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I've literally have been seening satanic imagery and pentagrams inside a PMV hypno videos online. Who keep putting this shit in these videos? It seems like a lot of these video editors are involved in somekind of black magic. Redpill me on this?

I can find links for you if you need more proof
I love how it needed to clarify "also male" cause of how degenerate you niggas are that you would get off to this
Just watch the first several seconds. There's nothing sexual as long as you don't go past the 30 second mark but there is indeed some rather bizarre imagery

I regret ever getting into this disgusting BNWO filth but I need 4chan anons help to telling me WHY THE FUCK THEY WOULD PUT THAT SHIT IN THESE PORN VIDEOS? There is something really fishy and wrong with porn. I may even argue it's evil.
> I keep seeing weird shit in my weird sicko fetish vids
Seriously consider killing yourself.
Another strange and demonic porn video that's disguised as something else practically straight up tells you it's occult and demonic


Pic related because it's the message that pops up at the beginning of this video

Really strange shit. I'm curious how does this magic work?
>find a suspicious rabbit
>oy vey please don't look into this further

Fuck off demonic pedo kike. Keeps burying your head in the sand while demons tear your world apart. You're just some triple vaxx normie tard who thinks everything is fine with modern society. People like you are sick. Even worse is that you don't give people who have this ill demonic sickness a second chance to redeem themselves from this evil. I haven't jerked off to this disgusting shit ever since discovering this shit.
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This is the best post in this shit tier thread
Ok buddy, go watch some more BBC hypno you degenerate scum.
>Fuck off demonic pedo kike
I'm a negro
Disgusting niggerlover
You are a fucking bluepilled normie faggot. Why do you post her newfag? This shit practically proves that jews are using MKULTRA shit to brainwash people of all races into merging into one

>But my safe space??
Go back to plebbit if you're so sensitive, you r/donald refugee. You fags can only bury your head into sand for so long until everyone around is brown or mixed when you reach 80. I'm at least pointing this out. I can't believe I'm stuck on this site with these soft weak newfags. We are literally engaged in a spiritual war with demons. Oh but please tell me how voting will get us out of this situation
>watches degenerate black porn
"muh satans"
>It's wrong to point this shit out

I can believe you faggots are so sensitive. Keep doing nothing while your rich elites destroy your country. You fags are honestly worse than the normies. You can't even look evil in the face because you're too scared. At least normies can hide behind the "not knowing" excuse.
Kek this thread has brought in the insecure incels. Good job OP
How can you guys be such soft pussies?
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If you knew how to read you would see that's exactly what I'm pointing out you fucking moron but you're too much of a retard that your picture becomes more of a self report than anything. Now go back to sitting quietly in the thread
People who stick their heads in sand are in for a rude awakening soon
Serious question: does OP's image have any truth to it?
Did you not see OP's post? That's literally the point. This is some MKULTRA shit done by the CIA.
Probably. There's 100% something demonic about porn. Normal fapping might be ok as long as you don't over do it
some other LARPing retard
You didn't read the thread. You're a brainlet who opened his mouth without adding anything of note. Too bad that's all you'll amount too.
Why should I visit a site called hypnotube?
What do you want to accomplish?
>watch over 9000 hours of BNWO hypnoporn
>"Oh no, my fellow anons will think I'm a degenerate. I need to make up an excuse quickly."
Keep doing your own research!
This shit is funded by the government. Don't listen to the shills in the thread, they're fucking retards who lack the intelligence to comprehend the fact that we are at war. They would rather post on 4chan in their underwear then actually do something to prevent their future DNA merging with niggers and browns. The government is legitimately trying to exterminate us
I never said I watched over 1000 hours of this shit. Is this some kind of projection? Is that why you guys can't discuss this? It reminds you of all of the times you fap to this garbage? Also I'm staying away from this shit but that doesn't mean I won't point it out.

