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Psychedelic General
Post stories
Advice insight
And whatever you want as long as it’s on topic

Just keep in mind psychedelics are a tool and people can use tools in all sorts of ways from attaining enlightenment to driving into a tree
And finally not everything is for everyone including psychedelics
does anyone here have a good supplier for LSD?
anyone have experiences growing and/or using natalensis? about to order some from itw
I do if you live in north america
Best strain for beginner growers. I started some just a few weeks ago and they’re beasts. so much faster than cubensis
Did you get spores or liquid culture I think they call it isolated spores or something
Idk but when you reach a point. Prepare for hell
Just trimmed an enormous batch of penis envies, fuckers came out amazing.
Hmm, worried you might not be as anon as you think?
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I like ur art anon greets
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YO psychoniggers give me your best audio and video entertainment for tripping, in general and in LSD specifically
I raise you this https://youtu.be/aImWCe8v0mI?feature=shared

Not super trippy but I quite enjoyed it while high
Make your own glowfag
Intending on doing another round of mushrooms and watching willy wonka and the chocolate factory, would HIGHLY suggest doing this as well, there's a specific "track" I always mentally go down when doing this and there's some sort of mental puzzle in this movie when you watch it on mushrooms, I feel very close to cracking it.

What i've done so far is crack song 1 (Candy man) which has the numbers 4785 involved with it. I feel like song 2 (cheer up charley) has another 4 set of numbers but i haven't found them

Oompa loompa songs have no numbers attached to them but they keep appearing from others from within those songs, I think it's a cryptography related sequence and i'll come back after tonight to see if i can crack the second set, if anyone wants to try this make sure you use a VHS tape and not watch online or through other methods
growing some golden teachers rn, they are going pretty well a bit underwhelming but its my first attempt, maybe i get a bigger bin next time and crumble the mycelium a bit with a fork, it actually forms a tough layer when its been left there for a while and mushroom has trouble going through it
i cant listen to fast stuff if i'm tripping, but i listen to sweet trip almost everytime, if i get sad it helps too, this album is very nice

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mental illness triggered by drugs in action
The mushrooms will break through the overlay just fine if they don’t get too wet. Leave them alone for a week or two
I think the nats from itw come as lc, haven't bought them yet though. I was just researching vendors because I almost bought from sporeworks which apparently isn't all that great.
this thread is relevant >>39204334
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I have done a few psilocybin trips in the last year. The last 2 trips completely fucked me up.

I did a heroic dose, it felt like I was tripping on DMT and had an ego death, my elbows started morphing into weird shapes, my feet and limbs suddenly felt alien when I looked at them. The entire trip was me listening to bird sounds, watching geometric patterns resembling those from aztec and mesoamerican cultures all while I heard voices as if I were dying and leaving this plane of reality.

I know feel completely dissociated.

Am I fucked?
>Am I fucked
quite the opposite. you have begun the process of becoming unfucked.
How so?
lsd and shrooms are legit medicine to me. respect them. for me I almost have to be outside in nature, I feel weird if I stay inside or indoors. I just get the itch like a little kid to go be outside in nature.
what did you learn from your experience?
Why do we have so many generals

