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So the NPC and sollipsism theories are true? No matter what you try to tell the goyim, they stare you back with the fluoride stare.

>but they're not NPC
I'm trying my best to un-NPC them, but it's impossible. They will forever retain the NPC status, there will be NPC whom DIE in their deathbed ignorant and soul chained to archons.

This is all so very fucked up. This place clearly can't be our home
It’s unconsciousness.
bot reply
kill yourself frog posting twitter immigrant
stay mad fedboi
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Fucking dumbass kike, frog posts are all made by the same (((person))). Every single one of them are always low quality garbage meant to slide threads with actual paranormal interest. Stop acting like a retarded beast of the field and think for once in your worthless life.
Here to gatekeep what anons post are you? Trying to slide this thread so very hard because you're so very uncomfortable of its message, since it's the truth. Archonic demons like you cover under fear when truth is brought up, because truth destroys your archonic demon ass. Prove me wrong demon.. oh that's right, you can't, thus the slide. Pathetic.
Have you ever had an occasion where you're trying to explain something to someone, and you get that empty stare back? Like it may be information that will help them in future, but they just cannot respond or digest what they're told? What else than NPC theory explains this behavior?
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I sincerely believe they are soulless NPCs but I still have social anxiety. Whats up with that
Oh this is a bot. Silly me.
It might be a programming of some sort or form of torture. You'll never feel "unity" with people who aren't "there", so that why you have this constant yearning, because the people cannot give you what you yearn, because deep inside, they don't have it either. They're programmed bots in human flesh.
This shit is almost common knowledge, yet a normie wont bat an eye when provided with this information. If that's not NPC behavior, then I don't know what is. You can't program NPCs like these even on Oblivion, at least those have faint pretense of "soul" in their loops, real life NPCs have been robbed even that.
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you're glowing sweaty
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the NPCs in Oblivion had a caring writer put their animus and soul into them. the sad truth is that real life NPCs don't even have that, they are inconveniences that even their own parents have never put effort or authentic love into which is why they lack animus. this is the nature of life emerging from unthinking water and carbon. a few rare humans have the touch of God within them, and can awaken others, but 90%+ are mindless flesh automatons piloted by hypnosis.
I have had conversations and watched movies with people and walked away realizing from their perspective they watched a completely different movie.
There is no one who is hopeless. There is no real permanent damage to your body from things like SSRIs that you wont recover from.
The most effective thing might be to convince them to fast for 3 days, take some actually healthy vitamins, and to then change their diet and do semen retention/ celibacy (no porn) for 30+ days.
Then maybe figure out what media they like and look for esoteric hints in it that will get them to think more critically. The last scarlet and violet pokemon games had very interesting stories that unfortunately were condensed into a 2 hour post game dungeon crawl but they are a popular media that many anon frens will be able to use as a medium for critical thinking. The games themselves are about imagination manifesting new pokemon...
>The games themselves are about imagination manifesting new pokemon
Idk, I'm not big fan of manifestation stuff, it seems to be a good way to run your karma banks out and get your ass dragged to nearby lodge. The evil knows it's lost, so it's now trying to drag as many good souls with them as they can (to hell or whatever fate awaits them), so it's actually better not to do same thing they are doing.
I inquired a mason about joining and I asked the question of if any of the local lodge member did any of the magic rituals or divinations in the bible like kind soloman.
The answer I got back was to come to the lodge and I would have all answers revealed. I don't trust the organization's standing.
Make the heart of this people dull,
And their ears heavy,
And shut their eyes;
Lest they see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart,
And return and be healed.
Solipsism is true.

I'm dreaming right now.

