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Should I quit smoking weed? I feel like I'm spiritually becoming a square whenever I stop. I also like the physical health benefits. My body feels better after using, like how my lungs open up after using my dry herb vape. I just hate how retarded it makes me. Lowers my IQ a lot while high. My memory used to be completely picture perfect, now I have terrible short term memory loss. Conversations would flow better when I could remember more. So basically, I'm choosing between life being more interesting for myself, or for me to become more interesting of a person. It is a fucked-up ultimatum.
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i relate to this, im on a one week break now trying to learn for school but you know im here. Im thinking of getting some CBD so that might help you as well. Is weed legal where you are from, so you might be able to get a light "sativa" strain. Human memory is garbage in gerneral, i highly doubt there is much corelation between weed and memoryloss, beside that you dont do much when youre high all the time so theres not much to remember or it inhibits recording while high. on the other side my dreams are super crazy recently so theres that. Having a healthy realtionship with the herb is kinda based and who wants to be on the edge all the time just so they can stroke their ego for being sober, so fuck that as well.
Yes. Stop smoking weed, return to normalcy. You've had more than enough weed in your lifetime.
Heres my long winded personal experience:

February 2020 I bought my first cart, and would use it at night during college. Lockdowns hit, and they sent us home, and I left it at my dorm. No big deal, didn't touch it again until I moved out in June 2020. That summer, I used it every night, combined it with LSD 3 times. September 2020 I started using it multiple times a day. From that point on, I was spending $50 a week on it. Sometimes up to $80. I worked a dead end job in a warehouse, listening to Boards of Canada all day thinking about what my life could have been. It got to the point where every waking second I was high. I'd wake up, and immediately reach for my cart. I started shoplifting and selling whatever I grabbed to keep buying carts. One time I got caught, they chased me out of the store. I realized then I had to stop. September 2023, I gave it up after relapsing 4 times. Ever since quitting, I got a job as an exterminator, paid $40/hour. Then I got my EMT license, now I work on an ambulance, and I'm preparing for the Fire Academy. I found God, have friends, an actual apartment, a good bank account, and most importantly, I have purpose.

Weed is slowly killing you, whether you believe it or not. Don't fall for the psyop.
>dab carts
You must be 18 years or older to post here.
damn maybe murica isnt that shitty afterall.
how much $ do you get to your bank account at the end of the month and how much do you pay rent. As an european i thought my 20€ and hour was an okay payment.
Carts aren't weed lmao that shit is like eating tv dinners every day and then saying "why do I feel like shit all the time"

That being said yeah smoking weed constantly is bad for you and addictive and it's a good thing you kicked the habit
Find whatever excuse you want to keep smoking retard, not my problem.

I have about $30k saved from working insane amounts of overtime in both jobs, my rent is $400/month cuz I have 2 room mates
THC is THC man
Fair enough I literally don't have a counterpoint to that I just don't think it's surprising you got addicted on carts those things are pure evil nicotine, THC, doesn't matter what's in it

Carts are the premiere example of too much of a good thing. Too convenient, too cheap, too effective. They are the instrument of the American century of humiliation
Yeah they definitely are. As an EMT, I can't even count on my finger how many times I've got to calls for people having a psychiatric episode from THC consumption. Flower, dabs, carts, edibles, juices, etc. Everything has such a high concentration now that the means of consumption are becoming less meaningful as opposed to the content of them.
how did you transition to doing exterminator work, from a warehouse job? is it a lot of time commitment?
i hope this helps;
idk if you should stop, but I won't.
I kept looking on indeed.com for anything that was above minimum wage. They were offering to pay for me to take a 30 hour course on everything pesticides. 30 hours later, and 80 hours of training (literally just 2x 40 hour weeks) and they gave me a work truck with a sprayer and all my chemicals. I decided to specialize in wasps and hornets, because I did not want to bring home roaches and bed bugs, fuck that
what about stopping then after the withdrawls are over start again, just start and stop, start and stop?
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Ya gotta take breaks like everything else. Too much is bad, moderation is fine. Even daily is fine but limit it to 1-2 joints in the evening. (Vacation is different go ham)
Dabs and hash and stuff is okay sparingly but if that’s what you use daily then you gotta switch to the real plant it’s just better. CBD is basically snake oil. For me anyway, I have arthritis and I’ve tried just about everything and if it sounds too good to be true it is. Smoke weed, it’s enjoyable and uplifting. Just take breaks and make sure your whole life isn’t based around it
I'm not smoking it, but I was prescribed THC by a doctor (for anxiety). At night when I take it before bed, I see things and hear voices. I swear I have had spiritual encounters, even going as far as receiving advice from a god. (Who requested I stop objectifying women, so I am making an effort to do so.)

