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A thread dedicated to the theory that parasites may be connected to demonic forces. Use this space to share ideas and discuss ways to treat parasites.

>What are demons?
>In ancient times, what were demons called?
>Can a demon be cast out of a host by administering anti-parasite remedies?
>Is fasting used to treat parasites?
>Can parasites cause their host to kill themselves?
>Do parasites sometimes kill their host in order to continue their lifecycle?

The Parasite Pill 1.0:
The Parasite Pill 2.0: (Updated. 3x longer)

>Cures For Parasites
Common Preventatives And Remedies:
How To Treat Different Parasites:
‘Essential Oils as Novel Anthelmintic Drugs’:
• NOTE: When you take anti-parasitics, parasites release their waste all at once, which can make you feel unwell. It is an intelligent effort to trick the host into stopping the treatment.
• https://rumble.com/vkf18d-why-you-feel-sick-after-starting-chlorine-dioxide-and-why-you-shouldnt-stop.html

>Illnesses Caused By Parasites

>Parasites And Hormones
Parasite Regulation By Host Hormones:
Sex Hormone Changes Induced By Parasites Lead To Feminization Of The Male Host:
‘Love Hormone’ Leads Parasites To Show Their Caring Side:
Serotonin In Human Hosts Helps Parasites Procreate:
About to take the vodka coffee enema pill based on the other anons suggestion plus I’ve been eating handfuls of cilantro and parsley
These demons never stood a chance
Great to hear. I'm considering taking a glass of mixed herbs & spices that combat parasites since there are so many solutions out there that I'd like to keep it simple for starting out.
Whoops, forgot to add the previous thread:
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I have now completed 4 weeks of nac protocol, and paraguard just arrived in the mail, im mixing this with activated charcoal, probiotics and daily multivitamin.

Is this enough to get rid of the demons?
Bump fren
I reckon you're doing fine but I'd suggest adding some herbs to your diet (Garlic, sage, turmeric, cloves) just to mention a few. Check out the parasite pill pdf in the general.
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Thanks pal.
I believe spirits are ever-present, in a way. Or at least could appear anywhere. Walk around the town one day, and you might run into a few of them.
But what's difficult is how to distance yourself from the demonic forces, and how to implement the good ones.
Any advice?
Damn, I've been on /x/ for a couple years now, took a break from 4chan the past year and recently started browsing again the past week. Remember reading through a /cdf/ thread and the version 1 parasite pill pdf and it didn't really resonate with me that much, didn't care about it.
This morning saw this thread, decided to go through the second version pdf and now I'm shook up, really does feel like a grand conspiracy that connects everything together. I have 3 questions
1. What's the bonafide recommended routine? It seems like you get results no matter what anti parasitical you take, I have a gut feeling the fasting and coffee enemas would be my best bet. (I'm aware this is a noobie question that could probably be answered by just reading more but it would be nice to have a direct answer from someone in this thread)
>reddit space
2. What happened to the old /CDF/ threads? Why is it now /PDG/?
>reddit space
3. What do you guys think about Dr. Ray Peat? I've been following peaty principles for a little while now and it seems obvious to me that the "Ray Peat diet" is the optimal way of functioning. A peaty diet is high in sugar and carbs, but it emphasizes fruits and cane sugar and is ideally absent of grains, which is what the pdf suggests to be the main fuel source for parasites. Is there nuance to be found here? Would a parasite-pilled diet be completely void of any and all carbs & sugar? Or could a parasite-pilled person still thrive on simple sugars like fruits and cane sugar, so long as grains are eliminated from the diet, which still follows a metabolic, bio-energetic lifestyle.
Thank you for these threads and the wealth of knowledge stickied in the OP. Wish all of you best in life, amen.
remember, this is a lifelong war. Even after a cleanse, new parasites can easily enter your body again. Find a sustainable protocol that you can do the rest of your life.
So the microbes in your gut mostly inhabit the walls of your intestine, clinging to the nerves. Based on what they are exposed to in the food and what they excrete, they send signals to the nervous system to signal things like hunger, contentment, stress, ect. It can also work the other way around: thoughts and feelings in the external world can have major consequences for the internal world. This is why at times of extreme negative emotions, you may literally feel sick to your stomach.

My own experience is that after taking the nuclear option against the parasites, my suicidal intrusive thoughts ceased entirely. I had been plagued by them for 10 years and they just went away almost overnight.

The implications of this are that parasites can send thoughts to your brain, or rather, they can manipulate the signals that your gut sends to your brain, which your brain may then interpret in various ways, which could be as thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
If it is true that parasites can manipulate your thoughts, feelings, and behavior, combined with the fact that parasites tend to avoid causing noticeable physical symptoms in their hosts, there are some very disturbing implications for psychology, social science, politics, and history.
- what if parasites can make you more likely to be lazy, or to eat poor food, or to treat others poorly?
- we know that there are some kinds of parasites that infect the brain directly. While those are a big deal, that's not exactly where my interest lies, and the deleterious effects of such an infection are obvious.
- is it possible for a parasite to evolve to infect people with a certain gut microbiome makeup (ie, people with a certain diet)? Or even a certain genetic makeup, targeting specific families and ethnic groups and then influencing their thoughts, feelings, and behavior for their own benefit over many generations?
- what happens if a head of state is infested with parasites that mess with his thoughts and beliefs? The consequences could be catastrophic if the parasites go unnoticed.
- what if some religious cult noticed (directly or indirectly) some positive, or at least interesting, mental/spiritual effects of certain parasites? And they developed rituals and codes of conduct dedicated to nurturing and spreading those parasites? In India, there are some sects that literally eat poop and drink each other's blood.
- could obsessions and derangements be related? When the body is under constant stress, the immune system weakens. A parasite would obviously find it advantageous to induce a perpetual state of anxiety in its host.
>in a study of 17,401 cancer patients with 35 types of cancer, fungus was detected in every single person's cancer cells https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)01127-8?_returnURL=https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0092867422011278?showall=true
1. Everybody has a unique gut microbiome, immune system, hormonal profile, and set of parasites, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What worked for me was NAC Protocol + Pumpkin seed oil and Ivermectin
2. idk
3. Ray Peat's famous carrot salad was originally devised to combat Candida infection, with the long tough fibers scraping out the mold. Parasites love sugar. When you eat sugar the parasite will come out of their hiding places to eat the sugar, and that is an opportune time to strike. I've seen a lot of people reccomend taking the antiparasite medicines with sugar for that very reason. Just remember to percieve, think, and act, and you'll be fine.
Thank you friend, I think I'm going to try the NAC protocol first, then later try fasting with daily coffee enemas.
And you're right about perceiving, thinking and acting, I'll just have to experiment and see what gives me the best dividends. God bless.
Your gut is called "The second brain" for a reason. Whatever impacts your gut, impacts your nervous system.
NAC Ester might have caused me to become manic.

Try it.
All valid questions. I'm new to all this too & my current conclusion is to stay clear from anything that'll cause parasites to flourish. Anyone who consumes or comes into contact with things that encourage parasitic infections should be viewed with caution & pity.
Did the parasitepill improve your sex life with your wives, anons?
Oh, I forgot to mention fasting and diachotomous earth in my stack. I haven't tried the coffee enema (because frankly the idea grosses me out), but report back with your findings!
I'm single but I did start waking up with morning wood more often, my desire to look at porn decreased dramatically, and I felt more confident and clear-headed when talking to women.
Also remember stay very well hydrated! Drink more water than you think you need.
Fungus is tgecworst parasites, the worms are easier to get rid of
fungi are incredible creatures and very /x/ on their own, but the parasitic fungi are a nightmare
Candida is out to destroy humanity
I’ve read anger and resentment could cause candida to thrive and I thought it was bullshit but now I think there’s probably a lot to it
extended periods of stress, such as those caused by anger and resentment, can lead to higher cortisol (impairing your immune system) and higher glucose (meaning higher blood sugar levels), both of which make your body a more ideal host for the fungus.
We need to get the word out there. We need trendy influencers explaining how candida works and shilling anti-fungal fad diets. How many people could be saved if they only knew?
Thanks, I'll definitely make sure to stay hydrated. I probably wont start a protocol for another month or two. I'll def report back then!
Sounds like a noble pursuit. Only problem I have with that idea is those same influencers watering down the truth for mass appeal & to maintain their careers.

Always remember, anything worth saying is met with censorship & blacklisting.
It’s up to us to spread the word. Humanity can’t get taken out by a fungus
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Indeed. Good thing about truth is it outlasts falsehoods every time.
Can someone please tell me how to nuke the fuck out of candida for good? I wake up every fucking morning with disgusting foul shit all over my tongue, I have abdominal pain, my mood is shit. It’s starting to effect my relationship.

Would a cocktail of supplements I can take daily/nightly completely destroy this demon without having to make more dietary changes? I already stopped eating bread, pasta, rice, cheese, milk, pork, I rarely eat beef now. Ive cut out sugary snacks and junk food despite horrible cravings. I’ve started eating more veg. I started drinking kefir every morning. Nothing is fucking working.

What if I were to take all of these supplements daily and nightly:
Black walnut
Oregano oil
Black seed oil
Grapefruit extract
Caprylic acid
Diatomaceous Earth
Pomegranate Extract
Niacin b3

Would it do anything? I’ve read that these all contain anti parasitic and antifungal properties, so if I combined all of them would it nuke it? I’m sick of this shit it’s ruining my life and I just want to kill it now I don’t care if it makes me feel worse for a few days and luckily money isn’t a problem if I need to buy a shitload of these supplements.
>your stack
You forgot heavy metal detox. Use zeolite clinoptilolite to get rid of heavy metals. 1/2 spoon in a glass of water mix with a plastic or wooden spoon and drink. Parasites LOVE heavy metals they use them as cover to hide from our immune system. With fighting the invasive worms also take down their heavy metals first.

Also in this war, you have to understand the cycles of the parasite, eggs, larvae and adult parasites. You need to adapt your strategy for all 3 stages. You could take out the adults then weeks later the eggs hatch and respawn with a vengeance.
To kill eggs:
>clove, garlic, and wormwood
Also think about sterilizing them, i usually do the heavy metal detox first then followed with peppermint oil to sterilize the adults, then i take out the eggs with cloves and garlic, then i nuke the fuck out of the adult and larvae using wormwood black seed oil, turpentine.
Also the biggest nuke against all 3 stages is chlorine dioxide, you can buy activators online legally and make some at home.
15 drops 300 ppm, in a glass of water every night for a month, started at 3 drops incrementally to 15. This is where i past most of them and grew 35 lbs in pure muscle without changing my diet.

