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/x/ - Paranormal

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All of it. UAPs. Psi powers. Manifestation. Sasquatch. Giants. World trees. Remote viewing. The Flood. Every time, I think you are crazy ass nignogs yet when I look into this stuff I find undeniable evidence. How do I live in this wild ass reality?
Buy yourself a pair of sasquatch pants and remote view adorable things.
The thinker thinks, the prover proves. It all comes down to pattern recognition and what you look for.
Don’t forget the religion-influencing, UFO-flying, bovine-shapeshifting women in white.
Don't buy sasquatch pants, craft yourself some Nábrók (corpse britches) and become wealthy
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Have the right amount of insanity and have fun. As soon as you stop smiling the enemy wins.
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>how do I live here?
You learn what you’re capable of and you stop eating processed slop. It’s that simple actually. This is your video game now OP.
Aside from bigfoot, you're right.
nah man, there aren't skeletons.
>undeniable evidence

Let me guess this "evidence" is subject to personal opinion.
Just wanted to say I hope for the best for you, and others as well.
you forgot dreamworld
We live in an extremely complex and massive simulation (statistical truth), but individual universes and worlds within it can glitch and overlap at times. Objective base line reality does exist but it is layered inside or rather outside of one of the most advanced and largest simulations ever created (at least by baseline Earthlings). If you were to imagine or logicize how this could be done it starts to make sense. For example, everything in quantum physics aligns with a conscious quantum light medium, light is light whether it comes from a natural star or from manmade light and technology. Light and the quantum world overlap with consciousness (awareness of being and of a wider world), if you were to replicate awareness and encode EMF brain patterns and thought patterns into an algorithm you could theoretically recreate anything and even create anything new, especially if this stimulatory experience reality was started from an objective biological-neurological point. The human brain is a supercomputer in our reality, more advanced than our most advanced inorganic computers and AI and even more impressively hyper efficient. This is because any stimulatory reality experience would have to interface with an original objective point and the most logical is a neurological-technological interface. This is also big time taboo ethically however because of several reasons:

1. You would be giving/creating conscious beings inside of the simulation that could even gain awareness of the simulation but have no idea where baseline reality really is or how to get out of the simulation and return to objective reality, in effect keeping them as unwilling and or unknowing participants in a dualistic reality.
2. The neurological-technological simulation reality can become so advanced that participants that came from the "outside" (objective baseline reality) would potentially lose grip of what is real due to the interface being so complete and convincing. This creates a dilemma in which unless you are 100% for certain in baseline reality (the most advanced reality is logically the original reality), you can't know where you really are in the simulation.
3. All phenomena that can be thought of could be recreated in a hyper advanced neurological-technological simulation; meaning all things spiritual, alien, crazy bizarre (differing standards from "normal" reality), and paranormal and so much more. All of it can be subjectively real to an unaware individual, it is even possible for it to all be objectively real (as emanations from the baseline reality or the most advanced reality). This again creates an existential identity crisis for those who become aware of this and confusion for everyone involved both aware and unaware as they try to discover what is objective truth (what is true in *all* realities and especially the most advanced one).
We have the freedom to make choices, and the choices that are presented to us are many (to the point of being infinite). Meaning by logical technicality, simulated and objectively real beings will have the option to choose things of their own making. The paradox of self creation is solved in the truth that all things must come from one objective source (even in an infinite multiverse simulation there must be an objective original and most advanced reality that could be considered baseline). We know that things in reality are in fact not random (they are always observed the same in all realities and perceptions in a specific state of awareness), and thus by process of elimination we can peel back the layers of the simulation and find things that are more solid and "real" and objective (thing that can be observed to be similar or the same in all realities). The ability to choose is one of those attributes, everyone can choose between one or many things and often does so many times (with each thought and decision even), the question is whether the number of choices is in fact infinite or finite. A theoretical type I civilization will already have the ability to create a simulation with almost infinite mathematical possibilities within it and it is the lowest hanging fruit on the scales of advanced civilizations, meaning it is statistically almost certain that reality is some kind of simulated experiencial matrix. The next question is "what for?", is it for pleasure and relaxation or for study and experimentation or both or something more or simply the simulation was so convincing we forgot what baseline reality was and how to get back to it.
Remember, a theoretical type I civilization could have the capacity to copy a living objective human beings consciousness and upload it completely intact into a neuro-tech simulated reality, even after physical death outside in the objective world, and what is more, is that it could also have the ability to create biological human bodies from scratch inside and outside of the matrix artificially and theoretically achieve a quasi state of immortality by crossing back and forth, or by staying in a non-biological or a reprogrammed biological body that does not age.
I wasn't going for that and I completely forgot he existed.
Actually, sasquatch is an old story from the natives describing giants, and the retard "researchers" probably using it as a "boogie man" story for their shit spawn, only for it to get regurtitated in the most boring way for losers and retards.

Everything else is pretty good, though.

If you REALLY need an explanation for humanoids in the woods and shit, then they're likely escapees from the underground kike murder and rape dungeons, and their odd appearance can be explained from having to live in what is essentially an underground dungeon where sunlight doesn't touch them or have enough food to eat, for whichever purpose (sacrifice, rape, organs, etc) the kikes breed them
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>All of it. UAPs. Psi powers. Manifestation. Sasquatch. Giants. World trees. Remote viewing. The Flood. Every time, I think you are crazy ass nignogs yet when I look into this stuff I find undeniable evidence. How do I live in this wild ass reality?
one of those things are bullshit
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Deal with it bitch. Or don’t. That’s why everyone is addicted to drugs.
Enjoy it, Matthew.
Sincerely, Ryu.
Still trying to figure that out myself, but welcome to the party.
The thing about this world being a simulation, is that it is utterly pointless to do anything in it.
What if they do cremations? They might not be Catholic.
>world trees
OP microdose mushrooms and listen to some Dan Winter

Or Mantak Chia
And when I say microdose, I mean establish a routine, a 3 month+ protocol. After 1-2 months you will completely eliminate any debilitating psychological issues. If you keep going, you will start to truly integrate much of the teachings that you may have come across but failed to internalize. Eventually you will realize you are in a perfect position to start developing siddhis.
Pretty cool videos. An interesting tidbit of lost history I didn't know about. Thanks. Wonder if there's more to it, especially since the "Sacred Bull" is found across countless ancient cultures and in various mythologies.

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