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Tell your favorite psychedelic stories or describe your plans to turn everyone into a shaman.

>Picrel is panaeolus cyanescens, the strongest psilocybin mushrooms known to man
Just took a huge hit of jenkem and I'm feeling pretty shamanic right about now.
>the strongest psilocybin mushrooms known to man
I thought Tidal Waves have taken top spot?
Anyone have cool psychedelic youtubes
I found this Mycogeeky guy who constantly has different new growers on his show.
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I took 1200 ųg’s (way too much) of LSD and I turned into a reptilian god. Felt incredibly powerful and a pyramid with an eye formed on my forehead. I kept seeing the Egyptian eye symbol thing flash everywhere and Egyptian goddesses were dancing around me worshiping me. The feeling of extreme power and knowledge I felt was incredible. There is nothing that can describe the feeling of godlike power I felt. It also felt sort of wrong and forbidden. But it also freaked me tf out. This isn’t my first time doing acid and turning into a reptilian either. I never asked for this experience it just happened. I frequently have intense visions when used psychedelics. AI to recreate a very close depiction of what it was like. Feel free to ask me any questions.
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Tidal wave highest I ever saw was 3.8% tryptamines
Which is crazy but pan cyans have gotten over 4%
Pans might produce serotonin more so than any other shroom too
Anyone know if shrooms can cause seizures in people who are prone? Haven’t had one in months but I wanna be safe.
do you think perhaps what is assumed to be Egyptian symbolism that is visioned during these experiences are rather something older than Ancient Egypt itself? that's the impression I have (from DMT), that Egypt was simply modelling its aesthetic after something that came before them (the Builders), or perhaps it's something inherently intrinsic in our selves.
>describe your plans to turn everyone into a shaman.

im gatekeeping the shit out of them.
i used to think that people would become brighter from them but i had a bunch of friends who joined some retarded self sustaining farmer cult after i introduced them to psychedelics and they ware convinced about some retarded atlantis stories and telepathy during trips and what not while becoming slave farmers in their cult.
>i had a bunch of friends who joined some retarded self sustaining farmer cult after i introduced them to psychedelics
Sounds based
Tidal waves are just a mutation of cubensis species. Mutants usually score high. Pan cyans are another species and they score high across the board. The feeling is much different than cubes
they left, after the leaders didnt allow one of my buddy to fuck a girl he met there. probably wanted to fuck all the girls for him self while letting the guys do the work.
>uncool cult leader
many such cases
Is this shit actually real? Do you really get high from sniffing feces?
Its very rare and mostly when you combine it with seizure inducing drugs like tramadol or lithium. Normally the people who get it have no history of seizures whatsoever, I wouldn't worry too much unless you're heroic dosing
i would run my cult the same way, just for the harem, but then again cultist are fucking sheeple weirdos you cant stand beeing around because their minds are so empty its scary.
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>Egyptian eye symbol
Fucking hell I see this all the time on DMT. Also pyramids with the eyes on them. What do they mean? The eyes are always darting back and forth. It looks just like picrel but only the central part and it repeats itself fractally. I saw a honeycomb structure full of these once
I also believe this and if we look at the Aztecs who ritually used DMT their artwork and even their language looks straight out of a trip
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seems legit, they found cocain in egypt mummys, wich should have been an american only thing back then. im sure they would have found ways to extract some psychedelics from ergot fungus or something.
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Bought some more Changa and syrian rue pills. Im gonna take some shrooms and rue then smoke the dmt on the peak later tonight. Will report back on what I see if I'm still alive
you are brave anon, try to make some sketch drawins what you saw if possible.
One day I woke up 8 in the morning and immediately gobbled down 6g of shrooms and went for a walk. That day was weird as fuck, to say the least.
I've heard anecdotes of using mushrooms to reduce seizures, actually. you might want to research that.
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Two stories about drugs in the 1960s:

