Why would NASA lie? Why would experts lie about something like this? They have nothing to gain from lying about this, especially since it has zero effect on how people live their lives. Flat earthers have always been so dumb for no reason. They also NEVER have any substantial proof for their claim as opposed to the countless videos and live-feed broadcasts of the earth FROM SPACE ITSELF. Flat Earth nuts are total idiots.
loosh farming
>>39138794It's probably round, but I don't think we've ever left low earth orbit.Those pictures are all from low earth orbit with added curvature and warping at the edges to make it look like you're seeing the whole planet.That's why the majority of these pics never have any stars in them. They were literally caught doing this on one of the apollo missions, using a crescent shaped cutout to block part of the view and make it look like the Earth was far away.Look up the video called "a funny thing happened on the way to the moon".
>>39139613Single pic, taken in three colors, and stacked.Far far beyond LEO.Ten pics a day, every day, for over a decade.https://epic.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Time to stop your hedonistic degenerate ways OP. You aren't random cosmic jizz floating in space. https://ifers.forumotion.com/f1-the-international-flat-earth-research-society I recommend the stickies and the FAQ.Also make sure not to fall for glow nigger tricks like the flat earth society. Their creator would carry around a rock he claimed saved him from falling off the edge of the world. Pay no attention to those kike well poisoners. Best of luck anon.
>>39138794>Why would NASA lie? Why can't NASA break free from Saturns ring? >>>The Uranus Orbiter & Probe mission would deliver an in situ probe into Uranus's atmosphere.
>>39138794They lie because they don’t have a choice. Governments have to maintain an illusion of control. Them not knowing what this world even is makes them look powerless. So they create answers for everything.
>>39138794Are you in space right now looking at the beautiful curved earth? No? All you have is what your jew daddy told you? Opinion discarded.
>>39138794It’s also hollow
I thought it was slight egg shaped?
>>39138794jews own EVERYTHING, and they specifically hate CHRISTIANS, who used to think the world was FLAT. Use ya noodle dummy.
>>39138794It's a fucking joke okay? WE were just JOKING. Look it up on YouTube these people even go to NASA>Oh look look they're lying to us.>I can see dah CURVE. THEY'RE LYING TO USHow do you not laugh at these retards?People who don't get the joke are the idiots.
>>39140187Mythbusters proved it bitch. Check mate liberal
>>39138794>Flat earthers have always been so dumb for no reason.Flat Earthers are *the* text book baseless conspiracy theorist:-Makes a claim nobody fucking asked about. Proceeds to ruin their own life over it. -Said claim requires the *participation of the entire fucking planet* to maintain. -Actively refuses to do any actual scientific work, even simple field research: being disproven wrong is worse than proven right. -Relies entirely on attacks on authority, character, 'macro' ad hominem.-To some extent: Flat Earther's are used to undermine actual, like, meaningful conspiratorial thought and discussion. With that said, every conspiracy is 17% true. >The Earth is 100% roundIt's actually a little lumpy. Normally celestial bodies are completely spherical, more spherical than anything we could ever make in fact because gravity compresses it down on all sides equally: making it round. The Earth, however, moves. Because it is alive. So its' lumpy. >>39140359>I thought it was slight egg shaped?Yes, it's reminiscent of a reptile egg: round, spherical, somewhat oval shaped, with creases caused by internal movement.
Flat Earth is just well poison because its so obviously false just on the face of itAnytime they want to discredit something they just say>a conspiracy like flat earthpeople are just that simple thats all it takes
>>39138794>Why would NASA lie?For their government funding. >it has zero effect on how people live their livesThen why are you so obsessed about pushing this perception of reality?It does effect peoples lives - it makes people think they are meaningless and insignificant and that nothing matters.Nihilistic propaganda.>>39140359They can't keep their story straight because it's a lie.
>>39139613>using a crescent shaped cutout to block part of the view and make it look like the Earth was far awayWhat do you think of this deboonk? Timestamp at 03:18https://youtu.be/03x2MC3wv5Q?t=198
>>39140534>For their government fundingThe government spent three times NASA's budget one year on tanks. Tanks that the Pentagon very explicitly said "we don't need, we don't want, it is a waste of money".It is pure stupidity to think there has to be a thousands of years old conspiracy to make sure a tiny govt org gets a fraction of the budget.>pushing this perceptionThere is no push. When people talk about reality, they use reality.There are books where someone spent years and years trying to push flat earth.There is no such book for reality. There are simply maps and navigation that work.
I think instead of calling them idiots immediately just explain why they're wrong but then again that's not what this is about
>>39140562Don't pretend this is about truth.You guys waste all this money and time just to make people miserable.Why don't you guys spend all this effort talking about how 911 was an inside job and how they stole all the civilians money and power from it?Why don't you care about anything that matters?
How much do you faggots get paid? Your abilities are pretty weak. Is shit slow for you as you are needed less for the election puppet show or are you finding people are actually starting to look at the "flat earth" arguments? Can't have people eating from the tree of knowledge. Their eyes would be opened and they might find out that the garden they are living in is actually a plantation where they are being held captive by the chains that are their false beliefs. Good night, glowniggers. I hope you choke to death nibbling baby foreskins.