Beside that, your stack is okay. Once you start deworming you will naturally lose any sweet teeth, or attraction to junk food you will be naturally attracted to eating well, go on your journey and discover your new diet after the protocol.
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i feel like the only way you guys will ever listen to proper medical advice is if people say "because demons" at the end.
i still have no idea why you think parasites are connected to demons (it's a living organism like any other), however it's nice to see that at the very least you don't spread misinformation on how to get treatment if you have a parasite.
Yes, fasting can help with getting rid of (some) parasites.
Yes, a "demon" (parasite) can be removed with antiparasitics (duh)
Yes, it is well-known and well-studied that parasites can cause mental illness (can lead to suicide), and it is also well-known how people obtain these parasites.
Yes, a parasite will very rarely kill its host, but it happens. This is not beneficial to the parasite.
also because demons.
>If it is true that parasites can manipulate your thoughts, feelings, and behavior
It's not an "if", they can. Certain types of parasites are known to alter your behavior in some way.
This is not exclusive to parasites, but extends to some specific types of disease too (like how rabies makes you aggressive).
I have no idea why you're speaking as if this is some wild conspiratorial theory, it's something that has been very well documented in countless research papers.
>Can someone please tell me how to nuke the fuck out of candida for good
Antifungal medication. Direct yourself to your nearest pharmacy to buy it or consult a health professional to get a recommendation.
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Have you glanced at the moon lately? It is nearly full. The next full moon is November 15.

Why is this relevant? Because the period around the full moon is the BEST time to do a parasite cleanse.

A cleanse of this nature involves using the momentum and power of a full moon to detox parasites from your body. The idea is that the gravitational pull of the full moon affects various aspects of life, including the increased activity of parasites within the body.

Around the full moon is the best time to detox because parasites are more active and therefore more vulnerable during this time.

By incorporating the lunar cycle, you can achieve the most thorough cleansing of parasites, candida, fungus and bacteria overgrowth.This is because, over a full moon, serotonin levels go up and melatonin levels go down, supporting parasite reproduction.

They detach and move around more freely to reproduce, and this is the best time to strike at them. When their shields are down.
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Going through the old herbal books from Ancient times, most of the antiparasitic medicines were recommended to be boiled in milk and honey. For example Dioscorides (50 AD) recommends boiling wormwood in milk and honey and giving it to children.

Culpeper in his Complete Herbal wrote an extensive story about Wormwood, involving the gods of Mars, Venus and Saturn, without actually saying anything about the herb's usage. Which is extremely unusual in this book. Then he ends the chapter on wormwood with this cryptic message.

The worm pill conspiracy existed in the year 1653 !

>i still have no idea why you think parasites are connected to demons
In the pre-germ theory times people didn't have a concept of microscopic creatures or helminthic infections being the possible cause of their afflictions. It's more accurate to say that "demons" is the old word for the influence of parasites. And there are parallels in many religions and traditions (djinn, vampires, body thetans, etc etc)

Some of us more spooky types have battled these monsters first on the astral plane, before becoming determined to defeat them also on the physical plane. I don't care if you believe in this. I'm here to help anons get rid of their demons on the physical plane, with herbs and good eating, as our sages have taught since ancient times.
So the term "demons" is used metaphorically for the symptoms of parasites?
> there are parallels in many religions and traditions
Most of which are coincidence, it's not difficult to find examples of mind-controlling, body-possessing, "parasitic" beings in the world's mythology. (especially seeing as "parasitic" could, to the loosest terms, imply something which takes a vital resource from someone)
>Some of us more spooky types have battled these monsters first on the astral plane
As long as you're also getting proper medical assistance with any health issues you might have, instead of trying to astrally battle them away, all fine
Not that I have any right to tell you what to do anyways
So far in my journey the only medical assistance I've needed was some OTC antihistamines, which I always have around anyway, because as it turns out, my lifelong issues that "flare up" from time to time, were actually caused by these fuckers all along. No doctor ever told me that, nor did they even consider the possibility. They just prescribe bandaid solutions while being dismissive and condescending, and pocketing hundreds of thousands of my dollars over a lifetime of suffering. So yeah, not too keen on their assistance anymore.
"Medice, cura te ipsum!" as they say on the streets.
Culpeper would be mightily impressed with my unlocking of his mysteries, and thoroughly disgusted by modern big pharma.
When do you guys take your activated charcoal + probiotic in relation to your biofilm busters??

I have candida right now and am doing biofilm buster -> wait 4 hours, antibiotic -> wait 4 hours, probiotic

I would love to add activated charcoal but just don't know where it would best fit.

I've fought this thing off before once and thought I was fine, didn't do enough prevention now I'm back!

(Using NAC and resveratrol, also eating garlic often and using d-mannose against E. coli.. proven to work as well as antibiotics)
Took some castor oil earlier and am currently sitting in the bath at 3am between waves of absolute anal exorcism. It doesn't even smell like shit, it's like a foul chemical smell. Hundreds of little translucent white bits which I'm assuming is biofilm
I usually take the activated charcoal before bed. Probiotics usually in the morning. (Yoghurt or kefir with breakfast)
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I've often referred to myself as "we".
Am I possessed?
Are we possessed?
Just imagine what that foul substance was doing inside of you for years... Better out than in.
Now realise most people are walking around with pounds of that goop inside of them,.completely oblivious to how poisoned they are....
Not us! We are healing and it feels terrific
I love you all, anons.
The black fog is finally lifting
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Coriander Seed can "killeth and bringeth forth worms" and is available in the spice aisle at your local grocery store. It is a popular ingredient in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine.

From Gerard's Herbal (1633 AD) on the virtues of Coriander:

A. Coriander seed prepared and covered with sugar, as comfits, taken after meat closeth up the mouth of the stomach, stayeth vomiting, and helpeth digestion.

B. The same parched or roasted, or dried in an oven, and drunk with wine, killeth and bringeth forth worms, stoppeth the lask, and bloody flux, and all other extraordinary issues of blood.

The manner how to prepare Coriander, both for meat and medicine.

C. Take the seed well and sufficiently dried, whereupon pour some wine and vinegar, and so leave them to infuse or steep four and twenty hours, then take them forth and dry them, and keep them for your use.

D. The green leaves of Coriander boiled with the crumbs of bread or barley meal, consumeth all hot swellings and inflammations: and with bean meal dissolveth the King's Evil, wens, and hard lumps.

E. The juice of the leaves mixed and laboured in a leaden mortar with ceruse, litharge of silver, and oil of roses, cureth St. Anthony's fire, and taketh away all inflammations whatsoever.

F. The juice of the green Coriander leaves, taken in the quantity of four drams, killeth and poisoneth the body. (!! idk about that)

G. The seeds of Coriander prepared with sugar, prevail much against the gout, taken in some small quantity before dinner upon a fasting
stomach, and after dinner the like without drinking immediately after the same, or in three or four hours. Also if the same be taken after
supper it prevaileth the more, and hath more superiority over the disease.

H. Also, if it be taken with meat fasting, it causeth good digestion, and shutteth up the stomach, keepeth away fumes from rising up out of
the same: it taketh away the sounding in the ears, drieth up the rheum, and cureth the squinancy.

The way I see it, demons (spirits) influence parasites to harm you. Destroy the parasites, destroy the connection with the spirits that seek to harm you.
I started using tinctures a few days ago but I'm a bit impatient since I've been struggling with awful intrusive thoughts, that I am convinced are caused by parasites, and I just want them to stop already. I ordered a tube of ivermectin and it should be arriving any day now. I going to nuke these devil worms out of my system...
I put my headphones over my belly and started playing this
Almost immediately I started getting a headache and could feel some slight movements in my gut. I guess the worms didn't like it lol
>more water than you think you need. This is so important. Drinking water helps speed up digestion and flush out the parasites
Any of you ever heard of Dr Hulda Clark? She claimed that the cause of ALL diseases can be traced to two factors: pollution and parasites. She designed a zapper that killed parasites by sending weak voltage through the body, and supposedly she was able to cure people of any type of illness with this, including all forms of cancer.
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> Wormwood
>Black walnut
>Oregano oil
>Black seed oil
>Grapefruit extract
>Caprylic acid
>Diatomaceous Earth
>Pomegranate Extract
>Niacin b3
This is a great stack, I personally didn’t notice benefits from NAC but everything else I have, I would add neem baking soda and epsom salt
The anons on here talking about coffee or iodine enemas lately are really smart
I did the iodine one and shat out white mucus covered turds. Especially when you first wake up
Doing 1 enema a day will speed up your candida cleanse but you’ll need to hit this for a month or two no matter what
1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in water either drank or as an enema as soon as you wake up
I like Santos bonacci 3 day parasite protocol but I forget the details. The best part is to drink 1 tablespoons of epsom salt mixed in a big warm glass of water, do that every hour for 3 hours or until you start to shit your brains out, which ever happens first. Repeat this daily for 3 days and you’ll shit out nanobots and fungus you didn’t know existed
Has anyone experimented with a kind of "sound bath" for parasite cleansing? Like getting some really loud speakers playing low frequencies
Diflucan and nystatin are harder to get than you can believe doctors hate prescribing it because they think fungus is rare
This made me laugh out loud because I’ve been there after drinking castor oil
Your body will adjust eventually believe it or not
I was drinking that stuff and shitting normal turds because I drank it for like 2 months straight
I like the activated charcoal all day everyday
Some say it will stop nutrient absorption but there’s no science supporting that. Studies on lambs and cows show eating activated charcoal lead to more nutrient absorption
My guess it’s because it takes the vax parasites out.
Diatomaceous earth works better tho
Lel I think that extreme outcome was because I had just finished a 48hr fast the day before. I've taken castor a few times before that and the shits were relatively normal, if a little urgent
My Candida was caused by a doctor prescribing me antibiotics, adderall, and steroids at the same time
Thee add no you for this anon
As soon as I started listening to this whole meditating a tall boy of Heineken popped into my head. These parasites are clever and definitely trying to fight back
There was a scientific grade article that was online between 1995 and 2004 that said that vampirism was caused by a parasite. It was very detailed. Something about the parasite's effect on the kidneys in particular.
This is 4chan. We've popularized far more controversial redpills than this.
Ironically, third world doctors are much more willing to give out antifungals and antiparasitics because those infections are far more common and life-threatening there
I read a book that said that vampirism legends came from people infected with rabies, which led them to be afraid of water, salivate a lot, be hypersensitive to light, and caused hypersexuality
Why are parasites influenced by the cycles of the moon? That is very spooky.
There is a parasite in shrimps that literally eats meat, if one eats it the parasite will devour the host from the inside.
The pharma-pills have lowered your immune system and it had introduced the necessary heavy metals for the parasites to thrive which caused your candida.
Yeah that’s what I said
Because the parasite feeds off the energy of sex and spreads through sex--especially sodomy. If you watch the old vampire movies and maybe even the some of new ones you'll probably see them hinting at the hypersexuality. Consider the head vampire (coven head) as a superhost that can see through the eyes of the subhosts and control them--thus the idea of the hive such as in shows like Stranger Things.