Is it really that bad? Do I have to worry about memory problems or being spiritual impaired? I feel like it's mostly been good for me so far, but I was extremely apprehensive for years to even try it.
My IQ is pretty high so I don’t mind losing one or two standard deviations when inebriated. It makes me feel to good to quit. I’m productive on it and it doesn’t impair like that. Socially it does constrict me a bit but only if I’m ass blasted high which is rare to me. Just a light buzz and I’m fine.
It’s an amplifier for me. If anything it exacerbates the problem.
fair enough
Not that anon but don’t listen to boomers and college retards. Just pick anything and keep doing it until you master it. I cut grass and trim bushes and do really well for myself. You could go buy a pressure washer and just start doing stuff for family then before you know it you’re making a good living.
i havnt smoked in almost two years after being a huge stoner all through my late teens and 20s. I even worked in the industry in California for over 5 years. I just got fucking sick of it. It stopped being enjoyable or effecting me the same way, my lungs got fucked up and would get insane anxiety and racing thoughts.

i have not missed smoking at all since i quit. the worst part about quitting is that was a social hobby I had to do with friends and now that is gone, i havnt been as social.
my IQ has gone up 15 points since I quit smoking desu...it makes you retarded but everyone who is deep in their addiction thinks they are some genius in reality everyone not high thinks you are a retard.
TPTB try to keep their cattle (us) complacent with weed. The hype around it is not organic. There's a reason they want us mellow and easy to lead.
Scary how so few people notice this.
I dream more when I’m not smoking weed. And dreams about smoking weed or getting anxious about having/finding more weed have stopped too.
if you need weed to be interesting you are really fucked. just wait it out and actually develop who you are without substances.
The problem is because it’s so easy to function stoned for somebody with half a brain people have a tendency to just smoke all day everyday. This year I’ve been just smoking a joint at night before bed and I don’t feel so spaced out and retarded. Also you have to take breaks, you can’t keep doing it everyday forever. Moderation is key my friends, weed isn’t evil or bad
I meant that without weed I am more interesting of a person because of increased verbal IQ, but with weed, my personal experience is more interesting because my sensory perception is enhanced, and my thoughts and feelings are different.
I quit smoking weed and opened up a business and got really manic and the only way to calm my mania was smoking again. I went for months without it but I wasn’t sleeping and I just overloaded myself. It was cool but I’d rather just be a regular person than a manic workaholic. It’s almost like my brain needs to take the edge off because it moves too fast without THC. Also my ego was out of control. I was an egomaniac and extremely aggressive. Anyone else experienced this?
Weed is gay. It is a fun escape as a teenager, but the more one goes through life, the more obvious how lame it is
It’s a nice escape as an adult too. It’s not nearly as interesting as it was but just because you get older and have responsibilities doesn’t mean you just stop enjoying life. Try to stay young dude. Keep the youthful energy it can stay with you forever.
Jokes on you, real shit you want to escape starts after the teenage years.
I used to love smoking Marijuana in my teens up until I was about 28 years old. I tried to vaporize delta 8 thc a year and 3 months ago and it made me extremely paranoid.

I guess my brain changed.
After being in psychosis for like 6 months this year because of the weed, shit is funny until it isn't. Nothing prepares you for post psychosis depression, it's hellish.
Yes, stop. It's killing you and causing mental illness. There's no such thing as a harmless drug, but weed used to be more or less as close to harmless as any drug could be. It isn't anymore. The shit they're growing nowadays with the ridiculously high THC content is for all intents and purposes a completely different drug altogether to the cannabis that was around 20, 30 or 40 years ago - and it is killing you.
one must have respect for the plant.
use it as a medicine or in a spiritual practice.
it is only bad when you abuse it. just like any other medicine.
What I derive from those lyrics is that using something like a water filter in a bong or similar methods that hurt our lungs less + making it into a ritual and caring for the devices we use (and preferably growing and taking care of the plant itself, damn feds) means we can benefit from it. The outro says it straightens your dick out.
It is a plant and gift from the Earth and whatever your personal experience is, many are able to depend on it as a plant to help them when they feel stressed or want it to aid in moon stabilization while avoiding pharma.
>is it healthy to depend on it for any purpose?
no, but it is a gift from the Earth and like all Earth gifts we have to use it responsibly.
every single person i know who smokes weed is worthless. it wouldn't attract so many shitty people if there were anything redeeming about it.
>no, but it is a gift from the Earth and like all Earth gifts we have to use it responsibly.
yeah like hemlock

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