Yes it’s very possible. But it’s also possible Egyptians had intricate knowledge of a spirit realm and made efforts to explore it. It’s possible the eye comes from a spirit realm and not just made up. Their priests/mages were the “elites” of society, second only to the pharaoh, which demonstrates they placed high value in it.
Yea it’s very bizarre. I also frequently saw the eye inside of a hand with wings on it, or just an eye inside of a hand. I later came to find out this is called a ‘Hamsa’, I didn’t know or was interested in any of this stuff before this experience.
My most unexplained hallucination was seeing the Kabbalah several times over trips, I had no idea what it was until I saw it online one day and lost my shit. It was always a translucent white and would cover my entire field of vision. There were glyphs on each circle which didn't look Hebrew. Most of the time I would see it in the form of a tree
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I’ve been asking around about this for years to no avail I think it’s in our blood my dude something that goes back to the pharaoh line of kem
I’m slowly becoming a god myself it was frightening and felt wrong at first might still when I push further but man has it been a fun wild ride
I to have seen this on some dudes skin like he was blue and filled with the tree and it’s symbols
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Rep bro here have you also seen pic related
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Dude! Finally someone who relates. I’m an experienced psychedelic user with lots of trips under my belt. I’ve tripped with friends, family, etc and NEVER has anyone else had weird visions and turned into a reptilian. It’s gotten to the point where I stopped bringing it up because I would get weird looks from my friends like “what? No bro I just saw the walls turn wavy and cool colors bro” …..It has to be a bloodline thing. I’m a white male with no connection to Egypt or anything, and Rh- blood type, I’ve heard conspiracy theories about Rh-(neg) bloodline and have always wondered if it has something to do with it. Another thing to mention is this world hates me and I’ve always been unlucky and felt cursed.
I would be lying to you if I said I did. Doesn’t seem super familiar. The only thing it vaguely reminds me of that one time when I turned into a reptilian on mushrooms I was in some sort of cosmic space realm, a gateway opened up with stairs leading to it, I was surrounded by hooded figures, I couldn’t really see their faces. But that picture sort of reminds me of those figures. Picrel is an AI recreation of that trip. They asked me if I wanted to join them into a ‘higher order’.
My nigga don't be tellin these 4tards about our secret god gas. Lettem eat they're shit fungus and giggle about funny colors instead. Enlightenment is only for the true Israelites
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I never got any cool trips like that I’ve just had the meaning of life reality and all that unfolded for me to choose to forget to relearn or some reason I just know it’s for some sort of gain
But I have been initiated into an order and told I could initiated others and that I’m 4 times blessed
Which I find funny cause I two have had a cursed life but since I’ve done a ton of left 105tabs averaging around 5tabs a trip with several strip trips I’ve gotten over allot of baggage learned to enjoy the simple things and feel very blessed with my constant union with the divine via synchronicity but I prefer the term harmony and all the things I’ve learned and gained
Pic related is my genetics as I to am white
But I’m A+ blood type I feel it has to do with Scotland with the who Scottish rite business but idk it could have nothing to do with genetics and be more ethereal

I wonder what this all means for us
initiat others and that I’m 4 times blessed
Which I find funny cause I to have had a cursed life but since I’ve done a ton of lsd 105tabs*
With the whole Scottish rite thing*
>Dude! Finally someone who relates.

Upboated thanks for the gold!!!!!!!
Anon you’re just mad that you’re not cool enough for the ancient Egyptian reptilian club
Bases and safe journeys
gay and reddit
it was the coolest part of reddit that’s why they shut down spores sells and flooded the subs with negative bots like yourself
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>the strongest psilocybin mushrooms known to man
they don't look so tough
reminder to take magnesium before you trip
Teach me how to grow them. Today I went running a little to exercise and then I was passing by this field who has cows eating grass. Then I did think to myself maybe I can spot some shrooms growing and then bam! I did spot three white mushrooms growing in the middle of the cow's shit. I jumped the fence and went to check it out. I tried breaking it to see if it was going to turn blue, but nothing happened so I don't think those were the real deal. I want to grow mushrooms like you. I can't grow weed because people would notice it, but shrooms are less obvious and I can lie and say I'm growing them for food.
Is that a thing? Why?
I found that everything that has a strong influence on emotions like MDMA or classical psychedelics felt much more positive after taking magnesium.