Well that answers that.
If solipsism was true, it would only be me. But there's all of you guys. So it's really the dumbest idea ever. Also if it was true I would definitely be the messiah or something really cool like that, because I would be the center of the dream world, except everyone else exists and is the center of their own universe, so yeah it's a totally untrue notion. Unless it isn't. But if it was true. It would have to be me. Like some "the one" matrix-y bullshit.
You're a turtle. In reality you're just a dreaming turtle. Can you imagine how fucked up that ?
>But if it was true. It would have to be me. Like some "the one" matrix-y bullshit.
In the case that is true, then each consciousness here would need to leave to the next layer only to discover another layer.
Why not assume many in this layer ARE conscious and try to get everyone up?
just put them in the pods already. there's nothing you can do.
I don't know how, but I would love to do that
nta but
>If solipsism was true, it would only be me. But there's all of you guys. So it's really the dumbest idea ever.
What makes you so sure we're even on same reality? Like, have you meat another /x/ user in real life? Maybe we're on separate realities, and internet is only way to connect us?
>I don't know how,
change that to "I currently don't know how to..." or "I am going to find out ways to..
>>but I would love to do that
you are halfway there!
And there are plenty of people that I admire as authors or just as good people that are freemasons, but as for the oaths involved with them, the reputation of the org, and the popular suspicion that many have about them being a scapegoat, I do not want to be associated.
I truly only want access to their libraries. That is not worth it.
Sometimes i get posts on 4chan that i am sure is me talking to my self using the internet as a gateway to talk to other versions of my self.
>If solipsism was true, it would only be me.
Let me tell you a story about the time I walked into a Kmart and saw myself.
So I walked into a K mart in East Tennessee. It's gone now, of course, but at the time it had something I was shopping for. Probably socks or underwear.
So I'm walking across the front, between the aisles and the checkout stands, and all of a sudden this feeling came over me. Everyone in every direction was another me, just playing a different role. I looked into the eyes of strangers and was met with a sympathetic look. No words were exchanged, but everyone had this half-smile, like we were all in on the same joke. It was really weird. No matter who I looked at, I could see myself, quite literally, in them.
It bore some resemblance to a short OOBE that I had around February of this year, or maybe January. I popped out of my body and floated difrectly to a place where I was one with everyone (there were about a thousand other light-bodied people present, who looked like orbs), yet I had no loss of my sense of individuality. It wasn't a hive-mind kind of state but more like a cooperative consciousness.
So, solipsism is real, but you have to enlarge its scope to include everyone. It's based on the self and not the ego, obviously.
Oh wow, so solipsism is true. Thanks for clarifying!