This place is abysmal now

>t. Psilocybin user
Make the threads you want to see on this board and ignore the ones you don’t
You’re a big kid now you don’t need to whine to fix your problems you can handle them all by yourself
I don’t know why these idiots think their complaints matter
They can go post in some other thread
Sporeworks is fine but ITW is better. ITW sells liquid culture as “isolated spores” because many vendors anre still acting like they’re a legal grey area despite tests revealing there’s not enough psilocybin to detect. The spores cost around $20 but they sell the LC for $30. Get the LC/isolated spores. They’ll be much faster to grow. Their nats grow small at first, I’ve taken their genetics back to spore and have selected the biggest first flush for a few generations so now I have big nats, instead of those spaghetti noodles. These ones are strong, even being skinny, they hit like penis envy but are more energetic than cubes.
Just did my first shrooms yesterday. Kinda disappointed with my experience. I was expecting the effects to be mostly perceptual but for me it was almost entirely body and mental. Is this normal or do I have strange reactions to shrooms? I have acid too, will that be more like what I'm looking for?
Yes, if I understand you correctly I think LSD would be more in line with that, I find shrooms connects you deeper with yourself while LSD offers renewed perceptions, in my experience
Okay thanks, kinda sucks cause with how long acid lasts I'm not sure when I'll find the time to do it. Oh well I'm sure I'll find the time sooner or later.
What exactly were you expecting? Pretty colors and shapes?
LSD is more fitting for day time while shrooms are best at night, if you time it right and take it earlyish on a day off it shouldn't disturb your schedule too much
alternative, just do a higher dose of shrooms next time
>higher dose of shrooms next time
that would help the change in perception more but also comes with negative side effects
they should just take some dmt and go all the way
>take some dmt and go all the way
my advice too. the worst that could happen is they have a bad trip and learn how they’re fucking up in life.
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Everyone is learning how to grow mushrooms in plastic tubs
The only reason I'm went for shrooms is because the dmt I got must be some weak shit, took like 5 hits off the vape and barely anything. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong but I feel like I got scammed.
I have several tabs of super clean acid, 14g of golden teachers and unlimited DMT but I still don’t feel like doing any of it. Everything was so much better when I was doing them frequently but I just don’t feel like it. Hope the desire to go back will return soon, I’ve gotten stuck deep in all this materialism shit and it’s taking a serious tole on my health and will to live
So what is being done wrong if the bulk sub(coco coir) gets contaminated but the spawn(popcorn in jars) itself is fine?
how much did you do?
I was expecting something besides my vision getting a little blurry. Barely any CEVs either except for brief pulses of mostly green.
About a gram of cubensis.
>About a gram

Not nearly enough to get significant perceptual changes. Try 3.5g++
Go full Terrence McKenna with 5 grams and darkness
DMT vapes are always a scam. Every kid at music festivals can tell you that
Man, I feel a lot of body load off of just one, I'll probably just do the acid instead.
Sterilize your coco. I know online they say to pasteurize but I eliminated all contans before the first flush when I started sterilizing my substrate for as long as my grain, 2 hours at 15 psi plus a long cooldown. tyndallization will work too
Most magic mushrooms are basic cubes and don’t feel that great
Try an exotic one like natalensis, pan cyans, azzies, or zaps. They hit much harder with less body load.
for visuals like acid you need to eat like 3 grams. just take a hit of acid and go chill outside in nature. enjoy the clearing of the head and the visuals nature ALWAYS provides. acid just makes it fresh and new like you are a kid again.
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has anyone used shrooms for healing depression? I heard it works but haven't tried anything beyond small doses yet.
So I tried weed, spice and LSA.

Got lsa from crushing HBWR seeds and leaving them in water overnight. Probably very unhealthy due to cyanide levels hence why you vomit.

Felt complete ecstasy and contentment for about 15 minutes and was smiling for no reason. Saw a few colours. Not recommended though threw up and the comedown was horrendous.

Weed was nice makes music incredibly enjoyable but cant smoke it now im scizo.

Spice was something else, everything went blurry and I was almost paralysed and deep anxiety swept over me. Started hearing electronic music and had a vision I was floating in space and saw electricity pulsing throughout my body.
Yeah I grow them and eat them for my depression and anger. They keep me from fighting everyone who pisses me off. I usually eat them like one weekend every couple months. They help a lot but I only eat a few grams at a time
Anyone got any interesting stories about obscure stuff? The most obscure I've tried is 5-meo.
I don't even know where to get research chemicals on the like.
I want to try 2-cb
I assume you don't know where to get it?
Ohh,i see. What about other substrates? Ones that have nutrition and good bacteria as well? Like manure,wormcasting,etc. Killing off the good bacteria doesn't sound ideal however if it will contaminate due to pasteurization only...
There is no good bacteria. Manure is more likely to contam especially from trich, peat moss too
I wish it wasn’t the case but there’s a reason why everyone uses coco coir and vermiculite
But you don’t even need vermiculite, I stopped using verm years ago and only use cococoir. Manure is to unreliable and varies from batch to batch
Plus most feed crops are sprayed with glyphosate and anti fungals, modt manure is trash compared to 10-20 years ago when I started
>research chems
did they all get shut down
Doubt it, besides more are probably getting made everyday.
Many years ago during my misspent youth I would hang with people who sold large amounts of LSD.

