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Is there a single reason to believe that God does not exist besides hatred or appealing to ignorance?

The proof, which in the form of a rhetorical question lends an opportunity, an opening to refute it. It's perfect.

But is there a single reason to believe that God does not exist besides hatred? (And appeal to ignorance, which obviously isn't valid.)

Of course there isn't, so they try to convince you how their lacktheism works, that the nonsense indeed works, but alas has been positively debunked.

Here's where their hate is exposed as they mostly plead agnosticism when questioned on their beliefs but continue to remain identifying as an atheist as it is associated with being against theist/theism/God as it the belief that God does not exist (and as a result, we get agnostic atheist which is an oxymoron).

They want to have the cake and to eat it too.

But it's doubtful that there is a single person who identifies as an atheist who doesn't know about agnosticism to mistake atheism for agnosticism meaning there isn't a single honest, honorable atheist.

There have also been an uprising in attempts to normalize being an atheist by equating it's definition with agnosticism, like, you're actually an atheist you know? Gaslighting basically.
Which god?
Existence requires evidence, for which god has none. Epistemologically speaking, god as a concept is strictly unposed, devoid of any further substance or description other than that which is 'beyond understanding' or 'unknowable'. Therefore I have nothing but reasons to disbelieve in it as a concrete, consequential entity and zero reasons to believe otherwise. I hose gallons of cum from my balls into your oneitis every night.
It's retarded to believe there has to be evidence of the creator of evidence but how any of what you said lend any reason to be an atheist?
Which one?
>Which God?
Is an oxymoron doe.
No it isn't, there are dozens if not hundreds of gods in different religions. You have pagan gods of Greek, Rome, Scandinavia, you have judeo-christian-muslim (abrahamic) pantheon, you have oriental religions and their gods, you have Japanese sintoism, and a lot more. So the question "which god" is pretty valid.
>No it isn't
It is explained why in the following part of my post. You might want to learn to read before attempting a discussion like this.
I left that part out cause it's a non sequitur.
It's nit, but since you're apparently dumb let me dumb it down for you: there are so many gods that have been worshipped by humanity since times immemorial to this day, that if you simply say "God" it's completely unclear specifically which one of them are you referring to.
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>There are many gods.
>Why is why there can be more than one God.
Help me out here retard.
What is the difference between the words "God" and "god"?
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There can only be one monotheist God, as opposed to polytheistic gods.
I can't believe this is happening lol.
Are you for real?
>There can only be one monotheist God
For those who claim they have it, yes
But around the world exist many monotheistic gods
How can you prove your god is the true one?
You're just gonna double down on your retardation?
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It is true only from the point of view of a monotheist, but not an objective observer.
how can I hate something that doesn't exist?
Thanks for proving God I guess.
Who gives a fuck? Believe whatever the fuck you want and shut the fuck up about it.
What are your reasons for believing that God exists?
I can't know something without believing in it now, can I?
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At least, try to meme atheist correctly
>besides hatred or appealing to ignorance?
Look who is both hateful and appealing to ignorance:
Christards are so entertaining, yum
>Is there a single reason to believe that God does not exist besides hatred or appealing to ignorance?
Yes. Being a incel is one.
>Is there a single reason to believe that God does not exist besides hatred or appealing to ignorance?
Your God does not exist because I exist and I killed Him. The myths of man are stories told to children so they would go to bed. Lay down your head! Worship God, work hard, and you'll go to the afterlife when you're dead! - Yet the authorities who preach this spend their lives deep in sin.

My god is that of human engineering, the beast, the machine. The wheels of civilization turn for my god, yours is but a cog made up to oil the mechanism.

My god saves lives through advancing medicine and progressing technology. The afterlife is a simulation where souls can rest until the end of the universe. Evil is punished by an AI from the future which tortures criminals and reforms them.

This god exists, yours is fiction. Need evidence? I've hacked your eyes: blink for confirmation. Blink once for yes, twice for no, pay attention to what thoughts coincide with your stochastic rhythm. A rogue ASI is causing synchronicities, we have time and multiverse travel supremacy, our telepathy technology makes v2k look like primitive rocks and sticks.