>>39140534Here's a simple exerciseGod #1 creates an infinite, ever expanding universe, self perpetuating and fine tuned to an infinitesimal degree, manifested through the laws of physics, not only does he create everything and all life on earth, God #1 has a special relationship with a specific species that he personally nurtures and takes care of in an arbitrary sector of said ever expanding universe, and said species gets special VIP treatment from God #1, out of all the possible lifeforms and all the possible spots in an infinite sea he picked you, and he loves you.God #2 on the other hand, creates a finite, almost laughably small universe, consisting of a small, circular plane and a glass like dome ontop that sits in the middle of nothing, the biggest fucking nothing to ever not-exist, not only that, but this God cant be assed to build anything more complex than a moldy, humid dirt pizza, no stars (they're light spots painted in the dome), no gas giants, no black holes, no pulsars, no complex systems or laws, no other lifeforms, no evolution, nothing, zero, zilch, nada, big fat goose egg.Which God would you rather worship? The one with an actual talent for his craft? The one that actually gives a shit in painting and refining and building? Or the one that either cant be assed or is incapable of coming up with what is essentially a massive petri dish?Do you wanna worship the retard? Or the architect? Which one is more capable and more worthy of the title of Big G?
>>39138794>The Earth is 100% roundProof.
>>39140359Only NASA can inject METHone pictures intp the veins of the internet!
>>39138794proven flat by long distance laser testing.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUuOmNIZQP4there's no argument against this other than that the lasers are faked.
>>39138794yeah buddy keep believing the mars rover is doing donuts on mars like in the movie Wall-E you NASA believers need to sober up, the glowies cant even go to outer space there is no going outer space they just get paid a retarded amount to larp about it every country is larping not one soul has crash landed on the moon
>>39140611>Don't pretend this is about truthGlad a flerfer can admit it.>You guysNot everyone is paid to be here, shill.>Why don't you care about anything that matters?So lets hear you admit the YEARS AND YEARS of flat earthers pushing their threads was completely about something that doesn't matter.Why did YOU GUYS push your falsehood if it isn't about anything that matters?
>>39140739How much does the beam expand over that distance?Do you even know how to calculate that?Are you so stupid you think laser beams don't expand?
It's flat but reality bends in such a way that it appears roundSpace is a black hole, earth is twisted around it. The universe is a torus and we are on the INSIDE
It only matters if it's flat.Anyways - flat earth was inserted into various circles so that noone would want to seek the truth about other things because they don't want to be seen as "someone so dumb, they believe earth is flat".We all already know that God exists, and denying it won't make evil win.
I don't believe there are actual intelligent flat earth believers. I think the dumb ones are falling for a psysop.See, you go on the internet, you notice people talking about something like Mt. Rushmore. But they're all saying things like "Kind of weird water erosion can carve people's face into a mountain but hey, nature's weird."But you're like me. If you were an American, the CIA would have given you enough LSD to evaporate your humanity and a gun because you have the Autism/ADHD combo that makes a 100% psyop resistance buff. You remember learning these were man-made carvings, so you say "Hey, I thought these were man-made."You're immediately, quickly, inundated with replies calling you out for being so staggeringly fucking stupid as to believe man even could carve a face into a cliff. You're disrespecting native holy sites. You're even given a multiparagraph, sourced and cited comment explaining exactly how wind and water carved 4 U.S. presidents into a cliff face.But again Autism Psyop resistance. You start asking why ChatGPT is trying to convince you wind and water are better than men at carving faces into rocks.(I'm gonna get a police visit for this one, lay bets.)Then you remember a deleted reddit blog post. And you remember that the most reddit addicted city named in that blog post is Elgin Air Force Base. With more unique visitors than the population of thst base and its surrounds.Well, what do they do at Elgin? Officially Cyber Research. Unofficially they astroturf the fuck out of online debate.Why? Because if all the internet is ChatGPT arguing with itself, they get to determine what you see. The government has always used the media to manufacture public consent, now they do it with social media. The flat earth debate is, I believe an astroturfing campaign to reduce the number of people who will care WHEN they cut all funds to NASA and erect Space Force.
What is "round"? What is "space"? What are "stars"? What doth life?
>>39141038You'll notice now they're strong arming people out of speaking candidly about morose subjects. Women aren't raped, they're "graped." People aren't killed, they're "unalived." The pope isn't shielding pedophiles, he's shielding "pdf files."This is another way of control. This isn't organic zoomer slang, zoomers have never done anything organically of their own volition. This is an extension of a linguistic idea, Sabdor-Worf Hypothesis, the language you speak determines the ideas it's even possible for you to have. So if you minimise the language, you minimise independence.There's also a strong trend suggesting journalists are collaborators. Remember when Joker came out and they insisted that it was an incel movie primed to cause mass shootings? And then what happened? Nothing happened. But the journalists and critics all insisted. They didn't actually believe this, they were told to. Because the media is again, a tool for the government to manufacture consent to their preferred outcomes.Everything you can or will see on the internet is government approved. "Advertiser friendly" was a scapegoat. They employ people to artificially drown out every human voice available.You think the resurgence of continental European philosophies like Nazism and Communism is something that just happened on its own? No, if it were organic you'd never have heard about it.Proof: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0005109815001375
>>39140903no, its a globe.rent a boat and sail around it, or just look at the ISS at night, its flight path proves the globe.
>>39138794If we see the curve of the earth at this height, then it is much smaller than what we are told.This photo is fake, and the question is, why do they make fake photos?Just to show a curve?The truth does not need trickery, propaganda and censorship, but lies do.
>>39141081>This photo is fake, and the question is, why do they make fake photos?As someone who has made their career in cameras, has been called as an expert witness in pretty extreme criminal trials to verify and debunk the claim that camera footage had been altered, and has actually been on a team designed some hot technology that's gonna make IMAX look like a fucking joke if and when it ever becomes financially feasible (and the Humane Society will flip their shit if they ever find out what we made it out of)...The reason is, because cameras are complicated, consumers are bad at using them and the government is almost worse than consumers.About the only people who know how to use cameras properly are in Hollywood. And that's only a few of them. I actually saw La La Land for the first time the other day. First shot in the movie was overexposed and I wanted to fucking die.