The old movies put witches, vampires, Frankenstein all in the same basket probably for a reason. Back in the early mid-1900s a lot of that dark occult moved out of Central Asia and SE Asia into Europe and into North America. They were saying during WWII that the head occultist started being able to 'give breath' as in do "reanimations".They were actually telling people something in those old movies. Remember, vampires were associated with dragons (drag-ula / drake / dragon / snake).
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Because the parasite feeds off the energy of sex and also spreads through sex--especially sodomy? If you watch the old vampire (or werewolf) movies and maybe even the some of new ones you'll probably see them hinting at the hypersexuality. Consider the head vampire (coven head) as a superhost that can see through the eyes of the subhosts and control them--thus the idea of the hive such as in shows like Stranger Things.

The old movies put witches, werewolves, vampires, Frankenstein all in the same basket probably for a reason. Back in the early mid-1900s a lot of that dark occult moved out of Central Asia and SE Asia into Europe and into North America. They were saying during WWII that the head occultist started being able to 'give breath' as in do "reanimations".They were actually telling people something in those old movies. Remember, vampires were associated with dragons (drag-ula / drake / dragon / snake). All of those things seem to have come out of extreme dabbling in dark occultism.
Is it ok to use beer for cooking? I like to use Guinness as the base for stews. I assume cooking kills off any fungus right?
It’s okay but you should use that opportunity to throw anti parasitic herbs at them too
The sugar opens them up and the bitter herbs kills them
Great! Yeah that's the plan, will load it with herbs

Movies or shows featuring or referring to the hive-parasite (or even xenomorph hives):

> Stranger Things (all seasons; the mind flayer--according to some soul ~= mind)
> Dark City (the Strangers)
> Stark Trek NG series (the Borg)
> The Matrix movies
> Poltergeist [1982] (the beast)
> Dracula [1931] and all vampire movies
> The Wicker Man [2006]
> The 12 Monkies (maybe)
> Edge of Tomorrow (the Mimics, the Alphas and the Omega)
> Alien (1979)
> Zombieland, Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Legend and other zombie movies



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Such a great weekend to enjoy some herbal tinctures and coffee ass blast those life eating parasites off

Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Specter

Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Wraith
Ok so since these bitches are in your gut then obviously a change of diet is also of paramount importance. What foods to avoid and what to give preference to?
How goes the parasites, /pdg/? You got them under control or are they making you wanna look up loli scat?

Valid point. I'm thankful for this place.
Avoid beer, soda, donuts, pizza, ice cream, hamburgers and hot dogs
Pretty much everything good
imho at the least going without adding* sugar to foods or drinks is a good start. also imho sipping cayenne tea (i.e. hot water and cayenne pepper) daily for a week is good for purging parasites.. can even add it to tea. Maybe a 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon depends on your tastes.

* beer - contains YEAST (candida) but has b vitamins
* soda - you mean sugar + highly acidic thusly promoting favorable environments for caries and cancer .. parasites
* donuts - bread .. carbs which can turn into sugar + sugar
* pizza - crust -> bread -> carbs which can turn into sugar thin crust might be preferable
* ice cream - presumptively high sugar but can healthy ingredients such as contain eggs
* hamburgers - obv you are talking about bread not beef (i would prefer roast cuts or steak cuts over ground beef)
* hot dogs - again bread not the meat .. a hot dog is meat not the buns but I would tend to avoid processed mystery meets and even ground beef
Yes they are. They have an astral form and can be seen in your dreams, like Psychonaughts. The only way to get rid of them is to abandon all tamasic things, like meat, garlic, onion, all drugs, and practicing meditation and exercize. Mostly vegan sattvic and rajasic foods are used to clean out the bowels. Herbs and spices, olive oil, etcetera. The parasites think through you.
>sipping cayenne tea (i.e. hot water and cayenne pepper) daily for a week is good for purging parasites
Oh that's good to hear since I love cayenne tea, I like it better than coffee
>obv you are talking about bread not beef
Isn't red meat a really common source of parasitic infection?
You can also use fresh ginger, ground clove, fennel seeds, and a mint bag.
If you don't cook it properly? On that note I like to use light/mild onions sauce (the kind they use in professional Chinese restaurants for fried rice) and regular onions sauce on my meat to kill parasites among other reasons. You know like slice it up for future use and put it in bags, pour in some onions sauce not too much then freeze.

Me myself .. I would avoid pork and shellfish and any carrion fish like catfish.
Fermented ginger, raw ginger and wasabi sauce (+ horse radish) are anti parasitic iirc.
>onions sauce
s o i .. sauce ..
Anyone ever try Black Walnut Hulls? It's $7 on Amazon, very cheap, and is apparently anti-fungal. "Black walnut hulls are antifungal due to the presence of several bioactive compounds, particularly juglone, tannins, and quinones, which work together to inhibit the growth of fungi, including Candida albicans."
>Isn't red meat a really common source of parasitic infection?
As i mentioned if i did i tend to avoid ground beef. if $$ is an issue there is such a thing as learning how to roast cuts.
have heard good things about them but have yet to try.
>after taking the nuclear option against the parasites, my suicidal intrusive thoughts ceased entirely.
What did you take? I've tried so many supplements but nothing seems to help. I have a lack of motivation, low dopamine, depression, etc.
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One very good food to consume is coconut. Especially coconut oil, which contains caprylic acid. This functions as both anti-fungal and anti-worm (dried coconut is used to deworm pets and livestock).
You can cook with coconut oil, take it as a supplement or just eat more coconut. I add a handful to my breakfast cereal and get good results from this. Also the increased fiber probably helps get things moving.

Picrel is from "Nature's Own Candida Cure" by William G Crook, a decent anti-Candida food/diet book.

More info:
See the thing is that even if I gave you some perfect method, you would just flip through the pages and pick and choose what you agree with. The truth is that there is no happiness as an ego, it doesn't exist. Even that state called the sattvic ego (purified ego) is gotten to through years of meditation practice, which deletes the beliefs of your ego has one-by-one.

So, it's really mostly about the meditation.
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Most of the spices in Chai tea blends are antiparasitic, especially cloves, cinnamon, cassia, nutmeg and cardamom.
(In fact most Indian food is heavily antiparasitic, which makes a lot of sense)

If you get strong cravings for these foods, perhaps your body is trying to tell you something... It needs ammunition!
I’ve been buying fresh coconut from the store, drinking the water and eating the flesh. They’re kinda of a bitch to open. I just whack a meat cleaver in a small circle until the top pops
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>Why are parasites influenced by the cycles of the moon? That is very spooky.
Most animal reproduction cycles are influenced by the moon. Even humans. (Menstrual cycle: mens- means moon).

A lot of spooky things happen around the full moon. People who experience moon madness were called "lunatics" (Luna is the moon). In ancient texts including the Bible, a lunatic is another word for "epileptic". Epileptic seizures are known to occur more often around the full moon.

Epilepsy can be caused by a lot of things (injury, tumors etc) but one of the biggest causes of childhood and lifelong epilepsy is neurocystosis, which is caused by the larval cyst stage of the pork tapeworm, tunneling into the brain (eg. RFK Jr) and causing nerve damage.

The countries with the highest incidence of epilepsy - Mexico, Brazil, USA, Thailand and Australia - all eat a lot of meat in their diets... especially pork.

Coincidence? Idk
>parasites can even cause epilepsy
these things must be stopped
In Future, Only Few People Are Left as Alien Parasites Control 99% of Humanity
I discovered that taking a 1/4 cup of your first stool of the day and mixing it with blended dill and jalapenos helps to fend off the parasites. You can mix it with water or orange juice but never apple or grape. Coffee is fine as well but only instant coffee. This should fend off the parasites for at least a month. You have to do this everyday though.
I've been taking baking soda with DE for about month now to tackle the candida/biofilm and it's been pretty effective. 2 weeks on, a week off and I've shit a lot of garbage out but it's not enough no sign of worms or anything otherworldly. The supplements I've tried are a wormwood complex, organo oil and castor oil and I feel they're not doing much. Also bought a colon cleanse and it was a waste of money. I need something more potent I don't want to keep buying supplements that may or may not work. I shamefully admit there are days where I cheat and eat some slop but absolutely no takeout food. Also my bowel movements are not as frequent and are very slow
bro just say what you took, what the hell is so hard about that
There is nothing more potent than wormwood and oregano oil. Idk what to tell you. Maybe you need to eat more pumpkin seeds? They are tasty and cheap. Everyone should eat more pumpkin seeds IMO
That's all I snack on. I'll figure something out
If you wanna go hardcore mode, eat nothing but pumpkin seeds and honey for a few days. You will definitely see RESULTS*

(*too expicit to describe in polite conversation)
So you're saying this gonna definitely make you shit out some demons?
Wormwood, black walnut hulls, and cloves kill adult juvenile and larvae of parasites. You need all three.
I've been on DE for like 2 months and I have noticed things.
I regularly shit now, I occasionally look for any parasites in my stool, I haven't noticed any maybe they are embedded in the stool...I'm not bloated.

I'm also more present now, don't know how to describe it but I'm present and I don't dwell on trivial matters...a more positive outlook towards life
I don't jack off anymore last time I did that was like 3 weeks ago and I felt disgusted with myself and felt pity for those involved in the scenes...I have no urge to jack off no urge to watch porn...I feel so repulsed by it

I find women as non-entities now.

Overall I'd describe this journey as a positive one, I'm thankful to all the anons who shared their experience thus inspiring me to try it for myself...I'll continue with the regime
Ever try cayenne tea? 1/4 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a typical coffee cup of hot water (even in basic tea).
based and blessed thread
he didn't take anything. he's a mystic. which is why his image and the way he speaks is shrouded in dogma. it's only there to infatuate you. like a spiritual pick up artist.
drop the regime bro
i found my way here from /fit/ and this i have taken the worm pill.
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is my big toenail that has gone completely fungal going to kill me?
Every morning I ingest a tablespoon of food grade diatomaceous earth mixed with water and i just leave it for 5-10 minutes for the earth to settle down at the bottom and then drink it.