Magnesium is a natural NMDA receptor blocker which means it slows down the excititory effects of glutamate in the brain.
Higher levels of glutamate in particular areas of the brain are associated with bad psychedelic trips.

Magnesium just provides a barrier to negative rumination spirals that can happen on psychedelics.
Make sure you take a pair of gloves, fill them with water and tie them together and have sex with it. In prison it's called a "Fifi"
Mushroom heads on X need to start an IPO

Psychedelic drug investments surge in 2024: Key startups raising funds and closing deals


Investors pile into psychedelic drug start-ups tackling mental health


Meet Europe’s psychedelic startups fuelling mental health innovation

Nice, will try next time.
Getting rid of the bad trips is such a retarded concept. Psychedelics aren't just some pure good. That is an absolute bastardization. You need to see the evil within yourself to improve. Good trips all the time is just curtains and smoke
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I feel the same.

The first couple of times I took psilocybin I thought that shit should be taken by everyone and be mandatory for the sake of humanity as a whole. Yet then I realized that maybe I'm the fool here that doesn't understand what's going on here and needs his shit get straight.

We all live in misery and insecurity induced fear and the only blessing there is a blind fold given to us by the great one at birth to obsidian us from peering into the void that everything is. There is great peace in ignorance and no way back after discovery.
The chocolate krinkle brain would like a word, faggot.
I've been growing san pedro cacti for a few years now. I haven't done any mescaline yet I probably need to be in a better place mentally but maybe next summer. how does it compare to mushrooms or lsd?
>took acid 4 times in my life
>got hppd after last trip
>still have it

Yeah, acid changed the course of my future. Never messing with psychadelic again. It opened up my mind though, trips were insightful. I do not regret taking it. Hppd was scary at first, I do not even notice it anymore even though its here. 8 years ago was my last trip. Never again
That’s fair. Shit can be dangerous for some people. I think it’s like 1 in 50 go crazy for some reason
Of course
Has anyone ever used a VR headset while tripping?
I imagine it would potentially be awesome given the right game/program or whatever but its not enough of a motivation for me to buy one
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>took lsd, lsa, shrooms with buddies frequently
>one time have precognition of an accident
>police sirens, warm blood dripping from me
>my buddy tells me I was randomly screaming while gazing off
>another trip I realize the truth of jews manipulating everything
>it was during a match of mw2
>buddy using noob tube, rpg, and C4
>he would shoot off noob tube 2 times to win duels, same with RPG
>would throw c4 on the ground to re-spawn with more ammo "tactical deletion"
>realize the jews have developed an equivalently efficient strategy to extract money from people
>see it in every facet of life ever since
>haven't taking psychedelics in yrs
>one day get into car accident
>fading in and out of consciousness
>warm blood dripping from my face
>police come
>realize this was my vision 8-9 yrs ago
>pinned between dash and driver-side door
>they remove the roof to get me out
>rush me to hospital
>on cold surgical table
>two surgeons prepare to put me under
>ask one doctor if he's a jew
>he starts joking and dancing around answering
>swear I will kill every single jew
>wake up several weeks later after they take me off fentanyl
pic rel. my car
You told the Jewish doctor you want to kill all Jews?
That’s a cubensis bitch
That shit won’t touch pan cyans. They don’t even feel similar at the same dose
Like a mix of both. More natural like shrooms but will make colors shine like mdma or lsd
Is there a concise guide on growing these? How difficult are they to cultivate?
I suck at drawing but I'm going to try and explain one really crazy thing I saw yesterday. I took a fat rip and immediately everything started waving and breathing my curtains started having this purple sheen washing over it and these huge egyptian eyes were cycling up and down, as soon as I realized I was tripping it was like some far away entity immediately took notice I was 'intruding', and this where the crazy shit began

