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Do demons still accept living people/humans as sacrifices?
You don't have to. But sure, they would notice the dedication. They might agree that hopefully it's not for anything silly. Could just kill a rabbit too and get a similar affect. I don't recommend murder though. Skinwalkers have to kill and consume a loved one. So, there's that. You'll still most likely just remain human though. Good luck.
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what about ars goetia demons?
They would be true demons and even have an amusing hierarchy where some of them are Kings as well. You can read Dr. Rudd's Goetia to get more symbols. All the lesser demons to work with like dukes and I believe knights. I think the angelic sigils are in their as well but not sure. That might be purely Enochian.

Can you tell me what you were seeking?
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something very autistic
if you want that much to know...
It's not going to work. You could do a ritual for what you want and sure it might have some effect, but the manga artist isn't going to understand who you are or just magically care. You're not going to turn him into a zombie to do your bidding. Go for the ritual but also try to politely bug the artist to get the information. I'm sure the demons, the artist and everyone will be amused. Hope you find out if your favorite character or waifu is a virgin. Sounds important. What waifu is it? Might be able to tell just right off.
>It's not going to work
maybe it will
Go for it man. Be really smart about and keep trying. I hope your someone somewhat strong to have all that energy for magic. I have faith you can make it happen. Why isn't there some story arc or lore that tells you she's a virgin? Not enough faith to just believe she's a virgin?
Of course. Especially children.
Are you still trying to do the waifu shit? Go talk to a psychiatrist you psychopath
>Go for it man. Be really smart about and keep trying.
>I hope your someone somewhat strong to have all that energy for magic.
i am not sure i thought about paying a online occulist to perform the ritual
>Why isn't there some story arc or lore that tells you she's a virgin? Not enough faith to just believe she's a virgin?
she was mentioned to be only abused being burned stabbed never raped but the author kinda ruin it
>Are you still trying to do the waifu shit?
yes first i will try to pay a occulist to perform a ritual i need to get money first
I would just have faith she's a virgin. Being raped and not wanting it is pretty similar to a virgin. Hopefully the story paints a different picture though. What ruined it to make you think she's not a virgin?
You're going to get charged over a thousand dollars by a goth scam artist and nothing is going to happen
>I would just have faith she's a virgin.
it not enough anymore
>What ruined it to make you think she's not a virgin?
the author on twitter replying to comment
maybe you are right maybe wrong we will see
I am right but you seem extremely mentally ill, beyond reasoning, so I can't stop you. Don't kill anyone.
What did the artist say?
she was made for me i collected so much art of her from obscure japanese twitter page and pixiv
i will get her back i willl undone the mistake
Sure man
Lmao, that's some petty shit to ask a demon to help you.
IMO that's really not worth dealing with the literal mafia of the spiritual realm but on the other hand perfectly fits the theme.
You deal with dangerous entities to bend a reality you don't like instead of accepting it, fuck this "reality" we talk about is a foctional work even.
it strange request
but i really cant let it go
it really hard to find perfection like her she is obscure meaning most degenerates and NSFW Porn artist will leave her alone and has alot of fan art it impossible to find someone like her
I would just accept she's not completely a virgin and that reality is shit. Sorry to hear. You can still save her. Use sorcery to get revenge on everybody. Go crazy. But I hope you overcome it all and find peace.
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the author of the manga had some brain problem and went to hospital
should i actually summon a demon in order to get rid of him from this earth
Perfection isn't natural and not possible in most times, and you want the help of beings far from perfect to get perfection.
Take a deep breath and step back, if your Waifu was real and confessed her love to you but also told you she wasn't a virgin anymore. Would you turn her down? Would you toss her love aside because this little detail isn't perfect? Doesn't she deserve your love? Do you deserve absolute perfection?