Exactly what have you done? Besides cry online about niggers like an impotent cuck?
Yeah, I'm burying my head in the sand for not clicking you bbc hypno link you soulless cuck. I already know everything your saying in this thread without ever having been a degenerate gooner who fantasizws about nigger cock, but I'm a vaxced normie for making fun of you for being a retarded faggot? Cope harder bitch
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You make zero sense. I can't believe you newfags are getting dumber and dumber by the year. Go back to being an ultra vaxxed good goy slave who thinks MKULTRA doesn't exist.
Then why reply to the thread? You all are even gayer than OP because revealing how angry this shit makes you makes you all look like closeted degen coomers yourself.
>has no comback or retort

Thanks for the concession, retard.
>look at my sassy black woman style reaction image

Go back to twitter, faggot
What's even worse is they keep bumping the thread for more anons to discover. Do these retards know how this site works?
What do you expect? They're newfags who have inferiority complexes over niggers kek. They want 4chan to stay their safe space where nothing is wrong and everyone is "happy"
My theory is that these content creators are not actual dark magicians, but they themselves have been exposed to the real deal, and they either completely plagiarize it, knowingly leave memes, or crudely copy the format in order to look legit.

Stop messing around with psychoactive media, OP.
Kill yourself schizo retard cumbrain niggerdick loving faggot
so much schizo nonsense that has originated from those 5 seconds of pleasure
Cope harder porn loving faggots
You're correct it's a dark rabbit hole that I should just ignire and thank you for being one of the most reasonable anons in the thread
Why do you people get butthurt over what others say and do? You're crying about him posting porn and jerking off or whatever but then you constantly obsess over that aspect. Why care? Just leave the thread then? This thread is full of projecting insecure incel coomers who are addicted porn blaming each other
>watching black fetish porn
if you ever even got to a point where you CONSIDERED watching that, kys
You ARE OP faggot
Samefag kys
Have you ever considered just hiding the thread? No? That's because you're a degenerate cuck coomer like OP. At least Op is upfront with his fetish. You on the other hand is still living in a cuck closet. I have even less respect for cowards than I do for degenerates.
The people denying randomly your observations are Jew Shills who absolutely know what's going on. I just converted to Christ recently and my eyes are open to how much demonic shit is shoehorned everywhere! They will lose.

>Captcha MK8KY
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Magician’s orders: Stop watching porn and keep your hands above your hips unless you’re wiping your ass. Do that for a year and you will be in a much better place. Every other choice is up to you.
Don't know about the other anons. I was just pointing out it's funny how the primal instinct to enjoy cooming has caused so much schizo tomfoolery throughout the centuries.
>everyone who disagrees with me is secretly OP

Sure thing buddy
>most people on this board would agree that porn is dangerous and used for control
>but if you don't click my degenerate hypno porn link you're buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
This shit glows.
Based and thank you for understanding. It's weird how this shit has always been infront of our eyes for so long. Once you start to notice it, it really starts to change your whole world view. It's not just porn. It's in everything. We all are fighting a spiritual war and most don't even know it.
>Hey guys I saw something weird in my sissy black gay hypno porn please investigate.
Either great bait or actual retard.
>watches jewish produced niggerdick worship
>claims to be a “spiritual warrior”
Then don't click on it. I only posted those them because I knew someone was gonna ask for proof. Why even be in this thread besides making yourself look like a fool who makes shit up? Go take your pathetic over exaggerating lies else where. I swear retards like you are why nobody will listen to any of our arguments on why jews are bad. You just make shit up and discredit the rest of us. You might as well being a kike yourself
Never said I was spirtual warrior. I said we're all involved in a spiritual war. Read next time
Ahhh, the "act like a raving lunatic while aligning with the sites views" flag. Tried and true. Why do you want people to click the link so bad Rabbi?
Shut the fuck up cuck
This thread is full of weird insecure retards. What I find funny is how they reveal how much this porn gets underneath their skin by getting so angry they can't even read any of the post so they just make shit up.
>they reveal how much this porn gets underneath their skin
>in a thread about how this shit is evil, which OP is right about
Not really our fault that OP is just now figuring this out
Or what, incel? Gonna cry? I could be the biggest cuck degenerate faggot on the planet and yet I could still get more pussy than you. I bet you never even gotten laid and you probably blame women for why they don't want your ugly fat ass.
BNWO shit is definitely some hypersigil. White men are demonically sacrificing their seed and it's making white women desire black men. There's even been tiktok trends about snowbunnies and girls lipsyncing "i want bbc". Not to mention all the stuff on mainstream media and advertising
I never said that I want people to click the link. Jesus christ dude. That single link was enough to completely mind break your fragile ass. How soft are you? Just ignore it then. And of course you can't read any posts either without foaming at the mouth because god forbid someone says something that doesn't fit your safe space. You pussy faggots are the reason why the world is so shitty right now
Alright alright. I was just trolling you, but I feel the need to back off a bit because I gotta warn you. You are right with this thread, but the guy replying and patting your ego? He's the devil on your shoulder. Take what you've learned and run. People are reacting in disgust to what you posted because that his the natural reaction. Him saying that's an overreaction is going to lead you away from this important to discovery you made.

