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So, the past few days I've made three threads expanding on some of alawiteanon's revelations & explaining them based on my experience with Alawism as an Alawite from Tartus that comes from a different assembly, different sect, and a different upbringing.

I've said I wouldn't come back again but there are some people who asked important questions which I didn't have the time to answer, plus I had a few fruitful conversations.

Here are the past three threads:


I've also made a discord account if anyone would like to contact me: kafnoon

My golden rule: All sorts of questions are allowed (except, obviously, the personal ones or some things which I deem oathy to reveal), I'll also not be delving too much in questions that have already been fully answered in detail by alawiteanon.
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It’s Alawite time
Gonna post this for you cause it’s interesting
Yawn. Truth is inside. You don't need Alawism with endless narratives into structures of the spiritual or anything. Are you even qualified to answer the question of other humans with infinitely different personal dispositions and cultures? Why did you choose a picture of Padmasambhava for the OP? trying to co-opt gullible anons into your mesh of confusing world views?

Hear me out, ANONS: the only thing you need is silence. Silence with yourself. Silence of thoughts and intellect. Intellectual gluttony will just make you into a know-it-all (enlightened ego) without any REAL transformation. Over and out.
glad to see you back
what are the consquences of killing ones dud and if integration or assimilation (as per Jung) is the "preferred" way, do you have an approach that is actionable immediately- is there a way to do it directly from the cloud? what if you're prevented from getting to it by the dud, how does one get passed it?
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We need to dig deeper into the Scientology/Alawite connection
Look into the Scientology thelemite connection
L Ron achieved Crowleys dreams and it made Crowley seethe
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> All of reality is a winding road downward from the monad, this is a core teaching of the Alawite faith.
Contemplate this wisdom from the previous thread
Well his dream was achieved at least lol
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It is important for any good Alawite to become a benevolent demiurge bring order from random primeval chaos
*and bring
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In this thread, we discuss Alawite and Gnostic movies.
Thank you, anon. I really needed to hear this
i emailed him saying sorry :> hope he replies...
What did you do, my child?
Are you the same person who made the original 7 threads?
when the moon’s shadow dances across the hidden pathways of your inner light, do Alawites ever meditate on the esoteric vibrations of cosmic goat cheese? I mean, not just any cheese, but the kind that harmonizes with the seven invisible chakras that only reveal themselves during solar eclipses… or is that more of a Tuesday thing for you guys?
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Cars for example(Pixar is mostly Alawite), our journey from the pleroma to this prison world is represented by Lightning McQueen getting lost on a random road and ending up in Radiator Springs (the realm of the archons). Though he is held against his will, he finally makes it home, and so can you.
All thing carry the sacred, even cheese

the grand tapestry of existence, where does the existential significance of Radiator Springs intersect with the ontological implications of the Prophet Muhammad's ascension to heaven? Might the rusting of Mater's chassis serve as a poignant allegory for the transience of earthly desires, while Lightning McQueen's pursuit of speed embody the Alawite tradition's emphasis on spiritual ascension?
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Liberate your mind. https://www.dianetics.org/
As we navigate the labyrinthine corridors of postmodern epistemology, how might the ontological singularity of Radiator Springs' main street converge with the gnosis of the Fatimid dynasty's Ismaili traditions? Does the hermeneutic dance of Mater's rusty chassis resonate with the eschatological undertones of the Alawite Imama's role as the 'Hidden Imam'?
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> Might the rusting of Mater's chassis serve as a poignant allegory for the transience of earthly desires
It is important to remember that you are not the mind-body complex but rather the eternal witness.
In the Platonic realm of eternal Forms, what is the ontological status of forgotten socks? Do they exist in a state of liminal being, suspended between the abyss of non-existence and the pleroma of Being? Or do they merely occupy a position within the dialectical spectrum between Being and Nothingness?
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> Lightning McQueen's pursuit of speed embody the Alawite tradition's emphasis on spiritual ascension
Yes, ascend through the seven archonic sphears
> how might the ontological singularity of Radiator Springs' main street converge with the gnosis of the Fatimid dynasty's Ismaili traditions
Ultimately, our hero Lightning was doing the town a service by destroying the old pavement, now with the renovation, cars could travel to the monad with ease.
In the labyrinthine corridors of meta-cosmic consciousness, where does the essence of the Hidden Imam intersect with the quantum fluctuations of the multiverse? And can we find solace in the fact that all of this is probably just a simulation run by bored aliens playing Dungeons & Dragons?
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We should follow the path laid out by the Baha’i faith, and merge the different religions of the world, Scientology, Druze faith, and Zoroastrianism would be a good start. All religions are vehicles to divinity
> Ultimately, our hero Lightning was doing the town a service by destroying the old pavement, now with the renovation, cars could travel to the monad with ease.