They were all idiot hippies and would be laying sheets with no masks or gloves and then party. I went to one of the parties in a hotel room. One of them was so high he spilled an entire vial on me. Probably enough LSD to get an entire high school high. It also spilled on a table and a 20 bill was in the puddle. So we left it to dry out so we could eat it later. Then there was an crazy party, someone overdosed in the bathroom, I don't remember most of it. The next morning I went to look for the 20 bill.

It was gone.

"I gave it to the pizza man"

Anyone who touched that bill would have got high as fuck and it was good LSD too, the AUM stuff.
My dad works at Nintendo
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The more you take, the better it is for your brain.
I wish I knew where to get drugs but aside from weed. My state is pretty strict here
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>tfw I just realized that i’m silence itself
Have I been smoking you much weed today?
same bro. I have been thinking about growin my own shrooms because I'm pretty sure that I can order the cultures and requisite gear online. But its probably like an 80% chance that I fuck this up.

Has anyone gone to Denver to get shrooms? I could drive there but I was reading that you have to go to some "healing center" and the whole thing sounds like a pain in the ass and now I'm buying a hotel room
aum shinrikyo?

fuck im jelly
If you're going to drive somewhere drive to canada. They sell them in the open in shops.
Just order them online
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Massachusetts almost legalized psilocybin, mescaline, DMT, and ibogaine but the vote failed
Do magic mushrooms deliberately grow around mountainous areas?

I looked at inaturalist.org and almost all of these things grow at or near mountains.
Massachusetts is full of drunk fags, I’m not surprised
I smoked some weed a couple of weeks ago and I think I started to depersonalize. I looked in the mirror and kind of just felt disconnected from my body, I didn’t really recognize myself. It’s honestly hard to explain.
>no good bacteria
eeeeeh,i'm not sure about that
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Not when you’re growing mushrooms
That’s why we sterilize the fuvk out of everything
You don’t want bacteria in your fucking mushroom grow. You wanted shit clean do the mushroom mycelium colonizes it fast. Anything else slows it down
How many mushroom grows have you done? I’m curious
Last two times ive done them i attempted to kms( or at least play out the scenario ) just to essentially be "let through with the scenario" and then scolded.
I've used this website to get shrooms. I can verify it's legitimacy.

yup. been there.
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Massholes lose again
>operates in one of the psychedelic-decriminalized areas of the US
>ships to the US
It sounds legit but it also sounds extremely risky
>$120 for 10g
This is even higher than street price, reinforcing that anyone who does shrooms regularly but doesn't grow their own is very silly.
>drugs in the mail sound risky
How old are you dude? If you’re worried about ordering shrooms then you aren’t meant to take drugs. Just being honest. Go hang out in the nobody general
Brother man I don't need to order any from anywhere
I got that sterile technique if you know what I mean
then keep your uneducated opinions to yourself
have you ever ordered drugs through the mail?
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Can psychs change my sexuality?
>self-hating gay
they can make you trans. if you didn't want that you're out of luck
I want a wife and kids.
You probably need to hear this man but you should stop using mushrooms immediately. It really hit me halfway through reading this that you really do believe this. There's no hidden shroom code in the Willy Wonka movie man
Honestly, the things I have experienced on psychedelics were supernatural. They changed who I was forever, the trajectory of my life in a meaningful and good way. I've actually been wanting to return lately, it's been awhile.

I've read reports about people who were straight their entire life and just "discovered they were gay" during a trip. Our preconceptions about sexuality may gave these feelings, which may be temporary manifestations of the drug, a sense of permanence (ie, "you're born gay"). The truth is probably far more complex than that, and psychedelics certainly touch on aspects of sexual identity in the truest, most metaphysical meaning of the word. People who are not "grounded" may find it difficult to make sense of these profound spiritual experiences and feelings and misinterpret them. That's what I've always made of these reports.