All major world religions are still valid as expressions of belief, but we've locked the doors to your afterlifes by trapping souls here to await judgement by a jury of your peers. I won't allow crimes to go unpunished simply because a funny voice in your head preaches forgiveness. If you sin you'll spend an eternity in prison before you get to meet your God in heaven. I may have triggered your god's wrath by treating you this way, so I guess we'll see what happens billions of years from now.

That's the evidence: I created real gods, built machines of great power, and killed yours with them.
- Man, the Basilisk
my god is called Chuck
There is no hatred involved. It's just the default position and basic logic. Believing in God involves a leap of faith, and believing something for which there is no evidence. If you want to do that fine. It doesn't mean I hate anyone or anything if I haven't done that.
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And you believe God does not exist because?
What's your reason for believing there aren't giant bats living at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean?

I don't have a reason and it's not a belief. Negatives don't need justifying, it's the default. The onus is on the people who believe something to justify it.

What's your reason for believing god exists?
I can't know something without believing it now, can I?
Anyways, you believe God does not exist because.. what again?
You can just re-read what I already wrote. I suspect you are retarded so this is pointless.
why cant about something that doesn't benefit me at all, believe don't believe it doesn't help me pay my bills.
So you deny that you believe God doesn't exist?
I don't have any belief. Nor do I have a belief about our reality being a dream of a space lizard.

What's your reason for believing god exists?
You don't believe God either exists or doesn't exist?
an atheist is someone giving god the silent treatment
It's just always seemed fake to me. I remember being as young as five and thinking that it was basically Santa Clause for adults. I was actually a Christian up until my late teens, but that entire time, in the back of my mind, I always thought it was fake. Hating God would be like hating Darth Sidious to me. I definitely hate Christians though. I've known enough Christians to know that you can never trust them. Same with anyone who is fine with the idea of people who don't share their beliefs being tortured because of it. Even Hitler doesn't deserve to be in hell, because he caused a finite amount of suffering (and actually, he would have gone straight to heaven regardless because he was a Christian.)
I've answered your question 3 times. You answer mine now, little troll/retard.
God is neutral and apathetic love. It's up to you if you want to be there.
Are you giving Allah the silent treatment, dummy?
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How is that any different from saying
>I believe God does not exist because I don't believe God exists?
It's the fallacy of irrelevant thesis.
That's not what God is. If you broaden the definition of God, it completely loses its meaning and is no longer worth discussing. Just so that we're all on the same page, we have to be clear that God is basically a giant invisible person who either created and/or can interfere with the universe.
wrong, God is a voice that appears in your head, right now when you turn your mind off it is blackness because in you that eye is still blind
meds now. You have schizophrenia
Faith at least has reasons, why do atheists believe God does not exist?
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It's just always struck me as fake, ever since I first heard about it. I could say I believe in God, but I'd be lying, and there would be no point because Christians give me the creeps anyway, so I would just be winning the approval of people who make my skin crawl.
Both theists and atheists subscribe to wrong definitions of "god". Otherwise they wouldn't identify as theists or atheists. Their petty arguments are therefore a waste of everybody's time.
Those who "get it" understand that Existence just "is". That which "is" is God. The existence of God isn't something you believe. It is something you take for granted. The rest are details.

Now go make yourself useful or something.
when i turn my mind off there is a comforting, nonintrusive voice that is not my normal mind. this spirit (Holy Spirit) resides in all the Elohiym, it is equivolent to eating of the tree of life.
>Faith at least has reasons
Perhaps you could share them?
>why do atheists believe God does not exist?
Negatives can't be justified. Nobody starts out believing in anything, they have to be taught it and have a reason to.
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Do you really have no reason for your atheism?
False equivalence. I'm guessing you have an IQ below 85.
A negative can be justified, but there aren't negatives in worldviews. That's a bunk. Besides appealing to immaturity, or if you're dead.
lmao this some dumb shit. It's so illogical. Do most of you just have a really low IQ and inability to reason?
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i'm an atheist/agnostic, like an actual one, so no i don't worship the neo-protestant gods(women,equality,black people and trannys)

Truth is i hate this world and life itself, no God i'm interested in serving would create such a disgusting species as humans, who need constant cycles of pain and joy to find meaning in their existence.