Be well, friend.
Go jerk off to nigger dick tranny or jamal wont let you have any more of his cummies. Ye ur right, im vaxed, fat and never got laid, dont have any kids, havent gotten pussy ever, whatever helps you sleep after watching bbc cuck nwo hypno you literal worthless waste of DNA
Shhhh don't say that or you're gonna make all the 4chan beta losers seethe. They definitely have to be jerking off to this shit in private. It's the only explanation why they get so mad that they can't even read anyone's posts. These faggots who bury their heads in the sand are the reason why we're gonna go extinct. We would be better off if we just threw these losers in the ocean because they'll never fight back, they'll never do anything to help the white race besides project and seethe. They're more useless than the normies.
Thanks to this psyop whites will never become full blown fascists in this lifetime, a lesser evil necessary to stop a greater evil /pol/fags seethe about it
Thank you. That's probably one of more reasonable posts I've gotten in this thread. It's just hard not to notice and point out all the anti white demonic shit that's in everything nowadays.
Didn't you read my post? I'm not jerking off to it anymore after finding this shit out. So what's wrong with someone wanting to redeem and fix his life? If we can't forgive each other for falling into temptation and degeneracy because of demons. Then we will never win this battle. You can seethe about porn or whatever but this shit isn't going away until we actually come together and fight back instead of attacking each other
Hypothetically speaking does similar stuff exist for other sigils in other type of porn? Like if I havr an ulterior motive for shilling another feitsh would that work?
It's unfortunate that it's so hard to have an actually reasonable discussion on this without retards mindlessly getting mad. I understand their anger and disgust. But ignoring it isn't an option anymore. We need to go on the offensive and start pointing this stuff out to the normies. I mean I wish I could just pretend it isn't real either but that isn't reality anymore.
Yup. Does anyone know a good way to spot hypersigils? That might be a dumb question considering they can be completely hidden or embedded inside said products
If you could peer into the astral plane and see this stuff it'd be some lovecraftian monster type shit going on, and no doubt a bunch of anons are into this stuff which is why theyre seething
The biggest one by far is the tranny stuff. A good proportion of trannies, especially the older ones that dont even pass, end up like that because of porn designed to feminise you. All porn feminises you but the tranny hypno stuff actually does it with a specific outcome
Incest stuff too i'd put in this category
probs more too idk, it doesnt have to be specific just about warping your sexuality and numbing you to the point of impotence
If you fixate on something and have obsessive thoughts about it then its probably a hypersigil, egregore or something. Its everywhere these days, Marketing and PR is all about hypersigils, every company logo is a sigil, think of the nike tick and how it feels wearing it
Most are harmless, you're not really losing much because you chose to buy nike instead of something else
Best post in the thread. Some good shit to know. Thanks anon.
Ok but I mean if a symbol exists for other fetishes can I fap to that and fuel it manifesting into reality to cause accelerated collapse?
>no doubt a bunch of anons are into this stuff which is why theyre seething

