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Every noticed how every single FLOTUS has been a dude in a dress?

Ever noticed how every single female royal family member from every dynasty has been a dude in a dress?

If you haven't, then go back and look again.

Okay, now have you ever heard of Babylon?

Have you ever heard of the Babylonian Gala priests?

Gala priests would castrate themselves on initiation into the order, and dress and behave as females for the rest of their lives.

Ancient Babylonian rituals such as the midyear celebrations involving bright multi-coloured robes and self castration are still being held today. The governments are run by cultists with a fetish for child sacrifice.

Everyone always directs their vitriol at Donald Trump or Joe Biden, or [insert any other politician from any area], yet it is their castrated priest wives who are the actual controllers.

The elites use governments to redirect humanity's hatred of oppression and remain shielded behind them. These would-be-women are doing the same exact thing, hiding behind their figurehead submissives.

Help me out here fellas, give me some more puzzle pieces.
They are trying to create an artificial androgynous human being, because they can't figure out how to do it naturally!
I wonder if they're doing the same thing as most christians and taking their own metaphorical satanism literally?
>Have you ever heard of the Babylonian Gala priests?
I can confidently state I’ve done more research on them than almost anyone alive
Based Jefferson widower chad
The soul is a combined energy, both masculine and feminine.
At some point in humanity's past, this divine union was split in two.
Over time, the two halves drifted further apart from each others which shows in sexual dimorphism.
The causes for these issues are traumatic in nature.

Now you can do two things with this.
Either you grow up and heal the wounds, reunite with your own other half of yourself, and ascend...
Or you stubbornly ignore the pain, drift further apart from your complete self, become envious of the people who are achieving the former and decide to cheat your way into divine unity.

Transhumanism is all about using technology to cheat the natural way up to divinity, about killing and destroying your old broken self instead of healing it, and destroying everyone who's done it the hard way out of sheer envy.
Thank you for your input. This is the kind of thing they use to make it harder to know the scientific truth. They did manage to include an allegory for what THEY are suffering from. In a roundabout way.
They seek completion, but destroy themselves in its pursuit.
Perhaps in the deepest circles, it's understood that the self-destruction's purpose is to allow God the Creator or whoever they may be worshipping to reconstruct them whole again.
On the surface, in the first few layers visible from the public, even "middle management", they probably don't recognise this purpose.
Their self-destruction means simply to destroy the pain. That they're hurting others in the process is simply because others don't recognise the distance between themselves and the hurt people, and internalise the struggles of strangers. Call it altruism or a Catholic mindset or something else, I'm only observing the behaviour.

Speaking just for myself, I have no problems with the idea of transhumanism, the idea that people can augment themselves physically as much as spiritually to become stronger, have better cardio, live longer and so on.
The problem starts with this being fueled from the very onset by perfectionism and the sense that the individual and the collective will never be good enough.
It becomes a tyrannical problem the moment someone thinks "because this is objectively superior, everybody should be forced to be transformed this way".
If anyone wondered what took technology so long since the 1960s to make any achievement whatsoever, now you know. Tyrannical charity is the primary and single most overtly effective vice of the Pluto in Leo generation. 1939-1958 born. That's the generation that's now dying of old age and of vaccinations.
They can never be allowed to wield this kind of technology. Checks need to be in place. Individual sovereignty on a soul level is God's fundamental gift. Without it, you're nothing. That's what the Cult of Self-Destruction wants you to be, thus Mindlink and other cybernetic control projects.
extremely wise posts.
the female is marked by neotony, maintenance of youthful traits. the transhumanists seek immortality and eternal youth, the ancient pursuit of the grail, but instead they find only vampirism, living death, and subsisting on the blood of the living, rather than the sacred drink of the grail. pestilence becomes their nature, love of the dark, rape, theft of innocence; everything must be filthy, everything must be destroyed.

>yet it is their castrated priest wives who are the actual controllers.
Dude, the fact that Donald Trump's wife does look like a tranny makes I believe in you. I just do.
Yeah yeah, fuck those bitches

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