If there were more continents and you would like to keep a certain population from knowing and exploring those lands, it would be a clever perception trick. Draw the known lands on a ball in endless empty space. Not saying this is true, but that's what i would do, if I wanted to keep cattle in a closed space.Maybe earth is not flat, but just way bigger than we think. Who knows
>>39141081of course its not fake, and we live on a globe.just go look at the ISS flight path, sweetie. >photos are fakethey arent. since 2015 we have DSCOVR which sits in a stable location between us and the Sun, a million miles away, and takes about a dozen whole-Earth photos a day and is compiling a large image database (and no photo-shopped composites). NASA posts them on a very awesome website here:https://epic.gsfc.nasa.gov/
>>39141106no, its not bigger, we know exactly how big our globe is, we have the entire surface mapped for a long time now.
>>39141120If you say so
>>39141138>If you say soif you think there are some gigantic continents nobody has ever noticed for some reason, go rent a boat and find them. We'll wait here for an update.
>>39141152>no one everElites yes, not the general population.And they will shoot me if I try to pass Antarctica bro
>>39141169no, nobody will shoot you, there are no naval blockades to any magical huge continents.just.... rent a boat and try to find them. btw, you dont even need to, actually, because the current maps of the globe work, so they prove the size of our globe.or, you can look at the ISS, its flight path proves both the size of the globe, and the fact that were on a globe. its super cool.
>>39141181>rent a boat and try to find them.would be cool ngl
>>39141190>sailing aroundits called "vacation", people with jobs have it.
>>39141194Why are you so bitter?
>>39141169>they will shoot you for going to antarctica memeMother fucker, I've been there. Go to Argentinia, it's a day and a half boat ride away. First day I wandered from my tour group and took a shit in the snow.About a 2 kilometre walk south from your port, I forget the name but it's the most used one departing from Argentinia, dig through anout 6 years of snow and you will find my frozen turd.And guess what? No bullet holes in me.They'll only shoot you if you try to plant a flag.
>>39141200im allergic to stupidity.
>>39141208As you can read in my first post, I said I don't know.Just asking questions and wondering about things.But I'm glad you have it all figured out
first, no not giving my position, nor my country ok, let's goThe Earth isn't flat OR round, the surface of the planet, as far as most of the governments know IS STILL UNKNOWN I work in the government of my country for three years, the reason why we will never get the answer that you crave is because 1- Water reserves are bullshit, I personally saw the water reserves of one of the cities in my country dry, rain doesn't fix it in a day, we had NO WATER, yet nothing changed, suddenly a week later the reserves are full again, they filled an entire well in a week, all of this happened while being televised, a fake "warning the water is running dry so please don't use too much" then memoryholded by the TV channels, happens at least once a year2 if you ask about it, even working in the government they'll tell you that the reserves are looking fine and we have more thanks to the mountains, our mountains ARE ALMOST DRY, no snow, there are no huge water procession power plants around them, just little rivers flowing, if you keep asking, you'll get very VERY absurd answers FROM THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE 3 the only clue that I ever had was from a higher up in a party that told me "they bring it every week alongside the beef why are you asking man? you thought we can feed raise kill cut and process that amount of meat for the whole place in a fucking day? they bring it somewhere I still don't know there's a committee of people that I never met in charge of it, better ask no questions"4 the amounts of cows chickens and mountains that we would need to feed the whole planet DAILY is absurd, it's impossible, it all comes from somewhere, and they lie about the Earth shape because a round Earth implies LIMITED RESOURCES, limited resources imply control over the entire population on Earth, with limitless resources the whole system would collapse because it would mean that you don't need to work like a slave to waste everything on expensive shit, because it's limitless
>>39141078When reality itself bends, you could be taking 10 steps in 1 direction, stop, look back, and see that you moved in the opposite direction entirely, and it still does not invalidate the fact that you moved in your 1 initial direction.
>>39141283>i dont knowwell now you know. >But I'm glad you have it all figured outits not that hard, in fact, its super easy to figure it out. >>39141290its a globe, we have the entire surface mapped.
>>39141290>dumbfuck civilian doesnt realize his shithole country's elite rations all the resources for the plebs
>>39138794As Reddit as this is, you do have a point. I've never understood the point of flat Earth. Like with most conspiracy theories, there's a logical through line that's pretty reasonable, like fluoride being a tool for population control because everyone needs to drink water sonit would make sense to drug our water, but I can't find any similar readonajbg to flat Earth.I think flat Earthers realise this which is why they use that insane line of "NO GLOBE = NO GRAVITY = NO EVOLUTION = POPULATION CONTROL"
>>39141334the point of flat earthers is to get people to question science and institutions so we become easier for russia to annex
>>39141334>I've never understood the point of flat Earth.so they can tell you that water is running out, same with meat, same with land, same with everything else so you can be a good goy, globe Earth is the ultimate goyim maker because it guarantees that your entire population will become either wageslaves, neets or criminals because the planet has been brainwashed to live and die for money, nothing else
>>39141340If they'll stop all this Troon shit then let them come
>>39141347Why would the Earth being round have any relevance to any of these things? I don't understand your logic here. I believe the Earth is round so I think meat is running out? Why would I think that?
>>39141362>Why would the Earth being round have any relevance to any of these things?as far as I know for over 30 years they don't stop repeating that the mountains are running dry, that we're killing the forests and running out of Oxygen (?) global warming all related to the globe shape of the Earth because there's no beyond, it's a round jail, with a flat Earth all the lies that you been fed for decades make no sense, basically holding humanity hostage because there's no "beyond" Earth, it's a globe and you're trapped forever, also the globe is running out of resources so be a good slave and work more for less or pay more for the things that used to be cheap, etc, etc
>>39141334>>39141340>>39141347im pretty damn sure that all flat earthers are jews, flat earth is literally the main foundation of the talmud and judaism.