This might sound like a sick projection but I feel like way more people are into this sick fetish than we really think, they're just too ashamed or scared to admit it. I don't blame them. It takes a ton of courage to point this shit out. I wonder how many people are actually into this shit? I bet we had some kind statistic that shows everyone in the world who is helplessly addicted to shit then we would see how much this shit is really being pushed on us.
Appreciate it anon
If that's what you wish to do with your short and precious life, sure, go for it
Probably more than you think, but still not that much. Anons on this basket weaving forum though is a different thing. Im sure a lot of people are somewhat aware of it from meme culture and connecting some dots. There is the reality of the virtual however that doesnt really relate to actual reality that much. Thinker thinks and prover proves, if you look for it, then it'll look like its everywhere.
"Why does my porn which is a tool of satan have satan imagery"
Idk man maybe you went too deep into porn and satan doesn't even try too hard anymore or something
no, op is obviously just a closeted homosexual who likes black man but cant deal with his feelings in a normal way.
You're a retard who doesn't know how to read. Did a nigger fuck your crush or something? Is that why you can't handle a normal discussion on this topic?
seems like my post hit a little to close to home.
who cant handle what not little boy, watch your language when speaking to adults.
You're still impotently screeching huh? No wonder niggers makes you nervous. Now go away newfag
Because fetishes like these are fueled by the thrill that comes from transgression and loss of control. Adding satanic and otherwise occult imagery is just another layer of this. Either that or the creator being edgy. Simple as
You're not going to sell your soul to Satan by jerking off to a brainrot porn clip because it has a flashing pentagram for 2 seconds. If anything you've already sold it by watching this kind of shit in the first place
>literally called "hypno"
>why are they trying to play with my psyche bros??
What's the point in hiding it then? Or making it briefly seen to the point where only the noticers would see it?
Most people would notice it and it makes the video seem exactly like somebody's shitty idea of what subconcious programming may look like. It's designed to fulfill the coomer fantasy of giving up control and getting reprogrammed into a faggot drone. I know it because I do have this shitty degenerate fetish. But 95% of these videos have almost nothing to do with actual hypnosis or subconcious programming and probably less than 1% are anywhere close to the actual thing
OP be like: https://youtu.be/QjidbxN6geg?si=4f5n7-5HYaIW4zc8
Daily reminder that 99% of those who watch BNWO are trans
Then why does it turn all the gooners into trannies?
All trannies were coomers
Because it has sissification themes? It's a porn addiction rabbit hole when you need stronger and stronger fantasies to keep you excited and associate pleasure with extreme shit. Feminisation is also a fantasy. You need neither magic or hypnosis for this to happen over time

It likely also has something to do with the fact that if you're spending hours daily admiring hot women and cocks, but get no action yourself, something might eventually click in your brain that makes you gradually want to become one. But that's just a lose theory
There is something very weird about it.

If you have found yourself becoming addicted to this stuff, it usually is because you are possessed. Doing a full parasite cleanse and quitting porn for at least two weeks but ideally a month will usually clear your system and you'll get yourself back.
That sounds retarded. Yes a large portion are probably trannies but there's tons of typical male cucks and fags who are into this trash. It's ignorant to say this is just troons when you got cucks/fags/jews/chink/pajeets/coping blacks who watch this shit and oush it onto others
How do you fight the intrusive thoughts that bombard you?
By raising your vibrations.
>that's just a lose theory
I thini you're correct. This all is mostly the fault of porn and brainwashing propaganda embedded in our television and film and commercials and video games
What does that mean exactly? How do I do that or get better at raising my vibrations?
If you raise your vibrations enough you will transform into a saint and have no intrusive thoughts because intrusive thoughts are caused by low vibrations in your mind. It's not straightforward because there's an illusory false light as part of the maya's duality construct that is weak and useless and then there's the real light that is the opposite. You have to learn to discern the real light from the false light or raising your vibrations won't do any good.
no one can measure their vibrations so how would you know? it is a subjective "feeling" that means different things to different people, the only people who can really check your vibrations are scientologists with these probes you hold in your hands them someone else reads the meter and when they go up the thing you are thinking about is suppost to be a supressed memory from a past lifetime
Dont listen to the "muh vibrations" new age fags who have no idea what theyre talking about.

This is how it works.
Pic rel is a pretty accurate depiction, but the twist is you created that entity yourself, with your thoughts. You have one coomer thought, then another, then another, till it becomes obsessive. This is a thoughtform, the thought form evolves into a parasitic junk spirit that feeds on your coomer thoughts, it needs more and more, when you ejaculate you're giving it a lot more power, and eventually it gains a degree of autonomy and fucks you up.

The solution is very simple. You starve it to death. Stop having coomer thoughts, stop engaging with those thoughts. If the thought pops up, simply observe it until it dies down by itself. Meditation is going to be absolutely key, because you are trying to control your mind. Once you starve it of its thoughts it'll eventually die on its own. You can use magic such as sigils, banishing energies using LBRP, anything you like, but what's crucial is cutting off the food supply of coomer entities, which is coomer thoughts.

finally, you must also introspect. Why do you engage in coomer behaviour? You will find that you have natural needs and passions, which you are fulfilling in negative ways. Redirect those passions and desires into more productive methods. Are you doing it because you crave intimacy? Then go out and talk to real women, fulfil the desire the way its meant to. Never accept the fake, only the real.

