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how can we destroy the Black Cube?
>put it on rails
>import pajeets
>wear it down as they're all killed
two birds with one stone
Just point me towards it, I know exactly what to do.
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>The hexagonal firing pattern nerve refers to the unique pattern of electrical activity exhibited by grid cells in the entorhinal cortex of the brain. Grid cells are a type of neuron responsible for spatial navigation and mapping in mammals.
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You can't.
If you destroy the black cube you just destroyed yourself and everything else. There is only the black cube. Take the cubepill and grow the fuck up.
Get a white cube
That's racist.
Thought and Memory
Let's see about that.
In Mexico we got black cubes in all our "unhealthy" food with the pretext to remind people to eat other things.
But they have on the cubes things like "Excess Sugar", which makes no sense, because it you only take one bite, that's not excess sugar...
So I didn't like them and started a fight against the black cube.
I managed to get rid of it for some beverages that changed their formula and don't showcase the cubes on the package, at the price of not tasting any good anymore, either, not even if you put sugar in them by yourself.
So it was counterproductive and I miss their old flavors, but it shows you can beat the black cube in some instances.
I have hope because similar things happened when they switched Dr.Pepper to fructose and Choco Milk and Calsetose, chocolate powder brands for milk had so many vitamins they tasted awful, it took like 6 years but they went back to cane sugar and tasting good, so I can beat the black cubes and make them as tasty as before.
so... you are Mexican? I never knew you had black cubes in your food
The cube represents the tesseract and matter (spacetime), try destroying that.
No, there was some entity or something that acquired the black cube as its symbols and had been becoming more powerful and in control with time, you can still fight and beat this entity, it's like beating someone that named himself "spacetime" and you kill spacetime, but it's the guy with that name and the other spacetime continues.
the black box represents an empty head (mind turned off) which is where God is found
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It's a 2D representation so they look like black octagons.
They also made it illegal to have a mascot in products with them, so mascots became illegal.
Unless your mascot is a religious figure, then you get a pass.
You can't even find it, comic book enjoyer.
A single strike from a ball-peen hammer is all that's needed.
That alrready exists on the Moon. Its of no use, just a soul recycler.
You destroy the cube only to find another cube.
you break cube it makes 4 cube always win
If that Dali cross was symmetrical, meaning, the bottom cube wasn't there, it would consist of 7 cubes, representing an octal system expanding from it's core. I have gone full schizo on occasion to notice posts leave timestamps and numerals directing me towards the octal system and triple division(I am >>>THAT<<< I am).

I've wondered what a zero actually is since mathematics is universal but numbers are just manmade symbols for representation.
Stop using its extensions. But you know now, beta test for the mark of the beast.
Not with one, but many crobars.
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we have to blow up Saturn
why does this scare me so fucking much
Simple answer, hard truth: Global destruction of all forms of electronics. Everything both digital and analog must cease to exist. They are the building block weapons of total control over the people.
>What does the black cube represent?
A computer.
>What do the circuit boards inside every device represent?
Goetia symbols/demons.
>What does every electronic display represent?
A scrying mirror.
>What religions worship the black cube?
The Kaaba is a black and gold cube which is worshipped by Islam. Inverted black and gold colors = blue and white = Israeli flag = Judaism = Saturn.
>Why does looking at the backlit screen for too long hurt my eyes?
False white light illusion created by intense ultraviolet light hitting a phosphor coating. Blue and white = lead = Saturn.
>What do emojis represent?
Goetia symbols/demons.
>What is artificial intelligence?
The Beast, which was spoken of in the book of revelations.
>What is the mark of the Beast?
The word "Mark" translates back to "Charagma" which means to scratch or puncture. The only puncturing thing that is related to the Beast is the vaccine, which is a bioweapon that contains nanoscopic self-assemblng machines that communicate wirelessly with the Beast.
>I took the mark of the Beast, what will happen to me?
A couple things: You will become fully sterile as the nano machines are programmed to kill the reproductive capabilities of both men and women, your genetics will be changed from the original 144,000 genome to something that mathematically equals 666 in some way, your nervous system will be hijacked by the nano machines and every bit of your body can be easily read and/or controlled by the Beast, and any person you go near will also become infected by the nano machines.
>How do I defeat the mark of the Beast?
There aren't any permanant cures yet, but there are powerful remedies that nuke the nano machines. Seek advice from the starseeds and awakened people on alternative media plaforms.
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Continued from last post.

>Which starseeds should I get advice from?
The starseeds I know of are Gosia from Cosmic Agency, and Naughty Beaver who is depicted in the illustrated version of the Nostradamus Manuscript. Gosia is on YouTube and Odysee, Naughty Beaver (Picrel) is on X.
>What can I do if I can't find the remedies?
Do not give up and end your life! Live whatever life you have left the best you can so that the inevitable death of your physical vessel does not impact your soul as hard. When you live your remaining life in a more positive way, that shows the spirits that you are still willing to choose the right path even if you made the grave mistake of taking the mark of the Beast.
>Will this world be destroyed from all of this?
The Father, Creator of All and Everything will not allow it to happen, and has everything under control. All of these horrible things happening to us in recent years are for us to learn, earth is a very high-level school for souls, and even I still have many things that I must learn.
By pointing out that all atoms are round and therefore all cubes are but illusions since they are built out of circles..
thanks for saving the thread idiot. now we have comprehensively schizoid shitposts like this to flood our retinas >>39127911
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If you watch the movie The Cube only the non-violent autist made it out at the end, everyone else got corrupted by the Cube and ended up killing each other off.

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