My entire vision from top to bottom began morphing into white and black checkboards. I had my eyes white open at this point because I was spooked shitless at what I was gonna see if I closed them. The center of my vision I saw a jester entity. It was extremely similar to picrel. Underneath his face I started seeing words appearing and it was clear he was trying to communicate with me. In the moment I felt like I immediately understood the words were dangerous, they weren't glyphs and seemed to be English. I tried everything I could to not read the words as I thought they were prophecies of doom, I may have either interested the entity or bored him at this point as everything simply disappeared and started going full alien bizarre organic fractals. It's really hard to explain what happened after this point so I won't go into too much detail, but this was my first real contact with a jester. I'll definitely be taking more later and maybe I'll try and communicate properly this time
Any trip below 10g shrooms and 1000ug of acid is gay and reddit. You didn't see the truth of what was behind the veil. You didn't see the end. You saw funny colors. You're a pussy and a tourist.
If you take that amount unprepared you are a retard and you won't learn anything. You need to take reddit doses and slowly up them until you're ready to break through or you will just panic and lose your mind and have a terrifying experience
Nobody ask you reddit. Pearl clutching faggot. Kill yourself and don't post here.
i saw this guy on my friend's wall on the exact same spot for more than an hour while on shrooms
i think psychadelics just have a tendency to make you see eyes like this
when i trip on more than like 4g of shrooms im pretty sure i black out for like an hour or two of the peak of it and slowly come back to consciousness, still tripping but more clear headed
and i'll look at the time and realize that a shit ton of time passed
dmt is probably better if you want to fuck yourself up with those kinds of trips
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uncle ben's is retarded and a waste of money, i did it and lost 9/10 of my bags to mold
mushrooms are also far less potent when they cant get access to nutrients from food, so whole brown rice isnt nearly as good as ground rice
uncle bens is created by and for redditors
pf tek is the only correct budget way, follow the guide on the shroomery forum or be a loser
Anyone fucked on 2cb? Did you cum? How long does it take to kick
>blacks out from 4g
a woman made this post
what kind of mushroom should i grow next? i'm deciding between:
>pan cyans
i've tried doing research on the affects of the different varieties but the only information i can really find is more than a decade old on the shroomery forums and half the posts are always retards saying "cubes are cubes" even if i'm talking about an entirely different species
well, the mushrooms i had i think were more potent than they should've been, i grow myself so its hard to say
i also have BPD so i might be more prone to that shit than regular people
my vision is still a little melty from when i did an absolute fuck ton of LSA the night before, and LSA isn't even supposed to produce visuals
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Who else has experiences with 4-HO-MET / 4-HO-Mipt?

Usually one of my favourite substances when i'm rolling with the boys but i have to say the come up is pretty heavy. Feelings of emptiness and malaise may arise.

How to they compare to normal shrooms? Must admit i never had those.
Haven't on 2cb but did it once on acid and it was real good. Less sensitive down below and lots of energy to keep pounding away. I think 2cb would be more of a aphrodisiac as you can really feel the energy built up around your bladder.
how one gets access to strange drugs like those but not shrooms baffles me
Shroomfapping was on a complete other level. The cum itself was likely the strongest I have experienced thus far, and I have stimfapped many times on methamphetamine. You really have to be able to get in the mindset though, it's not easy. Porn is generally a turn off
Bless nigga
Research chemicals can be ordered online
last time i did shrooms, around 4g i was seeing native totem pole faces in grains on wood both on the fences and hardwood flooring
Off top of head
>long term user of lsd friend went to hell, yggdrasil, hell again after receiving a megadose during festival. Like drooling and convulsing level of bullshit whilst mumbling obscure shits and being very agitated. It looked exactly like what you'd imagine a boomer from the 50's wold say to deter you from doing drugs.
>discovered trees were unfriendly towards human on a Salvia trip
>went to the abyss (in crowley's terminology) on a near overdose experience on mdma a few years ago and it changed everything
>had the funniest time of life on lsd baking a chocolate cake with friends
>had the weirdest sex of my life on lsd listening to pink floyds
>met a spirit attracted to shiny silky fabrics on lsd as well. Nicest encounter I've had on psychedelics

