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Do you become energetically or spiritually contaminated if you have sex with another person? Is there a cleaning procedure like when you cleanse a house with incense? I'm not talking about STDs but energetic attachments.
~7 years
Those girls better hope they get my stank off them
Yes, it's called a bath.
i'd like to know as well and i veer on the side that my first guy does have some sort of impact on me. feels like soul imprinting in the most bizarre way, as I haven't really tried to dwell on him in years and suddenly get "signs" from universe sort of drip feeding me his name or past work places, interests etc. really spooky desu bump for interest
You become spiritually and energetically connected, yes.
How? Define it. By what means? Is it skin to skin contact? Then hugging is as dangerous as sex. Is it the exchange of fluids? Then blood donations, kissing, and drinking after someone else is just as bad as sex. Is it sexual arousal? Then merely feeling mutual desire is sufficient.
nta but I don't think it's that simple or anywhere near the same. like out of all the guys I have been with only one sticks out to me. it just kind of is what it is anon.
It's an emotional bond
Demons can transmit sexually just like STDs.
Men give energy and women receive energy. Women are far more prone to attachments which is why concepts of virginity, purity etc all apply to them. There is literal semen residue in their wombs, the dna stays in her. Microchimerism is the ultimate blackpill on women.
Soul ties can be broken
are there any consequences for this?
>the dna stays in her
If that were true couldn't a woman have sex once and get pregnant repeatedly for the rest of her life without having sex ever again?
>Is there a cleaning procedure like when you cleanse a house with incense?
yes it's called a selenite stick pipebomb combined with meditating on your spiritual body and having cleanliness in your thoughts and heart. In general if you feel rather emotional or dont have self control then youre more likely to create trouble for yourself and others.

It depends on the nature of the tie and how it was established. If your spirit has free navigation then a thought or a strong enough emotional impulse can cause it to navigate. You might have unconscious memories that steer these impulses, cause you to affect other spirits or their body. Your own personal behaviour is responsible for this even if you are ignorant of it.

A very simple solution to breaking ties is to take grounded action. If someone is bad for you then cast them out. If someone abuses you then leave. The most potent banishment is a physical boot to the ass. Do that before esoteric shit.

If you find yourself still bothered by nonphysical problems, they indicate defects in your personality, decisionmaking or energetic shell. Fix it.

Lastly, it's better to practice preparation than cleaning up after the fact. If you feel a wave of emotion, be a waveguide to center and purify it. Ensure your spiritual self does not act on it. Act from stillness instead.

An example from my own path: there were moments were waves of murky energy became apparent in the body. They were kind of low level indulgences. Trying to pull or guide the focus of the energy up did not work and I had to resign in accepting that they were not ready. Across me was a rather grumpy and annoyed old spirit with a familiar face, who merely hinted I should be patient. If a wave of lovey-dovey or amgry or whatever washes over you, identify the source and ground it. Even if you physically do nothing your spirit can act.

The truth is that the solution is in your perspective and ability to understand or imagine what the problem is.
Explained like a good dad
They live rent free in your soul
>Is there a cleaning procedure like when you cleanse a house with incense?
>contract spiritual aids
>no spirit wants to be near you
peace of mind
Do condoms block the entanglement magic? I plapjaked in college but always used a condom
He thinks because there was a study done on house flies where this occurred that it's the same for human females. Never mind that the human vagina cleans and flushes itself, nope, that means that baby isn't really your baby, it's actually ex boyfriend number 3's from 15 years ago.
>you might inadvertently absorb your partner's trauma, insecurities and fears
>This isn't from conversations this is magic sex energies or something
>when you have no actual knowledge of a topic but you're deep in midwit dunning-kruger land and you MUST share your ignorance with the world

>In humans (and perhaps in all placental mammals), the most common form is fetomaternal microchimerism (also known as fetal cell microchimerism or fetal chimerism) whereby cells from a fetus pass through the placenta and establish cell lineages within the mother. Fetal cells have been documented to persist and multiply in the mother for several decades.
>Several studies have identified male DNA in the brains of both humans and mice who have previously been pregnant with a male fetus

We frankly have no real idea what effect these cells have, but it's accepted fact that any woman who has been pregnant - not given birth, just been pregnant even if that pregnancy ended in miscarriage or abortion - carries DNA from the male who impregnated her, possibly permanently. A woman who has had multiple abortions with multiple men LITERALLY has DNA from all of those men quote "persisting and multiplying in her brain".

Again, what exactly this means is unknown as this is relatively recent research and teasing out the effects is a very complex and lengthy process but we do know beyond any doubt that this is something that happens.
The blackpill was seeing the family coalburner's child's dna test results. The only child that has african dna. Welcome to weimar.
>n= is Wikipedia
Anon was the N all along.
Women receive an impression since they are the receiver. Men, it doesn't matter. Men are higher/the giver. The giving force can fill an infinite amount of receptacles. A receptacle gets tarnished once it is filled by something. Hence, virginity was so valued
That says fetuses pass some of their cells to their mother. It does not say when a dude nuts in a lady his DNA haunts her cootchie.
it could say whatever the fuck it wants but how could you find out for yourself?
>out of all the guys I have been with
so how many you've been with? 10? 20+? what a whore
your opening post implies it's possible to have connection with modern women. false
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After 12 years of nutting in my wife she has become very reasonable and has come to even think like me and use logic like I do

I think I've shot so much of my DNA into her at this point that she's become an extension of my will
>itt sluts coping
No one said the egg was fertilised by residual sperm that some guy years ago shot inside you before throwing you to the curb.
But the DNA remains in women and has some effect on the child. This is why virginity and purity are prized in women, these concepts are exclusively for women but in this satanic upside down world we equate a pure man with a pure woman when its obviously not the same.
When a man orgasms, he's drained of energy whereas a woman is revitalised. Where do you think that energy comes from? As above, so below.
>he doesn't understand how to check wikipedia sources
Imagine being this retarded. See those little numbers scattered though wiki articles? Those are called "citations". If you click on them, you will be shown where information is being obtained for an article. Since this is new for you, I'll do it for you this time, but make sure to remember this the next time you try to pretend that you can dismiss facts just because they're listed on a site you don't like.