I do not believe in the concept of the "other." It simply isn't provable.
So I'm you?
So which of you is the one doing those rituals and diddling children? Can (you) try get rid that part of you? Can you also tell the ones of you in those weird checkboard buildings to do little bit of electrical shortening aka game of flint? I think our society doesn't need those buildings anymore. Thanks in advance.
we are one
we just fool ourselves here for the 'experience'
universe experiencing its self or something
No we're not, this is one of those gaslighting tactics those running the simulation use to scapegoat their problems off of their backs.
We are literally all the same being whenever I die it is proven. I have died before.
Did you go to heaven or hell?
this and this
this existence is weird anons, but we can explore planes above and below and we can work towards bettering this base plane (if it makes sense to call it that)
Ok, if we're all you, why haven't you gotten rid of your (((problems)))? Oh wait, because you're just here to slide.
>this existence is weird anons, but we can explore planes above and below and we can work towards bettering this base plane (if it makes sense to call it that)
None of that matters if there's nobody working towards that. If 90% of people are NPC bot automatons, it's pretty much over for us (on this plane at least).
I tell everyone we're God and nobody gives a fuck. Literally nobody cares. They are NPCs and that's really the end of the discussion.
Yes, how do you wake up people to the fact that they're being dragged to hell?
>I tell everyone we're God and nobody gives a fuck.
Because we aren't omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
>Literally nobody cares.
Because we're regular humans and we have to go back to work Monday morning. Nothing changes.
Chop wada
Carry wud
makes sense. would you expect anything else?
say you convince them that it true, why should they care? they've all suffered. they should volt for it to collapse
Everything that you perceive through secondhand information is suspect. The ones diddling children are demon-possessed in the literal sense. In this context, demon means a nonhuman intelligence with no imagination, morality, or creativity, in my assessment. I don't mean fallen angels, but things that were "evil" from the time they were spawned. (some people call 'em archons)
I didn't mean to exclude the idea of NPCs and the demon-possessed in my post, but I can see that I didn't get into those details, and that you're just doing your due diligence to get a grasp of my POV, or so it seems.
When I said that everyone is included in my version of solipsism, I didn't mean to include the de-ranged or NPCs (people at an animal-level of consciousness).
Well, of course it isn't. Falsehoods are pretty hard to "prove". Where's the snark coming from? Am I agreeing with you in the wrong way or for the wrong reasons? Sheesh.
You don't gaslight a victim with an empowering narrative. It's simply not done.
All being one implies:
Infinite creativity
Infinite power
A goofy sense of humor
So, tell me again how this plays into the tricksters' plot to keep you coming back here despite you not wanting to, and how it somehow absolves them from anything. They're here to keep anyone who doesn't absolutely want to leave, from leaving. That's the job they do, and they do it well.
>You don't gaslight a victim with an empowering narrative. It's simply not done.
So when there are other people bringing humanity down, how is that my fault? They've literally erased and rewritten history, stolen identities of other tribes, they do nose surgeries to better stay in host societies. If it were all part of "my game", these beings wouldn't exist. We need to stop playing this game of pretend, if we had as much power as you claim we have, there wouldn't be millions of freemasons gathering on lodges getting ass fucked by other mason why taking kike cock in their mouth. They wouldn't lower themselves to that level, they'd be casting magic without going inside a lodge. There wouldn't be celebrities doing "extensions" to keep their lifespan going (paying back debts, doing deeds asked them to do, or else..), everyone would be casting their own magic without having to rely on magic book that relies mysticism from foreign (demonic) tribe. Trying to say otherwise is just massive coping, like I don't know what sorts of kumbaya hippie mental state you have to be, where you believe it's all ok, when you americans can't even walk outside at night without the risk of getting stabbed or robbed, something that rarely happens in other good first world countries. You didn't know that too is by purpose? To keep people from unitying against common enemy? You didn't know they did everything to keep occupy wallstreet kind of movements exposing the "bull" (demon) from happening again?
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not caring about your spergtacular myopic set of interests doesn't make them NPC's, sweetie. The world is so much bigger than you know
Ok, what about this
>you shouldn't take vaccine from a guy who said couple of years ago that he'd like world population to go down by 10-15% from vaccination
>you shouldn't take vaccine from a guy who was helping CREATE HIV/AIDS , and putting it into gay population
Please tell me you too would get vaccinated when somebody told you that?
or here's another example of NPC
>yes, the (((group))) seems to be doing bad
>their goyim cattle also seem to be bad
>HELP ANON!!!! I NEED A NEW TV?!?!?!?!
I believe the Hindu soul-eugenics is 100% real

I also believe that having a less enlightened soul is not cause for hatred or resentment. You don't hate a child or a dog for being oblivious or ignorant.

Just look at them as children who need guiding or better yet, ignoring. Don't let some random chump's inability to fathom the aether interrupt your own spiritual journey. It's like getting upset because a NPC in Oblivion only has one [rumours] option.

Focus on your quest, not on the NPCs who don't offer anything but background dialogue.

And more importantly, don't hate or resent them.

Only you can make you angry.
>I believe the Hindu soul-eugenics is 100% real
qrd on this?

part of my problem is that there will come a point when NPC will kill you. So far, they've acted like a meat shield, because TPTB can't go full-on with their plans, as long as there are NUMBERS of people that COULD go against them. However once that threat is completely gone, not only they will they no longer have to hold back, they will probably also program the NPCs to kill you. They already have you on kill lists based on astro charts alone from birth certificates. You trying to wake up the NPCs to turn against those that want to see humanity fall, is also helping you survive longer. It's sad to see something so fucking obvious escapes from you guys.
So many glowie bots sliding one thread. What's so scary about pepe the frog? Why does it trigger such primordial fear reaction in certain (((individuals)))?

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