Drop your funny experiences itt
How do you people do that shit
Did you trade your central nervous system and spine for a broomstick? How are you not terminally brain damaged or mentally ill from that kind of dosage?
God startuppers and entrepreneurs are so fucking out of touch
Give these niggas time and no responsabilities and they'll come up with concepts like food that doesn't make you shit or water that turns your piss into coffee
And you have the neurosensibility of a galvanized steel pan if you need that much. Apes aren't meant to acid. This shit for human people.
... What did you fap to?
When you see the visuals you get freaky to them. Not much else to say in that regard. I've nutted to more aztec stone faces than I am proud to admit.
i did mushrooms in vr and played some trippy vrchat worlds. it wasn’t that spectacular though. at the end of the day, vr is just 2 screens really close to your face that engulf your field of view with controllers for inputs. i definitely had more fun than sober but it wasn’t like “i felt like i was really there man”.
This was unexpected and pleasant to discover. Thanks, Jizzy Mcaztecstoneface
Clearly you learned nothing kek
Anon, let me quote a wise jester here:

> If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen.

Once you realize being the godhead, start working on yourself and discipline your mind to become a benefical creator for this world. How you are emotionally and physically, what you think, and what you focus on determines whether you contine blindly creating hell around you, or bringing heaven to Earth. Read the Bible - between the lines. Read Goddard. And take responsibilty for all the shit around you - then forgive yourself and do not feed your misshapen creations with your attention, constant fighting, fear and rejection. Do you hate your early childhood drawings, do you criticize them every time you look at them? Do you get upset by them? I do not think so. Wake up, and realize your power and responsibilty! Transform yourself to transform the world. This is the only true alchemy.
Kinda this. Also it's like 4eu for a potent pill. Not sure how comparable the dose is to shrooms but 20mg is enough to transport you to the universe of sound.

In addition did canna butter two days ago. Didn't notice much so went to sleeps after 4 hours or so. Woke up around 11PM to visuals comparable to the symbol of the crown chakra. A thousand leafs in a wild spectrum of amazing colors.
You can learn from YouTube
Philly Golden Teacher:
90 second mycology:
Both of these guys are two of the best. I bought a pressure canner from goodwill and it really made my grows more than 90% successful at fruiting at least 1 flush
I did it with my instant pot too. The main issue is sterilization of grain. I sterilize grain and substrate for 2 hours each. People will say it’s overkill but I found it eliminates almost all contamination. If you can’t do that, soak and rinse and boil then rinse the grain again. Then put it in jars.
PF tek is slightly easier to sterilize so are small jars, you can buy premade grow bags from places like blooming acres and Etsy. I would suggest buying spores from sporeswaps they have many different vendors. Use someone popular and close to your country. Buy liquid culture or isolated spore syringes. Those grow much faster than regular spores. For your first grow lookup psilocybe natalensis. It grows faster, gives more flushes and is stronger than most cubensis varieties
Reddit and Shroomery also have tons of info
Uncle Ben’s used to work better before they changed the recipe
Now you have to use the dollar store brand minute rice to have anything close to a 50% success rate
just use mason jars dude its not that difficult
> Use psychedelic to have a ego death
> Hey, i'm better then everyone else, you go 10g or you're gay
I do use mason jars faggot but not everyone has access to a kitchen to sterilize
Its idiots like you who are the worst part of mushrooms
>just do it my way dude
No dipshit because not everyone has access to the same tools
AMA about Taoism
Cost of shrooms can vary a lot but online they’re cheaper per hit when bought as 1 ounce or more
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bluies are ok i guess
but have you visited the red dragon before, seen rudra's fury riding on the storm?
>i'm too retarded to put mason jars in a pot full of water
you dont NEED a pressure cooker you can just do it in a stockpot, and it will still be 10x better than sticking a needle in a rice bag full of mold spores
Not certain brands dumbfuck. I actually own a pressure canner dummy.
You think your small experience is more than everyone else?
Holy fuvk you’re dumb. Some people don’t have access to a kitchen to spawn illegal drugs. How dumb are you that you can’t understand this?
>amanita muscaria
Nasty trash and I love psychedelic mushrooms
>my way is the only way
Seriously kys
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>Some people don’t have access to a kitchen
so why are you spending your money on extremely potent psychadelics?
poors gonna poor
> mushrooms are also far less potent when they cant get access to nutrients from food, so whole brown rice isnt nearly as good as ground rice
This isn’t true. I’ve seen people grow these on bras, bibles and teddy bears without grain
Millions of people do it. So it sounds like you’re just a loser faggot and that’s why yours failed
paul stamets is a megafaggot and probably a pedophile
Cool beans enjoy your legal high dumbass
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I've done it a few time with minimal results but the 2nd and last time I did LSD was the weirdest, I don't think I can handle this stuff or I took too much
>be in pool with friends during trip
>everything is super warm and comfy
>sit the in the pool for like 2 hours
>decide to get out after a while
>it's not warm and comfy anymore
>I'm naked and cold as fuck
>lose sense of where I am or what's going on
>everyone around me seems like a stranger ignoring me
>start feeling kinda panicky but manage to keep my cool
>friends just goes quiet and lay down to enjoy the trip
>can't feel the presence of anyone despite them being there
>sit and lay down and watch the clouds and enjoy the music
>clouds form all kinds of visuals including skulls and skeletons but not in a scary way
>go for walk together in the forest
>still feeling very on edge
>feels like the road is going on forever and time is standing still
>grab the branch of a tree and look at the leaves
>suddenly feels like a thousands years pass in the blink of an eye
>slowly start to feel more calm as night goes on
>walk around looking at nature and the sun as it goes down
>eventually go back to pool and things are fine and fun again as trip wears off