Good luck anon.
What this anon is talking about is love vs lust, and I don't just mean romantic lust. Lust for power, fame, wealth, the list goes on. These are cravings, or attachments as Buddhists call them. The goal of most spiritual learning in general is discernment because when you know where your craving comes from you can consciously counter it. Fear is the shadow of love. We fear the things that negate the things we love. We hate the things that support or lead to our fears, as a means of acting upon them. We lust for the things that negate the things we hate. Follow the chain within yourself and you may find freedom, but only if you are selflessly guided by love and truth.

The subjectivity of feelings is the result of small differences in the models by which we interpret the world, caused by any number of factors such as biology or culture. Thus we overcome subjectivity by making static and highly specific models that are easily duplicated.

Yes, Scientologists use a model of that sort, but it's not well grounded in understood/certain principles which ultimately makes its interpretation subjective. The amount you trust it is the amount you trust the musics of a fantasy author according to your model of the world.

And yet I disagree even further, because there are means by which we can measure vibrations. After all, we can relay vibrations through text and they can be interpreted with surprising accuracy via AI. Some of the very first research applications of ANNs in the field of NLP were centered around the emotional categorization for text, a big component of the problem. Since then we've ground by leaps and bounds and have begun incorporating the pragmatics and social graphs necessary to fill in the rest of the gaps and fully measure vibes through text.

Different names, different words, sentiments all the same. We all have to work with what we're given, and in bringing together we learn. Thanks for sharing anon.
>Different names, different words, sentiments all the same. We all have to work with what we're given, and in bringing together we learn. Thanks for sharing anon.
No, the sentiment is not the same. I've given clear and specific instructions on getting rid of powerful thoughtforms, this is not the same as wishy washy new age faggotry "muh raise duh vibrations and ur duh go scientology to meshure it"
Yes, you did give specific instructions. I recognized them. The jist of it was don't ruminate. Observe the thoughts but let them pass, aka standard mindfulness meditation. So you know, that's also what those wishy washy new age fags recommend, the honest ones at least. You'll find grifers anywhere you find the gullible.
If that's all you got then tough. I suppose the mysteries protect themselves. Will be more useful for more worthy anons.
Just raising your vibrations enough will give you a quick way to enlightenment. There are many roads to the same destination anon.
I got it all my friend, and still the mysteries must remain forever so. It is by our nature, and as much a gift as limitation. Don't let pride keep you stuck in hateful vibrations.
Nah. And that's okay. All the best.
I love how "also male" is added like that's somehow the thing that makes it disturbing lmao
This means nothing. To seek enlightenment is the highest endeavour possible to man, nothing comes close, your desire to find shortcuts is a limitation. All this wishy washy new age language is a shroud.

Really its a natural consequence of modernity. Everything is so easy, you dont have to walk to a well for water you just open your tap, you can find all info on web, a natural consequence then is believing in retarded shit like "just raise your vibration bro" is all there is, meanwhile sages wrote 1000s of books on the topic, outlining in detail a path that takes years of work, with utmost commitment and hours of meditation.

But no. "just raise vibration bro". Hilarious.