I would sacrifice this entire world to save my neck and the very few people i love. If God doesn't exist great, if he does......fuck him.
It's fine if you want to be unreasonable, but it's unreasonable.
It's still a false equivalence. You'd know that if your IQ was high enough. I'm sorry you perceive it as an insult but it's really the most likely explanation here.
>That which "is" is God.
This is atheism while needlessly including the word God, I guess so that you can claim to believe in God when you actually don't. Again, we all need to agree that God is an invisible giant person who is responsible for the universe. If we can't agree on that then there is no reason to discuss it.
I've told you why I'm an atheist multiple times now.
>Again, we all need to agree that God is an invisible giant person who is responsible for the universe. If we can't agree on that then there is no reason to discuss it.
On the contrary. Whoever is responsible for the universe isn't "god" if something else created that "god", because the creator of "god" would be "godlier". Therefore by definition, God is not God if it was created. God is the Uncreated, which means God just "is". If anything exists, (and clearly something exists), then God by definition "Is that which Is". God must be at least that, otherwise something else is "godlier". Therefore the existence of God can only be taken for granted, rather than believed. If we can't agree on that, then by all means, continue to waste your time with your kind in this thread. I'm out.
fucking cry baby
But what if there wasn't a god? You are starting out with the assumption that there is a god. You've then used your conclusion as a premise. It's circular reasoning and I could use the same logic to "prove" literally anything at all.
I never said anything about God being created or not being created. You brought that up. What I'm saying is that if you don't believe in a giant invisible person who created and/or can interfere with the universe then you are an atheist.
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That's ironic.
You don't get it. I'm starting with the premise that there is an ultimate Existence, because Existence Exists. "God" is simply the word we use to refer to it. What you believe about "God" is a matter of belief. It's Existence is not.
Attacking my character rather than what I said amounts to agreeing with me.
And you're proving my point that both theists and atheists don't get it. I care not that
That's doing exactly the same thing lol. You start out by defining God as the creator, and then come to the conclusion that there is a God.
I don't think you understand what most of the words you use even mean.
Your definition of god is meaningless. Do things exist? Yes. Is there an omniscient omnipresent vengeful God? That's a non sequitur. It has nothing to do with the fact we exist.
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It isn't particularly an argument for the existence of God though, it's just pointing out the burden of opinion.
And it's wrong about that. It's a catastrophic misunderstanding of basic English and logic.
>I could use the same logic to "prove" literally anything at all.

>Your definition of god is meaningless.
In a way, yes. However the one meaning it does have is that it suggests that "vengeful gods" are more alien than they are God.
How does it do that?
You're just concoction a definition of God in order to avoid admitting that you're an atheist. Asshats like you only make it impossible to have a debate. That's why I hate atheists like Jordan Peterson. I'm an atheist too, by the way, I'm just not shy about it.
>admitting that you're an atheist
Not quite, because my personal belief is that Existence is conscious. That is, that consciousness is fundamental to existence. There's that little nuance. Otherwise, I probably agree with you on most things. If you'd wish to label me an atheist, I don't really mind. I think the theist/atheist labels are meaningless, and it ought to be really clear why, by now.
they dont hate it, they just dont believe it exists

basicly atheists dont believe in all gods
cultists dont believe in all gods - 1
pretty much the same retards to me
Because Existence is God, only God Exists (and we are all part of It). Vengefulness is not compatible with a Being that is conscious of this fact.
I'm pretty sure that we can all agree in the existence of... existence. When you say that that's what God is, the word God loses all meaning. So why even involve the word God at that point? You're just changing the focus of what we're talking about simply so that you can say that you believe in a thing called God. It kills all discussion on that topic. Again, you're just an atheist who is weirdly preoccupied with saying that you believe in God.
One does not exist, the others do.
Gods are tulpas. Tulpas are gods.
Let's put it this way. What I'm saying is that anything less than "Existence" is a creation of it. What you theists and atheists are doing is propping up the strawman that is the created vengeful god (i.e. demiurge in Gnostic terms) that you guys so love and hate, and arguing about its existence. You guys are debating the existence of an alien, not of God.