Also keep in mind that demons hate humans, they might fulfill your wish but it will still make you unhappy. Example: Mamga artist gets pissed and says she is a virgin but claims has a mean scat fetish and can only love people that eat her poop.
Nah, he's suffered enough. I don't think he meant for the character to be wounded so badly. But I don't know who it is, so I don't know if he's a terrible guy or something. You'll be acting and using forces. You'll have to accept spiritual warfare.
Fucking no
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>Perfection isn't natural and not possible in most times, and you want the help of beings far from perfect to get perfection.
she was perfect unit that stupid fucking mistake
>Take a deep breath and step back, if your Waifu was real and confessed her love to you but also told you she wasn't a virgin anymore. Would you turn her down? Would you toss her love aside because this little detail isn't perfect? Doesn't she deserve your love? Do you deserve absolute perfection?
i dont think i can answer this question
>Also keep in mind that demons hate humans, they might fulfill your wish but it will still make you unhappy. Example: Mamga artist gets pissed and says she is a virgin but claims has a mean scat fetish and can only love people that eat her poop.
the worst thing a demon can do to her is make super popular which means people will draw NSFW shit of her
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Ruby from FPE was the closest thing to her but she had a big problem which was she was popular people would lewd her and ruin her for me
>i dont think i can answer this question
Then you should meditate on this for a while before trying fucking demons of all things
>he worst thing a demon can do to her is make super popular which means people will draw NSFW shit of her
That's probably even easier for the demon to do than my scat example anon. All it needs is one other autist obsessed with this character and a slight bit of artistic talent that wants to see her defiled for his cooming desires

I worry you are about to learn a harsh lesson about acceptance from this
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i doubt if i am nice to the demon or the guy i pay to summon the demon maybe it will not be that bad
also i might not have great artistic talent but i collect great obsucre images of her
Don't count on it, really man. Demons usually tend to hate mortals and they take pleasure from fucking with you, it's basically their goal.
are some demons actually nice?
Oh, are you the Sekai Oni guy?
Different reasons from different sources, my guess is that most of them used to be gods in their own regard but yahweh worshippers twisted them into mockeries.
Another thing if you go by the dead sea scrolls is that demons are just here to tempt us and punish us for it. In this version they are only spared by god because that's the job they have.
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oh yeah
if you are respectable towards them will they respect you?
>if you are respectable towards them will they respect you?
Probably not, I have this theory of approaching demons with their previous names, of the deities they once were in order to calm them and show compassion but I never acted on it because it is too dangerous IMO
If it is true what other sources told me, demons are more like machines that are programmed to hate us.
If that is true you cannot just be nice and respectful to them, this will make it much easier for them to fuck with you.

Anon, I know you are autistic and this manga character is driving you insane. But for the sake of yourself don't pursue this, you don't know what you are dealing with and it will probably fuck you up even worse than some fictional character sticking his fictional penis into your fictional waifu.
Ask yourself those questions I asked you here >>39109587 and think about it. Imagine she was real and she confessed her love to you, will you turn her down because she was raped?
I remember you from /a/, did you manage to actually ask properly this time?
As for the daemons, do a lot of research before going through it and learn some basics first, do you even know the basic banishing procedures?
Some people recommend pathworking but I'd go the old fashioned ritual route as a way to show them some respect, try Orobas since he's supposed to lead you to where you want to go, i.e find someone who will actually help you.
so you are telling me that demons are nothing more that metaphysical AIs?
Do they have self-awareness feelings?
>I remember you from /a/, did you manage to actually ask properly this time?
no i send her death threats thought
>so you are telling me that demons are nothing more that metaphysical AIs?
Depends on who you ask but yeah. AI is a bit of a crude term, more like instinct driven beings. Like for example a spider, no matter how much you tell the spider not to eat insects, it will eat insects, it was made for this.
>Do they have self-awareness feelings?
Probably some form of it, you can def piss them off. And they def can feel hatred
can they be pleased? do some of think like humans or are they truely alien-thinking?
They know enough to be able to communicate woth humans, make of that what you will.
As for their minds, they are probably vastly alien to ours. They don't need food or sex or to breathe. I am no expert in "metaphysical evolution" .
If you truly want to try meddle with demons, try Furcas/Forcas, he is the lowest of them as a knight. But of it's true you send death threats to the creator any demon will have a nice time with you and run you into the ground, you clearly are not well and the demons will use that.
As for paying an occultist, for exampme I simply wouldn't do it for you. Nlt even for a thousand bucks.
i want to try amducias is he alright
this horse guy
Nah they stopped accepting human sacrifices a few years ago. Why? Do you have someone tied up ready to go?
well i have my dog and my mother...
but i would not do that instead i will probably sacrifice like rabbit or a chicken
Tantallus was condemned to eternal punishment for sacrificing his Son to the Gods.

