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Clear answers only. Hinduism is a false religion. Why? It permits telling lies. Simple fact. Zoroastrianism doesn't permit lying. Christianity doesn't. Hermeticism doesn't. Buddha didn't permit lying. Hinduism? Does permit lying that's why it's a religion of lies (and cow dung). We are not all goodddd maaaan. We are not aaalllll one maaaan. Shut the fuck up.
Honesty isn't in the key tenants of any of those.
I don't know exactly whether that is correct, Buddha at least said that whoever tells a lie without remorse would do any other sort of depravity, so clearly, in Buddhism yes it is.
Righteousness and truthfulness is the same thing looked at from different angles. If you told a lie any hermeticist would tell you you're wicked, it doesn't need to be explicitly outlined. But you're neither a Hindu nor any of the other mentioned religions. You are a devil's advocate, someone who has no principles to strive towards only to destroy what others have built. And so in the end, truthfulness is a key part of true religion as only someone who never lies can be trusted in full when it comes down to it and all these religions knew this. Christianity has some issues with the deception part though.
Yes but it's not in the pillars, the commandments, etc.

The only person that covers all of this broadly is Miyamoto Musashi, via the keystone quote ."1. Do not think dishonestly.", which creates the pure association of will to action, carte blanche removing the thought of dishonesty and thus the action itself.
All abrahamist faiths have a means of bypassing honesty in the case of dealing with faithless heretics, with an imbedded or explicit post-hoc justification in the form of Taqqiya, and the Jewish/Christian equivalents.
Hmm. What is the Judeo-Christian equivalent? Hermeticism I thought was pretty cool, and Zoroastrianism as well. But Buddhism trumps these because the worst sin is correctly identified as lying.
We are all one.
If you believed even slightly.. even if you just for one split part of your mind perceived the idea that we are all manifestations of the divine.. you would not act the way you do right now.
Islam is considered judeo-christian fyi.
Buddhism doesn't identify things as "sin".
Hm. Ok.
Teach me more about it. What is the general picture, how is morally evil action seen in Buddhism? I want to learn from Buddha's words.
How do you perceive me acting?

Enlightenment is that the good evil dichotomy is irrelevant; there is only suffering. Ones capacity for evil could be considered a derivative expression of their suffering, the same is true of their capacity for good.(Though Buddhism does attempt to cultivate Goodness in action, shared suffering is what equivocates us)
The goal of Buddhism is generally not to triumph over evil, but to lessen suffering as a collective and upon the individual via its tenants, which rely on the idea of karmic equivalence in a sense.(That cohesive actions which lessen suffering collectively lead to less suffering for the individual),
Strange question.
>What is the Judeo-Christian equivalent?

Also check out the rabbinical commentary on sefaria.org on Genesis 27 and 34 for justifications of the lies told by the protagonists of that chapter.

Clearly he perceives you as an apex of the ego, and assumes you'd act selfishly in all cases.
In addition, it is important to add that neither heretics nor non-jews are to be treated with equivalence under the religious law of either, thus making abhorrent treatment of apostates,non-jews, and heretics socially acceptable.
Ok thanks.
I perceived some wisdom. But clouded by empty words.
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Hinduism is truly not a real religion. Back when India was colonized, their beliefs were suppressed. People that still wanted to practice, went to the margins of the Indu river. Then, brits started calling those people Hindus. Years pass, and this people grab all the different cultures and religions, and unite them in one, and call it hinduism.
If you are truly searching for an indian religion, look at bhakti sects, raja yoga followers, (real) tantra practicioners. Those have lie as a problem (if that is what bothers you).
That's abrahamic you numbnut
It’s actually a fairly important virtue in Zoroastrianism. It think Darius II cited religiously complied truth as justification for his reign.
You have the Gestapo in your living room asking where the Jews, the Gays, the JWs, the psychics, and the Gypsies are, and you know. Do you be a Good, Pious, F'n goddamned Christcuck bastard SOB and tell them where they are; or do you lie your ass off knowing that you will probably be next regardless? Will you go to your Christcuck Hell for lying?....

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