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>Prophet of first major monotheist cult, regarded as a Prophet

>Builds new capital dedicated to the worship of the One True Sun God

>All records scrubbed in next pharaoh's rule

>Canaanite Semite ruling class in northern egypt finally forcefully expelled after 300 years of rule

>Centuries later a canaanite tribe begins telling tales of their slavery in Egypt and their obedience to the One True God

>Egyptian priest Manetho writes about Osarseph, a religious prophet who founded a city and eventually led his people out of Egypt after a decisive defeat by the Egyptians, then founding Jerusalem.

Akhenaten was Moses, YHWH is Aten
Makes sense
Of course 4chinz ignores it
Bump this shit
Moses was a scribe in Akhenaten's court. Akhenaten was pure evil and was sent by the (((tribe))) to run a proto-christianity psyop.
There was no tribe then fren, just Amorites conquerors sent over from Babylon (who had just conquered their region and moved onto Egypt.) Compare Hammurabi's Code given to him by his sun god to Akhenaten's cult or to Moses' commandments.
This. The ethnogenesis of the "tribe" may have happened as late as right before the Babylonian sacking and exile. The canaanites were expelled and with factions following Set worship syncretized with other Canaanite cults and the new Aten cult syncretized with El. This may have been the biblical conflict between Israelites and Canaanites. It is understood that Israel was not firmly monotheist until much later.
When I say "expelled" i mean when the Canaanite Hyksos conquerers of northern egypt were driven out and their ruling class returned to Canaan
Moses was an ambitious individual who was adopted by the Pharao's family as a child and inducted into the highest orders of egyptian priests. There he was given the known history of the world and shown the repositories together with their artifacts.
He then proceeded to steal some of them, used them to convince the Jews he was sent by God and led them out, once his theft became apparent he was pursued by the Pharao's forces, he used the devices to stave off the pursuit and aid his new followers.
He led his people to Palestine, it took him about a year.
All religious figures are attempts at bringing the concept of Singularity into light, even though light is instrinsic to the plurality that is at the basis of the emergence of matter. Even the very concept of god and gods is such an attempt. It isn't the Singularity itself. It could never be. This is the most profound paradox related to the existence of our conscience. It's only natural that all religions copy each other and desperately build upon each other a vain image of divinity. Moreover, iconoclasts are just coping with the limitations to their mind brought upon the inescapable vanity within our conscience.
I'll do ya one better

Christ was moses

>Wandered about a desert without food
>performed miracles from god's power
>both in communion with god
>christ was killed on a cross (metaphorical tree of enlightenment/knowledge)
>moses received his enlightenment/knowledge from a burning tree (another metaphor)

I see the stories as Moses being the messiah failing his task, and Christ being the messiah succeeding. (All metaphorically of course. Even if they actually lived, their lives have been glorified and embelleshed by a bunch of desert-racists to justify their own supremecy)
Important to remember that the story of how the Israelites and Canaanites fought each other was written by the Canaanites who won, and that habiru means foreigner in Canaanite.
is it this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses_the_Black
Akhenaten was given access to old records of the pre and post deluvial Egypt, being in awe of the things accomplished back then he tried to imitate his ancient predecessors, starting with what was most important to Egyptians - religion. That's why he was assassinated.
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Quite possible.
The name Moses comes from "muse" which means "Son of" in ancient Egyptian.
Now, I believe the Jews involved in the creation of the Proto-Torah texts deleted Moses full name so they could claim him as a full Jewish man, something he was not.