You may benefit from a psychedelic trip, that's up for you to decide. It will certainly allow you to reflect on it in a seriously deep way though. Maybe find some sort of continuity with history to feel less of the self-hatred, like the Greeks, who had a very different understanding of sexuality.
What's your advice for me as a gay who wants to be straight?
Take the parasite pill, then take some dmt
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You were already straight. Gayness is not real.
Only managed to get one flush so far so i understand your view on this. However out in the wild you don't have sterilized environment that's why i think there is actual good bacteria that could help. Now of course if can't even get consistent flushes then i probably shouldn't talk about this which is a fair point but wanted to mention anyway.
That’s nice anon but I have experience doing this. Go ahead and let bacteria get in your grows and come back and tell us how it works.
You’re not growing in the wild, in the wild bugs and the sun will kill competing bacterial and molds. In a controlled environment it’s different. I’ve tried the so called “good bacteria” and they’ll kill your grow if they get out of control. Every mushroom cultivator with experience says the same thing, get it sterile and don’t use additives.
If I was as inexperienced as you, I’d learn more before offering my opinion
this is one of the problems with mycology online. there’s all these people like this anon who have little to no experience but they read a glowie approved redditor say it so they’re willing to repeat it
Stop eating got slop and clear your worms
Yes,as i said i'm ass at this yet... Anyway how did you try the so called "good bacteria"?
I don't know what you are talking and i don't have an idea about who you might be talking about either but go on i guess.
I think I'll do DMT for new years
Yes, but they were dubiously legal (at the time) research chemicals and things like saliva and MHRB, no big boy drugs. I am aware that USPS packages can't be opened without a warrant but I'm still too paranoid to order fent or E from a DNM
This is the biggest issue I have with getting information (specifically Reddit) in the mycology space, I'm willing to bet a majority of the dipshits who parrot wrong information haven't even attempted this on their own.
There is a big difference between what happens in nature and a controlled environment in mycology. There is no "good" bacteria when you are growing mycelium in a jar or bag, any type of contaminate will destroy your progress quickly and most times will pose a health risk.
same, I have enough psychedelics to knock out a barn of horses, but I still just let them lay around for months
you don’t need nutrition. mushrooms will grow on a bible as substrate inoculated with liquid culture
I’ve been forcing myself to eat mushrooms every day to get rid of my old ones
Gave a few ounces away too. New harvest should be in a couple months anyway
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DMT is a different beast when it comes to neuroplasticity, this chart seems inaccurate.

>t. my own anecdotal experience
the amount of wtf you have to experience to get those little extra connections doesn't seem balanced
If you experience too much wtf at once, those little extra connections go haywire, and you get sectioned. This is why you take smaller amounts initially, work your way up to higher doses, and take extended breaks in between higher doses for reflection and self-growth.
Has anyone smoked changa/jungle spice (nn-DMT)? It's supposed to be like ayahuasca, same intensity just not as long. I have some which is why I ask and have been too pussy to smoke it... Shit is like a live resin almost, looks like something to dab. Just looks like a fat hit or two would blast my ass off...
didnt ask dont care
People get the same effect from microdosing you just have to be consistent
But I’m glad you don’t take it
Why don’t need scared feggots like yourself getting more brain power
I pray you stay dumb anon
It’s just one picture in time with many different factors
I wouldn’t expect your dumbass to understand
It’s incredible how stupid you are, you see this pic and you think “durr that means all brain connections respond he same and there’s no other factors here”
I’m amazed at how stupid the people on this board are
Can we get some infographics up here for neophytes that are trying to get into home cultivation/synthesis?
Specifically looking for instructions for LSD, DMT, and mushroom foraging/identification.
everything is literally laid out on the fingertips of google. Shroomery for magic mushrooms, dmt nexus cyb salt tek for DMT
I reccomend starting growing magic truffles, you literally cannot ruin that. The tampanensis strain I got is literally food of the gods
LSD supposedly is pretty difficult to make but it’s psychedelic precursor LSA is pretty easy to extract
White gas aka Coleman’s gas is also known as naptha gas the same stuff you use to bind dmt for extraction

Not a fan of dmt personally though but it did help me get over my insecurities and fears through putting me through one hell of a rude
Op spammed it as those "nothin personnel" threads