Humans are off limits, unless you are sacrificing to some pure evil Chthonic being.
Why him? What makes you think he is chill?
he is the most suited for my request
maybe he isnt?
look back in the thread you posted:
>experience, your potential and your will.
>You might need a certain level of practice in other things to even communicate effectively
your human sacrifice will be done and the demon appears, if you show these traits. typical autist, you have all the information but cant choose the right one, another perfectly well thread wasted. as you are a massive troglo, just assume human sacrifice is done, now wait for your demon (or your trickster) and see what happens you pathetic beta autist lol
i am going first try paying a actual Occultist to summon an demon for me
they feed on industrial amounts of sacrifices during wars, they don't care about your shit
so they are enjoying the shitshow in ukraine?
Okabe Uru is a SHE?????
and in middle east, latam cartels, africa, north korean camps - it happens everywhere
cia, kremlin, terrorists, corporations, criminal gangs, governments, chinese communists, israel, secret societies, saudi etc. all inflict massive amounts of death and suffering to appease demons for power
i wonder how god feels about this
which one?
yahweh is the biggest demon of them all btw
Who even is your waifu anyway?
it does not matter
the actual god of universe
how does he feel about the suffering of the world they made?
What character were you even wondering if they are a virgin or not anyways. If you say Azuma you are a genuine retard.
He's a Lukyonfag
I am God and I do not typically like people sacrificing other people to me or my demons or angels because they're all shit at ESP and their rituals are so child-like they're basically asking me to do all the ESP for them when they try to harvest souls after parting them from their bodies. Also I can harvest souls whenever they leave bodies however they leave bodies and murder or war or taxes (lives) are not necessary for that.
You wanna make your human sacrifice rituals meaningful? Practice them and prepare them and set them in motion your whole lifetime before you're kill and use rituals and ideas a billion other Aztecs, Ted Bundys, nignog gangbangers and bitter housewives haven't already used a thousand times.

Good luck.
>If you say Azuma you are a genuine retard.
i might be stupid but i am not fucking dumb-ass she got literally molested by her uncle in the beginning
actual autism
wait are you that guy from waifu threats from /v/?
Lukyon is like 6 and grew up in some sort of contained utopia right? Her whole character is focused around her absolute innocence too, it's obvious she's a virgin.
Not to mention that IIRC her character was used to bring back the innocence in the sluttiest cum dumpster sex obsessed freak whore ever.
Would make zero sense for her narratively to have been raped or whatever.
she was abused physically by seshio
That's not necessarily rape, I can't see Seshio assaulting her that way neither, they were more brainwashed child soldiers than actually doing evil for the sake of it.
All in all, all the Cheshire Devils kept some degree of innocence.
she was mention to be burned stabbed and beaten that said i am still fucking ANGRY OVER THAT FUCKING ANSWER
i am not if it was actual answer or not
In general, I just feel like it is too late to fix this relationship with her. Even if the author said yes, I feel I would feel lied. I am not sure a simple yes would be to do something in order to solve the 3 years of pain and now 4 which is why I turned myself to the occult forces; they are my last chance. I am willing to risk it if this fails that it really is over. I am not sure what I actually even want. I just wish I never asked. I also hurt Lukyon in several ways. I can't forgive myself. I just feel our relationship is too damaged at this point...but i still have try one final chance
How is your tulpa?
i dont have one
If I can't have Lukyon, then I will have to find someone else, which is impossible.

She has to be unique and come from a great story and a unique world with great lore.

She also obviously has to be different and has a personality something that makes me fall in love with her. She also needs to be obscure, but with tons of fan art that I can find, I am sure the same popularity with Sekai Oni, so it can't attract those degenerates that will ruin her for me.

The closest person to Lukyon was Ruby from Fundamental Paper Education; she manages to hit most points, except for the fact that she is popular, which ruins her for me.

I am not sure what I really want. You can't really find a waifu; she finds you. Maybe I really want the demon to pinpoint me to that girl from that media that obscure also has a lot of fan-art or Maybe i want the demon to make that person and that media piece just for me.
Overall, I feel like I got enough answers from you guys. I don't think I need to make more threats about this topic. I pay the guy to summon a demon from Ars Goetia to fulfill my weird request. I will post it about once I see the aftermath. bye
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what mod from is this isaac boss?
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Why do you think thousands of children disappear around the world without a trace of their bodies?
How do you suppose celebrities earn their status?
no it this the pitful corpse from brutal orchestra
Who is the girl?
we don't live in lawless times
you would probably be better off asking for help to become a manga artist and then draw your own manga with a more perfect virgin waifu, no?
bro i cant do that
you cant be a manga artist unless you are japanese and i am not that great at drawing
Is that Urna and Barbatos?
this make sense but what about internet celebrities like Dafuqboom?

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