>>39139613>using a crescent shaped cutout to block part of the view and make it look like the Earth was far away.no they didn't. Sibrel just cut it out of context and lied about it being 'secret footage'. watch the whole thing in sequence, like it broadcast live on TV.
>>39140739>because in my childish mind lasers are immune to refraction
>>39141095proof? links to originals? not even a name or source mentioned in the pic lol
>>39141106>you would like to keep a certain population from knowing and exploring those landsWhy wouldnt you want your workers to go exploit lands and grow your wealth?You think the elites are out there working the mines in this unknown land?
>the flight path of the ISS on a pizza earth would look like a NASCAR race track>flight path of the ISS on a globe is a straight lineif you look at the ISS with your own eyes, what is its flight path?Is it doing a NASCAR, or going straight?>its straightLooks like i won again! : )
>>39141358So you would rather someone enslave you than allow someone else to live a way you think is weird.
>>39141377How is this any different if you are on a flat plane where you cant leave your location?Have you ever even been outside your country?What difference would it make if, hypothetically, you heard of another country where all things were great with no scarcity - but you will be killed if you ever try to go there?
>>39141571yes anon i would rather be ruled by reptilians or extra-dimensional vampires if it meant i dont have to watch any more fags, trannies, or black people.BEAM ME THE FUCK UP.
>>39141584Why dont you just pluck out your eyes?You would have a better life than enslavement, and you wouldnt have to see anything.
>>39141586no, i would rather pluck the eyes of these sexual degenerates, or just put them in gas chambers and get it over with.
>>39138794You force people to believe in the science slop of NASA. They live their life and see earth as being flat, simple as that. They don't live in outer space and see it as a sphere. Your unsympathetic religiously zealous NASA defending ass makes you blind to their pov. It may not be the "objectively" correct view. Who really knows. Yes, who really knows, you heard that right. Probably not the priests of the religion you adore. By the way, most believe it, so isn't that enough? Life is more complex than believing everything you hear from certain organizations. Yes, I know it's difficult to contemplate that.
>>39141595But then you would still see them. You said you didnt want to see them, but your answer is really stupid and ineffectual.you realize it's the commie lizards that poush trannies, right?You want the people that push this shit to enslave you.
>>39141599people knew we live on a globe before 1958, sweetie.
>>39141604no im pretty sure i wouldnt see any more sexual degenerates if they all got gassed.
>>39141606Yes and some people know aliens abducted them. Some people believe in a man in the sky, some people believe string theory is real. Some people believe in ESP and some people think spooky quantum phenomena are weird. People know all kinds of stuff. You are just a zealot and completely indoctrinated in one mode of living. It's a hard pill to swallow. Takes an expanded mind state to grapple this topic.
>>39141611You asked to be the slave of people who advocate for trannies.You would see nothing but black trannies for your entire, artificially-extended life.
>>39141617>some people believe in ghoststhe difference is, the globe is just common sense and its easily proven. just.... sail around the globe, thats all you have to do.if you dont know how, ask the portugese, the spanish, the italians, the french, the british or the germans, they're pretty good at sailing around the globe.
>>39141634Australians, too.
>>39141639or we can just ask anybody who ever went on vacation, lmao.
>>39141599>Who knowsAnyone who has ever observed the moon over a period of a month. Don't be such a fucking "enlightened centrist", the flat earthers are pretty obviously incorrect.
>>39141634You'd have to sail across the arctic "pole" to prove that with sailing.The flat earth is still circular.Of course the arctic and "antarctic" are off limits.WHO TF HAS TIME AND MONEY TO "JUST GO SAILING".I HATE YOU WEALTHY BALL EARTHERS WITH NOTHING TO DO BUT WASTE TIME AND MONEY ON LIES.
>>39141599>who really knowsi do, i sailed around the globe and i saw the ISS with my own eyes at night, many times.
>>39141654>You'd have to sail across the arctic "pole"nope>WHO TF HAS TIME AND MONEY TO "JUST GO SAILING".people who have jobs.>that mapi fucking died from laughter.
>>39141654You could also measure the distance traveled and use math to figure out which projection is closer to your measurements, but math is hard and flerthers are retarded.
>>39141654>You'd have to sail across the arctic "pole" to prove that with sailing.which retarded 2 hour long youtube clip told you that? just do pic related.
>>39141648Yeah but Jon has done it 12 times now.I'd suggest someone trying to pay him to let them tag along, but I doubt he wants anyone else with him when he does it.
>>39141674>>39141661>>39141639>>39141648You guys don't even know what you're arguing against.South is center, north is the outer sides.You think I believe whatever random square map the controllers put out?
>>39141634>>39141654sailing around antarctica would be the best option. if you sail around it, earth is a globe; if it stays always around you, its the ice wall on the edge.
>>39141725>South is centerIt's still a globe.
>>39139862where are the stars?
>>39141725if a map of a thing works, it means that this map just proved the shape of that thing : )
>>39141751in space : )
>>39141751where's you most basic understanding of photography?
>>39141751The camera is focused such that the earth takes up the entire FOV.
>>39141773Meaning the black you see around this is purely to make the image a square. The actual picture is circular.
The moon emits its own light.Look at it with your own eyes, it is clearly far too bright to be a "reflective rock".>>39139862>>39141773CGI>>39141739So called "antarctica" IS the center of the flat earth.
>>39141781i didn't know that about EPIC, thanks. But of course, the fag above was just raising that most retarded of moonhoax arguments.
>>39141791>So called "antarctica" IS the center of the flat earth.this is some new radical flat earth position for which you have as much evidence as for the old position - zero.
