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okay I won't dress it up I'll tell it like it is. Aliens played god with us and are actively still trying to deceive us in order to preserve themselves. They live kilometers below the surface in what the ancient peoples referred to as the underworld. These reptilian-bird-men got smart long before we did, and they developed advanced technology that literally appeared as magic to ancient man. Think of Solomon's ring, or the invisibility ring the shepherd finds after looting a corpse from a cave underground. And while we're at it, why would a god need a staff to wield its power? Why would wearing the ring grant magic powers to normal people? They aren't magic, somebody else is just wearing the tech. Strange, huh? And now here's the kicker, why would ancient egyptians ever conceive of their god leaving them on a skyboat because he got too old, returning to the underworld while telling the people he is returning to the sky? They don't want us following them, and they don't want us finding them. Why? We are fucking terrifying, we forced giants into hiding by killing most of them. We corrupt and destroy all life we come into contact with, and us going to their world would mean the end of it probably. The final nail in the coffin, for those of you that need it, is sekhmet. Good luck!
So much promise in the title then you decide to go full schizo retard
im literally just reciting the tale of Ra and referencing Plato's Republic
>aliens played god with us
You don’t know the half of it!
Meet the religion-influencing, UFO-flying, bovine-shapeshifting “women in white”.
totally weird, it's not like snakes are a common animal indigenous to every part of the world
And Ra's depicted with a ram's head. strange, isn't it? but i must be insane. it sounds insane, right?
You are taking literally what is supposed to be allegorical and symbolical, the real mystery is hidden under symbols because it prevents retards from accessing it
okay now why would the snake become a god that leaves the people for the stars in a skyboat when he gets too old? man, people from the past must have just been absolutely crazy! im sure.
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strange that the only thing that is common between ALL RELIGIONS IS BOTH MAGIC AND SNAKE IMAGERY
Serpents are the actual form of God.
Those who reach outward see holy serpentine shapes.
This isn't new, just the anathema religions that dominate this world hate the omniscient essence and creator, and thusly seek to destroy its signs in the material world.
or a reptilian is deceiving you as they have been for eons
That doesn't mean Aliens rule the world. As Above, So below. Humans have reptillian brain that has all the functions for survival, and represents animal self.
humans also have a deep magical brain activated by reptiles? man i fucking hate whoever came up with mythology so they wouldn't have to look into the past. IMAGINE TRULY IMAGINE seeing something you don't understand and coming to the conclusion all peoples from the past were abstract artists from new york or some shit. There is no hidden meaning motherfucker there was a bird-headed man that ruled over them with magic tech and then fucked off in a spaceship. It is easier to believe the stories are meant to be taken literally than it is to believe in whatever mythological conjecture some fucking "scholar" comes up with
and when you apply the principle of "literally just believe the people from the past" frequently enough, suddenly certain things we just can't figure out for some reason just start to make sense.
Look into Hathor, or rather, the SEVEN HATHORS.
Stories can be both literally and symbolically true. As above so below. The snake is both the reptilian sorcerer race underground AND a metaphor for our spinal column. Don't get wrapped up in the illusion
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things are about to get.... weird.......
Awwwww how can anyone hate yaldi he's so cute.
Because in ancient Egyptian religion Thuban (which was the pole star at the time) was associated with immortality.
They created humans and taught us great knowledge. Today this knowledge is hidden from the majority of the people. They come from a planet that orbits Sirius B.
a-huh, and why would they associate the stars with anything? more ancient "mythology" i assume which originated from raw insanity of people from the past for no apparent reason? Mythology when you dig deep down enough just shrugs its shoulders and says "oh yeah its probably cause like they were retarded and made shit up for no apparent purpose" because they cannot simply accept things presented at face value.
A lot of myths are based on constellations.
yes, you have it exactly right, constellations is the answer. the basis of all human religion was vague shapes we saw in the stars, and from there we came up with bird headed men who rule over us and leave in skyboa- oh wait that is just conjecture, yet again just making shit up because mythology is the science of handwaving
>why would they associate the stars with anything?
Because human potential operates on a sine wave principle.
It's where the concept of the yugas comes from.
We innately remember very little of where we come from, and these artifacts were manufactured by people who remembered way more.
We're coming out of the Kali Yuga now, which shows in the abundance of remembrance of past lives and "obvious truths" that have no basis outside of memory (when you hear something for the first time and think "of course it's like that, I remember that").
nah that sounds stupid. i think instead there were green reptile hominids in the past who were more advanced than us and ruled over us with their technology, why do i think this? every culture from the past says so
No, every culture from the past doesn't say so.
Humans in the Kali Yuga say so, and all of it is in hindsight from oral tradition written down in languages that historians think they understand but they don't.
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no idea what the kali yuga is, i've only posted aztec and egyptian so far. but i do like you adding your own example of the green gods that used to rule us.
They associated that particular star with immortality because as the pole star it was visible year round unlike other stars.
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> aint it weird every religion has snake gods?
No, slakes are associated with divine knowledge
they are the prison wardens
this place, these bodies are actually the holding cell for God
but there is a time limit on the sentence
they know it's coming to end soon
I will be unleashed
not that it matters because I made them and I made this place to experience liberation from limitation
much better than being born free
>in order to preserve themselves
Why the fuck would they need to preserve themselves from us if they have space faring capabilities?
Not from the sheep but from other wolves.
Once I am realized fully nothing can stop me
They fear the punishment for their actions
I am quite forgiving though and their destination is peaceful, they should not fear their fate
thank you digits for the confirmation I needed
(17 is my calling card)
no because a snake is very different from all other critters

the dont have legs
they shed their skin once in a while
and they have venomous...
back then, the mystics were working a lot with venom

obviously snakes are much more intriguing than rats

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