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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
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Money flows to me.
I am a money magnet.
Money comes easy to me.
I like money.
I am wealthy.
my work will be much less burdensome of this moment, i will be giving orders to other slaves and i am given the right to choose a woman for myself. any will do, even that slavic hussy i have been eyeing...
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
All of you might wanna hear this
One of the best methods is to imagine exactly how you would be thinking and feeling upon attaining what you want
Let this be the last thing you feel as you fall asleep every night
This does show revision is just a positive mental outlook technique. It’s amazing how some Reddit tier anons have tried to turn it into time altering magic which is an insult to Neville’s intentions.
well naturally, "the past" doesnt exist so depending on how you view it "the present" is influenced accordingly, because then becomes now
I would like to correct the OP image

"they are telling you in what state you are being"

not - who you are

Who you are is I AM

People dont define you. They just mirror the state, tell you about your state. Das all.
wrong board, we are accumulating soul wealth, divine sparks, your board is /biz/. your so called spirituality is judaism.
how does this golden pepe tilt so many anons?
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>do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.
isnt that exactly how you get others to behave manipulating to you? arent those individuals around you attemtpting to change you while you relinquish your right to influence them? is this somekind of solipsism?
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dont try to change others, but allow others to change you.
as they say: no man steps in the river twice for it is not the same river and he is not the same man. change is constant and we cannot know where the flow of time will lead us. but personally i live in faith that others cannot hurt me in a way that is meaningful, they don't hold the power to change me into any direction where i don't want to go so i can let go of it safely and go where i please.
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Isn't that a Kamala quote? Was Neville #coconutpilled?
What if you get robbed and beaten to death?
Advice for manifesting sex? I’ve been celibate for 6 years after a horrible break up with my ex girlfriend and then a bunch of trauma happened so I’m basically a hermit/agoraphobe. Terrified of women but I need love. I’m working on an SP but want sex in the mean time
This is how I operate. Stopped carrying my concealed carry pistol, also stopped worrying about dying
how do you prevent emotional yo-yoing, I'm just getting into the practice and while I meditate and I say the lines I want to affirm but sometimes a negative event happens and its just hard to keep going when life throws you clear evidence to the contrary of your goals

How does anyone believe from the bottom of their souls while under stress?

And does ruminating over unrelated negative things impact the practice?
Not quite. For example, if you're getting bullied, it's both because the other person is a dick, but also because something about you invites bullying, maybe lack of confidence or social skills. You believe that you deserve it maybe. Same for if you have no friends, can't get a job or pussy. Changing those aspects of yourself would lead to others treating you differently.
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Suppressing your emotions will only make things difficult; whenever you're trying to put yourself into a specific state of mind, they'll overflow. Like trying to pull out water from a bucket filled to the very edge.
Think of emotions like water, actually. They're meant to always flow, otherwise it will breed rot when stagnant for too long: Too much happiness, anger, sadness, etc. will only leave you feeling hollow. You need emotional flow to feel alive, just don't confuse that with letting your emotions make decisions for you.

What's worked for me is to acknowledge the emotions I have, let them rant about their existence, then take a deep breath and let them go. If I notice my mood or general disposition is still negative, I acknowledge it's still the remnants of emotion. Through all this, I keep up my constant affirmations and visualizations, keeping them separate from my emotions; during a half asleep dream once, I interpreted it as a concert, where my emotions were the audience and my affirmations was the music, eventually my emotions tune into the rhythm. Admittedly, I learned to do this while practicing emotional alchemy and mixing it with other meditative practices, so it's not all just one method.
I know it's said a lot, but just practice more. There's nothing better than refining ourselves a little more each time.
>it's both because the other person is a dick, but also because something about you invites bullying
so the other person is in the wrong but so am i in that scenario? arent there unjustly persecuted people in the world or is the gazelle getting off on being dominated and sodomized by the lion?
I think gazelles are dumb animals who don’t have a choice. False equivalency. Bad metaphor
why would you worry about that? you're just creating horror scenarios in your head which will fuck with your manifestation work.

living in full trust of the universe is good.
I'm starting to realize how much my own brain has been self limiting itself but the sorrow of all the years of low confidence and self esteem are starting to sink in - they were the best of years of my life - GONE , I missed teen love , college love , I failed at work , etc etc