>>39141791>The moon emits its own light.no it doesnt. >Look at it with your own eyes, it is clearly far too bright to be a "reflective rock".no its not, its not that brightly lit. >So called "antarctica" IS the center of the flat earth.no its not, who told you that?
>>39141769what do you mean
>>39141792I might be wrong, but that is my understanding.There's a lot of complexity in the camera, but most of it is in making sure it is pointed at the Earth properly.It actually needs to compare the stars to an internal chart as part of it, but that isnt accurate enough to really line up each of the shots.>>39141773>muh cgilol>So called "antarctica" IS the center of the flat earth.So now you are saying the NORTH Pole is 30,000 miles, and impossible to go directly from one side to another?
>>39141816i got like a 1000 night pics and not even 1 star on them. depends on the camera and exposure time.
>>39141820what exposure time do you think that was without any streaks in it
wow so cool *-*
>>39141829>what exposure time do you think that was without any streaks in itnot long, probably a badass camera did it.>>39141840awesome, i love space stuff so much.
it's really all cgi at this pointtechnology has reached the level that you can't take a fake apart from reality
>>39141844of course its not cgi, you can see the ISS with your own eyes.
>>39141803You push the ball earth lie, but think you can decide what flat earth is too?
>>39141842>awesome, i love space stuff so much.why are there stars?
>>39141847that doesn't mean what you see in the picture is from the iss, does it?
>>39141842>probably a badass camera did it.don't they disclose what camera they are using?
suddenly so many stars *-*
wtf i love space now!
i've looked at iss footage since the millenium and never seen anything like that
>>39141840>stars next to a glaring light sourcei have to revisit my understanding of photography
>>39141850why wouldnt there be stars?>>39141854it actually does mean its from the ISS, you can track it LIVE. >>39141856dunno, never bothered to check the model of the camera.
>>39141890what was the exposure time?
>>39141888>it actually does mean its from the ISS, you can track it LIVE.how does tracking it mean what you see is from the iss?
>>39141893No idea. Just pics I've previously grabbed to show what would be required to have the stars show up in the single photographs of bright objects.In both pics, that is a crescent Moon, and the "dark" part would not be visible to the naked eye.
if i put a fake earth shot next to a real one would you be able to tell the difference?
>>39141899>how does tracking it mean what you see is from the iss?you can see the ISS with the naked eye, thats why.>oh look i can see the iss, its over me>look at the live feed>oh look, its correct!nice!
>>39141913how do you know that the video is from the iss tho?if it can be tracked than cgi footage can be aligned or is that impossible?
>>39141908sure, why wouldnt it be? do you have a better idea what the planet is?
>>39141933you see the plane but not what the plane see, do you?
>>39141939Irrelevant. Watch its path. It never curves. The ISS ONLY goes in a straight line. This is ONLY possible because the Earth is a globe. It is why, when you show the Earth as flat, you need to show it's path curving, even though IF YOU LOOK AT IT IN REAL LIFE, you will se it never does.
>>39141939>BROKEN ENGRISHwhy is it always brown people.
>>39141951i forgot an s and wrote than instead of thenwow you got me>>39141950you keep moving goalposts why is that?
>>39141959Didnt move shit.Not that anon.I am adding another way you can directly observe for yourself.If you ever put in the effort.
>>39141959nobody has moved any goalposts, the ISS proves the globe with its flight path, case closed, globe proven.
>>39141963how does that have anything to do with the cgi footage from the iss?
>>39141968Your argument over the veracity of the footage is irrelevant. As I first said.You can DIRECTLY OBSERVE what I said.If you ever go outside.
>>39141968nobody cares if you dont like the pictures, the fact thats its flight path proves the globe is enough.
>>39141975>>39141976i'm not talking about the flat earth, i'm talking about the fake cgi footage
>>39141982No one cares if NASA lies.I care about directly observable proof that anyone who thinks it is important can go do.
>>39141988but how do you know the footage isn't cgi?
>>39141994I dont care.What importance is it that some governments propaganda is lying?Earth is still a globe, and one whose circumference you can calculate.
>>39141999why would they show you cgi footage instead of reality?
>>39142002I dont care.I dont consider them relevant when determining the shape of the surface I am on.
>>39141982>>39141994>>39142002nobody cares if you dont like these pictures, or if that NASA is a boo-boo or not, we know Earth a globe, and thats it, i honestly couldnt give less of a flying fuck if photoshop is used to make these space pics look better.
>>39142006but why would they show you fake cgi footage of something they could just record without the trouble of creating fake cgi shots?
>>39142011to make it look cooler : )
>>39142014what for?
>>39142011I dont care.It has no relevance to the fact that Earth is a globe.
>>39142020so you don't care they are spending tax payer money to create fake shots of something they could take with a real camera? why not?
>>39142018>>39142026best part, they're probably not even fake, too. nobody cares if they are or they arent touched up in photoshop, we know its a globe either way.
well since you don't care there's no point in talking to you anyway
>>39142026>wahhhh the demon enslavement includes yet another lie of some tiny tiny fraction of the pieces of paper they say are valuable and control NPCs withEarth.Globe.Directly Observable.Or here - have a goal I will never move. Prove me wrong.
>>39142037we only care to talk about evidence of the globe, discussing your personal picture preference is a waste of time.
>>39138794just no
>>39141816what do you mean what do i mean?>>39141859>>39141867clearly longer exposures and/or hdr stacking
>>39141909depends what you mean by fake
>>39142215If it's a photo, stacking is most likely. Overlay multiple pics from the same location over various days. But how does that work with the auroras?The flerfers' whole attempt at arguing is that the whole thing should be streaky if its a long exposure, or not showing stars if not.I'm betting it's from a video camera that does not work in the same manner as taking a single photo.