>Male fetal progenitor cells persist in maternal blood for as long as 27 years postpartum.

>Long-Term Fetal Microchimerism in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Subsets in Healthy Women and Women With Scleroderma

>Pregnancy-Associated Progenitor Cells Differentiate and Mature into Neurons in the Maternal Brain

Where do you think the cells in a fetus come from?
imprinting is so hard to deal with. I wish this world people could easily find their forever person, and these trials and errors in finding my person is exhausting. I keep getting synchronizes or maybe someone is "gangstalking me" to fuck with me to inadvertently think of him though could be just heavy coincidences. it's really spooky at times though
why does it matter? no not that many but I guess it only takes one to be considered so anyway
> I keep getting synchronizes or maybe someone is "gangstalking me" to fuck with me to inadvertently think of him though could be just heavy coincidences. it's really spooky at times though

And this is why men put such emphasis on desire for some level of purity. This is proof your central nervous system is completely wrecked and there is very little chance of a man entering divine and ecstatic union with you for higher transcendence.

I suggest you ask forgiveness for your jezebel whore instincts, spend time practising celibacy, meditate and do yoga, keeping your mind pure and filled with thoughts of God instead of begging for dick everytime you ovulate.
that's a lot of projection there anon. i've already been doing all of that. what's your body count?
Clearly you haven't because your pussy is quite literally haunted by ghosts of dicks that nutted in you and left.
My body count is irrelevant because I am a man.
it's haunted by one dick if anything. also why assume i have been nutted in, does it really count if condoms are involved? ever heard of pull out method? your body count is still relevant if you are a man lol. why are you making things up
>ever heard of pull out method?
Listen here whore, doesnt matter if he pulled it out and nutted on your stomach. On the astral plane, your soul got penetrated, and he left demonic entities inside you that's quite literally bending your reality to create synchronicities. And it probably weren't just him either, there's probably more of them that were filled with pure lust in their hearts when they used your body to masturbate with.

Furthermore, body count is irrelevant for men because its women that are the ones that are penetrated. You are the ones that get ruined by sex, who absorb energy and all sorts of other astral junk from the man, not the other way around. In history this was well understood, the term adultery refers specifically to men fucking married women, men who fucked others wives were viewed with utter contempt precisely because they were ruining women, nothing of consequence happens to the man. Only today thanks to retarded leftist "everything is a social construct" types do you seriously think men and women are the same, so concepts of purity and virginity are applied equally and held to same standards. On top of being a cursed whore you are also utterly brainwashed, your insides are fucked by monstrous forces and you dont even know how to traverse your way out of this. My suggestion is to contact wrathful deities in the hindu/buddhist pantheons, theyre the only ones who'd be willing to go slaughter whatever demons are living in the lining of your womb. Good luck, i really do hope you find one man to make happy with your professional dick sucking skills till the end of time.
dude, lmao. I actually do have a spirit bf and he brings me a lot of comfort actually. i'm actually pretty fine with that.
>has spirit bf
>claims to be practising celibacy and purification
>also wants to find forever one
You are a retard
well, physical world I haven't had sex in years. maybe spirit guy is forever love, but also I've been told the spirit guy could just be myself like in my dreams for example, but idk about that. i admit i am quite retarded but thanks for trying to say you hope it gets better for me in your previous reply. I appreciate it.
Spirit guy is just loneliness cope, probably doing more harm than good in terms of your ability to attract an actual human. Probably more of a deterrent than the ghosts in your pussy. Have you considered maybe its this tulpa that's fucking with you?
Yes, that's why when I eat a chicken sandwich I spurt feathers and lay eggs, because their genetics are mine. You contrarians are so quick to
>trust the science
when it gives you an avenue to disparage an out group you dislike.
This however is why it is better to remain a virgin
You know what's funny? You're actually sort of right. Slaughtered nimals have a certain "sticky" astral body that latches to you.
Furthermore you're on /x/, no ones using science here you dork, wtf was scientific about what i said
Imagine posting scientific data on /x/.
Regretfully, I have come to discover this.
it is probably loneliness cope, but couldn't we say the same in finding comfort and love with someone in the physical? I don't know if my spirit guy is necessarily a tulpa, I have only gone on those threads a handful of times so I'm not too familiar. I mean, to me, it could even be someone from another reality/universe who has succeeded in communication in my/our reality. I don't think who i am in cahoots with with necessarily an incubus or tulpa. the guy appears in so many dreams, leaves physical gifts and changes my biology(possibly)
why do you regret it?
after sex i definitely feel "altered" mentally and it usually involves taking on emotions or traumas of my partners, i blame having sex while really high and now i can sense energies. they feel stuck in my body and mind to process by myself
>im a girl btw
File deleted.
when i feel the entities in my soul (they feel like millions of little sperm demons its hard to explain but theyre writhing chaos gremlins)i have either thrown up, meditated, or taken a long hot shower. while processing, i feel a mill or grinder in the left half of my brain, I think it has something to do with Christ. interestingly ive noticed that they makes excellent fuel for creative exercises like drawing once processed, i think it has something to do with the excessive transmuted yang energy. i will be exploring this more in the future as its a recent discovery (picrel it feels like a horn growing out of my forehead once processed)
> Do you carry the energy signature of every sexual partner and vice versa?
Yes, this is why you must be contained op

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