I also occasionally drink bitters before eating something...bitters are a digestive liqueur filled with herbs some of which are anti-parasitic
Stupidest poster in this thread
Holy fuck you’re dumb anon
Take your autistic ass elsewhere
>red meat
It’s poison for most people. All the meat at the store is full of antibiotics designed for 1000 pound beasts and they put female hormones to keep the cows producing milk. One of the reasons why these “only meat” eaters are fat with big tits.
Even organic beef took the Covid shot
If you’re eating tons of meat, you’ll develop fungal infections from the massive amounts of antibiotics you’re ingesting
It works well. You just need to take more than the suggested dose or take it over long periods while keeping a strict diet
Cloves and wormwood too
chuds will seethe whenever someone says this because buying industrial farmed steak from the supermarket and eating it raw is le based and trad or something
>if money is an issue
Beef can cost $17 a pound at my grocery stores. The cheap stuff is full of chemicals. If I eat cheap beef, I start sweating immediately afterwards. That stuff is poison
How much and often do you take the baking soda and DE?
>nothing more potent than wormwood and oregano oil
Neem and food grade hydrogen peroxide but I don’t know if you guys are ready for the HP
Did anyone experience weed-smelling BO during their detox? Could still smell it even after scrubbing my armpits
Yes. Especially my feet. But at its worst all over my body I couldn’t get the smell off until I tried internal deodorizers like chlorophyll and baking soda. 15 minutes after drinking those my sweet and smell would disappear
>hot dogs are fine because they’re meat
>except I avoid mystery meat
Wow you’re a smart one
Has anyone seen the quality of hot dogs, all brands that aren’t high end look like they started using new meat, I bought chicken hot dogs, beef hot links, jalapeno cheddar wursts, doesn’t matter what brand, they’ve all gone down in quality
you have cognitive problems. never said anything about hot dogs being fine.
I have been taking vitamin supplements and my urine has become exceptionally yellow, is this normal?
You were listing food items and pointing out the bread is worse than the meat products but that’s a strawman that leaves out the fact that modern meat is loaded with chemicals. Your whole post was weird schizobabble trying to keep people fat and full of parasites
It’s excess being excreted because most vitamins are poorly absorbed that way
You’ll absorb more minerals from the herbs in this thread
Hydrogen peroxide taken internally is risky and can provoke Hemorrhoids in some people. Would not recommend it. You can however brush your teeth with safely. HP and baking soda are best for teeth cleaning replacing the fluorure toothpaste-jew.
>my urine has become exceptionally yellow
Yes, normal, B vitamin complexes does that to me too.
That's right, because as soon as you actually do something effective you will hit a wall that you won't go past because your ego (the snake) won't allow you to. Therefore, you're just wasting time with all this stuff.
Ivermectin is supposed to arrive today. I feel tempted to start taking it right away but >>39219574 caught my eye. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow's full moon for maximum worm cleansing efficiency? What do you guys think?
/cdf/ got banned for telling anons to take actual poison to "cure" an imaginary "disease". They actually think changing the general name a dozen times will help them slip under the radar.
Really? What is the poison that they were promoting?
Parasites are connected to demons in a Neoplatonic sense. They are an image/receptacle which is suitable for evil spirits to manifest themselves physically.
>When a person recognizes a representation it is not a neurological reaction but in Plato especially it is a cosmic cascade which links the World of Forms with the Sublunar.
Everything is risky faggot
I didn’t ask for your opinion
Baking soda is made by your pancreas
It’s one of the safest substances known to man
If you take too much you’ll throw it up. God you suck deep down in your soul. Like you’re just a dumbass
>Baking soda
re-read his post dumbass
> and baking soda are best for teeth cleaning
Wow you’re fucking retarded
I never say this but I honestly think you should kys
Continued. See the thing is that when you get rid of the parasites in the bowels and clean out the gut, there is still the predominant snake that is in your head, just like the Taoist's saw it.

That's okay, at least you feel healthy now and you got what you wanted, which is a state free from disease. It's not quite a state free of disease since you still have 1 snake located in your head, but if you manage to get so-far as to actually cleanse the bowels, you've earned a state that resembles the bliss of Blade Runner; You're sane, free from illnesses, your body looks good, you feel the passions. You want to work and do art. You are whole.

It's funny how the demons in the body betray each other, they have no loyalty to one-another, so that means the demonic shits in your gut end up being betrayed by the "higher up" worm in your head, which is your base personality that you always had, and you use "it" to get rid of the other "ones" (the parasites I mean).

This is why becoming dependent on the awareness-watching-awareness method is key, because you avoid confusion. It's very easy to get confused because the worm in the head wants to proliferate the worms in the bowels. Then, as time goes on, you gain spiritual experiences. The ego also experiences what "you" experience, hence why the snake in the head ends up converting to wanting to kill all the other snakes in the mind. The ego is LEARNING AND BECOMING LESS AND LESS BIASED AND EVIL.

Recommended films on this topic: The Cell, Vivarium, The Holy Mountain, El Topo.
He never said baking soda was dangerous, he was talking about HP.
Sounding very angry there, anon, maybe it's the parasites
black seed oil
black walnut hulls
oil of oregano
pumpkin seed oil
diachotomous earth
plenty of water
fasting 23 hours a day
low sugar low carbs high fiber diet

I had a nasty herxheimer reaction about a week and a half in, and noticed an improvement in mood and energy and steep drop-off of ocd symptoms after about two weeks.

good luck, friend! (122 wasn't me)
He said baking soda should be used for cleaning teeth (instead of then internally)
You’re fucking retarded and proven wrong
Hydrogen peroxide is present in the human body too. It’s a natural part of cell function retard
why do you think the Europeans conquered the world looking for spices? It wasn't to make their food taste better.
It's entierly possible that you just don't have worms. Have you noticed any changes in your mental state, cravings, or energy levels?
4chan is becoming like reddit where they warn you about baking soda
Damn, you really went with everything you could find
you probably won't have to worry about catching any parasites ever again since they'll be scared to even go near you after all that
Are you ESL or just autistic? All he said was HP is risky and HP + BS is the best alternative to fluoride toothpaste
I used to get anxiety so bad I would shake and sweat. After a month on the parasite cleanse it all went away, my confidence returned, depression left. It’s hard to believe I lived like that for so long and could change it by shitting out worms
I wasn't kidding about the nuclear option. Didn't feel like taking the time to test everything individually. Since then, I've just been doing the standard NAC protocol and pumpkin seed oil for maintenance.
Sadly, it's always possible to eat something bad and get infected again. This is a lifelong war.
>he said
nta but why do you care so much that you’re arguing with other anons about baking soda
take a break social justice warrior
that’s not your battle
>The Parasite Pill 1.0:
This is funny.

>why don't humans have parasite treatments?
Humans consume vinegar, citrus, garlic and a bunch of other anti-parasite foods. "Let food be thy medicine".

I got as far as alcohol.

>why is alcohol pushed on to society
Yeah all those poor Egyptians drinking beer 4500 years ago because they were forced to by TV propaganda.
What drives me crazy is that nobody in the mental health world even knows about this stuff. How many people currently on antidepressants could be cured by doing a parasite cleanse instead? How many suicides could be prevented? It makes me furious.
To be fair food grade hydrogen peroxide is perfectly safe so you idiots should probably shut up
>What is the [real] purpose for promoting alcohol con-sumption?

Uhm to sell products. The people who own Budweiser contacted Trump and had him call for the end of a boycott against their globohomo marketing and paid Kid Rock a bunch of money to stop boycotting it. Money.
it’s getting ridiculous
constant gatekeeping acting like supplements are dangerous
do these same anons post on the fat people subreddits about the dangers of ozempic
go save some actual lives by getting people to stop taking deadly medications
no one dies from supplements
> What drives me crazy is that nobody in the mental health world even knows about this stuff. How many people currently on antidepressants could be cured by doing a parasite cleanse instead? How many suicides could be prevented? It makes me furious.
This. It’s incredible the same shit that detoxes parasites also detoxes metals and cures cancer
Was Sandy Hook a plot to accelerate parasite proliferation?
idk probably not. If anything is a pro-parasite plot, it's the FDA's dietary guidelines.
I used to chug water bottles and still not quench my thirst. After I started doing the sodium bicarb, I drink a bottle of water and feel like I absorb it
>If ingested, solutions of hydrogen peroxide up to concentrations of 9% are generally nontoxic; however, even a 3% solution is mildly irritating to mucosal tissue and may cause vomiting and diarrhea. Ingestion of industrial-strength solutions ( 10%) causes systemic toxicity and has been associated with fatalities

As i said not for everyone, if you willing to take the risk to irritate your mucus go ahead.
Whatugonna do about that ?
Thanks anon-bro, you rock.
It is present in the human body, but the body constantly cleanse it, and keeps it at controlled level, now if you ingest higher than manageable levels, the body gets overwhelmed and inflammation in your digestive system begins.
DYOR more young faggot

And you better get your NAC ready if you ever use HP, or else your glutathione will be depleted, faggot.
You sure? It seems the Q larper might think so.

These are all part of the conspiracy to put little worms in your intestines. Got it.
parasites aren't a conspiracy, they're just a part of nature that most people have overlooked.
Eating raw Garlic helps
Everything in mainstream medicine is upside down, you cannot trust them on anything.
What papers? Id like to read
Raw garlic obliterates the parasite’s eggs which is critical when detoxing parasites.
One garlic a day keeps the parasite away.
Toxoplasma gondi alters behavior in rats.
But what's the point of taking the tamsic garlic and onion when you won't do anything with the strength that you gain? When you take those evil tamasic vegetables, they give strength to the body and you use it for meditation: Not thinking, then thinking, then not thinking over and over again all through-out the day. They are a substitute for meat.

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Continued. What's the point of all this shit? Just take the bacon and eggs for all your life and become a family man. Take the cholesterol and sugar like the nature does. When you were a baby, you took the animal foods from moms breast -the animal foods.

Why do you think a person succeeds on a paleo diet? Because he's done -the person is done- he just wants to become a family man. There is nothing wrong with this. He wants to breed and learn survival skills. This is not wrong.

But the life of a monk is totally different. He either will have or has had the spiritual experiences. And those experiences have changed him.
NAC is a larp
Hydrogen peroxide anon is right
You’re just scaremongering and embarrassing yourself
Please kill yourself samefag
>nac is a larp
i thought it just didn’t work for me
it’s literally the only thing on these threads that doesn’t help me noticeably
>if you willing to take the risk to irritate your mucus go ahead
oh no anon. we can’t risk irritating our mucus
have you ever used food grade hydrogen peroxide
> I used to chug water bottles and still not quench my thirst. After I started doing the sodium bicarb, I drink a bottle of water and feel like I absorb it
This is how I feel when I drink iodine with water. It quenches my thirst better than other drinks. I wonder why
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Continued. Look how stupid this life is: Nobody can cleanse their digestive tract! A pile of shit inside our colons. Big belly. Our skin turns pale and we run on sugar. Then we crave a cigarette so fucking bad it's not even funny.
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The full moon is definitely in full swing!
Doing.some shopping today, and there were crazy schizos screaming and talking to themselves everywhere. I must have seen at least 6 crazy yelling people within one hour. One of them was a girl who was mumbling to herself and occasionally yelling FUCK YOU every few minutes. She followed me for a while and started yelling "Adam! Hey Adam!" at me (my name isn't Adam).