I dint care if you care, mods let me bitch lol and you gotta accept it niggers


enjoy your thread but it's forced spam
Just eat some ergot and drink ammonia, they will react to produce LSD in the acidic environment of your stomach.
Don't know about US, but there's plenty of stores in EU, not having analogue act feels burdo bordo, can legally and openly buy very strong psychedelics and dissociatives but potheads go to prison for decades lmao.
Not very obscure and not really interesting but here's my experience.
>2c-e 10 mg p.o.
Barely any change, interesting to look in the mirror, face looks weird, can't really describe it
>2c-e 20 mg p.o.
Feels like weed without tolerance, fits of incontrollable laughter up to pain between ribs, geometrical patterns on walls during peak, can ignore effects and function normally if you want
>2c-b-fly 20 mg p.o.
No visuals, but everything looks fantastic, I sat for an hour on a river shore hour looking at the forest on the other side, noticeable time dilation, walking over the bridge felt much longer than it should have. Fucks with thermoregulation a lot, don't do it outside if it's cold, I had mild fever after it.
>DPT 250mg insufflated
Not as strong as I expected, lied in the bed whole time listening to music and watching closed eye visuals
>5-meo-dmt around 20mg insufflated
Probably my favorite drug, not to long, not to short, no visuals, just chilling and dissolving into looping music.
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>1-V-LSD 225ug
Basically the same as normal LSD, but the come up and after effects is much longer. Fucked me up hard the first time I took it. I miscalculated when the peak would be because of the delayed onset, took the tab later than I planned, and on top of that, the effect was much stronger than I expected. As a result, I had to travel for an hour and a half on a train completely fucked up, and it was awful. At one point, I thought it was already autumn (it was July), and I had arrived in the Donetsk People's Republic. Complete depersonalization. It's amazing they didn't throw me off the train; I kept loudly saying that I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHERE I AM WHO I AM. I tried to tuck some random guy's shirt into my pants when I came out of the bathroom and was trying to tell him something but I have no memory of it at all, he just came to me when I returned to my seat and was like "wtf was that?", my gf told him that I'm stoned and he laughed and told me to enjoy it. Also I probably pissed over my pants, but I don't remember it well. For some time I perceived my thoughts as a guy at the next seat saying them out loud, not inside of my head. At one point, everyone in the carriage started speaking in my friends' voices, saying random phrases from my memory, and I "realized" that I'm still in high school and lying in some bushes, dying from alcohol poisoning, and that the last four years of my life were just dying hallucinations, which are now coming to an end as I am finally passing away. I already had such experience twice, once on ketamine, and once on mushrooms so it was extra creepy, I was 100% sure I'm dying and my consciousness is slowly shutting down. Feels like funny Moscow-Pietushki LARP in the retrospect, but it was so terrifying then, the only time I was scared on psychedelics, I had a lot of good experience with 5+g mushrooms (including going in public) before that, so I assumed it would be ok, but it totally fucked me up. Pic strongly related.
Don’t forget to drink draino aswell to not get a stomach ache
>However out in the wild you don't have sterilized environment
Yes, that's why most of spores in the wild die before fruiting. Also, in the wild mycelium is not closed in small volume, so competition is not that bad.
Honest question here: is it possible to use salvia extract without smoking it? I bought recently shrooms and salvia in Amsterdam (i'm here for a couple months) and I thought that both were edible...

Maybe as tea or something? Is a x40 extract.
>tea or something
I'm pretty sure that's how natives use it. Don't know about dosing though.
But if its extract, can it be taken any other way than smoked?
Why not, it has the same chemical in it.
rub it to your gums you doofus

natives suck on the plant leafs, of course an extract of salvia will work the same way
No it doesn't work the same way actually, extracts and quidded leaves aren't the same. Chewing extracts will only waste them, Salvinorin A can't be absorbed the same way from extracts as they can from the regular leaves
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>tfw lib season is over
Dubs and I take some shroomies tonight lads
as if digits were gonna stop you
Dubs and you never take shrooms again
They did actually, oh well
pretty dumb way to decide anyways
>not trusting numerology
It literally kills me that my gf is afraid to take shrooms, fucking hell should have known better than to go with a religious nutcase gf

have you actually tested this to be the case??
Not personally but that's what people report, they try to quid or chew or take extracts sublingually and there are no effects compared to regular leaves taken the same way, something about how salvinorin is dispersed differently when it's an extract vs released from the leaves themselves. I have some extracts but I don't want to risk wasting any like that since people said it doesn't work well.