The tragedy of that feels too much even though I'm getting out it now.
There is not even a universe to rely on just ourselves and higher power
ok so you are saying the one who does the bullying and he who is bullies come together in this synchronicity of the universe and both have a meta interest in the bullying occuring? so there is no room for moral ambiguity, right or wrong dont exist, but all is neutral just like the forces of nature?
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chad seems to have a good time just trusting the universe
Let's talk about bribes from the universe (your subconscious) when you ask for something but you get a another thing that is not quite what you asked for.
Do not take it or take it but keep focusing on your goal keep visualizing it,the bribe is a sign that it is coming to this reality
yeah, muh yooniverse™ is just a second cause, might as well be praying to God then the old fashioned way
i am one with everything, when i trust in the universe i trust in myself.
My boyfriend loves me I love my boyfriend we are in a happy healthy relationship we both love eachother and have a successful future together
My girlfriend loves me. I love my girlfriend we are in a happy healthy relationship we both love each other and have a successful future together
But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
you can't live in the state without optimism. it's impossible. you're experiencing rejection because you're still living the old story. you need to be so happy enjoying your life with your crush in your imagination that when they reject you irl you don't even think anything of it. you stop caring because your wish is already fulfilled. stop planting seeds only to dig them up to see if they've sprouted. the harvest is now. enjoy it
Consolation prizes for believing in this imo. The simulation owners will let you see any shade of car you want but you're not banging sydney sweeney

why'd you wanna bang an ugly girl anyway
Huutista voi vittu
>things are wonderful etc etc
is just a pasta lol, running gag if you will
Not really i remeber being "in love" with a girl on school and always wanted to date her.
Next week a cutie approached me and i rejected her with my crush on mind.
Next day my crush told me she wanted to date me... I ruined it cause i was a nervous wreck before knowing the law but it happened
I found an excellent job. They absolutely love me and think I'm the perfect fit. That's because I am. I aced all the interviews and the hiring process was incredibly fast. This job is perfect for my skills, to the point that I usually finish all my daily work in just a few hours. The pay is on the high side of market rate, but bonuses and benefits add a lot of value.
how to deal with intrusive thoughts when visualizing?
Using terminology isn't a limitation if can intuitively understand that there's no distinction other than one of words. Denial of the macro is not as empowering as you think.
Think of it as a heavy book. We're the pages that form a chapter, that are the structure to the rest of the book. Our pages are blank though, so to claim we are the book without filling our pages first, will only leave an incomplete book.
Accept them, let them play out by themselves, then banish them if they linger.
Anyone else want the elimination of these 15 minutes long verification waits?
It takes two to tango. If we follow the quote we originally are discussing, then bad things happen to you not because you "get off" on it, but because something about you allowed that into your life. Instead of focusing on avoiding a specific tiger, the gazelle would be better off "manifesting" a way to not be in any tigers radar in the first place.
You are jobless and about to become homeless when your parents kick you out. You have no one in life helping you.
find the source, if it is something you need to say or do then get busy and come back later
Pay no attention to spiteful saboteurs. Misery loves company, and they want to drag you down in order to feel less alone.
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I want to become financially independent and rich enough to retire before i turn 40. How do i start?
>tfw everyone says visualization is the key
>tfw it's only opening the door to conceptualization
Visualize then conceptualize. Build an entire paradigm in your mind centered on your wish and it WILL come to pass. Simple and unimportant wishes will come to you almost immediately when you forget them. It's tricky to "forget" the important ones.
Saturate your subconscious with the most complete ideals you can concerning your wish. Pontificate on the wish as long as you want until you can finally conceptualize it. Once you can conceptualize it, hold the concept in your mind and fully indulge into it; don't even CONSIDER that there is anything BUT your wish. Then once your subconscious has bathed in this ideal, let it go and leave it alone. As SOON as you forget about it, it will appear before you.
You don’t have to forget
No, you don't have to, but it helps to not dwell on it. If you dwell on it without self discipline, you may end up dwelling on the lack, ergo drawing the lack to you.

Doesn't work with aphantasia
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>"I'm looking for reasons to fail."
You're going to fucking succeed and you're going to FUCKING enjoy it.
I have aphantasia and it has worked for me before. I just "visualized" the best I could and assumed that was enough (Or rather, never assumed it wasn't enough). It's not like I know any other way to see something in my mind's eye after all, just "see" it and then feel it like you would do with a memory you hold dear but can't really see
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Pick your poison Cope anon. There's a reason there are multiple manifestation methods. It comes down to how you learn and assimilate information.

Reality comes from your Belief system. Belief's come from the subconscious mind. Every Manifestation Technique is trying to implant information into your subconscious mind in order to reverse the situation.

>Visualization is intense
>You subconscious accepts it as real
>Belief is created
>Reality changes to match New Belief
>Poof you finally get those pink and blue striped socks you've always wanted as well as an extra large butt plug for your gaping anus.
That's how it'll work out for you Cope anon. Believe it!! We're all going to make it!!!!!. kek

hope that helps
Good luck anon
the gold is to set jewish traps
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>It takes two to tango.
so the jews did deserve it.
>it's never enough and there is always something else
dropping those assumptions is a funny feeling and it's always followed by the peaceful it's done realization
desu we are so immersed in 3d we forget we don't have to play by its rules

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