Have you noticed increased craziness in your area? If you pay attention you will see.

And this is why the time of the full moon (tonight!) is the best time to do a parasite cleanse.
NAC is the least effective out of all the parasite cleanse supplements
These do more then cleanse parasites
You guys are detoxing from heavy metals, microplastics and probably more when you take most of this stuff
>why do you think the Europeans conquered the world looking for spices? It wasn't to make their food taste better.
Yup and the tine period directly following the European conquest of the spice islands of the Indies is what we call The Enlightenment.
I think we could use another Enlightenment right now.
Look at the snake tatoo everyone, but also notice that he is healthy. Yes his skin is pale from candida. I'm giving you clues here.

im going to start taking
> daily vitamin c
>black walnut hulls
>daily carrot salad with coconut oil and vinegar
and I'm going to cut out sugar completely. is this a good starter routine? and howoften should i be doing the wormwood, walnut, and clove regimen
When you do these detox regimens, your body is processing a lot of toxic byproducts from the die off. A massage or using a massage gun on your lymph nodes can help a lot. Especially if you use the right massage oil
Sounds hardcore
2 tbs each. 1 in the morning and one at night
100% I have candida. It was so bad that I couldn't drink water without getting bad heartburn. The symptoms are mostly gone I don't know if I'm clean or not. I also thought maybe I don't have them but there's no way. I've abused my body for years, drank like a fish and consumed slop. I also have a dog.
Since drinking DE and baking soda I've never felt better in my life. My depression is gone, I can think clearer and focus. My porn addiction is gone too. I used to binge watch for hours and I couldn't go a day without watching it was like something possessed me to watch. Unfortunately I catch myself watching it sometimes because the natural urge is there but it's no longer the strong urge that plagued me. I love wine and beer and still crave them with the the occasional sweet pastry. My hunger pangs have mostly subsided but they've come back because recently I haven't been doing well to take care of my diet.
Sorry I haven't been sleeping well this reads like absolute shit.
Great start but would add a binder like DE and biofilm shrinker like baking soda
>vitamin C
One thing you could try is a vitamin C flush. This is where you take very large doses of vitamin C in the morning until it has a laxative effect. This helps clean out toxins and dead parasites, and gives your immune system a huge boost.
I take about 2000 to 4000 mg and it works every time (even better than caffeine)
Reminder that hops is poison. At least if you drink wine you will have an antiseptic perspective.

just tell me how to get rid of sebhorreic dermatitis /x/, I'm going nuts scratching my head all fucking day
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In the middle ages, Wormwood was used for bitterness in beer.

From Culpeper's "Complete Herbal":

>Some think the lungs are under Jupiter; and if the lungs then the breath; and though sometimes a man gets a stinking breath, and yet Jupiter is a fortune, forsooth; up comes Mars to him; Come brother Jupiter, thou knowest I sent thee a couple of trines to thy house last night, the one from Aries, and the other from Scorpio; give me thy leave by sympathy to cure this poor man with drinking a draught of Wormwood beer every morning.

All his teachings on Wormwood are encoded in allegory like this. After deciphering through pages of this garbage, I can summarise the things he claims wormwood can heal:

Parasites in general (even on the outside of the body, skin, fungal infections etc)
Bad breath
Brain fog
Eye floaters and cataracts
Water retention, swelling, edema
Mouse/rat/scorpion/wasp bites
Most types of poison
Food poisoning
Wheals and bruising
Inflammation in general
Sore throats
Any kind of skin issues

Also he said it repels moths, mice and pests in general. He generally suggests it is the most important herbal medicine and should be taken daily for optimum health. That's maybe not a great idea (thujone is a poison after all) but a cup of wormwood tea now and then is probably worth incorporating into any anti-parasite regimen.

t; https://www.gutenberg.org/files/49513/49513-h/49513-h.htm
thanks, friends.
will incorporate both of these. Any tips on regularity/dosage of the herbs that have helped you?
If you are getting external fungal infections on the extremities, like nail fungus, then you can be sure that your internal fungus infection is systemic. You are more mushroom than man at this point.
I think the most effective part of my diet is that I try to eat oatmeal with coconut and pumpkin seeds every day. This combination seems to really clean me out from "djinns" AKA vampires
Stay consistent and it will go quicker
Start with the recommended dose and slowly go up from there. I generally have to do 2 month cleanses but everyone is different
Eat parsley as a snack, it’s cheap and highly effective
Wormwood and mugwort mix is next on my list
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They are almost identical plants, mixing is kinda pointless. Wormwood is (maybe) slightly stronger.
A Chinese researcher won the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine after extracting the compound artemisin from wormwood, and proving it was highly effective as a treatment for malaria.
But we known that for centuries.

From Culpepers Complete Herbal (1653):
>A poor silly countryman hath got an ague, and cannot go about his business: he wishes he had it not, and so do I; but I will tell him a remedy, whereby he shall prevent it; Take the herb of Mars, Wormwood, and if infortunes will do good, what will fortunes do?

Ague means Malaria. Is big pharma really that far behind traditional Western medicine? What are they even teaching doctors these days? Loool

Ps: you can get mugwort tea at Kroger's
I was hoping the mix would be more effective than wormwood by itself
I’ve found other herbs and mix that are much more effective than wormwood was. Like sage and neem
It's candida that is the engine to the parasites. We were born with it, and the more you have it the more you can't tan. You cure it with meditation and diet. Cholesterol is one of the most effective foods against it. An omlette with cheese, oil, hot sauce, and then mayo and parmigan on top. Salt!

All acids kill it, coconut oil, olive oil, sour fruit juices like grapefruit, orange, v8 vegetable juice, lemon water, iodine, herbal tea (fresh ginger, clove, fennel, mint). Peanut butter eaten with butter/ghee/oils. Avoid sugars? Maybe, maybe not.

The gluten grains seem to be an issue, I can't be sure.
Also, massaging olive oil on the head and body is very beneficial.
dont joke around fella. it happened after a (((doctor))) removed my toenail due to severely ingrown nail
I'm only half-joking. I've had athlete's foot, weird fungus issues, jock itch etc on and off my whole life. No doctor ever mentioned Candida. All they did was prescribe topical antifungals. They have no interest in root cause, or of curing you. Just your money as a repeat customer.
You should see my crazy omelettes.
2 eggs
Salt pepper
Sichuan pepper powder
Nigella seeds
Mustard seeds
Asafoetida powder
Cumin powder
Dried coconut

Cooked in mustard oil, served with raw sliced garlic and dried pomegranate seeds.
Beverage: peppermint chai with cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger and cinnamon.

I can literally hear them groaning in pain after I eat this. Tastes great too
Most grains are sprayed with glyphosate and candida is the only fungus that survives it. Candida lives on carbs too
I had a doctor get close to diagnosing my candida.
“I would say it’s thrush but you’re too old”
I go home and lookup thrush and thought no it can’t be fungus, a month later I figured it out by eating the candida diet and my problems stopped
Based parasite slayer, top notch breakfast bro, you made me kek.
I hear them groaning too in pain when i take turpentine 100% gum spirit on full moons.
I'm thinking of starting a fast though I'm not sure how to prepare for it and if I should do a dry fast or not. Thinking of doing 3 days. I have done 24 hours fasts before and handled them well.
You consumed all of that daily? For how long? And do you remember each dosage you took? I'm thinking of going hardcore on this too, I'm sick and tired of my life currently and I am convinced that parasites are the source of much of my misery, I want to cleanse myself ASAP
Can we come up with a recipe and instructions instead of just naming a bunch of supplements? Lets come up with a basic cure all that you can buy from Amazon for example. Also what about homemade kefir is that any good?
Homemade Keffir is good for gut flora generation and expelling excrement fast.
Traditional yogurt with unpasteurized milk is good too. Same purpose.
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Here is an extensive anti-parasite protocol I found somewhere recently. "The Chronic Illness Protocol". It goes a bit further into heavy metal and mold detoxification as well.

The author likely lurks this board or has in the past. If you're reading this mate, great job putting this together! Keep on healing anons.

Which diet should you do from now on to have the least amout of parasites to cleanse?

i Heard about alkaine diet but i think that only works if you do it for 1 week. if you do it longer you will literally have your health crippled little by little.

i guess vegetarianism if the right balance
The nac protocol is a great start, it's cheap, and everything is on Amazon. Ive been taking it and phase 2 (I bounce back and forth) for over a year with some 5-7 day breaks occasionally and everything is "in check" but not fully "cured". I'll get hives/rashs/itchy feet etc ..if I eat bread or drink beer, like within a few hours even. That's how I know it's still there.

I tried gum spirits about a month ago and I definitely shit out lots of biofilm/candida but I also got a weird niacin type flush. It doesn't seem like something I will try again. I'm still looking for the next step but, I'll never go back to the mental and physical hell I lived when I was feeding my fungus sugar and yeast all the time.

Also, the NAC used in the NAC Protocol isn't as an antifungal. (I don't think it has any antifungal properties in itself) It's used to break down biofilms and help the liver process all the die off. It definitely makes die off symptoms easier/eliminated faster. I barely take it now (like 600 mgs sometimes in my morning dose) but still take the antifungal stacks from first 2 protocols.
It's life-changing. I can also never go back. I tried all kinds of meme diets but always failed due to cravings and slip-ups, laziness, convenience... Now I have zero cravings, and dieting is effortless.
I walk past McDonald's and see all these half-dead boomers mindlessly gorging on the foods their parasites programme them to eat... It makes me angry and sad thinking how long I was one of these zombies, heading towards the same fate
I keep thinking of the dimmies scene from Mr Inbetween...

"How can you eat something, when you don't even know what's in it?"
No more dimmies for me, unless I make them myself. And I won't be using pork. Probably never eat dimmies again.
I just can't go back....
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I've suspected for a while that I might have parasites/candida fucking with me. Started taking NAC + a candida complex (contains oregano oil, black walnut, and some other stuff) a few days ago and I've been having a decent amount of gastrointestinal discomfort. Had liquid shits this morning and have been farting the rest of the day.
So if you could only choose "some" of these or best of which ones are the go to?
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I always read these threads with delight and also wanted to share something. I might contribute more in the following threads, maybe it helps visualising stuff. Main idea is to give me an IRL info brochure of antiparasitics.
Yeah, I think the same things when I drive past a bar and can smell the beer and yeasted foods. I just imagine the fungus directing people in there and making them sit down and consume all this stuff and grow their colonies; how the people no idea how manipulated they are.

When I was younger I tried not eating sugary foods many times and after a few days I'd get serious brain fog and lightheaded when I stood up. The cravings were unbearable after 2-3 days. I actually thought maybe I was diabetic or something. After a lifetime of eating sweets, I don't really have any sugar cravings anymore. Just the thought of eating a big bag of candy or a plate of cookies like I used to, makes me feel queasy.