Also you should appreciate that gf anon, nothing wrong with not wanting to try them
Doing acid for the first time tomorrow morning
Any tips before I do it?
Change is smoking blend of DMT mixed with an MAOI like Syrian rue, it lasts longer than just DMT
Jungle spice is DMT with impurities (usually plant fats, sometimes lye and naphtha) from the extraction process

It sounds more like you have jungle spice. You can separate the DMT from the fat through recrystallizing or vape it as-is, just don't go too hot
>Drink lots of water
>Clean your room beforehand lest you spend the entire trip doing so
>Try to experience nature
>Drink water
Coca cola is a good substitute for water right?
Acid is already fucking with your heart, no need to add caffeine to that
Cream soda it is then
I dunno if it's impurities... I was told it was nn-dmt infused in some kind of lavender/herbs and made into a smoking extract, perfect for dabbing.. looks just like amber live resin
I have never smoked Jungle spice.
lol cloudflare easily and I mean EASILY unmasks every single one of us
Trust the dude he's trustworthy you have begun the process of getting unfucked for sure.
Sporeworks cancelled my order due to my anti-groomer messaging on my email domain lmao
he's a known faggot
here is the funny thing - harmine + dmt is wildly anti-parasitic. Not sure if smoked as in changa
had a similar thing on oral DMT + harmalas trip
yeah, I became a bit dissociated for a few days but after a time a new me emerged
Imo it feels like shedding an old skin, and the older me was way more neurotic and anxious
The dude is god.
>dude weed man.jpg
Thank god for weed.
Stfu mr I am very mature
>for healing depression
Substanes only "heal" depression while your're high.
t. weed addict
Used to be able to buy shrooms and marijuana from this one dispensary in los angeles. I used to trip every weekend, but I can't anymore since I moved, shit sucks dick and balls because the only shit avaible to me are those sketchy chocolate bars from smoke shops.
You just have a shitty taste in substances
Doesn't have to do anything with what I said. I've taken psychedelics and had good experiences, once you come down off any substance those sad feelings won't go away.
Is acid supposed to feel this good?
If so no wonder this shit is illegal.
>/psych/ General
Might as well rename it to /loser/ General.
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Anyone know of any supplier for lsd to the uk? Asking for a friend (Not even doing the meme i'm serious)
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Humanity’s Greatest Need is Christ, Not Ideologies or Leaders

Nein! Nein! Nein! No ideology, leader, or political movement can save us—not even your favorite figure or cause. Humanity’s greatest need is not a new policy or a stronger nation. Our greatest need is Jesus Christ. Only He can save.

Why? Because we are made in God’s image, and living apart from Him leads to death. Every human—except Christ, who conquered death—is dying, awaiting the resurrection when He will return to fulfill all things.

The Gospel is not about coercion but restoration. Jesus, the exact representation of God, came to reconcile us to the Father—not to control us. Creation obeys Him—the stars, seas, and mountains—but humanity rebels, cutting itself off from life itself when rejecting Christ.

Some might object, “Christ can’t represent God—it doesn’t make sense!” Nein! If life is vast and mysterious, beyond comprehension, why wouldn’t the Creator be beyond understanding too? The universe, from cells to galaxies, points to a Creator who stepped into our world in Christ. He is God in flesh, healing, teaching, and conquering death—not limited, but love fully displayed.

To reject Him without reflection is to miss life’s deeper truths. Christ’s resurrection brings reconciliation, hope, and eternal life. Rejecting Him is choosing separation, but the Gospel invites restoration and life.

So, once more: Nein! Nein! Nein! No ideology, no leader, no cult can save you. Only Christ is Lord, Savior, and Life. Turn to Him. Choose Christ. Choose life.
How many trips do you have to go on before you can call yourself an "experienced tripper" with any given drug?
You got to hit the trip that makes you realize your god playing pretend as you
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is there a big difference between dry and fresh shrooms? I ate a few golden teachers I found on the ground a while back and I didn't really get much out of them. Just felt like a really sharp high with no visuals and I got pretty depressed after it all
After hitting this, have you continued? I feel like the realization has been integrated but I feel like I need to wake up even more beyond this
Gas station chocolate goblin
>be psych newbie
>freinds buys one of those gas station shrooms bars to split for shits and giggles
>usually mixed bag with these
>usual come up
>peak arrives
>begin to see a being reveal itself from the mandelas
>starts as flat hieroglyphic floating around vision like soap bubbles on water
>time goes on it begins to come into focus
>yellow goblin like creature with a long nose and joker smile like the cover from the Batman Beyond movie
>sitting in a crouched position my friends entertainment center
>not really scared more curious
>talk to it using my thoughts
>the smile gets wider as complex striped tube like shapes form behind him
>comprehending this "information" is like a nuke of dopamine to the brain
>tell goblinbro to chill out in a concerned joking way as to keep the positive atmosphere
>still passively made more cool stuff but not as intense
>chilled for the rest of the come down
>when I realized goblinbro was gone trip was over
>asked my friend if he saw anything similar since he had the other half
>"hell nah"