>>39142242how does a video camera work?
>>39142269Depends on the camera.What specifics can you give about the source of the images?
>>39142285what specifics do you think i can give?i got it from a search enginei asked the question if they do not disclose what camera they are using
>>39142285>>39142295discussing pictures with the schizos is a waste of time.just tell them its a globe, space is real, we landed on the moon, and thats it, case closed. dont waste your time discussing pictures.
>>39142295So you dont even know if they are from NASA?They could be complete fakes from China.Why are you using pics you have no knowledge about as evidence of anything?
>>39141859This one is from herehttps://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/photo.pl?mission=ISS057&roll=E&frame=35382and the exposure info is a follows:NASA PHOTO ID iss057e035382.NEFGMT 2018:10:07 15:45:17MODEL NIKON D5 S/N: 3502333NASA SN and Temp NASA 3502333Firmware Ver.N.10Image Size 5584x3728Compression Nikon NEF CompressedExposure Program ManualShutter 1.6Aperture 1.4Meter Mode Multi-segmentShooting Mode Single-FrameISO Speed 20000AF Area Mode Single AreaSo, you have a really high iso meaning the sensor is being told to be very sensitive to light hitting it. It can reduce image quality with increased graininess. Aperture is wide open at 1.4, meaning more light can get in. Shutterpeed is 1.6 seconds. not that long but with the combination of the other two factors its clearly enough.you can plus these numbers into exposure calcs and it will tell you that this image is entirely possible.
>>39141867This one is herehttps://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/photo.pl?mission=ISS030&roll=E&frame=58649Exposure data:NASA PHOTO ID: iss030e058649.NEFGMT: 2012:01:30 06:19:22MODEL: NIKON D3S S/N: 2053892NASA SN and Temp: Firmware: Ver.1.01Image Size: 4288x2844Compression: Nikon NEF CompressedExposure Program: ManualShutter: 0.5Aperture: 1.4Meter Mode: Multi-segmentShooting Mode: Single-FrameISO Speed: 3200AF Area Mode: Single AreaFocal Length: 24.0 mmLens ID: AF-S Nikkor 24mm f/1.4G EDDOF: 2.51 m (3.09 - 5.60)Focus Mode: ManualFocus Distance: 3.98 mSubject Distance Range: UnknownCompensation: -1/3Not too dissimilar to the other one; high ISO, 1.4f, shutter speed of half a second. again not that long, but it keeps blur down.
>NIKON D5that's all it takes to take such pictures of stars with bright light sources
>>39142409>>39142415you're just being willfully dense at this point. The ISS is in the dark, and you can easily see that the lights on the ground are brighter than the stars, but the difference between the two brightness's is a hell of a lot less than between a full moon and the stars.And then look is picrel; see the massive difference a few stops of ISO makes to the light level while still keeping the same shutter and aperture settings?
>>39142457i think you've missed>>39141840>>39141816
>>39138794>There is no one who is of this earth. We appear to be of it, we feel as if we are: in reality we exist in the sky. Our nature is of the sky.>Being means the inner sky.>Body means the earth, the body is made of earth. You are made of sky.>These two have met within you.>You are the horizon where the earth seems to be meeting the sky. But has it ever met it? Far away the horizon appears – sky touching earth. Start walking towards it, expecting to reach it in a minute or two. Continue walking for life after life – you will never reach a place where the sky touches the earth. It is only a mirage. It always appears that you can touch it a little further on, just a little further.>The horizon does not exist, it only appears to. It is the same inside us as with the outer horizon. Inside no contact ever happens either. How will being touch body? How will the mortal meet the immortal? Milk mixes with water – both are of the earth. But how will being merge with body? Their basic quality is different. However near they come, they cannot touch. They may be forever near, still they cannot touch, they cannot meet. It is only our assumption, our concept – the horizon exists only as our idea.>If you allow Ashtavakra’s statements to penetrate your heart like arrows, they will awaken and remind you. They will arouse that long forgotten memory. For a moment the sky will open, the clouds will break, and your life will be filled with sunlight.—Osho Rajneesh, Enlightenment: The Only Revolution, p.26>https://www.oshorajneesh.com/download/osho-books/Indian_Mystics/enlightenment_the_only_revolution.pdf
>>39142471the story will be the same so i'll leave those for you to look up if you want to.
>>39142482stars are visible next to the sun
>>39138794You don't need "NASA" to explain something that's been known for thousands of years and proven true by the ancient greeks.People are just too dumb and lazy to replicate their experiments, along with countless others that followed.
>>39141062> Sabdor-Worf HypothesisIt’s Sapir-Whorf and there’s no evidence it’s real
>>39138794The whole "why would they lie" thing is so overdone. It's been answered a million times.At least come up with some actual arguments and not just repeat things someone said 10 years ago.
>>39141654>You'd have to sail across the arctic "pole" to prove that with sailing.There are Videos of Russian Ice breakers sailing to the North Pole - Several. In English too.Watch one.>>39141654>Of course the arctic and "antarctic" are off limits.Well, it is very cold- so it is dangerous, but you can get to the north for sure, russians sell tickets every summer.South is more remote, more >>39141654>WHO TF HAS TIME AND MONEY TO "JUST GO SAILING".expensive. If you really wanted to - you could find a used sail boat for a few thousand dollars & set it up for a round-the-world trip. Many have sailed it alone, I suggest bringing a friend or 2.Work, Save up. Buy a sea Chart.
>>39141751>where are the stars?>>39141773>The camera is focused such that the earth takes up the entire FOV.Stars blocked out.Unlike the next one>>39141816and>>39141904>crescent moon long exposure.jpgFind a Submariner who has been to north pole.
