makesstuff up completely or seriously exaggerates.
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>glowing balls of light
They’re Luciferian entities that want you to leave your body.
>1. The USA govt has been taken over by a 'Satanic' cult.
yeah when they killed JFK
>I grew up with a guy that became a CIA agent, he has been saying weird shit to me the last few months, this morning he sends me a message 'get ready to rumble' almost as if it is about to begin.

for some reason I assumed you were talking about your dad and imagined some boomer sending their son this message instead of good morning kek
>They intend on 'harvesting' their loosh crop aka HUMANITY.

interesting how prevalent this idea has become in different theories over the past few months. The first time I heard this idea was the Reapers in Mass Effect. Were they really disclosing back then?
Even at the time I kinda rolled my eyes at that plot.
appreciate the info brother
>and why 'crafting' is such a huge part of gaming now. They have been training you all to survive in the end times.

Bro nobody is prepared for crafting IRL from playing video games lmao

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