You and the other anon, dont get mad at this. Only writing this out so other readers arent misled.
It works in conjunction with detachment. Just raise the vibrations of energetic concepts such as pride, jealousy, hate etc so they dissolve into positivity. The things you can't dissolve with raising vibrations you just detach from. Every concept in your mind has an energetic form you know. Even beliefs and thoughts. Avidya is merely the accumulation of low vibrations and clinging to concepts in the mind and chakras from conditioning since you were born.
Again, you're not saying anything. "Just raise vibrations bro" as if theres a lever for it. There's no precision in your statements because you have no respect for traditions, you just jumble them up and spit out word salad like this.
Browsing succubus threads illuminates on this.
Are there any hypno videos for things that are actually cool, like lasting longer or having shorter refractory period? Why is it always insanely faggy shit like turning into a tranny or being a cuck for blacks?
>Are you doing it because you crave intimacy? Then go out and talk to real women, fulfil the desire the way it's meant to. Never accept the fake, only the real.
Most men can't have sex anymore because modern women only want to share a small percentage of the hottest ones.
Government ain't gonna fund cool shit
This has nothing to do with succubi. Succubi have historically been drawn to the sexually reserved, to people like nuns and monks. Why would they be drawn to coomers, who chronically keep their libido in a burned out state? Most porn addicts can barely even get fully hard and need comically over the top stimulus just to achieve a baseline level of arousal.
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this is the disease of transgendered people, homosexuals, bisexuals, and many people in western society. it is doing things expecting an outcome rather than doing things for a goal or reason. smokers, drug users, compulsive video gamers- all are more likely to be transgendered... why? incentivism- they've placed their perceptions too much in what is external and their thoughts ran from them.
because the moral character people have that wish to please their partner is not parallel with the character someone has to have to make or approach this kind of content- content that subliminally effects some desired outcome. goal oriented people are entirely conscious of their desires, transgendered people? not so much. the reason most people are transgendered is the unfounded perception that they have some sort of right to a woman and God gives them what they want- a woman... but it's them.
If there were anti-refractory-period hypnosis videos, I would definitely be seeing if they worked.
It does. Faggot ass demon
what if I masturbate with my nipples?
if you give in charity you will have a harder time masturbating to pornography. You should also try to do creative things, like drawing or writing poems or making music. Do these things (especially giving in charity) with the hope but not expectation of benefiting.
lurking here is charity. reading each post and reflecting on it is charity. silence when your speech doesn't benefit is charity. speaking when your words might benefit is charity.
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Ahhhh fuckin glowies adding nothing of value, throwing as hominems and trying to derail the conversation as per usual

Think of any sexualized cartoon character. On an animal level they cause excitement, which interrupts homeostasis. They do this by playing on shape, color, movement, etc. which we evolved to interpret as positive signs. In this case, though, it's an illusion...something which is meant to draw your attention away to gain an advantage. So who is it you are really getting excited over?
Interesting that for the first link you put up, the video has been removed (you go to an error page of the site with “this video has been removed”, but still with the porn ads and normal layout of the site around it)
The second makes some pretty heavy references in that montage-style rapid flickering subliminals introduction, including flashing the cover Fritz Springmeier’s book “ The Illuminati Formula, used to create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave”, besides other images associated with it such as flashing pics of models like Marilyn Monroe claimed to be “beta sex-kitten slaves” in literature like that, along with Monarch butterflies on the screen, as another alleged symbol used in these programs. Besides Vigilant-Citizen-esque stuff of “Illuminati pictures in pop culture”, like I think people doing one-eye signs and the like, but I didn’t look at it too deeply. (That reference I made is to the site vigilantcitizen.com, a conspiracy site that’s talked about stuff like this for years).

Part of me doubts it’s actually done with someone with that much actual knowledge of classified info or in on some high-level op, because (ironically) it’s too blatant. I’d think if it was a CIA op, they’d be more subtle about it and have ACTUAL “subliminals”. Those flashing images are more like pseudo-subliminals since you realize they’re being flashed on the screen really quick, and you can easily pause to see what they are. Real subliminals, by definition, wouldn’t be so easily consciously realized as being there.

It’s possible it’s just something like some edgy art experiment combined with some relatively low-effort porn compilation. I didn’t like looking at the porn itself as I’m kinda grossed out by that and wasn’t into that style of it, but did move the video slider quickly enough across the video back and forth to see what the rest of it was after the intro, just for knowledge.
To see just SOME*** of what the rest of it was, again, just flashes of a few seconds at most, before I got grossed out and close sit.
It seems like it’s mostly compilations he probably took from other videos, where the creator just flashes clips of them on the screen for a while, sometimes multiple at once, before switching them with another. So probably not even an original director, but just taking other’s porn and making such compilations.

It’s possible the creator(s) did it simply for controversy, maybe even to get people talking about it on forums like this, hence getting more clicks and more ad revenue etc. But it is interesting they actually did go relatively deep into their conspiracy lore (compared to how deep the average clueless normie goes), with references to things like MK-Ultra, Project Monarch, Fritz Springmeier’s work and CIA-programmed sex slaves and the like. Anyway, this is possibly an interesting subject of discussion, but it has enough of the gross-out factor, besides the fact that you can be made fun of or insulted for even finding it in the first place by knee-jerk hotheaded posters, that the discussion of it doesn’t go so well. Which makes a darkly funny sense.