The only downside is that I have to be particular about what I eat now because SOOO much American food has yeast or yeast extract in it. A bag of potato chips, soups, processed meats, dressings, gravy, boxed rice sides, even some tortillas...it's added to all sorts of crap.

But, I'll take that inconvenience over the bouts of intense stomach pain for hours that had me contemplating suicide at times and that no fucking Dr or gastro or specialist could ever help with for decades. I just make most all of my own food now.
Nice anon
Good work
Here's some basic remedies to start off with:
- Black Walnut Hulls = Kills adult parasites
- Common Cloves = Kills parasite eggs
- Wormwood = Kills parasites at the development stages

These 3 are a good start to kill off all the parasites in one go.

Destroying biofilm:
Diatomaceous Earth (1 Tbsp)
Baking Soda (1/4 Tsp In Warm Water)

I see this as a great way to start off the parasite purge.
Alternatively, you can follow the NAC protocol as other anons here have suggested but that may seem too much for a beginner.
>Can we come up with a recipe
Yeah these threads focus almost solely on supplements but what about the dietary changes that one should adopt? What is a good antiparasite diet?
Based, but always start with taking out heavy metals, using Zeolite or Bentonite or Activated charcoal or like me all 3 together.
Taking out the heavy metals is a MUST, the parasites use them to hide from the heavy metals.

So it goes :
>heavy metal detox
>eggs elimination : garlic and/or cloves
>adult and larvae elimination : wormwood, black seed oil, black wallnut
>clearing out the toxines created by dead worms or their pee: activated charcoal, arginine, ortenine.
>eggs elimination : garlic and/or cloves
Rince and repeat.

>on moon phases: 3-15 drops of turpentine 100% gum spirit on a cube of sugar and ear
>some scrapping : DE
>some oxygenation of the blood and the intestine : baking soda
>the Nuke against the worms : chlorine dioxide 300 ppm 15 drops, buy activators and make your own.
>fluoride detox : boron/borax

First plan an attack then go for the bonus. Happy healthy body, mind and soul.
>the parasites use them to hide from the IMMUNE SYSTEM***
Brain fart there it’s late
remember to remove spiritual parasites

Speaking about spiritual parasites, I highly recommend to build tensor rings. A large enough one that you can pass your whole body through.

It is currently pushed as “energy balancer” or “negative energy canceler”, after my experience I found out it is much more. When around a Tensor Ring it’s like you feel finally disconnected from the negative frequencies used by the archons/spiritual parasites to suck the loosh out of you.
I sleep today under one constantly and have smaller ones for my lower chakras and head. Meditations under tensor rings are almost instant, cozy high energy feel, lucid dreams are easier and you get 0 negative thoughts pre-sleep (this is why i think it cuts out the archons). Tensor Rings were used by the Lemurians, who were a beacon of peace on earth before getting destroyed by the reptilians who took over the earth and shit turned to shit.
After 5 years of killing the physical worms, I was finally guided to cut the connection with the spiritual parasites with tensor rings. Highly recommend for anons who already went through the parasite cleanse. Make your own, it’s super easy and cheap.
Do you ever crave Thai food? Maybe it's the lemongrass that your body really needs.
Lemongrass contains citronella (geraniol and citronellol) which is a natural insect repellant and insecticide. These compounds also have potent antiparasitic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It is especially potent against Candida biofilms - equivalent to the prescription medicine Nystatin.
Tasty in stir-fries and curries, lemongrass can also be brewed as tea. It is used in herbal medicine to relieve anxiety.
Hoodoo root doctors use lemongrass to repel evil spirits.

Every world cuisine I have studied has antiparasitic herbs as essential parts of their diets. The only one that doesn't is the standard American diet, or more broadly the Western diet. I wonder why that might be?
Do you recommend taking oil or capsules?

i had demonic possession that I dislodged using gateway. It showed itself. i had years of alcohol abuse and other bad behaviors including depression. it wasnt hard to dislodge and even kill after I knew what to look for and at a higher vibrational level than before. i can see them in others now and I can see them staring into me wondering where mine went. In the future i will be able to dislodge them from others but for now I can simply identify them. I would never tell the host that tho.
I do my duty to dislodge them from large groups of people I see in public, usually when I'm riding the train to work. They're not so common but I always make sure to use my minds eye to check if a person has any spiritual parasites on them. Usually when I find one it's on a crackhead type of person. (not surprising) One time I was doing my checks as usual and this one guy immediately reacted a lot when I placed my "mental cursor" over him. I knew immediately he had a big boy on him. He was looking all around trying to identify who was the source, but I don't think he figured out it was me. He immediately got off at the next train stop but 5 minutes earlier he asked the train staff how long until the train gets to "city name"? The staff answered him about an hour. Deadass his parasite made him get off the train so he wouldn't get dislodged and they could keep sucking that guys soul.
I was with you until you said "gravitational pull of the moon". Now I know for sure you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
what about this? https://www.amazon.com/Zahler-ParaGuard-Digestive-Intestinal-Certified/dp/B016LBZSDK?crid=BHZSVB375KKN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.c3LBoBGgEOQvwpHvbFQQIKTJJExQRiKz8CQ_kTtbqwqlZZ9uceLp3CgWrCP7UBeBQJeQbmbNgJ5gGD-64J9xWVB7d3N0-T8ujaivhD9SSd2BZHwjMmg7G1XM0FnBWQh1VTel0GHNx1J5WqoXkbmsdBQKpjkuzuiK6SA0zxcrq7s22wtAGM5233TTaHrQCL0G8fauS-4RtU_-JjVmg_Po3LHxSKb5abz-4LXGCeCEdOh-y05HF1Ddmf6H-k7qC6Kzl5SkbqNp-hoGrjLN4JkJWViZNgVDS_jPZV_SbmKIFDs.uctU3Os7sgzInH7k8bip2SIup87-HiXkqF5de5N46Y4&dib_tag=se&sprefix=paraguar%2Caps%2C189
Because he said a scientific fact that makes the low and high tides?
>"gravitational pull of the moon"
Yes you know, like tides in the Ocean.
We are also mostly water.
Do some research, you don't have to believe me.
>Ray Peat's famous carrot salad was originally devised to combat Candida infection, with the long tough fibers scraping out the mold
How does this work? You're chewing and digesting the same way as if you eat a carrot whole
Can anyone recommend more foods that will help combat? Are herbal teas good or is my understanding that submerging tea in boiling water kills its effectiveness wrong?
Yes I just posted lemongrass above, it is very potent against Candida. Geraniol from Lemongrass is even used in medicated mouthwash (eg. Difflam) because it's so effective at quickly killing bacteria.
You can buy lemongrass tea at Walmart for about $6. Or just buy fresh lemongrass and boil it up for a while.
It tastes lemony fresh. Also it's very relaxing
Thanks. I post before reading threads all the time
No prob. There are many good herbal teas that are antiparasitic. Such as Eucalyptus and Thyme tea. Even peppermint tea is helpful.
If you prefer sweet milk tea, chai latte is also full of antiparasitic herbs and spices.
I like to mix up different blends. Never get bored.
Whoa I just checked the cupboard and I found a bunch of teas, peppermint and fennel was shocked to see that one among other assorted teas. Might try doing this >>39219658
Gonna become a tea chad
>Fennel tea
Woah that's one of the best antiparasitic teas. I forgot about that one. Fennel is often in chai blends too. Some people don't like it because it's licorice flavour, but if you like mexican food you've already eaten fennel many times. Maybe try mixing peppermint and fennel together, should be a good combination
Lol Indian I meant. Well maybe in Mexican too. Italians also love fennel.
>Maybe try mixing peppermint and fennel together, should be a good combination
Great idea. You guys unironically have saved my life
Happy to help. Did you know in the Ancient Greek myths,
Prometheus used giant burning stalk of fennel to carry fire from Mount Olympus to Earth to gift to humanity? Thus teaching us how to cook our food to avoid parasites, which raised up above all the other animals.
Cool guy Prometheus. And thanks for the bonus tip about Fennel!
Fennel and fire = no parasites.
thank you for sharing this, im going to start doing this. Usually i see people out on the hiking biking trails (im a homebody but i exercise a lot) and get the direct stares. Once I was in a grocery store and I think i was the only human or at least free range human in the place. Fear seems to be the only power they have. I sense they need us to survive but also are scared we will learn en masse that they exist. I hope when they dislodge they cant just find another.
brother if you think you have physical parasites in your body, do yourself a favor and go see an actual medical doctor. If you think its spiritual, then read the posts about how to dislodge them. anyone trying to sell you something is likely one of them. money is fake and gay
Zahler ParaGuard is a gold standard parasite cleanse supplement. It is super effective.
If you take it, please follow their advice to only use it for a short period of time, and then take a few days off to give your body a break.
5 days on, 2 days off is the standard chemotherapy protocol. And ParaGuard is definitely chemotherapy-tier.
Not a doctor: but take it easy IMO, it's potent stuff
Indeed. The entire foundational myth of Western Civilization is based upon humanity being gifted the technology to defeat parasites and develop a higher state of consciousness. Thus raising them above the state of all other animals.
There is nothing more important in our story.
Picrel: an angel with wings made of bay (laurel) leaves rising atop twisted serpents.
Bay (laurel) leaves are anti-parasitic.
>wormwood : oil and if you can complement, tea form
>blackwallnut : capsule (make your own by in powder and pour it in a capsule)
>demonic possession that I dislodged using gateway. It showed itself
Brother put it in the “energy conversion box” if you used the Gateway (Monroe) you know what im talking about. It will give you back the loosh it stole from you. At least this is how i felt when i placed bad thoughts trying to put me in bad vibes in there.
>In the future i will be able to dislodge them from others but for now I can simply identify them
Best way to place a target on your back, spiritually, i did that for a while, then it was too much, i just BLESS THEM when i see them. Bless evil brother, it melts away.
I drink oregano tea and ginger tea, and hibiscus tea on a daily basis, slashed all pop soda away, it’s tea and juice, and distilled (remineralized) water all the time.