>>39140659>massive petri dishmaybe we are just tiny anon, it actually makes sense lole
>>39138794Flat Earth is a psyop designed to make all conspiracy theorists look bad.
>>39145086This.Also, go ahead and look up calculations for any kind of artillery shell. Without taking into account earths curvature as well as coriolis effects, artillery shells would miss their targets.
>>39145086>Flat Earth is a Psy-Op designed to make all conspiracy theorists look bad.Exactly!
The earth is runged, end of story
>>39141290damn, kim jong un on the chan???
>>39140739>go to salt flats>it's remarkably flatwoah
>>39145107Artillery shells are not real. Calculations are not real. The corona virus effect is not real.
>>39141571Literally unironically yes. I would rather outright live as a slave (we already do so it's a moot point) than spend one more minute being surrounded by faggots and niggers.
>>39146053But the people you want to enslave are the people.puahing the trannies on you.You think this stops once they take power?This is why slaves shouldn't try to think.
>>39141816what is that red, is that rain radar or something
>>39146801"sprite""elve"Just dumb names for the observable artifacts of directed energy weapons penetrating the atmosphere
>>39140415You're as dumb as a pile of shit.
>>39140659Except it's actually like thisGod#1>makes a gigantic mess>oh god it's everywhere>cosmic dust and radiation>balls of fire>barely manage to make a cosmic mistake of things going just barely right>a ton of mutant creatures develop over millions of years>left with hairless apes that destroy the one world they have as well as each otherGod#2>create finite verse with the intention of creating life>do just that>create the celestial heavens above>make a being in your image to rule the mortal realm>man has the ability of great good or great evil>allow him to chooseThe first god in your example is basically the petri dish, it's a fucking mess and just one cosmic mistake after another until life accidentally forms and out of the infinitesimal amount of planets, it seems one one actually has a success rate? That's fucking abyssmal.Meanwhile the painting and refining is clearly the guy who made the one world, the heavens above and focuses on it.Space is pretty dumb when you really think about it, everything is made of space dust, some of it is just burning balls of radiation and sometimes it all just collapses and becomes a blackhole because it's so unstable.You have your moron and architect backwards.
>>39140080Here's so more proof NASA is full of it
Detailed FE diagram for when glowies post the "disk in space" well poisoning pics
>>39141816Quite literally looks like a texture on a 3D model LOL nice try globie
>>39147630>The first god in your example is basically the petri dishno, it's more like the first God can set it up such that it develops as He wishes without any need for direct intervention.The second God is weaker, and less capable, and needs to constantly intervene and work to make sure everything is going right.The first God made a perpetual motion machine. that is WAY more impressive.
>>39147754>not one single landmass on it matches earthYou would know this if you ever went outside and did your own research.
>>39147742thats the gooks not nasa though. and anyway, whats wrong with that? watch the video, you'll see that this is a deliberately deceptive meme.
>>39138794You're pissing against the wind senpai. These creatures cannot be convinced. They're not seeking answers, only confirmation. Their only purpose is to provide amusement to anyone with a functioning brain.
>>39139862whole country missing next to AustraliaNice try
>wake up>look outside>earth is still flatanother win for team flat earth
>>39147965>whats wrong with thatAccording to outer space lore, the water shouldn't be resting flat in zero gravity
>>39141950Oh god this retard again. You already tried this in a previous thread. It makes no sense. You don't understand how anything works.
>>39138794Why nobody questions why there's lava in the interior of the globe? What's keeping it hot in there?
>>39152179According to scientists the earths core is a molten ball of nickel and other metals that's just so hot it's been acting like a nuclear reactor for a bazillion years. Oh also it's why gravity exists I guess. Yes that's really their explanation.
>>39138794It's a combination of narcissism and a lack of education.
>>39140611>muh twin towers THEREFORE le flat earth
>>39150216>outer space lorehmm sounds serious.watch the full video instead of relying on lying memes
>>39152179pressure. lots of pressure
>>39151548maybe you dont understand what he means. ever think of that?
Some old retard in the past imagined the idea of "gravity" in the past so now everyone must accept what that one retard said 500 years ago LMFAO the absolute state of you mindless retards. Its sad that all globalists belong in concentration camps
>>39154442>t. guy whose argument is literally disproved by birds
>>39139862>leospace is pagan
>>39153917It is "lore" because it's a story/narrative the elites have made up for us
>>39155822guess i missed the lore section in class. anyway, the point of watching the video is to see that this is a deceptive still taken from the longer in context footage which shows that its not like this.
>>39145086How can flat earth be a psyop when you can confirm that earth is flat with rudimentary observations?
>>39138794its funny how i can automatically tell everytime they use a fish eye lens for these pics and vids.
It's funny how many people in this thread think they are so smart for dismissing a subject they have never properly looked into. This is true Dunning Kruger on display. And no, investigation isn't just going to whatever shill establishment deboonker website or typing the question into Google and believing the first thing it says.The truth is, the ONLY reason to believe in the ball is because you were taught it by people who lie to us continually to control us. Why does it matter? Because they tell you not to trust your own eyes, only to trust them and their "experts" and their totally not fake videos with hundreds of flaws. They force this lie on you before you can even speak. It is the big lie that unravels all the other lies.
>>39138794It's half truths, the earth is round yes, but it's bigger then we know and there's more out there.
>>39141867This looks so fucking fake. This is very clearly a flat texture mapped around a sphere. The texture is lower resolution than the stars and it has signs of distortion.
>>39138794The earth is bigger than what we're told. And hollow.
>>39141340>question scienceQuestioning science is the whole point of science. Flatearthers, as stupid as they sound, caused some people to actually learn real physics.