As for me, I want to clear my mind of this and leave this thread. Best of luck OP, I can also agree with your judgment that we’re going on in a spiritual war all around us. Whether or not the creator of this is literally the CIA or whoever, it’s still degrading stuff.
I’ve been researching this for years and I can tell you it’s the jews
What if your addiction is actually the source of your creativity? And getting rid of it would make you bland and sterile?
Prior to these degenerate times, porn and masturbation were universally regarded as sinful by every religion.
Want the real reason why coomers tron out?

Because coomers are lesser than women.
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Report yourself as a degenerate to the nearest anti-goon squad. It’s time for you to be better than that.

You should beware when anons post threads about pornography, generally, but especially so when they provide links to videos. So many anons on here claim to have struggled with so-called "porn addiction" and these are the kinds of things that can cause addicts to relapse.

As far as the hypno genre of pmv and edited voiceovers goes, it's all seemingly created by low IQ faggots for other low IQ faggots; furthermore, none of their content is actually hypnotic. Rather, it's a poorly executed attempt at what might be called "Trance Hijacking;" which would be described in this context as attempting to steer heterosexual behavior gradually into the realm of homosexual behavior by association of images with a heightened sexual arousal; which, in theory, bypasses the typical critical factor of the conscious mind. AGAIN, the content is fetish-tier foolishness that would presumably only work on highly suggestible fools who are, in fact, already predisposed to faggotry.

Anyways, anyone posting porn links outside of /gif/ should technically be banned, right?
yes, that shit is satanic
so is sodomy
Its just edgelord shit my dude. The fear is part of the appeal
I don't really understand the whole your porn use gets more extreme over time meme. I really think you guys just have some skeletons in your closet, which is totally fine. I remember jacking it as a teen and enjoying porn but as an adult I find it too fake and I wonder who it's even for. I just look at a woman I find sexy and beat my meat nowadays. I have a fetish or two myself relating to how how I grew up but I genuinely wonder how you can really go from liking rough sex to getting turned on by the idea of you becoming a woman. That makes no sense and what makes more sense is there is an explanation related to the person's psychology. I have laughed and jokes with women I have had rough sex with along the lines of "this is a healthy way for me to work out my hatred of women". They seem to totally understand and respect it. Idk guys maybe you are just freaks. Accept yourself.
I aint clicking that shit nigga, nice anon, very nice, we 've had other threads of anons finding demonic imagery subtly intertwined in more "regular" porn videos so im absolutely sure this shit is everywhere
Aren't like jews excempt from sin if they straight up tell you whatever evil shit they are doing?
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Funny, this is highly accurate except for the 'also male' part
They don't really have sex/gender like that

Some demons groom humans to be pets after you die.
Your soul gravitates to whatever vibrational frequency you currently are at when you die.
So yes, porn addicted individuals (especially those that dream a lot) are oftentimes being groomed by demons.
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Yes. Yes it does.
Your consciousness can go to near innumerable places once it leaves your shell.
If you are not careful you can be pulled sideways and be fed upon/used by what most religions call 'demons'
Thing is, they aren't always malevolent. Sometimes they just want to collect pets.
lots of people who do online submissive RP with people through a screen are molding their souls to be taken by eventual masters.
Sometimes those masters are puppeteering people on this side as the 'doms' in these relationships.
They trick your brain by providing images of things your monkey brain likes (naked people to start) then slowly introduce bizarre behaviors and fetishes that barely resemble human sexual behavior.
Based anon tells the truth
Virtue such as self control and altruistic behavior which raises quality of life around you while also strengthening yourself raises your vibrations.
Bravery, honor, etc. All these things make you spiritually stronger.

new age sub 18 zoomer retardation. grow a pair of balls faggot. and im saying this in the bbc gooning thread.
if your beliefs are founded in music it's time to reconsider. after this posts I will take a shit while listening to your dogma.
I tried one of these as a joke and for the past two hours or so I’ve felt high and sleepy as shit. never happened to me before with any other type of video. now i’m looking for more, anything to continue the feeling. how fucked am i anons?
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This book contains all you need to know about hypnosis. Don't be fooled by the title, this isn't a dry textbook, it's fully redpilled.
Is it possible to heal your Astral self/body? I don't want to look like OPs picture in my dreams/Astral projection, I want to look like aqua from konosuba but futanari
What's BNWO? Do I even want to know?
He looks ready for a wild night on the town. I bet he's got a hot date!
I just found out what this disgusting shit is, but you're right. Sometimes the most feverent warriors are the ones who realized they were lied to.
Why the fuck are they wearing pink? That isn't intimidating
How so?
Why would jews want whites to last longer? That would mean an increase in white baby
Even more degenerate. You fucking mk ultra victim
>Interesting that for the first link you put up, the video has been removed (you go to an error page of the site with “this video has been removed”, but still with the porn ads and normal layout of the site around it)