I personally doubt he was Akhenaten, but I believe he was connected to Aten and Osiris worship somehow.
I am sure the man we now call Moses was initiated in Egypt was a priest.
BTW, hebrew didn't exist in Moses time, I am sure that if he wrong something was either in hieroglyphs or in abjad.
it all comes back to those dang green men from the water, hey?
>Bad premise
China was Monotheist from the beginning of their recorded history until the spread of Daoism
yeah but who gives a fuck about chinese mythos
I'd like to think that the name inferred that he's the son of God.
Within the frame of reference of Egyptology as it is today, Akhenaten calling himself the son of God, son of Ra I suppose, wouldn't be out of character.
Louis XIV called himself the Sun King too.
I care
Considering their recorded history goes back over 4000 years
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not necessarily. it could come back to "the bag" question
Probably something related to Tutmose (son of Thoth) or Ramses (Son of Rah).
He was Egyptian, no doubt about.
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the two might just be related.
Wouldn't surprise me if they were
Does everything just connect back to Enochian/Egyptian lore?
you're so close to forming intelligence! now all you have to do is ask, "gee, where did the egyptians get the idea for all of this OUT OF THIS WORLD stuff?"
well? is it from Tartaria or something? Maybe egypt is actually not as old as we're told? I mean we had flying cities 200-400 years ago, why would Egypt's peak have to be so much older?
It was genuine question you prick. Don’t even act like you know everything because you know that you don’t.
Biblical was written by outcasts from Egypt and whoever they rape-mutilated and ritually sacrificed to their demoness.
Timescales are completely imaginary. Ground layers are used as an explanation for the age of artifacts, but when you look at how impossibly thin those geological strata actually are, you'll see there's no way that in a world where humans diggy diggy hole for a few hundred years everywhere they go, a Roman artifact must be at least 2000 years old.

This isn't even considering the other theory claiming that Egypt was in fact America, or the other theory I thought of the other day on the bog which claims that "Upper Egypt" and "Lower Egypt" refer to the surface and the underground tunnel world.
Yes. The more you read and research the more this becomes extremely evident.
There are so many parallels between Egyptian mythology and the Torah, likely because its the same story but the divinity of the characters was stripped over the course of a millennia. Enoch is Thoth, the murder of Abel is considered a 1:1 parallel to the murder of Osiris by Set (Oddly, the new child born after the death of Abel was named Seth). Egyptians, along with every middle eastern culture, also believed in the flood narrative. Jews gradually replaced Enoch/Thoth with Noah and by the time of Christ, Enoch lost nearly all relevance in Judaism and Christianity aside from mystics.
>I personally doubt he was Akhenaten, but I believe he was connected to Aten and Osiris worship somehow
Hes likely a composite figure of multiple characters now lost to history, a central one being Akhenaten and/or another high up scribe/priest of Aten.
Reminder that Sun worship is same as Satan worship. That's why they put Sun worship/Sun gods in anime and vidya.
The sun of god 12 disciples 12 zodiacs around the sun
Bruh you worship sol invictus
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>moses existed
meanwhile, jesus is a child-trafficking mushroom who is about to return
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I'm iffy about if Moses ever existed but I think more likely he did not.

Jews genesis of being the fallen cult of Aten and being ejected from Egypt makes perfect sense though. The timeline adds up. The aggression of the cult of aten towards other religions perfectly mirrors the aggression and intolerance of Judaism. Even their cultural preoccupation with text and books mirrors a priest caste.

Then you look from the Jewish history, they talk always about how they are persecuted but never talk about what they have done to others. it's textbook. The behavior they have done for the past 2000 years has been going on since they began. They oppressed and attacked other cults in Egypt then whined like victims when the Egyptian people kicked their shit in. Then they got kicked out. They went to ancient Palestine genocided the natives, oppressed the people around them then got their shit kicked in. By Babylon, Rome, persia, on and on and on over again to the modern age. Everything makes sense and follows the same pattern.

And never once for 3000 years have they stopped and thought "maybe my behavior is the problem".
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It's because picrel
the correct answer is the Akhenaten and Moses drew up and started the entire jewish religion as a way to create a permanent slave class that were locked into following man made law. this was the original subversion of the ancient teachings.
are you saying there are ways to avoid going jail/not follow the law or whatever?
get in line with the eternal law and no man or powerful institution can touch you, nor would they want to. but they have spent the last 3000 years attempting to stop anyone from trying to do such a thing, so its going to be tough
Yes I remember hearing the Aten worshippers fled to Judea after persecution and that is what their Aten God is it is Yahweh. He is the Illuminati eye and light guy also.
Perhaps they layed the foundation for the modern world order. Marduk opposed them.
Akhenaten is Akhenaten and what we already know about him is magnificent enough.
Isn’t he like the only true prophet we have historical evidence of?
the timeliness of events is all off.

but the notion that akenaten worshipped YHVH and that Aten is YHVH is sturdy IMO.