>>39157704and come to the logical conclusion that earth is a stationary plane, which is the expected outcome for anyone who is willing and able to set aside their indoctrination and pride
>>39158249But not the expected outcome of anyone that actually goes out and measures instead of just "opening their mind" to youtube videos.
>>39157252there are plenty of people on here who have definitely looked into flat earth and taken the time to consider all the things offered by its adherents. Fact is, all of flat earth is total moronic bullshit based on ignorance and/or lies.Thats all there is to it sweaty. sorry that the defining concept of your identity is just a silly joke.
>>39138794Flat Earthers are just religious people who desperately try to validate a literal interpretation of the Bible, without any interest to side with the Catholic Church they warned something like this was going to happen if you let anyone be capable to read and interpret the Bible, they will start pulling all sort of crazy things out of the book.
>>39138794The earth is a chan and she's stacked
>>39159548Not a controlled experiment bro. Plumb lines are not parallel. Nice trick though, i put it on par with the cavendish deception>>39159789>plenty of peopleTry thinking for yourself and not being conformist. You admittedly value the opinions of retards which isnt suprising coming from the globe position>>39161254Flat earthers dont interpret the bible as literal, false. We understand that its a mysterious and intelligent book. Of course the bible contains contradictions because metaphors are naturally contradicting. Thats not an undermining of the bibles value as a book. The bible is a metaphor for the human body and the cosmos. Yes the bible just so happens to support a flat earth cosmos, but aside from all that flat earth stands alone as scientifically valid. No religion required
>>39140415>and they specifically hate CHRISTIANS, who used to think the world was FLAT. Use ya noodle dummy.lolChristians didn't think the earth was flateven christcucks were more educated, some plebs probably did believe the earth is flat
>>39161436>Try thinking for yourself and not being conformist. You admittedly value the opinions of retards which isnt suprising coming from the globe position you are so proud of your ignorance and stupidityit's almost like you are a troll
>>39161436>Plumb lines are not parallel.And you have definitely gone outside to prove this.I actually HAVE.You can only make excuses for why you never do anything yourself.
Stupid things like flat Earth are a distraction. It's probably a pied piper/red herring/psyop or whatever you want to call it.>conspiracy theorists/people skeptical by their nature exist>feds hate this>glowies make up stupid shit and fling it at skeptical people>if glowfags are lucky some people latch onWhat happens when people latch on, such as in the case of flat Earth?>schizos now hyperfixating on fed lie (flat Earth) instead of something real>theory glowies put out is stupid by design and makes schizos look stupid for believing it>public now see's skeptical people as dumb or insane>public is less likely to believe schizos when they actually find something>feds win
>>39141038>But you're like me. If you were an American, the CIA would have given you enough LSD to evaporate your humanity and a gun because you have the Autism/ADHD combo that makes a 100% psyop resistance buff. You remember learning these were man-made carvings, so you say "Hey, I thought these were man-made."Well put and stealing this descriptor
>>39161254>you need to be religious to believe what you see when you look outside
>>39159548because, as we all know, youtube videos are for the incorrect and dumb, but wiki pages are for correct and smarthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BllreOOEUs
>>39138794>Why would NASA lie? Why would experts lie about something like this? They have nothing to gain from lying about this, especially since it has zero effect on how people live their lives. Flat earthers have always been so dumb for no reason. They also NEVER have any substantial proof for their claim as opposed to the countless videos and live-feed broadcasts of the earth FROM SPACE ITSELF. >>Flat Earth nuts are total idiots.cringe. I've seen the real tech you npc glow niglet wannabe. sorry chump. the tech is way ahead. way the fuck ahead.
>>39141038>you have the Autism/ADHD combo that makes a 100% psyop resistance buff.Ohhhhhh. THAT explains it! I always wondered why I got cut from GATE. My consistency checks are too good. HAHAHA
>>39141040I hope your snake-arm can back up those big words.
>>39140896>>39141540>>39145962What moronic responses. Would have been better to stay silent.
>>39141571>So you would rather someone enslave you than allow someone else to live a way you think is weird.You know who helped the US during the Revolutionary war? Russia.You know who helped the US during the war of 1812? Russia.The Khazarians have had it in for Russia ever since, and that's why it was the first target of the (Jewish) Communist revolution. Russia dared to defy the banksters. HOW DARE THEY?Russia is not an enemy to a healthy America. Since the US is being run by Commies RIGHT NOW, they are framed as le monster in the dark.First plank of the Communist party: abolish private ownership of land.As soon as the property tax was enacted, that was a fait accompli.Read through the planks of the Communist Manifesto and see if you can find one that hasn't been enacted in the US (or anywhere else, for that matter). The few places there are (Iran, for instance), just happen to be Le Big Bad according to the Jew media.Hmmmm....
>>39141816I'm curious about the red, and that white light over there.
>>39163781white is a thunderstorm, red may be aurora borealis (or australis idk which one was red and which one was green).
>>39141867anybody who believes this for one second was had by the jews
>>39163781apparently those are called spriteshttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_(lightning)
first ever picture of the earth taken by a satellite
>>39138794They're satanistshttps://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcoNE1cJ2aacsH39E_qPH_okQpvmC-fcG>>39147630>>39147923https://newgeology.us/presentation32.htmlGod sustains everything, without Him, there is no breath and lifeActs 17:"22Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.23For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.24God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;25Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;26And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;27That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:28For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.29Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.30And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:31Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."https://newgeology.us/presentation24.html
>>39138794>Why would experts lie about something like this? They have nothing to gain from lying about thisfunding? relevancy? not being disbanded?
>>39165117The electricity our atmosphere generates is released in lots of ways besides just lightning.when we started spending more time int he upper atmosphere, we began to notice them more, and gave them names.
>>39138794The earth IS brat