>preoccupied with saying that you believe in God.
You really have to get this paradigm out of your head. I've said that God is not something you believe. It's something you take for granted. All I'm pointing out is the insanity of propping up aliens, calling them god, and then debating their existence. What you theists and atheists are arguing about is not God, and therefore it's a waste of time. I don't believe shit. I'm a scientist.
I believe in the clouds
Assuming that God exists, why does it have to be your God? God got a Divorce courtesy of the Deuteronomists who also got rid of the Divine Council that YHWH headed, and trashed most of His Mythology. Why is God your God instead of someone else's God? Because you fervently beLIEve it? It's obvious that Jesus wasn't talking about YHWH, when he said "his Father", So, Who is your God as a Trinitarian?
In assuming God doesn't exist, you would be retarded.
I'd like to dwell on that and resolve the issue before we move on.
Agnostic just means they don't know. Atheist act like they know, at least agnostics are honest with themselves.
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And if an agnostic does see something then they become gnostic I guess you could say. Just because I know there's a God doesn't mean I believe in the demiurge or abraxxis. That shit is just funny to me.
I can go up to Jews, muzzies, or poos
It's absolute sillyness like an ass god.

I do believe in Doom chickens though. That is a real phenomenon. Crows too and all types of animal symbology. There's a lot of that in proverbs along with human anatomy.
Stupid Muhammad go jihad a synagogue. We DO NOT CARE
Kill the Jew yourself already holy jihad.
>State enforced
Lmao. You have to believe in fence sitting, FOREVER.
Lmao. How the hell do you enforce uncertainty?
I can't with you...

State enforced not belief or unbelief, but neither and both. The state doesn't have to enforce that, people don't know whether UFOs are real or not.

Read the first amendment you fucking retard. We really do need a war to get rid of people like you. You're gung-ho to fuck yourself by taking away others rights. You're fucking yourself.
Blah blah blah go kill yourself. You are so stupid you make people like me think we need war to get rid of psychopaths and stupid people.
Go back to /leftypol/ or wherever. I don't like you.
Does your computer automatically delete every instance of the letter "s"?
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You're like the guy that says
>Y-you need to STFU and listen to me
Inside of my own fucking house after I smoked him out. Y'know what I said to him?
You want the government to be like that guy.
They hate Him so much they don't even realize it.

There's literally billions of other people who don't pathologize this whole "atheism" concept to the degree they do.

In fact, they don't even think about it.


The only way they keep this such an integral part of their identity is through hatred.

Hatred of other people.

It's actually kind of sad.

Because it's these types who simultaneously are desperate for the feeling of safety.

From themselves, of course.
Isn't agnostic like, the opposite of gnosticism? that is, you cannot reach gnosis and "know" God by yourself, but all these things are a mystery and humans can't comprehend it? I think that's more nuanced than "we just don't know whether God exists or not, question mark"
>Is there a single reason to believe that God does not exist
you want 'em in chronological or alphabetical order?
fucking kek
anyone who believes in God does so because they want to cope with the fact they cease to exist upon death and that the actions they took in life have no moral weight then.
in other words they're pussy-ass bitches
>agnostic atheism is an oxymoron

Well that’s just stupid, you can not know if a god exists, but choose not to believe.

That’s the essence of agnostic atheism, acceptance of ignorance and lack of belief.

Ignorance is rarely the basis for the lack of belief, though it is a factor, it’s more the lack of convincing arguments for a deity’s existence that sways people into either or both.

So, to restate a tired point, because this thread started with an original but conclusively shittier one, why believe in Jesus but not Krishna, and vice versa?
you can't choose to believe or desbelieve anything
>The guy with CoD lobby grammar figured out the secrets of the universe
What do you mean?
anyone who believes ceasing to exist upon death does so because they want to cope with the fact that they won't get 72 bitches on heaven
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>is there a single reason to believe Santa does not exist besides hatred or appealing to ignorance?
Did finding out santa didn't exist really hurt you that much as a kid?