Also never eat junk food (ships and other) will fuck up your efforts by slowing down your shit.
Little tip from a current tea chad: always PRE-Rince your tea before consuming it, at least 3 times rinsing with hot water, reason is that some of those stayed in storage in vrac for a long time before being bagged in tea bags, pre-rinsing takes away any impurity from that long term storage.
>Fear seems to be the only power they have
It’s the first stage to the path of freedom. Their last attempt is to scare you. Once you understand WHO YOU TRULY ARE, you will start scaring THEM AWAY. You are a DIVINE LIGHT, an image of GOD, walking the earth in a STAR DUST (clay) body, projecting this reality through your Divine Light, NOTHING on this earth is better or more powerful than YOU. Your soul is actually a 11th dimension soul, trapped in a 3rd dimension physical world, if not for the amnesia caused at birth, you would know all these and LIVE BY THIS TRUTH.
Monroe tapes Gateway help a lot visualizing this reality of WHO you truly ARE.
Blessed your day brother, have no fear, you are higher than that.
Doctors wont detect all parasites. Better just attacking the physical parasites, then do the prayer to dislodge the spiritual parasites, dewormers do not hurt they are filled with elements useful to the body ANYWAY.
Also after the paraguard one must take out the dead parasite bodies filled with toxines with activated charcoal, then use garlic to kill the eggs, then repopulate its gut flora with probiotics, traditional yogurt, or Keffir.

There is no one magic bullet against the worms, it’s a set of actions designed to keep your body free of parasites through time and your routine and diet.
Also the heavy metals, using zeolite, is a must before even starting the Paraguard.
Searching the 4plebs archives I saw that in a previous thread someone mentioned the Essene Gospel of Peace and how it talks about parasites. Sure enough the entire book is about Jesus teaching you to cleanse your body through prayer and fasting, and he even mentions performing enemas at one point
>Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and pray the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations, and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam. Then betake your body to the coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water render thanks to the living God that he has freed you from your sins. And this holy baptizing by the angel of water is: Rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Sin no more, therefore, after your baptism, that the angels of air and of water may eternally abide in you and serve you evermore.
I been having very vivid and mostly unpleasant dreams, and my mood has been extremely swingy. Like, one moment I'm feeling fine then the next I'm a sobbing mess, and this happens throughout the day. I suppose the parasites are going rowdy. Anyone had similar experiences?
On a positive note I haven't been drinking nor smoking at all, and I used to be a heavy drinker and smoker...
Use activated charcoal to get rid of the toxic bodies of the dead parasites.
Yes it means they are going rowdy, also dont forget garlic to kill the eggs. One cleaned garlic eat raw before sleep will obliterate their eggs making sure they never re-hash.
Got similar situation indeed fren. This means you are winning
Ok that's reassuring because sometimes everything feels hellish and I just want this all to be over soon.
>activated charcoal
In powdered form? And how do you consume this, diluted in water or something?
>One cleaned garlic eat raw before sleep
A whole garlic or just one or more cloves of it?
>activated powder how
You can buy it in a powder form then fill it in capsules, or buy activated charcoal capsulated form it’s cheap and available.
>reassuring wanting the hellish out
I want to add that the parasites do pee in concert when they know you are taking them out, their pee is mostly ammonia, you can also use arginine and orthinine supplement to get rid of the ammonia pee caused by them resisting. The supplement is available on amazon I bet even Wallmart have them. Pic rel.
>whole garlic
Just one cleaned out clove. Chew it in your month for 3-4 mins then eat that.

That hellish feel you are experiencing is called the herxheimer reaction, it’s totally normal when attempting to detox or clear out worms fren, you are on the right path.
Where can I buy these things? Do you know anyone that ships them internationally?
You will find them on Etsy, but I recommend making your own :


>make your own because you need to input your intentions in it:


I used silver soldering rods.
Right so I think I'll get me some of the charcoal, the arginine and ornithine, garlic, also looking to buy a a black walnut, wormwood and clove tincture to add onto the tincture that I'm already using. Thinking of buying some ivermectin too though not sure if capsule or paste is preferred? Saw people mention baking soda here too... I'm already munching on pumpkin seeds throughout the day btw...
If there is anything I missed that people recommend please remind me. Yes I want to go all in on this I'm in a very low point in my life and this parasite cleanse business is something that started making a lot of sense to me, and seeing how I'm reacting thus far I'm convinced that yeah I do have an infestation of the devils and need to prioritize getting this done. Need to look into enemas too since that seems to have great effects as well
Horse paste did fine with many anons.
>baking soda
Also called the cheap athletes dope, it oxygenates the body and reduce acidity in your gut, parasites love acidity.
>munching on pumpkin seeds all day
It’s good but altering with other seeds is also useful, any good thing must not be abused for too long. A short detox using One thing then move to another one for while, then another one, then rinse and repeat. With time you will know which ones go together.
>if there is anything I missed
Yes, Zeolite, make sure it is zeolite clinoptilolite the finest powder you can find, the use half a spoon (plastic or wood spoon no metal spoon) in a glass of water mix and drink. This will detox the heavy metals which is a must when parasite cleansing.

Generally speaking you seem to be in the right path, Im happy for you anon, you are literally healing, since you have fully recognized the core problem.
Is that what the government taught you when you were children? Why is moonlight colder than the shade at night if it is just reflecting sunlight? Let me guess, you don't know because it wasn't beaten into you.
Oh that does look easier to make than I thought. I realize that these things need careful measurements though, in the comments of the first video someone pointed out that a mistake was made in the length. But thanks a lot anon, I will look into making some myself!
Thanks a lot for all the info anon, mighty kind of you!
>It’s good but altering with other seeds is also useful
I see, what do you recommend?
>zeolite clinoptilolite the finest powder you can find, the use half a spoon (plastic or wood spoon no metal spoon) in a glass of water
Hmm, why no metal spoon? And should this be drank once a day?

Bless you fren, we're all gonna make it
This is way too much to take in. I had a stranger tell me I have really dark and bad energy and that stuck with me and for a while and fucked me up. I've always wanted to go to some medium or whoever and get my shit cleansed. I'm very afraid of performing rituals and fucking things up and making things worse. I don't want to piss off God somehow and perform magick. Before I was open to being a magician, not so much anymore.
>why no metal spoon?
Zeolite is negatively charged it uses this negative charge to attract the heavy metals which are positively charged.
Same with honey, you should always use it with plastic or wooden spoon.

>And should this be drank once a day?
You can do a detox, i usually do 3 days in a row then relax for 10 days on the zeolite, then for maintenance once a week is fine.
You are welcome fren, any day.
>i usually do 3 days in a row then relax for 10 days on the zeolite, then for maintenance once a week is fine.
Ok but one glass a day, is that it?
Tensor rings fren. If you want to go the extra mile with spiritual parasites then blessed coarsed salt and spray it around your room, house, car and work place.


Blessed salt is extremely powerful at removing negative energies/entities, witches cannot cross a line of blessed salt for a reason.
The Early Christian Essenes used to do baptism in sea water for a reason. All cultures speak of spiritual protective properties of blessed salt for a reason.
Use it.
Yup. Half a tea spoon.
I watched the first video of your post where he welded the ring together, I don't have this equipment and I'm not very motivated to get it.
I'm looking more into them I'm very fascinated. Salt I had some idea of it's healing, I swear I actually do feel a lot better after I throw salt over my shoulder. Will watch these videos. This general has done more for me than all my years lurking /x/ and /fringe/. Many thanks
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If you do any sort of parasite or fungal cleanse and want to reap the maximum reward, do some form of psychotherapy, reflection (journaling), meditation or spiritual pracitces around personality and ego and you will realize that a lot of what you consider to be "you" is actually just your gut microbiome and most of the "sin" that you commit are directly correllated to parasites - once you get rid of them, your desire for sin is gone just like your sugar cravings are gone once you get rid of candida. You will still be able to enjoy sweets, but it doesn't control you.
Add deep emotional and trauma work to it and you will shit these fuckers out in no time. Every epiphany will result in some sort of die-off and every time you shit something out your perception will change (for the better).
Just make sure that you are taking things to keep your gut strong and healthy, taking NAC over a prolonged period of time can cause damage to your mucus lining which is inhabited by useful bacteria and is necessary for all sorts of things. Butyrate, probiotics and DGL all helped me a ton.
Since most people on 4chan are INTJ/INTPs and rather logical, a philosophy like Advaita Vedanta is probably a good approach for this deep dive into the self
You are welcome bro.
I didn’t have the soldering tools as well, I just found a local professional solder brought him the twisted copper he did the soldering for all my tensor rings at once.
You could do the same or find a friend with soldering equipment. Or simply buy them from Etsy.
>I swear I actually do feel a lot better after I throw salt over my shoulder.
Fren it does the same thing to me every time I throw it around. Especially at my work where a lots of negative jealous people are, so the blessed salt breaks their negative energy and things at my work goes smooth af.
> This general has done more for me than all my years lurking /x/ and /fringe/
You are most welcome! That’s the whole point of this general, and the effort posting fren.
Based, good advice.
God wants you to remove the parasites. You become part of the "spiritual pest control" team. He also wants you to obey his every command. The later part I'm not so good at... The fear you are feeling is exactly what the parasites want, sometimes they even manifest it onto you to prevent you from dislodging & killing them. I know I made mistakes when learning to do this. But the service you doing for mankind is too important for you to not do. If you know, you gotta do it, otherwise the victims are clueless and helpless.
Speaking of spiritual parasites, do you recommend any specific prayers that are useful against them?
Can you detect them remotely? Can you scan me?
not OP but envisioning a light bubble around me and telling them to me leave alone helps a lot. Specific prayers sure do work as well, but your intention and direct communication is what counts imo. My mom always used to imagine these cocoons around my family when we weren't doing well, always worked. And don't forget, you are not alone, there are people, dead or alive, like your ancestors or benevolent people/beings willing to help you if you honestly ask them. I had a dream, more like a vision, in which my grandpa and all these light beings around him (other ancestors/helpers?) told me they'll always be there for me and I don't have to worry. Maybe try connecting to someone special, or if you believe in spirit guides, they've got your back!
Is baking soda actually magic? It seems like any time I look up solutions for health problems, household cleaning, etc. it shows up
>baking soda
>sodium bicarbonate
>sodium is salt
>blessed salt is a spiritual protector
Maybe anon, just maybe…
>can you be scanned
Read the thread and see the posts of “Tensor Rings” in one of the YT videos posted, when a tensor ring is passed through the body, you can “scan them” and eliminate their anchor point.
How can I ascertain if I even have parasites to begin with?
Every mammal has parasites. The difference between humans and other animals is that we know they exist and can do something about it. We are "higher conscious".
You should take preventative measures every six months. When you do this the first time, you will definitely see and feel results if you have any serious parasite overgrowth. Then you will be encouraged to go further.
If nothing happens, well that's fine too. You spent a few bucks taking care of yourself. Repeat again in six months.
I had 0 symptom and still shat lots for months when i took antiparasitics. You can be sure as hell you got physical ones. I believe everyone have them. In the 50’s it was mandatory to go to the doctor and get antiparasitic treatment every 6 months. Regardless of the “modern living” the threat against our health remains parasites.
I'm certain that 99% of people worldwide have parasites and are completely clueless about them, since our (corrupt) healthcare organizations (deliberately) don't bring any attention to this issue
Pharma-kikes make 100’s of billions $ a year thanks to their beloved parasites, indeed. Governments are just working for the pharma-kikes and top 500 companies, the coof madness was a proof of that.
I threw away all my herbs today.