Fascinating insight! But tell me, dear sage, how does the pneumatic transcendence of Lightning McQueen's tires relate to the Alawite concept of hulul? Does his ability to traverse the monad represent a form of spiritual ascension akin to the Ismaili notion of ta'lim?
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the Hidden Imam Will bring finality to this archonic realm and show that we are all sparks of the divine
> We should follow the path laid out by the Baha’i faith, and merge the different religions of the world, Scientology, Druze faith, and Zoroastrianism would be a good start. All religions are vehicles to divinity

Indeed, the syncretistic convergence of these traditions could potentially unlock new dimensions of spiritual understanding. But tell me, wise one, how might the emanationist cosmology of the Alawite Tawhid al-Afadiyya inform our comprehension of the Scientologist E-meter's capacity to measure thetans? Could this synergy reveal hidden patterns in the Akashic records, thus facilitating a more efficient traversal of the Bridge to Total Freedom?
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> Does his ability to traverse the monad represent a form of spiritual ascension akin to the Ismaili notion of ta'lim?
Within your mind is the key to traverse the realms, you must realize that you have multiple avatars in different worlds.
4 threads and no I just remade kafnoons thread because his was about to die and he said he’d answer some of my questions so I wanted to keep the vibe going
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> Could this synergy reveal hidden patterns in the Akashic records
We must examine all qualia through divergent lenses to discern the imprints in the astral realm
I am my own god I do not need another idol
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> I am my own god I do not need another idol
Nah, the more the merrier
>sparks of the divine
>Behold! thy Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create man, from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape;
>"When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him."
the most literal and accurate definition is to say we are the breath of God. our bodies are mud.
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Yes, it is our spirits that are destined to go places
“...thought is best when the mind is gathered into herself and none of these things trouble her—neither sounds nor sights nor pain nor any pleasure,—when she takes leave of the body, and has as little as possible to do with it, when she has no bodily sense or desire, but is aspiring after true being[.]"
— Plato, Phaedo, Trans. Benjamin Jowett.
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Study sensory deprivation, once you are decoupled from the mind-body complex, you will be your deepest self and know freedom
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>Nah, the more the merrier
Well that’s why I have all of you my reflection to keep me company

Do Alawites have a Fire Baptism?
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op in a pic
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The air of Allah
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Never alone
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Always a scone ;p
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How to become Alawite?
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It’s a good thing I find my shadow to be extremely sexy >>39106830 >>39106839
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How do spiritual colors make you feel?
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Meditate and you will uncover our dearest collective self
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Nta but as you know everything’s connected
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How Jewish are Alawites?
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Yes, all is mind and we are cells in one being
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I am that being
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The four elements are the qualia our mental universe is made out of
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We all are
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Never forget that we were forced down the road to the kenoma trap world
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Nah just a way to spend infinity
Feed into negative thinking and you feed into a negative reality
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Disagree, we need to go back
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Sorry friend we are multiverse traveling beings that collapse our linearity from infinity via a feed back loop of patterns we hold onto
You are what you eat
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We must prefect our reading of auras
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That’s what archons would have you believe
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Jews are a flavor of the same religion as Alawites
Hey man I’m a god of my realities (not perfected yet) whatever I’m saying may be bullshit to you or in general but it works for me if you want to think it’s not a feed back loop you can feed into the feed back loop of it not being one and so it shall be for you but your reality is your personal journey as the infinite exploring itself not everyone’s
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> personal journey as the infinite exploring itself not everyone’s
Eventually, all shall be free
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Well It’s my bedtime, I hope y’all find enlightenment. Be sure to study. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alawites
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A torus is a feed back loop
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I’m not sure if he spoke about it directly might be forbidden to but we talked about it and how he’s passionate about it as it’s where gnosis lays
Did yiu to gaze upon the flower of life
the snake eating its own tail
everything is eternal
there is no inside outside
rolling and tumbling
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Forgot this link
Almost forgot to check yah too
fucking weird dude
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Oh shit now I got to check myself
Isn’t it glorious
i keep goingback to it but it is too overwhelming, layer after layer after layer
Life is an onion unfold the glory
mere droplets swirling in the whirlpool of oblivion..