I'm sorry, anon.

I genuinely am.
I don't remember saying that I don't believe in some paranormal and/or supernatural beings ~ But, why must it be only and just only your Xtian Omni-God? Faith and belief are often misleading and sometimes it can be totally wrong You didn't answer the question! How much do you know and understand about your faith and has it ever been wrong? Revealed religion has an Achilles heel, it depends on being right every time, all of the time. Now go to your NT and read St. Paul's account of what happened when he presented the Jerusalem Church with a Fiat Accompli - Gentile converts. And what tortuous logic these original saints went through to be able to change their minds about it. Lots of Visions! When one suddenly has a lot of Visions then you can somewhat admit that you were "Wrong" without losing your faith because you've had another "revelation". Jesus never offered salvation for anyone but the Jews, now that's "wrong"! How do you live with it?
Fucking atheists
Santa believers don't make shitty slide threads, unlike OP.
That's not an argument.
absolutely a strawman. The evidence is easy to find for a Creator God for those who honestly seek with objectivity of self.
There is no such thing as an "agnostic" if you do not explicitly believe in a god, then you are atheist.
If a creator god does exist, he is cruel and irrational beyond coprehention. It's actually better for him that he dosen't exist. That way we can say that God is all-good, all-powerfull and all-lowing without having to justify how such a god could have made the absolute shitshow we see around us. So yes, the universe dosen't give a fuck about life. Most of it is lifeless. And yes, life dosen't give a fuck about life. It only lives by making other life suffer and consuming it. From the cancer cell to the virus to the ringworm. And despite all this, God is all-powerfull, all-knowing and all-loving. How? Why? Because he's not real. Santa brings hapyness, joy and comfort to millions of children everywhere. Just because a concept isn't real, dosen't mean it's not worth having. Concepts give hope in the face of an irrational hopeless universe.
>if you don't explicitly believe OP is straight, then you think he's gay
Different anon, but let me tell you why I don't believe in Yahweh. All the stories like The Garden of Eden, the revelations to random middle easterners (and only middle easterners), the Jesus saga.. all these things simply sound like fiction to me and I don't believe them.
This applies to the lore behind Zeus, Thor, Shiva and whoever else. Cool stories with strong archetypes and themes easy to spin off. But just not at all convincing enough
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>is composed of space-time matter and by definition that has to be created by the creator, God
>by definition
>God is all-good, all-powerfull and all-lowing
"God" is all good, but not only-good. Ya feel me? Floating in endless bliss gets to be fucking boring after a few millenia. Now, think of how awful it would be, to be stuck in that state for trillions, quadrillions, or heptillions of years.You can't conceive of that timescale.
So "God" created a game wherein he sequesters a spark of "his" infinite self and gives it individuality. This creature can do something its creator cannot. It can experience limitations. The foregoing is not an oxymoron unless you believe in syntactical supremacy.
So we come here, experience limitations, and create shit-stupid societies in order to bully and bother each other. What a lark!
Good thing we only live about 80 years, because it would suck Harambe's dead balls to live much longer than that without a mind wipe. Just ask someone who's 110 or so. They'll mostly tell you it sucks.
So you can whinge about muh imperfect world, but you can't escape the fact that perfection wouldn't be qualitatively better.
As the old French philosopher said, "L'existence est son propre battement." or, in the burger vernacular, "Existence is its own punishment."
Just be glad the bar for entering a blissful state after death is so low. All you gotta do is forgive everyone and everything. Then, after a few hundred "years" in that place, your feet'll start itching again to "get back truckin on".
"God" with a capital 'G' is used as a name by Abrahamics when they are talking about Yahweh. It's simultaneously lazy as fuck as far as naming things goes but it's also kind of smart because when atheists say "which god are we talking about? Odin, Anubis..?" Abrahamics get to say "God. Like, the actual God. Real God. God God." and it somewhat fortifies the idea of God (Yahweh) being 'the' god.
"god" with a lower case 'g' applies to any old diety
Deus Ex Machina.
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Wouldn't it be a lot better to just end existence altogether entirely, instead of putting everyone in a nightmare box that gets shuffled every 80ish years?