I've been paying attention to this thread. I have a history of taking herbs and I don't recall a single time I felt good. It's always like... health is around the corner, if only I meditate more, but it never happens, I can't even work.

A couple days ago I caved and ate some rice with eggs and butter, drank water, and took some honey and peanut butter. I'm very suspicious of dairy and gluten grains since they do fuck me up, so I didn't abandon that part. I even drank wine at the end of the day and smoked some tobacco, and the next day I had a hangover but it's like my personality came back. My chronic constipation started to go away and I was starting to open up, I even visited my parents. Now I want to start working again. I even want to listen to music again.

I don't know what conclusion to form right now.
>threw away all your herbs
Herbs are your friends, use the appropriate ones for the the desired effect.
>chronic constipation
Potatoes ships will constipate you even if you are healthy on the rest of the line.
Use Keffir, Castor oil, and traditionally made Yogurt from unpasteurized milk.
It will kick your constipation out in a day or 2 max.
Normally, whatever you eat you should shit away, I take 2 dumps a day, both heavy, sometimes 3 dumps a day, 2 heavy one light. This is how it should be. Also drink CLEAN WATER, no soda, no junk. Clean water as remineralized distilled water made at home OR reverse osmosis with remineralization if you are too broke to buy a water distiller and mineralization rocks.
First thing I do when I wake up, is drink a large glass of CLEAN WATER, not even 5 mins later, an urge to take a dump starts. Water is critical here.
>personality back after tobacco and wine
It’s the tobacco that did that, it’s a natural antiparasitic, the wine just gave you the hang over.
>starting to feel normal again
You sound like a friend of mine who was constipated like you I offered him a bottle of black seed oil he instantly felt better.
So also black seed oil for you fren.
>i dont know what’s my conclusion right now
Parasites love to slow down digestion so that they can feast on your meals. Fix that up, read this post and this valuable thread. Blessings to you, know that it is fixable and you will feel better, just attack the worms and use probiotics like Keffir and tradionational yogurt, and accelerate your digestion with castor oil (Hexane-free please).
I don't eat junk food though, I haven't had fast food since the 90's. All I'm saying is that a few months ago (my epiphany) I gave up on all this shit but continued the awareness-watching-awareness method of meditation, and I started to become so healthy and charismatic. I drank clean water to dilute all the supplements and herbs I was taking, and I pissed them out.

Then for no reason at all, I go back to doing my previous thing and now I ruined my health again. Totally non-functional until the last couple days and today.
>Then for no reason at all, I go back to doing my previous thing and now I ruined my health again.
Need more details if you want me to help you. If you were eating healthy, then what’s this “previous thing” that wrecks your health?
Well I said it in the post, the previous thing was me taking herbs and all this healthy stuff for many years to get rid of the parasites, then i had a breakdown because I wasn't achieving health. Health is supposed to be today, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, not next year. Yeah, the herbs are medicinal, but I go into a zone where I'm poisoning my body.

The epiphany came last year when I suspected I was not doing health correctly. I threw up vitamin C capsules in my semi-truck, and the capsules were logged in my bowels. What I mean by that is, you know how people have beer belly? Well I had herb and supplements belly. My body wanted to just go on a water fast for a short time to dilute everything, then I felt better.

So, after thinking about it a couple days, It just seems to me that the parasites themselves are the ones doing the parasite protocols. The herbs are legit anti-parasitic. Clove is anti-parasitic. But the problem I figured out is that the body runs on food not medicine. It's a long story.
this sounds completely schizo. Congrats on figuring out that you have to eat food.
>Gourd enema
Gourds are a member of the Cucurbita family, and contain Cucurbitacins, which are a class of compounds known to paralyse intestinal parasites (especially worms). Cucurbitacins are found in gourd, pumpkin, cucumber and squash fruits, and are particularly high in pumpkin seeds - a traditional remedy for expelling parasites.
Perhaps there is something more to this gourd enema.
Gourd juice is also consumed in India as a health tonic.
I'd take the juice before the enema, lol. Or just munch a handful of pumpkin seeds daily as I do now.
>Health is supposed to be today, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, not next year
Patience is key but effects must be felt relatively quickly and building up to perfect health. If not felt, stop the treatment.
>but I go into a zone where I'm poisoning my body.
Rule n2 : if you feel bad after a treatment stop the treatment.
> I threw up vitamin C capsules in my semi-truck
If capsules dont work for you try effervescent vitamin C. I did throw up once my Zinc supplement that’s how I knew my body had enough Zinc, I was on a long Zinc intake, I took too much. Always listen to your body.
>Well I had herb and supplements belly.
You lacking bowel fluidity, mainly water and probiotics, look at Keffir, and traditional/home-made yogurts (with unpasteurized milk) to accelerate your bowel movement.
Fasting was correct, maybe fast more often ?
>body runs of food not medicine
Did you at least feed yourself properly anon? Full breakfast with eggs (no bacon) and orange juice or tea, full and rich lunch with a salad entrée, and a course meal, a snack in the afternoon with a herbal tea, then a light dinner with a salad or just fruits.
No it's not schizo and you shouldn't shoot me down right now. During all these personal protocols, I did suppress the ego and thereby experienced so many spiritual things that, now having attained them, I cannot be corrupted.

But where I'm at right now is that I have to just eat food and drink water. This is where I'm at. But sounds like I'm going to be a Realized Sage or something -not so! One of my spiritual experiences that I've had was what I call "ego-merger".

A person that has meditated for a long time finally experiences his ego as being in the way of becoming a Saint or Savior (any religion). But that's a trap too. You see, I thought I was going in that direction but I got ego-merger instead, then of course I lost it time and time again. Ego-merger is when your body is healthy but your ego is still intact. Think of it as if you've achieved the state of being a character in this play. Think Star Wars episodes 1-6.

I actually experienced this shit.
> I'm going to be a Realized Sage or something -not so
Anon, do YOU want to become a Realize Sage?
Now despite your plebbitor profile I WILL give you the KEY to raise your awareness and consciousness level to Realized Sage.
The key is this : HOLD YOUR SEMEN. Yes. Your growth would go through the ROOF if you do semen retention, after years of spiritual work, anti-parasitic protocol, energy machine building, remote viewing, and many other things, the most powerful tool I am presently using is SEMEN RETENTION.
Only after fixing my body with antiparasitics a long time ago that I could achieve long streaks of 100+ days, right now Im a super long streak of 103 days, I feel the Shaman energy already. No way to fall again and become and coomer to live like a “profane” again, I suddenly understand the masons calling us “profane” maybe they meant by that “coomers” because your experience on the matrix itself is 1000 fold different when you hold your seeds.
This is the key, now would you be able to use it ?
Man I read everything you said, but where I'm at now is like... I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do, but it's ego-merger. That's when the ego stops trying to cure the ego. My ego has had sufficient this, that, and the other, and now it just wants to work (have a job) through me. Ego-merger is when the ego is no longer trying to get anywhere, nor is it harming the body.
>I suddenly understand the masons calling us “profane” maybe they meant by that “coomers”
I doubt that since masons are a bunch of sodomites
Also ego-merger happens when you're sufficiently purified. I'm not at ego-merger, I've experienced it. Pretend it's a rainy day and you're feeling the atmosphere of THAT. Pretend you walk into a butcher shop and you experience the demonic atmosphere. That's ego-merger. You're a character in the play now.
I never cared about my ego, all I know is I feel better when I help others. That’s all.
You seem on a special program or something, my apologizes I cannot help you since I know nothing about the “ego-merger” mediations or mindset…
I understand. What you don't realize is that these nofap streaks you are doing are in fact your meditation practice. God see's you're putting in this effort, so you are purifying yourself in this way.

You will eventually get fed up with this and move onto the next thing, because you have exhausted the lust demon. But I'm worried that maybe this isn't true since maybe nofap can lead to the opposite effect? Any way, God see's your effort into anti-lust.

I am not Christian btw. No religion.
>no religion
Bro you are defacto an Atheist, where you sound like you believe in a Creator.
>no fap mediation practice
It’s more than that, it’s a catalyst of growth, it’s like you are pressing the “NO5” boost on a car (vessel). Yes you get more energy, more effect on the matrix in the same time you receive more challenges, but the challenges seem funny to you since you got so much energy to deal with them, you end up swiftly moving on and dealing with them, which opens the path to the next growth, powerful stuff.
Also, luck, magnetism on both females and males, charisma, finances, all goes through the roof. Shit gets done with 0 slacking.
Meditations are much more intense and entering meditative state much easier.
>move to the next thing
Dont get me wrong im doing lots of stuff in the same time, and I will keep on doing new stuff while retaining my seeds, as I said earlier no way in Hell I become a loosh cow again for succubus to give me a miserable life in return.
>You seem on a special program or something
Yeah we all are. We're all totally set in our ways. That's what I'm trying to shatter.
>It's the paleo diet!
>It's vegan!
>It's this and that!
The real program is surrender to God. I don't mean Christianity or whatever, I mean total neutral going to God.
>The real program is surrender to God. I don't mean Christianity or whatever, I mean total neutral going to God.
We muslims surrender to God face on the ground, while repeating supplications 5 times a day at a set time. Once a year we fast for 30 days all to surrender to God.
Mate I'm not shooting you down, continue it, God see's what you're doing. You're putting in spiritual effort, your mind is being purified, that's my point. You're not doing it wrong.
I got you, no worries.
Eventually Islam, Christianity, and Judaism will evolve to reincarnation. Alll paths lead to the Heart, and all paths lead from the Heart to the Consciousness that is eternal.
If offered the chance to reincarnate is given to me, I would refuse it, even “run from it”, there is no way I would come back to this loosh farm. Im more a Gnostic muslim, yes I believe in God but I recognize this physical realm as a “filthy” realm. I will only seek a reunification with God, nothing less. Im tired of this physical fake and gay world.
Man I'm telling you, nofapers are not spiritual NEETS. We're evolving as humans.
This is where your ego is and so far. You are a Muslim who thinks these thoughts and you are this person.

I used to think that all a person had to do to save the world was to renounce the world and practice meditation. My ego got shattered so hard.

My motivation for wanting Enlightenment (or at least the Heart) was that I see perfectly good people on the streets being homeless, while the plump and juicy money-man (not Jews) buys his 3rd mansion.
God I just want to go back to work so hard. Uber/lyft driver here that was formerly a truck driver for either 3+ or 4+ years. I'm so fucking tired, and my resume sucks.
Pardon, the same guy that made the vomiting vitamin C in his semi-truck.

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