There was a bunch of other stuff I felt too but that's the base of it and I'm not sure what I was suppose to take from it. The thing with the pool kinda felt like I was being born again, the pool was just like the warm womb where I was safe and comfortable, until I got thrust out into the world, naked, exposed and cold with nothing but strangers surrounding me. The walk through the forest just felt strange and endless like my youth, until it was suddenly all over and I felt like I hadn't even gotten to experience anything. Maybe the feeling of being alone despite being around my friends means something? How returning to the pool means that I find comfort in my inner child or something?
Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass I don't know. Appreciate any inputs
It’s crazy how people have these types of trips on lsd and I only get cool looking colors and sweaty. Others will take the same batch and dose and be twice my size but still feel it more than me
I think I was mk ultra’d and drove my tolerance up or something
I think it's just that everyone has difference sensitivity when it comes to these things.
maybe theyll reclassify it and i can be as cool as you are
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Maybe you're just a reptile on acid.
Much more extreme than other drugs though
Psychedelics are just a different breed
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i watched a video of a dog that had ate some wild psychadelic mushrooms and i noticed something: he was tucking his tail
at first i thought it was because the dog was afraid but the filmer said that the dog was acting pretty happy and seemed to be enjoying himself, and that the dog had been actively seeking out the mushrooms
so i wonder, could it be that the dog learned to cover himself out of shame?
anal/genital fixation)(and the shame associated with nudity some people feel) is a primate behavior. No other species are concerned.
post video, i love watching animals trip.

these mfs know whats on.
lmao, such a cute doggo.
but i dont think its shame, more like a bit of anxiety you get from tripping. i feel the same way and my shlong also shrinks like cold its been in cold water while tripping if thats any indications. but i still very much enjoy it for the most part.
yea i kinda made that post after waking up from very little sleep while still being very tired
sometimes you just get bombarded with thoughts when you wake up like that and can't go back to sleep
but after watching the video again its kind of a dumb idea
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well i do think that dogs can feel shame, but not about nudity. Maybe if you catch them breaking your shit or eating food the know is not for them.
Without language the concept probably never comes up, if anything the feel shame for the shit we dress them in as well as having those anty scratching colloars.
Ive heard that dogs act diffrently when a human is around as oppose when they are on their own, pic related.
Based as fuck dog
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on my last lsd trip in September, I was having one of the nicest days of the year when my wife got home and we were chilling on the balcony at sunset, when we started looking more deeply into each other's eyes. It got pretty intense though . and the energy shifted suddenly, I became filled with dread, and I wish we had stopped the eye contact earlier because shit spooked me, and I am generally fearless with this stuff.

