There's no such thing as "white magic". I get it, you think magic is cool, but you're also a Christian (or at least pretend to be one because it's "based"). Unfortunately for you, the Bible makes no distinction between supposed white and black magic. Magic is magic, and the Bible says to never use magic and to kill sorcerers From this observation I can deduce that not only are you a religious larper who doesn't really take his religion seriously, but also that you are too much of an NPC and stuck in the paradigm of organized religion to actually do magic properly
>>39119343The art of making everyone angry at once
>>39119343>everyone in the Bible uses magic>not for us because the pope says soHow dumb are Christians? This shit is why everyone hates you guys
>>39119343Cute gif OP :D
>>39119343aww hi mr birdiewhatchu got in ur mouth mr birdie?
>>39119343Shit thread>there is no black magicYou will instantly recant your statements when confronted by a proud black man, you are a literal mindslave to the black brain
>>39119343>Bible says to never use magicWonder why.
>>39119343Prayer is magic, the Eucharist is magic, the Mass is magic. Imagine all those Christcucks who pray going to their Christcuck Hell...
>>39121029So the only way to not be guilty of sorcery is not praying, not going to church, not doing acts of worship, just living secular lives?
>>39121010Yeah, that's a ceremonial magic ritual. The only thing that makes it "white" magic is that you like it and your religion says it's okay. Doesn't change what it is>ritualistically drinking human blood and eating human flesh
>>39121043That's my point
>>39121067> The only thing that makes it "white" magic is that you like it and your religion says it's okay
>>39121070He's not disagreeing with you
>>39119343There's a distinct difference between biblefags and christfag occultists
>>39121041... Or deciding that magic is all through the Bible and changing any prohibition on it.
>>39121029Ritual directly taking part in the life sacrifice and resurection of Christ while containing ritual, is not the same as whatever ritual you do to try and get someone to have sex with you, and the spirits related to are not the same. You are willfully ignorant.
The mass is not magic, it's a ritual that contains within it esoteric truth. >This bread is my bodyDoesn't mean it is literally his physical body, nor that it will transform into in the future by way of clerical magick
>>39121159>Doesn't mean it is literally his physical bodyWhy do you guys always say Jesus doesn't actually mean what he says
>>39121162Because only retards think he meant it in the literal sense.
>>39121168I should believe the resurrection literally happened though?
>>39121162>>>39121159>>Doesn't mean it is literally his physical bodybread means doctrine wine means spirit, what does it mean to eat him? live like he lived (john the baptist-forsake all)
>>39121180>bread means doctrine wine means spiritCool but in the Bible he is literally talking about his body
>>39121174If you asked me you shouldn't take as fact most shit in the bible, especially in the later and earlier portions.
>>39121184Cool but you're dense as fuck and not worth the time.
>>39121184>he is literally talking about his bodyit is an allegory
>>39121193What if the resurrection is also just an allegory and he didn't literally rise from the dead?
>>39121192Cope. Run away coward>I could totally own and destroy you epic style but I won't
>>39121197>What if the resurrection is also just an allegoryit is also an allegory, death is where you turn your mind off (stop thinking, like a black space) and being reborn is when the Holy Spirit appears in the blackness
>>39121214So you mean the Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth didn't literally rise from the grave after being crucified? You know that makes you a heretic right?
>>39121231you say that but you are not suprised by the prospect of having another voice in your head that will lead you to all righteousness and eternal life?
>>39121241Can you just answer my question please?
>>39121245>Can you just answer my question please?ok
>>39119343>Unfortunately for you, the Bible makes no distinction between supposed white and black magic.Well that's clearly bullshit. The Bible just calls them "miracles." Moses was pulling off plenty of wizard shit, but he gets away with it because "God did it."
>>39121257Well I'm waiting
>>39121070I'm not religious ?
>>39121293what is the question? i want to answer it
>>39121326Did the resurrection literally happen or is it just an allegory like you say the bread and wine are?
>>39121353why would that matter? jesus wasn't promising people something to believe in, he was promising the Holy Spirit which would lead them to righteousness (the thing they wanted)
>>39121353>bread and wineeat my body=follow my teachings (forsake all, bear your cross) drink my blood=follow the Holy Spirit
>>39121371>>39121377>why would that matter? jesus wasn't promising people something to believe inI'm not asking you whether or not you think it "matters", I'm asking you if you think it happened. You are deflecting, AGAIN
>>39121383if I think after three day he rose from the dead? it is a metaphore which i experienced, the metaphore is true. what if abraham had hid the ram before, tied him in the bush, for a good reason?
Historically the distinction between magic and witchcraft has been a legal not religious matter
>>39121388>it is a metaphore which i experienced, the metaphore is true>metaphorOk so just to confirm, Jesus did not actually rise from the dead?
>>39121445you think by holding onto this "belief" you will be saved, you are mistaken
>>39121469Why can't you just answer my question? Holy fuck it is a simple yes or no
>>39121474you can't answer it either beside saying "i believe this" if you are looking for a physical jesus to return you are doubley mistaken
>>39121501I'm just asking if you think the historical jesus literally rose from the dead or not. This isn't complicated
>>39121510WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER!!!!!!!!!!
>>39121523Why can't you just answer yes or no?
>>39121526because that would be repeating something someone else told me, i wouldn't be a viable witness anyways
>>39121526I know the spirit jesus was talking about, after i was baptised into his death (forsaking all) then the spirit appeared in he head when i turn my mind off, it was not there before, it leads me like the Holy Spirit led jesus
>>39121530I'm just asking what you believe happened. I had no idsa it would make you this uncomfortable
>>39121580you have ideas like heretic, does your god like you to punish people?
>>39121584>still won't answer my question
>>39119343This is honestly the only explanation for my reluctance to magic. I feel deeply attracted to magic (benevolent magic) but I also know that God forbids it or advises against it.
>>39121628completely wrong everything is magic prayer is literally magic, every religion is ritualized. just follow god and you're fine. now attempting to use magic for you own will is obviously not god-aligned so that is the retarded shit people do on this board but doing things like astrology readings for people is a-okay. the bottom line is if it's in the interest of god's will for you or others then play ball. god wants you to help others and to help yourself become closer to god.
>>39119343>Unfortunately for you, the Bible makesYou've never read the Bible.
whole lotta cope in this thread, completely ignoring OP's memetic payload>>39119343>but you're also a Christianwake tf up this is a glowie thread designed to accelerate the hylic takeoverstop trying to argue based on his bad-faith premises and recognize what they're trying to do to you here