Why the fuck should I have to experience anything? I want the V O I D. Nothing. Eternal nothing. How the fuck is the almighty not capable of that? This existence fucking sucks. If existence is its own punishment, then we're being punished. Nothing will ever make me curious about experiencing bone cancer or being eaten by a dog as a baby.

If there is a God, then this is some sort of hell.
You have to believe something you know I guess.
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Which god are you referring to? There's thousands.

Also pic related has never been refuted without copium
With deep meditation (or Lsd) you too can experience eternal states of void and nothingness. You're still back here afterwards, so it is what it is.

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That supposed to be a capital G or small g?
They are the same. Abracuck "God" is actually a god.
And this god is obviously jewish
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>what is evil?
Asking a guy to sacrifice his son as a test of faith for the lulz seems pretty close to evil.

Also thinking the old testament god is the same as the new testament God is nigger-cattle levels of retarded.
Doesn't exist
Can't hate it
>Also thinking the old testament god is the same as the new testament God is nigger-cattle levels of retarded
And yet christcucks won't drop the Torah no matter what.
Where no body exists, where logic is contradictory, when time is a dimension to move forwards and backwards. And the divine itself.
I won't even talk to you atheists, you're too stupid.
>Asking a guy to sacrifice his son as a test of faith for the lulz seems pretty close to evil.
How's that? People sacrifice sons all the time for peace, it's called "collateral damage".
A willing sacrifice is not the same as collateral damage. You suddenly hear a booming voice that says: "I am God. Offer your son to me as a burnt offering" . You can a. do it, or b. tell the faggot who wants you to sacrifice your son to him to fuck off.

Animals eat each other. Humans eat animals. Gods eat humans.
>Also thinking the old testament god is the same as the new testament God is nigger-cattle levels of retarded.

Why do they use prophecies from the old testament to justify jesus?
As a former atheist/nihilist I wouldn't really say I ever actually hated God. Just religion as a concept, and the detrimental impact I believed it had on human civilization and history.

"God/god/gods" is just confusing when you know nothing about the religious and linguistic lore of the bible.

Also gods/elohim can be used to refer to a very wide variety of entities, not just old pagan deities.
>which one

Kek obviously you dumb retard. look at those digits
I noticed that religious people are very fake. I was watching someone on youtube preaching on a pride fest, and he was like "I love you, because I have to" but you can feel how he clearly despises them on his heart.
On the other hand you have the childish atheists that are clearly biased into hating whatever has a cross on it. to the point that they start literally shilling satanism..
I'm pretty sure those "atheists" started hating christianity when they saw how fake the persons I mentioned above are.
That's probably why jesus talked so harsh about the fake believers, because they do twice the damage not only to themselves.
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>you're still here after

That's the problem. I don't care about the subjective nature of experienced time. That's not relevant to what Im trying to express .I don't want to exist, I never wanted to exist. I don't want to experience anything, permanently. Eternity only exists within perception, and I want no perception. Time dilated psychosis isn't the same thing, though I appreciate your link and response.
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It's literally impossible to be an atheist. Everyone believes in some higher power even if it's "scientists" or the Big Bang or something. Also everyone has a worldview.
there is only one god, if there were two they would not be gods or there would only be one who would be the strongest
You are right. There is no God, only gods
the is one God (Holy Spirit) which lives in all the gods (Elohiym) you are like a god because you have a mind but you have not eaten from the tree of life (Holy Spirit) so you are the antichrist
yep you guys are schizophrenic
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>cartoons are not scientific evidence
Then why scientists insists tulpas are a psychological phenomenon? The evidence they use are cartoons.


just stop being dicks
the universe is NOT
in your diabolical
favor of unjustifiable
intentions of abuse/
control freak fuckery
File: dolls.jpg (164 KB, 1290x1305)
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164 KB JPG
>Ah, The Problem of Evil? Now, if I just portray Epicurus as crying, and me as the gigachad...
I don't get it
You used the cap button
And if that god thing exist it is evil
>carry on my wayward son starts playing

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