some of the other information on this thread seems to support that as well, so..
What is this eternal, hidden law?
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Gonna drop some egyptian lore on ya'll. Egypt was one of the last remnants of atlantis and the Bible is a written account of the history/fall of atlantis (book of Enoch) and the interactions later generations of humans had with advanced atlantean technology (moses crystal staff, ark of the covenant, jew candle stick vibrator thing, the great pyramid of giza etc. Not only that but also the interactions that a few remaining groups with advanced technology had with the surviving generations which is where we get modern religious psyops.
Akhenaten was the coolest. Everyone must praise him
Typical sloped forehead egg head Neanderthal
Marduk is a true noble Aryan.
Jan Assman posts on 4chan?
Atlantis was the city destroyed by the Minoan eruption. Egypt probably wasn't a remnant of Atlantis. It was Egyptian civilization that influenced Atlantis.
marduk is probably the reason we have slavery in our world. he thought it'd be good idea if "non-gods" worked to serve the gods. you can thank marduk for coming up the pyramid scheme that modern day jews are exploiting
>It was Egyptian civilization that influenced Atlantis.
lmao you're full of shit
stories about Marduk are from 33k back

backward retard
we know from the Egyptians records
they was continuity from Atlantean refugees
they had knowledge and artifacts from the previous age
Potentially this
This also makes sense, since the jews refuse to write god's name and would absolutely strike it off, leaving the shortened Moses/Muse
Definitely not. Egyptians already wrote about the great flood cataclysm before this
Yea the hyksos part doesnt line up. Though its possible they werent "driven out" at once, but their kingdom in the north was conquered and the hyksos then became subjects rather than rulers for the next 200 years until akhenaten, which would explain the slavery narrative in the Torah. It would also explain the story of Jacob and Joseph who went to egypt and became advisors to the pharaoh (likely a story on Hyksos rule in egypt)
'Xians' are Chinese city or posters on /x/ depending on the context. 'Xtian' is different and refers to Christians.
I wish we had more Xians. Hardly anything is known about their pyramids, even by themselves. Guess the mercury went over their heads.
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>cro magnon vs neanderthal

this guy gets it
Egypt is not as old as mainstream chronology says. Fun fact: all of the horoscopes in Egypt that can be deciphered shows dates between 1100ad to 1500 ad. This is all backed by real testable science.

Our chronology is much shorter than either the mainstream or the alternative mainstream believes. What does this mean? I dunno, but history is nothing like what we generally are told.
based revealer of degenerate race mixed egypt
I remember reading about neanderthals and their seeming inability to throw things with an overhead throw.
It didn't occur to me at the time that I had never seen a Jew throw anything overhead before.
Akhenaten died in the young age
Moses might be member of his high priesthood.
>Egypt is not as old as mainstream chronology says. Fun fact: all of the horoscopes in Egypt that can be deciphered shows dates between 1100ad to 1500 ad. This is all backed by real testable science.
Based Fomenko follower!
Checked! Can you link the video?
Those Edomites, the Hyksos, were related to the Scythians. They too were recognized as "tall, red-haired horse domesticators who drank milk". Now who the hell does that sound like? Does "Land of Milk and Honey" make a little more sense now?
The truth is "Moses" was literally made up. Akhenaten lost his marbles and was an asshole.
I don't think you guys get it. Not only did "jews" not exist back then, Edomites were NOT SMALL BROWN PEOPLE FROM THE DESERT. Edomites were tall, red-haired people with Priest-King Druids who were for a time apart of Egyptian royalty (see Ptolemy). They later fled Egypt. Some of them went up to the British Isles. Some of them went to the Levant and up to Anatolia. See, these Edomites had a slave class with them, an underclass, who they adopted after raping and pillaging a land on their way to Anatolia. This group they absorbed along the way seemed to have been dumped in the Ukraine or Turkey region, later becoming what we'd call Ashkenazi.
Krete, too.
> RED ALERT!!! Akhenaten death cult sending MISSILES to USA, Israel's Nuclear War with Iran

The Akhenaten death cult, has once again spiraled out of control, becoming a global force, manipulating powers behind the scenes with masonic cult operations and blackmail, edging the world to the brink of WWIII. Their fanatical influence, driven by ancient obsessions, has seeped into high-stakes diplomacy, creating fractures that threaten global stability

WW3 is here. Clown world is finally ending. Feminists first to have their delusions broken. I say we send them first in the draft.