I must have astral projected into her mind or something of the sort, because as the eye contact grew deeper, I felt like I was inside her, and inside of her I saw a fukin demon or something, I saw it be seen by me, grimace, and scurry away. one of the most horrible things I've ever seen. I saw it in the corner of my left eye, and run off to the left. During the whole event, afterward she told me, she felt a similar feeling as me of dread come into her, but had horrible thoughts about herself as I was looking into her, thoughts about how she was evil and dark and powerful... Just before in our cuddles, it was so full of love. Then this attack occurred suddenly. what I saw was this creature that seemed similar to medieval grotesques or grimoires, sorta resembling Bifrons ig.
planning to face that mfer head on next trip
If you've taken psychs as much as I have it it's not that dangerous. A person who doesnt trip often on high doses would have a terrifying experience but if you know exactly what to do expect and how to behave it's not that bad. It's like a rollercoaster ride. After a few rides you stop screaming

>terminally brain damaged
Psychedelics especially DMT do the opposite, neurogenesis, mental illness or PTSD is a real risk hwoever
>let me into your mind, anon, it will be fun
Based. I think you guys were having a spiritual connection and a demon recognized if and inserted themselves into your trip
Make sure to safe the room and say a prayer, read a psalm or make up your own commands to clear the space of all energy. Wash the dishes, pick up clutter, vacuum the floor and your space should be good to go after a smudging
One time I took 5 grams and laid down and I closed my eyes and felt beings around me sucking the negative energy out of me. Then I had an image of a dark smiling shadow running through my energy field trying to hide from the psychic surgery being done on me.
I think shrooms help end demon possession and that’s why I don’t crave bad food for a month or two after I use a big dose
Cool dog having a good time. I met a girl at the dog park and she said her dog was just coming down from a shroom trip and vet visit. The vet didn’t do shit and said the dog would be fine and she was concerned. I pointed out that it happens all the time and they survive, she calmed down but some people forget that shrooms are food and very few are deadly
You know I have done my share of drugs and literally never seen a mushroom. I feel like this shit is actually really hard to get.
i wonder why its uncommon
its literally one of the easiest drugs to create yourself, easier than growing weed or brewing alcohol
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took all 8 cubes of this at once today


really clean trip with the full God fractal visible and breathing in the grass outside. felt very in tune with the patterns of nature with no voices or other hallucinations. good product imo
I've taken LSD, DMT, psilocybin mushrooms, marijuana. When I trip really hard on any substance I basically see that I'm God. And I'm presumably primordially alone. There is nothing but God. Experiencing itself in an infinitely expanding fractal. Kind of sad.
Yeah. Growing them is a lot of fun too
I’ve given away multiple grow kits to coworkers and frens
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this sollipsism is because your mind is still young. you're not ready for psychic contact with others and this is why you feel alone as a Godhead. just know this feeling is definitely false and you just can't see yet
Yeah maybe someday your govt daddy will let you do it
If that was true we would all get that same trip. You're just reddit.
reds illegal not blues legal. so focused on your little rebellions, probably a teenie bopper
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The reason I suggest pan cyans over cubensis of similar tryptamine levels is because pans feel more pleasant for most people. Many report never wanting to touch another magic mushroom after they try pan cyans. They taste better, they’re much stronger and the highs reported are more healing, spiritual and pleasant.
picrel is trip reports
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This guy took 1/3 of a gram
Most don’t take over 1 gram
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This guy took 2.5 grams and said it felt like DMT
That's why he was put on fent
Are you rh- ?
Not the anon but why do you ask?
It was hard for me until I grew them myself. Learn the science of mycology and how to breed and clone, hybridization if you can afford a flow hood and electric microscope
Right now they’re just beginning to understand this stuff
On my first shroom trip this fuckn thing showed up vibrating on a wall
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wooaaahhh duuuuddeee trrriiipppyyyyy
That’s how you get stuck in the simulation
>It got pretty intense though . and the energy shifted suddenly, I became filled with dread,
It's a bit terrifying how things can turn bad so quickly
I had a vision like this on DMT where I was seeing a hatch open into a hatch opening into more hatches

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