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>Open individualism is a view in the philosophy of self, according to which there exists only one numerically identical subject, who is everyone at all times, in the past, present and future

>Proponents: Giordano Bruno, Freeman Dyson, Arthur Schopenhauer, Albert Einstein, Fred Hoyle, Aldous Huxley, Walt Whitman, Daniel Kolak, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Alan Watts, Siddartha Guatama, Adi Shankara, etc.

Knowing that we are all the same self, let’s try to make the world a better place, rather than try to selfishly escape it.
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>tards can only be good to others when they believe they are an extension of themselves
Either way you’re motivated by selfishness. You wouldn’t be good to others unless you desired to do so, which means that on some level it pleases you, you literally prefer to do it. It’s entirely a biological phenomenon, which is why you can breed dogs to be loyal and submissive and nice like golden retrievers or you can breed them to be aggressive like pitbulls. But of course as humans we can use our minds to investigate outcomes and it’s not so easy to predict how humans can behave because our desires are complex and we use both instinct and rationalization to come to a decision. But you’re not special because you happen to believe in being good to others. That’s just what your nature dictates, and yet I’m certain that it’s not absolute. What happens when you one day don’t have the emotions that tell you to be nice to someone? To save an animal suffering in desperation, for example? But an open individualist would have a more fundamental and consistent basis for acting for the good of others.
So… can you elaborate on why you are good to others, if not because it makes you feel good?
>inb4 durrr because it’s da right thing to do!
the only reason humans arent constantly murdering and raping each other is because of law and religion. You can try to cope with this all you want, but all are naturally evil
Open Individualism is a complete contradiction. I can clearly observe being this particular being. I'm increasingly convinced that people that belief in shit like OI are NPCs.

Since everyone just lies to me, and I do mean everyone. I can only assume that I am God. I really do believe it. How can I be certain that this isn't all just a dream?
You can observe the current experience, but there is no evidence of any “being.” You have yet to define what the “self” actually is, aside from the literal experience within consciousness itself. The experience of “I” is no different from the experience of Red or Warm or Hungry.

The vertiginous question is literally solved by open individualism. It’s only a problem if you don’t accept open individualism. There is no “you”. There are only conscious experiences and the nature of conscious experiences is that they are experienced internally from their respective locations. Obviously you have no access to other conscious experience because your current conscious experience is defined by certain physical parameters that are different from other conscious experiences. It doesn’t matter that other conscious experiences are happening at the same “time” and in different locations in space in the same way that it doesn’t matter your past or future conscious experiences are happening at different points in space and time. Relativity has already disproved the idea of a universal flow of time, anyway.
On today's episode, more made up bullshit to convince everyone that they aren't God!

There is a self. It is the eternal self. And we are all it.

So fucking dumb man.
No self = One Self

It’s the same thing.
Because other people *are* extensions of ourselves. Your brother is an extension of you, and your parents are the intermediary that connects you. Your best friend is an extension of you, and your social circle is the intermediary that connects you. The guy you walked past on the street yesterday is an extension of you, and your nation is the intermediary that connects you. There are intangible bonds between people and they are mediated by immaterial forms such as "family", "community", and "nation".
I just have to be careful when you say things like, "I'm special," or, " I know how to do the paranormal." So long as you mean me when I'm thinking that it's great. If I mean you when you say that about me, well that's a matter of opinion.
Yeah, the only real reason why you care more about a fellow human than a cow is because you're biologically hardwired to consider a human more yourself than a cow.

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