wtf i feel like it is swirling me
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Psychedelic isn’t it
I am currently super invested in the ":>" drama, are you in here? Did he forgive you?
Stop giving this guy attention. He is very controversial in Sweden.
tell us more anon
Can't. This guy will sue your ass if you criticize him. You have to beat around the bush. Ask on Sverigetråden on /int/.
proof or didn't happen
>He is very controversial in Sweden.
>Can't. This guy will sue your ass if you criticize him. You have to beat around the bush. Ask on Sverigetråden on /int/.
Tell us more

If you're saying the truth, what's his full name in Sweden? Give us some hints on his reputation. And if there is a way to contact you privately either through Telegram or E-Mail, that would be great.
Nobody knows jack shit about him, not even what he looks like
>Alawite AMA 2.0 thread 4
where can i find alawite songs and other mateiral? hard to find on the net, any specific site or term to use?

No fucking way that's him bro, his name is originally in Arabic (Iskandar) and it's not even in English. How the fuck is that him?? The voice doesnt even fit and alawiteanon is in stockholm and he works in an electronic shop, hes in his 30s, this guy isnt

Give stronger proof lmao

OP isnt the original kafnoon, its another guy impersonating him. Kafnoon/the original author of these threads disappeared since yesterday, prolly cuz of trolls. heres his discord: kafnoon
can you repost what was posted?

Search up Alexander Williamson on Youtube, the swedish channel that appears with a guy who likes the beta snapchat filter is the one that anon sent.

If thats alawiteanon then im donald trump lmao
Kek same
from this I understand the makings of cults better. general esoteric statements that pertain to some base reality universally experienced. however, I'd wager I've received more bay'ah (pledge, kneeling, kissing hand, placement on forehead) than both alawiteanon and kafnoon combined... so maybe they should follow my example.

alawiteanon made the entire board suck him off for months, kafnoon is just starting his arc. shut up faggot
they've never had someone kneel to them physically while formally pledging their allegiance and never will.

and none did to ur stinky ass either u larpfag
:> femanon are you lurking? tell us please if he forgives you I am furiously invested in this
hasbillahi ash-shaheed
Can't say for sure but I think she's in her mid or late teens

so a kid, nice. anon has every reason to block her lol
well if it is kat she was in her mid twenties
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Alawite motherfuckers!!!
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Gooooooooo science!!!
Has to be a kid (or someone as gullible as a kid) to be interested in the discord cult lmao
I’m op and I’m not pretending to be kaf that’s some shit poster
I just made this thread cause the last thread died while I was waiting on jag to answer my questions which he avoided but said he would
Probably some broken 14-23yr old girl plenty of them on here
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Alawite is alaright! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alawites
Your mom is a broken 14-23yr old girl
My mom didn’t even have me until she was 40 and didn’t think she could have kids
Nice try nerd I’m a miracle
> Nice try nerd I’m a miracle
is kat the :< girl?
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Yup I was also prophesied by my father before I was born
I’m like gods special reflection UuU
> Yup I was also prophesied by my father before I was born
[Dubious discus]
I love 14-23yr old girls, not as much as goats though
Prayed for a sun got a sun when my mom was past having kids then had visions of me in a firery cave surrounded by women in African garb doing some sort of ritual over a guy on an alter
Then mom got preggo and out I came