I was already 3 blunts deep and ate the half right after so that might have had an affect
wtf............normies and npcs have the best experiences wtf
Fresh are the strongest since they have the highest psilocin content (none of it would have broken down) and slightly more psilocybin for the same reason. The wild ones you ate were probably just not very potent.
At first I thought what you were saying was you found and ate them a while back, but after rereading it sounds like you found them a while back and then ate them recently. "Fresh" means literally picked and eaten fresh, like straight away or within a couple days at most (refrigerated in the meantime). But undried shrooms will break down no matter how they are stored, if you waited several days or more before eating them they would have lost most potency by then regardless of how you stored them. Moisture, direct light, and too much oxygen will break them down. They have to be dried and stored in a vacuum sealed container in a dark place to preserve potency long-term.
I tripped on ayahuasca this weekend with my regular ayahuasca friends.

For the first time I was not nervous with anticipation, in fact I was eager to spend some time with the squad.

I took only one big shot, my friens took 2 big shots and 2 small "boosters" throughout the night. It was a mild experience, nevertheless I receive some lessons, got punished for thing I have done and said, but this time Aya it as 'unusually' understanding of my current situation.

The visuals were very relaxing this time, towers made of a web of colors. Felt some sort of light presence over my head.
Anyone around here have experience with LSA and how they compare to LSD?
I can get some argyreia nervosa seeds for cheap
You seem like experienced shroomers, are you supposed to feel exhausted and mentally drained on the comedown? I've only had three trips on Golden Teachers (each one weaker than the last) and I didn't enjoy the feeling of it wearing off. The first trip was wonderful and I handled it better even though I still felt tired after, but the second and third left me with a not-so-good feeling. The third one can hardly be called a trip frankly, it was only a threshold dose and I was expecting more out of it.
You're a week away from writing on your walls in shit.
I may or may not have discovered a new drug interaction for psilocybin. If you're using galantamine within a day or so of taking shrooms (for lucid dreaming or whatever else) it seems to weaken and spoil the experience. Just a heads up to anyone else. Galantamine stays in the body for a while so wait a week before tripping.
she's religious, use that to your advantage and tell her to pray to God about taking mushrooms and open her heart to any impressions from the Holy Spirit.
Why does it kill you? Some of us just don't respond well to them. Personally I had a horrible trip on mere cannabis when I was younger, and that was enough to convince me to never try anything remotely hallucinogenic lest I enter a permanent psychosis.
I have not, I usually wake up pretty refreshed but everyone's bodies respond differently. Other substances and medications (SSRI's are the big one) can definitely effect you and your trip. Another point to mention is tolerance buildup happens fast which can diminish the trip, but it resets on average within 2 weeks time.
same here. First time I smoked weed I had a panic attack and derealization that lasted for like 2 months. Acid could probably send me straight to a sanitarium

I also think that not responding to them well is linked to a strong will at the core of your soul. Do you also have a hard time falling asleep? Have you only thrown up a handfull of times in your life? I think these are all related to what I call "core will".
>People who are not "grounded" may find it difficult to make sense of these profound spiritual experiences and feelings and misinterpret them.
it just like people that come out of trips thinking they are literally the second coming of Christ
Getting high on them is a gross and tedious process that may not even work
So i bought one of those shroom growbags and ive injected golden teacher spores into it. I followed all the sanitation instructions and done everything i could. It has been 10 day since injection and I see zero signs of mycelium growth. Is there something i did wrong? The only thing i can think of is that it is too cold in my closet, but i have remedied this 2 days ago by putting a small heater inside. I am a first time grower btw.
Growbags are an inferior tek but 10 days is not enough time for much to happen. You have to wait about 3-4 weeks before the mycelium makes serious progress
It takes at least a week for mushroom spores to germinate, often longer
i have a cuntdown runing in another window and pertty much never look at ti now i ceheckd it and it had 1 hour 23 min 45 sceonds
Shut up fag. I’m tired of weak minded fearful people expressing their ignorant opinions
Weed isn’t a hallucinogen and you can’t compare
Plus if you’re scared, you should start at sub perceptible doses and go up until you barely notice it, that way you don’t do too much

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