That's weird it was up when I posted the link. The only thing I could think of is that someone from here reported it for hate crime or extreme content
Does it talk about normal hypnosis or actual occult hardcore MKULTRA demonc hypnosis? Is it worth a read? I might give it a read
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It's artwork from a videogame called "Scorn" (great game btw). See attached picture for proof. Heavily inspired by H. R. Giger works.
I'm not clicking that shit a hacker might hypnotize me.
Thinking a little about it, its probably a lot inspired by the art of Zdzisław Beksiński too.
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The veil is breaking for everyone. That is what this Age of Aquarius means.
Season 4 of yugioh
Weevil and Rex saw it when their souls were trapped in a Seal of Orichalchos during a shadow game.

The veil is lifting at different rates for people.
learn to resist mesmerism but learning mesmer tactics.
What the heck, they actually openly used thelemic symbols and the enochian alphabet in a children cartoon / card game? Kinda cool NGL.
as stated in the show (by the old man if you watch the first 2 or 3 episodes), the circle and seal is even older than the millennium puzzle.
Crowley noticed the seal and thankfully spread knowledge of it. >Nothing is new under the sun.
I'm not aware of any legal tensions that happened during the airing. I was obsessed with this season as a child but it never aired on tv. Netflix or something like it ought to exist sooner.
TV programming can be evil and distracting but some is so so good.
fish symbolism means realizig the eather and flowing through life. consciously perceiving the living energies around you and just swimming through it effortlessly.
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>I can find links for you if you need more proof
yeah, find the links.
So what happens when it finally breaks?
salmon are able to swim against the current while still being a part of the water.
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regarding OPs pic
my theory is that astral parasites use real biological parasites as a vector of attack. This is why the bible constantly mentions fasting as a way to combat demons. The physical parasites are their tendrils in material reality that allow them to manipulate your subconscious, aka Gut-Brain-Axis.
Op loves nigger dicks
for an animal to be alive it needs a nose and lungs, fish haves noses but no lungs so they are not alive. the thing that was breathed in to animals was their insitinct and passion. to be a fish or to be in the belly of a fish means to be without passion, without instinct, without a mind. feelings give people life to be without feelings (to neglect them) is to be in the desert
You’re a dumb fucking bastard, you know that?

>I genuinely wonder how you can really go from liking rough sex to getting turned on by the idea of you becoming a woman
you say that as if it was the worst outcome possible lol
bros i clicked the link... it turned me gay... satan brainwashed me on hypnotube into a CIA sex slave...
I'm sorry to hear that
Scorn had some neat symbolism and all, the game itself is a bit lackluster, but the lore and symbolism is great!
Black new world order, a fetish about whites submitting to blacks and going extinct
Captcha ended with YYY, lmao
Most of these guys are so lonely they’re summoning succubus
a female demon would be the only female touch they get
God, this thread is still alive?
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yeah but not on dry land. being unspiritual means basically being unaware of the forces all around you that can easily guide your every move, meaning one being in constant agony and without guidance without 'the spirit'. freedom is not freedom to do whatever you want but to do what was already prepared for you, only then you can truly be free within 'the kingdom is within you', thats what it means, your hands are just doing their work without second thought because you put god into the drivers seat.
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the fish thing is merely a metaphor, ill tell you something about the eather:
waves are a modality of water for instance, but a wave is not a thing of itself but merely a change in the medium, in our example the water. however we dont know how raiowaves can travel through empty space where there are no particles. so

(yes its not a conspiracy or some schizzo babble, science really does not know how radiowaves can traverse vacum)

from that stems the theory of the eather, picrel tesla was a proponent, one assumes that all around us is an energetic jelly, which would explain supernatural things also, like premonitions and sensing another person fomr the distance, so my take is that this fish symbolism refers to our sold being like fish moving through said jelly and being able to know where 'to swim' by being consious of the various currents and probable cold warm spots or even poisonous areas to avoid, one call that 'vibes', its rather fitting because vibes=vibrations=also waves.

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