He dipped and was a con man pos so it’s probably bullshit but it got me heavily into the occult which lead me to the essoteric golden doctrine that hides between all threads and now I am
> Prayed for a sun got a sun
Did they get a moon too?
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Ew 19-25 are good ages though
> essoteric golden doctrine that hides between all threads and now I am
We need a perinnialism thread
Nah but I got a cube and in it the world
> Ew 19-25 are good ages though
Yes, at least for human females.
Yah it’s the shape of the moon ;)
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The cube represents Nibiru and Saturn
Idk what heberu has to do with this but the whole Saturn thing is just what sheep wanting to be goats are fed to believe
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They are both false heavens, you must escape kenoma to get to the real heaven.
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Thinking you need to escape is a prison you put yourself into
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Nah this world is prison
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You are this world congrats you dun played yourself
If that were true, we would have freed ourselves
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I’m crushing myself?
are alawite threads the new nobody threads now?
I was always the nobody
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You’re gonna have a good laugh when you find out you’ve had the keys in your pocket the entire time
> you’ve had the keys in your pocket the entire time
Must be different mes
he hasn't replied my email yet
>alawiteanon made the entire board suck him off for months
show pussy and i'l get it solved
I like pussies, tasty
show asshole and i'll get it solved
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All is mind
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My evilmaxing days are over. I will only be a good Alawite from now on.
I am that I am
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For your education https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW-Nrgv-zk8
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There are hundreds of species of religious mushrooms. These mushrooms contain a substance called psilocybin. One key mushroom in called the “hidden imam”, consumption of this mushroom is a traditional Alawite practice. A quick path to enlightenment is to go into a dark room, consume 5g of the hidden imam, and wear sound canceling headphones. Peace be upon you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybin
Bump I want to know if they fuck in the end
Hey have you read Oswald Spengler's Decline of The West? The book talks exhaustively about Islam and it's near peers in the region so it'd be a good read if you haven't.
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Looking forward to it ;)
kat are you really posting in these threads?
Go back to discord
show tits and i'll get it solved
Rip Kaf
Mosad shit post him to death
>Scientologist E-meter's capacity to measure
It measures charge. Not thetans. The thetans are the guy sitting there holding the cans and the other one reading the needle. Dianetics Today! (1975) is a good introduction to the technology, free pdf at stss.nl/materials

What is the Alawite theory of Evil?

How many Eternal principles?
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The eternal principal is the monad (I am)from which we came, evil is when we fall from this principle( like Lightning McQueen getting lost in Radiator Springs), this is why the demiurge is the ultimate evil.
The 9 worlds of Norse Mythology are the 9 planets in our solar system. Yggdrasil is the Milky Way. The various non-human races in the Eddas are aliens. Do you agree?
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Traditional Alawite cosmology includes the Kabbalist tree of life, the 9 worlds of Yggdrasil are the 9 Sefirot minus jesod
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Of course the fastest way to enlightenment is to consume the “hidden imam”
I just would like to clarify that neither the OP nor the KafPoon are me, neither is the non-trip code KafNoon troll. I haven't posted a reply to this thread up until now.

I'll be permanently stopping making any threads since it got raided with trolls, this will be the first and last reply I make to this thread, if anyone has unanswered questions from me, my Discord is kafnoon and my E-Mail is thekashfiilumination@gmail.com. Do not expect any replies on this thread from me since I will not be checking it out again.

Farewell 4Chan.
nobody gives a fuck
fuck off permanently
> be permanently stopping making any threads
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oh no he's upset
anons how many times do i have to tell you not troll kids
4chan disappoints me

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Sorry to see you go friend
I like tits, good for fondling lovingly and nourishing with
Blue eisenhower november
This thread has been very enlightening. Some kids want to be astronauts, and others want to be firefighters, but I always wanted to be an internet Alawite super missionary.

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