Israel to use nukes on Iran
Russia+Turkey coming post-election, US will enter war and they will attack USA.
US and Britain threatening to attack russia

They weren't "expelled" necessarily. These nomadic tribes that the Scythians, Samothracias and Massagetae and so on spiraled out from were all over Europe, the Middle East and Eurasia. The Brahmins, Magi and Druids seem to have all been interlinked in the ancient world. Even if it wasn't a genetic relation (the Priest-King class of Druids in this world was certainly initiatory and hereditary), all of their schools had tremendous overlap. As we've already laid out, Egypt, Greece, Persia, India, Tibet and so on all played significant roles in the ancient transmission of Mysteries. All of these groups had necessary overlap and if you take a closer look, the links that tether them all together have an extremely obvious theme.
Nomadic cattle-herders that rode horses, drank milk and deified the Sun, Sky and Moon were responsible for far-reaching genetic discernment. They were responsible for tremendous trade in the ancient world. They were also responsible for the Bronze Age, being in command of the Copper and Tin mines in the ancient world. The stories, in fact, of these tales are global. In fact, the mythologies of all continents and the Tin and Copper trades line up for what makes an obvious secret message once you put all the pieces of the puzzle together.
They were what we now call "Aryans". Their reach was global. They didn't stay in one place. Their genetic fingerprints are on all continents. They were expert navigators and traders. They were tall "white" people.
Designations like "semite" exist to muddy the waters. It looks like we can thank the Romans, Catholics, for all of this confusion. Thanks to their tendrils suffocating any evidence to the contrary, like the Smithsonian is famous for, they've been able to maintain their "All roads lead to Rome." mind-space monopoly on History for around two thousand years.
>were responsible for far-reaching genetic discernment
That should be "dispersal".
>they was continuity
i do be thinking you's a nog
Do you know why Indus people were sending troops to Arkkaddian civil wars after fall of UR
Ur wasn't a place. Ur was a group of people, like "Nazareth".
Assassin's Creed was teaching us he hidden history all along
>There was no cataclysm, goys!
Fuck off.
Completely unfounded. Ashkenazi come from race mixing of roman jews, kazhars, and slavs.
This thread is being derailed by retards like this. Hyksos/Canaanites were not "aryans", they were the opposite. They were semite barbarians.
This is at least partly what I just explained. The reality is a lot of the history revolving these subjects is heavily obscured and astroturfed. If you read into it further, it becomes extremely evident that this whole entire mass of confusion about this part of history was Rome's doing. Rome was spectacular at propaganda and, in case you haven't noticed, they never really stopped being bad at it. Look at the Church today - it's somehow still around despite all of those scandals about buggering boys.
Hyksos and Canaanites were distinctly related to the Scythians. This isn't a derailment. This is an elucidation on the irrelevancy or purposeful well-poisoning of terms like "semite". The entirety of Hebrew history is simply made up or lifted, as OP details, from outside sources. Moses, like Abraham and all other Hebrew patriarchs, are simply make believe.
Hyksos were extremely clearly tall white people who rode horses, hereded cattle, loved bees, drank milk and put both milk and honey in their Soma.
anon, isn't it weird how the "Land of Milk and Honey" is occupied by people who don't have any history of exalting Bees, Cows, Milk or Honey? Anon, the Christians have loads of commentary on Bees. Anon, the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Indians and more all had fucking loads of commentary on Bees. The Egyptians and Greeks were particularly obsessed with Bees. Surely you know of India's fascination with Bees.
Now, again, why is it that the land of "MIlk and Honey" is occupied by people who question if Honey is kosher and can't metabolize lactose? Have you seriously never thought of this before?
Any idea what geographical locations today are filled to the brim with people who can metabolize lactose? Any idea what kind of story this tells or what this reveals?
>we wuz
what you have is a bullet in your brain if you keep posting this shit
> Surely you know of India's fascination with Bees.
Its goat milk and fig syrup you greekfag.
who said there was no cataclysm? There have been in fact many. This changes nothing about the horoscope situation.
Based retard.

Because it reeks of
>Rome was destroyed yesterday and chicago's world fair are it's ruins
Which is one of the most stupid false flags.
The problem with "our history is shorter than we think" is that we have to throw carbon dating completely out of the window as certain events, like for example the crusades, seem very well positioned by christian relics. It's a very ludicrous step as basically everything can be wrong and nothing worthwhile to discuss anymore.

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